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PAGE EIGHT THE EVENING TELEGRAM LAKELAND, FLA., JULY 28, 1914. (J las sifted Advertising 1 YOU ARE INVITED TO MEN'S BELONGINGS FOR SALE PARK HItLL LOTS FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS All streets clayed, cement sidewalks, electric lights, city water, shade trees. See G. C. Rogan or S. M. Stephens. 829 Having purchased auC u'odlvlde the Jesse Keen estate of cri one-half all wnt of city limits, w are now selling In 10 and 26-acn tracts some of th Sneit truck ai farm lands In this section at thi right price and terms. For parti eu iars see G. C. Rogan, Roors 1 and I Deen ft Bryant Bldg. Phons 141. FORSALE OR TRADE FOR REAL ESTATE-One five passenger tour ing car, Oakland; one four-passenger touring car, Cadillac. FLORIDA & GEORGIA LAND CO. Phone" 72, Office Hotel Klbler 2785 FOR SALE Good 4-room house, and lot, 40x135 feet; 12 bearing or ange trees in yard, in Northeast Lakeland. Price 1,200. Part cash, balance $10 per month. Address G. J. W., care Telegram or phone 242 Red. WANTED House close In. Phone 359. 2237 POLICE CALLS The public Is requested to phone all night calls to police after 6 p. m. to Police Department, phone 55. ICE CREAM orders delivered on Sun day. Prompt delivery. J. M. Ansley. Phone 214 Red. 2470 FOR THE BEST READ ESTATE INr VESTMENT in Tampa suburban lots, see or write L. J. Sloan, Lakeland, Fla. 2641 WANTED Position as colored li censed chauffeur. Can do light re pairing. Careful driver. Address J. E. L.. care Telegram. 2897 By VERN POEHLMAN. FOR SALE Clean and up-to-date grocery business, Including fresh stock of goods, also furniture and fixtures. Reason for selling party wants to discontinue business, Business in good condition. Ad dress box 101, Lakeland, Fla., or call 330 Blue. 2876 FOR SALE Ticket to Terra Haute, Ind.. via Cincinnati. Phon. 70 Black. 2095 FOR SALE $15,000 worth of pre ferred stock in the Chautauqua Auditorium Association, drawing 8 per cent Interest, payable seml , annuajjy. Address J. E. Melton, secretary. 2770 FOR RENT FOR RENT 12-room house (Malloy house), corner Florida avenue and Lemon street. 2785 FLORIDA & GEORGIA LAND CO., l"OR RENT Six-room house; all modern Improvement?; ten min utes' walk of postofflce. Low rent to good tenant. Inquire A. J. Hol worthy. Phone 277. 2627 FOR RENT 6-room cottage. Apply Mrs. S. T. Fletcher. 2494 FOR RENT OR SALE Brick bunga low with modern conveniences, South Missouri avenue. 7-room house with modern con veniences, South Missouri Ave. FLORIDA & GEORGIA LAND CO. I 2785 FOR RENT Furnished or unfur nished. Cottage 911 South Florida avenue, Lakeland. For particulars write A. D. Boring. 124 4th St., North St. Petersburg, Fla. 28 S 6 FOR RENT une suite In the Ste phens apartment house. Apply to 3. M. Stephens, city. 2383 FOR RENT .Modern house, six rooms and bath, screens and shades, block and half north of school on Florida avenue. Sum mer rate $17.0 . Pillans grocery. ... 2371 CITIZENS INVITED TO ATTEND MEETINGS OF COMMISSIONERS The city commission requests a more general attendance of the peo ple of Lakeland at the meetings of the commission. Meetings held at the city hall at 8p.m. July 1, 15, and 29, Aug. 12, zd, ana every alternate vveanesaay thereafter. DONALD F. McLEOD, 2767 City Manager. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Lakeland, Fla., July 10, 1914. All contractors are notified that ' on and after Oct. 2, 1914, that rjo Union bricklayers will be allowed to work on any job where non-union plasterers are working, nor union plasterers be allowed to work with non-union bricklayers. The union will furnish competent and skilled workmen of each sepa rate trade to do the work if con tractors are unable to furnish the same. 2820 I HAVE THREE CARS for public service at any and all hours. My machines are Caddllacs and I ant therefore fully equipped to give my patrons the best service ob tainable. Day phone No. 65; night, 313 Black. Fern Rocque more. 1615 NOTICE The stockholders of the Lakeland Hardware and Plumbing Co. will hold their annual meeting in their office Aug. 4 to transact any busi ness that may legally come before it. LAKELAND HARDWARE AND PLUMBING CO., O. S. VanHuss, Sec'y and Treas. 2908 44UM4Mtl?HgHlHlHlHiHt Dr. Samuel F. Smith specialist KYK, EAR, NOSeJaNO THROAT Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted "Why is it," demanded pretty Mrs. Penton of a company of young matrons who had assembled at her house for afternoon tea, "that a man's belong ings are often more trying, more ir ritating to one's nerves than even the man himself?" "What kind of belongings do you mean?" inquired young Mrs. Troy with a smile that seemed to say that she knew what Mrs. Penton was going to sayr. t'pb, I mean what In official terms is called their 'personal effects,' their clothes" "Yes, clothes are about all the per sonal belongings men are allowed to have," laughed a small matron. "But even clothes are trying at times. Can't you understand, the feelings of the wo man who wanted a divorce Just be cause she couldn't stand It to see a man's clothes hanging in her closet?" "In her closet!" echoed Mrs. Troy. "Well, if she could get her husband to hang his clothes in any closet, I think she ought to have been satisfied. What irritates me is to see my hus band's clothes hanging over all the chairs." "Isn't it strange." mused Mrs. Pen ton, "that one can grow quite roman tic over a woman's empty glove, her opera coat, or her dancing slippers, but did anybody ever grow poetic over a man's glove or his tuxedo or his pumps?" "Do you know," spoke up the small matron, "that one of the most trying experiences of my life as a housekeep er is putting away my husband's laun dry?" "Well, really," said Mrs. Troy, "if you never have anything to do more trying than that I think you are not in danger of an Immediate break down." "But there's something so hard and uncompromising about a laundered shirt. It seems to be the very symbol of a man's commercial spirit I never A BIG CONVtNII M GATH FOR RENT New six room bunga low, complete with all modern conveniences. Five blocks from postofflce. Box 707, Lakeland, Fla. 2896 FOR RENT Three rooms for light housekeeping all con veniences, 307 S. Fla. Ave. 2846 MISCELLANEOUS PUBLIC ctkvoOR APHER Work done neatly and promptly. Room 200, Drane Bldg. Phone S 1667 HOURS: 9 TO 12 A. M. 2 To 4 p. m. suite, bryant building Lakeland, Fla. The Tire Shop f ROSE ant! KY. STS. Back of Central Phkrmacy VULCANIZING Tires and Tnnor Tubes. t 6 I Inner Tubes a Specialty. S & aii vvorsLruaranteea. 3- Y PETE BIEWER. Mgr. FOR SALE I t V New lm::?alow of six rooms and complete bath, fireplace, electric ! wired, two fine lots. 50x140 each overlooking Lake Parker. The ji price is $2,700. Terms $300 cash and the balance in 1, 2. 3 and 4 , years. Thn ' InSri F Pav flnnlftf f a MIL jy.i i I lUA KLUIIJ UU. I "Hanging Over All the Chairs." take the pins out of a shirt of my husband's, but I feel like mussing it all up and making it amenable to rea Bon." "The only opportunity that a man has to betray his individuality In the matter of clothes is in his choice of ties," declared Mrs. Penton, "and see what he wears! They say a woman's history might be written from an in spection of the clothes in her closet, and I think a man's biography might, with equal truth, be gathered from the drawer in which he keeps his ties." "I endure his ties and his unoccu pied shirts," declared a young and baby faced matron, "but his cigars and all his smoking apparatus drive me to the brink. Not that I particu larly object to a nice, neat row of cigars, or even a freshly lighted one, but think of the horrid, smelly ashes that incumber the carpets! Think of the smoke that lingers forever in the curtains, and the vile smelHng cigar Btub that is always present, and that is so distressing to the nerves of the nice and the neat." "Well, really," said Mrs. Penton, "it is a pity that there is not some one here to speak for the other side. Don't you suppose that our belongings, our gewgaws and baubles sometimes an noy our husbands? Surely, our infi nite variety of possessions, our hair pins and hatpins, our veils and laces, our beads and buckles must have their effect upon nervous men." "But we have nothing that corre sponds to the bad smelling cigar stubs." protested the baby faced ma troa. "We have our perfumes and our sachets," declared Mrs. Penton, "and you know that to some men the odor of perfume is intolerable. As for sachet powder, I had to give that up early in my married life, because it made Mr. Penton ill, and now I dislike it as much as he does." "He ought to have married the wo man who couldn't endure the sight of a man's clothes in her closet," laughed Mrs. Troy. "What a sweet time they would have had together! But Isn't it ridiculous to make such a fuss over little things, when life is so full of big issues?" "Well, 4fs a truth as old as the hills." sighed the small matron, "that it's the little things that cause all the trouble." Chicago Dally News. LRIN G AT P LA NT o IT Y Free Barbecue and Fish Fry Free Professional Ball Game "Tampa Cigar League vs. Phosphate League" THURSDAY- JULY 30, I9I4 Every train entering' Plant City- will be met by automobiles to conduct the visi tors to the picnic and ball game. Yes, It Is All Free! Our Treat! Also One S250 Lot Will Be Given Away tree. The Seminole Development Company is giving this dinner, this entertainment and lot, in order to have you visit Plant City and see for yourself its New Subdivi sion. Seminole Highlands THE LOCATION. Seminole Highlands is located on the Tampa-Plant City brick road and Na tional Highway: just one mile west of the Union Station; is on the highest hill in or near Plant City and is right in the path of development. THE IMPROVEMENTS. Seminole Highlands is laid out to be the prettiest restricted high class, residen tial subdivision in the entire Eastern part of Hillsborough County. Every lot is guaranteed to face a splendid shell surfaced pavement; Every lot is also guaranteed to face a concrete sidewalk; all corner lots are also guaranteed to have concrete walks on the side streets. A large part of the shell streets and con crete sidewalks have already been laid, the balance is all tinder construction. The Company guarantees to lay water and sewerage pipe, free of charge, to every lot in Seminole Highlands, as the buildings go up. THE POSSIBILITIES. The City of Plant City is the richest town in natural resources in the State of Honda. Some of the largest phosphate mjines in the world are located just out side of Plant City. Mpre Produce is shipped from Plant City than any other town 111 Hillsborough County. Plant City is also surrounded by beautiful orange groves. 1 here is enough business in Plant City to support three large banks. Plant Citv has grown from, a small town to a fair sized city within a very few years Plant City is self supporting Plant City is a railroad center, boasting of a Union Station Seminole Highlands will be just such an addition to Plant City as Seminole Heights is to Tampa, and just such an improvement as Seminole Park is to the town o Green Springs Lots purchased in Seminole Highlands of Plant City on July 3pth for a few hundred dollars may double in value within a few years. OUR REFERENCES. SpmLC1!ti?; 1?! 'JnokQmSh Tampa. Any citizen or buyer of lots in "Dank "of Plant Excha"Se National Bank" of Tampa or the SeSnrS7iTr toQGS-n-SpringS and SC for yourself "Senole Heights" and oennnoie irark, our Subdivisions. HOW THE LOT WILL BE GIVEN AWAY You Do Not H&ve To BuyEvery person attending the sale, 'except those con nected with the Company, may register and get a ticket with a coupon on h bear ing the same number on each half. Tear the ticket in twb nil!3 n in the box keep the other half to claim Jr tt sod yZ TH TSlS the ticket drawn from the box will ge eei S The person must be present and present hi or lr :i. t after the number has ben called or anoth r ket wi 1 t A t T 1fivetmmuteJ the lot will be given to the last nuiX call -d T he c 1 nwiTn 'Tak V' 12 :oo, noon, sharp. drawing will take place at i?a i i HW E- SALE WILL BE CONDUCTED Each lot will be tagged g vine le"-al deserintirm mA i t , . ing to purchase a lot wilfpul Uhe lag from 1 e'l t he iv h"' A, saleman's stand, making necessary deposit J 11 TY SC an? bnn" t0 t,1C check will be acepted the same a 7 Js T 11 "L I u "L n ?C Y man's stand before 4 P- mk or the lots will hi nffTi , Pres?nted at the salcs" be pulled before io:oo a. m C '' for Sale aSain- N tags are to Prices range from $250 to $450 per lot according to tllp - c,. cash and $10 per month for one lot. ?; extra per momh J S, V purchased. 0 1 month for each additional lot i.y fclS'attfeK,?! "T Q " o (Peace, Proper "f rrf css.) ( M'fe1!".) (Plant City', the City Plant, Reap, an,!' Mow.) (C,c, Pla, ., a,ri it (,rov T CSr-VWW (C",e' per and TroRress. come to Plant City) fV.- ni ' , To Planl. Produce, Pros (All Aboard for Plant C,tv. m,.; v u. "e "tcd a City: Watch it crow.) (Planted in 188;. Hrow " on Deck-Plav Ball.) "n Sir! Tl,; T..: ' w . ""C "clp us Grow it HrpntPr I'V I I l-rJ. f -w. Spell Success.) fPlant Citv. Feorl. Tt ,?.c Industries!)' f Plant Citv Honda.) ( Don't Envy our Hustling TW . A . (Plant City, the F. F. V. of lhe Shipping Center f riu, V , ' ' r'mp- and Hustle With A CPUt Citv M, ,' . ivia. ) 1 1 la 11 r 1 if 1. TT . ...... uo ix rwii . ... 1' Lilt: VlinilTA Prnritl'Pt .in.l "em grow in Plant City.) (Plant (Flint Citv The Prnnr Pull t ' 5,1 L 5500,000 Cron- tv Ar.-ii.n, REMEMBER the Date Thursday T 1 cekbi?te he Pgwss and prosperity of Plant I914' everybdy is invited to help .warKets HvervtliinrA t.ii. '..V1-1 City-The SelWe toWPlan nl?$ th Rrov Plant Your-'Self in this Citv.) fpian; r, .'e ,.ttcnseers' one Best Place.) nZ Pro&ress and prosperity of Plant rV The Farmers that hae helped Tmake Plan nt City are especially Welcome. - 11 vi . . M M.,a 0Ifa Se, SwtMn Bdg. FLORIDA