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The Palatka news. [volume] (Palatka, Fla.) 1905-1908, December 01, 1905, Image 2

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The Palatka News
Entered at tbe Palatka poetofilce
as mailable matter of tbe second
Published at Palatka. Fla., on
Fridays by
.A. tl'SSELL. liift
Your grumbler never gets on. Na
ture in a sarcastic mood seems to
have ordained that the persistent
whiner shall want for everything ex
cept something to whine about
Disappointment sardonically meets
him at every turn. Misfortune ever
lurks in his shadow. The whine is
a signal call to a thousand and one
little demons of distress and disas
ter, which mock and lash, hiuder
and dishearten.
Psychology has pretty well estab
lished the theory that ghosts are
creations of the subjective mind
and trouble-finding is very much like
ghost-seeing. You see blurs and j
blotches, which, if properly traced,
will be found to begiu and end their
actual existence in your own eye or
stomach or liver. There is nothing
else you can look for with so much
certainty of finding it as trouble.
But have you ever noticed that
most of your troubles are of tomor
row, that few of them are really
present today, that there are hardly
any worth mentioning in all your
past? If anticipation did not go
more than half way to meet troubles
most of them might miss their way
and never get near you.
He who whines does himself injury
such as his meanest euemy could
not do to him if he would. He
warps his own mind; he weakens
his own arm; he enervates his own
strength: he deadens within himself
the divine gifts of cheer and hope
and he dams up his own soul against
the sweet inspirations of human
Never yet did success worthy of
the name abide with a man with a
whine in his heart. A whine is pre
meditated and prearranged failure.
A whining voice means a whining
character. It is a mark of weakness
too inexcusable even to excite pity.
The broadest charity shrinks and
draws back the hand at 6ound of a
human whine a sound more disgus
ting and dismaying than the hiss of
a snake.
They say that one of the things
you cannot make or alter is environ
mentthat it is fixed, inflexible, and
that you are its slave. This is a
pessimistic lie. To our own moods
environment is a looking glass; it
smiles back at us if we smile; if we
frown, it frowns. He who thinks
the world is full of good people and
, kindly blessings is much richer than
he who thiuks the contrary. Each
man's imagination largely peoples
the world for himself. Some live in
a world peopled with princes of the
royal blood; some in a world of pau
pers and privation. You have your
This is a big, busy world. It cares
precious little what you thiuk of it
or what faults or troubles you fiud in
It. It is a choice that concerns your
self more than all others combined,
whether you grouch in the gloom,
the companion of hateful goblins, or
stride in the sunshine, seeing smiles
and catching shreds of song.
Men and women in Ood"s image
were not made as whining, groveling
things. They were made to stand
erect, mentally as well as physically;
to labor well and joyously ; to take
the gifts of providence, whether they
be joy or sorrow, and bear them
cheerfully and with courage; to add
ever something to the world"s store
of happiness, if it be only a smile.
Look up! See how flooded with
sunshine -this beautiful world is
when faced with smiling eyes? If
you would win anything, do any
thing, be anything. don"t whine.
It is well known that the business
men of Gainesville sell more grocer
ies and less "grog" and have less bad
debts to collect through the workings
of prohibition. The city has advanc
ed under prohibition in the last two
years more than in any ten years
previous for the past forty years.
This statement was obtained from a
gentleman who has resided here all
that time and is in position to show
the figures. No indeed.
Gainesville's prosperity and advance
ment does not dt-pend on the saloon,
fur without it we have more content
ed aud happy people than it ever
gave us. We have no places along
our public streets where ladies nre
afraid to pass for fear of obscene and
insulting language that frequently
comes from such places, where men
can obtain that which will steal
away their brains. "Gainesville
looks out for her own interests."
says the Ocala Banner correspond
ent, which is true, and that is the
reason she has "fired out" the sa
loons. Gainesville Sun.
Midshipman Meriwether is not be
ing tried for fighting Midshipman
Branch, but for whipping him and
inflicting more punishment than he
intended. If he was justifiable in
engaging in the fight be should not
be punished for doing tbe best he
could while it lasted. Midshipman
Branch was not playing. Titnes
I'nion. Henry M. Flagler provided a boun
tiful Thanksgiving dinner for tbe
pupils of tbe Florida Deaf and Blind
Institute at St. Augustine.
W. M. Holloway, state superinten
dent of public instruction, ha been
acquitted by a jury of his peers Qf
the charge of criminal libel in the
AlaohuaCircuit Court. A still larger
jury, the citizens of Florida, by their
ballots last November, had acquit t'd
him of anything more serious than
utteiinj? a campaign camird. ' It i
to be hoped that this Sheiits-Hollo- muscular race with oval redduh brown
way imbroglio, now happily settled, faces, hi-U cheek bones and pointed
will not be without its moral eft". it! chins, from which the beard has been
in future state campaigns.' Slants j carefully plucked. Tuey are far taller
lost his temper and the nominatiun. the rtinese and Indeed than any
,, .v. . European race, but their marked pe-
Hollowav won the nomination and .. '. -.. ,i
, . . . ... I euiiantv ' is the- bora. - Every male
election, but forfeited much m d'r'-j a lult gxlh,n h!s har iu a kuot over
nity and in that public esteem which ! bis fori,Uiad and then twists it op In a
should attach to the man filling ex- j cotton cloth so that it resembles tbe
alted o3ice. j horn of a unicorn. . .
. This horn is considered sacred, and
The Industrial Edition of the I even if a Lolo settles in Chinese terrl
Gaiuesville Sun. recently Usued. is a i tory and grows a pigtail be still pre-
magnificent exposition of
couuty s
HlllR-.riiHU..-, I
.... ...
and logical prospects. It is JU'"t
such a paper as the public had rci -
son to espect would issue from a live
publication office located in a iiv' -
town, and that it will bear fruit t.i
thefutur.- glorv of Gain-sville and
the Gainesville Sun all h s e it
must belit-ve. It has be is said thai I
all good Georgians when they di-'
hope to go to Atlanta, flint id a ii:
grained into the Georgia cmiM-ieue.- j
has made Atlanta. This same notion ,
regarding Gainesville, with an un-1
willingness to await death for a real
ization of hopes, is rapidly taking
hold on the people of Alachua and
spreading to other counties of th
state. And it is this notion, coupled
with the fact that the city is as a
unit for its own advancement, that
is rapidly making Gainesville the
best inland city of Florida. And it
is there that the Sun shines and dot s
its full part in t ho upbuilding.
Perry is to have a municipal water
Sixly-one dogs were killi-d on the
streets of Jacksonville Monday.
A 10-ton ice plant is to be installed
and in working order at Siarke by
March 1st. next.
The courts of Escambia county
have held the iVusacola Jim Crow
law to be valid.
Many of the unpaved sre-is in Sr.
Augustine are to be shelled during
the present winter season.
All doss running at law on the
streets of Jacksonville without muz
zles, have been ordered shot.
Abram Detwib-r, an aired citiz u
of Wintf r Park, dropped dead on tb
streets of that place last week.
The Miami Telephone company's
lines are to be extended to Wist
Palm Beach, a distance of .nib s.
The State Fair at Tampa Hos, ,!
yesterday. Jt has been a thorough
ly great exposition of Florida indus
tries and iias had a successful run.
C'arrabelle is moving for deep water
aud citizens recently held a monster
mass meeting for tiie purpose of
calliug attention of the government
to the need.
The turpentine operators of (in
state will bold a convention at the
Board of Trade auditorium. Jackson
ville, next Wednesday and Thurs
day, Dee. fith and 7;h.
The jury in the trial of .State Sup
erintendent Holloway was unani
mous in saying he was ;i : guilty of
the charge of criminal lite l preferr
ed ry W. N. Sheats.
Zack t'lark.n dry goods salesman
of Jacksonville, bitten by a cur doi:
some tnree weeks ago, has gone to
tbe Pasteur Institute in Atlanta for
treatment as a precautionary meas
ure against hyurophoma. j rains. Beside them the Alps are Innu-
Forty convicts from Duval i-ounty j man, the Apennines mere forest grown
have been leased to work mi a tur-: heap, mountains in the making, while
pentine farm in Orange county. For; all that Scotland gains from the easy
each convict leased: whether ma ... enveloping glorv of its heather West
woman or child. Duval county r- -1 moriUuld wLlch b almost heatherless,
ceives f 16.. per month. ' , . . . , - '
. , , , must owe to an Infinitude or fine
C ni.srressniau Frank Clark is now ; stroU , curve3 aml groups, to
iu ashintrton. there to remain until ; . . , . , . ,. ' '
the close of thesession. H is .,lr...
is No. 21 1W Nineteenth street X. W.
Mr. Clark stated b-fore h aving that
he "intends to look after ail matters
of interest the Florida people."'
Florida policy holders in the three
giant New York companies now
under investigation are generally
sending their proxies to Titos. W.
Lawson of Boston, to whom the
country is looking for substantial aid
in the work of ousting the grafters.
Saturday last was veterans day at
the Tampa state Fair, and the "vet
erans oi tne rune ami trav wep
welcomed bv Hon Kob'f. W. Davis."
who was appointed by the mayor to j Nature protects the Arab horse with
represent the city. It i- said" that ! a thick, furrv coat, which is never
Mr. Davis made a int brilliant im-. tocehed bv brush or comb and which
, " , when tbe body and legs, which had
y!,we"n,:;;J La
been "held in 1 (J bonds each ' ru"'e eir graceful beauty and ghs
charged with stealimr nineteen head ten in ,ne sun like Pohshed marble.
of cattle from Morgan Reddinc. ! London Chronicle.
which they drove to Jacksonville !
and sold. Gritlis is also held in h i j North and Sooth Korea,
additional bond of f i for running a In the northern part Korea is cot
"blind tiger. ' j ered with transverse mountain ranges
J. H.Graves an emplove of the j which gradually sink to a well marked
Dunnellon Phosphate company, met , lowland. The principal mountains,
a horrible death at that plant last toweTCTt occur 0n the side of the sea
."arge wateV Hlo TJ f "1
thefloor, but the water pressure was1 Chlefl-T o!d fonnations-archaean and
so great that it threw him under the j Palaeozoic. The easiest passage across
crusher where he was ftarfully ' the peninsula is along the depression
mangled before the machinery coul j j of Cbyukkaryong. South of this line
be stopped. Mr. Graves was CI years fles the "lianland" (south Korea),
of age and leaves a wife aud several ! wbich differs In history, climate, topog
children. J-raphv and people from north Korea.
Major Frank B McCoy of the 17th j '
Infantry, F.S. A., who visited tbe j HeH.aMe-lyPerTer.ltr.
Honda encampment of state troops, . M ntmks, wUh Ton wouldn't be
sends in a criticism thn. ought to do ' ...
mod. Among other things he savs : 80 os,t,ve' Tbe ' " Z. '
Gnnr.l di.tr s evtremelv m,.,"u. T?ir question. Old Hunks (with
factorily performed by both officers
and men. evidently ini instructions
ever having been impMrted before
coming to camp- The Second R.-sri-ment
showed up much better in tbi
respect. In the First it was an ex
ception to find a man on i os who
knew his eerier! onlefa in c, it i
the non-co'imissioned oiticers ahont
tne lion io..iiiussioneu cmcer anout
as iguorniii as iu Kunru uuues. t
found the men. willing, bit the
trouble is. too many inefficient, of-
Beers, tlnlcrs who care more to
pose as such than to post them
selves in their duties by study. All
seemed enersretie in nmi and some
mronlri remain on all nii?bt Hnrintr ;
their tour as officer of the dv audi
guard and, by personal criticisms, of
inch I was not sparing, 1 am satis-
fled that this camp will bear fruit."'
Qaeer Bare That Uvea Sear the CaW
-Mew Prefeetare of Chleaehaaa.
Adjoining the Cbiuese prefecture of
Cbieucluing Ls a deep gully barred by
a rirer wti- b no Chinaman te permit
ted to pass until be finds bail for his
good conduct in Loluduiu.
The Lolus are a slim, well made.
serves uis uorn. iue imiu mau jinu-
irarment is a wide sleeveless man-
... ., . r..l. .hoj.t thA
j netk descending almost to the
1 trousers are of Chinese
cutton -j (vt bandages. No shoes
jnre worn, but a conical hat of woven
1 bamboo covered with felt furnishes a
! head covering as well as an 'umbrella.
I The Chinese divide tne LOios into
two classes, which they call respective
Ir "Black Bones" aud "'White Bon ."
the first being the nobles and the latter
i their vassals and retainers. There Is
a;so a third class of captive Chinese
and their descendants, called "TVatzu."
practically slaves. wh are tattooed on
the forehead with the mark of their
Tbe Lolos never marry except In
their own tribes, captive Chinese wom
en being given to their bondsmen. The
marriaee of a Blaek Bone Is a time of
! great festivities and many banquets.
I Tlio l,troth:il L celebrated and ratified
by the present of the husband to the
bride's family of a pig and three ves
sels of wine.
On the wedding morn the bride is
: richly dressed with many ornaments.
She Is expected to weep profusely,
whether she feels so Inclined or not.
In the midst of her tears the groom's
relatives and friends dash in. seize the
bride, the best man carries her out of
doors on his shoulders, she Is clapped
on a horse and hurried off to her new
home. Here she finds horses, cattle
! and sheep, provided by the groom's
i family, while her own people send
clothes, ornaments and corn. Women
' oeccpy a high position among the Lo
' los, and a woman chief is not unknown
among the tribes. New York Herald.
When you die. you will die as dead
as anybody.
We all have enough to be cross about
I Still, it isn't a good idea to show It
People like to be called enthusiastic,
but buw they hate to be called 'gushing.-'
The only difference between the mod
ern family row and that of the older
days is that the modern one Isn't as
big a family.
The "good fellow" you slap on the
back and tell your troubles to may
seem good natured, but he complains
of you to his wife.
There is nothing so disappointing as
to have one take you aside to tell you
a great secret and then discover that
you already know it Atchison Globe.
A Bit of Wnlmonlaad.
The Westmoreland hills are the re
mains of an infinitely older world
giants decayed, but of a great race and
ancestry. They have the finish, the
delicate or noble loveliness one might
almost say the manner that comes of
loil? and gentle companionship with
those chief forces that make for natu
ral beauty, with air and water, with
temperate suns and too abundant
! loucnes oi magic anu 10 lines oi grace.
yet never losing the wild energy of
precipice and rock that belongs of right
to a mountain world. Mrs. Humphry
Ward in Century.
The Arab Steed. .-
An Arab steed of pure breed would
probably be outpaced in a race by an
English thoroughbred, but In other re
spects it outshines Its western rival.
It is so docile that It Is treated by its
owner as one of the family, and It has
an iron constitution, for it sleeps out
at eight without covering or shelter.
! roar.e-Well, that's no reason why yoa
should always be on the wrong sideJ-
Chicago Tribune.
dTATE or obi-s City cr Toleis, i .
Lkcaa CorsTit. i
- FraDk J. t'bn r make oath that be ht fn'or
prtneret tbe a.fii OI K J. Chner A I.e., doing
h he fKy of Tn'Mo, coiibijt nd 8tw
. ,f ri4 th,? nrm pT um
of iSK Ht'KKKi UoiXAKS f r ee h anil
rreer ce of catarrh that on'iot be rn r-e:l by
Seorn t" hef.r- to ao4 eiitectjbej In my
pre, n--, n j day ol If-trnter, A P. lafr.
(Jai A. W.liLtASOS.
yotary ItibUe.
Hall Catarrh Care la ta-rn internally and
art directly on the hl.iod and namq. urtaoes
ol the slctn. t tun-ui9 free.
.,A ... .t.i.:5H.L''Ieic0-'M0-e
Tikeiiaii . rajmy tot Conit paiion.
" .
the News II J a rear.
Blind Headache
blind, sick headaches and backaches, and could gee
no relief until I tried'
Woman's Relief
I Immediately commenced to improve, and
now i ieei line
WRTTE xx knOW It Will
n x caraui is pure, incuiunai w"""
ntirtY vx vegetable herbs, which relieves
JlJe pains, regulates female
your symptoms, we will xx. functions.tonesuptneorgans
SutpSUX to a proper state of health.
envelope). Don't besiute, but Nv Jfy it for 'OUr UOUDie.
write today. AilJrass: Ladies' Ad- v irT,rtdlc eallcs it
visory Dt., The Chattanooga Medi- N EverV arUgaiSISCUS 11
dne Co., CaatUnooKa, Tenn.
A Paint
made to sell well
must be made to
wear well.
sales on
this season
amounts to over
fifteen tons
which is 30,000
Tax Deed Under Section 8 of Chapter
4IS8, Laws of F orida.
Notice is hereby given that W. C.
Townsend, purchaser of tax certificate
So. 852. dated the 4 th day of April,
A. D , 1893. has fled said certificate in my
office, and has made appication for tax
deed to Issue in accordance with law.
Sold certificate embraces the following
tit scribed property situated in Putnam
county, Foricia, to wit :
Lot 1, V bank of river, section 35.
township 12, range 26 661 acres.
The said land being assessed at the
date of the issfl tnee of such certificate In
the name of I'oknown. Unless said
certificate shall be redeemed according
to law, tax deed will issue thereon on the
30th day of December. A D 1905.
Witness my official signature and seal
this the 23d day of November A D 1305.
Clerk circuit court. Putnam Co. Florida
By R. Raymond Price, dep. clerk
Notice of application for Tax Deed un
der section 8 of chapter 4883, Ltws of
Notice is hereby giten that J C
Strickland, purchaser of tax certificate
No. 4, dated th 6th day of Ju"y, A. D.
1903, has tiled said certificate 10 my of
fice, and has made application Tor tax
deed to Issue it accordance with law.
Said certificate embraces the following
described property situated in Putnam
county, Florida, to-wit :
SwJ of swj, section 33, township 8,
range 24 10 seres
The said land being assessed at the
date of tbe issuance of such certificate
in the nameof C'has. H. Derby. Unless
said certificate shall lie redeemed accord
ing to law, tax deed will issue thereon
on the 23d day of December, A. D.. 19o5.
Witness my official signature and seal
this the 16th day of Nov.. A. D. 190S.
Clk. Circuit C ourt Putnam co . Flo rida
Tax Deed Under Section 8 of Chapter
4888 Laws of Flori la.
Notice is hereby given that T. F
Baker, purchaser of tax certificate
No. 668. dated the 3rd day of April,
A. D., 1893, has filed said certificate la
my office, and has made application for
tax deed to issue in accordance with law.
Said certificate embraces the following
described property situated In Putnam
county, Florida, to wit :
Lot 3 and N 16 A of lot 4, bk 13, pre
258 sections, township II, range 26
56 acres.
Said land being assessed at the date
of the issuance of such certificate in the
name of 8. M. Morton. Erdess
said certificate shall be redeemed accord
log to law, tax deed will issue thereon
on the 23rd day of December, A. D. 1905.
Witness my official signature and seal
this the 15 day of November A. D. 1908.
Clk Circuit Ct Putnam count. Florida.
Tax Deed Under Section 6 of Chapter
4888, Laws of Florida.
Notice is hereby given that W. O.
Townsend. purchaser of tax certificate
Ko 844. dated the 2nd day of Ju j,
A D 1900, has filed said certificate In
my office and has mad application for
tax deed to Issue in accordance with law.
Said certificate embraces the following
described property situated in Putnam
county, Florida, to-wit :
J of nwj. and nw of sJ. section 34,
township 12. range 26 120 acres.
The said land being assessed at the
date of tbe issua ice of such certificate
in the name of - Unknown. Un
less said certificate shall be redeemed
according to law, tax deed will lu
thereon on the 30 b day of December,
A. D. 1905. -
Witness my official aignatsr and sea
this the 23d day of November. A D 1905.
C3 ark Circuit Court Putnam Co.. Florida.
By R. Raymond Price, dep. clerk.
a new woman, an-a -.. .
lttoaji sick women, ,
.a a. 1 -flUHt.H mo
Jirinol ovtrirt of
We are receiving daily. New
and Fresh Groceries of all
kinds. We have the most
complete stock of New Goods,
in the following lines thai) we
have ever had:
Fancy Dried ami Evaporated
Best brands of Canned Goods
consisting of
Fruits, Vegetables, Fish, Meats,
Cereals, Breakfast Foous, Entire
Wheat Flour, Graliaiu Flour,
Yellow Com Meal, Teas,
Coffees aud Spices,
Butter and
Crackers and Cakes,
Hants, Shoulders. Breakfast
Bacon, Sausage, I'igs Feet,
Best New Florida and
Maple Syrup,
aud everything usually kept
in a first-cbiss Grocery store.
Call and see us. you will be surprised
to nun mat we sen oest nuaiu v ai
such low prices.
Telephone S4,
Klrby and Morris Sts.. Palatka. Fla.
(a. LOPIB BAII.KY. (.'HAS. M. HlI.l.lAED
Fire Insurance:
Leading American and Foreign
Accident Insurance:
The Travelers of Hartford
Life Insurance:
The - Old Reliable "Ueniiania
Life" of New York
Marine Insurance:
The jeadinig Comjrauies
All Claims Promptly
Office, 28 Front St., Palatka, Fla
Bon Bons
Ailftee-ftade Candies
Something new
Every day
Vratoa 8U Palatka.
Annnatlr. to All the post Hon created .t Rail
ww ana l "irrraitn lontai n. w .i
YOI NU MENaad UU1I.S of good bililu to
Learn Telegraphy
We fnrntah TS per cent, ot the Operatira ant
Station Areola is America. Our glx chxla art
the largest ei.-lui.lve Telegraph fcVaools is
TMS M IIKLU. Eawbli.hed Jl yearn and eo
doraed brail leading Kallwar Offidala.
Weel-ute tlto B ind to ererr aludVnt to
furnish him or her a l-oel!!on paying from ita
to 4I a maath In Ktatea eaat i4 the hvvkT
Meant lus; or IromtTi tsCWamontli Imitate
weal u( the ftjcklea, immediately apoa
tiuidrnta can enter at nr time. No Yaaa
Uona. For full parttealara retarding any at
oar School write direct - oor eaecutlre vfflco
at Clacloaatl, O. Catakue tree.
Tbe Korsi School of Telegraphy.
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Buffalo. X. T.
LaCne. Mh la.
rn r rataclaoo, Cat
Atlanta, (.a.
Texarkaaa. Tex.
Osteopathic Physician,
Office at Residence Cor Orange and knSta.
A 1 Curable Diseases auoMasfully treat
ed without drags. Chronic cases es
peciailj aoliclted. a
lew loods.
I K t
'i 1 Rri
Drugs, Chemicals, Druggist Sundries and
FRESH GARDEN SEED. agents Mallorr Sleamshlp Lln.
Vic Pbbbidbnt.
tes Putnam National Bank
Of Fa.la.tlca.
We solicit thA aecouDts ot the people throughout Putnam County, and tender all
the courtesies and aooommodations consistent with good Banking.
The Great Through Car Line From Florida
l: East
I West
t East
Via Sti'ani?lii)
Interchangeable mileage tickets good over 13,000 miles of the principal railway
.f the Southern States are on sale by the principal ageota.
"Through Pullman Sleeper, Port Tampa to New York, via Atlantic East Coast
Line; also via Atlantic Coast Line and Southern Railway."
For complete information call on E. P. Jackson, Ticket agent, or address
For reservations and information apply to Agents Atlantio Coast Line, or write:
FRANK C. BOYLSTON, Dint. Pass Agent, W. D. STABK, Traveling Pass. Agt.
131 West Bay street, Astor Building, Jacksonville, Florida.
H. M EMERSON. Traffic Manager. W. J. CBAIO, General Passenger Agent.
Wilmington. North Carolina. -
Furniture, Mattings,
Oil Cloths, Linoliuuis, Ruga,
Art Square or Window
Shades, consult
We carry a big line ot these goods and
are making exceedingly low prices now.
Undertaking and Embalming.
Special Master's Sale.
UNDER ai d In arconl&nce with a float drre
of for. entire and aate, tendered by tbe
Hon J.T. Will, Judge of ibe tflti Judicial Clr
cuil t Florida, In a certain case pending Id
&aiu Clrcjfi Coun in Putnam County, Florida.
luCbanc 17. wh rln William E. Bk-r. M at,
are OcmpLilDants and Otanrlei W. Vj bite, et ale.,
are tXfii- ant3,dtedSoember1t, Ismail
e-11 at public aiMtKn, tor cvh, at tbe (runt
dotroUie Court Hm.e In Falatka, Fat nam
Gmoty, Florida, on the 4th day ol Ltecemoer, A.
1).. i&m. dtirtog the leul hours of amle, on that
day. the owlnx lote. tracts -tad part! uf
land. U iitfr located a part thereof lu the. County
of lay and a part thereuf in the County of
Putnam. Siaieof Florida, to-wit:
Lots Three (4p nd Four tii, and a' so the
Northwest quarter W. k) clSUoa Fnjrtli
Township Nine 8outh of Eange Twentr
'hreeii Kast; nod Lot Three ta) of SerUoa
Kioeit) bouth ol ldnfe Twenty-three ttit Bast,
tofeiber with all and singular, the rights, tn-t-rets
and appurtenances thereunto belong
lnte sod mlAO all the peional property thereon.
and uion such sale being made, 1 thall exe
cute and dvttTer to the purchaser a ootl and
su (Helen t deed.
bpeclal Master.
3. J. HILBrRJi,
Cumplainanta CounseL
Palatka. Fian Nut. 2nd, 16
Administrator's Notice.
Hotlce Is hereby (Tlrei. that st x montht after
the a ate hereof, t wit, on the .nth day of April,
A. 1. VM6. I will apply to the County Judge cf
Putnam Oouuty, Florida, t r a 41 barvo fron
the further admluistrailon of the eaiate of
Julia B. Wade, lateol said oo mtv, deoeaeed.
J. H. H A R (, Administrator
This STth day ot October, A lux Oct rf-sm
Master's Sale Foreclosure.
SHER and bj Tlrtae of a decree ot foreclos
ure and aale rendered In Iheflrcultl ourt
ol tne Klglita Judicial Circuit ol tbe Slate el
Florida. In and lor Puuiaa County, bj toe
Honorable Jamre T. Ilia. Judfeol uld Court,
dated the Mk day ol Sept. A. U lui, wherein
Cxna.dld.ted Orocery I J-. la otmplaiuaol. and
Jonn .'. Hovden la delendant, I will sell al
public aiH tloa, tor cab. to tbe nUbeat and
oel bidder, at Ibe Iroat door of the Court
House In Halataa la aald t'ouiity or Pulaant
on the 1 tret Monday la iMeenoar, tbe nan
belli tba ik day of aald aioaia. durlna the
lral hour of aale. o. lkatday, all tbe follow
luKdea,lbl laud, alluate. lying and betnf In
thet'ountyof Human and State U r tonda:
l Tblrty nlneiWila blnckauaabe.-lwo 01),
ta town ui InterlMbea. Iltnara rountr. Fla.
.. Special Master la Cnaacerr.
S"llcllor for tm nlal east
Paiatka, Fia,OeLau,lMKV lla
FOR SALE-Blickenaderfer type
writer. In good o.-der. Cheap 110
address A. H D.Kew. office.
Nov; Then!
For the Season's Stove
and Range Business.
We have rolled up our sleeves
and are going in to sell more
than we have ever done.
And as the stoves are Buck's
the greatest line in the
world ' nd as we hear noth
ing but the most enthusiastic
reports from all users, why
should we not feel encouraged?
Buck's have been built for
close onto 60 years now, (5914
to be exact) and if they were
not all and everything that is
claimed for them the company
would not now be the Largest
Exclusive Stove Concern in
this Country. Would they?
We would like to have you
call and see this great line.
Richmond and Washington.
The Louisville & Nashville via Montgomery.
) The Mobile & Ohio R. R. via Montgomery.
"I Via Savannah and Ocean Steamship Company for
I New York, Philadelphia and Boston.
Via Norfolk and Steamer for N. Y., Wash., Bait.
( Via Savaunah aud Merchants & Miners Transpor
j tation Company for Baltimore and Phila.
Study at Home
Sdikcatioa and .tfi yew contltouo ia bte. It
yM aeanv Rote, you ova era er. Withthe-iJ
Tf S.KTJ I WH I J IT WW Ml teste o
a emptor! to lean iookknpkat, Anthmtnc.
Atftbn, OiwiHf, Tr1caaoMt7T.Graaintu. Kbeu
ork. Lttrntorv Htatorr. PsvcSolotTT. Trte -trv.
ork, L4tmtor Htstorr. Fr
Sctesccs. Laitia. etc tW SO
Scteacctw Laitia. etc ft-v SO Cwnn Swew-Mly
TmaM ferr Mas. TeatScM skied to nB ct
boats. Tern jeaM ot tucccss. Crta-ecue frr.
Aiktfes. 1. L MIMKH, Palatka, Florida.
Enropean - Restaurant.
Furnished Koooms,
Hot and Cold Baths
Chas kapperbuscli's
Palatkn. Fla.
Just received $
SNew I
Seeds : I
For the m
Fall Planting
City Drug Store
Play Box Ball
Richards' Alley, on Griffin Lot
tinder new aiaiienient
Ladies plT Iree Wednesday afternooDl
Sto. Ioa water. F. O. Buffly. Mgr
FOB 8AU!.Chep-wr0ronra
Victor safe, address Dr. t. " ar
ren, Palatka, Fla.
Every man owes it to himself
family to master a trade or Pf'fv-i
Read Ua display advertteemw' f1
six atorsa Bchoola of lelegrapny.
.. l h ..aI,w a toudK n1"'
or lady may learn teJegrafby nd?
a.M B
tured a poaittoo.
If you want to get youtmoney -and
U a (rood COLO knock-out, us.
Peek's Pin tar Syrup.

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