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The Evening Telegram Published very afternoon from The 'telegram Building, Lakeland, Fla. Entered In the poetoffloe at Lake, land, Florida, aa mall matter of the eeoond claee. M. F. HKTHERINGTON, EDITOR rear 6.00 Six monthe 2.50 Three monthe 1.25 Delivered anywhere within the llmite of the City of Lakeland for 10 eenta a week. Canning and Preserving Co.r la Auburndale. There have, of course, been many abortive attempts to util ize unmarketable citrus fruit, ever eince the fruit industry became well established In Florida, but this com pany, operating under the processes cf C. E. Langley, has -been the first actual and successful establishment." WHAT GOOD ROADS ABE DOING FOR TEXAS THE LAKELAND NEWS. veekly newspaper giving a resume if local matters. cro) conditions, eonnty affairs, etc. Sent anywhere for 11.60 per year. The Confederate veterans at their State reunion in Ocala captured an old Yankee soldier, whom thev had . captured once before, and proceeded j to mistreat him in this fashion as described by the Ocala Banner: "Among those fraternizing with the encampment here is Mr. Mor timer Soarles of Tampa, but ori ginally from New Bedford, Mass. During our "civil incivility" Mr. Searles served In the Union army and wag a member of a Connecticut regi ment assigned to duty in Florida. He was captured by that vigilant commander. J. J. Dickson near some time, Mr. Searles was given the privilege of the floor and tlio hand claep and was made to feel that he was In the house of his friends." A Pinellas county srove ownor protests through the Clearwater Sun against the agitation on the subject of citrus canker in Florida, lie calls It a political game and says the pur pose is to get federal aid so the groves can be burned and thus vast ly enlarge the market for nurseries seeking to sell citrus stock. We are aware that there is much low, mean, undesirable human nature in this world, as is proved by the contents of our jails, 'penitentiaries and city slums; but we are not prepared to believe that many reputable citizens of Florida and scientific experts of J established reputation who have de clared that citrus canker is ravag ing proves in parts of the State and sure to spread unless checked, are rogues, rascals and scoundrels who have thrown their characters to tho dogs merely to conspire with nur sery owners to destroy the. citrus proves of. Florida in order to sell more nursery stock. That would be the limit of Infamy and in the r.bsence of proof we decline to ac cept It. Better even hysterical ex citement over imaginary citrus canker than indifference and in credulity that might result in enor mous damage. , a- Among the correspondence from all parts of the county in Motor Age for October is a letter from Austin, Texas, telling of the increasing mo- tor sales in that section, and after giving the surprising sales statistics it says: "It is also undoubtedly true that the summer motor car tourist sea ton has had a great deal to do with the flourishing fall trade of cars. Many people learned for the first time themanifold enjoyments of mo toring. Others discovered the big usincss benefits that were to be de rived from the use of a car. Ther3 vas more traveling over Texas In motor cars during the past summer by home people than ever before. Scores of people made tours of thous ands of miles in this manner. "Another thincr that serves as encouragement to motor travel in tills state is the wonderful improve ment that has been made during the last year or two in the public high woys. The good roads system of the different counties hav been OPTIMISM VS. PESSIMISM I would rather be an optimist, seek ing the star that pierces the night of '?!oom, or looking for the silver lin ing to the sable cloud, than be a pessimist, searching for fuel to heap' upon the smouldering fires - of de spair. I would rather snatch the sun beam ond weave it into song and laughter, than take the shadow and transform It discontent. At The Churches oinorfoiv First Presbyterian Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Preaching at 11:00 a. m. Rev. R. A. Ward will preach the morning sermon. There will be' a congregational meeting at the close of the mornirtg services. j Prayer-meeting Wednesday even- into the mutterings of ,nS 7:15. Visitors to the city are invited to ; All Saints Church- Sunday school 10:00-11:00 a. m. Morning prayer 11:00 a. m. , Evening Prayer 7:30 p. m. f There will be no 7:30 a. m. serv- ' ice on this particular Sunday. Visitors and friends of thechurcb will find a cordial -welcome at all church services. j The rector will occupy the pulpit ! I would rather take the prattle of attend the services. innocent childhood, and make it the guiding star of my pilgrimage, than take thewail of the disconsolate, and make It the siren voice toward which my barque should forever sail. I would rather take the dimple from the rosy'cheek of my babyhood, and endeavor to transplant it in per ennial settinw upon my own brow, than take the wrinkle from the face of the hopeless, and make it part of my own visage. I would rather take the notes of nature's song-birds, and make them consontnt with the melodies of my own soul, than take the croakings League. oi tnetoaa, and arrange them into jarring discords that should forever creet my car. 1 would rather take the rose, painted by the hand of the Eternal Artist in tints of selestial beauty, and .pin it on my breast, than take the sealed leaf, blighted by the First Methodist J.. -E. Wray, pastor. 'Sunday school 9:30 a. m. 11:00 a. m., "Duties of Husbands and Wives to Each Other," subject of pastor's sermon, fifth of the series. Anthem by chorus choir and solo by Mrs. Cole, "They Tell Me of a Better Home." 13:00 p. m. Junor Epworth League. 4:00 p. m. Intermediate Fjpworth League. 6:3o p. m. Senior .at both morning and evening serv-j ices. Rev. Richard Bolton rector, Phone No- 3 IS Black. St. Grace Lutheran Tennessee avenue and Orange Rev. W. E. Pugh, pastor. Twenty-second Sunday after Trin ity. (Morning and evenin,? worship at 11:00 and 7:00 o'clock, respectively. Bible school at 10:00 a. m. Catechetical classes each Saturday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Friends and strangers are cordial- Epworth j ly ,nvlteo: t0 H services. breath of the Frost King, and use it . ns a hadse to nortrav mv sombre greatly extended and extensive plans feenn,2a T would rather chase the rainbow, that spans the brow of evening, in quest of the fabled bag of cold, than geek s'iroease from sorrow, by plung ing in to the mirky waves from London's Bridge. I would rather watch the eagle, In his spiral course to the vaulted blue, than watch the slimy snake as he makes his crooked trail through the slush and mud. I would rather be a Christian, with faith in an omnipotent God, and with the star of hope ever draw in me to a better world, than be a pagan with no beacon light to beckon me beyond the confines of my own earthly exlstenre. H. C. Yawn, in Manufacturers Record. are on foot for turther improve ments of this character. "Tho motor truck and delivery vp'nirie trade is keepin, pace, with that of passenger cars, according to the reports of dealers of Austin, San Antonio, Houston ( Fort Worth and ether cities and towns of the State. More sales of motor trucks are 'being made now than at any time in th history of that branch of the trade. The motor delivery vehicles have al most entirely superseded the old horse-drawn tyipe of warrons and carts." What ijood roads are doing for Texas they will do for Florida. 7:30 p. m. "A Run-Away Match," subject of pastor's sermon, sixth of the series. Anthem by chorus choir and solo by Miss Pritchett, "Do They Think of Me At Home." You are most cordially invited. I. B. First Baptist Church 301 North Florida avenue. Wal lace Wear, pastor. 9:4". a. m. Bible Sehool. 11:00 Morning worship. 2:45 p. m. Junior B. Y. P. U. 3:00 p. m. Mission school. C:15 p. m. Senior B. Y. P. II. 7:30 Evening worship. There will be an Installation serv ice at the evening hour and all offi cers and teachers are urged to be .present as well as all officers of the different organizations. Cumberland Presbyterian Rev. F. H. Callahan, pastor. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. 11. Morse, superintendent. Thepastor will preach at 11:00 a. m. Subject,"Exhortation from God." The ipastor will preach again at 7:00 p. m. Subject, "Ezekiel's Commis sion." Prayer-meeting Wednesday even ing at 7:00. "Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down and Myrtle Street Methodist cast into the fire." 1 Rev. J. M. Sollie will preach at You are Invited to all these serv- 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at usual yS5C?$7 Ill More Men are Dressing .v '"Better-:. And More Men are Paying A Medium Price That sounds odd, but it is true. The making cf men's ready-to-wear clothing 13 constantly being done on a greater and more scientific scale. One of the big makers, some few years ago, decided to center his efforts on a suit of one price. As a result the cost of clothes combining style and wear both hao been lowered. The suit IS Christian Science Services 10:45 a. m.. Women's Club building, near Auditorium. Subject of lesson sermon, "Ever lasting Punishment." STylcplusff7 Clothes "Tht wot price the world ce&" The quality in it is high because by lowering the manu facturing cost the manufacturers are able to give better woolens, better workmanship and then add the styling of a master fashion artist. We have all models swagger English effects for young men, conservative models, yet stylish, for men who keep on the safe side of style. ... ices. hour. WALL STREET LOOKS ASKANCE AT EVERGLADES BONDS The editor of the Tele? ram warmly appreciates many kind references to himself in the state papers in con nection with the recent municipal campaign in Lakeland. They have not been reproduced in these col umns because the campaign itself having passed, we wished all its bitterness to pass with it and fac tional spirit in our city to subside, and one means to that end was to say nothing, more on the subject. We trust that reproducing the fol lowing from the Orlando Reporter Star, in courteous recognition of kind words from an esteemed con temporary, will not he construed in nny other spirit: "One of the accusations against Editor Hetherington during the municipal campaign in that city was that he had borrowed twelve thous and dollars, lie admitted that this was true, but the amount was less than he really borrowed. The Lake land Telegram has been about the largest factor in th,. building of Lakeland and no man has worked harder in public or private capacity than lletherinaton, yet it is to he doubted if any other than an editor would be reflected upon as a crook or a criminal because he had bor rowed money." The belief that the Everglades drainage bond s are valueless as se curities and could not he sold in the market, even if the trustees of the internal improvement fund issi'e them under thea ct of the legislature of 1913, which has been held by the MENDENHALL SOLE OCCU PANT OF PINELLAS JAIL Of all the prisoners in the county J jail at the opening of the session of the district court and subsequently the opening of the county court, only Everglades bureau of the Chamber of John J. Mendenhall remains. Hq Commerce, and others, for some time, especially since the receipt 'by the Lureau of a letter from a 'prominent htm of New York bankers and bond buyers, was strengthened considera bly recently, when the bureau ra ceived an adverse opinion from sev- i is the sole occupant of the jail at the present time, or was a few days a so. j All others have cither been sentenc ed, acquitted, or released from cus- ! tody upon the dismissal of, charges. j Mendenhall is held in jail, he hav ing1 been convicted of the murder of I Susie Eliot. Attorneys for him have Christian Church Bible school 10:00 a. m. The Lord's Supper followed by preaching: 11:00 a. m. Preaching 7:00 p. m. Subject: "The Story of Life of David." (Indies' Aid Tuesday 2:30 at the church. Prayer-meeting Wednesday night tit seven . Come, and let us worship Jehovah. JI. L. Veach, Pastor, il). 11. Cumhle, Bible School Supt. Copenhagen, ( Denmark, Oct. 30 American plays are coming into such favor In Denmark that the man ager of one of the Copenhagen theatres has announced his inten tion of devoting a whole season to American drama, with the exception of a few English fcilays. The popu larity of the American plays is at tested by a number of other theatres, and as for the American moving pic ture productions, these are being shown in hundreds of Danish amusement houses. eral northern law firms. One of these, Gardenhire &, Jet-; indicated they would file an apipcal, more, Atlantic Building, 40 ' Wall and 'such will in all probability be street, said their firm had been asked done, they having, some time yet in by Judge A. B. Quinton, formely of which to carry the case up. Suit ASK FOR 0trR l'E. Z." PAY MENT PLAN ON MAXWELLS. ASK FOR OUR "E. Z." PAY MENT PLAN ON MAXWELLS. Lakeland's Rest Clothes 'Shop Phone 243 Drane Building Topeka, Kas., but now a Miamian, to ' was recently instituted in IHUsbor investigate the Everglades drainage ough county against Mendenhall fof bonds as now contemplated by the the destruction of the car in which Lakeland is too big and honest to wish to denrivp its progressive little Bister, Auburndale, of the credit duo It for its si'-erior enterprise in beini the first in the State to establish a factory for preserving citrus juices and in other ways utilizing the by products of the groves. The Tampa Times jives our city credit for tak ing the initiative along this line, but as a matter of fact Auburndale got there first, althou?h Lakrland v.-as a close second. The following from the last issue of the Auburndale N'ov. Era is strictly correct: "In announcing the establishment of a factory at Lakeland for pre serving citrus juices and other pro ducts the Times states that iLake land "has set the pace in this im portant innovation." This is not true. Lakeland is certainly the llvest and most progressive city cf her size in Florida, and has started many good things, but to Auburn- trustees of the internal Improve ment fund of Florida. Judge Quinton asked the law firm if in their opinion the bonds would be favorably considered in the mar ket, and he called attention to the form of the bond which the state ol ('rials propose to issue. The writer. say they have examined the bond, compared its term with the law of Florida, and from this examination hellevp that n bond for such work as Ik proposed in Florida should ! without even a suspicion of infirm ity if it is to meet with a ready saM lu New York or any other bond pur chasing community with which they pre familiar. Messrs. ('.ardenshire k. Jetmore say: "We doubt if tile bond in question Is such a security. It is not scurod by any lien upon the public land.? held by the trustees of thei nternal improvement fund and the first ques tion which a prospective buyer should asK would be 'what is the se curity behind the bond?' And outside of thcrecitation of the bond itself, what are the contracts m;de for the drainage of canals for which the moneys realized are to be applied? A copy of snih contract for drainage 'as l"en submitted to its and we should say that the provision of ar tension of a note after one year as is therein provided ml;:ht me In con flict with tlie amended drainage act cf 1915 which also we have seen. This act provides that any notes for temporary loans issued by the in corpornted board of commissioners may be issued for a term not exceed ing one ye'ar at any time. Would not ; this act limit the power of the board in this respect? And going further to the security back of the bond', we note that the legislature shall levy annv.a'ly a dratoase tax on the lands desirihed in chapter 6456 of the laws of Florida. "Of course no such board has the power to bond nny legislature to the commission of any future act; anl again we nnte that the caption of the bond includes 'State of Florida and the alleged murder is alleged to hava been' committed. CHINA MAY GO TO WAR But there will be some that will stay in Florida to do the laundry work for the Lakeland people C. D. GONG has opened a first class laundry at 109 South Tennessee Avenue. Opposite Park and he is prepared to do first class work at reasonable prices. dale belongs the credit of establish- 'state seal' with the sienature of the ing, and more, the successful com-1 'governor of the State of Florida' mercial operation, of the firt pls 'f"d other officials all suggestively In the state , for such purposes. If i misleading, since the security is not the editor of the Times will look a state security and thegovernor of- itfuUBQ aim UWU liit U-5 Will uuu, m --. a. ...v . v. u7 UVAHJ year back, a very complete account only nd not In his capacity as chief of the establishment of the Dixie executive." Miami Herald. ASK FOR OUR "E. Z." PAY MENT PLAN ON MAXWELLS. Hotel Kibler Sunday Dinner 12 to 2:30 P.M. Menu Oyster Cocktail Chilled Celery Heart Bisque of Tomato Queen Olives Sweet Mixed Pickles Tenderloin of Trout Tartar Sauce Potatoe Julienne ' Bell Fritters Fruit Sauce Roast Young Turkey Cranberry Sauce Mashed Potatoes Green Peas Vegetable Salad PROSPECTS ARE BRIGHT Ht is generally believed that Flor ida will accommodate many- more visitors during the .i mlng wind r than last year. Early predictions ur? not usually reliable, 'but conditions ever the entiro country are now near normal, while a year apo they were in chaos.. The panic ended some tinv' ego, and the business world has re adjusted Itself to meet thesituation warring Europe. l' i the United States be coming involved in the war is now erj remote, while u year ago ii looked lik- even that Uncle Sam t.Lld be forced to roll up hU sleeves and take a whack at some cne. The dove of peace means proa "rity an-1 the preparations for de fense mean continued peace and the rN'Mirsemoiit of many millions of dollars, giving employment to armies cf the idl. On the whole the approachMi.r winter has a rosy glow. We are as suted from ail sources that should he authentic that Florida is to have a bis and prosperous season. St. Augustine will go after a share uf the touris patronarr, the publicity (:iimittee i f the chnmber of com-r.-.-rce being now engaged upon nd ifi Using literature that will do ef fiftive work. The chamber of cor nierce is active in pushing the at tractions of St. Aiiiustine and is workin,-. not only for tourists b;-,t for every Mass of visitor and investor v.-ho will benefit the community. st Augustine Record. I Lakeland Business College Com plete courses in bookkeeping and tenography. ASK FOR OUR "E. Z.M PAY- 3 iiENT PLAN ON MAXWELLS. Fall Styles Now Being Shown Our full line of Winter Clothing is here and now is your time to get the first pick of them We have the swellest patterns ranging in prices from $15.00 to $25.00. Our Manhattan and Arrow brand shirts are better this season than ever before, Also our John B. Stetson Hats, n fact we have everything up-to date for men and boys The Hub EZMiLVLv&mmjmszj JOS. LeVAY js 'STT.TOi'nyima" Lakeland, Florida The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothing Gieen Apple Pie Vanilla Ice Cream Assorted Cake American Cheese Wafers Coffee SUNDAY, OCTOBER 31st, 12 wo to 3:30 , price 50c. PLANT CITY Foundry, Machine and Boiler Works Under New Management. Estimates Furnished A. C. VAN HOOYDONK . JAMES PARK Iron and Brass Castings, Machine and Boiler Repairs. All kinds of Structural Iron Work, Lintels, Sash Weights and I' tie Escapes. We can do your work anything a first class machine shop and foundry can do. Phone 85. Plant City, - - Florida ! Nellie Custis Pattern In Sterling Silver Nellie Custis was the grand-daughter of Martha Washing- ton. the ("Yvlriniol Aclm, f c i: evi- t . , uv,slta ul turning ouver are very popular. I We have just received the above pattern which is the newest and best design ever offered. We invite you to see this pat tern for your WEDDING GIFTS. COLE & HULL Jewelers and Optometrists Lakeland, Fla.