Newspaper Page Text
' ,...( . , . , ' , - ' V , FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1914 PAGE 4 v'r'c v i'M. vtka. ki,. ThePalatkaNews and Advertiser. Entered at the ralatka postofiice. as mailable matter of the second class. Published at I'alatka, Florida, on Fridays by RUSSELL & YKKF.RS. Jl.fO Per Year in Advance 117 South Second St. Thone li5. Wm. A. RUSSELL. Editor. DECLINE TO POSE AS SCAPE GOAT. The ralatka News is not in the scape goat business. Last week it published an account of the sale of the stock of Mr. G. i Loper Bailey in the I'alatka ijas Light & Fuel" Co. to the Solomon Norcross Co. of Atlanta, Ga. Same afternoon the story was de nied in the Falatka Item at the in stance of Mr. Bailev. and with the Item editor's gratuitous admonition that "it is no news to anyone that an Atlanta company is negotiating with Mr. Bailey for the purpose of his in terest, but until such time as the mat ter is finally disposed of it is of no business to' the general community, and mention thereof in the public press is not called for until such time." Which is all very prety and pat m some ca cos out mis noi the "some cases." The T-alatka News reported the sale of the G. Loper Bailey stock in the ralatka Gas Light & Fuel Co. to the Solomon-Norcross Co. only with the full consent of the parties interested in the dicker, and with both present at. the time of the authorization. And since the publication, both Mr. Nor cross and Mr. Bailey have acknowl edged that the story as published in ,,t wis correct ar.d iust as au- thormv.. I If the sale has not been mace, it is - not' the fault of The ralatka News, j For this and sundry reasons this . paper ret uses to turc is taken for the scape goat gal lery. TH VI DAY WE CELEBRATE. Falatka extends a cordial welcome to all its visitors who come to join with us in a celebration of the anni versary of our national independ ence. 1 r.e ce.eiirav.on .'ei:i:.i- ,,'.,.. , r0 and v ill co: Aside from Washington inc of natv nir.uc through the i ourth. j Ti, the oration of Mr. George:,... Basset!. Jr.. ar.d the sing- : iotio sorts by the asserr.-lv. bled children, there wr re mi eel el M prdh us of the real he I earnesi. thought-, patriotic so-cs w homo the lessons will carry us la time of our forcf blood of patriots who er.d.tvtv. unt privations before the ress. Both -it 1o the A l)-f ho-.r veins hardships were giver o : a thev epportunity to shoe. Ar.d that purpose t joy the blessings ci CSV. The balance of gram is made up goou. some N. G.. a different. The News feature will gtvc- at er.Vvroer.t to some for purpose. tat we might r. a free people to ne two-day pro of sports, some d the balance in trusts that every least a motety of one an ,t be- ! everv '. tore t! one ca have h ',-.-' f'- e finish tomo ow r.: go they mo- fv' o-th s give et . g, st it r ; W: r'.".. No good ' pie f.r. Tdl it Talatk 1m o-i.a nent. cu saw. wel Tampa has b-r. struck l y a spasm of rig' ess ar.d has begun a war or. the gambling trust in that city. This is the same gambling trust dis covered by Charley Jones of Dixie a year or more ago. for The cuest.ii-n as to who is liable the damage sustained by the big Holt. actor ir. going through t.he ,. Johns rtvf-r bridge at Talstka last Friday me sw ereo t y the Count; question. ; bridge r-i f it of the 1 w-eek be f. charge of T.-g. W-i the cour Ci-n-.m:; oha: r be an- rr.s that ti set n rs r...--. th rtngth of tv ; passage c- i mrd'O than e e wc . E'ii. ceoioi he v : th.,s 1 the t- W. THE LESSON OF THE DRY SPELL. C. K. McQuarrie is the State agent in charge of Farm Dem onstration work. He is coming over i,,t. Ptnnm Mmtv n little ater to talk to our farmers.' In a letter written a few davs ago, Mr. McQuar- rie sajj. ti,., i.r r,oii rfmnlit that the farmers of this state have been experiencing for the last seven or eight weeks, while to all appear ances it would seem to be a calam ity, still there is no doubt whatever but that it is a blessing in disguise, for it shows up very conclusively the splendid results of the farmers engaged in the demonstration work. You can today travel the state of Florida over and from the train or whatever conveyance you are in, you can tell the farmer who is growing his crops under demon stration method. He is not wor rying much about the dry weather because he has his land well pre pared by deep plowing, thorough soil pulverization and a good seed bed before planting time. Over and above that, he is instructed to keep up constant cultivation as shallow as possible. This, in itself, shows result that a few year ago were not believable. We get daily results from the different parts of the state along this line. In the western part of the state the dry weather has been more prolonged than in the east ern. The results obtained are sur prising, indeed. Next year we expect to have at least To per cent of the counties in the state in this demonstration work. We are well equipped now to take care of anything along that line. The district agents are all the time in the field, visiting coun ty after county, and seeing what the county agents are doing and visit ing the farmers employed in this work. While the number of counties at present engaged in this work is not as large as we would like, as indi cated, this number will be largely increased after the first of the next fiscal vear which begins July 1. Two of the Hillsborough county commissioners have been indicted bv the grand jury one of whom is charged with grafting the enormous sum c. .en ed to do wi plained. ians. v hat no expect ll that money is not ex- i Ion I.. Farris. senator-elect from i Puval county will be the winning can didate for president of the next Fior ! tela senate, and all other aspiring pol iticians. Mkc Senator Huoson. may as well get out of the way of the Farris boom earlv in the came. Col. F.oosevelt's phvsi .s have absolute I prescribed four months ot st for their distinguished patient. is said to be suttc from an en. gemcr.t of the spleen rr.ed a bit spleeny since He has s return le "mis- me c-;a.:y toward ;ho president. hi' 01 7 Chiefs Ci assemble, the c.v. ! recen ion i- t be con' r.try m Iv. re- ch vice can he contronea. !":C-se police chiefs omitted ity where suppression had tried. Segregation is a w . i. i.e or Fletcher has gvien a good , reason for opposing the ' pohr.c intent of V. A. as post al Jacksonville. "Pignan.' e senator, "never has been my or supporter, and 1 do not care ve the orgar.i7.ed : me like the office of collec- rever howed itself o he orgarureo. in tne recent primarj amnatirn." Senator Fletcher wants the ore given to a friend who will organite it for the support of Fletch er when that gentleman comes up six years hence for his third term. That's husiress. and it's politics, but it doe? n,t corstituto a suff.c it nt :y good reason for the "plain peeple" who sit i'aik a-hi O'Or.toir.rlale this "got ever." volicv of their senior senator. ess. To are a: the st. You cat it nuicke gress." Wit.h all the magnificent P'omp find 1 ceremony and solemn. d;gn,ty -which the Roman Catholic r.tualistic ser vice provides for the conset -ration of high prelate,- in the church. Rev. M. J. Cur'ey. P. P.. late pastor at Pe.Lar.c. was on Tuesday consecrated bishop of the diocese of St. Augustine. Ee is the youngest bishop in the United States and presides over a part of the i.'.atu diocen . The ceremony waj held in the cathedral at St, Augustine. The cor.seerator and celel-rant of pontifical high mass was the Kt, t.ev. r.en.i. .1. Keily cf Savannah, with P.t, Rev. O. Keily E. Co more. r.gan T'.Vk. cf T1..I1 and Ft.. Rev. P. J. Donohu:-. i.f W he,-'.: g. W. V;,.. as ;- at;rs. Othr dist .nguishei P.t. P. e E. N..-.: ies. O.S.i Herman F. Davis of St. Augustine is said to have invented an aerial tor Florida P0 that is sure to revolutionize aer ial warfare and throw destruction from the clouds in such manner as to i i 1. - . r - nclP al0"K lne caue lu F'eaec. He p-ttwd his device in the IM Suites and in sever .1 .entries of thi old world. At Davis is seek- ing, with the aid of Senator Fletch- er and Congressman Clark, to have the government purchase his inven tion. . All Floridians will rejoice that the illness of Hon. Fred T. Myers of Tal- lr.hasse e is not as serious as re ported, and that Mr. Myers, at his home in Tallahassee is rapidly recov ering trom tne nervous ureanuuwii which occurred just after addressing the students of the university at Ath ens, Ga. In speaking of the tele graphic dispatch which announced through the press that he had lost his memory., Mr. Myers stated that the newspaper account was a lttle over drawn. He had not been feeling well f in ..everal dayr prior to taking the Ceorgia trip, and his travleing about in the hot sun and attending various student parades only added to his dis comfort. On the day when he was f make his address to the studen.s his condition was one that warned him that he had gone the limit, a.i.i vet notwithstanding this'wa-nii -g he made the address, and almost imme diately after came the collapse. Fred T. Myers is one of the really g-e:t i.icn of Florida, a man of geiidh kindly presence and who is loved by ..ll who have the good fortune to kr.o,. him. "Cards of thanks" are doomed in South Florida. Hereafter pv. t:e. must be thankful to the extent of a dollar or two if they desire the news papers to convey their tnanKs sum (was the trend of expression at tin- i initial gathering of the South Flor ida Tress Association. These cards of thanks are useless, and th y are a i nuisance to newspapers. If you have neighbors who expect to be publicly thanked for the perf rrinnce !of the ordinary offices of h irrr-rtily I when sickness or death enters y.T-r , home, better move out of that neigh borhood. Foople who won't ehcer - fully do such things are little better than savages. Also it is highly un ' necessary to erupt into a card of it hanks if your wife runs away with a ! better-looking man. if your mother- in-law drops in the lake, or if you get snowed under in a political race. Lakeland Ttlegrara. The Falatka News doesn't belong to that South Florida Tress Association, presuma bly because it was thought we were too far north to e.ualify. but we join in this "card of thanks" proposition, h.-etfully. POMONA NEWS. t bar. Williams, a student of il Marv College at Willianis- Ya.. arrived Sandav to spent part of his vacation, with relath e here. Halsey Hue! after a pleasant visit of several weeks with friends left Mor.dav for his home at Cocoa. Miss' Helen Tucker left Tuesdayfor a week's visit with relatives in Sat s u rn a . We are pleased to hear of the mar riace of F.ov D. Fisk of peLand t-o Miss Alice Chaiker of F.ockledge the weeding having taken place at the : bride home Sunday, June 21st, As Koy is an. old Fomona boy. having een born and bred here, we are much interested in the important event, and extend congratulation.". Fathing parties are very popular these hot days, and Lake Broward is receiving a full share of attention by our people everv afternoon. Miss F,lna Middleton who recently went to Waverly, Ga.. to spend the summer has returned owing to the :!!ness of her mother. Mrs. F.ayford Middleton. Frank Smith wa in Falatka or. business Tuesday. A r.umbor of Pomonaiie? m, rea Fal. r.e the past week on or pleasure bent.. Mrs. C. i cues! ; A. ( urtis r M-s. H. Fete r: ng at on old :r:e- ri ce . Ma v...-. f her here. Whe-. 'U tee! ,a?v. of 1 good deal in the daytime, u-i-ge it to a torpid liver allowed the svstem to get ch h f i-nuriiies HF.RBINE cures -orders r-od-ieed hy an inactive It stre'gthers that organ, is xt-" bcwe": and r-nts the - g-'0:i her-lthy cor,,Jition. Price Sold ly Ackerman-Stewart Drug -vie. Co. TI Ri FM . p-a- PftR'-.f.. d J. (";. M'i:m w ere visitors to Palatka Hast F.ioay ,. r-ci Saturday. Ve had 1 good ra Satu-d-i" ev ith? which was greatly aprreciated. Sarurdoy and Sunday were m3',t inc days at Providence chu-'h. -n.l ve fn n-es were well artence.i Lev. T, R. Thomas preached, an,-5 ; the olo'-f ,if hns Sn.-dav mn-;rr jl.o t ehrurih council was held to earn 'er. s.ome dearrs for ord'na' :rt. tvey were ordained at the close of tve cu'cil The two cief'-ons oT-- nrr H. 1 rj'.tte aro L. Bo- nnohi. 'P Pruitte hn fie .he r"" n r,'.r.e-s for W. J. M:P e -i M.t.-.-. T"eparatory to sending EAST PALATKA NEWS. Mr. and Mrs. Moses Kukasky spent Sunday in St. Augustine. G. A. Turner and son, Robert, of San Mateo, spent Sunday here with friends. Mrs. Allen and little son, George, Ispent Monday here the guests of Mrs. W. E. Hightower. Mrs. C. Yelvington has purchased the "Bowen" property lying just esst of the new depot; she expects to cut this up into lots, and put them on the market as soon as possible. Mr. and Mrs. Homer McCart re turned yesterday from a two weeks' f-tuy at Chattanooga, Tenn. Conductor P. B. Williams is in Jacksonville today on business, and Win. Heiley of New Smyrna is re lieving him. Mr. fid Mrs. Geo. G. Thigpin and L. L. Thigpin went to Hastings Sun day afternoon to see their uncle, Will Thignin, who has been quite ill for sometime. Lloyd Clark went to St. Augustine today to attend the wedding of Mr. E. Zim and Miss Elsie Usina, both of St. Augustine. We had a fine rain Wednesday, for which we are truly thankful. Rev. E. O. Irvin of Callahan wil fill his regular appointment at the church Saturday night and Sunday morning and evening. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Vrooman are spending a couple of days at Oveido, Florida. J. W. Deats went to Jacksonville today to meet his wife who has been spending the past month with her pa rents at Brundige, Ala. E. Barenburg is still busy shipping watermelons, having shipped several cars this week and still has plentv in the field. Miss Stella Yelvington returned Sunday from a week's stay with her sister, Mrs. Manuel Carter, in Hay ings. When the baby is suffering the dou ble aifiction of hot weather and bow el disorders, the jemedv needed is Mc. ( EE'S BABY ELIXIR. It reduces the feverish condition, corrects the stomach and checks looseness of the bowels Frice 2oc and 50c per bottle. Sold by Ackerman-Stewart Drug Co. McMEEKIN ITEMS. Every farmer in this section is tharki'ul for the rains, and hce. there and yonder you can see people busy planting sweet potatoes. Aivin Turner of Y.'aehuia is here on a visit to Thos. Roundtree and family. Miss Ida YausJ has returned from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wal dron of East Falatka. Rev. W. V. Bethes spent the week end with F. H. Yause and family. Howard Roundtree and L. J. Stokes have exchanged horses. The peach crop has been shipped from this point. Owing to the dry spring the crop was short and ship ments only totaled about 1,000 crates. A bad taste in the mouth comes Item a disordered stomach, and back o! that is usually a torpid liver, A condition which invites disease. HERB1NE is the remedy needed. It corrects the stomach and makes the liver active and ncular. Frice 50?. Sold by Ackerman-Stewart Drug Ci. SEXUAL KNOWLEDGE ILLUSTRATED 320 PAGES Telis all about rc matters; wl,a. young men and wonwr., young wive t:id hushancs and ail others need to know ahcut the sicrei laws thai gov ern the sex forces, riain truths ot Srx life in relation to happiness in mariage. "Secrets" of manhood and womanhood; si-xual abuses, socii.l evil, d.seases. etc. The latest, most advanced and comprehensive woik that has ever been issued on sexual hygiene. Price less instruction for those who are ready for the true inner teaching. Tins book teiis nurses, teachers, doctors, lawyers, preachers, social workers, Sunday School teachers an'4 all others, young and old. what all reed to know about sex matters. Bv Winfield Scott Hall. Ph. D., M. D. (Leipzig.! Newspaper Comments "Scientifically correct." Chicago Tribune. "Accurate and up-to-date.' Philadelphia Press. "Standard book of knowledge." Philadelphia Ledger The New York World says: "Plain trulhs for those who need or ought to know them lor the prevention oi evils. Under nlain wrapper for only $1.00. Coin or Money Order, postage ter, cents extra. Ml MI Pt'Bl.lJRING COMPANY Dayton. Mn. Tc.:r.e hard work in a bent or sfoep- 'g position puts a stitch in the hark muscles ha v.? become strained, you can't get rid of it without hel; . The great pe'-'Civ td.g pontr cf BALLARD'S SNO'-Y I.3N!MF.XT w.:: appeal to you most .- c civ ;t f ,i:-h times-, tieoause it i , (.-, -hi-g von Toe-:!. Trice 2"c, 50c and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by Ackerman-Stewart Drug Co. ORDER FOR PUBLICATION. In the Circuit Court. Eighth Judicial Circuit. Putnam County. Florida. In Chancery. G. P. Piekren, Complainant, vs. J J. Piekren, Defendant. Bill for Divorce It appearing by affidavit appended to the bill fded in the above stated cause that J. J. Piekren, the defend ant therein named is a non-resident of the State of Florida, and is a resi cer.t of the town of St. George. State of Georgia, that he is over the age of twenty-one years, and thdt ihere is no person in the State of Flordia, up on whom the service of Subpoena would bind such Defendant: it is therefore ordered that said non-resident Defendant be and is hereby re ouired to appear to the Bill of Com jolair.t filed in said cause on or before Monday, the Srd day of August, A. i lS'H. otherwise the allegation o said bill w"d tie taken as confessed by said Defendant it is further or iered that this Oreo- be published once a week for four c -e ut.Ae wetks in the Palatka ' v.. ;., ?tt.; pub! shed in said C- --tv r State. W-:-... r-i hard find off.ical Seal this, the fJi rl dav cf Julv. 1P14. ..-'.:.' F.F.NP.Y HUTCHINSON. fp-k Circp;t Coon. Py Y.y. Hutchinson. Jr, D. C. "'" o ::n k Cr Ihoum -.tor? for Complainant NOTICE OF INTENTION TO AP PLY FOR LETTERS PATENT. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned intend to apply to the Gov-; ernor of Florida on the 31st day oi ; Julv, 1914, for Letters Patent, on the proposed charter nereto auacneu. G. LOPER BAILEY CON B. MARVIN ROSA WEST BAILEY. Proposed Charter of the Palatka Gas Light & Fuel Co. We the undersigned do hereby as sociate ourselves together for the purpose of forming a corporaion for profit under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Florida, and do here by adopt the following charter: ARTICLE ONE. Name. i The name of this corporation shall be the Palatka Gas Light & Fuel Company, and its principal place of business shall be in the City of Pa latka, Putnam Countv. Florida. I ARTICLE TWrO. General Nature of Business to be I Transacted. ' The general nature of the business to be transacted shall be the erection, 'construction and operation of gas and electric light works, laying pipes, 'mains and service pipes with the re quisite connections, poles, wires, con duits and dvnamoes. the manufacture and supply "of gas and electricity for general uses, and the sale of coal, wood, and other fuel to the City of Palatka, and elsewhere, and the car rying on of the business of manufac turing and selling gas, electric and other artificial lights, and other means of lighting. The purchase and sale of real estate and personal prop erty; to borrow money; to execute and deliver mortgages, bonds, deeds, promissory notes; in connection with the business of said corporation; to sue and be sued; to contract and be contracted with; to own. sell dispose of or encumber real estate and per sonal pioperty: to take over and ac quire the stock and to assume the bonds and liabilities of any other cor-r-oration of similar character to this row or heretofore existine. ARTICLE THREE. Capital Stock. The ctrdtal stock of this corpora "lon shall he S50.0rt0.00, to be divided i-vo 500 shares of the par value of MOO. 00 each, to he paid in lawful money of the United States, or in property of eoual value thereof, or labor and services at a Just and rea- fr.-ir.n' lo valuation to he fixed by the ''stockholders. ARTICLE FOUR. ILIN1MLN1 counteracts tne yoisim. ,n Ml,rr.;.on, walked into Oreitim Cm Term, lis both antiseptic ami healing. 1 rice ' ; Paturdav. The term for which this corpora- l.Sc. 5c and $1.00 per bottle. Sold at J.-.i a. tioa shall exist, shall be Ninety-nine vears from the date Letters latent' tdiail be issued. AKTiCLE FIVE. Officers. The officers of this corporation shall be a President, Vice President. Sec- retarv, Treasurer, and Board of Di- rectors, of not less than three nor hon five. The President, Vice President and Secretary and treas - urer, shall be stockholders, and may also be members of the Board of Di- rectors. The office of the Secretary ami Treasurer mav be held bv one inri the same person. The Board of Directors shall De electee, ax xne an nual meeting of the stockholders to ie held in the City of Palatka. Put nam County, Florida, at the principal place of business of the corporation, :,n the second Monday in January in ,'ach year, beginning in the yearll'lo. Until the annual meeting of the stockholder and until the officers, jnove mentioned are elected and qual- f i-o ;:t the first election, the officer ..f this cot noration shall be president. G. Loper Bailey; Yice President. Con !'.. iiurviii; and Secretary and lreus-.-i.i. Rosa West Bi.iley. The incorporators shall meet in the !.t- of Pantta lutna.m .on:. Florida, at the principal place of bus iness of the , ' i po ration, TueseV.y, August 4th. 1914. at Eight o'clock p, m.. for the purpose of adopting by laws and completing the organiza tion of this corporation. ARTICLE SIX. Amount of Indebtedness. The highest amount of indebted- ness to which this corporation can at anv time subiect itself, shall be $330,000.00. " ARTICLE SEYEN. Names and Residences of Incorporat- ors. The names and residences of the incorporators in this corporation, to gelher with the amount of stock sub scribed by each of them are as follows: G. Loper Bailey, Palatka, Flondi, shares; Con. B. Marvin. Pa'atlw. Florida, one share; and Rosa West Bailev, Palatka, Florida, one share. G. LOPER BAILEY CON B. MARYIN ROSA WEST BAILEY. i State of Florida. ) j County of Putnam.) I I. an officer authorized to take ac knowledgments of deeds, do r.en -ertv that G. Loper Bailey. C:n B. n,i : nd Kosa West Bailey a-e- ,; Known to me ana Known 10 me to ic '- he versons i'-ibscribed in. and who ex ecuted the forrgoing articles of cor 'r:ration. and that they several1; ic : li-i owloged hid ore me the exe'-1' i-i,-: thereof, for the purposes and usen therein expresesed. j In witness whereof. I have hereunto !.et my hand and official seal this 29th dav of June. 1914. ! 1 Seal) FRED T. MERRILL, i Notary Public, State of j Florida at Large. NOTICE OF MASTER'S SALE. Under and by virtue of a decree of foreclosure and sale rendered on the 29th day of June. A. D. 1914, by the Judge of the Circuit Court- of the Eighth Judicial Circuit, of Florida, in and for Putnam County, in Chancery, in a certain cause pending therein, wherein M. E. Cunningham is com plainant and J. E. Durst is defend ant, snd wherein I was apponitd Spe cial Master to sell certain property in said final decree described, i, George W. Bassett Jr., will sell at public outcry to the highest bidder, for rash, before the front door of the County Court House, in the City of Palatka in said Putnam County, on the Srd day of August, A.D. 1914. between the hours of ten a. m. and two p. m.: 1 two horse Studebaker wagon, and 1 set of double harness, now in my possession as Special Mas ter in Chancery under the decree .foresaid, and that upon said sale be ing made. I will make and execute to the purchaser or purchasers thereof, a cord and stiff cient bill of sale. vYi-e" irr hand this 1st dav of Julv. A D. 1914. GEORGE W. BASSETT. JR.. Special Master in Chancery. HiV-n--n & Merrydsy. Solicitors for Complainant. DoktYovtITebd Joke JNjrw ARE YOU PLEASED. MRS. HOUSEKEEPER. WITH YOUR TABLE CUTLERY AND SPOONS 7 IF YOU WILL COME TO US AND GET NEW ONES YOU WILL NOT BE ASHAMED WHEN COMPANY COMES. OUR STORE IS THE STORE FOR ALL KINDS OF SCISSORS, KNIVES OR ANYTHING THAT "CUTS." WE HAVE THE "EDGE" ON THE CUTLERY BUSINESS BECAUSE WE CARRY LINES FOR WHICH W E ARE THE ONLY AGENTS IN THIS TOWN. TILGHMAN HARDWARE CO. "The Store of Courte.y and Prompt Attention." PALATKA, FLORIDA IF YOU COME FOR HARDWARE YOU'LL GO AWAY WITH IT Stings or bites of insects that are bv swellincs. rain or itching ;hould be treateo promptly : ;are poisonous. BALLARD & .N0 '. by Ackerman-Stewart i'rug -o. Human Nature Lots of people ever cast tneir . , bread on the wa'.ei until it gets su j stale that dogs won't ea' i lt- ORDER FOR PUBLICATION. ;In the Circuit Court. Eighth Judicial ! Circuit. Putnam County. Florida, i In Chancery, : B. Joiner. Complainant, Mrs. Potter (widow! -id Ar thur George Waterton. Defendants. Foreclosure of Mortgage. It appearing by affidavit appended to the bill filed in the above stated cause that Mrs. Lizzie Potter (widow) and Arthur George Waterton. the ,".e ienir.nts therein named are rcn-re--ide.-.t? of the State of FW'u-.'.:. and residence is unknown, -and that ?aid defendants are over the r.gc of "vu ty-on.e years, and that tbere i.: no person in the State of Florida up on, v horn the service of Saopovm vs.iii bind such Defendants. i therefore ordered that said nn-;e-- i-ie Pefer.dants be and are hereby re rea to appear to the bill o: Complaint filed in said cause on or be fore Mondav. the .th day ot Sep tember. A. D. 1914. otherwise the al legations of said hill will be taken as confessed by said Defendants. It is further ordered that this Or der be published once a week for eight consecutive weeks in the Palatka News, a newspaper published in said l ounty and Mate. Witness my hand and off.ical Seal this, the 2-nd dav of Julv. 1914. Seal) HENRY HUTCHINSON. Clerk Circuit Court. By Hy. Hutchinson. Jr., D. C. Messrs. Calhoun & Calhoun, Solicitors for Complainant. Louisville&Nashville R.R. LOW ROUND-TRIP SUMMER TOURIST RATES :ksonville to -!. iO.ld Mi -1 1 .11 k- ' 'll , 1 . , -t ln ih:M S-'tilth .os .A rii,-l' s San Fran, is.-o itliieier rat l. T.w 1-. M -Iil'-Mi IV, ..., M t nur Hu'oic, ihni-n.iihlti KtMkr? Mountain. pnuirtiuuat-lv lu rt fi.m aoiuu in thr ,I Tiekrl. on le rt. 1, ,., r,.lrnr 30 Rtarn limit, -t 81 . 1 H- VARIABLE ROUTE TO DENVER, SALT LAKE, COLORADO SPRINGS, ETC G,N; THR, , , R:T,RN1Nr. TH ROIOH CH.CAGO OK Hit LIHI-RAL M(ll(lli t ALL tllkH!, THE ATTRACTIVE WAY Thr. Solid Vhrouch Tram. DaUv-Cn,,. Thr, mttrnmt TO THE NORTH AND NORTHWEST far. No tii.r i..,l , C, . i ''"'uch Nw Orleans. L. N. I'lnrne "4 "v Tl.,.bon 10 JACKt.oSVILLK.-Fl.- Drue. Cbemtc&U, DruggUt Sundri. nd Patents Aire:.;. Mfiiiory st'i;hip l.'nt- j Missing Balloon Found. , Portland. Ore. Caot. John Bnr. pilot of the missing Dallouti Mthion Population club, and his aid. George i DR. F. E. JENKINS EVE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT . ao: u uuicc uuuis. 9 a. in. to 1 p. m.- Other hours l y ap pointment. Hickman-Kennerly Block. PALATKA. FLORID V ft ' SMITH'S ! Homemade Candies. AIo Agrnt for- Huyler's and ? Park & Telford - Candies. i Fine Pies, Cigars and Tobae, f i. a. isivirrn. i 1 i HI B.MI.KT. I'r.-i',-!lt J W'Al il ! 1: h : ? ItiS G. LOPER Bf Fire Insurance Leading American and Foreign Cfmp.m Life Insurance Marine Insurance The Leading Companiet All Claims Promptly Settled 117 Lemon Street PALATKA, FLORIDA lvuisvi:,, K '10 will, die In,liannKill Fr-n, h I.Kk . Toit-Uo It iroit rimuiauqua ... Mammolh Cav, .V..iAl 47.4" Ku PrT A 13 TIT A r