Newspaper Page Text
PAGE 7. THE PALATKA NEWS, PALATKA, FLA. Florida East Coast Railway irtSLi"SiS3LPA"T Crescent City News MEDIATORS WILL LUIS CABRERA FLAGLER SYSTEM FrTdAY, JUNE 26, V914 GET INTO THE GAME EARLY! NOW is the time to get your garden seeds. We have them. Everything fresh. We bay only the best. Get our prices; we will meet anyone else's prices for first class stock. Headquarters (or Pure Drugs end Chemicals. Patent Medicine Stationery Florida Souvenirs LOUNDS DRUG CO. CRESCENT CITY, FLA. REAL ESTATE CRESCENT CITY FLORIDA Crescent Hill lots easy terms. on John Rafferty, Contractor and Builder CRESCENT CITY, FLA. Estimates furnished and jobs of all kinds finished expediously in Crescent City or at Lake Como. VVrile me about the work you want done. WANTED. Shippers of Freight of all kinds to route their shipments by the Steamer CRESCENT of the Beach & Miller Line. Shipments will receive the best of care and prompt attention. Steamer Crescent City leaves Cres cent for Palatka. J'Hvs ports at 6.30 .ni.. on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays. Leaves Jacksonville on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. E. T. CLARK, Traffic Manager. Jacksonville. Fla. Crescent City Transfer Co's. Automobile and Boat Line. Auto meets all trains at Crescent City Junction Night trains by appointment. S. M. LaBREE, Manager. Crescent City, norhl. C.E. GUTTERIDGE L. L. B. ATTORNEY COUNSELLOR NOTARY PUBLIC ETC. Collection. 'Rents. CRESCENT CITY, FLA. Office rear of llnlM-r'n Store. I- spencei, Dentist. Office at Residence on Prospect Street. Crescent City, Florida. HOT SPRINGS, ARKANSAS Remedy Ends Constipation Don't worry and don't take calomel. Put your sluggish Liver in -fine condition and get rid of sick head ache, billiousness and dizziness. Get a box of the famous HOT SPRINGS LIVER BUTTONS of any worthy druggist to-day, 25 cents. Gentle, blissful, wonderful workers they surely are; take one to-night and free the bowels from poisonous waste and gas. You'll feel fright and happy to-morrow. There's nothing on earth so good for Constipation and stubborn lver. Hot Springs Liver Buttons, Hot Springs Rheumatism Remedy and Hot Springs Blood Remedy are sold in every drug store everywhere. r nsT At some time on the trip to Palatka, April 4th, via. the Steam er Crescent, Mrs. Rich lost a deli cately formed gold Brooch contain ing three stones a pearl, an ame---j ,i;..nnA Mi-b Rich will mist anu a uiani"". .s- 1 Ua tinMpr gladly pay o rewaru for it4 return to ner ai reMin-mt " J?.ie i! i atp Crestnt City. Fla. Vll.-io. i . wi,, a 17 tf 4 u 9! -r .1VZTJI ZrVrom a , ,1 ai.inB more revenue from plan for raising more revenue whhker. to be pressed in 1 eTl"1 the Hobson prohibition amendment, is voted down in the house, was intro- duoed. j Min. UthbXe A-gh the LiemDriage, aiucho. work of recovering PTO"" lowly owing to smoldering nres entrance of mine No. 20 of the HiH crest Collieries Limited, a total of 85 bodies had been removed. No. 666 This it prescription prepared peciliy or MALARIA or CHILLS & FEVtw. Five or ti doM will break my ewe. "d if uken then m tonic the Fever will not reture. It act on the liver better tnn Celotnel ud doe not ripeot kt. 2Sc Mil 'l I PERSONAL AND SOCIAL T. ...... 1 John W. McGrady was a visitor in ' Palatb n MnnH . ; . . . I to " termelon and cantaloupe crops. Mrs. DaviH Dhwps wna the I visitors to Palatka this week. 1 I , . , . , v ing in front of the Mathis Merchan- j j Miss Abbijean Miller has been spending the week at Summer Haven beach. The frame work of the new Clay bungalow is up and work on building is progressing rapidly. Dr. and Mrs. A. M. Steen and lit tle grandson were visitors here on Sunday, coming over with Eev. J. D. Laplante in his automobile. The Crescent Cty pressing club has been moved to the Chamberlin build ing and the soft drink parlors of the band have also been reopened. Tf Jc ovnaMaA Vint thp rptnilar Sun day evening service at the Methodist church next Sunday night will take the form of a sacred concert TV,o l.irllnci tViO V T A. in flHdU tinn Kprvinrp ii'p cream, will also give a supper at the hall on the even ing ot the rom-tn oi juiy. mis should be well patronized. M, T? C. Miililletnn has returned from a visit with relatives in Quincy, 111. Her mother, Mrs. Capt. C. E. i'lr ti-hn nprnmnnnied her to the west will remain there some time. A i.'. Torrey expects to hava his nn- m i-PiT-nt v i estrovea iiviue, in running order in about two weiK'- The platform ot tne new mm is i"i up. M..k Tl.nvlv nf Pnmnano arrived on !t I,.,. niA affpr Rnpndine a dav or o ,Mit left, nn Wednesday with Mrs. Hardy and the little boy for home. tnol ViVinnl left on Monday for Pa- i..!.i. nvna..finr in rpt.nrn in a few days with his bride and occupy the Andersen cottage. Mrs. Wright, who has been living in this cottage, leU last week for Pomona. m-.nlnna inp.a nevpr Rn nlentiful J. UI1 icvwcn w vi w - - - - r'-crtf rifw ns nt nresent. ana many are finding it difficult to dispose of them. Right here is where a Girls Canning Club for this place coum gei, in some good work. It has been stated that the Rev. Dr. i'..k..rnii. will nreach his farewell sermon to the Presbyterian congreg lion next Sunday, and that himsek rnd family will leave iui ,"" the week following to take their an nual vacation. mi , l i.nDi..a .fif .the Crescent x lie iii-ii no ..v .j Vm. , City school have the plans penecwu for a general remodeling of the school rooms. The new plans contemplate four good sized school rooms and ne cessary recitation rooms. The work will be let soon and the rooms will be ready Sor the opening of the school in the fall. The Holt catapillar traction engine with six trailers for carrying road material has been here since last Fri day doing some work on the road to the railway junction. The big engine has attracted mucn tuwii seems to be doing the work satisfac torily and expeditiously, commis sioner Alvers is nere suiji v work. .. r v'pnrlnil has been en- iuias rainy - ; -. , gaged as assistant principal of the Ci. -u ul fr the ensuinr? Vear to succeed Miss Bowman, resigned. Miss Kendall, who was engagea vy uk iv cal trustees last week, has been teach . ' r in Taimm. t.houch she inn lour jcaio in , has been engaged in teaching some ten years an toia. one highest credentials as w ." tti cM:,-n A C. . nrrent and cnas. d. uiiuuii , operator at HnuUngtor . was eal ed to fierson lasr. ween, u, ni"'" "- neral of his aged faher, Capt. Sam- uel E. Smith of that place. Lapt Smith was a (Jivu war 'CaDt. Smith," says me wwUo County Record, "was a lovaoie character, and all who knew him were his friends. Away from Pierson and ns: no was hptter known Over uie amic . , as 'old Dan Tucker,' under which now de pume he was a wen " .,oH.iit. and in his own Snique and peculiar way he enter- Uined the readers oi ui week for a number of years. By a we t iv. Piorcmn HeDartment erreac many of the Record was the first to be wad when the paper arrived at their homes every Friday. His wn.tmgs were also frequently copied and used as a whole by newspaper "v; stote Capt. Smith lived and died a noble, pu?e Me, and .through Jus writings he sent smiles joy and tap- niness to tnousanus m - tn thousands Ot people eraj He waThappiest when doinjf At. hU fellow-men, grieved with good to h is teliow men, k . II. r. hnnniOQT WlltMl UUI 1 1 K them m J'r. """d happiness in and shared their -joy and naPPine their success ami in ir - p..,,..,. thincr in the nature oi untie 1 1 Al.-l-l. C.nmr Kit rtl'llir- I Was ClOSeU llglll. U" ouimajr v.w of acting Mayor Williams. Not even grape juice was sold to slake tne . k .t. ..... ..ait UlirSt 01 Hie liliacik-., ai" i'v..' n MU n-pt a cone of ice cream. Tki, no,,- ...miliiinn was not brought - - . .1..., In. anv puritanical notions on ; " ' and neuner i tnc mit -. was it due to any spasmodic burs: of .... , I, .., n n ins. . I religious ierui. n . - nrnnnsition. Over in White ! n'.. v, ...,i..i.u,l ciilnirli- a netrro vp:, Lilt 1.V.IV1V.. , l J U .i.. t unIg ami nrnvisions had Deer ' for some engaged in sale of meats and groceries on sunuay. "Mciety women in New York and the business of the , ' . .. . tHpv re neat and ele- merchants who had been brought up in the mlvtUre and admonition and all that sort 0 tKmf: who had been in I the habit of closing their business on 1 c I-.. Annrhpr TCPnt COItier WHO ,v,oa a nlnrf of business down town was "also keeping open on Sunday. -.on-hnnts who close on ounday .' . "their heads togeth, ',v"' , j . . ...k.. it. He gave tne oraer to w yi u,o !! nnthin? else for rum to do. merchanU say they don't object to f I. ... whinh Hp5tl lfl JvinLi eitrjirs. and ice cream, out HHM uuiiii-- 7 - .... .UA Iim ilnp n't discriminate. At the I UC 1 " , - - .1 drug store, during tne nours iur t.iiribution of the mail, there wr - t -a ..all os usual for soda water, t.;slr:pution oi tne man, n.paied calls as usual for soda water, for crs, for ice cream; nothing 1o- in(r the clerK, mis is u ba complaint to the mayor of the law s teeth and Ridg digestion. it is re ..:i..i.n ond nsked him to enforce .. j t To everv , 1VI1 Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Gowen visited in Palatka this week. Train 80 over the A. C. L., a north- bound passing Crescent City Junction intneIate afternooni will g00n be ctttf StP 8t the "ction f or Crescent City passengers. A letter to Mr. i. l. Mathis from W. J. Craig, e ruLijv.iifivi agent, ui tuc 11 our authority for this statement. Mrs. Maude Barron, of the DeLand "Sh school, left this week for a brief visit at Palatka. Next week she and r-iiss Constance waterman sail froi Jacksonville for New York City. IT iss Constance Waterman sail fro floi rVlfrni Mica Inn. T)r.Hn 1 U u .uf,. 11.1 uuoo Auca uaituil, III lliaij of the Latin department of a collet at Clinton, S. C., the past year, wi, meet them in New York City, .-ill ro ing to Hague, a beautiful summer re sort cn Lake George in New York state, where they will be until Sep lemL'or. Volusia County Record. W. F. Glynn received on Tuesday a telegram from Monson, Mass., an nouncine the death of his aunt, Miss Fanny M. Warren, following a recent attack of pneumonia. Miss Warren will be remembered as having spent the winter of 1912-13 at Grove Hall, ana ner lovame cnaracter ana cnarm .ji iiiciiiiii. ciiucaicu nci ia, all Wliw came in contact with her at that time. I?, ii- 1:1.. -in i , i i ner wrioie me was unseinsniy aevoc ed to the care of those about her. Miss warren was s years oi age. ine burial will be at Brattleboro, Vt. T w v tt,i,. r, :.i of the peninsula and who once resided nere, nas Deen reiusea a paraon ny th. State board of pardons. Hodges killed old man Hughes over on the Fruitland road in front of the Bradt place some few years ago and in 1911 was convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to nine years in the peni tentiary from the Putnam circuit court. His crime at the time caused . f,,lir, f !,,...,. ;., n u: , i: cinig ui nuiiui in an Liiia Bctuuu. Hodges evidently doesn't like his pres- 4. l 1- j :.i :.. uuutie, ttiiu iieiLiitii uues ins vic tim, presumably. Nothing has so far come of the ef forts of Mr. Burr to organize a branch of the Florida Citrus Exchange in this community, though several have ex pressed a desire to see such branch organized. The experience of the last local exenange ana its Daa manage- mcnt Viae Loan a Limnona, rtn an,, prospects the exchange may have had here and will take years to live down xuu utiu iriinb a gwvi uigaiiiuawuii should have had such luck in Crescent v,iiy. a iew men win snip mrougn .i iu. uie cAtjiaiic uuiing liic vuiiinig jicai, U..4. i-i.n.. ...;n un: ulil Lucy Will JUt Ufl tllCll VWU 11UH unaer exenange metnoas. Some thirty years ago the people livimir novo haA fy cm trt Palnflfn fur their "ordinary supplies. The trip was made there and Dack in row ooats Dy one or two men. who did the neigh borhood buying. From twenty to twenty-four hours were required for . . , . mi j. i - j ue round trip, ine shocks carnea by Palatka merchants in those days were not equal to those carried by lo cal merchants now. Today the stores nt fvi-r nnt flf,, imi .nmrilato linoe of general merchandise and some of our merchants specialize in certain lines fnllv as comnletelv as do mer chants in any Florida city. What has brought about this change? It cer tainly has not been tne spirit tnat prompts residents to patronize the mail order houses for all the items of household necessities that are not nerishable. and which holds up its hunHc in hnmr if tVip lfwjll rtenlpr does not have fresh fruit, vegetables, ouuer, eggs, oreau, nesn mcaw, anu the score ot otner arucies wnicn, n ll.i nlnim h.qq loniwpil f wnillH un der the present style of lving, mike residence here unbearable. The fvnwunt. f'itv merchants are entitled to f rst consideration at the hands of he nuying public. When you contem- n hi. cam inn nn nmpr our. ot -nwr.. cimnnca vnn irn tn t.hp. Inral merchant w ho serves vou best and let him make hii prices on a quantity Oi'de"-, for cash. If he is able to satisfy you on th" prices, give him tne nusines.-. Upon tho mnnpv nr. nnmp. IT. will III time enough to send your order away , - i i i i u:.. iti-a. ma nnmo mprrnuiii. nn. nm ins onrl Vioa failp1 tn CH t.i fif V Vflll. i.iiaiii-c au iitu iv. w j The merchants here are progressive nnA nnliV Gun a nnint. ittvp t.hem a chance. They have helped mightily in making the town wnar, n is. Florida University Catalogue Tk. TTnl.rar-cif n.f PlnrirlB, rntjllncilp Fn 1Q1 J1 la a npnt. hnnV nf t.wrt hun dred pages now ready for general dis tribution. It contains valuable infor mation about the history of the uni versity, its government and regula tions, the names of its officers and teachers, and of the state governing boards. It tells about the beautiful .Qmmic! th. cnlonHirl hnildinp-s and their excellent, equipment; givea ue- departments of instruction, course of study, and states the terms and metn ods of admission to the university; it shows tne low cost oi attenuance anu tUo nnnnftlinltioe fnf BPlf-Vieln at the university, and a calendar snowing me uciic 111 UK.....S ..v other important events of the umver- n,A a nnamnn nOVT in I nnn m uinn 1 n i tf " i - - - - - ty year. This catalogue should be. in q citizens who Wlsh to ln. form themselves about their State Universitv. and young men who think nf ireine awav to school should send for a conv. i p A bilious, half-sick feeling, loss of energy, and constipaieo Doweis can u iiAi.ri with cnrnrisincr nmmnL- uc iciicitu ...v.i '-.i ,r ness by using HERBINE. The hist dose brines improvement, a lew ios- ef puts the system m nne, vibhious condition, rnce ouc. ooiu uy rtcrv- p - ... - ... - ... ------ erman-Stewart Drug Co 'Tango N icklace C-Evelyn Thaw Bracelet Tnnf.n Kodiififnl nippps nf nnn j. nerve lv ul-luv" f r r ular jewelry are the craze among so- ,d finished artides that wil, ade the heart f every giri or woma no matter bow young or old. Ve gtvHsh and attractive. rn. ova ovovtia. . rhomirur Gnm and de .Vbir box of this fine , ,..,, rv home. It irsilliiB mm F"-'"" . - " I:" one sending us but ouc ana o stamps . .. -uinnino- mots we will shiD er.made hrMthwhitens the pinseH titrht. These1".. ,r..."'i';B ' "Ti.- k. .t.o.. he Spearmint Gum and include I . nAi.n.M and Evlvn I IflllKV v v - " 1 l Ilrt T u vv iv J -- Tnis offer ls for ghort time only. k'ot more than 2 orders to one party. ,-. , t olUaoH tn rn-mnt this. jjQt more tnan z orders to one par Deaiers not allowed to accept this, i-vtteD S LES COMPANY - BoxlOl ) ton, Ohio P. O. BoilOl PROLONGMEETING Hope That Something Will Turn Dp To Solve Complications of The Conference. MAY RECESS FOR A WEEK In the Meanwhile They Will Search For a New President For Mexico. Niagara Falls, Ont. Instead of ad journing abruptly, as expected, the mediation proceedings will be prolong ed perhaps for another week. The change was brought about as a result of the visit of Minister Naon, of Argentine, to Washington, where he conferred with President Wilson and Secretary Bryan. Dr. Naon brought back a spirit of optimism and some new ideas which he imparted to Ambassador Da Gama, of Brazil, and Minister Sureze, of Chile. The determination reached is to keep the meditation board from for mal adjournment, though there may be a recess in another week or while the search is continued for persons eligible, according to the ideas set forth in the conference, for provi sional president of Mexico. Although no definate plan has been framed, all parties expressed a wish to make renewed effort to ettect a compromise. There is every reason to believe that the friction between Carranza and Villa and the report that General Huerta intends to retire in favor of Pedro Lascurian affected the media tors in their decision. The possibility of developments in Mexico in the im mediate future, which might change the entire aspect of the problem here, also has been taken into consideration El Paso, Texas. Gen. Venustiano Carranza has forwarded his reply to the two notes of June 2 and 5, sent him by the mediation commissioners at Niagara Falls, it was learned here. According to information here His re ply to the ABC mediators was sent to Constitutionalist headquarter at Washington to be forwarded t3Niug- ara Falls. While thanking the mediators tor (heir efforts, General Carranza made plain, according to word reaching here, that among the subjects he'aonsidered ft impossible to discuss are the pro posed armistice, military movements of the Constitutionalists, the agrarian question and the designation of a pro visional president of Mexico. WAR ON CORRUPT POLITICS Bill Introduced In Senate, to Eradicate the Machine. Washington Senator Owen called upon his Democratic colleagues in the senate to remember the plank in the party platform calling for the "extirpa tion of corruption, fraud and machine rule in American politics," and offer ed fonr bills designed, he said, to bring about the needed reforms. "If," he said, "the Democratic par ty leaves the country under the ma chine rule system, with the door open to fraudulent practices in nominating senators and congressmen, after its solemn promise to the people, it un doubtedly will receive severe condem nation. "No senator would venture to say he thought it wise to permit corrup tion in our election machinery," said Senator Owen. "But," he continued, "no individual seems to feel charged with the responsibility of preparing the necessary measure and urging its passage. I propose, therefore, a reso lution charging the committee on privileges and elections with this duty, in the hope that it may meet with sym pathetic co-operation." DEVOURED BY LIONS Theatrical Manager Loses His Life When He Enters Cage. Chicago. Emerson D. Dietrich, man ager of a theatrical production pre senting a troupe of trained lions, was filled and partly devoured by six lions when he entered the car in which they were caged. While the keepers were recovering Dietrich's body a lion escaped from an adjoining cage and terrorized the rPRlrlpnts of the thickly populated quarter in which the car stood. Many New National Banks. Washington. In the period between November 1, 1913, and June IS, 1914, 105 national banks were authorized to begin business, the comptroller of the currency reported. Thirty of the new national banks were formed by the conversion of state banks. During the samp neriod fifteen national banks were absorbed by other national banks, six were reorganized and forty-nine were absorbed by state banks. This feaves a net increase of thirty-two na tional banks. DEFENDS DEMOCRACY Ambassador Page Speaks to Royal Institution. London, England Walter Hines Page, the American ambassador, ad dressing the Royal Institution, on some aspects of American Democracy, CMiibatted the view that Democracy i8 in danger of becoming plutocracy, by surrendering political power to the organized rich. e,,hctitute Bill Reported. Washington. The senate interstate n nnmmittep. reDorted 1U fed- lAiiuinci . jral trade commission bill, as a sub stitute for the trade commission dih recently passed by the bouse. Missionariei Reported Safe. kipw vnrk. The Christian Mission ary Alliance received Information hrmiirh the state department at Wash ington that all of the doien mission aries who were In that part of China reeently overrun by the brigand, White Wolf, were safe. Senor Lull Cabrera, one of the Car. ranza junta in Washington, Is consid ered one of the brainiest men con nected with the constitutionalist cause. He was made a member of Carranza's provisional cabinet. BIG UNiVERSITYFOR DALLAS COMMISSION OF THE METHODIST CHURCH REACHES THIS DECISION. University Board Passes Resolutions Severing Their Connection With the Methodist Church. BSfmingham, Ala. Dallas, Texas, will get the Methodist university to be located west of the Mississippi riv er according to formal announcement of a special commission named at the general conierence of the Methodist Enisaopal church, south, re cently held In O&ahoma City, which is in session here. The commission was empowered te handle the situa tion growing out of the break with Vanderbilt university. The location of the school of theol ogy aad the university to be located east ofr-the Mississippi has not been decided upon. University Takes Action. Nashville, Tenn. That the general conference of the Southern Methodist church, meeting recently at Oklahoma City ,have voluntarily termlated Its relations with Vanderbilt university and voluntarily renounced all rights it had, or may have, directly or through any agencies to confirm the election of members of the board of trustees of the university, that it is now the right and duly or.u board of trustees to All vacancies in its body without requesting or receiv ing the confirmation of tho general conference or any of Its agencies, is the sense of a resolution adopted M Tuesday meeting of the board. i 'Villrlvan that, nrp nflFort.eri hv worms are pale and sickly and liable to con tract some latal aisease. wruico CREAM VERMIFUGE expels worms promptly and puts the child on the maA tn VionltVi Price 25c ner bottle. Sold by Ackerman-Stewart Drug Co. Wants American Consul Recalled. Santo Domingo. The government has asked the United States govern ment for the withdrawal of the Amer ican consul at Puerto Plata on the ground that he had sided with the revolution. Another Accident at Sen. Sotuhamtpon.-The North German Lloyd steamer Kaiser 'iVilhelm II., is anchored off Nettley, three miles to the southeast, with a big hole In her side amidships, caused by a collision with the Liverpool grain ship Incemore. MRS. WINN'S ADVICE TO WOMEN Take LydiaEPinUiam's Veg etable Compound and be Restored to Health. Kansas City, Mo. "The doctors told me I would never be a mother. Every month the pains were so bad that I could not bear my weight on one foot. I began taking Ly- dia E. Finkham's Vegetable Com pound and had not finished the first bot tle when I felt greatly relieved and I took it until it 'made me sound and well, and I now have two fine baby girls. I cannot praise Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound too highly for what it has done for me. I always speak a word in favor of your medicine to other women who suffer when I have an opportunity." Mrs. H. T. Winn, 1225 Freemont Ave., Kansas City, Mo. ReadAVbat Anotber Woman says: Cumming, Ga. "I tell some suffer ing woman every day of Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound and what it has done for me. I could not eat or sleep, had a bad stomach and was in misery all the time. I could not do my housework or walk any distance without suffering great pain. I tried doctors' medicines and different patent medi cines but failed to get relief. My hus band brought borne yourVegetable Com pound and in two weeks I could eat any thing, could sleep like a healthy baby, and walk a long distance without feeling tired. I can highly recommend your Vegetable Compound to women who suffer as I did, and you are at liberty to nse this letter. "-Mrs. CBiBUS BA0 LEY, R. 8. Cumming, Ga. iiim mil Vwi nl 85 J9 Daily In elect Duly 8 30 Pi 0 mm! 1 30 Ml 9 2 40 PM 10 30 am! L. , 50AM Lv. 35 AM l . 5.5 AM L. 25PM AT. 54 PM L. 34PM L. 47 PM L. 37-M Duly JeckioDville St. Auguvtioe Hastings East Palatka Palatka Bunnell Ortnond Daytoaa Purt Orange New Smyrna TituaviUe ........ Cocoa Rockledga Ksu Gallia Melbourne ...... Sebastian Fort Pierce Jensen Stuart .... West Palm Beach... Delray .... Fort Lauderdale ... Dania .... . Hallnndale Miatni Miami Homestead Long Key Key West . Key WesKP.4iO.Ss.Co.) 3.I4PMU 3.30PMU 4.S5PM11 4 22PM 12 111 20 PH 111 OOP 112.18m' l.oi m 1 1AU 8.01PM ft lPtt 1.26 U 5!26PM 58 PM L. 2.0(1 AM 3. 05 All 3. 43 AM 3. 40 AM, 6 OOP 6.56 PM 7.32 PM 40 PM L. 40 PM L. 22 PM! Lv. 25 PM Ll. 58PM Ll. 07 PM Lv. 52PM Lv. I 17 8 04 PM 8 12PM 8 52PM 9.55 PM 4.26 AM in 6.30 AM 10PM Lv. . 7!09AMI0.34PM 48PM Lv., 00PM Lv., ,20PM Lv. , 00PM Lv. . 56PM Lv., 06 PM- Lv. , ,16PM Lv. , OOotilr. , 7.20 AM 10.43 PM ft m All 1 1 ft.SPM 090 Ay 19 TA AU IA to! 27 AMI L26AM10 10.39 AM: Ill Iin uiau: .ill ll!3IIAW 2.20AM 12 6.30 AM 10. 20 AM I 18PM 3.00 PM 2.3'IAMi. Lv. , At' 4.15PM, 3 27AM 6.31AM' 4.55 PM: Daily e R 30 AM: . . Sun 9.00AM . 5.30 PM:. Uaily .Sun. Havana Palatka, East Palatka and San Mateo Leave Palatka Arrive Arrive L mon ater Sta'tion Station Fa9thound Daily San Meli'o Palatka 6.35AM 6.40AM 1.17 Passenger. 8.30AM 8. 411 At. Illl -Mixed ... 11.20AM 11. 30 AM IILl-Piissenger. 3.00PM 3. 10PM 105 Mixed ... 5.00PM 8.10PM 107 Passenger. 6.15PM 6.25PM09 Mixed ... 11. 05 PM11.10PK,13U Passenger. 6.511AM 8.5.i AM: 0.40AM II. 4-.AiM ! 3 25PM: 4.00PM 5.25 PM 6.40PM III. 20 PM KISSIMMEE VALLEY BRANCH 207-209 Daily F.x. Sunday 3.50PM Lv Titusville 4.45PM Li Mnytown .. . . 5.20M Lv Oneva 5.40PM Lv thiiluota 5.50PM' Lv Lake Pickett . 6. OOP Lv BitMo :? 6 15PM Lv Poeataw 6 30 PM Ll Wevrabotce. . . 6.53PM Ll Salofka 7.10PM Ll Tohnpkee 8.30PM Ar . . Ki-niunviUe. . . . . . Ari 1 . ... Lv 12. ... Lvll. . . . Li 1 1 . . . . km. bio. ... LilO. . .. Lv 10. ... LvlO, . .. Ll 9. . . . Li 8 30 PM 40 PM li KM 1UAK o.'iAa 40 AM 2'JAM IStM 00 AM 41. 45 AM For copy of the local time card or other intor matiuo "swe the ticket agent' ITP"These TIME TABLES show the time at nicn trains may u tii""'" - "," .( ia From theKulai. tat n.t but their arrival or departure at the staled .snot K"1?' " rom ine reKuiar . , , eonseauences arising therefrom. SuUject to una company mj oe ueiu ivaiiwu..... "j change without notice. . J. D. RAHNER, General Paaaenaer Agent, St. Augustine, norma ijt.iacctcia-jiaij'jaaCBCBCEBB a a a pj 3 a s a j 3 3 3 a a a a a a a a a ATLANTIC COA51 LllNfc 3 STANDARD RAILROAD OF THE SOUTH Daily Trains to the East Daily - No. 82 No. 86 No. 80 Lv. Jacksonville 8.00 a.m. 2.20 p.m. 755 1p.m. Ar. Savannah 12.25 p.m. 6.25 p.m. 12.10 a.m. Ar. Richmond 5.05 a.m. 10.13 a.m. 8.00 p.m. Ar Washington 8.40 a.m. 1.35 p.m. 11.50 p.m. Ar! New York 2.31 p.m. 6.50 p.m. 6.00 a.m. No 82 Florida and West Indian Limited. Free Steel Re clining Chair Cars to Washington; electric lighted and fans. No. 86 Palmetto Limited Free Steel Reclining Chair Cars ' to Washington; electric lighted and fans. No. 80 Coast Line Florida Mail. Local sleeper to Savannah. Steel Pullman Cars of the highest class operated on all trains. Atlantic Coast Line Dining Cars operated on Trains 82 and 86. For information and Pullman reservations apply to your local agent A. PRITOT Division Passenger Agent, 138 West Bay St., JACKSONVILLE, FLA. fl3 M n ij a a a a a a a a a a B a a W. A. MERRYDAY GO, DEALERS IN Crate Material of all Kinds. Fruit and Vegetable Wraps. PALATKA Constipation Impossible fa be well. The foe to pood health. Correct at once. A yer's Pills. One at bedtime. Sold for 'CO years. Ask Your Doctor. J C. Aver Co.. I,nWll. Mush. U. S. WILL NOT YIELD Success of Peace Conference Seems Hopeless. Niagara Falls, Ont Justice Lamar's memorandum to Emilio Rabasa, head of the Mexican mediation delegation, announcing that the United States must insist on the acceptance of its plan for the pacification of Mexico, is an ultimatum. Unless the Huerta delegates yield, mediation will end. This is the firm determination of the United States as conveyed to the mediators. Am bassador Da Gama of Brazil and Min ister Suarei of Chile, asked the Amer ican delegates if their position had changed in view of the Catranza-Vtlla split, and the reply was no. Washington Hope that the waver ing mediation program still might bring peace to Mexico was expressed by Argentina Minister Naon as he took the train for Niagara Falls, aftet a series of conference with Presi dent Wilson and Secretary Bryan and Luis Cabrera of the Washington agen cy of the Constitutionalists. If you have the itch, don't scratch. It does not cure the trouble and makes the skin bleed. Apply BAL LARD'S SNOW LINIMENT. Rub it in gently on the affected parts. It relieves itching instantly and a few applications removes the cause thus performing a permanent cure. Price 9C ia r,A XI ml ner bottle. Sold by Ackerman-Stewart Drug Co, MT t, 1S14 80 Daily 8 Daily 38-4 Daily 12-41 Daily . V .. Lv .. Lv .. Lv .. Lv .. Lv .. L .. Lv . Lv .. Lv .. Lv .. Lv .. Ll .. Lv .. Lv .. Lv .. Lv .. Lv .. Lv .. Lv .. Lv .. lv .. Lv .. Lv .. Lv .. Ar .. Lv .. Lv .. Lv . sr . . Lv 50PM 2 I5P 40PM 1.15PM Knau'tl 17 M y.20 An. 8.10AM 7.12AM M0H11 ' KA AW a'aIIM; 00PM11 20AMI6 35 AM) 36 PM 11. OS AM I U.PM 10 30 AM a i pa in ISAM 32 PM 10. 09 lOPMi 9.60AM aopM ft 42AM 00 PM 8.06AM .57PMI is. Ml 7 HI IM 15PM 7.25AM 12. 40AM .12AM H 4(1 AM 12. OOnt QIIAV A KHAH II lOPMl 42AM 5.07AM 10!l5PM 30AM 4.08AM 10. 04 HI; 05AM 3.40AM 9 a AM 2 58 AM 840 PM ft 01 PM 2HAI 2.06AM 7.10PM 17 AM 6.56 PM 6.42PM 6.00 PM K KAPM 05 AM, 30 AM 1.10AM SISOPII 4 30 PM l.OIAM 12.03 AM 4!30PM 9.58 PM 7.00 PM 8.29A 6.00A v.'KPHl'iS'B!lve'. Sun. llu!uOAMI Daily e i. Sun. .u.M.i.o,J San Mateo, East Palatka and Palatka Leave Leave Arrive Palatka San Mate K..1 Westbound Daily Water I Union Station Station Palatka1 6.15AM 1.18 Passenger .1 6.25AM 6.SUAM 8 OO AM 100 Mixed. S 1 A AM 8 25AM 9.40AM10.1OAM 102 Mixed 12.00M 104 Passenger 4 . 05 PU 4. 30ra 106 Passenger 5.40PM 1118 Mixed. . . . '10.45PM 14(1 Passenger llO.25AMllO.35M 12 15PM 12 25PM 4.45PM! 4.55P 5.55PM! 6.05PM I0.55W11.00PM ORANGE CITY BRANCH 203 201 Daily Ex. Sunday 202 204 - ...nul o ...i.u'l.. VI I.i 1 nPM 7.30 PM 6.20 PM 5.25 PM 5.I5PH 4.40PM 10.30AM: Li Lake 11,-len. Li'U.lOPM 4 53PH 11 ,00 AM! At (I range lny liu.oisi 5 . 011 PM: 1 1 20 AM; r Orange C.Jc.Lvj 11. 5IHM ENTERPRISE BRANCH 205 Daily Except Sunday 206 S.(I1IAI: Lv Titusville c 9.05AM Lv Mnylown ! ... , . 1 i.-..i......;.a Lvil l.ioett 12.40 PM 1.34AM 10130AM, Ar! Euterprise Junction.. . Lv11.20M I ...iuo at anil deDart . FLORIDA Vera Crux Heroes Awarded. Washington. Six privates, one ctr poral and and a sergeant in the ma rine corps were commended by Secre tary Daniels for gallantry displayed ln removing two of their wounded comrades to a place of safety while Vera Cruz was under fire recently. SEVERE PUNISHMENT , Of Mrs. Chappell, of Five Yean' Standing, Relieved by Carrlui. , Alt. Airy, N. C Mrs. Sarah M. Chaps pell of this town, says: "1 suffered fol live years with womanly troubles, alss stomach troubles, and my punishment1 was more than any one could tell. I tried most every kind of medicine, but none did me any good. I read one day about Cardui, the wo man's tonic, and I decided to try it. I had not taken but about six bottles until I was almost cured. It did me mora pood than all the other medicines I had tried, put together. My friends began asking me why I looked so well, and I told them about Cardui. Several are now taking it." Do you, lady reader, suffer from any of the ailments due to womanly trouble, such as headache, backache, sideache. sleeplessness, and that everlastingly tired feeling? If so. let us urge you to give Cardui trial. We feel confident it will help you, just as it has a million other women ia the past half century. Begin taking Cardui to-day. You won't regret it All druggists. Writt f: ChtttviMfa Mcdlchw Co, LmdW Advisory Dapt, Ctaattanooo. Tann., for St4 Inttrwctitm on your caM and 64 pj. book, 'Homo Traatmart for Woman." in plsua wrsuispoc. M.C IS S.10AM . . T 4.26AM.. 4.11AM.. 7 8.59AM.. ft 3.35AM.. , 2.15AM.. 3 1.34AM.. 1.30AM.. t 17. A7AB