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A - i ft 4 THE EVENING TELEGRAM, LAKELAND. FI.A.. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 6,1918 aaaaaaaaaoa 0 THE PROFESSIONS o a SAMUEL F. SMITH, M. D. Practice Limited to EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Bryant Bldg. Hours 9 to 12 a. m. 2 to 4 p. m. Phone, Office, 141; Residence, 22 C. R. OGLESBY, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Room 103 Dyches Building Phone Office, 452 Red. Residence, 338 iled Lakeland, Florida V i J. C. WILLIAMS Attorney at Law Munn Annex C. A. Boswell Solon G. Wilson WILSON & BOSWELL Attorneys and Counselors at Law Dyches Building DR. SARAH E. WHEELER OSTEOPATH Munn Annex. Dor South of First National Bank LAKELAND, FLORIDA R. R. SULLIVAN, M. D. Special Attention to SURGERY Lakeland Florida D. 0. ROGERS ATTORNEY AT LAW Bryant Building Lakeland, Fla. Established in July, 1900 . DR.' W. S. IRVIN DENTIST Rooms 14 and 15 Kentucky Bldg. CLASSIFIED A DVERTISING 000000000000000 o a 0 FOR SALE a o Q0OOOOOOOOOOOOO FOR SALE One of the very best 10 acre farms in Polk County, two miles from Lakeland, on hard road, excellent land all In cultivation, planted to strawberries, cabbage and other vegetables, with one acre 4-years-old budded orange trees. Good house and barn, fine water. A good money-maker right now. Price $2,000, with terms. G. J. Williams, Telegram Office, or Phone 337 Black. FOR SALE On the road to Lake Al. fred and Haines City, one mile from Auburndale, Fla-. line orange grove, about four acres; . good house and barn good place fo? chickens; rural delivery and tele phone; two good wells of water, one In kitchen. Price $6,000; about $100 worth of hay free for this price. Address Mrs. E. F. Seely. P. 0. Box 104, lakeland, Fla., or phone 353. 715G FOR SALE R. I. Red hens, less than one year old J. W. Camp, A i 113, Mulberry road. 7162 j : : FOR SALE Two 1917 Fords, three 1916 Fords, and one 1914. All In fine condition, and real bargains. Other cars, too. AUTO EXCHANGE, North Tennessee avenue, Lakeland. Fla. 7169 FOR SALE One of the best built and most modern bungalows ia Lakeland. Choice neighborhood. Garage. For sale by owner direct. No agents. Low price-and terms to suit purchaser. Address "Owner," Care Evening Telegram. 717S We have for sale some of the most desirable truck and farm lands in Florida. This property Is In mile city limits and can be had at the right price and terms. Let us show you some fine 10- and 20-acre tracts. For particulars see G. C. Rogan, Rooms 1 and 2, Deen and Bryant Building, Phone 14. F. A. Whitney Edwin Spencer, Jr. Thos. W. Bryant WHITNEY, SPENCER & BRYANT. Attorneys at Law First National Bank Building LAKELAND, FLA. G. D. & H. D. MENDENHALL CIVIL ENGINEES Phosphate Land Examination and Plant Designer Earthwork Spec ialists Surveyors LAKELAND, FLORIDA J. Q. GARNER, M. D. Homoeopathic Physician and Orificial Surgeon Chronic Diseases Successfully Treated Glasses Correctly Fitted Office: Room 7, Hardin Building LAKELAND, FLA. J. H. Peterson H. C. Petteway PETERSON & PETTEWAY ATTORNEYS AT LAW EIHston Building DR. C. C. WILSON Practice Limited to ELECTRO-THERAPY In Its Application to DISEASES OF WOMEN AND CHRONIC DISEASES (Whites Only) Deen-Bryant Building LAKELAND, FLA. WANT A HOME? For reliable information concern ing Farm's, Groves, or City Prop erty consult MISS MAY TOMLINSON Real Estate Room '2 over Post Office. Phone 75 FOR SALE Residence lot on South Florida avenue. Best location in Lakeland, at a sacrifice if sold at once. A rare opportunity that will not occur again- Act quick if you want it. Address Owner, P. 0. Box 346, Lakeland, Fla. 7101 FOR SALE Lake front city resi dence property; the beautiful home place south side lake Morton, for. merly owned by R. L. MayeB. Good price, easy terms. 7100 D. H. SLOAN, Owner. THE TENTH ipAL CIRCUIT COURT T Y KATE WHIDDEN VS.' wfitiu 0. WHIDDEN. BILL FOR DIVORCE Zm that toe defendant. W U am 0. Whld den. Is a resident of the State of fda' hat he has been absent more than sixty days. ind that he conceals himself so that the pro 'cess of the court cannot be served upon him, ?L L , id William 0. Whidden Is over ithe age of 21 years. I Now, therefore, upon consideration of tne jf .regolng affidavit, it is tiered. Amd tDi i decreed that the defendant, Wil lam 0. Whld den, be and he hereby Is required to appear u '. .... ,L!. naA nn f hpfnrfl the to tne Dill in una taae 4th day of March, A. D. 1918, at the court house in Bartow, Klorjda, or in default there of, the allegations of the bill will be tafeen as confessed. . It Is further ordered that this order or publication be published in the Lakeland E- lecutlve weeks prior to the said 4th day oi .March, 1918. Done and ordered at Bartow, Florida, the 29th day of January, A. D. 1918. Witness my hand and official seal at Bar tow, Florida, the date aforesaid. J. A-. JOHNSON, (SEAL) Clerk of the Circuit Court. 5 TUCKER, SR.. Plaintiff's Attorney, i-SO 4w E T Sr Wed 7I5S FOR SALE 6-room house on Fouth Florida Ave. Fine location; will sell cheap. W. K. McRae, phone 7. 7176 ooooooooaoDoooo D 0 0 FOR RENT 0 0 0 oaaaaaaaaaaooaa FOR RENT Rooms for light house keeping. Apply at 509 East Orange. 717TJ FOR RENT 75 acres good farm land near city. Long lease, quick action. FOR EXCHANGE For Lakeland property, splendid 140-acre farm, 70 miles S. E. of Chicago. MISS MAY TOMLINSON. 7154 FOR RENT 6 large rooms with modern convenience, one block de pot Gas Range. Phone 251. 6901 Old False Teeth Wanted Don't Matter If Broken I pay $2 to J 15 per set. Also cash for old gold, silver, and broken Jew elry. Send by parcel post and receive check' by return mall. Will hold goods 10 days for sender's approval of my offer. L. Mazer, 2007 So. 5t1 St., Phlla., Pa. , C..OTI COW 0, TJ aajasur say SUIT TO QUIET TITLE. ORDER 0? PUBLICATION It appearing from the sworn bill of com plant Ted herein that th. complainant br scribed as ioiiows, I Beginning at the nortieast eorner of the I r" . JL ..xHnn S. township 28 S of rang. 23 e.stT running south 220 varoV thence west to the right of way of railway; Whence in a northwesterly cUoB along said right of war to th. township line. thence " 'ZTZZ of th "i "7.. .'. ;., ! tnwn.hln 28 souS, of range 23 east, being described u so.. , " ,?. thu northwest ' ..m nimrter. running east one acre: thence south 2 acres; thence west one acre; thence norm w wo yum. --. whose names are unknown to complainant but believed by him to be heirs, devisees, ranteei or other claimants under John W. Tanner, Paiab J. Tanner, Perllna Holllngsworto, Ste phen T. HoUlngsworth, and Sarah A. nolllnga woith, and other unknown defendants, or all persons elalmlnf any right, title or InUreat : - . .u. ..1.1 ...i ooi.ta nit r f be lli ana w mo - --- - -- Ins prayed against such unknown defendants and complainant having complied In all re- ifecU with Chapter 5393 t ida. AcU 1J05, as tJL Laws of Florida 1911 M IT IS THEREFORE ORnvi,,. ties Interested In said mi said John W. Tanner Sir.iA ll. Hnlllnravnrth el. ." M known defendants. k.i.u nr ATllfflnviftA unit ! ... v- . the lands herein described IV or othes-wtse, and all other n.irb ii. mi 1 1 1 1 r .1 1 r . plaint Died herein for Oi. . tne title to said premises I, ,i court house in Bartow f 1 on Monday, the 4th day 0f i S and that a copy of this ! once a week for twelve (ivVv In the Lakeland Evening i paper of general circulation .! ltnd, Polk County, Florid. CrVEN UNDER Ml HAn f CIRCUIT COURT in tnd I fl? Florida, this 24th day of So? f t rt vnnvna ' ta Bollcltor for Complainant I. J. A. JOHNSON. Court of Polk County, viftHH. tify that the foreeolne i. . copy of the Order of p,,u,i above entitled cause bow 0jj WITNESS my harni J 24th day of November, a. 1 Clerk Circuit Court Polk (COURT SEAL.? MISS MILDRED STEWART Teacher of VIOLIN 708 South Florida Avenua, Lakeland, Fla. , Telphone 421 Black OOOOOOOOOOOOOQO o a a MISCELLANEOUS 0 o a aQQaapoaoo WANTED First class female col ored cook; good wages. Apply to McDonald Construction Co.'s cook house, Winston. 7175 FOR SALE Eggs for hatchings: from Bealwood strain (direct) S. C. White Leghorns, $1.50 per 15. $6.00 per 100. Baby chicks $11 per 100, or 15c each. Guar anteed fresh market eggs, 60 cents per dozen. Also have a few hens for sale at $1.50 to $2.50 each. Llngerlonger Poultry Farm, I. A. Armstrong, proprietor, Route B. Box 25A, Lakeland, Fla. 7119 LOST Saturday, bill fold, contain ing sum of money, also receipt for $123.50. Full name on inside. E. J. Wimer. Leave at Bridges' hotel, J care Bridges, and receive liberal reward. j WANTED Three good rooms for light housekeeping, for next 2 months. Give full particulars. Ad dress Rooms, care of Telegram. 7171 BICYCLE FOR SALE Almost new. Apply 303 West Orange St. 5,000 FOR SALE 5-room bungalow, all modern coveniences, located In the best resldental section of city. A very desirable place. Address Box 490, Lakeland, Fla. nsH Fish and oysters all the time. Phone 365 Red, the Old Reliable, 214 Main street, R. 0. PARK. 7167 JL.ii..;.,ii,i.,-vluJ:,,Jy.-i1,t1,J.,.i:e,,- Garden Seed I Now is the time M to plant if TURNIPS LETTUCE ONIONS EGG PLANT, Etc. We have a good stock Buckeye Incubators mmmmmmm r5 WALTER R. WILS(; GENERAL Contractor and BuiWei Estimates Cheerfully Furnished ANY BUJLDING OR REPAIR UTftRK. LARGE OR SMALL bn I tBTiBiTiTTi Telephone 442-Green. $oi)th)earicir(9ed over old iioines oteydttr Dandy netsi ones, prwmmfcch latter ndfa 't . ''r--rrS Model ! Hardwaie Co. U C. E. TODD, Mgr. WANTED You to know we can re duce your tire expense by repairing the cuts or putting on a new tread Come in and see our work. Stand ard Tire & Vulcanising Co., Phone 384. 843 Flowers For FUNERALS, WEDDING3, PARTIES, ETC. Leave Orders at RED CROSS PHARMACY LUDIE EDWARDS Agent For KNULL FLORAL CO, of Tampa BARGAIN Lots 10, 11, 14. 15, block "A" T. H. Johnson addition. Lot 13, block "C". T. H. Johnson addition, also lot 11 and 1-2 lot 10 (150 ft. fronting on Lemon St.) bolck 2. Lake Beula'h addition t3 Lakeland. Fla. Apply owner. W. T Johns. 1011 First National Barik Bldg., Fort Worth, Texas. 7149 NOTICE Rlgglns-& Tenney announce the sale of the Main street Garage . Will hereafter do business under the name of Riggins L Tenney, located at 125 West Main. Will not be responsible for any debts made after Nov. 22, j)1917 by the Main St. Garage. 6932 FOR SALE Pure linen dinner set, of finest quality, on display at Stevens' Jewelry Store. 7179 FOR SALE At once, cheap; nice 4-room cottage, two big lots on paved street. Owner leaving town. Phone i84 Green, P. O. Box 669. 7151 WANTED Northern woman tor strong girl for general house work, Country Club, healthful location Phone 165-Blue 7096 Cleaning, Press ing, Repairing I have engaged the services of an expert In the above lines, and re spectfully solicit the patronage of all who wish the best work of this kind at the most reasonable price. Phone 348 Red for Best Service W. K. McRAE r-1 tor t 5, , . (I've cor Tiiwl I r t f . t T :t Stetson Hats Vlannattan hhinsipr Kneeland SI WANTED Milk in either large or small quantities. Will pay cash on delivery. G. R. Maize, 323-Red. 7145 Up to the beginning of this year the German troops captured by the British totaled about 178,000. L. W. YARNALL LIGHT AND HEAVY HAULING HOUSEHOLD MOVING A SPECIALTY LIVERY SERVICE Orders Handled Promptly. The Home of Hart Sckaffnerl Marx Suits and Manhattan SI Our Store is filled with the best St the most reasonable prices, f (HI8SH1 JOS. LeVAY wf THE STORE RIGHT AT THE Arch off Aelcome PhnnR V " iiii " -MJ is Kt&tf will tarl a IK 1 Hani A nsn mt . ana nave n ai a p-t-i r m F t v lEzrt if ii taw r-"' HfcJF Jay r 9 '9k. Mr " 3r aJi 7 next Christmas. War Savings THRIFT STAMPS and WAR SAVIN oiamus are me most Uemnorar pnf Invpctrti - vrwi MWV VI til T VU t . . . RFPiimTi,MeXK,EVERY AMERICAN to show LOVE OF S N 'NT TI0NS by 1NVESTINO IN THIS- uum vvnri ivy OtUUnl I Y. - ' j to have a cart in the De-. v. .wtuv anvt oljvcoo or LLJBfcK i t and W THRIFT STAMPS. WAR SAVINGS STampq , .r.r. J secured at any time. Do yoursel anH v, S and LIBERTY BONDS may y uo yourself and your country the good service to purchase! THE STATE BANK OF LAKELAND - uivjrizea agent ,m, vt, .mrin ij11U1-1K . T.-Pt JOBS LOGAN, Sheriff. f " .0