OCR Interpretation

The Palatka news and advertiser. [volume] (Palatka, Fla.) 1908-19??, November 17, 1916, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Florida

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Sloan's LinirVent Robs Toothache of
Its Terrors. Pain Vanishes in a'
Few Minutes.
When old Miss Appleby died and
left her two nieces, May Hammond
and Olive Bisbee, $7,000 each, every
body in Westmore felt interest. For
everybody in Westmore liked the two
girls, who were cousins and friends,
besides being young wives. They had
been married only a year, and had
just got to housekeeping in neighbor
ing dwellings on Pink street. Olive
was living in Jim's old home which
had come to him from his mother a
i 1 . .ii ..i. ..i.i ...
small, gray nouse, rawer Miuuuy i.uw, v., h.lm it relieve8 con.
but which Jim hoped to hx up alter,.. nT1, . w inllte. tnoth.
n ha1 t t""J --
No need to pace the floor all night
with the agony of a throbbing tooth.
Sloan's Liniment will quickly relieve
the pain and give you rest.
A single application and the pain
usually disappears. Sloan's Liniment
gets right to the root of the trouble.
he got to earning more.
just the necessary housekeeping 1
things, but they were comfortable.
May. too, lived in an old house, one j
which Will had bought when real es- !
tate was down. As May said, laugh-
ingly, they merely considered them- :
selves squatters, waiting for the time '
when they could get rid of the old i
house and build a new one. The I
S7.000 arriving unexpectedly to the !
two girls sent them into excitement.
"I don't have to think for one mo
ment what I shall do with my money,"
May said. "I shall have a new
"What will you do with the old
one?" Olive asked.
"Tear it down. It isn't worth
much. But the lot is lovely. And I
know exactly the kind of house I
want like Stewart Gibson's over
"But that's such a big house just
for two people!" Olive exclaimed.
"I like big houses. I shall have it
a little nicer than Gibson's some wnvs.
I've got the ideas all in my head
about the fireplace and the butler's
pantry and the porches "
She broke off. laughing. "But
there, I've not asked yet what you
are going to do with your money?"
"T don't know what I shall do with
it, May. I'm going to talk it over
with Jim. I've just got a faint idea
But May was staring out of the
window at the Gibson house across
the street. "I don't really like the
shape of that balconv," she said. "Do
you, Olive?"
"No," replied Olive, "I don't. Tt
looks too much like a swallow's nest!"
May screamed. "What an idea! A
I sake of building a new house upon
j its site " She caught her breath
i as an. inspiration came. Down she
I sat upon the stairs, and there she was
' when Jim came whistling in through
the front door to supper.
"Well," he said, "I just walked up
with Will. He says May is going to
build a new house with her money.
"Is he gald?"
"Oh, sure!" Will likes to make a
show. He says if there's anything
left after the house they're going to
get a runabout. Now I should begin
with the runabout " he stopped
"it it was my money," he ended em-b.-Vressedly.
Olive had her hands on his should
ers. "It is yours just as much as if
it were left to you outright, dear,"
she said. "Aren't we partners in the
joys and sorrows and good fortunes
of' each ? Jim, May's been over and
we've been talking. She's wild about
having a new home. But I like this
old hoiise better than any we could
Jim's dark, earnest face lit up.
ache is reduced.
'JJo soothe the throb of a tooth that
paiis witn neuralgia, appiy oioans
Liniment externally. Aching muscles,
rheumatism, gout, bruises, sprains,
lumbago, chilblains, sprains and stiff
new can awo oe mow eiiecuveiy ,eases me he 8aid. "Yo-
trea ed with Sloan's Liniment Clean- P f- his h 01ive
er tnan mussy piasters or pounces. T .,. tm w to rive
Sloan's Liniment at all drug stores '.''" -r -
in 25c, 50c. and $1.00 bottles.
swallows' nest!" She was hilariously
On the other hand, Olive was
thoughtful. Seven thousand dollars
seemed a great sum to her, which in
volved serious responsibility. She
always had been poor, and she had
not bettered her condition by marry
ing. She wondered if she knew
enough to keep $7,000? Well, if she
did not, Jim did. And she could
trust Jim.
After May's departure Olive went
all over the house from top to bottom.
II had been Jim's boyhood home and
fhc loved it for his sake as well as
for her own. In it ,she had had the j passenger car took up
nappiest year ot ner ine. iier nanu
caressed the railing of the narrow
"Dear old house!" she murmured.
"I couldn't have it torn down for the
You'll find a trip to Jacksonville the first
week in December mighty enjoyable and
interesting. The big Duval County Fair
will then be on and it is going to be some
show. The interest in this fair, all over
Florida and in neighboring States, insures
exhibits and attendance that will make it
more 01 an inter-Mate
than a county enter
prise. Other Florida
fairs have been good
and will be better, but
this one promises to
eclipse them all in many
important respects.
1 1
Come to
er 5th to 0
Spend these five days in busy, bustling
Jacksonville and see the Duval County
Fair, attend the theatres, do some shopping
and have a good time generally. The ex
hibits at the fair will make you more proud
th:"in ever of Florida and you'll learn from
them new ideas that will help you and
-v. your neighbors. Your
friends in the city will be
glad to see you, and you
will meet many of them
from other parts of Flor
ida. Bring the folks
plenty of accommodations
at reasonable rates.
ailroad Rates
Your Ticket Agent
All railroad lines entering Jacksonville
will give reduced rates for this fair. Tick
ets will be on sale Mondav, Dec. 4th, irood
returning until the 9th. Ask your ticket
agent now about these rates and he will
be ready to give you the benefit of them.
Favorable rates on exhibits also have
been authorized by the railroads. Agricul
tural products, art and needlework, live
stock, fruits, flowers and vegetables from
any section of Florida may be shown.
Generous prizes offered. Send for cata
log and full particulars to H. H. SIMMONS
Chairman Entrance Committee. For other
information, address,
A. P. ANTHONY, Chairman, County Fair Committee
Jacksonville Chamber of Commerce
It u
"VI o aren't going to," Olive inter
rupted. "Now listen to me."
".And you're going to stay in this
old house!" May said a few days lat
er. She and Will were boarding while
their new house was in course of con
struction. "Just wait till you sec my
new domicile, Olive. You'll wish for
one yourself, then."
"Olive shook her head. "No, Jim
and I are content with this house."
"But aren't you going to spend
vour money?"
"Most of it."
"But how?"
"Just wait and see."
Presently not onlv May, but all
Westmore, saw. Paint, paper, a
changed partition or two, a bath
room, a fire place, and a porch trans
formed the old house. Besides all
this, there were new rugs, easy
chairs, a talking machine, new cur
tains, books, and a hundred other
beautiful and comforting new things,
A little work turned the barn into a
garage, and one morning a new fiye-
lis suiwuu
there, "for," said Olive, 1 shan t ue
selfish!" There was still a goodly
rainy day sum left to draw interest
and yield an income.
Across the street May's new house
came to maturity. It was very fine,
but May began to look worried.
"It's going to take a lot of furni
ture," she said. "Well, some of the
rooms will have to wait." She laugh
ed uneasily. "I guesa Will and I
shall have to ride in your car this
summer, Olive, if we go about at all.
Every cent has gone into the house.
There's nothing left for a runabout."
"It's a lovely house," Olive said.
"So is yours."
"It's comfy, it's home."
Mav siirhed.
"Don't you tell Will or Jim, either ,
of them don't you tell anybody, 01- '
ive but do you know sometimes I '
wish I'd done as you did?" I
"Oh, pshaw!" laughed Olive conso-1
But after Mav had gone back to '
the handsome house across the street
Olive sat. by the fire thinking. As
she thought her glance moved about
the simple, graceful, cozy living room,
at the books and music and food pic
tures that had come out of her lega
cy. She drew a deep breath of con
tentment. "There are ways and ways," she
said to herself. "I don't say mine is
best. But to think that poor May has
only a house!"
Sufferer From Indigestion Relieved.
"Before taking Chamberlain's Tab
lets my husband suffered for several
years from indigestion, causing him
to have pains in the stomach and dis
tress after eating. Chamberlain's
Tablets relieved him of these spells
right away," writes Mrs. Thomas Ca
sey, Geneva, N. Y. Obtainable ev
erywhere. Discovering Maud,
IT. O. Pavis, the moving picture man,
amo east not long ago from r.os An
poles, bringing with him a film based
on Tennyson's poem, Maud. In New
York he invited a number of other
moving picture magnates to attend a
private performance of the piece.
One gentleman, making no comment,
sat through the running oIT of the
reels. Then he was moved to speak.
"Hem!" bo said. "Is that all of it?"
"Yes," said Davis, "that's all of it."
"Well, well, well!" said the other.
"And I thought all along Maud was a
mule!" Saturday Evening Post.
Now that the political horizon has
been cleared from the quardrennial
spasm, there is time for attention to
matters more personal and perhaps
less Datriotic.
Florida is peculiar, different from
other sections of the United States
in the fact that hortieulural exer
tion with the hoe and rake and other
garden implements may be made or.
fV, Klmvers bloom some-
.i,,.I ; pim-iila the vear round. Fo
liage hands on the trees the winter
through and never is there here the
desoh'.te forlornness that cold wea
ther brings through the northern win
fo,. Tlmcn nre advantages that
.,i,'t,t i,n ctvosspd both for the bene
fit of Floridii'ns themselves and for
thoir winter vsitors.
The connection between hcnltn ami
appearances may not loom up big, but
it is a real relationship. No person
attracts attention by good looks un
looo lio in nil HL'ht inside. It is the
bloom of vigorous health that makes
tbi. be.-niHful face or form. And
the same is true of the city or village
or the home and its surroundings.
If the streets are carelesr.ly kept and
littered with rubbish, if the lawns are
scraggly and the foliage untrimmed,
something is wrong with the mental
works of the authorities or with the
homekeener or owner. "The clean
liness which is next to godliness
doesn't stop with the bath and wash
ing the front windows."
In Florida, as everywhere else, life
is one continuous scramble to keep
what we have health as well as the
other possessions, and the other pos
sessions arn't worth much without
the health. In time of peace pre
pare for war. In wniter prepare to
make fro fieht for health a little
less strenuous next summer. Aftei
vou have made the home and its sur
i-oundings so beautiful that the casual
visitor will stop in his ramblngs to
admire them, get busy inside the
house and do some things that may
not show, but that will count later
on. iust the same.
Sometimes we are surprised in the
dead of a Florida winter to hear the
buzzing of a lonely mosquito. We
are surprsed because we weren't ex
pecting snch a visitor, but the chances
are that there are more where that
one came from. For the mosquito
hibernates and he or she, is here to
start next season's crop. She hides
in dark closets or other comparative
ly warm places and is ready to go into
the breeding business with the coming
of warm weather next spring.
Then some kinds of mosquitoes car
rv the germs of infection for surpri
singly long periods. Experiments
under artificially favorable conditions
have kept the yellow fever germ alive
in the mosouito for 80 days. While
there is little probability that the in
sect will carry active infection through
the winter, the pest does live from
season to season, and the winter is a
perfectly good time to rout her out of
her hiding places and get rid of her.
Because cooler weather is coming
or is already here is no reason why
our energies against the fly should
bo lessened. One out of the way
now means a thousand or a million
less next summer. When we will
realize fully that the fly is the mosf
persistent, the most filthy and about
(he most destructive companion we
have and almost the most intimate,
and realizing it act, as if it meant
something to us, we will have solved
in a practical way one of the great
est health problems. And this fight,
to be successful, must be a continuous
performance. We can't take vaca
tions from it in winter.
Health and appearances go hand in
hand: to neglect the latter is to
threaten the former. And appear
ances are a rather dependable sign
of prosperity. Poor, careless dress-inc-
indicate the lack of prosperity,
and whether it's the clothes or the
yrd or the street, in front, let them
nil show our winter visitors that
Florida is both prosperous and heal
thy. State Board of Health Bulletin.
A Sad Awakening.
In one of Theodore Hook's stories
the bridegroom, departing with his
bride for their honeymoon, is disturb
ed by a continual tapping on the floor
of the postchalse. It begins to bother
him exceedingly. "What the deuce is
that noise?" as last ho mutters. "It is
nothing, darling," answers the bride
sweetly. "It Is only my wooden leg."
Only that and nothing more. She had
got accustomed to it from long use,
but the Information put him out ex
ceedingly and caused a coolness which
was permanent.
What Happens to Them.
"What does your husband do with
his old golf balls?"
"Loses 'em." Detroit Free Press.
Now Lookout.
When a cold hangs on as often hap
pens, or when you have hardly got
ten over one cold before you contract
another, lookout for you are liable to
contract some very serious disease.
This succession of colds weakens the
system and lowers the vitality so that
you are much more liable to contract
chronic cataarh, pneumonia or con
sumption. Cure your cola wmie you
can. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
has a great reputation. It is relied
UDon bv thousands of people and nev
er disappoints them. Try it. It only
costs a quarter. Obtainable everywhere.
Mrs. Sheldon Spent $1900 foi
Treatment Without Bene
fit Finally Made Well by
Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg
etable Compound.
Englewood, 111. -"While going
through the Change of Life I suti'ered
. l, - ..
i w i tu m.-uuacues, ner
vousness, Hashes of
heat, and I suffered
so much 1 did not
know what 1 was
doine' nt timpc 1
spent $1900 on doc
tors and not one did
me any good. One
uuj o muy cauea ai
my house and said
she had been as sick
as I was atone time,
and Lydia E. Pink-
r, i , . "Jills egetaole
...auc i,er wen, so i took it and
now 1 am just as well as I ever was 1
cannot understand why women don't
see how much pain and suturing thev
would escape by taking your medicine
1 cannot pra.se it enough for it saved
my hfe and kept me from the Insane
fP'te' -Mrs. E. Sheldon, 6057 S
Halsted St., Englewood, 1'J.
battled with this case steadily and could
do no more, but often the most mi ntifie
treatment is surpassed by the melffl
roote and herbs contained in Lydia E
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
If any coinPiiCAtion exists it
liam Medicine Co Lyon. M,
for special free advice.
w w 9t 9i a v: m as ? w & & f
JS TTOW T0 cxEANSH and a
M TOIL In cleansing any wound til
t!( tho final washing should be with tt
Vi boiled water that has been cool- IS
)S ed. Boiling kills any germs that Si
Hi may bo in tho water, so that 8
M when the germ carrying dirt has !!i
tH been washed away the boiled i
X water will leave no other germs IS
Mf In Its place. Boiled bandages
Mf are best too, Of course they 1$
Hi cannot be boiled as wanted ev- Mi
ery time, so it is a wise plan to i
boll some pieces of old table-
)$ cloth and roll fhem up ready for !S
VI use. In cas of sudden emergen- SS
cles when dry bandages must be (S
applied and there are no boiled Mi
ill ones ut hand put a piece of old iS
iH linen or other clean white cloth Mi
M? on a plate and bake it In a hot i'i
IS oven for ten minutes. The oven Mf
Hi must not be hot enough to scorch Mi
W the c! th. . Mi
'Mothers who remain in the Mi
Mt city ought not depend upon the Mi
Mi drug store too much, either. It Mi
VI Is equally wise for them to be Ml
& prepared for accidents. There Is Mi
MJ so much refuse left in vacant Mi
Mf lots, such as broken china and Mi
M? tin cans, on which a child may Ml
H cut himself, or a fall on the Mi
Mf pavement may grind dirt into Mi
M hands and knees. It is the part Ml
Mf of wisdom to keep a solution Mf
Mf of boric acid In the house and Ms'
Ml use it to bathe the infected parts, Ml
Me using one tablespoonful of the Mi
M: liquid to a glassful of boiled wa- Ms
Mf tor. Ml
Mf While a broken skin is one Mi
M? chief factor in Infection, there Ml
Mf are other ways for children to Mi
Mf get germs and dirt Into their M!
Mf systems. These cannot be reach- Mi
Mf ed by antiseptics. They must be Mi
Mf prevented by teaching children Mi
Mf to form clean habits. Mi
ili" li ijf yf - Mr Mc Mr M: V; Mf Mr Mf Me Mf Mf Mr
diuiius (I lilt A fi
"fish stories" in , , 1' ri
ceed the speed limi to ,
boundary 0 of vc1ohv t
of pumpkins and the i,nn, ' bla
bages, apples or notn 1 'P' Slte,
big fish ever describe 'lualln8 a.
Now, the capacity of sollof
things and "star i,,-. 0 ' 8 for r
grow claims mctlli'"
of fertile land told b'y
Sehaoft-Pr na ,.. . r- -Natli!
The richnnf .re
cused with a woman "L 4
Schaeffer glorified the T 1
ties of his owncon,A"np.)0l
"Why, in our coi,tv"ti,'
Hnj, ti,n- 1110 son
11 .vou stick n mil i .
ground the next niornln- ?r , 1
into a crowbar." in" ttta BWi
Whereupon the other remind.
"Yes, I know, but i 0 P L
use n rn.il.- r, !,... .... l0"Htv ,
tmrch Cliron I.t ' ?ose"--Pitl
Not Planting Them
Since he has
of vr r;1Wflvpj"N
Hon for Z 1 . "' PPH
Hon b ' w
about it.' After no,,' t0.?
eral requests, another (,:1I1IC,' 8
tnon ha wi-ntn, ;t ill
"mi. uw.i-u more pack.i"p o- ,
are you trying to do there. piVat 1
n uuie biu it in pens ;
"No," wrote back tho frank comt
fliore tnan twice us wide as vi
folic n,1 fo.. et.. , .
falls of Iguazu, in Smith Aniericn
i iijl- hiuhi natural wondere
LUUL (.'UIlUlltMlt.
Common Kerosene of a Low Grade the
Best Exterminator.
Next to draining, the best way to
abolish mosquito breeding places is to
treat the water so ns'to kill the mos
quito larvae. While many substances
have been tried for this purpose, noth
ing has given such good results as pe
troleum, according to experts of the
United Plates department of agricul
ture. Common kerosene of low grade
is most satisfactory as regards efilcien
cy and price.
It has been found that spraying with
a portable pump Is tho best way tc
use oil, snys Popular Science. Small
ponds, however, can be sprinkled out
of an ordinary watering pot with a
hose nozzle, or, for that matter, pour-
The Tax Book will open Novemb
isi, ior payment 01 state and Com
Taxes for 1916.
If any tax payer shall pay his fcJ
es between the first rlnv ne v,.iJ
- v ui wcmi
and the first day of December, he shj
De auowea a discount of Two perca
therefrom; and if he shall pay i
tween me nrsc aay ot December i
the first dav of Janunrv lio sliall
allowed a discount of One percJ
R. J. HANCOCK, Tax Collector
Consolidated Naval Stores Compaij
a corporat;on under the laws of t
State of Honda,
W. S. Middleton, Lizzie W. Middled
his wife, et als.,
It appearing by affidavit append
to the bill filed in the above stati
Ing out of a dipper or cup will bo sat cause that Mary EmUy Erwin Cath(
iMiicnu.i. in 1.1 1 kit pomis 1iiiuiis mi and II. J. Uathey, tier husband, and
V. Stephens and P. V. Stephens,
Administrator of the estate of Loii
a straight nozzle may be used. A
straight stream will sink and then
rise, and the oil will spread until the I. Stephens, deceased, and BlancI
whole surface of the water can be Crill Randolph and John II. Randolpl
covered without waste. Jr., her husband, and Craddock-Ter
In choosing the grade of oil to be
used two factors must be considered
it should spread rapidly and should
not evaporate ton quickly. Heavier
Company, and Kohn, Weil & Coi
pany, the defendants therein nam!
are non-residents of the State of F!d
ida, and that Mary Lmily Erm
grades of oil will cng together 1" b7X arand each 011 h a
spots, and tlu coating will be neces- dent of thfi city ()f A;hevine, Bu
snrily thick. It has been found that eombe County, State of North Caro
one ounce of kerosene Is sulliciont tonaj anj p. y. Stephens and the sa
cover fifteen square feet of surface.! p. V. Stephens, as Administrat
and In the absence of wind such a film; aforesaid, are and each of them is
will remain persistent for ten days.
Even after the iridescent uruui appar
ently disappears there Is still an odor
nf t.-or, titiu itlinnl tin, ,!.. i" lv.
turo of crude oil and kerosene has been'3 resident of the City of SavaM
found to be effective b, kllllnir mnsJ State of Georgia, anu each of said a
resident of the Citv of New York al
State of New York, ami Blanche Cri
Randolph and John H. Randolpn, J
her husband, are and each ot tnem
fendants is over the aie of twetv
one years and that there is no per:-1
in the State of Florida the service
a SubDoena UDon when would oi
qulto larvae. It lias one advantage
over pure kerosene In that it does not
evaporate so quickly.
Special attention should bo paid toi-.jj nnnoH HPfenrlart. or any
little pockets of water that form' them; and that Craddnck-Terry Co i
around ine edges or ponds, for It Is ( pany, is a corporation l.avms i v
in such places where tho water Is einal nlace of business in the City
not disturbed by wind or otherwise
that the larvae breed In greatest num
bers. Larvae do not breed In open
stretches of water where the surface
Is rippled by the wind.
In the light against the mosquito In
ranniua the government exerts found
that a larvlcide composed of carbolic
acid, rosin and caustic soda was very
effective, and thousands of gallons of
It were used
How to Mix Plain Boiled Starch and
Gum Arabic Water.
This is the way to make plain boiled
Allow two tablespoonfuls of starch
to a gallon (lf water. Wet the starch
with cohl water until it is of the con
sistency of cream. Then pour over It
the water, which is bubbling. Stir con-
stantly until smooth and boil for five
minutes. .Add an inch of candle to a
gallon or a tablespoonful of lard to
give a very smooth starch.
This is the foundation for all starch
ing, excepting that done with uncooked
If a very stiff starch is desired a ta
blespoonful of gum arable water to a
quart of starch gives good results.
To prepare gum arable water pour
two oupfuls of boiling water over a
quarter of a pound of gum arable.
When the gum Is dissolved strain the
solution into a bottle, cork and keep on
hand for use in the laundry.
How to Rejuvenate Your Pipe Just
For a Hobby.
To make an old tobacco pipe as good
as new plug the stem with a bit of
match, fill the bowl with alcohol, light
and let It burn. Do this three or four
times and the pipe will be as clean and
as sweet as when new, without the
bother of breaking it In.
Lvnchburir. State of lrgima.
Kohn, Weil & Compat.y, is a corfl
ration having a place ot oumh
the Citv of New Oro'ans, State
T.niiiointiQ art A tbnt there is no M
son in tbl. State of Florida, the s(l
vice of a Sobpoena up who? w01-
bind said defendant compam,
either of them; it i therefore ord
ed that said non-resident defendari
be and they are hercy renuireu
a- TKU f r.imn aint 111
in sam cause un vi Q..
the 15th day of December. A. J
otherwise the allegati'i-.s of saia ui
will be taken as cortessca
Defendants. , . n,if
It is further ordered that this UMi
bo uiblisbeH once a wepK H" . '
rr-f":;; " ",i, the ?m-
News, a newspaper published in -County
and State .
Witness my nana a "J". .m
(Official Seal) TvanV
Clerk Circuit Con!
Deputy Clerk.
E. J. L'Engle, Esq..
SOIlCltOr IOr om,,,:.,,,,.;.
f.,r W.N
notice ot iippm -
I nder Section f . -
NOTICE is hcrrD lf,
o issue In iccoraan t h folio
Said certificate eml'ra , s ui
ng described pr-M"-' tl:
utnam county, r r 1 ' !"(' '
i. Section 1ft, 'lowiiMHi' -
I. J. Price, mircimsci .i - . n
No. 3, dntod I he H h V'y . ' V iiiv off
has filed said cer n. .n
and has made ppm."-; .
ii itcren. ..'i
,Xh."a.l.d...I"ni of ,m h cer.MW''.
the name of Kloi nhome ""' be
ITnless said certin.mi ffd
deemed according t; ', ' sovf1
Issue thereon on the -'.II'
Witness m
seal thlsthe i
Clerk Clrcu
mv official fTp.
It Court 'Xn,jr.. D- C
H. Hutchinson. Jr-

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