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THE BVBNfoCr TELEGRAM, : LAKgt'0 FIA, WEDNE3DAY.' FEB. 6, IS 18 :land Laconics Lawrence and daughter yesterday from Arcadia to Lawrence's fatther, Mr. rfca owns property south of tV.c Wear has been in :..3 the past two days at 1 rd meeting of the State : v ! BaptiBts. This board taking over the Bap i tad publishing it under i of the State Board of r:rtll be moved from Ar i;onvllle. ' In Society jpu ooi a wo vvcr me re- William Nelson were .Soon at the Gentry 6t Cfc The little one was ut if r . and had been ill only Jt I JZi t8 the son of Mr and m. I lion, who arrived re ! nr Tit to Mrs. Hall's par- t Mrs. John X. Petersen. I ivement, they have the yd their many friends. Tha j placed in a vault, an May. 4 If v placed in Li: ' north in Jl-rrrr w id. Urs., E. J. El The Woman's Club Building To Be Moved Back; No Meeting Tomorrow The Woman's Club will not hold their regular meeting tomorrow ow ing to the fact that the Club House is to be moved back on the lake shore, and will not be available for the meeting. The necessity for movine the rinh House was found urgent owine to tne fact that it must be fifty feet from the Elks Home in order for the lat ter building to get the proper insur ance rating. The members of the Club have arranged for the buildinr. to be moved back to the lake, and the grounds will be graded and lev eled, and put into an attractive lawn, making of this a real beauty spot. large Attendance at Meeting Of Tourist Club The large number in attendance yesterday at the Tourist Club be speaks the popularity hnd success of this enterprise. Seventy ladies from the different States of the U. S. met with Mrs. Martin tn th n... ... , SERIES MEETINGS BEGIN TONIGHT AT FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH; REV. DEW TUBE IN CHARGE Tonight there will begin at the First Baptist church a series of meetings, to be conducted by Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Dew. The services will continue twlco daily at 3 p. m. and 7:30 p. m., the first day service being tomorrow afternoon. Mr. Dew comes highly recommend ed as a great preacher and Mrs. Dew as a sweet Binger. Rev. Wear, pastor ot the church, wants all the mem bers of the church, the Sundav school, the visitors and all unsaved people in the city, to hear Dr. Dew preach and Mrs. Dew sing tho gos pel. The Lakeland Golf Club is holding a selected hole contest which will end Murch 1. Many members, have entered. E. N. GOOD AND W. L SAMMON ARE ELECTED ASS? if 1 mondo building, bringing with them eF 8COre8 t0 date are: their needlework and tw , w- chase 3 Elliott, of Dell & D., and Mr. and Mrs. Max Idlnjie, cf Montrose, S. D., are in t;' 3 shown about by Will " wl is also from South Da ;. aie fenner are at Tampa and wbjTBl-.j for the winter, but harwell, pleased with Lakeland 'e tjr ara coming back to spend t KOt tla winter, and look up a tfctome for the future. Climate, ' lid , all!; conditions in Lake 1 6c'.l tia best they have found I tela-.Vpfj Elliott, is one of tho 88 county millers and says I a t;o4 location here for a oom.l.:.!:yi G.;: i Way's lesne we present the an in cf Mr. R. L. Mayes as a ijfi Izt County Commissioner a Cl;trict. Mr. Mayes' fine nd ;!andid character are too 11! need any commen Jjfc w believe it may be truth - rf tl t it Mr. Mayes is chosen lone? tie will do his duty as tt, Wiihout fear or favor, and fill t;a his utmost endeavors He c'iens efficient and con- B asrvice. We are sure his f yfilt be well received by Ins generally. n r 'i jght at 1:15 the fire alarm the C;partment being called )rn-? c Myrtle street and avc-where a house occu- Mr. C-Jter and family was a jllamea.: The fire had pro bo fcr, when discovered by ly tiat they barely escaped Urri according to their ad M the person sending in a hai to run four blocks to at box, the house was almost te loss by the time the Fire pt reached the scene. The M completely destroyed as - hcaehold goods. The longed to a Mr. Tucker, of 7, at' It is not known if lan-Jasurance on the build I household goods were in-$3C9-with Skipper & Groov flre was hurning so furiously Department reached the t the big truck came be d up. I The sand was very In front of the house, and I wfased to budge. The of the Department lad to i to getj it prized up and out d, and; out of danger, which f done without any damage. Jwas high and burning shin- ft I carried several blocks. ln that section were kept Ing their homes free of the .fands. 8 accredited to women (their tongues) A jolly good time they surely had and it is a fine way to help the tour ists meet and form new acquaint ances. This is a weekly occurance, anl Lakeland ladies are opening the) homes for uch gatherings, thus showing our hospitality. Next Tuesday being Lincoln's birthday, there may be no meeting of thh club, but the following Tuesday, Fob. 19, Mrs. A. C. Shaffer will en tertain at her home, Morton Driv 7u9. W. M. V. Meeting The W. M. U. of the Baptist church hold their monthly business meeting Monday afternoon in the Junior room, with twenty ladies present. Ali tor the business session, Mrs. Harn ly conducted the Mission Review for January, which was very helpful and interesting. T. E. L. Class All the members of the T. E. L. Class are expected to be on hand Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Red Cross rooms and get their nev work. We have promised one hundred pieces for February anl your help is needed badly. .... REPORTER: Miss Mary Groover read between acts at a local talent entertainment at Plant City on last Friday night, and of her work the Plant City Courier says: "Miss Mary Groover, of Laknlnnd whose generosity can alwavs ho counted upon in entertainments of this worthy nature, gaTe a reading of Dickens' "Execution of Sidney Car ton," which was so heartily received that she resnonded with tha .... v ji - popular "The GoblinB Will Get You." "OVER THE TOP." "Sam- t1 ... "'lujiin'iLMj.'iwriu'ran TCNICHT jSMILt STEVEN9 J- . I In 1 ! OUTWITTED. st f'ttro Wonder Play "C3ERITA" a Different Act ttion 10 and 20 Cents 'OVER THERE ?WAH BRIDES'' By R. A. Ward.) "Somewhere in France the mies" And the "Tommies" are fighting together, With weapons in hand, together they stand, in an seasons and all kinds of weather. They crowd in the trench with their allies, the French, And refuse to falter or stop, And constantly waiting the word of command, "Over the top, boys, over the top." Like a swarm jot hornets they rash at the foe, Regardless of shell or of shot; They may take a few yards of the enemy's trench, But dearly such victories are bought. J'tc ground may be strewn with the wounded and dead By the bombs which the enemies drop, But the only way to conquer Huns la to go for them "over the top. Dale Williams 3S Anton Shneider 39 C P. Fuller 4 B E. Betts 41 C. M. Clayton 40 C. 0. Pinch 43 L. W. Cottman . , , 41 M. Agress . 61 J. R. Weeks 53 I&nier 53 C H. Williams 37 W. Clarke 39 W. Todd 37 I Pearce 42 P. Benford 43 K. Thornton 45 II. Edmonson 5; Q. L. Palmer 55 W. L. King 52 Many visitors are enjoying the course and its condition, continues to improve. Each week sees new breakers and hazards being built. The Anderson brothers, profession als of New York City, who are tour ins the South, expect to reach Lake land next week, where they will stay over at the club for a few days. Some exhibition matches are being arranged. , Course at Brewster. The Cynamide Phosphate Co. of Brewster are having a golf course made for their employes, under the a.vection of Anton Schneider. W. H. Lundberg, the' Lakeland nrn febsional, has laid out the course and is superintendenting the work. There are nine holes situated near the cen ter of town and adjoining the club r.ouse. Although the members of the com pany are playing now, the course will not be in condition until early in the fall. The length of the course Is nn- pioximately 2,000 yards. At the regular monthly meeting of the directors of the First National Bank, held yesterday, deserved recog nition was given the faithful and ef ficient services of two of the attaches, when Mr. E. N. Good and Mr. W. T. Sammon were each advanced to the position of assistant cashier. Messrs. Good ' and Sammon have been with the First National for about five years. Mr. Good has charge of the collections, all motters in escrow and general supervision nvnr thn book-keeping of the Institution. Mr. Sammon is the Paying Teller. Both ot these gentlemen discharge their duties in a manner that not only is highly satisfactory to the bank man agement, but which makes them pop ular with the public, and gains friends for the institution. Both will con tinue the same line of duties as here tofore. Their friends will' learn of their promotion with much pleasure. At yesterday's meeting the state ment made to the directors showed resources of one million four hundred thousand dollars, the deposits reach ing the magnificient figure of one mil lion one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Style Notes in Women's Wearing Apparel DR. HALL "Vf FINE LECTURE LAST NIGHT Dr. W. E. Hall, a lecturer of nation-wide prominence, pleased n largos crowd at the Christian chunih last night when he gave one of his hu M'orous lectures on "The Evolution cf a Girl." Dr. Hall, during the lr.uny years he has traveled and lec tured, has covered 950,000 milps and everywhere he goes he leaves: sun tihine behind him. o"- u nvi djjiuiuuu, a iiiuvnii; - " picture of a girl taking her at six mand 18 contant,y Increasing for A n i .. . II. T. plirnra Thoro'o o pnaonn c - ' n i uimuii MEETING NOTICE park the We have foes engaged in the battle of life, Who defy us like Goliah of old; Tne list of their crimes and foul mis deeds Can never by mortals be told. We may have some success in "snip ing." And may cause some airships to drop, But we can never hope to destroy them, Without rushing" "over the top." Lakeland, Fla. Preaching tonight in the again, at 7 o'clock, sharp. All are Invited to attend, especial ly the strangers and sinners. And af ter today we will have two services daily at 2:30 p. m. and at 7 p. m. One Bro. Clark from the North west, will have charge of the music. J. H. ELLIS, Evangelist. n.o!iths, and on up through the vari ous ages until C5 years was reached, and .ho left in the minds of all the really worth-while, lovable girl, who vah hot the dancer and card player, hut tile domestic, home-loving, liter al v. "talontpH vmino ,.,.., i. 1 ' iff -J""" nuilltlil, VYIlil imakeshome8 and hearts happier for uB a.uuwn ner. hih lecture was interspersed with witticisms, and was mucn enjoyed by the large crowd present. Quije a neat sum was madi by the sale of tickets. The Christian church is making great progress under the leadership of Rev. Chas. H. Trout. The church debt has been paid, a new addition to the ohurch has been made, pro viding seating capacity for nearlv ZOO additional scholars, which has been paid for, and the Sunday school is now buying a piano. Such a rec ord in so short a time is one af which to be proud. A Display of Spring Favorite's Every day we receive new models, keeping our display of Suits and Dresses unusually attractive. A visit to our Apparel Department will prove unusually interesting. REYNOLDS MWE OWN THE LAND" Castor Beans and Sea Island Cotton Will both produce splendid returns when planted and properly cared for on our lands In the "Webste Belt" of Sumter County. We have cleared land, ready for the plow-perfect drainage, aweet dark, soil. $40.00 PER ACRE YOUR OWN TERMS "WE DON'T MIND SHOWING YOU" Florida and Georgia Land Co. KIBLER HOTEL BLDG. LAKELAND, FLORIDA Our output, grows daily the de- COSTS Mn hi? vnn iriT AT PLANT CUT 6833 MIAMI 1'IONEEK BURIED with tuberculosis. Besides his widow he is survived by 'three children, Al va, aged 15 years; Gladys, aged 13. and Wilhelmina, years, of age, and two brothers, C. E. McMullen of Lakeland and H. A. McMniion a Linsay, Cal., and one sister, Mrs. S. I Futch. Miami Metropolis. A Florida school ma'am in giving a geography lesson called upon a precocious youngster named Johnny to tell what he could about "zones." Johnny responded as follows: "There arc two kinds of zones, masculine and feminine. The masculine zones are temperate and intemperate, while the feminine zones are both horrid and frigid." Exchange. FOR RENT-Furnished bedrooms, close in. 502 East Qrange- street, Phone 318 Red. 7153 Shippers are considerably con ccned over the increase in the price of ice, the new scale taking effect yesterday. Last season the berry shippers secured ice at $4.lo, but the new rate is $7.00. Under the oM rate tho cost of icing a pony refrig erator was about 41 cents, but now it is 70 cents. Plant City Courier. Get the A. H. T. habit, and you will never regret it. The cigar that is just right 6833 If Wi ..I., mi ii J. .... ... r . . ''ftyjYflMiYf Services were held yesterday after noon over the body of A. K. McMul lpr., a pioneer resident of this com munity, who passed away on Satur day. Members of the Elks' lodge act- e.1 as pass bearers and Dr. J. L. White, pastor tof.the First Baptist church, officiated at the services from King's undertaking chapel and at the graveside in the city cemetery. Mr. McMullen passed away Satur day after suffering for many years FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER Having been asked by numerous friends to offer as a candidate for County Commissioner from this dis trict (No. 5), I hereby announce my cucdidacy' and will appreciate the support and votes of the electors promising to use my best effortst to kok after their Interests if eulocted Very respectfully, R. L. MAYES. Dairy Products 207 NORTH KENTUCKY AVENUE PHONE 29 High-claea. Dairy Produce bought and sold. Will handle everything that comes from a dairy. OPEN FEBRUARY 9th G. A. MAIZE of the LAKELAND DAIRY 1 II r"" ""' ""f T'l IT1" nil ,n SEATS GO ON SALE AT CITY DRUG STORE FOR THE ELABORATELY STAGED AND COSTUMED MUSICAL COMEDY NOVELTY LOST Bunch of keys. Finder will please leave at Telegram office, or at Miss Ruby Daniel's. 5,00u AUDITORIUM, ONE NIGHT ONLY, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8 BIG BRIGHT FAST TUNEFUL This Is the show you have been asking for and guaranteed to be as advertised PRICES: 75c, $1.00, $1.50 PLUS WAR TAX, AT CITY DRUG STORE With our Two Drug Stores Henley's and the Magnolia We are able to give service which cannot be excelled In the country. Whether it is Drugs, Toilet Good., Rubber Goods, or Hot and Cold Drinks Ice Cream and Fruit Punch For Parties, Etc. , We have the Best that money can buy. y - Have you been feeling Run Down? If to seek Health Through a Bottle of Tanlac One Bottle will make you Feel 10 year Younger Let us Serve You. Tourlata cordially Welcomed at our Stor. HENLEY & HENLEY HENLEY'S Phone 62 and 63 MAGNOLIA Phono 25 f 1