Newspaper Page Text
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 24, PAGE NO. TWO. 1916 World Situation Drainage District Of Upper St Jo thanksgiving Proclamation Full Of Portent STATE OF FLORIDA EXECUTIVE OFFICES BY THE GOVERNOR A PROCLAMATION THE PALATKA NEWS, PALATKA, FLA., Outlet ta Ocean Close to Oceanus LETTER FROM COL LADUE Engineer in Charge of Florida District Advises Those interested in Drain age of Attitude of Board of En gineers at Washington. MYSTERY IN SHOOTING. In ii letter tu those interested in the upper St. .lolins drainage district, which provides Co i' the drainage i( several hundred 1 1 x n s:i n 1 1 aens ot land in thn'e or four counties mi the upper St. Julius river, makes known the attitude ot' the board of engineers of Washington. 1). ('., on several mat ters in conneel ion with Hie projert. Among these is tile proiesit ion to cut 11 canal to the ocean in the vicinity (if (iceanns, or some otjier ioint near by. The letter addressed to the public follows: To Whom It May Concern : The chief of engineers lias author ized me to advise those interested in property along the Indian river with in the area of the possible inllucnce of the drainage operations of the upper Sr. John drainage district, that the war department, in acting upon the drainage plans presented by the hoard id' supervisors of the drainage district, including outlet canals to the Indian river, can consider only the ef fect of the execution of these plans upon the navigable capacity and use fulness of the navigable waters af fected, and that all questions of prop erty rights and property damages must be relegated to the courts; but that if the various parties at interest desire to join in presenting a request, for permission to cut an mulct to the Atlantic ocean at Oceanus, or at some other suitable j n .i 1 1 alouir this stretch of the coast, the department will be inclined to "he favorable i sidcra- tion to the request if properly pre sented, and if accompanied by plans making adequate provision for the protection of the navigable capacity of the Indian river, and by satisfac tory guarantees that the plans will he executed, ami the protection as Bifrctl. I'lease communicate these views of the war department to any other in terested parties who may be known to you. Very respectfully, W. 1!. LADFE, Lt. Col., Corps of Engineers. Mike Griffin Found in Woods Mortally Wounded. Jacksonville police are prohiug tho hilling of Mike (Irillin. near Lacka wiiiiii Springs. (irillin was one of a hunting party which went into the woods near I.ackawana Springs. Alone in the woods, with only his doc as a companion, (irillin was found terribly wounded by Deputy Sheriff McClowl and Detectives Tipton and Johnson. He was brought hurriedly to Jacksonville and placed in the county hospital, where lie died. A companion, Mike Ilogan. -who was with the party of hunters, lias been placed under arrest. A negro, with whom, it is said, the nartv bad engaged jn a quarrel, is also being hunted by the police. Considerable mystery shrouds the affair. BIO BRIDOE PLANNED. Million Dollar Span to Connect St. Petersburg and Tampa. To give Tampa and St. Petersburg direct intcrnrban connection, it in planned to build a million dollar bridge over Old Tampa bay. A con crete structure to meet all govern nient requirements will, it is esti mated, at least require the expendi ture of that sum. Preliminary plans have been ap proved by Lieut. Col. W. It. Ladue, t'niteil States corps of engineers, and the studies call for two spans of 1. IMlll feet each that will permit light draft craft to pass beneath the bridge without having to follow the channel. A hearing on the project is scheduled for the near future by the government. Sufferer From Indigestion Relieved. "Before taking Chamberlain's Tab lets my husband suffered for several years from indigestion, causing him to have pains in the stomach and dis tress after eating. Chamberlain's Tablets relieved him of these spells right away," writes Mrs. Thomas Ca sey, Geneva, N. Y. Obtainable ev erywhere. Flora. "Have yon noticed our flora about here?" asked the professor of botany to tho new student. "If you mean the one with white spats, I have." replied the student who had nu eye for girls. Exchange. Oood For Citrus Growers. Florida growers of citrus fruits may expect excellent prices this sea son, according to C. K. Stewart, gen eral manager of the Florida Citrus exchange. This is due to a short crop and unusual conditions prevailing in the big markets. With the upward trend of prices, people are prepared to pay highi"' prices for luxuries, and this will include citrus fruits of all kinds. The citrus fruit crop this ycat is reported to be of exceptionally high quality. It is estimated that the waves of the Atlantic ocean that beat upon the British shores have an average force of one ton a square foot in the winter months. Looking backward through the years to the time when our fore fathers were establishing in this country institutions that characterize a great and enduring civilization, there comes to our -view no more significant hall mark of the fine Christian characteristics of the men and women of that day than the beautiful custom they began for us in observing a day of Thanksgiving and Praise. The people of Florida for the blessings of prosperity, peace and happiness that prevail in our commonwealth and in the nation should be profoundly grateful. To us has been vouchsafed a year unmarred by epidemic, se rious disturbances or economic loss. To us has been given a year of peaceful enjoyment of the prosperity of the commonwealth; and a year witnessing great progress in our industries and arts of peace. Our fields and groves are richly laden with the fruits of industry and are not laid waste in the devastating path of war. The busy whirr of the wheels of commerce have not been supplanted by the rumblings of the wheels of cannon, the song of the harvester is heard in the land and we have no discordant note of strife within our borders. Therefore in keeping with the beautiful custom which it de lights our hearts to follow, I, Park Trammell, Governor of the State of Florida, do hereby designate and set apart, Cbursday, Hovember $otb, 1916, to be observed as a day of Thanksgiving. That this nation of ours has been spared the suffering, loss and bloodshed, yea, even the wholesale slaughter of men, which are the necessary results of cruel and merciless war; that we have been kept out of its awful horrors, yet steadfastly have maintained the national honor, should fill us with a spirit of solemn graditude. For these things and for whatever our individual blessing and prosperity have been let us be truly thankful, reverently observing the day set apart in offering praise and Thanksgiving to The Giver of all Good who giveth the earth its increase and guides the destinies of nations. Let the people gather where convenient for a service of Praise and Thanksgiving appropriate to the occasion, and manifest their gratitude also in substantial form by having thought for any unfor tunate in their midst. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Sea of the State to be affixed this lGth day of November, A. D. 1916. Attest: H. CLAY CRAWFORD, Secretary of State PARK TRAMMELL, Governor. A Bid COTTON DEAL. AFTER GRIPPE Mrs. Findley Made Strong By Vinol Revery, Kans. "The Grippe left me in a weak, nervous, run-down condition. 1 was too weak to do my housework and could not sleep. After trying different r.icilicines without benefit Vinol restored my health, strength and appetite. Vinol is a grand medicine and every weak, nervous, run-down woman should take it." Mrs. Geo. Fisdlev. Vinol sharpens the appetite, aids digestion, enriches the blood, and builds up natural strength and energy, Try it oil our guarantee. Ackerman-Stewart Drug Co.. Palatka. $600,000 Paid For 3,000 Bales ol Sea Island in Florida. Three thousand bales of sea island cotton were sold at the municipal docks in Jacksonville at ,"0 cents a pound, the price paid being $(100. oOO. This is the largest single sale oi cotton ever made in the state and brought the largest price per pound since the Civil war. It is understood the shipment will go to West lloston mills. ON FRENCH FRONT. Florida Widows Exempt. With all counties except nine of ficially tabulated at the secretary ol state's ollicc, it is evident that tin property of widows will be exempt from taxation in Florida in the fu ture as that amendment was carried. The suffrage and reappointment amendments were defeated in tin nine small counties and those In heat from cannot change the result, it is announced. Cooking Rice. Rice has n finer flavor If lt Is wash ed in hot water Instead of cold before cooking. Bad Weather Said to Be Hindering Operations. Pad weather is hampering tin- operations on the western front in France, but the P.rilish nevertheless have taken I'll additional Herman of fleers and - men prisoner in the Ancre sector, making their total ot prisoners since the l.'lth of November O.Pdi'. Kerlin says that in Saturday's fighting, which was over a front of seven and a half miles, the British met with a sanguinary reverse except for Insignificant gains southwest of Serre and near Crandconrt. A French attack south of Sailly-Saillisel met with a slmiPir repulse. Attacks i v :1c Ausiriaus in the Adige !;: .ml nppi r But regions, in the '. :; ,,' which the Austrians and lt.i'!.:- - '.'oicibi hand to hand, the It'i!''1: victorious, accord ing to ' -a wr olliep. ci ,1 Library. Ti:" , cress Is the largest cc:!i ;.'nes in the western !) ie third in the world. BIMIUIIMWMWWWlll.lllllJIMMUUlWWiMMltlJIIMMi HMt II IIIMI1 III .UM L' Sj!Z?a'S2 795 m f$$l0 795 Model 85-4 f. O.L.Toledo ( ModeI 85-4 f - b- Toledo remendous Advantages- More power 35 horsepower motor. More room 112-inch wheelbase. Greater comfort long, 48-inch cantilever rear springs and 4-inch tires. Greater convenience electrical control but tons on steering column. Bigger, safer brakes service, 13; ix2i; emer gency, 13x2 . Better cooling you never heard of an Over land motor overheating. These are tremendous advantages over any thing to be had in other cars that sell for anywhere near ss low a price. And they make it hard for us to keep up with orders. The factory has never yet caught up with the demand. You ought to own one of these cars nothinr else so big and fine for the money. Come in and order yours now. Ptlatka Auto & Supply Company, Dealers. Second St., Palatka, Fla. Phone 152. The Willys-Overland Company, Toledo, Ohio "MadeinU.SA." 3 Important Affairs Face the President SITUATION IS PRESSING For Next Few Weeks President and His Advisers Will Consider Inter national Questions to Exclusion the Domestic Subjects. of A portentous ami complicated in torualioiml situation now faces 1'resi dent Wilson ami for the next few weeks wiil engage his attention and t list t of his itdvisers to the iiracticiil exclusion of nil but the most urgent of domestic subjects. In the lust days of the campaign Secretary of State Lansing fro nucntlv spoke of the necessity of post polling action on the more delicti to international cmesfions because tin! uncertain! v of the oiitcomo.of the po lilical contest had a direct bearing on the success or failure of some of tins lUlminist ration policies. From now on the president expects to deal with till foreign questions without embarrassment and he is re ceiving from his advisers ft summary of the outstanding issues so essen tial to taking stock of die basic situa tioti which must be met now that international relations have returned to their place of prime importance. While it is not evident that there will he any fundamental change in policy. freedom from fear that any move at all would be misinterpreted as inspir ed by an internal political struggh has been removed, I'resldent Wilson and Secretary Lansing feel them selves aWe to act with a single eye to the international situation ami their Immediate conferences on tho president's return to Washington in dicate how prissiug they feel the sit nation to be. TUG'S CREW DROWNED. Leaving Port, Deutschland Collided With Vessel. Five members of the crew of the tug T. A. Scott, Jr., which aceoni pa n led the (icrnniii submarine Dent schlaud from New London, on her return trip to Bremen, were drowned when the submersible and the tup collided in the race, about tvvelvi miles from New London. Conn. The only person on the tug saved was Cupt. Fred Ilinsch. of the German interned liner Ncckar. The tug. which belonged tn tho T. A. Scott AVrecking company, sank. The Peutschliind returned to her dock. Otticials declined to discuss the accident, or to tell the extent of the damage inflicted on the submarine. The tug and submarine came to gether in a relatively smooth son. When it was apparent that the tug was fatally rammed the crew jumped overboard. Captain Ilinsch swam to n life preserver thrown out by the Peutschland's crew. The Peutsehland drew out of her pocket at the pier of the Eastern For warding company, accompanied by the tugs T. A. Scott and the Cnssie. of the T. A. Scott Wricking com pany, sub-airentp of the Fastcrn For warding company. She carried on her homeward dash a cargo valued at $l',(iiiil.0(iil, and consisting of nickel, rubber and silver bars. STRANGELY AFFLICTED. Reported That Student Lost Voice by Shoveling Lye. Working dnrirg lps vacation in the cannery of l.ibby, McXi ill & I.ibby at Sunnyvale to earn part of his college expense. '. If. S. Kobcrts, of th, CoHcire of the I'aciiie. at San .lose. Cal.. was put to shoveling lye into a fruit peeler. The Ivc blew into his face ;;nd mouth. From Aiiirust 1 ." when the accident occurred, he has not been ..hie to - witli his Stllllil s. The State Accident 'otn mission of California awarded Kobcrts !?.",ft in cash and ST.. "ill a week compensation. Whether he will ever be able to mon th. whisper is doubtful, but in tho event that his voice does not come hack lie will be paid this amount for 210 weeks. DRIVING ROUMANIANS. Austro-Germans Report Progress Several Points On the Transylvania,, f,.Ilt Austro-Oerman armies at :,li,Kf points continue to make , against the Knssh.n and lie,,,,;,,!'" forces or to hold then, hack win,.' gains when they attack. The 1 ,t reports from Kerlin say the tc, ,!', allies have forced the narrow ,,.. tain passes leading to the V;,i.M.i,j, plain of Koumania and o,i th,, ,.,', front near the junction f n,,,,,,. Serbia and Koumani.a. have V. ' the Orsova-Cruiovji railroad. I'.u,.,.," est reports u nouiuiniian advanc,,!, the region of Pragoshm ,.. From November 1 to Xovcmi,,.,. v the Austro-Germans are said to i made prisoners of lso oilje, i s i(,j 338 men and to have capturcl guns, 72 machine guns and 17 al munition cars. RUB OUT PAIN with good oil liniment. That's the surest way to stop them. The best rubbing liniment is .1 MUSTASG LINIMEIT Good for the A ilmenls of , Horses, Mules, CaLl.-, ";c. Good for your own A ,' .s, 1 Pains, Rheumatism. Spu-jjs, Cuts, Burns, Etc. 25c. 50c. $1. At all DL-i-c RUBBER COPPER TIRES BRASS TUBES LEAD ROPE SCRAP IRON RAGS BONES SEND IT TO US WE REMIT PROrtPTlY Write For Priceliit PMSULARHEmCQX 657 E.BAY JACKSONVILLE, FLA. lfjjWe Manufacture. vvM METAL I,d-3 CEILINGS, SHINGLES ROOFING AND OTHER SHEET METAL BUILDING MATERIAL Wri te To Day For Catalogues and Special Quotations. Alnl I LvniUM I ICIHL r 7 I J INAlTil RATION DAY. It Falls on Sum'ay, March 4, Next Year. There wi'l he 11,, l;,iw, in the servlc. of President WMsuii because of th( fact Ma rdi I. next, inaugnratinn day. falls mi Sunday, accci'iling , an eniui.e, reached ,.t the state de :!)! incut. It hecarne luaiwn that on account Of -, ;, !' . ;;., ;, .,,,sc would oecin ,!! ,; s s-v I ' -- u-.MtM la "' V -'!: I a form I. ... Vev, . -..v!-,s.,-e ''! " 7' 1 - d.-;.-. .:-, ,,t 1 1 sent (,1,1 I., V'su-.'i- ,, i:,,!iiii-ies on th- m:c W,it it is , ,.M ,.,. "' " '"'iici! iiia'i'.'c-atio'i ,.f ,. tt-i!s,, ... ; !,.. ,.,,, ,,.!, M, , ...; M u-1, - ,v,, .,vN, s,.,.,.,. 'an I.-os-. t,, take th,, ,,f ,. fice 011 Sunday. Ci. l.oi Kii Hah kt. .1 V 1 n 1 ! ,: President . . ''' " 1 " "' THE G. LOFER BAILEY CO, Fire Insurant Leading American and 1'' m.t-1 ' ;' 1 "'""I Life Insure:;:; Marine Insmrrr The Lending Compear s ALL CLAIMS PROPTlY SETTLED. 117 Lemon Street PALATKA, FLORIDA Do You Have Sour Stomach? If you are troubled with sour stom ach you should eat slowly and masti cate your food thoroughly, then take one of Chamberlain's Tablets imme .liatclv n f f or Dnnnew ru,: ui KUPPEHBUSO': Hotel oriel Restaurant CHAS. KUPPERBUSCH, ProFri- REGULAR MEALS, 25 CENTS at all hours. We make a specialty o I erywhere. , serving Oysters.