Newspaper Page Text
kY, MARCH 17, 1916. THE PALATKA NEWS, PALATKA, FLA. r IDS DRUG CO. pCENT CITY, FLA. ECIALTY IS THE SCIEN h PREPARATION OF f MEDICINES. I ' f also headquarters for it Medicines, Stationery d Garden Seeds. did line of Toilet Requisites yt a feature of our stock We offer for the winter ton a well selected line Florida Souvenirs. CRESCENT CITY NEWS HUB REAL T CITY FLORIDA Wt Hill lots on easy terms. EACH & MILLER LINE f your Home Company. It ISFsfully operated for the feple in season and out of kr thirty ytars. No better in be had over any line. Some Industry and thereby !' money in circulation at Crescent City leaves Cres ilatka. Jacksonville and way 6.30 m., on Tuesdays. I and Saturdays. I Jacksonville on Mondays, jys and Fridays. T. CLARK, pager. Jacksonville. Fla. City Transfer Go's. lobile and Boat Liue. i all trains at Crescent City flight trains by appointment. LaBREE, Manager. ttv, Florida. V J. spencer, 1 Dentist ... Jeldence on Prospect Street. iscent City. Florida. $ I IR RENT bcent City, Fla. I store, with Flat for residence Second story. frjuipped with counters and able for store or restaurant Inodern conveniences, water Ibers or J. F. Babers rescent City, Fla. ? PERSONAL AND SOCIAL S. Pope McCarkle of Hartford, Conn., is at Grove Hall for a time. Chas. S. Scott of PhiladelDhia is at Grove Hall for the season of the Bible Conference. G. D. Fore and familv navft mnvpH from the cottage near the Episcopal church back to the south end of town on Summit street. Mrs. J. 0. Stockton of Jackson, Ga., and Mrs. J. S. Hnrtsfiplrl ,-f Eastman, Ga, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Stockton. The for mer is the mother of our Mr. Stock toa Col. and Mrs. John McCormick, who were called to New York last week by the death of a relative, have returned and are again at Grove Hall. Mrs. A. D. Woolman has purchased the small cottage on Summit street,, opposite the Methodist church of Mrs. Sanders, and is now living there. Mr. Woolman formerly lived here, but for several years has been residing in South Florida. 'Mrs. C. T. Shinn and children of Palatka arrived on Saturday for a visit with their aunts, the Misses Wil liams. Mr. Shinn returned to his home and business on Monday, but Mrs. Shinn and the children will re main through the present week. Dr. S. W. Clausen of Baltimore, connected with the celebrated Johns Hopkins Hospital in that city, arrived last week on a visit to his parents xiev. ur. ana Mrs. S. W. Clausen, wno are guests of the season at urove Hall. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Quince, Mrs. L, N. Pevey, Mrs. Edith F. Durrence Miss Annie Parnmore and Master rloyd Uurrance. al of Jacksonville have been spending several days here ine past, weeK, guests of Mrs. J. F itnoads. Mr. and Mrs. Coe D. Smith, with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Herrick as guests, left on Monday morning for a motor trip down the east coast as far as Miami. They will be absent most of the week. There can be no more delightful outing than that promised by this delightful trip in fa- voraDie weatner. The Bible Conference will continue through to next Friday, the 24th inst. Miss Clara J. Penney, Mrs. N. R. Derby and H. P. Larson, all of Bur lington, Iowa, are guests for a time at Grove Hall. Mrs. W. M. Miller entertained a large party of ladies at a bridge party on Wednesday. It is said to have been a most delightful affair. Mrs. Eaton Cliff entertained at bridge yesterday afternoon, a large number of guests being present. De licious refreshments were served. Kev. Ur. C. I. Scofield of New York who has been an annual visitor and the leading preacher at the Bible conierence tor several years, is ab sent this year and there is general regret in consequence. Dr. Scofield is one ot the eminent Bible scholars of the country, and was always a most popular leader in these annual conferences. Rev. Dr. Wm. L. Pettingill of Wil mington, Del., is at Grove Hall. Dr, rettingui is here to attend the Bi ble Conierence, and officiated at the morning and evening services in the Auditorium last Sundav. Dr. Ppt. tingill is an, eloquent, able and most uueiesung puipit orator and his ser mons of last Sunday stamn him as a man whom Bible Conference attend ants will hear gladly. J. S. Ford and R. P. Keys of Au vora, 111., with H. A. and G. H. Brown of Streator. 111., were p-hpsSs for a few days last week at the Ho tel Coutant. These gentlemen had been on a tour throuerh South Florida. and stopped here for a few davs en- route home. They liked Crescent City very mucn, and said that in then opinion it was the best town they had seen in Florida. The town registration books are now open at the Lounds drug store. They will remain open until Saturday the 25th inst. As there will be I.PA t..fc, BivrnmJtown election early in April all who r . ' r "y, nartirinatp. whn holla Ii rt r Vt rrv n n i"t ! f r " frith halls, bathroom and lituated on South Pros . Enquire of Mrs. W. Inham, box 275, Crescent da. 4-tf. ) nc CITY TION. CONVEN- were not already res' istered, should do so. The books are open each day, Sundays excepted, from 9 a. m., to 11:30 a. m., and from 2 to 5 p. m. A. E. Lounds is the registration officer. Frank Logan of Jacksonville, has been spending a week here auditing the books of the Beach & Miller Line. r nf the. wViito roo-isfprpH i Since the government requires a rev- V, citizens of the town of I enue stamp on every bill of lading t City, Fla., will be held in i8nd ,there aie matters that require at ii ri,v,- 4.v, ij;t,. itention and accounting- never dreamed it 4arch 17th, 1916. At 7:30 ,of before, transportation lines are re p. m., for the purpose of nom- quired to make some complicated re ' sdidates for the several I Ports. During his stay m town Mr. es to be voted for at the lPan has been a guest at the Hotel micipal electon. I outan 0) Rev. R. L. Bonsteel, pastor of the Baptist church, baptised four persons on confession of faith last Sunday. The ceremony, which was a most sol emn one, took place on the shore of Lake Stella in the north end at 2:30 p. m., and was attended by a large number of people. The candidates for the ordinance were Mrs. W. C. Cartledge, Misses Kirkland and Alice Sackett and Mr. Clinton Smith. J K. BORSON, L. C. PRESTON, A. E. LOUNDSi tc City Central Committer fch 3rd, 1916. t The Woman's Exchange is offering a special attraction for the coming Saturday afternoon at the V. I. A. Hall. N. B. Mizell of Pablo Beach, with his mother, have been spending a few days here visiting old friends. Mrs. Mizell was one of the pioneers of this section. The Social vice president of the V. I. A. has announced a St. Patrick's Day party for this afternoon, with a good program of songs, refreshments, etc., and with everything green ex cept the people. The county registration books are open at the office of Paul C. Smith, precinct registration officer. Only those not formerly registered are re quired to register. But be sure your name is on the book, if you want to vote in tne coming primary. Mrs. H. W. Reuter of Philadelnhia has been the guest for the past two weeKs ot Mrs. Coutant, at the Hotel Coutant. Mrs. Reuter snent several weeks here some three years ago and is pleasantly remembered by a large numoer. Miss Bessie A. Williams entertain ed a large party of ladies Wednesday evening at her home with a bridge party, bald to have been one of the most delightful social events of the winter. The affair was given in honor of Miss Williams' neiee, Mrs C. T. Shinn of Palatka, at one time a well-known social leader here. De licious refreshments were served dur ing the afternoon. Col. and Mrs. David C. Warren of Boston, who have had quarters at the Sprague House during the winter, re turned on Wednesday from a sight seeing trip aown tne east coast witn a stop at Daytona Beach and Or mond. They enjoyed the trip, but were glad to get back to Crescent City, which they maintain stoutly is the prettiest little town they have seen in all the south. Mr. and Mrs. James S. Church and Miss Marion Sober of Milwau kee, Wis., arrived last week and have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hurlbut. Mrs. Church will be re membered by all the middle aged people of the place who have lived here some years as Miss Gertrude Clark, who as a school girl lived at, the Hurlbut home and attended school here. Mr. and Mrs, Church visited Crescent City several years ago when they were also the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hurlbut. Rev. L. S. Chafer and Mrs. Chafer, are again at Grove Hall for the sea son of the Southfield Bible Confer ence, of which Mr. Chafer is the founder and president. Crescent City people along with all who have visited the conference, will never for get the charm of these good people, especially as gospel singers. Mr. Chafer preached at the afternoon meeting last Sunday. He is an au thority on the Bible and devotas most of his time to teaching the scrip tures in the Moody Institute. At the annual meeting of the V. I. A. on Monday the following officers were elected: (The new officers do not assume their duties until the be ginning of the V. I. A. year, in Oc tober.) President, Miss Bessie A. Williams; first vice president (social) Mrs. Will Miller; second vice presi dent (civics) Mrs. S. M. LaBree; third vice-president (literary) Mrs. Rich; secretary, Mrs. G. J. Braddock; treasurer, Mrs. F. L. Bills; auditor, Miss Helen Tillinghast; members of the executive board, Mrs. C. H. Cash and Mrs. C. H. Preston. The town convention for the pur pose of nominating town officers for the ensuing year will be held in the council hall this evening. All who are qualified voters in the town, and who are democrats, and white, have a right to participate. There doesn't seem to be much of a scramble for the offices. It is understood that Mr. Borson has declined to be a can didate for mayor, and that friends of Paul C. Smith have been urging his name. But Mr. .smith also says he doesn't want it, and will not be a undulate. O. for a Gutteridtre to step into the breach? . PAGE NO. SEVEN Good Out QEvil By DWICHT NORWOOD ICE OF ELECTION. ' I hereby given that the An Spal Election will be held ( of Crescent Oity, Fla. on I Tuesday in April, A. D. 1 11th, '16), for the elec following officers; I For a term of one year, pen, For a term of two I for a term of one year, kr of Revenue, For a term i , ' trer, For a term of one f isor, For a term of one tell, For a term of . one f py hand this the four fef February, A. D. 1916. K. BORSON, I" Acting Mayor. of Crescent City should little Gift Shop," before town to do their spring I They will be delighted I is being shown there. Md see th attmrtiva tuvu- are now on sale at this, the pipe itseir. Contractor John Rafferty is busy this week laying the new storm sew ers along Central avenue. The work is being done on plans laid down by Civil Engineer Stallings of Palatka who gives assurance that the sewers will put an end to the constant wear ing away of the street level by the heavy rains. Some comment ad verse to the sewer pipe provided for the work has been made. In a talk with Mr. Stallings, who was here last Friday giving the levels, he stated that the contract called for "seconds," but that many had been injured in transit, and he had designated those in the supply which could be used. And that there were a plenty to give the town a lasting sewer and one that would work. - The contract has been let to Mr. Rafferty and the contrac tor is to give the town just such a sewer as was arranged for in the contract Mr. Stallings also said that all the pipe was cemented to gether where joined and that the ce ment would be really stronger than Mr. Stallings is a most competent engineer he knows, j Southfield Bible Conference. The thirteenth annual Bible Confer ence opened on Sunday and is more largely attended than in any previ ous year. the speakers were Fas tor Wm. L. Pettingill of Philadelphia, Pa., and Wilmington, Del., and Lewis S. Chafer of New York. Both Mr. Pettingill and Mr. Chafer are teach ers in New York and Philadelphia Schools of the Bible. Doctor Harris H. Gregg of St Louis, came on Wednesday and will remain to near the close of the Con ference. Seldom has the Conference been fa vored with teachers whose ministry is more enjoyed or more poular than this season. The Conference closes on Friday night March 24th. Plans are being made for a much more extended meet ing next year and courses of Bible study will be offered which should attract many christian workers- from the north and south. To Keep Stopper From Sticking. A very little glycerin smeared around the 'glass stoppers ot bottles will keep them from sticking for a long time. As I entered the station I ran up against a beautiful display of flowers In a shop wludow. I have always been fond of flowers, and, entering the shop, I bought a rose, an American Beauty, und put It In a buttonhole of my coat On reaching my destination, stepping from the train, I ran Into something more beautiful than the rose. At least it was more engaging. A young girl who seemed to be taking In with rapid glances those who were alighting fixed her eyes upon me, gave a sign of recognition, started forward. halted, then as I was passing her caught my baud and said: "Walter!" 1 am free to admit that had the young lady been an old lady or even a homely young lady I should have at once informed her that she was mis taken In the person, and' 1 am free to admit that this is what I was In honor bound to do. But I didn't. I looked at her and said: "Are you'' "Yes, I'm Lillian. If you hadn't worn the rose I don't believe I should have recognized you." "That is not surprising consider ing" I gave her time to finish what 1 dared not risk finishing myself. "We'll talk later. Just now we must be going. You must have your trunk sent to the house." 1 demurred, on the ground that 1 would incommode the family, where upon she said that there was no one in the house but her mother and her self, and her mother, being an Invalid, was for the present keeping her room. This was, to say the least unfortunate for my self respect, for tt threw In my way au added temptation. I suffered myself to be guided to a cab and, tell ing the young lady that I had no trunk with me, was driven to her home, an eminently respectable residence, and was at once sent up to my room. On the bureau stood a photograph of a youth probably five or six years younger than myself. It arrested my attention because it resembled me. A maid brought me some towels, and 1 hazarded asking her a few questions, "Who is that?" pointing to the pic ture. "I thiuk that it's Miss Lillian's flansay." Before the maid left the room 1 had enough information to last me till I could get more. I learned that Walter was an objectionable person to Miss Lillian's mother because he was con sldered wild and could, not support a wife. He was expected any day to arrive in order to arrange for the wed ding. He and Lillian had been be trothed when they were very young and had not met since. I went downstairs. Dinner was on the table, and Lillian and I dined alone together. The first thing I said to her after being seated was: "Has your mother withdrawn her ob jections to me?" "I can't say that she has. You must try to break down her prejudice by being nice to her." now I fenced to prevent Lillian from learning that I was an impostor would take too long to tell. Nearly everything I said was intended to draw forth information to help me In my deception. I was In constant ter ror for fear Walter would appear and expose me. Had I known what he was doing at that moment I should have felt easier. After dinner I proposed that I should visit mamma and try to placate her. 1 found the old lady very much preju diced against me. I asked her what was the basis of her opposition to me and learned that it was general worth- lessnoss and especially that I had con tracted the liquor habit Notwith standing this lamentable condition I felt comforted. I could cure myself, and t lie other follow could not At least I believed that if I chose I could cut hi ui out before he could reform. In oi'der to gain time and not ex pose my deception I, made a plea of being tired with traveling, though I hud come but twenty miles, and went to bed early. What bothered me was tbiu it was naturally expected that I would curess my fiancee. And under the circumstances I was not quite so base as to do so. Ouce in my room I was free from that temptation. I dared not attempt to go through the next day without giving myself away and resolved on a confession. And this part of the episode I flatter myself 1 handled very well. I confessed to Ky prospective mother-in-law. At the same time I proposed, with her con currence, to find out what was keeping my double and if he was really worthy of her daughter. A desire to avail her self of my services saved me from what I deserved, and having been fully posted by her I disappeared from the bouse without Lillian's knowledge, took a train for the place where Wal ter lived and found that he was recov ering from a debauch and getting ready to visit his fiancee. I sent him a telegram In his mother-in-law's name to await a letter, returned to her and Lillian and before seeing the latter had an Interview with the former. When I saw Lillian again she knew alL She declined to meet me till her feelings and her mind were somewhat composed and she had become sensi ble of the fact that I bad really done her a faTor. There Is nothing more of this story to tell except that I married the girl I had so dishonorably saved from a worse fat. I Florida East Coast Railway SYSTEM jf 1 ji. -jsi J& -i s"T-. .'fin ism tiSS!1 gg 5S !-55 IHg frg5"a -r?gk ....fa jm !2 !miuiih IX ifc::F:;sS 135 js jj- fj'i'aii i"g i"u h -M 9 Mm M S r!S 'Z syiiT ....k Man I.isn tlum ijsm M-m is MM tSR i5 iS:::::::::::::S iiiii ?s ! SS Hiiii V-ii VA- itm '.T ..f?. M Sii S & S:feEE:tiSfiaa S Eiii MM aJm m J-JE .S...... Timm li U.4BU 10.3OM SJ8SJ jgs III -J'ij uUii IS t.3M m a!S iS!?2 a'fS MM Itaait IKJN IM IMS 3SSSJ 55 si ."li.wEfc.;;;.'! ...... St t mm las 11 mm urn ....ini ,U. ...t, r sm nia tsin t s K" 11-4E S ji i H i'iii f!2 i'mJm Z L 'f1' h ...... Btm t I g-g Ji! HlMrf 12.20M i SS 2S2 S J',. 'I ii mom 4- 8Mf fSSSb-i- b tarn.. .ujS Additional Trains Bstwwn Palm Beach and Florida City JRSHBUi Pl- R..A : 0W(U Wnt Mai Beach Miam; -. tn .. Miami W Hottrat tw Plimda City M 89 I 41 I I saow. u.... !!!!""""! 7.454S ...... If, ... 7.S04S It 203 I 201 I OBANCR CITY I 202 I 204 131 I Daily Daily BRANCH Daily Daily D D''y . n rx Sun. , r- 8 30 L. New Smyrna .r 1 OS 7 MH . JMl0.3MII lv.. Lake Helen.. Lvl2.10PS 4 OOPS f?S2S 'Hll.0SUI r. Orange City .L115S S 2m 5 ...jHn.2Ul-. Orange City J . Lvll.50aS SI OPS 4$J'l 129 ENTERPRISE 130 JJ D'lly BRANCH Daily J-JJ 8 45AMI Lv Titmville rj OOPS 8.56HI 0-40AM t Maylnwn Lv 12 42PM 9 54 10 4ri&Ml Ar Entcmrise I 1 1 4-AH fa 1IWH n .LU.30AI Hll.OOPs! 40 Dailr 12.30PW 10.46MH 9.50MN Daily 9.2SM BOM 7 SMS KISSIMMEE VALLEY UUANCH 132 -Daily ex Sua. 11.00U ikr. Enterprise Junctio Titmville kll.ism Maytowo Lvll 3a Geneva IrlQJXM Chuluota iridium bf Bitfalo Ar 9.ft6aS t Pocataw Ar 9.44M t-V Holnpaw Ar 8.4.1M AT Kenansville Lv 8 OQMI Lv 0owaw Lv 7.0MS Lv Fort Drum lv 6.5011 r Okrecliohee Jl 6.04M Connections made at Key Weit with P. tc 0. SS. Co., for Havana. Connection! made at Miami with V k O. SS. Co.. (or Nassau, Bahamas. These timrtahlrs show the time at which trains may be expected to arrive and depart Irnm the several itations. but their arrival or depart nrc at the timea stated is not guaranteed nor is this Company to k held respon.ihlc tor any delay or any consequence arising therelrotL. Subject to change without notice. For copy of Local Time Card or other iuforiuatiuo "See the Ticket Agent.' J. D. RAHNER, General Passenger Agent, St. Augustine, Florida ATLANTIC COAST. LINE 4 STANDARD. It At LKO AD OF TliK SOITII THROUGH TRAIN DAILY TO Washington and New York 4 Lv. Jacksonville ti:lflnni l2:-i!ipni l::Bpm Ar. Ha van null l:lfpm 4:4: pin r:Sti,ini Ar. Kicbmond S:2iain 7:iiniii ii:l::ni Ar. WBslilnKton 7:ftrHin in:2!ani 12:Xpin Ar. Kiiltlniore :i:46ani jl:42inn l:tOnn Ar. W. Philinli Iphln 11 :!,iun L':liin 4:i:iiin Ar. New York l:4ipm 4:inpni (l:Sii m X:li'i:m Ali-M W i iiiipn rut. K left rib I2:art,n) I'ujlman Drnwlni? N:impni ; nioiii ii e i iK. Pining cars on II rfiiipm Iri.liiK n.K.-tn. Local sleeper J :: His in Hiu urn nb I nssengert may 4:2fiini ' rcii urn i i 1 1 1 ; n.m. Free re 7:i:;nni dining clmlr coaches. 5 Daily ThrougH TRAINS WEST AM. MKALS SKKVH) IN DIMM; OAKS l. KCI TK ED 5 IJ1XIK Fl.VKK No. 4 l.v. Jhcksonvilli' n::ii pin Ar, Atlanta T :4(H mi Ar. ChftttnnoOMa laMSpin Ar. Nashville 4 : 1 i , r i i Ar. Ht. Louis TMiiiiini Ar. Chk-ime 7:(Whiii SEMINOLK 1 I.tlIT.D-No. 08 THK DI.MK I.IMI No. IIM Lv. Jacksonville Ar. WaycroK.s Ar. Macon Ar. Atlanta Ar. 8t. l.onls Ar. Clilcngo I.v. Jackson vllleti:l:iipm Ar. Albany S: main Ar Coluinhus A.ri'Hiu Ar. Hirniinn'iii li:2:"ipm Ar. Ht. Louis Ar. Chicago - 7 : rm in s:2Ham Steel train. Pull man cars. Chicago Ht. Louts. Kite reclining chair car, observation car, electric tans. "THK SOUTHLAND"? No. 3 . I.v. Jacksonville.. . XtSOpqi Ar. Ailniilii :47nni Ar. Knowllle .-. . : .12:lllprh A r. I ouisv'lle tt:l'fiiim Ar. t'incli natti N:.'0piii Ar. (1,1,'Mo 7:45am ST. I OT IS J .M'lil- SS No. Si Throuuh I' ii I I in a n to Hi Louis. First clal 1 1 ti ( n connectloiB niiirle NewOrleai tor Hun Frunclscb usrmni liMSam r :()opn H-.ltipni .H'.Rttpm 5:. Tijut I.v. .iacksonvtIleK:'ri in Ar. Wavcross 1H:I5 in Ar. Montifom'- S:f,nnni Ar. N Orleans . s:S5pin Ar. Nashville . 7:l.'ipni Ar. Ht. Louts ... 7:tiiaiii :soam stfe:e Pullman electric lluhled drawlnc room sleererii on nil iIiivuh.i, inin, ninii, cars a la carte For information and reservation. all us or w rite : A. w. r KITOT, Div. I aasentrer AirU ,l.n. KlKKUXti. IH.i'ii.unr ioo . r.,., Mi-nnuiiiiut-, ria. lllllsnort URI tlol I'l, 1 H lll;a, la l'lione 1 . l'honi- 3838. W.A.HERRYDAYGO. DEALERS IN tfi Crate Material of all Kinds. Fruit and Vegetable Wraps. PALATKA, FLORIDA PUTNAM PHARMACY PALATKA. FLORIDA Drugs, Chemicals, Druggist Sundries and Patents PRESCRIPTIONS OAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. FRKBH GARDEN SEED. Agents Mallory Steamship Lln LAW OLD AND NEW. A Cynical View of Past Methods and Those of tho Present. Law. more especially criminal law, has usually been an occult science. It is still the practice in Burma, we be lieve, to give two disputants candles of the same size, to be lighted at the same time. The one whose candle burns longest gets judgment against the other. Less than 100 years ago a defendant in an English criminal trial appealed to the ordeal of battle, and the court was more or less surprised to find that the ancient law on which he relied had never been repealed. Determining a man's guilt or Inno cence by bis ability to walk on hot plowshares or carry a hot Iron or drink a poisonous decoction or by thro win hint bound Into va.,er has been practiced lor ages among niaay peoples. The medieval method of let ting accused and accuser Jight it out with weapons was comnlHi over Ear rope. Our modest ancestors confessed their Inability to find the merits of tae cause and so relegated the whole af fair to the Intervention of supernatural agencies. The main difference Is that we are less modest Instead of the ordeal of battle or the old key and Bi ble test or the "sieve witch," we hane ' the defendant play a game of trip the i court If be can catch the Judge pot ting down an "1" dot over an e" ke wins and Is pronounced Innocent Sat- ' urday Evening Post t Zino Nails. . It Is said that nails cut from a soled sheet of clue are practically laate- structible.