Newspaper Page Text
i -. t.r THE LAKELAND EVEN! Published in the Best Town in the Rest Pari of the Best Siaie. I.AIXLA53, FLf'STUA. KCXTAY. DEC. 9. 1312. x II. TO If "RP'U AM 1 A-r s:oi foe ashy x'rvrT -i xUJiilo v,o::Ai; or a:;d Iv'ayy soozEiiaiiTESS. SU1CI2L3. Mil fi I Si S IRE is mm ill HH i TO ATTEND JIVEJTIOH jXARY UNION OPENS TO '.iiil AND CONVENTION :o:;orrow morning. incoming train brings dole , the Florida baptist conven- , . h !i convenes in this city to- ., and to the State Missionary ,hU h opens tonight at the . There are several liun- ; u.iies already in tie city . Miinln'i' will be greatly iu hy tomorrow morninii. Ml .,. nift by tie reception com i.lio have several autonio- . their command, in which th , are taken to their places of while in the city. Lakeland welcomes the visi ihe city, and all hope that .,i;ly will he pleura ni and prof i (l tliat they will carry away I f New York. Dec. The use of I alcohol anion!; the ollicers of the ! army and navy is declared to he tin ! "most buf liiiiii obstacle to progress," in a report hy Col. Mervin Mams. I hicf surgei n of the Eastern division i in the army. The report is made pub 1 tic in the journal of the military .-mice, published by ihe oHiceis at Governor's island. Dr. Maus recom mends that 'no one who uses alco holic beverages should he appointed to important positions, civil or mili tary, or to the command of military oi naval forces, or any other posi tion of importance and responsibility." ON THE JOB IN ABOLISHED WriSHINGTON flAILROAO GARS WILL HOLD UP APPOINTMENTS OF JUDGES AND UNITED STATES ATTORNEYS. HOUSE ROMMmEE STILL ST II II in Several New Yorkers Will Be Called as Witnesses in Next Few Days. i iu rasing memories i f the 'Hy .U.snd'ited Tress.) Washington, Dee. The llous" ivoacy trust invt siigntion conimi' ti ( 'resumed its work today aft r n months reces-. The pragram rcllVcLW ill t; Auditorium. The i. r.'iu will he as fol- a i t lie iihi'S. . ........ ... l . 1 . . I ;i hold its daily"" "'' next lew uavs ...dimes u.e ..ill!!;.' (it stvei'al -New I oi'Kers as; v i'nesscs. ii'i Tidim: .la ! II. hit':', ' ' -1 ; i 1 inc-.her of tin- Now nv Mock ' i '.! i 'ba ': la :i l'ujii ie :de ,i 1 te!iieiit rep d ir'ing sl'i' reports ,' i , v, at p ; r j ' ' 'il in be lif commit- ! i "'s i 1 1 1 -1 Una i'( i .is i oarse of in-1 tPy Associated Press.) Washington, Dec. -Taft's ju t' .ial appointments were considered today by the Senate judiciary com mittee. The Republican members of the commit tee received definite In formation that the Democrats prob- !;hlv would try to hold ui many ap pointments of judges and Fnited Slates attorneys In the southern States, so that they will fall to Wil son. WORLD'S CHAMPION STEER. New York. Dec '.i. Maj. John 0. ictiT. named tin- world's champion Mi : r. at i he Internal ional Live j .-'lo.-K Kx posit ion, was sold yesterday ieago department store for unn r I he i a sn;.'.. or ".o ecnts a pound, the utii ! i.i'.'l- wei !t being l.t'.'.'l pound.. ', ', te, r wi's owned by .1. D. Mc '...'.i.r, of Dr.iiiiloii, Hum'. nil i ii ni PR03LEJI OF HOW TO KEEP CLEAN WHILE TRAVELING NOT TROUBLING MACVEAGH. tl!y Associated Tress. I Washington, Dec. !. The imii r.on towel was ordered abolished from railroad cars and other inter state v ehh les and stations, by Secre tary ni' the Treasury MaiYcash to day hi an amendment to the inter-t-i a t eiiarantiue regulations. LADILS WANT YOUR PATRONAGE I l.alielie, r la . 1 'ce. ..lis. i .ar- Saunders, aboui l: year-. i residing in this town, tomnutteil ii.iiide shortly after noon .Saturday by drinking corrosive sublimate. li appears I hat her husband bad i-oiie away presumably to secure em ployment, hut she received a letter from him today statiiiR that he was t ot coming hack. She immediately lushed a ross the street to the store (I William Tool, where she secured the poison and drank it, dying willi i i a half hour. K. K. (hiodito immediately went for Dr. Weaver, who rushed to Hie sicne in his auto as fast as possibl . but arrived loo late. (let useful Christmas present this vear. Lveiything in .lacksou & Wil. Hi's hi ore is si. met liin needed in aM 'neiies. percentage of al! sab ma-le by Ibe ladies of the Well a s I 'lull I'ICIII Dec '.I Ii) JN, ill c!l.;ie v,i;i be given to ibe club. A ii.:e rliin.i maUes a uio'-i a- NEGRO RAPIST IS CAPTURED WALTER LARKIN ARRESTED AT KISSIMMEE TODAY AND NOW IN JAIL AT TAMPA. tot .: ct ri.i'. II 'l'h.. ill; always needed ,,v and let the lidie I 1 'I t.' ! ' li I'll , . '. 1 " to i ..;.'i ri to U :;-v. A. mi to 'lie a .ni ' aai. 'L'.m iai ion (In .if lac .-t HHE PROGRAM FOB Tcv5ir , v.i.ABIJCS ON iAKH'F v-'l-' EEGIN JANUARY i B'S ASSOC II m to 8 liHut ROOSEVELT IS WEI GO ,1lU TO CHICAGO Iatiouul Progressive Congress Will Convene in That City Today. t My Associated Tress.) ('bbago, Dec. li The Tro;,ies ;ies lure are today weleomin.; T.oosrvilt and a hundred and I'ui.v others preniiiieni in t!ie party from ti e e.ul, pre;'ai..l il'V l.l a r"CepllOil ail'llli'id l"C live hundred delecates I 'iiiiii'i'iivv avil Wi-du! day who will cllilld a NatiiUial Tro 'l'esrdv e i ell Ii ii'ih e. 'I'odav 's pro; ram incliiih a llieelilr' ef the eeilllive collliail I. e, .it'll I 'ie ill", ol the lllill'li. A message from Tartow to the Telegram this afternoon brought the information that Walter l.arkin, the negro who criminally assaulted a . bite lady ;.t 1 1. lines City on .Sat urday, Nov. :'.i', aad for wixun posM-s Viere searebing all last week, was laplured at Kiscimmee, and taheu by Sheriff through the ioiiii try to Tampa, where he i- imv iu jail. Tliis action was c.keti became it was considered thai to bring the i, gro to 'Itanow vvnuld almost cer tainly result iu a lv lu lling. Tefnre being l iken to Talll:l the negro was eonlfuiiiel by bis victim, v. ho positively idellt ilied him, so there :n Ii.i quest inn ef his c.iit. h'eeins in be all a 1! - ii hi u d bad negro, ba in.... . ul a oioreil s,.!'ran a it a sciil luce a lb., I il lle.iig.M v!l. .i,'lV el!i,.' di ! i I ' i . I 1 ; ; T.a'il ; : a led v I. nl l'e Tie- c . ,1. . ' I rii ! I .'die Wlii DISSOH; ill d 'i, bee I Ml . r 1 idi.l rc-ik a i ai iii'iiii lee jniiii ly vv it h !i : i Iliei.lliel-M-ele I. Il ! AV. J U i I :rv. m. Devotional. .NiiUifU rs' Assur- iii liit i odin iory scr Dolt, Mi; uimtneo. I : nit- ltnei'mishion. n i to i i.i t. J:..' I i,Sfv.i li.tiott. : a id : :;e Kdu al ion and the j ... , r . k, . X,. ,1. Hoover, Tlant j , ! . II 1.,, i ' ,i j(i l.en - ..i i.scei laueoua iei.-.- i ! j n 1 1 lilliel l. . ,, 7 : ;;n p. in I lev etioiial. t.i 7 . i ." Introduction of st.u-s. :, to Ailjiiurninent- State Mis i::vil r-'port and general dis i by Kev. U. li. Meed, chair , committee. ?.?lort cf Year's Woik. St li. lingers, secret ary M r and :-ci" ritiK'tideiit of the .., i'apii.-t State T.nard id Mis-Infci-d his bonks for the Sai urdav , Nov . :;o. Tl.-.' ear d Of hut eievel) liiulittiS, llOW- e.ving to change in time of the Sliiie coin ''ii ion from' ; y to i let ember. v;ary Kogers s-ti-: ! out 0:1 . lttll', without .1 dollar.'" nut 1 ; .-iations bad been! to."! liture of about s u.e.'O --an i i to work to get it. ins books , 1 t .1 . : - ii 'w tnat ne siiccee.ieu auinii-, he delicit bcint' only $l."i.j .:' standing that 1 his has. in t-.-petts, been iu abnotiniiiv .r for crops in some m- t ie lacl that mom y ha- i . in some (enters owiir: to -t ..hers in sc th that e-i!d . 1 T.. . 1. I ti:0 adveihe conditions 'h '.'i'niitintioti to succed. ad- am e the auf- of the- . 'he Dapiists letidered sa'en-, . ; t.rt to Secretary Uoui i s ai:d ' board. The board lias gen-1 ' orvisioa over ull benevolent j ations ot tne uenominaiion ida ia other words it is ally a clearing house for the and approximately $SO,00t) "n handled during the eleven :.s ended on Nov. 30. The hcc- y will make his annual report ' State convention, which will f at Lakeland on Dec. 10. Employed 76 Men. board has given employment enty-six ministers during the nd they preached to about Every item is accounted for, strved except through the - y of the mission movement. "6 ministers organized 12 v lurches, ar.d 27 new Sahhath "' were added to the Florida ' -tate Hoard of Missions has ''tse of ronstriirtion 87 houses Vfjrship. Twenty-four church 1 ns were begun during the ""ontinued on Page 5.) ( I'y A -sot iaieil Tress.) W'asbitictoii, Dec. ;i. - Demoeraii" in tubers of the ways and means 111 11 1 i 1 1 ee at a conflreine today a' reed to begin hearings the firs, week in ,1a unary on Ihe proposed re- isinn of the tariff. OFFICIAL POSITION FOI mm (My Associated Tress.) Washington, Dec. !).-- Chairman Mct'nnibs, of the Democratic nation a committee, put in a busy day at Washington, conferring with tic i'i . .-iili ut's secretary, I lilies; Speak-.-. t 'lark. I'liderwood, hud other i't iiiocratiu leaders. The onfer 1 nee with liiiles decides the report that M "t'omlis i- coming to Wash ,,,. ti.a v. ith Wilson in an ohVial ca ! . i y . Mo has more ccast line than atiy ""'ale in the union, and a pas ht tiger g' ing trom Chicago to Key West, via Tetiaacola and Jcksonville iv. ill tra.el more miles in Florida leail he lias traveled from Chicago to Tetiste nla. eion 1 guy, inn c n UUU Mil E lira; (My Associated Pr'-ss.) W iiinipcg, Di -. '.i. Tw o Urea inly today aus.ed 'losses aggregat ing $ 1 'inn. The who'.esahi ware louse of Mackenzie P.ros. and the tent factory adjoining were datn- aped. The building occipteu Dy tue .Saturday Kvening Tost was destroyed. The high cost of living was appre (iated by the man who after pur chasing 50 cents worth or meat at the market, instructed the delivery man that if his wife was not at home v;hen he got there, to just poke the package of meat through the keyhole. j f ist of Attractions Includes live De j pavtniental Programs, Embrac ing' as Many Subjects Siarke, Dec. !i.- Chairman It. II I. ant; of the executive ( ouiniii lee o1' tilt? Florida Kdiicational Association, i. overjoyed by the acceptance ol 1..0 slroiig men of two lectures be : u re that body when it meets in ()i a h., December 111 to .1 titulary 2. Thes are Dr. Herman Ilarrcll llorne, ol I'niversity of New York, an I Trot'. D. C. Coffinan, of the Fniversi t.. of Illinois. Dr. llorne is a South i tin man who understands Southern educational problems, w 1 1 i h h Heals with power and eloiiuetn. I 1 of. ('off man comes to Florida re t ititnended by Dr. W. C Maglcy, ai thor d" many texts on education la mil iar to Florida educators. Tin i. iuldresses will be filled with 1 lion for both teachers and parem The -association is singularly I'm t urate iu securing these Rentleinei for the reason that one of the;, t imes at a greater sa rifice and both of them are broad-minded in Ignor ing the fact that the invitations t tlieni were possible only after number of speakers decided upon h the executive committee in sessio , had been given an opportunity t decline. Trof. Coffmati's subjeci v ill be "The Home Training,'' ant "Conservation and Liberalism in I' i tn ai imi," while those of Dr. Ilort. will be "Our Educational Fail!, i i d "Ideals of the omplete .'ebon! I: sir.itioti and pri' t b a! .eih. - well as hard 1 oinmou seme !;.' r.:t. tues mean all of this uiitl inon- ' every man and every woman 1 v.iil attend (be sessions at. Oca la. The ether parts of the ? eiiercl 1 : ki am pnstiit sevei-al very ii ij.oit.. t pics for consideration, of inter- ' to business men, mothers a id a : m hool workers. Opportunities ha . bf,en given for general liscus.-ioa and in those all in attendance are in vited to join. The schools and tin publir must come closer together if Cob. : :.(.cs to Kc Itclil ai New Yet Looking lo Tlii.i End. (My V New 'olk, miImi ion n LABOR CONFERENCE OPENS IN ATLANTA (By Associated Press.) Atlanta, Dec. 9. With delegate from the principal cities present, the Southern Labor forference Ib scheduled to begin this afternoon for a two days' session. oci. tied Tress.) iee, ;i "nans for the ihe I llioli A .Soiilheril I'.. 1 iiic ill conne lion vv il h tt'.e receM ! . cl'ee (,f the I'liiled el. lit S Si! prellf i 1 ni.rl will lile-ly be mad'1, it in slat- j . i, at colifereln ( e to be held bel'.' ..IS Week. iIIANGES IN FLORIDA LAKE LAND HOMES COMPANY. Arrangciin tils have be 11 made by he I'loriiia Lakeland Homes Ctun .uiy ihroiigb its sales manager, . all C. May, under which Dr. .1. II. Venilier, well known iu Slate drug ifl cii'ib s as a nut t esf I'ul salesman ml in State poultry circles as a t il equipped bird fancier, will ren- sent ill company as district sales ai: nager for Lakeland. Dr. Weiiilb-r as made Lakeland his licaliiiar- rs for a nniubi r of years and is ovv the owner of an extensive poul iy farm and grove properly here ml Is one of Lak land's popular it- :-U8. Sales Manai'er F.arl C. May haj icned ofHc!S in Auhiirndale in or iel to take (barge or the sales and i't velopmeiit work on the Auburn- r.le side of the Lakcland-Auburn-dale tract. .wne by th- Florida akeland Homes Company. Dr. Wendler has op'tn'd ollices in !, Decn-Dryant building, where, as .akt latid (lim i t sab s m;u a;;,r for ; .. Florida Lakeland Homes Com- :iiv be will be ai-h-tcd ill the liell erk by II. D. Wil. ni-, formerly 'f 1 rankforT, Ind; O. C Catterlin, for :'erly of Frankfort, led.; T, C. Sher aan, formerly of ''hi a;o, and Al b rt Male, formerly of '.niton. Ill, :nd all owners of property in or near lakeland. The Florida Lakeland Homes ! company will make specific an- 1 , ii"l ' liwcl'd l'e: tired a"d liliv icto ihe ocea ' i he luosl pi. I ; 1 I' civ 1 ! 1 he vvoi e's ' it W'hii It tin. '. a UK e of lice Illl!' .lih'S alld t I ell ejlt ie. 11 il parallels, is one e . I .tresi.i.e '. t I'l' ini.. i a 1 I,- (if the feV in il ban ;i I'nrihwaid 11 j il being ; thai tlinv are b n : llhr. FluIOiF FELT X !. 1 this wm ! I Washington, Dee. ; slunk lasting twenty-Hire" niiniites, apparetiily I.mio miles dis tant, in a 1101 1 hwesSeiiily 1! irei t ion, v. a.; recorded by ihe seisnio".rn!ih al (', orgelown university early od i . 'Ihe tremor. i were of t oils ii era hie se m riiy. GROWING ORANGES AWAY UP IN COLUMBIA COUNTY. Columbia county grown oranges are finding ready sale in the local market at $l.."n per hundred. There are a number of bearing trees in the southern end of the county and the fruit is of a very line flavor. Trior t the big freeze thousands of or anges were shiped from this section. .lie I.. 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 . I I lii 1 he . i.C'il! c I .1 lave, ie 1 1 a1 , !. Ill lei l ie,; al:d .-dale fel'.ef, .T.y i't (if I he SI I 'c'l'i ! i ,. , M 1 I n II, W.IS I II 1 i . ', by -i'i! 1 ' i : ' 1 i " Mi l' llih at ill ! .if; .1. !': ,1 1 iell I 'o j 1. ,. 1 1 ii. di' I lv ill d I in I l'e I ):.. !.!v '.)tl el' ,1 I i 1,,; 1" p tin t here : . ::i . -, : I'H". ;l i Idlhii:.; to ni'elei I 1 n earth- t be chilly wind i w ! e i , the it lib', l.l . ...I Wei'.- 1 i;.ie ..1 Ihe ;!y ienoralii. , aia in i .ii- !,' made to- t T e'i. hit. Mi ll 1 I : lii 1 Co. I: t ni,, in Ti 1 k H I. . 'ell.i re fill - .ii !:. 11 i. i and is I; , W II u I ',! i llll- inl'iy. , and Without In lie - Ins f rot, l !i tiovv a ml I hen I itel: I sw eep (low n from Ihe holih'ltid, the J p ople of (hi ; sect 'u ti are indeed ill I 1 (Ichb'i'abie sia'e and I let I here i 1 a e no! ,idv he. i lll.t ' . lleatllH !' ! ...; ne. ! '!: TAFT WILL GO TO mm I IIM'Ij 'I' (ii m. 1 ; i!:.e .,r 1 !v to the 1, H I that the locality has thus la r ex- ( l ielic 1! Utile cold Weather. eordiii', lo Captain Tick, who iias just returned from the di.Mriii, the famine has been c lined by the fa ilu I'" id the 101I011, cult!, .'.vet po taln and peanut crops, the main sta- '"s of ibis section. The failure of the i Tups was tlue to the heavy rains during the past summer and as ;i inaUer of fact the greater portion of the land in and around i'ayet tev ilb? i. now under water. Teople have been forced to leave their homes and the millions of mos iiiiinies make life almost, unbearable for 1 ln-iii , as they live in the open. l i ver developing and in their piti ! : coinliiioa ii is feared a tei rit ie e;.i h-ade is iuevilab'e. The in-npl- : ureal I v in net d of mot'i-v, ;'nl be. II ! el ,! 'nlhlllj litlb- and thus far li hoed gi-en Hn'r TV IT COTTON REPORT FOR YEAR. t.ouncement of its new development 1 the child is lr, ro,f.v that a ilue "v"' him. Five departmental programs will appear in the list of attractions, kin- j (By Associated Presa.) dergarten, primary, internn-diat ! Washington, Dec 9. Cotton and grammar, high school ar.d lass-j ginned to Dec. 1 was 11,844.432 1 a! association. These appear un-1 bales, the census bureau announced v.saally attractive and hold mt tic; today. Round bales included 4 2.127; (Hy Associated Tress.) Washington, Dec. ;i. Tai't for a trip to Panama today t n point where Dec C was s' leeted as the date for starting. It is under- s:oo,l that his inleiiticn lo visit th-lve just been closed, whereby isthmus before 1- b-aves oll'n-e was influenced largely by Woodrow Wil son's decision not to go. i'1'1" j 1'IKS PURCHASE VALUABLE o h -d , cTTr rrTJ vrv. Fort Myers, Dec. i. hope of more than even the good pro grams of last year. The Temple Theatre in Ocala will Sea island, 51,275. Hy States: Alabama. l.lfirt.fiS"; Arkansas, f.60.174; Florida, 48,593; lo used for the general sessions and j Ceorgia, 1 ,563,4 43 ; Louisiana. 343,- tbe announcement of its seating ca pacity, Son, should insure all tlvt plenty of room will be offered those wishing to attend the meeting. Ti e program will go to the printer viihin two or three days and will b misled out as early thereafter a possible. 2:t6; 'Mississippi. 818,862; North Carolina, 754,249; Oklahoma, 867, 4S8; South Carolina. 1.041.222; Tennessee, 208.721; TexaB. 4.308. 760; other States. 69.048. Sea island: Florida. 17.826; C-corgla, 29,756; South Carollaa, 3,693. Florida watermelon on the vine ib December is an unusual sight, yet L S. Chadwick of Jacksonville, has as fine a patch of the fruit growing on his farm two miles from the city cn the Orange Park mad as one would want to see. The seeds were planted the latter part of August. CUNNING INDUSTRY TO BE INVESTIGATED (By Associated Press.) Washington, Dec. 9. Representa tive Allen introduced a resolution In the House today proposing a gen eral Investigation of the canning in dustry of the United States. Ne-etiat inn Ii . 1 i 1 ,.'.,,,...,!., .,.i Ucal lodge of Klks, Fort Myers, No. 1288, has acquired the Hart man property on First street, oppose. the Royal Palm hotel, upon which they intend to erect a handsome. Elks home and clubhouse. The plans call for a large ttmv Btory pressed brick building, cost ing between $13.ouo and $20,o" with commodious dub rooms and li brary on the first tloor. billiard j room, gymnasium, baths and dress ing rooms on the second floor, and entire third tloor to be devoted to the lodge room, with .1 roof garden above. The building will be hand somely furnished, modern through out, and one that w ill be a credit t the city. While tho local lodge was organ ized something less than two months ago, nevertheless Its membership, r.umbtring at present about sixty, U made up of some of the best and most prominent men In the city.