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Newspaper Page Text
MERRILL, J. A. GINN The Putnam Insurance Agency lyJCiUXCE AXD HEAL ESTATE 507 Lemon 01. riwuc n, r. u. dox 510 PALATKA, FLORIDA Give Your Little Ones This Delight FREE! One (if the must practical Mini fascinat ing amusement milkers ever invented. One that children, particularly girls, go into raptures over. BUCK'S JUNIOR RANGE Worth $7. i30, hut can't he bought Given Absolutely Free with any BUCK'S Range sold during Nov ember and December. I. YELVERTON, JR. OMPLETE HOMEFURNISHER MUSIC DEPARTMENT J. h C He Can't Get Out Of It. Hie man who would be a useful citizen and raenii 'T of society always looks forward to having his ow ii home and family and we can help him to attain this end by our methods of furnishing you with a house or building lot on the easy payment plan. We now have a few attractive bungalows for sale. Young man, begin early to make easy pay ments on them now by consulting Palatka Development Company 113 SOUTH SECOND STREET. I Tiir niii-iiMi uimmini n n 111 nr nniimn I I hi mm m n mi PALATKA, FLORIDA was organized and commenced business, Nov. 7th, 1892 The following is a comparative statement of our growth Capital $50,000.00....$ 50,000.00 Surplus and Profits none. . . . 105,000.00, earned Deposits 4,713.13.... 587,700.00 Our success is due to the confidence that the people of Palatka and Putnam County have had in us, and we beg a continuance of the same that we mav grow in the future as we have in the past. A a K. WELCH President VILLARD C:,s,,ior HURT Assistant Cashier Ih'tXTORS: F. H. Wilson, J. H. Haugliton. J. W. Wisson We I ,e for rent the best SAFE DEPOSIT BOX on the mar! for $3.00 ner vear. Rent one and keep your papers secure from tire and thieves. vah, W A. Merryday Company Deaf crs in H y, Cretin, Feeds, Flour and the best Crate Material made in Florida Write for our price fist W. A. Merryday Company Palatka, Florida Mrs. J. E. Lucas, editor. It was the original plan of the edi tors to devote the first page of this issue to the six departments of the club; but, owing to a misunderstand ing' as to the date of publication, the -Musical Chairman failed to arrive with her column in time to claim her space. This seems unfortunate be cause the -Musical Department has al ways been one of the important de partments. It has stood for the best in music and to a great extent has influenced popular taste and opinion. We have tried to emphasize the fact that music is really a very practical art, for through its very spirituality it makes for higher thinking and higher living which, reduced to piac tical terms, means better citizenship. The question of the influence of mu sic on the formation of character ha? long ceased to be discussed. We see the answer in our public schools where music is given a place in the curriculum along wth literature, mathematics and science. The boy or girl who in school reads the clas sics in literature seldom degenerates into the yellow-back dime novel, and we firmly believe that if the musical classics were as carefully taught, there would be less degeneracy of musical taste. j Hut I meant to tell briefly some j thing about our plan of study for this year. It begins with music of the I Old Testament, which includes the early Egyptian and Hebrew music and the Psalms; of David. Thonce through the Grecian song and dance, I the mystery, miracle and passion 'plays, then the Roman music, Grego- Han chant, the hymns of the early Christians; Luther and his influence on German classical composers, and finally through them reaching our present oratorio. We shall expect to do very little illustrating in these class meetings, the only available ma terial being selections from Old Tes tament oratorios. Instead, it is our purpose to put our work on public recitals which we will give from time to time during the year. TO OI K IWTKONS. The Woman's Club makes no apol ogy in coming before you with its An nual. The club is one of Palatka's old and distinguished institutions. Its aim, from the beginning to the pres ent, has been, not to perpetuate itself but to work always for a better moral and social standard for our people and to aid in beautifying and building up the whole city. The club has never worked selfishly. Today, after twen ty years of life and constant work it has boeght a lot and lias a few hun dreds of dollars stored away for its ur" i'.-.c. During this long period, thousands of dollars have been expended (raised by its members) in school work, in tree planting, care of parks, both the i Public Library and that of the public school, the Salvation Army, the Chil- j dren's Home society, the Associated Ch-ritio:;, ar l ether things of a like iiuiturc for the benefit of the public. The club has outgrown the capacity of private meeting places. The club movement demands and deserves to I be encouraged by having a home of i its own. All of these things have j been accomplished through the united ! efforts of the members in giving en j tertainments, voluntary subscriptions ! or small club dues of $1.75 per year. ; What men's club would think of ex isting on a membership fee of $1.75 per year? We ask our readers to ; stop and ponder this. Yet year after I year the good work has gone on. The generous response, attested ! by our list of advertisers, shows what j business men and our public spirited ' citizens think of the club's work. 1 There has been a great deal of hard work and responsibility attached to getting out this paper. However, the end has fully justified the means. We heartily thank you and will be de lighted to welcome you to our new home, as soon as it can be built. Tin: (( KI.AWAUA HIVIOII. (Hklawalia winding river, Length a hundred thirty miles. ilubhlin from tile Springs of Silver In the 1-aUe where -Nature smiles. Tortuous are thy many turnings, Make gradual thy descent To thi' liroud .St. Johns below thee i'cturesqueness thine intent. Vines and brambles form a tangle, ilanuing mosses weirdly sway, Scarlet lluwers in rare profusion Screen thy banks along the way. Yellow lilies spread their petals, And the lily-pads unfold. Carpeting thy shallow borders With their waxy green and gold. T-ive oaks, green thro' every season, Cypresses with air moss dressed, Sweet magnolias form this jungle, Tall palmettos crown their crest. Fishes warn the diving turtles. Turtles run and tell the snakes, And as alligators listen. Each himself to shelter takes. Hut our bout glides thro' the water (in ii sunny winter's day, 1'Yaring naught from our invasion, I tasking in the sun they stay. Noonday sun turns all to golden, Twilight shadows make repose, Moon and stars in jeweled splendor Bring the glad day to its close. Then from lights on iron boat top llrlli.'incy invades the shore, And the jungle is illumined While its wonders we explore. (lathering close we softly whisper, Fearing lest our voices may Wake the moss-draped trees, and cause them T'liantoni-Iike toward us to stray. l"or the pathless wilds seem peopled With a strange weird awesome host. In that screeching just the limpkin Or a disappearing ghost. Jungle wilds and jungle creatures Make us glad that we're a'lloat. Where in safety we can view them h'vom the deck of Hart Line boat. A.MKLTA DAY CAMPBELL. THE ECONOMY GROCERY Freshest stocks Lowest prices Courteous serrice PHONE 36 Atlantic Baking Co. E. A. NIEMEYER, Proprietor Bread, Pies and Cakes fresh every day. 322 LEMON ST. PHONE 300 MERRILL Insurance Agency FIKK. I.II-'K, A-('IIKMT, I.IA1MI.ITV KUKKTY BONDS PALATKA, FLORIDA MONUMENTS MARKERS AND CRADLES Anything; In Mitrhle. BKST MAI5HI.K. IIKST WOKK. I.OWKKT I'KICKN. J. L. DUNSFORD S'JII North f.tll St., 1'AI.ATKA, t'l.A. Gem City Printcry W. E. WATTLES. Proprietor KfSS B& PALATKA, FLA. GEORGIA SUPPLY CO. Prompt shippers of GAY BROS. i .1 Hvervthins in ivn Supplies and Machinery SAVANNAH, GA. JACKSONVILLE, FLA. TAMPA, FLA. The Cut-Price Store F U R N I T U R E Leading in Low Prices Full line beautiful Dress Goods just received. All kinds Dry Goods, Shoes. Largest line Men's, Women's and Children's Sweaters in the city. Shirt Waists, Skirts. Exquisite Un derwear of all kinds. Men's Pants, Shirts, Underwear, etc. Always at your ervice for Better Goods at Lowest Prices. J. T. BOND Proprietor the Cut Price Store PALATKA, FLA. I Uisrnnnt. but properly filled out Hill of Lulling niUHt Hrcoiiipuny invoice CAPT. M. R. RYAN llVni.l PALATKA. FLA. 1 Pcriccto Cm manufacturing Company "JO Vetrs of Doing It IMIn:' W. A. BANKS R WATTLES mutiny CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER 114 SOUTH SECOND STREET PALATKA, FLA. Kupperbuscb Restaurant 3 he fashion A high-class emporium for Ladies' and Children's Ready-to-wear Garments exclusively. Latest styles. High quality goods. Lowest prices. Jic fashion FRUCHTMAN BROS. PALATKA, FLORIDA J. (J. uUUutlL Manufacturer of Boilers, Stocks, Iron Tanks Locomotives Bought, Sold, Exchanged, Leased and Repaired. Oxy-Acetylene Welding. Sheet Iron Work At Your Service It is our good pleasure to call for your prescription, compound it correctly and promptly deliver it into your hands. Take advantage of our prompt delivery service and realize that we are anxious to oblige you and make ourselves useful. When making purchases in this store, do not hesitate to ask us to deliver the package to your home. This prompt delivery service responds very quickly to your telephone call. We want you to make more use of our store and its equipment. J. H. HAUGHT0N City Drug Store Phone 77 EVERYTHING IN THE WAY OF Groceries MAIL ORDERS ARE FILLED AND SHIPPED ON SAME DAY AS RECEIVED. OURMEATS ARE PINE oure. scales are True Vr KNOW OUli SERVICE THE JUSTICE of our scales is in keeping with the other niceties ob served in this establishment. " The public be pleased " is our motto and we are suc ceeding in doing that very thing. A visit to this shop will please your appetite. WHITEHALL MARKET A. W. Neubeck, Prop. PALATKA - FLORIDA fflWfc m p & Pip Order Citrus Early To Get Good Stock Last season Florida citrus growers generally got good prices. Every indication is for even better ones this winter. This means that many new groves will be set out and that new trees will be freely ordered for replanting old groves. The far-sighted man will plice his tree order early with a reliable nursery. Royal Palm Nurseries' stock of citrus trees is dependable. There may be larger stocks, but no better trees. Yon want some of these don't risk disappointment by waiting too long to order them. Plan Home Ground Plantings Now By planning properly your planting will cost less and give more satisfaction. You can help attract people of means to your community by having well-planned grounds, and get more for your place if you want to sell. Royal Palm Nurseries catalog will help you make your plans. Our service department is also at your command. Send for a copy of the book today and find out just what we can do for you. Reasoner Bros., Royal Palm Nurseries 200 Benedict Avenue, Oneco, Floric a Palatka Cold Storage Company Leudimj Meat Jim-Let in the Cit Fancy Western and Florida Meats PHONE 98