FALAT and Advertiser. NEW SERIES VOL. XVIII, NO. 8. PALATKA, FLORIDA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1910. $1 Per Year. Too Ms nn bud Only a short Time and our Sale of Men's and Boy's Clothing will be over. The present sale has been one of the largest we have ever had, therefore, we have decided to continue it for two weeks longer. Of our remaining stock of Men's and ... i . uy a K thing we have placed on the market the following bargains, and if you don't know these prices are genuine ask a man who wears our Clothing: $30.00Suits reduced to $20.00 27.50 " - 25.00 " 23.00 - 22.50 20.00 " 18.00 ' 16.50 " 15.00 " 13.50 " 12.50 10.00 " " 18.75 " 17.50 " 16.50 " 15.25 ' - " 14.25 ' " 12.75 " 11.75 " 10.00 " 8.50 " 7.75 ' " 8.50 The men who wear them know "If It Gomes Front FesrRs.da's It's I Guaranteed." Fcnrnside Clothing Lemon and Third, Palatka. ore! ARE YOU SLEEPY? NERVOUS? ? TIRED ? 11 WILL WAKEN UP YOUR LIVER and start it working. Then you can work, and enjoy it, too. THE CENUINE hm tha RED Z on the front of Moh packago and tha signature and saal of J. H. ZILiN a CO., on tha aide, In RED. FOR SALE BV ALL DRUCCISTS. POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. for Stale Honutor; To the PeiiHtiTiuli; voters of Putnam Co. Fin. I hereby respertluily tnuiounce myself its A cnri(tuiate for the Htiile HtMiute from Put nam eounty, subject to the action or the IVmocrutlc nrlnmrv soon to Iw called In this county. If you think I hnve been fulth- ful in the few tiling intrusted to me ns n menilHT of the House of Representatives, I shall be pleased to hnve your support. Respectfully, M. J. HILBURN. Palntka, Fin., Feb. loth, lulu. To the Democratic voters of Putnnm Co: I hereby announce mvself n candidate for the office of Htnto Senator from this 80th Henatorinl District, subject to the net Ion of the democratic primary election. Permit me to say I m a Democrat and seek the of fice uninfluenced by nny faction, trust or corporation, and should I become your nuniie servant. J enn serve you without fear or favor. Respectfully. JNO. P. WALL. For Representative. To the Democratic Voters of Putnam Co: 1 will hen cnndldnte In tlx) npuronchlnc frinmry for the ollice of Representative In he Legislature, for which olllce I respect fully solicit your support. In the event of my selection as one of your representatives, I will strive earnestly to serve your interests ana tnoscor me state or r loriua intelligent ly, faithfully and in harmony with Demo cratic Ideals. W. A. RU88EHL. To the Voters of Putnnm county: 1 nereoy announce my candidacy ror riep resentntlve of Putnam county, subject to the Coming Democratic primary, and re spect'ully solicit the support of my friends throughout the county. For County Commissioner. To the Democratic voters of Commlssloner Klstrtct No. 1: I will he a cai.dldatc in the approaching Democratic primary for the office of county Commissioner from District No. 1. I have tried to serve the people faithfully In the past and their endorsement of my candida cy will be greatly appreciated. iU'speeiruny, W.C. ALVKRS. Blsco, Fob'v 10, U10. I hereby announce mvself a candldnte for reelection to the oltlce of County commis sioner from District No. 2, subject to the Democratic primary. If tcctcd I shnll con tinue the dlscharue of the duties of the po sition to the very best of my ability. Thank ing my friends for past support, and asklmz for tholr continued endorsement of my of- nciai course, i am, very rusueriru.nr, L.U. HTEPHKNS. To the Democratic voters of tiommlsloner's District No. 4: I hereby announce myself a candidate for reelection to the office of County Commis sioner from District 4, subject tothe Dem ocratic primary. li elected I shall continue the discharge of the duties of the podtlon to me very nest oi my aidiity. 1 hanking my friends for past support. I will be pleased to have your support In the coming primary. v ery respecii u ; ly, M. BOHANNON. For County Treasurer. To the Democratic voters of Putnam Co. 1 am uow serving my first term ns your County Treasurer, an olllce which I hold by your sum-age and ror the honor of which I have always felt particularly grateful to you. It is a trust I shall lie able to return to you unimpnlred at the end of my term, and one that, with your approval, I should again iiae to assume, i tnererore tnite tms oppor tunity to say that I will again be:a candi date in the coming primary, and reBpoct- luny ass: your support. j. ty. rj i.muiuih. THE GREATEST CARE In Imndllnc will often time not nrovent accidents. In the Repairing of nnythli.K the repaired imrt should not be the weak spot ever after. ui linna, timet rctc, tms ifl most partic ularly true. Generally a "mended" pun Is not worth as much ns before. We do not "mend" anything. We replace the broken parts by new ones. No matter how small the closest attention is trlveti bv us to every job. E. O. HAULS, 417 Lemon street Palatka. Florida. FOR SALE Two suits of furniture. nearly new; to be sold at half cost. In quire Newi odice. ) Own Your Home. ) S STOP THE RENT 5 U Hnlou Tiiflfor K Prn s ? II. IllllbJ 11M01UUIU. r Real Estate aud 3 ' Insurance, Opp. Court House, 1 ) Theme 128, f lJa atka. Florida. i I ! Arlington Changes Hands. E. L. Wilbur, late of Corbln, Ky., on Friday of last week purchased alt rights and title to the Arlington Hotel and has taken possession. Mr. Wilbur is an old hotel man and successful. He is a New Yorker by birth and for some dozen years was in the hotel business in Syracuse. For ten years last past he was a prominent hotel keeper at Corbin, Ky. His great est success, he states, has been as a ca terer to the wants of commercial men. Mr. Wilbur says that he proposes to renovate the Arlington and improve it in every particular where there is need. Later on he may make more extensive improvements. , 1'or the present Mr. and Mrs. Kalb- field will remain at the hotel and assist Mr. Wilbur in its management. They will still make Talatka their home, and will board at the Arlington. Mr. Kalb- field bought the property some time ago, but had paid only a part of the pur chase price. The sale to Mr. Wilbur lets him out of the transaction whole. It will be gratifying to the people of ralulka to know that Mr. and Mrs. Kalb field will still make this city their home. Their management of the Arlington has been eminently succcsssul. I hey took it at a time when it had little business. and leave it wilh an established business limited only bv- the house's accomoda tions. Mrs. Lewis Entertains. Mrs. Kalherine Lewis delightfully en tcrlained a number of young friends at six o'clock dinner at her home on Lem on street last Monday evening, in honor ot her niece, Miss Merna Diem, a charm ing young lady of Lincoln, Nebraska, and the Misses Kincharl ol liloomington, Illinois, popular and accomplished visit ing young ladies. Miss Diem is here with her parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Dichl, guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Hamm and other relatives. Covers were laid for twelve guesls. and the souvenir place cards contained dainty bunches of violets tied with white ribbon. The dining room was profusely deco rated wilh evergreens and flowers, the dining table being especially attractive and well arranged. 1 he dinner comst cd of six courses. Afler the repast the young people en Joyed numerous games and had a good time generally. And at a seasonable hour the guests departed, one and all voting Mrs. Lewis an ideal hostess and thanking her for an evening of rare pleasure. Those privileged to enj'oy Mrs. Lewis' hospitality were: Misses Merna L. Diehl of Lincoln. Neb. j Laura B. and Bessie Rinchart of Bloominglon, 111.; Bessie Whitsell of Virginia; Mabel Holcomb, Clyde Estes and Violet Merwin, city; Messrs. 1. I. Knight, Warner T. Hamm, Chas. Mer win, Edward G. Haskell, and J. D. Buky of this city. Co. Commissioners Announce. During the week at least two of the present board of county commissioners have announced their candidacy for an other term. L. C. Stephens, the member from Pa latka and the hard working chairman of board, is one of them. Mr. Stephens is too well known in Palatka to need any introduction here. He has served on the board faithfully all through the pre liminaries leading up to the present pub lic improvements in the county and is familiar wilh every detail of the work. No man can fill an administrative or legislative office and please everybody, and Mr. Stephens is no exception. - He has, however, gone about his work, and those who know him best believe that he has honestly striven to serve wilh an eye single to the advancement of the county. If he has made mistakes, they have been of the head, rather than of the heart. And those things which were pointed out as mistakes arc gradually coming to be regarded as- wise moves. Mr. Stephens is not anxious for the of fice, but he feels that he can serve the people to advantage, at least until the public work now in hand has been com pleted, hence his candidacy. If there is to be any opposition to Mr. Stephens the News has not heard of it. Morgan Bohannon of Banncrvillc is the olher announced candidate. Mr. Bohannon's district is the Fourth. He has also been a member of the board during the present public improvements and served faithfully. He is a modest man, of few words, but one who when he takes a position and is convinced he is right, cannot be swerved therefrom. Mr. Bohannon is highly regarded ail over his district as an honest, substantial citizen" . It is understood that he will have opposition, but up to the present no one has come into the open against him. Parlies wanting to set out extra fine grafted Pecan Tree should let us know at once. Prices 2.00 and up. Many of these have fruited. Jas. A. Bear. Don't use harsh physics. The reac tion weakens the bowels, leads to chronic constipation. Get Doan's Regtilets. They operate easily, tone the stomach, cure constipation. HOUSEKEEPERS ATTENTION ! Phone Wadford, and have him call and tell you what he can do with your old Furniture and Mattresses. Honest work at moderate prices. He guarantees his work to please you. shop: North 1st street. 'Phone 160. WANTED A good farm horse; must not be over eight years old and weigh eleven hundred or over. Espcranza Fruit Co. Hives, exzetna, itch or salt rheum sets yon crazy. Can't bear the touch of clothing. Doan's Ointment enres the most obstinate cases. Why anffer All 4ruggist sell it. m;mmm;anaii wummm SMITH'S Home Made Candy, Ice Cream, Hot and Cold Drinks, i I i k ft r t: k -Affeat for I Huyler Candies. J L. A. SMITH, jj Palatka, Florida. PUTNA Opened to Public Speeches by Judge J. T. Wills, Ex-Gov. Broward and S. J. Hilburn. All Nature Smiled Upon the Occasion and With a Cloudlets Sky. In the presence of such a crowd as has rarely, if ever before, gathered in this city, Putnam county's great highway bridge across the St. Johns River was opened to the public last Tuesday. It would be hard to estimate the crowd. Men who have lived here for 40 years say there was never such a vast crowd in Palatka before. It was a crowd made up largely of home people. It was a sober crowd. An orderly crowd. A crowd calculated to make one feel proud of the fact that he lived in Putnam county. People begun ar riving on Monday afternoon and they kept coming by train, and boat, and pri vate conveyance all through the night, and up to noon on Tuesday, All through the early hours ot, Tues day the people flocked to and walked out on the great bridge. They all liked it. "About 10 o'clock in the morning Johnny J. Jones' famous Italian band commenced ils street concert and Lemon street was thronged. And such music! Rarely has a band held forth in Palatka that could approach it in the mailer of such exquisite harmony of sweet sounds. The band held the crowd spell bound with delight. The Parade Over Bridge. Promptly at 11 o'clock the parade of automobiles and carriages formed on Lemon and Front street and at the given signal, headed by Sheriff Kenner ly, Chief of Police Varnes and their deputies as cut-riders on horse back, the procession started Following the men on horse came the string of beautiful ly and gaily decorated automobiles, inose in the lead containing 1 resident Selden, Vice-president Walton, and Secretary de Montmollin, of the board ol trade, Mayor Davis, Col. Hilburn and other prominent members of the board with the distinguished guests, members ot visiting commercial bodies and Ihe speakers Judge Jas. T. Wills and Ex Gov. Broward. There were some 20 or more large touring cars in the line, followed by carriages, the whole making a beautiful procession across the bridge to East Palatka, where it turned and re-crossed to the Woman's park on River street. where the speakers stand and barbecue had been arranged for the feast of elo quence and flow of grub, The business houses of Palatka, and the great mills of the Wilson Cypress Company. A. 1. homers. Iilghmans. the Selden factory and olher business places had closed down for the exercises and the park was crowded. The Speaking. President Geo. B. Selden of the Pa latka board of trade called the crowd to order and introduced Hon. S. J. Hilburn who delivered an eloquent address of welcome, pointing to this first of Put nam s modern achievements with pride and predicting even greater things for tne tuture. Mr. Hilburn s addresa was the occasion for frequent and enthusi astic applause as he told of the rapid settlement of the county and the glories that awaited the completion of improve ments now under way. He was followed by- . fresident Geo. o. Selden who read letters of regret from Gov. Gilchrist. Senator Taliaferro, Col. Rob't W. Davis, Congressman l'rank Clark, and Hon. W. A. MacWilliams. These letters were as follows: Tallahassee, Fla., Feb. 7. 1910. Col. H. M. de Montmollin, Secretary Palatka Board of Trade, Palatka, F'lorida. Dear Sir: I appreciate very much ihe invitation to be present at the celebration upon the occasion of the opening of the Putnam county highway bridge, at Palatka on February ila. rrcvious invitations will prevent my accepting the same. It-affords me pleasure to note Ihe in terest taken in the construction of roads and bridges throughout our state. lours very truly, Albekt W. Gilchrist, Governor. Washington, D. C. Feb. 16. 1910. Hon. George B. Selden, Board of 1 rade, Palatka. Fla. My Dear Mr. Selden : Yours of the 9th instant, sending me an invitation ot the Jralatka board ol trade to be present at the celebration of the opening of the Putnam counly high way bridge on February 22d, has been received. I would be more than pleas ed to attend the celebration, but to be frank with you, the situation is such thai I could not get away without Jeopardiz ing, in my opinion, Ihe interests of the people of Palatka and the St. Johns river valley generally. I he River and Harbor Bill as it passed the House provides an appropriation of 32,400 for Ihe St. Johns river from Jack sonville to Lake llaruey. My under standing of your views is that this long stretch should be divided as originally contemplated by the engineers into two projects Jacksonville lo Palalka in the one and Palalka to Lake Harney in the other. The amount to me seems a very small sum for the long stretch of river from Jacksonville to Lake Harney and It is my purpose to endeavor to get the projects separated, to allow the $32,400 to remain for one if possible and to get an equivalent sum for the olher. If I should leave at this time with the River and Harbor Bill pending in the commit tee I am afraid that our chances for this improvement would be jeopardized, and I am writing in the hope that you will explain my absence in such manner that the good people of Palatka will not be lieve that I am unappreciative of their hospitality or would not like very much to be with them. I hope you are well and am wilh best wishes. Sincerely yours, Jas. P. Tai.iafekbo. Tampa. Fla.. February 17. 1910. Col. IL M. de Montmollin, Palatka, Ha. My Dear Colonel: lour wire asking me to inform yon bar- whether I could be wi.h you at the hecue on Tuesday next was received oraln. 1'S MAGNIFICENT HIGHWAY BRIDGE In Presence of Great Throng of Home People. I cannot tell you how much I regret ihe fact that It will be impossible for me to be with you on that happy occasion, but engagements in court make it im possible. There are no people on earth who are nearer to my heart than the people of Palatka and Putnam county, and 1 rejoice with you on the commer cial prospects and advantages which the building of this bridge furnishes, and al though I cannot be with you in person, you may be sure that 1 am with you in spirit. Sincerely your friend, Rout. V. Davis, Washington, D. C, Feb. 12, 1910. Mr. George B. Selden, President Board of Trade, Palatka, Florida. My Dear Sir: I beg to acknowledge receipt of your very kind invitation of the 5th Inst, to attend the opening of ihe new high way bridge across the St. Johns at Palat ka, on the 22d day of the present moult'. I desire to assure you thai 1 apprec a e ihe invitation very much and would be delighted to be wi'.h you on the occas ion mentioned, but am quite sure that 1 cannot do so on account of ihe impor tant duties devolving on mo here !tt this particular time. Again ti;:i.'Un;-; vu ami regretting my inaljiliiy lo a:U i:(! and wishing lor you a glorious c-.-lctra lion of this great even:, I am, Yours most Iruiy, I'llA.VK Cl.AliiC. St. Augustine, Fla., Feb. 7, 1910. George B. Selden, Esq., Palatka, Florida. Dear Sir: The invitation of the Palatka Board of Trade, transmitted through you. viting me to be present and make an ad dress on the occasion of the opening of the Putnam county highway bridge at falalka, Fla., on the 22d of February, 1910, received. 1 he State Bar Associa tion convenes at Tampa on that day, and I have promised to be present, being one ol its olliccrs. I regret exceedingly my inability to be present. With best wishes for the wel fare, prosperity and upbuilding of your city and 1'ulnam counly. 1 remain, Very truly yours, Wm. A. MacWilliams. After the reading of the above letters of regret, President Selden gracefully introduced Hon. James T. Wills of Starke, Circuit Judge of this circuit. The News regrets it has not Ihe space to re produce the address of this eloquent and learned judge (as well as those of the other speakers), but those who heard Judge Wills will not soon forget his splendid speech. 1 hen came adjournment for the bar becue. Spread upon long tables cover ing more ihrn 1,200 feet in length were pieces of the barbecued meat, bread and coffee. Seven large beeves, six sheep and six great hogs were barbecued; cof fee was made in great kettles and bar rels upon barrels of it was served, while the bread was in a quantity to "take the whole bakery." The jam about the tables was tremendous, and ihe lack of organized service may have prevented some from being properly served, but on the whole it was pretty successful for a go-as-you-please barbecue. After the lunch kxGov. Broward was introduced, and spoke to the multitude. His address was largely reminiscent. The ex-governor is a Floridian. He has sailed the St. Johns and its tributary wa ters from the time he was a kid in jump ers and he knows the state and its peo ple as do few other men. He has seen it grow and in his later years of official life he has had a big hand in its develop ment. He was therefore enabled to talk interestingly of Putnam counly to Put nam county people and he did. Many thought that Ihe ex-governor, being a candidate for the U. S. scnalorship. would talk politics, but he didn't. He talked development and made many- votes by it. 1 n fact all through the day it was easy to see that there was a strong Broward sentiment all through ihe crowd so strong that it would be a safe bet that he will be high man in Putnam county in the contest in May. Afler the speech ol Gov. Broward the crowd scattered. Some went lo Johnnie Jones' show. They heard the band; saw the balloon ascension, and many started for their homes. The Palalka board of trade, which planned the celebration and which has taken an active leadership in all the re cent improvements for Ihe city and county, has cause for congratulation over Ihe success of the event, and the undoubted public approval of its leader ship. The day was bright and warm. Il couldn't have been better had it been made to order. At night those of the crowd who re mained in the city had choice of John nie Jones' big trained animal show and vaudeville, the Wonderland Moving Picture Theater, and the Lyman Twins at ihe Howell. All these places were filled. The hotels couldn't accommodate the crowd on Monday.or Tuesday night, but it was warm and many passed it in chairs under shelter, while others walked the Streets. One of the pretty sights in the parade was Ihe five-passenger Buick runabout machine of Miss Whiteside which was along toward the end of the line in the parade. This auto was profusely deco rated with white chrysanthemums so that the body of the car was invisible. As guesls of Miss Whiteside were Mes dames Gay, Holmes and Miss Rox borough, the president, vice president and secretary respectively of Ihe Palatka oman s Club. 1 he ladies were gown ed in white and each wore white chrys anthemums. This car attracted univer sal attention and favorable comment. The Woman's Club, itself i most potent influence for progress, had not been of ficially recognized in the celebration. But wilh artistically decorated car and fair occupants official recognition was unnecessary in the face of such general public applause. Ihe hotels and restaurants were crowded to the doors all during the day. At kuppcrbusch'g restaurant the street doors bad to be closed and locked on two or three occasions lo prevent the crowd overrunning the place. Mr. Kup perbusch stales that he served over ViM' meals and that had he Ihe room he cou'.d ktve fed double ike uabcr. "It wan tff Makes the most nutritious L food and the most dainty and delicious m P MsoIateljrFuw f f i No fretting over the biscuit V making. Royal is first AJ v aid to many a As the biggest day 1 ever had in the restau rant business," said this genial and pop ular boniface. Big as was the crowd, it is a fact wor thy of notice that there wasn't a disor derly person in it: it was a sober crowd; not an arrest was made during Ihe day, nor was there a single accident lo mar the pleasure of the occasion. Providence Smiled on Putnam's Pro gress and Beamed on the Board of Trade. Claude L'Engle, Candidate. Claude L'Engle of Tallahassee, who sprang into stale prominence as editor of The Sun, and now a picturesque and un certain quantity in the race for the United Slates senate, spent Tuesday in this city mingling wilh Ihe crowds that filled the streets, and talked personally to many voters. Mr. L Lngle says that his campaign is purposely divided into two parts the gasoline, and the gas campaign. The gasoline campaign which he is now making is so named because he is tour ing the state in an automobile. Up to the present time he says he has person ally interviewed some 25,000 people. Ihe gas campaign, yet to come, will be his public speaking tour, and when he will address his "Fellow Country men in bunches. He expects to arrive in Palatka shorth and make a tour of the counly in his automobile, reserving his "gas" for a later visit. lie made many new ac quaintances and renewed many old ones on Tuesday, and also made some voles. He will make more. Mr. L'Engle was pleased wilh the celebration and as he slood viewing the bridge, he remarked to some gentlemc: il s a great achievement on Ihe part of Putnam counly and one lhat will pay for itself in a year's lime. It means that other towns on Ihe river will follow suit. There'll be more of them in the next five years." Hon. John P. Wall Indisposed. Word has been received in this city (hat Hon. John P. Wall, candidate for the stale senate, suffered a partial, though mild, stroke ot paralysis at his home in Putnam Hall early in the week. His absence at Ihe functions of 1 uesday was noted and commented on at the time, but (he report of his illness ac counts for it. There will be general regret over the county when the people learn of Mr. Wall s condition, with the sincere hope lhal his illness will not prove serious Supervisor of Registration. Hennis Petermann who is now filling out the unexpired term of Ihe lale K. T. Kellam as supervisor of registration by- appointment of Gov. Gilchrist, will be a candidate for that office in the coming primary. Mr. Petermann long filled ihe office and is familiar wilh every detail of ihe work, a knowledge thai is only- acquired by experience. Up lo the pres ent no opposition to Mr. Petermann has developed. TM IMPORTED 5750 AND S3.00 1 iwt Pitt Tmnnrtrd Razors will hf raiors are fiom one of the leading importers of razor in the United Slates, Tile M. I,. Bramlt Cutlery Co. of New York. Thrvareall hi(jh grade samples. W e secured a big stoek at a ridiculous figure. The assortment comprises all IV well known makes, including the W ads & Burtsher, Brandt," 1.X.L, "itosers," "Woitenholm" Pips Rasor, "Bes-Hnr," "Lswia," "Blus Sl.ol." popular brandsofaUlliefamousmakers. In fact, we have been selling the RuMie ideiitir.-il razors as hiph as -J 50 and 43.00 each. Bverv razor is s-uaranteed perfect, and set ready for use. Every razor sold that does not give perfect s:itWn.-tionrnn be exehaoMd. 41 We call special attention to the BRANDT RAZOR. This razor is tempered bv a secret process assuring a uniformity ox V temper, and is lully guaranteed. Keguiar price s.au; our pnceiaviceacu. WE WILL ALSO PLACE ON SALE 1000 of tha Genuina BRANDT SELF-HONING RAZOR STROPS These Strops ar sold and advertised averywhera at $2. OUR PRICE 97c EACH The Brandt Self-Honinc Raxor Strop .s the bert rmtor strop on the , market today. The ouly razor strop in the world that hones and strops your razor at the same time and enables vou to obtain an edge which only an experienced barber can give. The Brandt Self-Honing Rasor' Strop will put a keener elpe on a racorwith fewer strokes than any other mor atrop. Your razor will chow, and your face will feel the di (Terence at once. Guaranteed imr to bacoma hard or clowr Special in Safety Razors: for 97c 1 Ackerman-Stewart'Drua Co rHS r INTERLACHEN ITEMS. The stale encampment of the G. A. R. at Gainesville the 22nd, was enjoyed by many from this place, Messrs. J. P. Porter, E. D. Lothrop, F. M. Whaley, b. A. Leonard, J. M. Keeve, W. H. Fox with their wives and Thomas Lee. Mr. Porter and Mr. Lee representing Clark Edwards Post No. 31, here. Carleton Lincoln Post No. 36, was well to Ihe fore with their delegates G. C. Smith, J. W. Scott J. J. Coffey, Wm. Kistler, Anson Rider, A. B. Huxford, Nick Mathias, A. H. Tucker, Chas. B. Lewis and H. M. Schmueser Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Scott were the only ladies in the Carlelon party. We feared the A. C. L. would have to charter another car when so many lined up ft r tickets. The big day at Palalka toolj. most of those left and between Gainesville and Palalka, we seemed pretty near off the map. J. H. Wylie and J. M. Baker were of the Palatka crowd. Mrs. W. W. Giles of Gilman, III., who is visiting her sister Mrs. H. T. Mann of Mannville, accompanied her nephew Donald Mann and Fred Steele to Palalka, to partake of the good things there. Irven Anderson of New York who is visiting his father Capt. G. W. Anderson is visiting his sister Mrs. Alaric Berkle man of Del. and. J. S. LeFilsof Jacksonville registered at ihe Lake View. G. N. Clarke and family of Russell ville, Ark., has joined his father's family of this place. Mrs. W. Jones has returned to her home in New Haven after several pleas ant weeks spent here with her father Chas. Brown. Mrs. R. Prolheroe of Portchestcr, New York has returned home after short visit here with her mother Mrs. Martha Weber. S. M. Coburn has sold his orange grove near Mannville to Fiugene Winger of Michigan. Mr. Winger will embark in the poultry business and truck farm ing. Rev. Folsom of Dunncllon is conduct ing a series of revival services at the M. E. church. Mrs. Folsom is in charge of the music, and our church going people are enjoying the meetings very much. Her Kindness Recognized. By the will of the late Col. A. J. Hil bourn whose death occurred in this city some months ago, Mrs. Lillian S. Knight who cared for the aged man during his latter years, is bequeathed the colonel's late home on North Third street and a sufficient annual income to maintain her for life. Col. Hilburn was a great care during the last months of his life, but Mrs. Knight never faltered in her kindly Inter est for which the bequest is but just recognition. SALq RIZ0RS97$ fttnctd on Sale fit 0?C. Mch. These $2-0 Razor Hones 97c riitsd I