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TL. WT.' Thc greatest of human rights is to 1 fie WOUian S L4UDhelp forward human life, and human i accomplishment. The greatest pro gress and success comes only from tha I combined effort to work with others, Annual Mrs. Marie E. Mann Boyd Editor. Mrs. .7. I.. Hansford Cen'l Mgr. Mrs. E. L. Mann Business Mgr. Mi's. L. L. Boyle, Oil'ic Stenographer. Mr Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Mrs Standing Committee: (ion. E. Welch Chairman. . Peter (iardnor . M. S. Brown (ieo. E. Gay A. I.. Teafl'e A. K. Tromblev towards one common end ,1. It Points O. Ilamm J. Ilillmrn ('. Shillings II. Yelverton, Jr. Advertising run; : v lutes on Applical ion. NOVKMP.EU 17, 19115. What do you think of the Woman's Club paper? Uood citizenship consists more- in constructive than in destructive work. A woman may belong to many clubs. She may be active in all the good wi.rks of her community; but the real value and charm of this will be destroyed, if she jealously regards th;' vnrk of sonic other woman, by criticizing, impungrig motives, or be l;it!i:i'r efforts that are made even thou'rh they fall short of the desired aim. Gibraltar is the smallest of Great Britain's possessions being loss than two miles square. Canada is the largest with an area of over three million square miles, and yet the "Rock of Gibraltar" is probably the more important of the two, right now. "The subject of public health is more and more engaging the attention of the public. A potent factor in arousing this fresh interest Loins the Gene'-al Federation of Women's clubs, through its department of Public Health. The W. C. T. U. claims 4,000,000 j members the world around which ! makes it the largest Woman's organi sation i tlm world. The General Fed eration of Woman's Clubs has 2,500, 000 members, which makes it the largest individual club in the world. Mrs. Mary Harris Amour (the Georgia Cyclone) said in a recent lec ture that Booze was doomed; that the Christian world, the fitmncal world; the business world; the military world, the social world had all de clared against it. That the underworld was the only world now left to it. MRS. ROBERT S. O'HAVER Teuclier of Piano ana Pipe Organ r.oi iuvi:nsinii W. P. DINEEN Attorney mul CmiiiHollor at I-iiw Merryilny It lock l'lione ISO PALATKA, FLORIDA JULIAN C. CALHOUN Attorney mul ('oiniHellor lit Lnw PALATKA, FLORIDA HILBURN & MERRYOAY AttornojH ii ml ComiNolIorN .'it I.nw PALATKA, FLORIDA That brilliant southern author Mrs. Cora Harris who just now is much in the lime light, owing to her popular story of "The Circuit Rider's Widow," iust completed in the Saturdrv Even ing Post, s-ivs of women and Women's Clubs: "There is no doubt of the mental qualities and executive ability of Club women throughout thc United States; or their broad conception of the future requirements of the na tion; but that we are just a trifle too serious there is not enough of relax ation and mirthful laughter and just ! a littb too much stiff and narrow ad herance to parliamentry rulings. j Here to Stav. A prominent man recently in an address to a body of Club Women stated that he believed in "peace and unity." He believed in "Women's Clubs." Said he: "A good healthy woman had a certain amount of en ergy which she expended rpon her club life. If it were not for thc Club, she would work this energy off on her husband, that the trouble of times when the prophets of old wailed "woe is me" was caused by the lack of club life among the women." Kvn tho'-c who do not approve, rd- There are too many masculine mit that Women's Clubs are here to "matrimonial derelects" in Palatka. stay. They are forces to be rccop- j Amongst them are many desirables; . nixed and reckoned with. Woman is ; some not young; others "just modi- no longer willing to lead a negative! inn." All needing encouragement existence. She wnnts more th"-- r : along the road to matrimony. This be a mere impression a possibility, is iust a hint to our home girls and t She wants to be free, independent, visitors alike. This is Leap Year, self-reliant. She wants development Time is passing. It will be four , she sees a vision of a finished pic- years before you will have another ture. ' such golden chance to propose. j Woman's Clubs with their many I useful departments, uplifting influene- Pnlatka has a most wonderful wa- 1 es, intelligent participation in every j ter supply. Few, if any, cities in the phase of social and public life, claim i state can equal it for both purity and as great an influence as thc school ! abundance. Yet there is a continual i system, and rank second only to the 1 little "family squabble" as to which Christian religion. ' j is better adapted to internal and ex- It is an inevitable condition of Wo- : term; uses. This "scrapping" is rath- j man's organizations that they must j er amusing to those who have been ; do this club work in such fragments of ; obliged to use the city waters of time as busy women can snatch from! Jack --onville, St. Augustine, Dayt.ona, ; their manifold home and household' Miami, etc. Moral: " Tis better to duties, but the n-ood wnrlc imps nn DR. J. W. DARSEY DENTIST PALATKA. FLORIDA Over Ackermnn Stewart Drut! Store DR. L. I. BROWN DENTIST oo in h 1 and J, Merryday Itlork Phone .'S3 PALATKA. FLA. J. WM. MARTIN, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON DR. chandler's OFFICE MORAGNK' bi.dc. PHONE 172 PALATKA, - FLORIDA W. M. GREEN Dealer in Florida and Western Meats Hams, Bacon, Poultry, Etc. PHONE 207. 720 LEMON ST. PALATKA, FLA. Gem City Pressing Club Best work. Lowest prices. Lemon St. Phone 268 .-cent the ills we hfve Than fly to those we know not of." and on to the betterment home and community. of Tai cring and Pressing LADIES' WORK A CIALTY m. m m both S. UUKHMfVI 409 LEMON ST. PHONE 120 to to to to to to to to Compliments of Florida Woodenware Company to to to to to to j to to St Sf SI St s S! St s si s st Sf MPORTANT READ THIS! Realizing the necessity and value of cooperation among the farmers and residents of our colony lands, we have arranged to conduct a COLONISTS' FAIR -at ORANGE SPRINGS NOVEMBER 24-25 Admission free. Prizes in gold. You are cordially invited. Florida Farms & Homes, Inc. Palatka, Florida Excellent opportunity for well-conducted board in a h o use or It o fct a t Oru ntje Spri n js. In rest iff ute int mediately. Rodman Lumber Company Manufacturers of Yellow Pine L u m b e r Prices and fttaittf riff Id. Rodman, Fla. Ov's.N!,v-.Vvj rfCNV -v -v J" dT . x 0 ( .h f I'-