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SOCIAL DEPARTMENT . T. 1 1 if ill .MRS. D. J. COUGHLIX, Editor. This desire for human fellowship, for social communion, is seen in the existence of so many clubs of va lious kinds. We ara all by nature social beings: the desire for social intercourse is strong in every human heart, and we long to mingle with those who can partake of our joys. We reach the Divine through some one and by di viding our joys wth this one we dou ble it and come in touch with the universe. The Social Department of the Wo man's Club is the dspencer of socia bility whose duty it is to take the club' as a center and the community as a circumference and to provide several social functions during the year, and to preside at all meetings where Lhc proverbial cup of tea is needed to break the formality and bring people in closer touch, ons with another. Mrs. D. J. Coughlin and Miss Ida I.eib will attend the Federation Con vention at Miami next week. The Organ Recital given at the Presbyterian church last Sunday night by Mrs. Robert O'Haver was a treat to music loving people. Mr. and Mrs. John Bogart ot Day-1 ton, Ohio, will return to their home todav after a pleasant visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Bogart. j Mrs. H. M. do Montnollin and mother, Mrs. Mcllvair., who is, now her guest, are spending the day in Jacksonville. I We note with pleasure that The j Atlantic & Gulf Insurance Co. bar; let the contract for its new building on Second street, nxt to The East Florida Savings & Trust Co. Miss Kate Lucas on her recent re turn from New York, where she went to purchase her fall stock, was heard j 10 excir.un: ii vanuy is overcome it will pan-.lyze the millncy busness." J. J. Sutherland has returned from a business trip to Jacksonville. Did vou know he was arrested ! while there? What for For striking a match. Archdeacon Crittenton, formerly of j Dallas, Texas, but now Rector of St. Marks, arrived in the city Thursday, i accompanied by his fr.mly, and con-, ducted two beautiful services at St. I Marks Church on Sunday. j Mrs. Boyd (at Literary class) Who wrote the most, Dickens, War ren or Bulwer? Miss Welch Warren wrote "Now and Then;" Bulwer wrote, "Night and Morning;" but Dickens wrote "All the Year Round." Miss Walton at Bible class What can you say of your ancestors? Miss S Why I can trace my ancestors back as far as the flood. Miss Walton That's nothing to brag about: every body was in the swim then. Don't forget to see the DANCERS at Mrs. W. A. Walton's Saturday, for benefit of the Library. Miss Belle Welch entertained at auction, honoring Mrs. A. A. Corco ran, yesterday afternoon. About fif ty guests were present and enjoyed the charming hospitality of Miss Welch. The appointments were per fect, and the beautiful Welch home presented a very festive appearance. We are glad to note that Dr. H. A. Johnson has returned from an ex tensive visit to New lork. While there he was heard to ask the con ductor in one of the elevated cars to let him off at Minute street. Conductor There is no such street. Dr. J. 0, yes, there is Sixty-Second street. It will be gratifying to the many friends of Miss Kathleen Hilburn whn is attending Ward-Belmont Col lege, to know that in the physical test she broke the record tor lung capa city, blowing 24C pounds aprainst 14fi rounds. This is a remarkable record for a sixteen vcar old girl, and Pa latka feels justly proud of her daughter. The U. D. C. The United Daughters of the Con federacy being purely a memorial organization cannot be compared with other societies; surpassing all others in the loving quality of its service These devoted women of the South 1700 in Florida alone have united themselves together in a no ble effort to aid indigent veterans, the widows of those who are no more, and to help the descendants of these brave men to obtain a broader education by offering scholarships in the various institutions of learning. The Museum at Richmond, once the White House of the Confederacy, has been greatly enriched by articles sent from this State for the Florida room. As individuals and members, the Daughters have liberally contributed to the Soldiers' Home in Jacksonville, also to the Arlington Monument fund. A lesser service but a more per sonal 0'ie is being faithfully per formed in the placing of hendstones at the craves of soldiers who fell upon the field of honor, and to mnrk the graves of others of whom still more was reouired, to live and strive to re pair the fortunes of a broken and disheartened Southland. A great obligation is owed to pos terity in the writing and adopting in our public schools of a true and un preiudiced history, without bitter ness, fully presenting the justness of the rause for which our forbears fought. May such be penned and dedicated to the Unted Daughters of the Confederacy. MRS. E. W. WARREN. carries a full line of Up-to-the-Minute Millinery PRICES REASONABLE. Let me have the pleasure of your inspection. 325 LEMON STREET V. T. BOGART Con t I'd cto r and Iff Id cr Plans and Estimates Furnished. 330 River St., Palatka, Fla. To Illinois and the "Great West" belongs the honor of instituting a new word. They now speak of "Con gresswoman" in some of those states. Kalbfield's rand TODAY KAKSUM in A SON OF ERIN and it Bit AY C'AKTouN SATURDAY, NOV. 18- Lass of the Lumberlands KKATKK'K FA I UFA X and IIEAIIHT NKWH MONDAY, NOV. 20 HAKIUSCAI.K In " HOME" and a KKYHTOSE COMEDY TUESDAY, NOV. 21 mkay in The Plow Girl KF KTON HOI.M KB THA VE I .OH V E WEDNESDAY, NOV. 22 Steven in THE WHEEL OF THE LAW and HEAKHT NKWH THURSDAY, NOV. 23- HAKAtn Her Double Life and KRAZY KAT CAKTOON FRIDAY, NOV. 24- SIk1! the years of the locust pecial Convention Week Sa We expect visitors from all parts of the U. S. in attendance upon this great convention and you will want to look your best and in order to make your money go further we are offering some Special Values For the Entire Wee! Beginning Monday, November 20t HE A I) 3 TO- WE A It J) EPA liTMENT One lot Crepe de Chene and Silk Waists, regular $2.50 value. 1 QC Special I iU J One lot Coat Suits, val ues to $20.00. Special . . . One lot Coat Suits, val ues to $27.50. Special . . . 14.95 19.95 I) HESS GOODS AND SHOES One lot Silk and Wool Dress Regular values to $15.00. fl ft Special y.l One lot Silk and Wool Dress, Keguiar values to $25.00. 4 A I Special One lot Coats, values to fl ft ? $14.00, at If B If ; : Crepe de Chene, all leading col ors. $1.75 value. Special A QQ per yard JU Serge and Poplin (wool) Dre, Goods. Values to $1.25. ftr Special per yard nOU Charmeuse, $2.00 value, per yard, $1 49 SU O E D EI I liTMENT Many new arrivals brings this department up to its standard. In fact we have a better line today than ever. Something entirely new in fancy high boots. Several cases Children's Shoes have just arrived. Make this your store during convention week ARIMEST Palatka, Florida THE E Jf. D. Points 8c Co. PLUMBERS, STEAM FITTERS, TINNERS A full line of Valves, Steam Cocks, Brass and Iron Pipe and Fittings, Plumbers and Tinners' Supplies. SOLE AGENTS IN THIS CITY FOR Famous Jajestie lianfc THE RANGE WITH A REPUTATION PHONE ?98 Make our place your head quarters during your visit in our city. GASOLINE OILS GREASES SERVICE Palatka Automobile & Supply Go. If you want to carve that Turkey in fine style come and see us. TILGHMAN HARDWARE COMPAf : . BVJODEKIM FARMERS "O IT ELECTRICALLY" Whether it is Irrigating, Milking, Churning, House Cleaning or Sewing, THERE IS A MOTOR FOR EVERY PURPOSE - WE HAVE 'EM. Anyway, make our office your Palatka home ; we'll be glad to see you. Come in and write to the folks, use the 'phone, or JUST VISIT. Always at foin serf Ire. Palatka Gas, Light & Fuel Company 1 Y