OCR Interpretation

The Lakeland evening telegram. (Lakeland, Fla.) 1911-1922, February 27, 1918, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Florida

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95047222/1918-02-27/ed-1/seq-5/

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U. Parker, of Edmond's
quite ill we regret to state.
. v niftnn. of South John-
ue, who has been quite ill
..' la nftW able to sit UD.
k time, i"
Ls will he pleased to know.
heen attend
i i;iom
L College at Forest, N. C,
r . -nAtj44vi(v fit a Tinot
I haS Dec II eycuuiuB
gt Petersburg, is at home
it days.
d Mrs. S. M. Stephens and
returned last night from a
ttay of several days at Sara-
iking the trip by automobile.
ian Crum, son of Mr .Frank
L of East Orange street, is
tn his home by illness, which
Ids trust will be of short du
1 s, "
Rachel Clonts went up to
Jriiie today to attend the State
d while in the metropolis she
the guest of her uncle, Rev.
Lnts and family.
aany friends of Dr. and Mrs.
tichards will be grieved to
mt their infant son is very
ring been stricken Monday
ith a severe attack of colitis.
many friends earnestly hope
barked change for the better
m take place.
V. S. Preston was up from
today attending to legal bus-
He and his daughter, Miss
Preston, returned to Bartow
by from a pleasant week's
Anna Maria Island, where
Lve a cottage.
G. Holcombe, a popular Lake-
tizen who is now resident au-
the United States Shipping
with headquarters in Tampa,
ist night in Lakeland greeting
K friends, returning to Tampa
and Mrs. Wallace Wear and
ear's parents, Rev. and Mrs.
, and Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Dick-
jurned last night from a most
ul two days' trip to Indian
where they enjoyed the splen-
iing and bathing.
lose who took the surgical
and who have gotten their
ire asked to report at the Red
ooms tomorrow morning at
;. Also those who have not
their cards will be given
that time. Those who wish
pnue the course with a view to
will please come at the same
pnd Mrs. R. L. Chrissenberry,
e heen spending the past sev-
peks in Lakeland, guests of
iends, Dr. and Mrs. C. I. Stacy,
to their home in Atlanta
lay. Mr. Chrissenberry came
be operated on by his old
Physician, Dr. R. R. Kime, and
home entirely well. He plans
n to Lakeland with his fam
make this city his permanent
pme time in the future, and
does it will mean another
family added to Lakeland's
Mp. Mr. Chrissenberry is fore-
the Southern shops at At
$1,000 WORTH OF
A most enthusiastic meeting of the
Mens Club of All Saint- p,,
, . "lion u,a
held last evening with Mr. D. C War
ner on South Florida avenue. Mr
Newton, from Providence, R I ad
dressed the Club and spoke on' the
seo.ogicai formation of the State of
Florida, choosing as his subject "The
Ups and Downs of Florida". Hi a.
dress was not only highly instructive
but also very humorous.
Each member and visitor was
called upon to give a talk of one min
ute on "What I have done, or what
1 will do, to help win the war." A
number of these talks included a
promise to purchase War Saving
Stamps. These were "followed up"
by the motion being made and carried
that the Men's Club organize itself
into a War Savings Society and sub
scribe for $1,000.00 worth of War Sav
ing Stamps. About half this amount
was in sight at the meeting, and the
balance will probably be subscribed
today as the officers of the War Sav
ings Society are now at work.
Those present at the meeting were:
Major Bentley, Messrs. Newton, Stev
ens, Moore, Holworthy, Hellier, Mil
ler, Trask, Maize, Woodward, Otey,
Tally, Curtis,- Dwelly. At the close
of the meeting, Mrs. Warner, Mrs.
Woodward, and the Misses Warner
served coffee and sandwiches to the
Mr. Newton, the guest of the Club,
left for Orlando at eleven-thirty to
day. He expressed himself as being
highly pleased with Lakeland and
particularly with the Collins Canning
Company, which he visited. He is
carrying with him to Brown Univer
sity a small quantity of "glass sand"
over 95 per cent silica which was
presented him by Mr. Collins and
which was taken from the large de
posits near Lakeland
Mr. J. D. Freer Delightfully
Entertained Friends With
a Stag Party
Last night Mr. J. D. Freer enter
tained a number of gentlemen with a
stag party, at his beautiful home
about two miles north of town. This
is an annual custom of Mr. Freer's,
and those fortunate enough to be fav
ored with an invitation look forward
to it with much pleasurable antici
pation, which the event always fully
Mr. Freer has a lovely home, sur
rounded by fifty-five acres of splen
did grove, which he planted and has
brought into bearing, and which at
this time presents a sight of wonder
ful beauty and promise, the trees be
ing white with fragrant bloom, fore
casting an unusually heavy crop next
A splendid supper was partaken of,
after which the guests enjoyed a
The local chairman is glad to an
nounce that Lakeland has four citi
zens on the honor roll as having gone
"over the top" in their purchase of
War Savings Stamps. An effort will
be made to secure the consent, of
these people to the mention of their
names, not for their benefit, but for
the inspiration of others. By having
gone "over the top" means that each
of these citizens has purchased one
thousand dollars worth of War Sav
ings Stamps, which is the maximum
arcount allowed to be held by any
individual. Knowing the names of
these four, the chairman believe3
there are some others who may be
brought from under cover. Several
purchases of one hundred dollars
each were secured today and from
now on a more enthusiastic interest
Is going to be noticed in connection
with the purchase and sale of these
popular securities.
IV vJr.-:
u ;
4Jr -, l
A number of notices relative to the
completion of city paving and the as
sessments against the abutting prop
erty nn account of same, appear in
tho Rvpnine Telegram today, ana per
sons affected or interested should
lonk un these publications. The City
Commissioners give notice that they
.;n mPPt. on March 9th at 2:00
o'clock, to hear any objections the
property owners may have in the
ThP Flks will hold their regular
meeting tomorrow night. This an
nouncement is made because it had
Wen decided to dispense with the
meeting for tnis ween u.u5
rnmival being in progress.
Unce this decision, however, it has
been found imperative tnat a meeuus
be held, and all members oi uw ufi
are asked to govern
"social session," of conversation and
good fellowship, with delightful free
dom from restraint. Those who en
joyed Mr. Freer's hospitality were
Messrs. C. M. Clayton, O. M. Ea
ton, W. W. Chase, M. F. Hethering
ton, R. H. Omohundro, H. H. Gal
loway, Dr. W. S. Irvin, Dr. G. D.
Stoner, J. G. Holcombe, of Tampa,
and Mr. J. D. Freer. Others who
were invited, but who were unable
to be present were E. L. Cordery,
L. O. Cason and Dr. Letters.
Col. and Mrs. Paddock's guests being
only those who make their homes in
the Colonial Apartments. After the
games, Mrs. Paddock served a delici
ous salad course. Those enjoying this
i pleasant affair were Mrs. J. Harry
Jones, Mrs. Joseph Jones, Mr. and
Mrs. II. L. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. A. B.
Howard, Mr. and Mrs. I. V. Stevens,
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Moore, and the
host and hostess, Col. and Mrs. Paddock.
Col. and Mrs. M. L.
Paddock Entertain
An informal card party was given
last night by Col. and Mrs. M. L. Pad
dock in honor of their friend, Mrs. J.
Karry Jones, and Mrs Joseph Jones,
of La Grange, Ills., who re visitors
to Lakeland, guests of the Tremont
There were three tables of players,
Millinery Opening at LaMode
The opening at LaMode yesterday
afternoon was a delightful event and
one much enjoyed by the large crowds
attending. From 3 to 6 o'clock beauti
ful coat suits, afternoon and evening
-dresses were modeled by Mrs. Harry
'L'dmondson, Miss Mills; Miss Alleen
McRae, and Miss Anetta Logan mod
eled several Junior styles.
A background of palms and ferns
made a beautiful setting for the many
attractive styles, and, while the ladies
viewed the styles, music added to the
pleasure of the occasion.
K. OF n
Last night a large crowd of Lake
land Knights of Pythias went down
to Mulberry to attend the District K.
of P. Convention. All report a royal
time, a big fish fry arranged for their
benefit, being one of the numerous
pleasing features of the meeting.
Arrangements were made and plans
discussed for the State Convention,
which meets in Jacksonville at an
early date.
The following members of Lake
land Lodge attended the meeting last
night: Messrs. H. G. Snook, G. B.
Murrell, F. P. Bennett, I. C. Melton,
C. R. Sidman, A. II. Robertson, T.
J. Fraley, J. R. Boulware, Lloyd
Adams, L. H. McMullen, J. A. Bal
lard, T. E. Williams, C. C. Simmons,
Will F. Wider, and Robt. Thompson.
2-Reel Vitagraph Comedy
Xdmiion 10 and 20 cent
T. E. L. Class to Work AH Day
Tomorrow at Red iross
m t t. riasH have only tomor-
ine i. w . ,
row in which to complete their
pledge. Each member urged to be
at the Red Cross rooms all day to
morrow for work. REPORTER.
The lady who lost a pair of scissors
can find same at the Chamber of
Drink SOUTHLAND" Grape Fruit
Tor sale at all drugstores
s 7n
Saturday Afternoon, March 2d
At no former Opening have styles been more beautifully characteristic
of what fashionable women demand in new apparel. Certainly, never
before have serviceableness and style been so closely related in the
creation of smart garments and accessories.
To all women we extend a most cordial invitation to attend the Formal Opening
of Spring Displays and learn from a personal observation just how fittingly the
New Designs and Creations meet your individual taste in matters of Dress.
The New Spring Dresses
Are Extremely Pleasing.
Georgette, Taffeta, Crepe de Chine, Charmeuse,
original in styles, striking effects and popular
New Suits for Spring
Poney, Bolero, Eton and fingar-tip lengths, ex
ceedingly smut, in serge, tricotine, gabardine,
jersey, taffeta, shantung and silk poplin.
Many of the new coats are with vests extending
below the waist line, plain and fancy silks, as
well as pique are utilized for these vests.
White Suits in jersey, gabardine and serge just
received. Come in and see them.
The New Millinery
Is Full of Springtime Charm.
Originality marks the New Hats and gives them distinction. New
shapes are not as numerous perhaps as are the many variations of old
favorites in piquant Turbans, smart Mushrooms and
sleek looking Sailors.
3:30 to 1:30
Who was awarded the Diamond Med
al offered by the Chicago Conserva
tory of Music to the best singer grad
uating from that institution.
1 "
W V W Vv

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