y Tx T 9 r f i 1 ft k TT i
I i
I i
11 ±
v I
An Elictrlo Mull Box
In Genera Switzerland a mall de
livery box baa been adopted which
polnta to the rapidly approaching Um
7 when In many instances hand labor
will be almost entirely auperjieded
automatic devices The mall box
which Is the handiwork ot an elfeo
for eachof
trlclan has a compartment
the stories of the building and th
letters have only to be deposited OB
the found floor to be delivered as rev
qulrtd The deposit of a single jetter
v makes an electric contact which itartu
a bell ringing on the specified floor and
the noise only stops when the letttnl
taken out At the same moment the
faucet ota tank on the roof of the
house Is opened and water flows Into
the cylinder forming the counter
weight of the mallDOi elevator until
the weight Is heavier than the box
which accordingly begins to ascend
the flow of water ceasing simultane
ously As the box passes each floor
the mall for Itletters papers
and small packages falls Into boxes
In the corridor of that floor When
the box has passed the top floor the
cylinder filled with water strikes a bolt
r provided at the bottom which allows
the water to flow out and by its own
weight the box descends toilS place
on the ground floor Should by any
mischance a single piece of paper have
remained in the elevator upon striking
the bottom it will at once go through
the same series of movements as be o
Interesting Medical Cues
Miss Matilda Anderson a young
woman who had been kept alive at the
St Paul Mien hospital for six weeks
by artificial respiration died of con
geatlon of the lungs For fortytwo
days the nurses and house physicians
of the hospital had been filing Miss
Andersons lungs with air by artificial
4 means first byralsinc lowering the
arms and when that became painful
by operating on the chest By this
method however the lungs were but
partially filled at best and had the
nurses stopped even for five minutes
T Miss Anderson would have strangled
rc and died The young woman had be
I come so used to the manipulation that
she ate and slept almost naturally and
could carry on a conversation The
young girl was a victim of a form of
S paralysis when received at the hospi
tal and when that disease was com
plicated with congestion of the lungs
it was Impossible to save her The
4 cane has attracted the attention < of
many eminent physicians New York
Commercial Advertiser I
ACork Rope I
A cork rope is the latest invention
I It is made of small corks placed end to1
end and tho whole covered with a
braiding of cotton twine over this Is a
4 coarser braiding In heavy strands The
rope will stand a strain of 1000
i pounds I i
Tremendous Exodus to the Klondike
Despite the warnings of those who have
been on the spot and predict suffering In the
Klondike region thousands of adventurous
m Americans Are wending their war thither
ward All of them should be provided with
tint medicinal safeguard Hottettera Stom
ach Bitters which warms And nourishesthe
system and prevents malaria nonrllheifUje
kidney trouble betides remedying liver com
plaint dyspepsia and constipation i
t The total number of Chinese furniture
makers New South Wales all working in
factories of their ownIs about twohundred
No Chinese workmen are employed In Euro
pean factories
To Curo Cold la On Day
Takf Laxatlr Bromo Qulala Tablets AU
I > n1a1Ita fund money It IUI1a to cure 11500
The week has six working days according
to Prof cisor von Therlng because the ancient
t Chaldeans used the Bezagcslmal Instead of
the decl ml system of notation
mI 1
Dtafneii Cannot Be Cared
by local applications L AS they cannot reach the
diseased portion ot the oar There la only one
way to cure deafness and that II by cons I tu
ttonal remedies Deafness caused by no In
flamed condition of the mucous lining of the
¼ EnstAchlan Tube When this tube gets In
I flamed yon have a rumbling sound or Imper
feet hearing and when It is entirely closed
Deafness the result and unices the Inflam
mation can be taken out and this tube re
S stored to Ita normal condition hearing will be
destroyed forever Nine cases out of tea are
5 caused by catarrh which nothing bnt an In
named condition of the mucous surfaces I
We will give One Hundred Dollar for any
case of Deafness caused by catarrh that can
not be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure Send
s tor circular free
FJ CnxNCT Co Toledo 0
Sold br Druggists 76o
Halls Family PiUs are the best
F1U permanently cured No flte or nervous
ness attn lint days use of Dr Klines Great
Nnre lUstorer I trial bottle and treatise free
SB B 11 Kuiot Ltd 901 Arch St Phlla Pa
bvspxpstA INDIOMTIOK and all Stomach
troubles ou red by Tubers Pep > ln Compound
Sample mailed free Write Dr Tabor
Mfg Co Savannah Ga
Mrs WlnslowsSoothlngSympforchildren
teething toftens the eumeftdnOe Inftamma
lion allays pain cures wind colic o a bottle
Ja permanently cured
By Hoods Sarsaparilla
Whichneutralizestho j
Lactic acid in the blood i
2 Thousand whowere
RF Sufferers write that they I
Have fIt no symptoms
I Bheomatiflm since
p Taking Hoods Sarsaparilla
Bare Tars and Wrappers and get valuable
premiums Ask your dealer or write to nis
premium Hit
U ran Tobacco end BnuirDltiilni lUMli
perInDOtU curtl bjr UARIlLUM IIOMIi
TBEA 1ET Mr book cxintaliii t full lDri > r
11I1 aatjt4 frje UllJf Vi IfOFFAIATV
Ri o1ll4 lubell tbluco
oia4UabcUallulUln Chicago III
U onrN11M allJtttA willa I Tkmpss Eyi W Ittl
Are remit of Ooetrset4 Nostrfti 1vt lga4
OnrLSphd 100 fwflASLI IN5FitAOcrtp
tor putpWt to U JIIoaKUI1 bUaWiO OIl
l Lit
tdI 3111
j L t of
iow AiisTIiattii UnUed States Com
Forward and Die IU
8 GoodOtslces
special to the Chicago Tribune
from Washington says Spain is considering
sidering a formal request to the United
States to use its good offices to fijop
the fightLngin Onba
Intimations hare been receivedat
the state department that the Sagasta
government had become cbnvinced
that the only way to save Cuba was to
accept the often proffered good offices
of the United States f Canovas re
peatedly replied to President Cleve
land declining these good offices and
Sagasta did the same last November
Now the prime minister has become
completely disheartened over tho evi
dent failure of autonomy
All efforts of Spain to bribe the sub
ordinates of Gomez to surrender on
the basis of home rule have proven
futile Blanco has completely failed
in his efforts to open up communica
tion with the insurgentsand Pando
has likewise been defeated in the field
TheSpanish minister now feels that
the only thing left is to accept the
good offices of Uncle Sam in spite of
the humiliation involved They hesi
tate only because they feel that pub
lic announcement of this fact would
result arevolution in Spain
Secret negotiations with the state
department are now actually in prog
ress The Spanish government has
lost the confidence of the loyalists in
Cuba andit recognizes fact that
the island itself is lost entirely unless
this country will atthis late day
negotiate with the insurgents forsome
basisQf peace
The Spanish propose that the United
States > should propose to the insur
gents an aotual armistice pending ne
gotiations for peace on the basis of
American guarantees of the integrity
of home rule or even of independence
on o money consideration
While no such formal proposition
has been made by Minister De Lome
the state department has been given
0 understand that only the fear of
revolution in Spain stands in the way
now of accepting the friendly offices
of tho United States which have been
rejected so often It has been even
intimated that if this country sees fit
on its motion to open up communica
tio9 with the insurgents Spain will
not throw any obstacles in the way
Any such move would bea practical
recognition of insurgents as be
ligerents but things have reached such
a crisis in Cuba that oven this con
tingency must be faced
It is understood that the Cuban re
public will insist on formal recognition
before undertaking any negotiations
with the United States claiming that
it cannot treat with a power which re
gards itonly IIson organized conspir
acy of riot and piracy The situation
critical in Cuba and the frequent
visits of the pic minister to the
state department are a sufficient indi
cation that the Spanish empire in Cuba
is almost at an end
Officials in Washington are inclined
to the belief that the public announce
inentbf the acceptance of tbiacoun
try as mediator will result in instant
revolution in Spain but they admit it
is the la hope and is being serously
Rhode Inland Cotton Mills Decide to
Post tfotloea
A despatch from Pawtucket R I
says Thursday the directors of the
Valley Falls Company at Albion and
tho Albion Company at Valley Falls
the two remaining companies in the
Bla kstone valley which had not an
anounced a reduction of wages decided
to post notices to that effect
1 Reports were received from mills in
Arctic Riverpoint Quidnickt Pontiac
Natick and other Pawtucket Black
stone valley villages and without ex
ception they favored resisting the pro
posed reduction The various mills
above mentioned employ about12000
people and operate 426 000 spindles
One Dead and TyroOther In Hospital
b Fatally Wounded
Kia Murphy a not lfhi ago
gambler of the shell worker variety
was shot dead and Frank alias Dickey
Dean and Martin Donahue ere shot
probably fatally during a quarrel in a
Chicago saloon Wednesday night The
affair is said to be the result ofa feud
of months standing Dean and Don
abue ate at the Alezian Brothe hos
pital iNeItiIs n expefcted to live
I According J onVof the meh arjestcd
in the saloon at the time of the shoot
ing Donfhue kiled Murpbyfn self
defense arid Dean was shot while act
ing as peacemaker
Qraln nd Stock Exchanc of KlrfunoBd
7 i < >
clBd In Trontil r
II theJUchmond lnd I grain t nd stock
exchange controlled by Odell tc Co
of Cincinnati is in trouble Hibhard
the local manager is absent and be
hind over 800 in his accounts with
his employers while local investors
ar pressing claims for 2000 which
Odell Co refused to pay until Bib
bird makes good his deficit
TennMMe aid AlaVanm itllo1tl Jin
portent Me Uns In Chattanooga
Pursuant ft call from the chamber
of commerce of Chattanooga a dele
gat convention was held in that city
Tuesday for the purpose of perfecting
> permanent organization for the ad
vancement of the navigation of the
Tennessee river
The following cities and towns con
tiguous the river and interested in
the purposes of the meeting were rep
resented Bridgeport Sheffield the
Decaturs Tuscumbi FlorencoHunts
ville and Wheeler Ala Rossville
Ga Columbus Miss Fayetteville
St Louis and Chattanooga Tenn
A committee was appointed to draft
the plan for permanent organization
of the Tennessee River Association
which committee retired and later re
committee was appointed to pre
pare memorial to congress It re
commended the selection of a commit
tee to be composed of Judge Thomas
B Bonlhab of Sheffleld chairman
Major A WWills Nashville Colonel
Tomlinson Fort of Chattanooga B
A Lewis of Fayetteville and L M
Sherman Harriman to prepare the
proper memorial present it td con
gress and use their best efforts to se
cure the appropriation required for
the needed improvement of the Ten
nessee river
The convention unanimously adopt
ed the recommendations of the com
mittee and General Wheeler was re
quested to conferwith the rivers and
harbors committee of congress and to
have a date fixed to hear the commit
teesaddress not later than February
1 1898
The committee on organization re
ported recommending that a perma
nent association be organized to bo
known as the Tennessee River Improve
ment Association and outlining a pjan
for such an organization
The report unanimously adopted
and the association organized by the
election of officers
Noted South Carolinian Conspicuous In
War and Fence Pa sss Away
General Johnston Hagood aged
sixtynine died at his home in Barn
well S 0 Tuesday of Brights dis
ease Next Generals Hampton and
Butler his position in war and peace
has been more conspicuous than any
other public man in the state
Graduating from the Citadel acad
emy in 1857 he was soon appointed
deputy adjutant general of militia
and entered the confederate service
under General Beuarogard as colonel of
militia taking part in the siege of
After the battle of flret Manassas he
was made brigadier general and was
subsequently recommended to General
Lee for promotion for gallantry In
the siege of Petersburg Hagoods
brigade dwindled from 2800 to 700
He tooka prominent part in expos
ing the financial frauds perpetrated
in the state under negro government
and in the redemption of 1876 was
elected comptroller ganeral on the
Hampton ticket was reelected in 78
and in 1880 was elected governor vol
untarily retiring at the end of his
Loot Express Car Within the Limits of
Kansas City
After three months of inactivity
Kansas Citys train robbers scored
another brilliant achievement Tuesday
night This time the Kansas City
Pittsburg and Gulf road was the suf
The companys Port Arthur express
special which left the companys
depot in Kansas City t6 oclock was
robbed befor it bad passed beyond
thecity limits
Two men whom no one but the ox
press messenger seems to have seen
climbed into the express car as the
train left the depot They overpow
ered the messenger bound and gagged
him and rifled the car before the train
came to a stop
When the train slowed up at a
crossing near the limits of the city
they climbed out of tho car and dis
appeared Nothing was known of the
robbery until a negr train porter en
tered the car and found the helpless
express messenger So far nothing is
known as to the amount of se
AatlHanna Organisation Claim U flay
StranathNivd Their Position
A Columbus p special aislSo
far as surface appearances indicate
the antiHanna organization strength
ened its lines Tuesday Though
morning papers carried specials from
Chicago which Senator Burke yas
quoted as saying that he would return
and give the republicans control of
the senate he took his seat in that
body whenH convened at 10 am
and voted with democrats on every
party matter proving conclusively
that there was a perfect understanding
between him and the democratic man
agers if any one doubttd it
fltrlk In JeUlco Coal Brlcm Saturaw
A Knoxville Tenn dispatch lays
Assembly Knights of Labor JNo 5
embracing theentire mining region
has just raised the boycott on the coal
of the 20 mines in the Jellico region
that has been on for several months
This action was taken for several
months This action was taken be
cause the Jellico strike involving
3000 men has been settled
Indianapolis I
Mad by 1uthorlt7 of the
Business Mns Convention
of the Monetary Oommis
The reportof
sionappointed under authority of the
convention of business men held in
Indianapolis last January has just been
made public The existing gold
ard on which business has been
since 1879 is maintained on tho ground
the industrial interests demand certainty
the standard shall be
tainty as io what
To this end it is urged that the United
States should remove alluncertainty
as to the meaning of coin in its ob
ligations thereby saving the taxpayer
by the ability to borrow at a lower rate
of interest No attempt is mpde to re
move the existing silver dollars nor to
change their legal tender quality on
the contrary a place is provided lor
them in tie circulation by forbidding
the issue of any paper money other than
silver certificates denominations be
low 810
It is regarded by the Commission as
dangerous to maintain the present
practice of using Government demand
obligations as money
The Commission therefore strongly
urge the Government to withdraw its
demand obligations now used as
money decline to provide gold for ex
port r8 and put the burden and ex
pense of maintaining a redeemable
paper circulation upon the banks In
order to meet the demand obligations
the present reserves of gold in the
Treasury furnish a sufficient sum to
be set aside in a Division of Issue
and Redemption and the Secretary of
the Treasury is authorized to sell
bouds whenever tho reserves need re
plenishment In this way or from
surplus revenue the demand obliga
tion that is United States note and
Both the method nnd results when
Syrup of Figs is taken it is pleasant
and refreshing p the tofto nnd acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys
Liver and Dowels cleanses the sys
tem effectually dispels colds head
aches and fovefs and cures habitual
constipation Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
ducat pleating to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach prompt in
iU action and truly beneficial in its
effects prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known
Syrup of Figs is for Bale in 50
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it Do not accept any
Treasury notes of 1890 can be re
moved in such a way that the cost to
the country can be reduced with the
result of simplifying our currency
anti adding to confidence in the cer
tainty of our standard By the plan
of the Commission the withdrawal of
Government paper is so arranged that
contraction cannot possibly take place
if United States notes are cancelled
their place will be taken by the gold
paid out for them or by the expansion
of bank notes
The demand obligations of the
United States were not a money
based on property they were only a
debt On the other hand a bank note
is never issued fraud of course ex
cluded except for a consideration in
negotiable property of equal or greater
value The bonk note comes forth as
the sequel of a business transaction
and is based on the active property of
the country which is passing between
producers and consumers This prop
erty Is always negotiable and always
equal to the duty of meeting the note
liability Bank notes are as sound as
the business transactions of the coun
try The currency of the country
moreover should increase as the
transactions of the country increase
hence the rigid unchanging issues of
the Government make them an Intlas
tie part of the circulation while by
the very process of their issue bank
notes alone can be automatically ad
justed to the changing transactions of
the business community
In amending the present national
banking system the Commission were
actuated by a desire to secure absolute
safety to the note holder to make the
notes uniform and of equal currency
in all parts of the country to create
an elastic system which
8l while ex
panding in response to increasing
transactions should healthily contract
I when transactions diminish and which
wpuld help in a better distribution of
banking facilities throughout the
Western and Southern States I
While providing for the partial use
of bonds for securing notes twenty
five percent of the capital the Com
mission propose that notes beyond this
should be issued on llinst adofa
part of the resources of bank and
within a few years that no special
bond security should be required
Banks may issue notes up to sixty
per cent of their capital without re
straint for issue beyond sixty per
sent and up to a hljr per cent they
< 4 I
Mr Pinkham DeolartltSRthe Light ot
cm Bdenoai no Woman Heod Despair
i There are curable causes fat A
Llty in omenIODe of tho mostcW J
I is general debiUtyaccompanl l
d v
peculiar condltionbf the blood I
i Care and tonic treatment J
of tb I
I male relieve
organs more Ie
Caea of
t4 1 posed incurable barrenness thia
b S other known method This 101
j Lydia Pinkhams Vegetable
pound haa effected so
I Ita tonio CUrtI
properties are direclSl
I 1 peclally to the nerves which t
the uterine system Amen PJ
l causes for sterility or barre ntttt < I
are displacement of the
b These displa aaenta
are ca USed
I lacl of strength in the 11USed
supporting the womb and the OThj5 n
7 store these and the difficulty ceases to
1 again the Vegetable Compound works
ders See Mrs Lytlea letter which foZ I
k in this column Go to the root of the rutaJr1
restore the strength of the nerves and the tone of the parts and n
will do the rest Nature has no better ally than this Compound lade II
her own healing and restoring herbs
Write freely and fully to Mrs Pln ham Her address ia Lynn Mm
will tcllyou free of charge the cause of your trouble and what course touk I
Believe me under right conditions you have fair chance to become thefo
ful motherof children The woman whose letter ia here published cerUMJ
thinks so
lam more than proud of Lydia E Pinkhama Vegetable Compound
good it has done me I was
cannot find words to expressthe troubled
badly with the leucorrhcca and severe womb pains From the time I
married in 1882 until last year I was under the doctors care We had J
children I have had nearly every doctor In Jersey City and have been to Bel I
Hospital but all to no avail I saw Mrs Pinkhams advertisement InUIt
paper and have used five bottles of her medicine It has done more for B I
I had It has stopped pains and has
than all the doctors ever my brought a
a fine little girl I have been well ever since my baby was born I hearty I
recommend Pinkhams medicine to all women suffering from sterility I
MBS iJoor LTTLK 255 Henderson St Jersey City N J
pay a tax of two per cent for those
beyond eighty per cent and up to 100
per cent they pay a tax of six per
cent These notes would be a prior
lien upon all the resources of the
bank and in addition upon the
stockholders liability Moreover all
banks issuing notes contribute five
per cent of their circulation as a per
manent guaranty fund For daily re
demptions banks are required to keep
a five per cent redemption fund in the
hands of the Comptroller of the Cur
rency Banks of 825000 capital may
be established in places of 400 inhab
itants and branch banks ore also per
raving Stones of Grass
Paving blocks made of meadow
grass ore now manufactured Their
inventor was a clergyman and the
meadow grass impregnated with oil
tar and resin is pressed into blocks
and finally bound with iron straps
The advantages claimed for these
blocks are that they are noiseless and
elastic resist the wear well and are
impervious to heat and cold
A Beautiful Skin
Is on of the chief requisites of an attractive
appearance Rough dry scaly patches little
blistery eruptions red and unsightly ring
wormsthese would spoil the beauty of a
veritable Venus They are completely and
quickly cured by Tctterlne 80 cents a box at
drug store or for W cents In stamps from J
T bhuptrine Savannah Ga
Gabriel will play the last trump In the game
ot life
Chew Star Tobacco The Best
Smoke Sledge Cigarettes
Itleaniso fish that can read between the
PlsO1 Carols a wonderful Cough medicine
Mrl W lJCKEnT Yn Slclen and Blake
Ayes Brooklyn N i Oct a1 1894
Vegetable Sicilian
It has made miles and miles
oE hair grow on million
and millions of heads
i Not a single gray hair
I 1 No dandruff
Ki Safest Srt and IIIOt PInt
Remedy hr all affections 01 tb tolDldt
and 1Iels For incipient and
and m 1
1 Uti UtMUr J
Price 25 and 50 Cents
Indian Worm Pellets
TIle MrUas BxptUw el
3u nicely II far
Qllte4 sad
MI7 to
PrIce to and JI caU I
Bend for < Jllog Alben Lea Mia
a =
1aig aems rtnhI
d 1Iei 4ar
MalcraL I
t r
Trees and Vines becowl
hardier and their products btJ
ter colored and better flavored
when liberally treated mil
fertilizers containing at least
10 actual
An illustrated book whIch
FREE what Potash Is and iw I
should be used Is cent t
all applicants Send your address
0 Cottony
maid of Prosl
That more the reason yon should wur ttil
best make of Shots I
Our lint la built for service Sold tj IlIA
baring merchant
Go8tli 0 writes N
serenl yeari I had nJ
feted lunch from Con
i hat flick uesdacb
NllhtJ iii
V found no reuer uDtD I
commenced tsitof I
nI create of 1lzaedlc1t
Dr M A Sml21011
I tlw r Medicine 11 I
better Una theoUl o
Enlirgemtirt of the Womb
This may bo caused congestion IMJ I
nutlon or tumors The symptom fjI
anil pain la the lower part of the Moo I
sometimes depressing or slnilup OP l
thB womb end some cneaslnwsln
tog the bladder and bowels CosUtewJJ
honldb Tolde < lbin InK flr2IfAsj r
mans Liver 111 Medicine small dost J
oar Mexican FemeaelUroedT tBd U II
JnlecUon and thopenl niecj
Simmons Squaw Vine Win wul CII
abou a care
llauieyUie S c ai
Uaye used Dr
mona Liver I
ikIt iir
I iMM Bowel
Iouznesi II C
of Palpitatlon clU
flays used Ze1IlQ I
hMeesdiUonLsaJmptcn0f SOn11
ttituUDUl derupmea or 1h117
pcciaiiv of indigesUos
A ftorer from dyipepila reDCal
tbblufleisuailaerblen e
lnbody Sil appetite is more C8i
thanlaewblia 01 ppojiedch1idui
there 18 a ara7lq forfood a oUlUI
11I01 ena Uisvsry thoightofe8nf H
condition rradin life mljlrall 1D
be corrected by tba eat OtVT
LoLa Liver Mertllriiis A I
XnoetMeT Oat Zellln bj ua
fast ben knocked out by th r
Oonrt The vntortaBaU IIe
jr i
wen UidBOed to bclths stoA P ° aJ
MIne wji goods ths caDno be t
001In enjoined It b
= t JourtboctedouS tII 0 l r
L1t lb artICle now called
Is lIorrr A1
leoNll Doa tuQtrW1I1 a
BnrineM College LoI11rlU
UIII1 Beauutul CataloJO FT
sIrii seE U1aIIo J 0 iEXTO
UTWXkdIlU Ks rIE tie
I Li
z S t