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rem mama tcleobax. lak eland, fla, jult 21, 1913. PAGE THREE POPULAR IN FRENCH CAPITAL BATES1 I mmm store! Child's Frock With Short Waist Real ly Is One of the Prettiest of tho Models Offered. ! A very pretty model for a child's frock of marquisette or batiste is this BUgsestion. This IttfjwS , ; a A , Ay 2XJ vjfv jix t.v;: , A;r, 1.;-., HIGHLY COLORED BATK.fia SUITS Her f A N ' f "A N A' ler si(i ! fresl' .' (' adies a ti-l'.ospooiifnl of w itor, four drops uf toclii'.Hal, ami four drors of es-seih-e of rose. St:ind over the lire, Mid as tli" mixture bo-ins to melt stir ;'tly for two or tlr.oe niimites and thon take from Mio l're. Have ready wo sin t ts of oili ( jtaper, and pour thf tfirup iu drops about the sine of la.'K" pea In rows on tlio paper. As soon as thpy are firm and hard, re iiiove the drops with a limber knifo or f icitula. place on a sieve in a warm phue until thoroughly dry, then pack in t'ass jars, or ti;;ht boxes. Lingerie Hat. The popularity of the embroidered linen hat is well deserved, and a flow ered model is especially attractive. The design on the crown is a wreath of forget-me-nots dene with the solid stitch, the center of which is punched work. About the brim at intervals are em broidered motifs of forget-me-nots and punched work combined. The ex treme edge of the brim Is scalloped and buttonhole-st itched, lieneath this is sewn a frill of lace. A wreath of tiny (lowers encircles the crown and a rosette and streamer of pale blue ribbon adorns each side. Why not make one? frock has the ex tremely "short waist which French designers , exploit when they ! are not offering a i model with an j . I i i JUiiiS iuo nuiov beneath a band of fine embroidery which continues hem side. at- batiste is placed as a band about the bottom of the skirt. The embroidery fini.-lies the sleeves while the round neck is outlined by a pleated frill of the hati te. A knot of rose ribbon worn to tlio left of the front adds a touch of color to the frock. .feiLf1w;J 1 1 to the skirt her A ou the left sid( J - A narrow pleat L f ) ing of the batist War Paint is on for Business. Price is the PoweJ. To unload my Summer Stock LOW PRICE has the job. Com? in and you will decide the time well spent. BANDEAU MAT KE;1E TO STAY t latest bat a, Bulgarian rk colon. a new Idea ice. odssnc thin' 4 V and beach costumes show novel touches of high col- nd Russian, whicii add a distinctive note to costumes of e bathing wrap, matching the suit in material and color, n America, brought from the fashionable watering places NESS It FIRST ORDER ure)0if 4. Regulation Russian Blouse vt Followed ; When the Material la Laced. ines tor1 ines of the regulation Russian not followed out when the laoed, no matter whether javy or . thin. The excessive NP(PS ft" 6rat oI the nia,erial ,B I lL2e( in lace eren more than in cause all the garments above it are continually made in this although there Is an effort to wk ithe round, tight bodice of n days. 'k,:'Av 1. -v 1-1 1. cut tigh. at the d low In front, if it is possible -nmat. t-Stand this kind of ex n the afternoon hours. It can w aa she wiBb as far as fash oncerned, to if seems to put ; on tbf daytime decolletage. This 'makes dressing easier Tor the woman of moderate irans who wish es to wear one gown before and after candle light without the trouble of adding a gulmp, for gulmps have a way of riding up even when made is the best regulated manner, and under any kind of a boned foundation they are most satisfactory. Not that the lace Russian blouse should have a boned lining unless one's figure demands it, for we have arrived at the most neglige type of clothes that women have worn since the Grecian era; even If there is a boned lining and a corset below the sagging, drooping, slipping off waist, neither of the supports must be visible. Supports for Flowers. Did you ever fit a piece of paste board into the top of a tall vase to support a tall, graceful flower? It would show too plainly to be of use in a glass vase, other than the smoky glass, says Harper's Bazar. The lead supports to be used in shallow bowls or Jars, Japanese fashion, are invalu able. You will like them for tulips, daffodils, or iris. It matters little whether they are beautiful in them selves or not, since the flowers usual ly conceal them. Flowers In Finger Bowls. It is a pretty touch to have a flower like those used for the decoration of the table floating in each of the fin ger bowls. A. bit of old-fashioned herbage, which sometimes takes the place of the time-honored rose geran ium leaf, is a spring of lemon verbena. Rose Drops. Put In a email granite saucepan three and a half ounces of sugar (sifted granulated, sugar. Is bestadd Men Carry Fancy Parasols. Berlin. The latest fashion here la the carrying of fancy colored para sols by the men. Silk blouses, mark ed with plenty of fancy net-work are also considered very fashionable and are worn by the men in very hot weather. Roses as Danger Signals. Philadelphia. Red rose bushes set near the Pennsylvania railroad tracks by L'dward liok of Varion were re moved because the road officials feared engineers might mistake the blossoms for rlirrer slenals Millinery Idea Sssms to Have Won Permanent Place, After Many Unsuccessful Attempts. Every so often the bandeau rises im pertinently and tiptilts woman's head gear at a daring angle. Sometimes this attempted uprising on the part of '.brims is sternly quelled by the refusal of womankind in general to accept the style. Such was the case last spring and the spring before that, hut this year the bandeau really seems to have established a place for itself in millinery, and the latest mod els from Paris milliners show ban deaus under the brim at the back, the hat tipping forward over the face and shading the eyes. This nchieves, of course, an entirely new line, for the trend of trimmings and bhapes has been backward and downward at the back and pointing downward over the nose will accomplish a metamorphosis In millinery if the bandeau idea takes hold. Two or three bandeau hats, dis played in a Washington window, at tracted much attention. One was a tiny affair of black Milan with a bit of a brim turning down at the front and on one side. The low crown was elliptical in shape and was just high enough to fit over the hat. All around this pert little hat went a wreath of "black-eyed Susans," and from the bandeau, set under the brim at the back, depended streamers of buff rib bon, edged with a plcot border of black. The other bandeau model was an old-fashioned leghorn "flat," which was tipped forward on a two-inch ban deau covered with blue moire ribbon. Streamers of the blue moire floated from the bandeau and masses of forget-me-nots formed a low crown on the fiat-brimmed leghorn shape. At the front, a little cluster of heliotrope added a charming bit of color contrast. A If rL o m NEWEST BATHING SUIT WET WISE 99 made; 1 d IES, tow many words can you make from letters taken from uantiiv;ELAND FURNITURE AND HARDWARE COMPANY? ; wi$tie fcdy getting the most words we willgive away FREE, a $50.00 igercibrwith a $25.00 purchase. 7 le IzC; setting the second largest number of words we will give a It SU Qood for $12.50 on a $25.00 purchase. i:Jy;eiting the third largest number of words we will give a lit C" 3od for $7.50 on a $25.00 purchase. w t..ygetting the fourth largest number of words we will give B o Ticking Chair, value, $5.00. m r-i kar A!.mA . .. f,... C4.. t L. I. I ;x 'II l JhnflC Ir v oaiuiuay ui catu wcck uisi Will DC nOlw ihjhrjrani Monday so you will sec how you stand. Contest closes ELZ 15th. List your words alphabetically. s.A. Line Trunks and 'Bags Just "Received IL..ID fllHIHRE S HARDWARE CO. f1 rtBSi VSCtSSitXSSSSSi There ia a certain dignity about the new beach suit with a high Medici collar of ezquiBite hand embroidery and lace and draped skirt that la made attractive against a background of blue skirt and sandy beach. This particular model is developed la striped satin in rich Roman colorings. ;ents l& nd that ( call a-if i of a-", Back to Grandmother 8tylea Some of the prettiest of the new est fashions thiB season are really very old ones the ubo of ribbons aa trimmings, for instance. "Just look at the way my new dress Is trimmed with ribbon. Isn't It the smartest thing out?" says granddaughter, and grandmother echoes: "New? Why, my child, fifty years ago one of my best dresses was trimmed with ribbon in exactly that same way." 0IVI1 AWAY those beautiful suits and pants-also Palm Beach suits-at less than cost, as we want to get ready for our fall line. We want all the room we can get, as we have bought an enormous stock of Halt Schaffner & Marx cloth ingalso other goods. Our straw hats and other furnishings reduced in price. , Now is the time to get bargains by calling around to see us. Outfitter The lidit Schaffner & Marx Clothing THE HUE JOSEPH LeVAY Lakeland Paving & Construction Co. Artificial Stone, Brick and i From an Old Raincoat An apron with a bib can be maee for wash day, or when you give the baby a bath. A bathing cap, and bag to car ry your bathing Euit, and little utility cases dear to the suit case o' travelers, may be made from a discarded raincoat. Concrete Building Material Estimates Cheerfully Furnished on Paving and all Kinds of Artificial Stone Work 307 West Main Street Phone 348-Black l F. J. HOFFMAN J. N. DAVIS J. P. NEWBEGKEB I Pres. Sect Tre s. Sopt. & Geo. Mai. V. Pres. ft Asst l! De REE STEAM PRESSING CLUB and Mann Plumbing Co. Cleaning, Pressing and Alteration. Ladlaa Wark a Ipaelalty. Warfc Called for and DllTrsd. Prompt Ssrriaa . Satlafaatlaa uaraa-tt4. C- A. MANN, MANAGER J V. Kentucky At. Phono 257 Bowyer BiUiisg "31 31 OKA-