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IHB EVENING TELEGRAM, LAKELAND, FLA., WEDNESDAY. FEB. 6,1918 Red Gross Subscriptions Valentine Party Goods Golf Players Balance due for August $137.00 Payments made since those last published J. E. Melton 5.00 M. F. Hetherington 5.00 IELI3 SHOES FOR MEN. They are comfortable 10.00 01 me nigncs 4uauijr. pr them this week $7.85. tlTS BaJance due for August.... 127.00 r - ,:; 3 Place Cards, Favors, Tally Cards Also Beautiful Line of Valentine Cards Valentine Day is February the fourteenth Now is the time to remember your friends Visitors in Lakeland are always cordially welcomed. Lakeland Book Store PHONE 260 FRED BENFORD, Mgr. GENERAL RAISE FOR EMPLOYERS IN THE MAIL SERVICE London, Feb. 6 G. N. Barnes, lab or member of the War Cabinet, in a message to his "fellow workers in the cause of Labor" bees them to con- Washington, D. C., Feb. 5 Gener- tinue their steady sunnnrt in tho If " VMW al increases for all postofflce employ-, prosecution of the war for democracy. net Vi ni,n ,1 n J. A 1 .3 1 . 11 I im ... ... nave utjcii ueieiuuueu upon Dy us uemocracy ne says, "is at one nosloffice committee of the House of and the same time on its trial and in Representatives and will be incorpor- J the crucible. If this war is lost by ated in the bill to be submitted to j the Allies the cause of democracy is the House in a short time, it was under eclipse for generations to come, learned today This will beneficially and we leave to our children a heri affect many qmployes of the Florida ! tage of trouble, postofflces.' . j -Might I ask Labor throughout the Greatest increases were given the country to be steady for the final clerks and carriers, the Madden plan phases of the war? I ask y not to be having been adopted by the commit- j confused by lying statements. It was tee by a vote of ten to eight. This said for instance that here had been plan increases the minimum salary at . meetings of financiers abroad while entrante from $800 to $1,000 a year the government were refusing to al and the maximum salary from $1,200 low labor to confer with enemy sub to $1,500, the increase thus amounting (jects workmen. The statement was to 25 per cent. I absolutely false. Another equally The recommendation of a sub-corn- J false statement was that we had re mittee in regard to increases of other , fused to define our aims with our Al employes was allowed to stand, em-'lies and particularly with the revolu ployes now receiving less than $1,500 !tionary government of Russia." a year to get ten per cent increases1, . 4 and employes getting between $1,500 and $1,800 a year to get five per cent m,lt WKATIIEll ETLAIEI increases. , Increases for watchman, messen-' YU may have wondered why this gers, laborers and several other minor !v'lnter has been 80 much colder than !. a I n T. If l TV Kinas or employes were irmdn rtr. 1,1 IWCUI 'earB- "ere is the an acuve 10 date from July 1. The bill was framed so that there could bi no doubt that all postofflce employes I J were Innlmiai in i, . 'lne earth. swor: It is because of extremely f old weather on the planet Mars I while it has been situated opposite were included in the salarv incrPaaP. e earth' The northern snowcap Slight infreases also were granted extending farther south by Pural routecarriersandtofourth-class1?", hUdre?"d eightyflve mes postmasters, with provision to be . , PPoaion than pre- made later for star route carriers 'T TCaCher' ask Us f,0,ne,hinK Rural route carriers receiving "less jhard-Plant Cor1 than $1,200 a year kept a 10 per cent a i , , increase with the further ZTn llV?! H" .". the Clgar that ,a that they shall receive $24 per year' prlce"flve Sent8" for pvopv mii i 1 . 1. . .. . ' 6833 IU1IC lu louglu 0ver 24 tnat their routes run. Fourth-class postmasters who now rptv . . . ic" nuuiiiuouBiy piannea ana equip receive all stamp sales up to $50 and L' . . a commission thereafter will be eiven a ,1 V nil , .. . Riven led that a part of it can be convert- feet above City Hall Park, has been opened on the twenty-sixth floor of the Municipal Building in New York city. The restaurants is for the 800 or more women employed In the va rious offices of the city government. A restaurant exclusively for wom en, Bumptiously planned and nrmln- name commission. Other cigars have gone up, but the A. H. T. remains the Bame price five cents, and better than ever. 6833 We have Branch Houses in 127 Florida Towns A.H.T. Cigar Fame is Spreading Quality and Price the Reason At All Drug Stores Balance due for September.. $190.7 3 Payments made since those last published J E. Melton 5.00 M. F. Hetherington 5-.00 10.00 Balance due' for September. 180.75 Balance due for October $206.25 Pnyments made since those last published J. E. Melton 5.00 M. F. Hetherineton 5 n0 10.00 Balance due for October. ., .196.2") Balance due for November. . .?97.2 ) Payments made since those last published Wm. S. Moore 5.00 J. W. Scally 2.50 G C. Rogan 2.50 J. E. Melton 5.00 E. C. Flanagan 5.00 M F. "Hetherington 5.00 A. Kalal 1.00 llllll uvvim w t i MEN'S DRESS SHOES that qombine style, c fort and long wear at prices you will appreciate I At ! m STRAW SHOE m The Place to Buy Your Shoe. , " - 1 i OLD SONGS AND MEMORIES '26.00 Balance due for November. . .71.25 Balance due for December. .$252 7." Payments made since those last published J. M. Holland 2.00 Wm. S. iMoore 5.00 J. W. Scllv 2 50 G. C. Rogan 2.50 J. E. Melton 2.50 F. C. Flanagan 5.00 A. A. Smith 1.00 M. F. Hetherington..... 5.00 Geo. D. Mendenhall. . . .2.50 Kalal t.00 W. Turner 1.00 M. Futch 1.00 M. Marler 1.00 34.50 Baiance due for December 218.25 Balance due for January . . . $270. 2r, Pavjnents made since those last published T. J. Fraley 2.00 J. M. Holland 2 no J. W. Scally 2.50 G C. Rogn 2.50 E L. Ward 50 Philip Brodes 1.00 J. A. Walker 1.7Jo J. T. Barry 50 A. A. Smith 1.00 Dr. S. E. Wheeler 2.50 W. H. Otb. 5.00 M. F. Hetherington.... 51. (Jo Geo. D. Mendenhall 2.50 A Kalal 1.00 Kate J. Booth ...1.00 Hans Christiansen 1.00 r. W. Turner 1.00 D. H. Sloan 5.00 I.. M. Futch l.Oo Frank McCollum 25 A B. Kibler 1.00 J. W. Buchanan 5.00 R. M. Marler 1,00 45.23 Balance due for January .. 325.00 ii A. H. T. Company Phone 99 Balance due for February. . .$430.83 Payments made since those last published Robt. Bryant 10. Oo C W .Deen 10.00 Kate J. Booth 1.00 J. W. Scally 2.50 G. C. Roean 9 Kft A. A. Smith 1.00 J W. Turner ,l.n0 i. J. Fraley 2.00 Frank McCollum 55 . L. A. Clonts 2.00 32.25 thirty years, joining with her light soprano, singing The riches of old age are memories, Tn11 th. hfill fnr ,., Nb1L " -beautiful memories. The pauper in Mv flWOOt vjrHnia hrirt the poorhouse, with his mind stored 'nh wnn(,firflIi wonderful music that with treasured visions of a noble past tranannrt IIQ nv tha wara tn is richer than the Croesus in his man-;BceneB long gone and make us llve sion, haunted with the ogres of mean.(&gain with ,oved one8, long at re8t, ness, oppression, unfair advantage, Blm the old songs They are the trickery and penury. Happy indeed ',den gateg t0 the ParadIse o ye8. is the man who has both beautiful (orj0 memories and plenty of the world's Snn2s an(1 Rinein Wfire more B00(i8' 'needed than now. Food for the soul Perhaps you nave wondered why as well as the bodv is the call of the old people demand old songs. It Is 'hour. Moreover, there need be no not that they have a means of dis-1 saving of music From the Etude. , crimination whereby they feel thatj the songs of long ago are better than ' the same type of song made today, i The Graves committee, with 'haed. Fifty years from now people may cast quarters in London, undertakes to mo name naiu over me songs or to- j . .u i l, ' . , . fmv that M - . ,furnish the relatives of British sol- ...... y.,,, uiu turns ui tuuay caul. over "Alice Where Art Thou", "Jua nita" and "Ben Bolt". What is it then that makes the old song hallowed? It is its wonderful power of conjuring up memories the beautiful memories of the dear, dear past. When grandma takes off her glasses and quietly asks you to sing one of her old favorities, hunt it up at once and let her have it over and i over again. It is the magic talisman which will open the riches of her memory to her. As you sing Nellie was a lady, ; Last night she died, a tall youthful figure with epaulettes and bright garnet military sash, a figure home on a furlough after An tietam, will come into the room and stand at grandma's side. You will not see him. but she will she will hear the strong full voice, silent for WANTED Man and flace and work crop! Call phone 396 Red. Try a box of A. h. i you will never buy anyttf dicrs killed in action with informa tion as to the burial place of the departed hero and a photograph of the grave, whenever obtainable. Beauty St 1 ' manioW SHAMPOO Etc. ! iuj Room 106, Ivchof En Phone IZtfzz KENTUCKY AUTO Slg "'I. OPP. CASINO THSily c: C ret: H. CRIST, MecK tnfirn Let us do vourjn (Guaranteed ,JJ hozi trptl For 75c per h It To WE OWN THE LAND" RELOW we submit a few rf nur nffAra'n " v vf a a li. 'in rf ri w iiiih a onrS?r fjdf,.bargain- will gladly give additional iC" f mm Sfeany. ,hese prPerties and wi come further i 1'cicsicUi 16 Balance due for February. 398.58 Advance Payments: J. W. Scally. March June, $2.50 each. Frank McCollum. March. April 25c each. April. May, FOR REPRESENTATIVE To the Democratic - wl iui& County, Florida: I hereby announce my candidacy' to succeed myself as representative I In the State Lectnin turn it v1a..u. I q -s vt. 1' lUI IUH. subject to the action of the Democrat ic Primary. If elected I will serve the people to the best of my ability. I solicit your support - Respectfully, A. J. MORGAN. Candidate in Group One. A-40 acres of fine orange and grapefruit land Sve miles north of Lakeland on hard ; VurfaS! onlernX Palmett0 V S Te B 40 acres. of good trucking land three miles S A"b"rn1dale n Mtei road. mile of ran SJ: Srrmsl0amy 8n' gd draln- & i'Sfr C-40 acres on asphalt road three miles from inSlir?- hpd fUr-r00m house ort bSS mf.s 12o hearing orange and grapefruit trees several acres of strawberries and LbbaL 20 srPs under fence .ift,i - ' a. age .. 20 , , " v uuner oi a mile of TPrn h0,,,C rU,al free dellve'y- Price $So.oo I ' HCrOS on JlKnhnlt rnA 01 ,. SrtiD?k . i.aC1!;!!ared- a11 '"iced. 1 acre , . . ....n, vaiuj, o room nouse bum ot Exceptionally fine tr.,-nn mrn' etc- can be made to pay for' itse!, from his'TeS of Llk6elanCdreoiHn U rad four miles ItrJ0' cu,tivat,n- I" the heart 0f the best strawberry growing section of Florida; Sle .from shipping point. Price $3,500.00. Term? F-1Y, acres in Lakeland on Florida avenue i fine asphalt street, planted to SZ tnd rrrnpofnut trees which are just coming leanng. Price $1,500.00. Terms g ,nt0 w a(i.re8 of cleared and fenced land on ,OMth Florida avenue, one mile from town A me site for a suburban home and citrus fruit Trove. Price $5,500.00. Terms H A lot In Orange Park, the exclusive resi lence section of Lakeland, 50 x 204 feet bear oranee and rranefn.u L,. er.ear Terms. rnce ?ouo.00. bt It thich ""lOH 8t I A number of lots 50 x 135 feet in No, ,,w ' ieland at $75.00 to $150.00 each, on verjF' ' terms. These lots are high and drv antMnerj located. ' fa0TS T ce ... ... , Jlinw - u on one or tne prettiest tresn akes in the Highland Lake Region of Polkp" 1 -j, v aures-m Dearing grove, good suoIIot nouse. The finest win fat Viawi a xTtACi't!.'I i , , ir, uyiu iMVlL iilnO oe had in this section. Price $16,000.00. A" detailed information if Interested. f th K A beautiful lncntinn smhri,n 5:1 ; a! a portion of which is within the corporate -f 9 ' of Lakeland. Located nn th nhnpps of rnis Hunter, a beautiful froo vh:'in, noted for its scenic beauty, and splendid : Ltch ii acres of this property is in old bearing fT . trees, whiph nj.. :ino 1 uuuoi average conaiuons , duce a crop worth from $3,000.00 to $ ben nually Ten acres in young budded orang jbey grapefruit trees which will come into bW within two venpH tvo ij i. sub-divislon proposiUon and can be sold it?0"3 tracts to those detrin o As s nome in an exclusive and restricted comffM 1 nnnLPrPeLty be sold as a whole for 000.00. or offered separately. 'As we are the I era of this property we are in a position toCf. satisfactory terms to interested parties. L Five-room bungalow with all moderr vemences. on large well located lot. This U. is practically 2.500.00. Terms r k " I " auauctl, i M We OWn HDVAvnl J its Webster Belt" of Sumter County. This 1 1 Dest all around general farming and truckfcf Ui i miiua. csnia in frarta rf frnTO lr T T js "- v tisln torp( (he e Mat sued up at $25.00 to $40.00 per acre. Terms $1 LT ?8,h and ,10 Per acre monthly. -i.. ask rnp iiiti(.H.AA , t. . - .v,. .iiuouaieu meraiure. wh rh ran K hA mp iiuiii T "7 dli Per acre on terms. Larger tracts at a nwr nr, aSffif'" to show you - r f ' i nej, s fllMry give you one on Hive you one on requ- ; hi ilRTn A nrmnsT ; A i- w, ran LAKELAND, FLA.