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. u,.iIIil...lWJJli ' PAGE NO. THRM UPRIGHT GRAND THE! W O F? I Hi ' d e cr o -r i i in m i ss lj -r n y n; r Miss Alice Neilson, who in 1915 toured the South, has just comp eted a twenty week's tour of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, giving a total oil 18 concerts. The Musical Courier says she received $30,000 lor these concerts and was worth it. This proves her musicianship and makes the following opinion of hers worthy of your attention : " The Weaver Piano is a superb and delightful instrument which responds to every requirement and wish of the artist. I admire the superior tone and action. The Weaver 20 is a dear little piano, I love tne instrument. It suits me exactly and I mean it." A great deal more than money is involved in the purchase of a WEAVER PIANO. Love of. luxury and beauty, cultivated taste and keen appreciation of what is best in piano tone are the important factors that lead to the choice of the Weaver. It will be a pleasure to call at your home and explain the merits of the Weaver Piano, if you will write us. Tie Wearer Piano is manufactured b Hearer Piano Co., York, Pa. Established S;0. F. 0. MILLER PIANO CO. 39 W. Forsyth St. Jacksonville, Fla. t l icderick J. Haskin. WHERE ZINCT WENT WILD. Joplin, Mo., Nov. 20. Two years igoo-.uuij people uveu m ouyiiu, nun there are over 45,000. Two year ago names like Commerce, Cardin, Picher and Century reposed peaceful ly in the dictionary. Now they stand for new-born, madly energetic little cities in Oklahoma cities strune un over night. Century is not yet fix months old. Houses and stores are being built at a rate that sees them finished two weeks from the day the contract is let. A dozen other older towns have taken on new and startling vitality. The face of the land is being covered with gray mountains of ore. And all because the heir to the throne of Austria was assassinated, and because zinc is used making brass and brass is used in making shells. Joplin is the center of the Middle Western zinc and lead field. Wlen zinc ore went to $100 a ton Joplin went wild. They had processions and brass bands and speeches and celebrations. If Joplin had waited little she could have had that same celebration on the day that zinc ore touched $140 a ton which it did a little later on, thereby setting a new world's record. Before the war zinc ore was hang ing: around the S40 mark, which hist about enabled most of the mines to keep running. Sixty dollars meant Prosperity: $100 meant wealth. One idred and forty dollars or $139.90, Ret the record absolutely accurate -meant a fever of development that riddled the district witn new mines, let unskilled miners earn i? ( "0 a week, i created new rich men and reproduced here in the quiet Middle West many ' of the features of a Rocky Mountain i mining boom. Joplin on Ground Floor. Of course zinc didn't stay at SI 40 indefinitely. It couldn't, owing to : the laws of supply and demand that i control such matters. Every rise in j price it worth while for zinc properties in other states and on otli ; er continent.; to become producers, j until now Canada and Mexico and Australia are. turning out every pound they can put on the market, and the ! price is fluctuating around ST0. At ! that, there is a neat profit, as is obvi J ous when you consider that the mines j were running with zinc at $40. Hut I Joplin. or the Missoui'i-Kansas-Okhi-' homa district as they call it. made its big grins in the early days ol the war, because they were ready to do business at a word. Half the world sent up a ea.l for zinc. Here the zinc business is at home. They know zinc. They have been mining it in some of the camps for 50 years. Throe-quarters of the machinery that they use in the dis i Vi-i,; hnnn pivpnted Mini develop ed right here on the ground, to meet local needs and condition; home-grown industry, not ly American mis. lint to The number of mines in the dis trict now is purely a matter of es timate, where even experts differ, but thev are placed at ."00, 000. even as hieh as 800. Of these hun dreds are row the war began. made in Oklahoma It is a nly pure- in its men am! metn large extent sectional. mines, opened since The latest strikes, near richer and Telephones on Farms 50c per Month and Up If there is no telephone on your farm write for our free booklet telling how you may get service at small cost Addreu FARMERS' LINE DEPARTMENT SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE i - ND TELEGRAPH COMPANY Century, and the rest of the newest camps, include some deposits that, it is believed, will prove the richest in the world discovered and open ed up as a direct result of the war .-.timulus. The usual way to locate new deposits affords a fine chance to the enterprising man who knows his business. Road to Easy Wealth. The mine-seeker goes to a land owner whose land lies in such a lo cation that the miner, whether a practical or technical expert, has reason to believe it covers a zinc de posit. Miner and owner then strike a bargain, by which the former "leases" the mineral rights of the land. This is usually done on a royalty basis, by which the man who owns 'the land gets 10 to 15 per cent of the net profits of whatever mines are sunk. The land-owner really has the best of the whole bargain. A number of such men are drawing fat monthly incomes now, for which they were never put to more trouble than xo agree to let some man or company find out what lay 200 feet below the corn fields on their farms. The corn fields are not necessarily disturbed by the process, either. Plenty of hind supports farm on top and zinc mines below. Such super-farmers are wont to say that they raise 53 crops a year one crop of corn and 52 crops of ore. The ore is sold weekly. Thurs day is sale day. Trices rule on a Ifasis of ore that is 00 per cent me tallic zinc. Ore that goes higher dun itlils nnts :i nromiiim. The buyers drive out from Joplin in au tomobiles and buggies, equipped with little sampling bottles. They strike a bargain with the owner over his bins and then pick out bits of the ore here and there to deter mine the actual price to be paid, the bargain only concerning itself with i!0 per cent ore. The sample is as sayed and made the basis of the set tlement. Picking the sample is ob viouslv a task for an expert. Another striking feature of this Middle Western zinc field is the character of the labor. It is all American labor. The foreigner has never got the ghost of a hold hers, and nnv attempt on his part to en ter the' field is discouraged. A Democratic Community. The laborers deny that they are afraid of foreign competition in any sense, but they say that the present spirit of the district, a sort of cheer ful democracy where the shovelmen feel they may be mine-owners to morrow, ' would bo destroyed by the presence of immigrant labor that would not look higher than a week lv pavcheck. The present force is composed largely of raw-boned na tives of the Middle-Western sti.tcs Texans, Missourians, Kansans. The ore is blasted from its bed below the earth and shoveled down in the mine into great iron buckets called "cans," to be hoisted to the surface. Such a can holds 1,000 pounds. The work is piece-work, the shoveler and the miner being paid by the number of cans they fill. Thoe were the days when one man earned $58 in a single week, "with nothing but a pair of arms and a shovel and a strong back To do it though, he had to fill about 100 cans a day, and each can weighed 1 000 pounds. Figure it out 100, 000 pounds of ore swung by one man with a scoop-shovel He earned his monev. They say they have created a new profession here that of skill ed shoveler. In the first days of the rush some work-men literally worked them selves to death. Straining every muscle for hours under the earth, working in an atmosphere of rock dust thrown off by the drills, com ing up into the cold air all a drip, they succumbed to a wide range of ailments. The new conditions came on so suddenly that for the moment they were not adequately met. Now the dry drills have been replaced with dustless water-drills, and "dog houses" are provided at the mouth of the mine where the workmen are compelled to change clothing and cool off before going farther. Now Lookout. When a cold hangs on as often hap pens, or when you have hardly got ten over one cold before you contract another, lookout for you are liable to contract some very serious disease. This succession of colds weakens the system and lowers the vitality so that you are much more liable to contract chronic cataarh, pneumonia or con sumption. Cure your cold while you can. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has a great reputation. It is relied upon by thousands of people and nev er disappoints them. Try it. It only costs a quarter. Obtainable everywhere. Cold Storage For Home Meat Supply Costs $75. Everybody knows how hard it is to cure meats in the South. A. P. Spen cer, district agent for the University of Florida Extension Division, calls attention to specifications for a cold storage house that will eliminate the weather requirements for curing meat. The specifications are sent out by the States Relations Service, Washington. The house costs only $75. Tne feed required to hold fat hogs over several weeks while you wait for cool weather would cost as much as the house. The plan men tioned is one that has been used suc cessfully by J. E. Mcintosh, Laun ville, Fla., for 15 years; "Size of cold storage, 8 by 10 feet; corner studding, 4 by 4 inches by 8 feet; intermediate studding, 2 by 4 inches by 8 feet. "Joists nailed on side of studding (at top) so that when ceilings and weather boarding are nailed on, will J leave a continuous air space all around. Ceiling one inch thick is nail ed on horizontally, then on this a lay er of insulating paper, and on this an other like ceiling perpendicularly. On other or outer side of studding a like wall is put on. A beveled door is used, made with like walls and edges lined with felt of convenient size. Two layers of floor with between, the floor slanting backward and to center, with gutter to drain room to back end into a U pipe thru the wall. "The walls on both sides, ends and overhead, inside and out, are the same; two wooden walls witn paper between. Leave the air space be tween the walls open. Dead air space is a better insulation than sawdust, shavings or other material. See that the doors fit closely. "A rack is placed as near the top as possible to admit 200 pound blocks of ice. The house requires ihou" 800 pounds of ice a week. It will hold about 5000 pounds of meat, placed in the :a: ks on the sides. Thi cost i f opnating equals the cost of ic! and the wages of one man. "The meat should be cut (without unjointing hams and shoulders) ns soon as possible after killing; salted thoroughly and bulked together, skin side down, in piles. Spread at night, salt again next morning and place in cold storage. Put not over 200 or 300 pounds in each rack to itself. Cross the pieces, leaving ventilating spaces. "Temperature should be kept 40 to 48 degrees. All meats weighing less than 15 pounds to the piece will cure in 30 days. Pieces weighing from 15 to 25 pounds will take 45 days, and 40 pounds will take 00 days. "If temperature is above 50 degrees the ice should be put in storage four or five days before the meat is put in, to bring it down to 45 degrees. If temperature is 40 degrees or less, the ice and meat can be put in together. The temperature of the meat when put in governs to a great extent the amount of ice required. One impor tant feature is to have a ventilated door to give the meat fresh air when the outside temperature is 40 degrees or lower." Agricultural News Ser vice. Our Prosperity Seems Permanent. Evidently the big railroad corpora tions do not consider the present pros perity as only temporarily, for thoy are spending millions for new equip ment to handle the big business now offered them and the increase expect ed to come. A. H. Smith, president of the New York Central Railroad Company, has informed the Ohio Pub lic Utilities Commission that his road intends to spend approximately $15, 000,000 for new equipment next year. Announcement of the proposed expen diture was made in an application for authority to issue $12,000,000 of rr.ent trust certificates to be sold at not less than 97. The application states that the equipment to be pur chased will include 4,000 steel box cars, to cost $5,900,000; 3,000 all steel coal cars to cost $4,500,000: 10 electric locomotives to cost $750,000; 100 steel passenger coaches, to cost $2,000,000; 100 steel baggage cars to cost $1,100,000. and 30 multiple unit cars to cost $750,000. This does not look like the railroads are alarmed at the re-election of President Wilson. Cattle Tick Will Be Held To Strict Account. Since the Texas fever tick is the greatest enemy of cattle production in Florida, it will receive a great deal of attention at the livestock meeting at the University of Florida, Gaines ville, January 16 to 19 inclusive. Methods of eradication are upper most in the minds of most stockmen. Plans for the campaign will be dis cussed. The life history of the insect will be given. Few farmers realize the toll which they are paying the tick in animals, blood and feed. The annual price for entertaining the pest is enormous. Ihese and other sub jects incident to eradication will re ceive attention at the meeting. Some of the best tick eradication authorities in the United States have been promised for the meeting. The subjects is of vast importance to farmers, stockmen and representa tives of allied industries. Everybody who is interested in the agricultural development of the state is urged to attend the sessions. Agricultural News Services. CARE OF CRIPPLED CHIL- DREN. More people in Florida thr.n should be, are ignorant of a wise and most excellent and useful service that tho state supports by appropriation from its funds. Attention has been called to it before in the Press Service, but it is a matter about which repetition is warranted. Tt. is n provision bv which the crip pled children of parents who are una ble to pay lor costly medical or sur gical service and nursing, may have tho hpnofit. of the best care and treat ment, under the direction of skilled physcians and every chance given them for cure complete and thorough. Every necessary thing that the rich est can buy is offered free to the children of poorer parents. Every child is born with the right to health and happiness. Prenatal influences and causes attending and immediately following birth deprive many children more than the lay man suspects of physical strength and fitness, and handicap them at the start in their equipment to face life's problems with any particular chance of success. When they are born in poverty the chances for cure are small because medical attention and care cost money, often large sums, which only the well-to-do can spare from their means. The Legislature of 1911 provided for an appropriation for the eraction of a hospital for the free treatment of indigent crpipled children of Flori da parents, and for ten thousand dol lars to be set aside annually for the maintenance of the institution. But this appropriation or provision for the same was negatived, by def'sirin that until the number of children should require a separate institution, the lit tle patients should be cared for in a hospital or hospitals already in oper ation, and the expense borne from the State Board of Health's treasury, and so it happens that the hospital is still 'a promise of the future, depending upon the charitable inclination of i some future Legislature, and the ; white children are cared for at St. i Lukes Hospital, and the little colored : patients at Brewster Hospital, both j located in Jacksonville. I The treatment of these children : since the establishment of the service, has been under the direction of skill : ed physicians and some of the remark lable cures effected have become rec I ords in the history of American medi 1 cal practice. Some children, seem ingly helplessly crippled have been , made whole, and some who appeared to be beyond the reach of medical ' science have been benefitted almost ! beyond belief. And some have been i turned away, because with the facili ' ties that could be provided from the state appropriation, their substantial betterment was impossible, j The benefits of this service are op en to any child in Florida, whose par jents are unable to pay the cost, and money can buy no better nor more skilled treatment than is offered. . Tuose who may be interested and who ; wish to know more of this remarka ble opportunity, would do well to ad- 1 dress the State llealtn utneer, at me ; State Board of Health offices in Jack sonville. While incalculable good has been ! accomplished through this use of state I funds, the lack of a separate hospi j tal building, fully equipped to carry ! the cures of many cases to comple tion, has limited its usefulness. Sur gical treatment for the correction of ! deformities, especially those due to j some forms of paralysis, should be ; followed in many cases by certain ; minds of exercises, joint manipula tion, muscle training and the like, in 'order to make permanent the results : of operation and to prevent the return 1 of deformity. From time to time the nbvsiVinn in rharce has been compell ed," by reason of this lack of facilities, to recommend that admission be de nied to applicants because the cause appeared not to be amenable to rea sonably prompt operative cure and the means to make such cure permanent were lacking. The State of Florida has spent no moneys more wisely and none that has brought more splendid results in the lestoration to normal strength of scores of little men and women to whom the outlook seemed without hope. It is open to all who can be benefitted, and even should the state appropriation be insufficient in any year, private generosity is pledged that no child shall be turned away, who is entitled to the benefits of the service : nd who may be helped ly what the state has provided. State Board of Health Bulletin. In some parts of Russia gold has been mined without Interruption since 1744. A single uest of the Australian bush turkey has boeu found to weigh over Ave tons. Our Foreign Trade For 1916. The foreign trade of tho United States for the calender year 1916 will approximate the sum of $8,000,000, 000 or about one-lfth of the entire international trade of the world, ac cording to estimates made public by the foreign trade department of tho National City Bank. It will be 50 per cent, greater than in 1915, and rinuMn thnt. of 1914. Excess of ex- r.-a ovor imnnrts will approximate $3,000,000,000 against $1,708,884,0001 in 1915, $324,343,uuu in iyi4 ana i:qi ! nnn in 1913. Complete fig ures' for the commerce of the entire country in the nine months ending1 fifth September are at nana, as are ai-, so those of New York, which is ac cepted as an index of the entire coun try's trade for October. Figures for the nine months ended with Septem ber show a total commerce of $5,- 780,000,000 against $3,833.utiu,uuu in ia ..woTrnincr npriod of 1915 and $2,877,000,000 in the nine months of 1914. October figures 01 tne pori. o New York indicate that the total irJ will pnnal and probably exceed that of September. Both imports and exports will mane new rccorus m the current year. Bananas cnu be ripened In a room kept at 110 degrees.