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sua, ,j.;t4ttiV tis.w THE EVENING TELEGRAM LAKELAND, FLA., JULY 28, 1914. " i ! ; i-AGE THREE iMim 1 t i rniiTii p nnnvmn COUR WEEKLY LIMERICK 1 Prominent in service k General Hardware, Excelled by none, for hard wear and tear. With Here, When you appear, He'll salute and treat Our line of General Hardware CONSISTS OF Heavy Shelf and Builders HARDWARE Ranges, Heaters, Oil and Gasolene Stoves. Kitchen Utensils, Anti-Rust Tin, Granite and Enamel Ware, Tubs, Wringers and Boilers, Churns, Ice Cream Freezers, and a ho.-t of items too numerous to enum erate. When you want Hardware, remember there is not a Hardware want we can't supply WIL HARDWARE CO. ri Ml. i oecurttv ipsiraci cr i me uv. Bartow, Florida 1. B. HUFFAKER, FEES L. J. C1YATT, SECRETABY FRANK H. THOMPSON, VICE FRESH. W. SMITH, TREASURER ABSTRACTS OF TITLES New and up-to-date plant. Prompt service. Lakeland business left with our Vice ' receive prompt and efficient attentats. The FIRES which We represent the following reli able companies: Fidelity Underwriters, capital 4,750,000 Philadelphia Underwriters, capital mS German American, capital 2,000,000 Bpringfieid Fire and Marine, capital .. $2,500,000 Phnonlv nf TTnrtfnrrl 3.000,000 MANN 4 DEEN Room 7, Ravmondo Building Your business will have the best at tention if placed with us. AVONDALE SPRINGS TENNESSEE R. R. Station Avondale P. 0. Rotledge Tenn est trees, and untold Quantities of wi flower, cn ee ed b r t he so many wild birds, where a cool breeze is ajwaja to be rel everT ef. deeu and shady clens which surround the 0Upnad;annVerV weit fort Is made for the pleasure and comfort of each and 6 then come to Avondale Springs. Tenn on Knox le J. Br 1st. m . miles from Morristown. Tenn. Rates. $3 per week, or Ji per aay oy month. Note the address above. , f. J. HOFFMAN, r (fluid i l' HI" ! g7Q U you, try to suit you, you all fair. . r T. I 4 President at Dickson Bldg will Causr.dEhe Loss OF S215.084.709 in the United States in a recent year were ascribed TO THE FOLLOWING CAUSES Defective chimneys, flues, fireplaces, heating and lighting apparatus; faults of construction and equip ment. Matches, sparks and explo sions lpured prominently, followed by incendiarism, electricity and lightning. Nearly One-fourtb. of all Fires Are Labeled t "UNKNOWN CAUSE!" Significant and Potent Reasons Why You Should Be Provided With Eire Insurance Protection! SON OUUin 10 CRilUIINb : : PROSPERITY ERA:! (The Industrial Index) It is stated that the officials of ine i ennsylvania Railroad, one ; (i tne Teat railway systems of tins country, Iku-p .1. mat every usable ireicht car wnicii the railroad owns be .1 ... . I l''lCt(. Ill Condition for active servaw An authority declares! that this is the best business in- uieatiun that has been pvidiMn-i1 m this country in three years. Crops throughout the country 1 nieun iniU ineres no U8e m agl' m n,'i,.o t 1 tating my sisters any more than is arc nou ,0 advanced that it is avoidable. If they should happen lHMbleto estimate with good j t0 discover ao afternoon concert pro tlegree of certainty what the liar-; gram in my room they would ask at vest will be. The size of the once: 'Who is the girir They knew estimate is indicated by the ac-!very wel1 tnat music alone wouldn't tion of the Pennsylvania officials. caI1 me forth oa a Sundav afUr- Kstiniates made in Xew York; no?" , . ir. t. ,t,. .1 a. it I Nonsense! They know you love ire to the ettect that the corn muslc and wheat crops of the country! -Yes, they do; but they suspect me will be worth an agreate of j 0f loving well, something else even approximately $-',000,000,000 and, more." that the cotton crop will bring" utn made an effort to look su niore than $I.OOO,000 000 It is ' Premely bored and succeeded so well l'elieved certain that 'world-wide thilt Young Gilmore 8ettlcd int0 an al" ..,-.. , , . : most sullen silence. nnd tu.ns Suarantcc good prices ..Your 8iBtera take a good deal of lor the crops of these great sta- intereBt ln yoUi don't they?' asked pies. 1 1 he transportation of UuUi casuallv after a few minutes. these crops wil not only give the! railroads a maximum' amount of eninlovmont. but nnrlonbr.nUv sumo "cases will tax their ability.' These will bring hundreds ' . fin r o million oi dollars from abroad to tins country to be add- ed to our volume of circulation, This will be reflected in re-; newed and increased activity in ! all lines. ' Jt is stated throughout the l'nli,.,! 5t,tc .t.,..i. ..f 1 I v imvi .'itiiv- .n'vrv (ii mtlliail disc are now at the lowest vol ume for many years and that there must speedily be an in creased and large demand for commodities handled by the re tail stores. ie opinion is becoming more and more general that a twelve-' month period of extensive and U,., , , . , -distributed business is be-, lore the people of the United iStates. As illustrating this opinion it may be cited that one of the leading business men of the country, a resident nf Tew York, stated a few days ago that the United States is very speedi ly about to enter upon an era of prosperity which, both relatively and absolutely will be the threat est that this country has ever known. No part of the country is more thoroughly in line for the era of great prosperity now rising above the horizon than is the Southeast, conditions in this sec tion being generally most favor able. ', - t. , - -1 THE EXPLORER'S NEED OF PATIENCE. The explorer needs an inex haustible store f patience when he is sledging. Frequently, when we have been sledging, a blizzard has sprung up and put a stop to our journey; day after day we have had to lie in our lit tle tent, waiting for the wind to Cro down. Thai the true char acters of the men in the parly c 'ine ' 'lit : f' r u e lie there in cold, wet, hall -frozen sleeping bags with nothing to read, and more important still, with little to cat. And all the time our precious and scanty food supply i growing smaller; every day pa-ed in the tent means twcti foiir Imurs' K-ss chance of reach- ing our goal. 1 can conceive of no greater test for patience than j that. 1 believe that most polar i , ! explorers arhievc peneer tience; for impatience certainly means disaster, and probably death. It i dangerous to be im patient with nature. Sir F.rn cst Shackleton, in The Youth's Companion. M. AND M. STAKE Detroit, Mich., July - Blue Ribbon erand circuit harness race meeting, whirh will open here today and continue until the end of the month, has for its principal in terest the Merchants and Manufac turers' stake. The chanee in the class of Merchants and Manufactur ers from the 2;24 to 2:14. resulted in a much lartrer entry than last year and has brought together stars of the half mile tracks with the best preen trotters. The chamber stake also ha? a record breakinz entry. On the list of horses entered are Audrey Gray, Farmer Gentry, Lena Rives, Major By-by, Hazel Lain?, Akar. j Edith C, Minnie Hal, rarona aim The Assessor. Representative Eugene F. Kin head of New Jersey is willing to leave the lower branch of Congress. He wants to be sheriff of Hudson county, New J Jersey. : CASE OF BETTY ROSS : By JULIA GOUGH. Young Gilmore tore the program into bits and cast them into the grate- "Why did you do that?' asked Ruth. "I always keep my programs to re- i mind me of good times." 1 uuu 1 rwjuiTB a program iu rv mind nie of a frond t!mn with vou. "1 dont require a program to re- Ruth," declared young Gilmore, "and I And it wise to destroy all well, all j documents in evidences." "Why, what do you mean, Hilly?" "Interest! That's putting it mildly, They are fairly ignited with curiosity about my affairs. I never leave tho nouse on an ev,nin8 but one or.both f aak n, whT?h Vm, eoing and whom Ini going with. I sometimes marvel at their persistency m lhe face of wnat might be called inglorious defeat, for I never give them the least satisfaction." "I think that's perfectly horrid of you. I should expect you to tell me something about your affairs If you were my Drotner. "I don't aspire to that honor. There is another position that I prefer to" "What do you tell your sisters when they ask you whom you've been with?" "I invariably tell them Detty Ross." "I should think they'd hate you." "On tho contrary, they appear to lo me pretty well. In f H belleve n" T" In fact, I modest- more likable lUilll vuu ovum ij lumn. ''giny!" -You ' telenhoned mv house this morning, didn't you?" "Yes, I wished to tell you that we ought to start early for tho concert, Iow did you know it was I?" "My sister Rose said that tho Detty Robs with tho sweet voice had asked for me, bo, of course, I knew it was you. Besides, there aren't many girls who have ine on their telephone call ing list." "Well," pouted Ruth, "I don't phone you very often never unless it's something really important." "I know you don't hardly once ln a blue moon. Put, just the same, my sisters have learned your voice. They know your writing, too." Gilmore chuckled. "Orace says ls a good thing I'm an architect or I wouldn't able to decipher your Qothio hand." "I don't puzzle ou very frequently with specimens of my chlrography." "Not half often enough. I wish you'd try me with a nice little 'Yes.' I venture to Bay that I could read it, without half trying." "Silly!" "Do you know, I bfslleve you and my 6lstrrs would agree perfectly." "What makes you think so?" "Because, like you, they're always calling mo silly." "Pooh!" "Well, lant evening, for instance, when I got homo to dinner Rose and Craco atskod mo in an excited duet, 'Whom were you walking with on Michigan avenuo today?' I inquired how they knew I was walking with anybody, and they said that a cousin of ours who takes a remarkable in terest in me, too had telephoned them that &ho had Been mo walking with a girl at noon. My companion was described to them as wearing a blue silk ratine, whatever that may be, with Bulgarian trimmings. I asked tno griH if thty were absolutely sure about tho Bulgarian trimmings, and .!.,. f,n.. ,l,.l...-,w1 ili.,t thntr nii.rn 1 ""-j u-kw.-u .. v. . thought a moment and men said l be lieved it must have been Betty Ross. They both exclaimed that I was per fectly silly." "And so you were," agreed Ruth as she gazed at tho gay Bulgarian collar and cuffs of tho new spring Jacket Bho had thrown off when they came in from the concert. "I don't see, Billy, why you don't tell them the truth." "If you'd let me know where I stand with Betty Ross, I'd be only too glad to tell them," declared young Gilmore, fervently. "It's up to you." She Favored the Queen. Two sisters while visiting Ireland in Victoria's time got Into conversa tion one day with a tenant of their hostess. One of the girls, who was quite stout, asked the old woman if she would have known them for sis ters. "Well," waa the answer, "ye look alike, but yer sister's slender, while you, miss well, you favor the quane." Explanation. "Mamma, I know what makes that," said small Sadie, who was watching the lightning flashes during a summer shower. "What, dear?" "The angels are scratching matches on the clouds," was the reply. Words of Prsiso For Mayr's Wonderful Stomach Remedy "How thankful we are to you for getting a hold oi your wonderful Remedy. My wife could not have had but a short time to live if she had rot taken your Wonderful Kemedy when she did. One more of those yarrysm pains she was vr jVjfvftol her without a dou ifu h M4'W sl,e is free fron nl'f ! 1 free from heart t lr I free from that I Neuralgia all t Having would have killed doubt. Now rom all pain. trounie and disturbing Neuralgia all the results of live treatments and the expulsion 'of five or six hundred Gall Stones. Now she is able to cat anything she wants and her appetite is good and before taking your rr.odirine she had no appetite and when she ate anything she would sutler death for so doing and could not sleep at night; since taking your treatment she sleeps well all night long. T. A. MCAl.I., Itoanoke, Tenia." The above letter should convince you more than anything we could say in behalf of Muyr's Wonderful Momneli Keineily. Suf ferers should try one dose of this Remedy one dose should convince them that they can be restored to health. Nearly all Stomach Ailments are caused by the clogging of the intestinal tract with mucoid and catarrhal ac cretions allowing poisonous fluids into the Stomach and otherwise deranging the digestive system. Muyr's Wonderful Ntmniirh Remedy painlessly removes these accretions without a surgical operation and puts an end to Colic Attacks, (iases in the Stomach and Intestines and all of the usual symptoms of Stomach, I.iver and Intestinal Ailments Ask your druggist about Mti.vr's Wonderful Mumaeh Kemeily or send to 0!co. II. Mavr, Mfg. Chemist, 154 Whiting St., Chicago,' 111., for free booklet on Stomach Ailments and many grateful letters from people who have been restored. ror sHle by Henley ft Henley. FAMILY AVOIDS SERIOUS SICKNESS By Being Constantly Supplied With Bedford's Black-Draught. McDuff, Va. "I suffered for several years, says Mrs. j. ts. wniuaKer, oi this place, "with sick headache, and Stomach trouble. Ten years ago a friend told me to try Thedford's Black-Draught, which I did, and 1 found it to be the best family medi cine tor young and old. 1 keep Black-Draught on hand all the time now, and when my children feel a little bad, they ask me for a dose, and it does them more good than any medicine ihey ever tnca. We never have a loner spell of sick ness in our family, since we commenced using black-Draught." Thedford's Black-Draught is purely vegetable, and has been found to regu late weak siomacns, am digestion, re lieve indiuestion. colic, wind, nausea, headache, sick stomach, and similai symptoms. It has been in constant use for more than 70 years, and has benefited more than a million people. Your druggist sells and recommends Black-Draught, ftice only 25c. Get a Package to-day. N. & 123, Rexall u93" Hair Tonic Fulfills c v( ry function of a re liable tonic for improving the condit ion of 1 be h v r at d scalp, tending to rcston. them to a healthy state. In two sizes. 50: nnd $1.00 Lake friarmacy ray ? e Why not get one of those large cement urns to beautify your yard? Why not get the oldest reliable ccmei.t man to put ln your walk? Why not g vour brick and blocks of them, prices are right, so are the goods. FLORIDA NATIONAL VAULT CP. fl. 1. Zimmerman, Xgr. 508 West Main St . 1 1 mr 1 1 J-1 n 1 f The Professions THE EGYPTIAN SANITARIUM OF CHRONIC DISEASES Smith-Hardin Bldg-., Cor. Main and Florida Ave. Phone 86 Blue Electricity, X-Ray, Light, Heat, Hydrotherapy, Turkish Baths, Phys ical Culture, Massage, Dietetics, Etc. You can get here what you gt ln Battle Creek and Hot Springs and save time and expense. PETERSON & OWENS ATTORNEYS AT LAW Dickson Building JEREMIAH B. SMITH , en NOTARY PUBLIC Loans, Investments in Real Estate Have some interestintr snans in cltr and suburban pronerty, farms, etc. Better see me at once. Will trade, sell for cash, or on easy terms. Rooms 14. Futch & Gentry Bldg. lakeland, Fla. TUCKER & TUCKER LAWYERS Raymondo Bldg., lakeland, Florida Residence phone, 278 Black. Office phone, 278 Blue. DR. SARAH E. WHEELER OSTEOPATH Munn Annex, Door South of First National Bank Lakeland, Florida J. D. TRAMMELL Attorneyat'Law Van Hubs Bldg. Lakeland, Fla., 0. D. & H. D. MENDENHALL CONSULTING ENGINEERS Suite 212-215 Drane Building Lakeland, Fla. Phosphate Land Examinations and Plant Designs, Earthwork Specialists, Survey a, , j u LOUISA. FORT H r architect .-nr ?i " ' Kibler Hotel, Lakeland, Florida DR, C. C. WILSON "TF PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special Attention Given To DISEASES OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN Deen-Bryant Bldg. oms 3, 9, 10. Office Phone 357 Residence Phone 367 Blue DR. W. R. GROOVER ""Villi PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Rooms 5 and 4. Kentucky Buildln Lakeland, Florida A. X. ERICKS0N ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Real Estate Questions Drano Building D. O. Rogers Edwin Spencer. Jr. ROGERS & SPENCER Attorneys at Law, Bryant Building Lakeland, Florida Established ln July, 1900 DR. W. S. IRVIN DENTIST Room 14 and 15 Kentucky Building Phone: Office isu; uesiaence ts BLANT0N & LAWLER ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Lakeland, Florida W. S. PRESTON, LAWYER Office Upstairs East of Court House BARTOW, FLA. Examination of Titles and Real Es tate Law a Specialty DR. H. MERCER RICHARDS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office: Rooms 5 and 6, Elliston Bids. Lakeland, Florida Phones: Office 37S; Resid. 301 Blue FRANK H THOMPSON NOTARY PUBLIC Dickson Building Office phone 402. Res. 312 Red Special attention to drafting legal papers. Marriage licenses and abstract! furnished