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7 A r h i k i llqpsified For Sale TOE SALE OE RENT Hotel in one of the best locations in the city for rent or sale. This is an opportunity to get a money mak ing proposition. Lake Region Land Co., opposite Airdom. 4687 ARK HILL LOTS FOR SALE On easy terms. All BtreeU clayed, cement sidewalks, electric lights, city water, shade trees. See O. r .ogan or S. M. Stephens. 82S FOE SALE Toilet set, bowl, pitcher, soap dish, '' and water pitcher; also a kerosene ' oil heater almost new at half price, i Call to see them at 203 -N. Mass. avenue. 4C8 1 FOR SALE Dry wood, all kinds. Collard plants. Black Minorca hens. Phone Perry, 329 Green. 4673. FOR SALE Barred Plymouth Rock stock and eggs for utility and ex- ! hlbition purposes. Eggs $1.50 J and up for 15. Cocks and cocker els $3 and up. Specially mated j .pens to suit the customer at mod- . erate. prices.. H. . L. KELLEY, ' Griffin, Fla. 4436 For Rent FOR RENT One front furnished room to one or two gentlemen. All conveniences. 301 South New York avenue. Phone 405. 4627 TOR RENT Five room Hat In the Colonial Apartment house over looking Lake Morton. All modern conveniences. Gas range furnished. Address S. M. Stephens, city. FOR RiBNT lEight rooms, modern, with garage, rent for $20 month. Phone 6-Bla6k. ' 4679. FOR RENT Suite of five rooms, all modern conveniences, light, wa ter and gas. A,pply at Henrietta Apartments or The Hub Clothing Co. 4663 FOR RENT Two front furnished room with fire places; also sever al houses. Phone 364-black. or see A. J. Black. FOR RENT Suite of 3 rooma for light housekepicg, and one fur nished bedroom. Mrs. J. W. Turner, 504 East Oramse. 4674 Miscellaneous FEANK McCOLLUM'S AUTO SERVICE Safety First. New Car Frances Beach 50c. Phone me for loag or short trips. Phone 430 or 25. 4629 WANTED By permanent residcut, neat small cottage close In. Will rent by the year If saisfactory Address Cottage, care Evening Telegram. r.000 1 am prepare to do all kinds of well work from four Inches up. All work guaranteed. Have had years of experience, and my work has always given a'sf action . W. E. STRAIN, Lakeland. Fla. FOUND Bundle of clothes. Owner can have same by calling at this office and ipaylng for this adver tisement. 5000 Lakeland Business College Com plete courses in bookkeeping and stenography. Having purchased ana subdivided the Jesse Keene estate of 560 acres one-half mile west of city limits, we are now selling In 10 and 20 -acre tract some of the finest truck and farm lands In this section at the right price and terms. For particu lars see G. C. Rogan, Rooms 1 and J, een & Bryant Bldg. Phone 146. 2996 AUTOMOBILE WANTED An up-to-date auto wanted In ex change for real estate and some cash. Call at room 22, Raymondo building, Lakeland, Fla. 4668 PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER Accu rate work done promptly. Room 200, Drsne Bldg. Phone 6. S685 i Bride's Present t Qreem. With modem Arabians the bride groom makes the brids presents, which are sent a day or two before the BUDtials. As eooa tha hrM reaches the bridegroom's house she makes aim prererts of hmise M fur- utsrs, a spear and a ten AMvertising SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO HOMESEEKEBS Ten and twenty acres, cleared, ready for the plow; attractive bun galow, well and outbuilding for 1.500. easy terms. Our farms are ' . , ... , stated near the city, on the main line of the Atlantic Coast Line Rail- way, and on the Tampa and Jack - nnmille main highway, we have the largest listing department in the State of Florida, to meet any kind of inquiry or demand. Let us show you our demonstration Farm, and what Florida soil can produce. Call on us before buying. ' FLORIDA-CANADIAN AMERICAN I FARMS CO., ; Room 6-7, Deen & Bryant BIdff. 4667 I t FRESH APALACIIICOLA OYSTERS, fish, wood and coal everyday at R. O. Park's. Phone 258 Red. 4673 WILLIAMS' BARGAIN COTJNTEE FOR SALE Ford onto truck in good condition; a bargain for cash, must be sold at once. FARM of 20 acres on edge of town, all in cultivation, newly fenced and cross-fenced, grove of 100 trees, fine water, good land. Own er must sell. $3,100, Terms. FOR SALE or trade for country prop erty, or will take vacant lots or automobile part payment, for good 8-room house, modern conveni ences, large corner lot with shade and fruit trees, fine locality, con venient business section and school. Very reasonable price. Also modern 4-room bungalow, lake front, two lots, convenient to jitney line, for sale or exchange. Small payment, easy terms. 4-ROOM HOUSE, and lot 60x150; nico shady yard; good locality. For quick move $850. A RARE BARGAIN New 6-room house and lot in Dixieland, well located. Must sell at once at sac rifice price. See me for particu lars. Don't miss this opportunity to get a real nice little home. 20 ACRES 3 1-4 miles south of Lake land, 10 acres in cultivation and set to orange and grapefruit one and two years old. All fenced. Small house, on public hard road. Price $3,000. Easy terms. 20 ACRES combination truck and citrus farm, modern 5-room house, 2-story barn and out buildings, all fenced, good land, fine water, an Ideal country home 2 1-2 miles from Lakeland, on hard road. Price $2,500 cash, or terms can be arranged . 20 ACRES fine truck land all cleared and in cultivation, under fence; good farm house; only 3 miles from Lakeland. This Is a rare bar gain at $1,600; half cash, balance in two years. 1 1 ACRES near town, lake view, all fenced, 6 acres In cultivation, splendid land, one 5 room and 3 room house and barn, excellent water. About 78 young oransre trees; one of the best propositions In this sestlon. Price $2,500. Terms If wanted. O. J. WH.LIAM8. Phone. 86 Black In the Circuit Court of the Tenth Judicial Circuit of the State of Florida, in and for Polk County. In Chancery. Sue Smith vi. F. A. Whitehead, et al. Bill to Quiet Title. In the above stated cause It Is hereby ordered that all persons, firm and corporations claiming anv rieht title or interest by, through or under r. a, wnuenead, Sherrod E. Rob erts, Owen H . Dishong, Thomas P. Kennedy, James M. Manley. Howard A. Snodgrass. W. B. Henderson, as heirs at law, grantees, devisees, cred itors, lienors, legal representatives or otherwise, and all persons claim ing Interest of any kind or character of. In and to the following described land in Polk county, Beginning 158 links north and 158 links east from the southwest corner of northeast quarter of southwest quarter of section 26, township 31 south, ranee 25 east, and run thence east 113 feet, thence south 93 feet, thence west 113 feet, thence north 93 feet to point of beginning, be and appear to complainant's bill of com plaint herein filed at the office of the clerk of this court at Bartow, Flor ida, on the rule day In January. 1916, the same being the 3rd day of said month, and that this order be published once each week for twelve consecutive weeks prior to said day In the Lakeland Evenine Telegram. a newgpajpVr published and of gener al circulation In said county. Witness my hand and seal of said court at Bartow. Florida. thU 9th day of October, 1916. J. A. JOHNSON. 4636. Clerk Circuit fWrt f SeeW. K. JACKSON I i T iFor Real Estate! 3 HIDDEN HOUSE By CLARISSA MACK1E "Remember, Jack, the man has been in prison for twenty years once he was a great politician, a rich man, respected by all but he was found out in a big steal. He's done time and now he is out. What is he going to do with the rest of his life? Bring me the story and you'll get yours, see?" The ?'e Tit . , , i away to catch the first train for a re , mote Ia)and vlagei where ft ( wa8 saj(j Roberts was in hiding. ; At Sandyways Jack guardedly ques- The chief smiled and Jack hustled I tioned the host of the solitary notel He reasoned that Law son Roberts would seek sanctuary under an as sumed name. "Many strangers in town?" repeated the hotel man, thoughtfully nibbling a toothpick. "Can't say as there are all the boarders have srone. I reckon you're an agent of some kind maybe j selling doors T Jack smiled evasively. "I'll bet there's one old party you couldn't sell a book to not If you was to take off 90 per cent of the price," went on the man. "Who is he?" "Name's Robii.son taken the old Hidden house used to be Judge Hid den's place. Cella Hidden married Lawson Roberts, the politician; he's in prison now for crooked dealing. His wife died ten years, ago and the place belongs to the daughter. It's never been rented until recently, when Mrs. Hester Bird rented It. No one ever heard of her before; and now her brother, old man Robinson, and his daughter have arrived. And they're all as close-mouthed and up pish as can be; as if Sandyways folks weren't good enough for them. And stingy whew!" "Well, -you're not very encouraging," responded Jack with a bored air as he moved away. But when he was out of sight his pace quickened. The first urchin he met directed him to Hidden house on the outskirts of the village. He approached the side entrance to the gloomy old house, passing a small, rustic summerhouse smothered In woodbine. "Halt!" said a determined voice. Jack halted to confront a wicked looking shotgun leveled by a sweet-faced,- wide-eyed girl boyishly attired in a short khaki skirt and blouse, with high-laced tan boots on her pretty feet. His hat came off. and his look of Inquiry was mingled with sincere ad miration. "Perhaps you didn't observe the 'No Trespassing' Blgns," she remarked coolly. "I didn't," he honestly confessed. "They are plainly to be seen," she said significantly. "You can read them as you pass out." "Thank you but I want to see some one." "Who are you looking for?" she asked sharply. "Mr. Roberts," he hazarded. Her face paled and a desperate look came Into the sweet eyes that should never have been troubled by sorrow. "You mean Mr. Robinson?" she asked. i "I mean Lawson Roberts." he said, I feeling like a brute. j The gun dropped suddenly as If her strength had failed her. "I might have known It! You want ' to Interview him, I suppose? He has i paid the price of his sin let him alone!" she cried passionately. "My my paper" he stammered, i abashed at her emotion "Your paper!" she mimicked. "What is It to your Daner whnt mv fothor does now that Justice has been satis fled? No one would listen to him when he protested his Innocence In those old days." How scornfully she looked at him! "Hardly that." he said brusquely. He looked sharply down the path. The bent form of a man was hobbling pain fully down the walk. "He is like a child." she said tremu lously. "He has been shut away from the world so long, and now everything is strange to him. I will not have him hounded by curiosity seekers! I will kill the first man who tries to Inter view him!" She ended in a fierce outburst that was strangely unlike her gentle personality. "I will go. Miss Roberts." ha M slowly. "Some day I'm coming back again, not as a reporter to Interview your father, but as a friend to help prove his innocence!" "Ah, thank you but stay now and hear his story of the guilty man," she cried eagerly. He shook his bead. "I must throw up my present Job before I can tackle another one," be smiled and went away. Afterward, when a great criminal lawyer took up J.he Roberts case and proved the Innocence of the old man, all credit was given to Jack Shtrjey for bis strenuous efforts in the case, and when Jack married Cella Roberts people said he bad his great reward. The editor of the Chronicle mut tered maledictions on womankind in general and pretty girls in particular. "I wondered what queered that Roberts assignment," be frowned. "It was the girl in the case!" (Copyright. 1915. by the MoClure Kcwapa- per Syndicate.) The Idea. "What's a philanthropist, pa?" "He's a variety of things, my son, but oftenest he's a man who robs Peter of bis savings to pay Paul's rent." Newspapers as Buffers. Nothing fills the place of a buffer la a trunk like newspapers; ihey are so unyielding that wrinkles and pro tuberance! cannot make themselves fait It Is useless to try to arrange bsaTy artHles at the bottom of the trunk and light ones oa top the bag cage hand n know no top and no bottosa. Convenience la handling la aH that concerns them. By keeping an area, smooth surface for each sao- aasjvs layer ens is dolnr ann'i H.t PONT PULL A IF THE BOSS SAYS YOU'RE TWINS f OR WIFIE SAYS "MA'S LIGHT UP A PIEDMOhT AMD BEST VI RG TODA NOTICE OF ELECTION Notice is nereby given that there will bo a general election held on the fifteenth day of November, A. D. 1915, In the City of Lakeland, Flor ida, for the purpose of electing one commiseioner-at-large, and one com missioner for each ward of the City of (Lakeland, Florida. Polls at eaid election will be open at 7 o'clock a. m., and will close at 5:30 o'clock p. m. of said fifteenth day of November, A. D. 1915. The Olace for Vntlnir nn noM j tion will be at the City Hall In the City of Lakeland. Florida O. M. EATON, Conwnisloner-at-Large. IN THE COURT OF COUNTY JUDGE, STATE OF FLORIDA In re Estate of Henry T. Wilder. Polk County. Notice is hereby iglven, to all whom It may concern, that on the 12th day of January, A. D. 1916, I shall apply to the Honorable C. M. Trammell, Judge of said court, as Judge of probate, for my final dis charge as administratrix of the es tate of Henry T. Wilder, deceased; and that at the same time I will pre sent to said court my final accounts as administratrix of said estate, and ask for their approval. Pated July 3rd, A. D. 1915. PEARL L. WILDER, 308 Administratrix. Lubricating Oil From Molasses. A German inventor has devised a way of makins lubricating oil from molasses. Husband Had His Good Points. A London mission worker tells how shocked she was to encounter this bit of cynicism in the slums. The conver sation was between two women whose married life bad not been particular ly felicitous. - Well." said one of them, "of course we has our troubles with all of em. But 1 11 say this for my second husband he's better than my first. Ile a in JMl so much that practically all I earn 1 has for my. Felf." SOKE OF IHE THINCS WE HARE ttttel RhievW Mftel fetltac. ms aa OwtUn. . CMmm Pipe ntttata. " 'man. Arm tehl. CthtMa, SWMe mmt c Metal d.l.- fcFLC iwvuV acsuorrnx. nx VIM Ui MmI Aak vMv'duL"" Wra, BE HAPPY WHILE IT LAST 5 . ooooooooaooa o O DIRECTORY OF OFFICIALS 00000000000 Governor Park Trammell. Secretary or State H. Clay Craw ford. Attorney General Thomas F. West. Treasurer J. C. Luning. Comptroller W. V. Knott. Commissioner of Aerimlturo u; A. McRac. Superintendent of Public Instruc tion W. N. Sheats. Adjutant General J. C. r pnB. ter. State Examiner Ernest Amoe. State Chemist R. E. Rose. Board of Trustees Internal Im provement Fund The Governor, Comptroller, Treasurer, Attorney General and Commissioner culture . Board of Pardnna Th flivornm. Seccretnrv of Stnto iitnmn r..,.i' and Commissioner of Agriculture. u. a. senators Hon. Nathan P. Bryan, Jacksonville; Hon. Duncan U. Fletcher, Jacksonville. Board of Education The Gover nor, fiarrntarv nf Stata itinmv. General, Treasurer and Superintend ent of Public Instruction. Board of State Institutions .The Governor, Secretary of State. Treas urer, Attorney-General, Commission er of Agriculture, and Superintend ent of Public Instruction. Board of State Institutions The Secretary of State, Treasurer, At torney General, Commissioner of Agriculture and Superintendent of Public Instructcion. U. S. Congressman First District. Stepdien M. Sparkman. Tampa; Sec ond District, Frank Clark. Gaines ville; Third District, Emmett Wil son, Pensacola; Fourth, District, W. J. Sears, Kieslmmee. County Officials Circuit Court Judge Hon. F. K. Whitney, Arcadia. County Court Judge Hon. C. M. Trammell. Circuit Court Uerk J. A. John son. Prosecuting Attorney R. B. Huf faker. Tax Assessor J. J. Bovnton. Tax Collectoi- J. P. Murdaugh. Treasurer W. G. Jones. Sheriff John Jxgan. Supt. Public Instruction C. A. Parker. Supervisor of Registration P. W. Daniels. tounty Commissioners J. C 1 C.J--t v. i . I 0i. luuri. i ii ii u ninri m ii... ! Bartow; F. B. Swearingen, Ft. i Meade; R. H. Bryson. Winter Haven; IJ. E. Lancaster. Bradley. Board of Public Instruction J. C Owens, chairman; C. A. Parker Bartow, superintendent; E. M. Law, nartow; J. w. Keen. Ft. Mde. Reluctant Luck, tuck Is an uncertain performer. It aoesnt always feel Ilk responding j to an encore. Cincinnati Enquirer. Community Directed by Women. One French community la directed by women, not by chance, bnt by cus tom and necessity. This is the rocky Island of Cshant, dreaded by sailors, which breads a hardy race ot teaman engaged either la the French aavy or mercantile marine or la ashing, the work on land being don by the LONG FACE FIRED ! " OR POC SAYS "IT'S CONING!" DOM'7 GET SORE, THE SMILE STIPULATOR XTW A OF QUALITY j In t.hA Pirrnif Pnnvf a 4-1. a Tn4V K WIUW VI WG AC11IU Judicial Circuit of the State of xionaa, in ana lor folk County. in unancery. sue Smith vs F. A Whitehead, et al. Bill to Quiet Title. In the above stated cause It Is or dered that the defendants, F. A. Whitehead and Herbert Dishong, do be and appear to complainant's bill of complaint at the office of the clerk of said court at Bartow, Flor ida, on Monday, the 6th day of De- OVERLAND Automobiles Four Cyclinder, 5 Passenger, f. o. b. Toledo Six Cyclinders, 7 Passenger f. o. b. Toledo F. E. OWENS, Agent Phone 384 or 178 for a Demonstration Furs, Evening Gowns, and Kid Glovs Cleaned . . . to Perfection . . . I We Dye Anything Properly Lakeland Dry Cleaning Co Phone 405 N.Tena M-iPine St Henry M. Cole, Prop VALUABLE COUPON IN EACH PACKAGE ffiys3ftuffiM Xotee Cbt . MmW 101R u.l I, . " .U IUQ OtXUBO VVlUg . !flrst Monday of Bald month, and t this order be imiblished In the T.9I I J T". , n 1 . iuu evening leiegram, a newspar puoiisnea ana or general circulat in said county once each week eight consecutive weeks prior to ff , said 6 th day of December, 1915. Witness my hand and the seal y said court at Bartow, Florida, th 'v the 9th day of October, 1915. l 3. A. JOHNSON, l Clerk Circuit Court, Polk Coun'-1 $750 ?1145 E i