Newspaper Page Text
fjUDAYt NOVEMBER 24, 1916. qUXDS DRUG GO. CRESCENT CITY, FLA. iH have a fine display of Cut Glass and other Novelties ,iiit'i or the CHRISTMAS f BEftCH&MILLER LINE Ufimr Coninnnv. It W & operated for the :s 4 . ... : csnsnn and OUt of t, r thirty yta. No better P.""'' i. i,oH over anv line. CrtHome Industry and thereby Up your naairy ... Steamer Lresceiu icvv v to Palurta. Jacksonville nnd way Ltsdays ami Saturdays. eaves Jacksonville on (dnesdays ami Fridays. E. T. CLARK, m . Ml PI.. mffic Maimer. jacKsonviiie. r.. HOLIDAYS. jp this in mind. food, will beg." - - few day. THE PALATKA NEWS, PALATKA, FLA., PAGE NO. SEVEN CRESCENT CITY NEWS lie ii 1 1 REAL ESTATE ;RESCENTCITY FLORIDA Crescent Hill lots on easy terms. PERSONAL AND SOCIAL Geo. W. Seaton carried an auto party to Palatka on Tuesday. Mr. Mul'in, left on Wednesday for Ohio, w.icre he will he for some we- k--on v. real estate deal. " " Edgar McGrady and Hon. .1 H Harp visited the Farmer's convention in Palatka last Wednesday. The local telephone offuc is not kept r.pen after nine o'clock n. m. now, and c mneetiors after that 'hour are extra. The Sunday school of the Prediyfe rian church has rmioiniced a Christ mas tree for Christmas nitjht. The other churches aho fi-rarins? on giving a like entertainment. No arrangement of a Th.-.n'ivin.r 1 .1 . service has yet bon m:u!n, thoi:h it Lenl City Transfer Co's. iiiUiinoliili' and Boat Liim. nil trains at Crescenl City Lon Night trains by appointment. S, H. LaBREE, Manager. btwntCilv. Morula. is likely that a union rorvi-e will he held with the sermon by Rev. A. P. Puph, pastor of the Pnnt'st church. Mastlnmcs Dujrjrins and F.raddock and Misses Clarissa and Ber.sie A. Williams are the d'.-lvrrlr-s from foe V. I. A. to the State Federation of Won:::-'- Clubs in Miami this week. Miss Amy Tordrl! ps'Vtnnt nt the high school, who has been delayed lie cause of illness, returns this week to take up her work. Miss Kendall will make her home with Mrs. Grimsley. The cool weather of the past week lias been a great help in coloring the fruit. That already forwarded look its color with it, but it wasn't the right color. The board of trade, committee to take a citrus census of this section is actively at work getting its material together. Messrs. W. R. Campbell, J. Fairfield Carpenter and .1. R. Shi ver constitute the committee. Miss Res-ie A. Williams of this city is auditor for the State Federa tion of Woman's Clubs in session this week in Miami. She was also ap pointed chairman of the committee on credential at th Miami meet'ng. K. A. Ho!.":rth of this place has These sometimes develop so exten - ivoly as to demoralize the market. the direct loss of fruit through de cay icads to depreciation of prices for mut actually sound, to a reputation tor poor keeping qualities and to a proportionately high overhead ex-nciiH-.; lor handling a perishable pro duct which develops waste and spoil age during transit and after it reach es tne market. II. E. Stevens, plant pathologist to the University of Flor ida Kxpe 'iment Station, calls atten tion to a recent statement sent out by he Department concerning the hand ling r-f fruit. According to reports from investi gations injuries result from elinper cuts, leaving sharp stems which wound other fruits, thorn punctures, and bruises. Bruises result from .'.romping fruits into the boxes or into the picking bags and baskets, or from careless handling in the packing bouse. Sand, gravel, splinters or protruding nails in containers or haul ing over rough may cause additional injurias. Agricultural News Service. Spray For San Jose Scale In De cember. Snrayinr for San Jose Scale should i.e none when the trees are dormant. I Since peach trees reach this stage in December, that is the best month for .".-Mills: this pest. J. R. Watson, en tomologist to the University of Flori da Experiment Station, recommends "".vinn wun nme suitur, I part ot the commercial solution to 9 parts of water. Spraying must be done after the old leaves have fallen and before the new buds begin to swell to avoid in jury to foliage. While December is the time recommended, late varieties might be sprayed safely in January, but the early varieties probably will be resuming growth by that time. Scale fungus can be introduced in June next year to take care of the summer brood. line recaps raised at his which will run fortv to lie will take them to fair for exhibit and of the leading pre- L I. spencei, Dentist. ilc -it lie-idem' on Prospect Htreet. Crescent City. Florida. RAFFERTY Contractor and Builder ESTIMATES FURNISHED BUILDING M TERIAL Crescent City, Fla. rescent City ackinsr House WILL OPEN OVEMBER 1ST Under Management of k Her F. Babers rticu!ar nttt'iitinn rviitl tn nnok- fd ship; in-; and securing Mood 'set fur sniali fhininents of Grapefruit and Tangerines. NEXT TO THE BEACH ' MILLER WAREHOUSE. DESCENT CITY, FLA. some extra hmo, ruts the pound. tbe Duval cmutv should win some m mms. Mrs. C. P. Hale is at Johns Hop kins Hospital, Baltimore, Md., whore this week -he is undergoing a ser ous surgical operation. Mr. Hal" is with her. Mrs. Eaton ClifV is look ing after the little people and the home during the absence of Mr. and Mrs. Hale. Col. J. P.laino Shiver entertained a large party of young people at the Hotel Coutar.t on Friday evening of last week. M'-. Coutant served a splendid three-course supper, after which the room was cleared for dan cing, which was indulged in until mid night. Some sixteen couples partook of Col. Shiver's hospitality. Rev. Mr. Edwards, pastor evange list of the Florida Presbytery, will preach at the Presbyterian church next Sunday, and during his stay here it is likely some arrangement will be made by which a new pastor will be secured soon. It is under stood that the official of the church have two men in view, one of which will likely be called. Crescent City Mauds to lose its tel egraph office. .lames Padgett Jr., v. ho opened an office in town some three years ago. as a branch of the Western Union, has decided to give the same up on the first of February, when his contract expires. ( if course the compare will mabitain at the junction, bu real convenience tl the town office. The Tennis Club is to give an "Ad vertising Supper" at the Club House this evening, whe". all members will apnear ,::v -ed t.. rep c ent some well-known advertisement: Tke-e will be Prr.o Alben. Cieam 'o Wheat. a::d ..liter t'anrhar :accs which vuil have beeti looking at m vour magazines for the pnt-i year or sooner is proti'!e i wiil go m i; THE POPULAR VOTE. Results by States Wilson Receive 403,312 Votes Over Hughes. The total ponu'ar vote reeeivo'l U each of the slates by President Wil son mill Charles 10. Hughes inilieiitec that the president received 40:5,.".ll more votes than Air. Hughes. Tin table follows: f Florida East Coast R'y FLAGLER SYSTEM ol lice when it come.', to iv is nothing like two A fine 1 the proceed Club. Ten- Pi S. Mullii which iiher tt fi-.m lii-' l-!:ico Wednesday u'gi mare is a .steel'ji N t.:i!t Mr. Mullir.s will wart! for n'f-',; lu.s lo t a deable marc, was stolen .1 la -t man 1:. a Wct'K will Th we' hoc ;v a rv .some lion leading FOR SALE. on: d and l.a'a cared ( 'oni for b fjjlot fronting Central ave., 50 ' in lot Ko. 2, bleck U, in 'ct City, Florida. Pri $400. , address Mrs. Clara J. ; "1, Waine, Oregon, Tillanook ! 5 10-27-4t. ; iLE-In Crescent City, Fla., .' 00m lurnished house, s-6 WatCT. h.1lirrtm ln.iva rtta,Ee' abut 500 'boxes fruit, .ii. 1 and Paln-ed. "ve mm- to Schools, rhnrehps . stnrps S. G. SALLS. I h S-LE The Pratt cottage and f , . ma cuy water ana .r.P-Umblnff lO AAmnlofMi. fill-- ' including dishes and bedding. ;"-s about 150 bearing trees.! ij . bcst of condition. Should oetWpen 41,. j t v.. 1 1 Ilcc xuur nuii- itn 0 1. ruit the co-ning season. ekZ ulJnce to obtain an ideal , Mme ready to occupy that will . sen supporting. For 5pfnv!ulnrs wri-e. PORTER; C T' Care Pierpont Mfg. aah.Ga. en Mr. Mull'n had straye. where it w Mr. (Ireen. V...-1 Tl.tu-s.lilV. Nov wiil be TlKjiksgv'in :' day and the dies of the V. 1. -. a'c prcpauntr serve a Cafeteria ,mw at House from to , tm-kev d'ra'.er with all t,:e ; ..til be much snore ve: von eoti'd I"'1 home." You pa After the ; upper be show;: in the t! theater the young the Club Hons trola. ;nth. c f. a to t! e ( It will rim mi' on". ,,n.e the same r what you .' ood picttfe is "r. and after eile will tin e ni'.is'c ot ctl ' Yic- Iniurcd Citrus Fruits Decay In Tran-j sit. I Many citrus growers take Pi- j .. ... ...... ;.t inserts and dise:ie.- a.-.i ing and patkuv- ' , p0. citrus fruit disease aie ii.u the cuts or abrasions on the sk,. ROUND ABOUT FLORIDA. Peiisacola is bidding for the next convention of (he W. ( ). V. Thirty-six not iees were iuil iat oil b.t the Shi'iners at Orlando recently. Thin annual meeting ,,f the Wom en's Syitodieal Auxiliary of Florida was held in ( icaki. A big modem Hour mill, with a ca pacity of tif'ly tons of mixed food pel clay, is to lie a Jacksonville industry Will Dixon, a negro Poy, w'tts rur over by a heavy truck at .lacksonvillt anil rcci ived fatal injuries. Many hoincseckers from the west and iiniihwtst mi. arriving in Florida by every I rain. The Bureau of Crop Kstimatet plaeis ihc corn crop of Florida at 1', btio.tiiln l.ii.shcls. West l'lu.iii.a fair at .Maiiaiitta was attended l,y large crowds. The ex hibits were reported to be unusually ultracl i c. Between o.iiimi atid 7.000 eigarinak rs in the clear Havana cigar factories left tin ii- lieneiies at Tampa to enforet 'jciuands for higher wages. Captain Sanders, for ten years head af the I'ensaeola iidice department, lias been deposed iii the interest ol j harmony, it is said. Read lloliiday, motorist of Xew York, made a li.tUHl-mile trip in thirty days, taking in I.os Angeles. Portland I and . lacks, .nvillo. I Many eta rioM have been received for ! the Alachua County fair. November I LH to Ul. and n.-osoects are that it : wiil bo mil- of the best held in the! : stab' l III season. j That the prospects are very bright I for .lael.son ille lining the training j quarters for at b ast two major ; leagues is the belief of mi 11 who are ! in loin h illi the baseball world. 1 i in i- of ( n lando's best known winter i lesidems. ('. A. llnvey, died suddenly of heart failure. .Mi-. Ilovey recently reiur 1 from Cleiis Falls. N. V., : where he made his summer home. Lacking 7 1". men. the Second Flor ' id.i regim- :'i, now on ihc border at I.-i-redo. Te.. is only t wo-! birds 'com plete, according to information on hand at i he cilice of the I 'nited States army recruit ing otliecr. l'loiida papers announce the ap pro:-, king marriage of Mrs. Henry M. Flagler, widow of ib" Florida railroadj magnate, to .ludge Itobert W. Bigham.j of Louisville, Ky. Mrs. Flagler is said! to have been left $00,1100.000 by her I iate husband. j A g'ass jar containing the body of J ; a white infant was found at Jack-' ; sotivi'lo in a pile of trash at the cityi : dump., near the corner of Davis and: i Eighth M reels. The child was fully i developed and apparently only a fewj ! days old. ! The great commercial progress din ' tier to be held at the Hotel Seminole, .Tneksoiiville. on the evening of No j vetnber -1. has attracted state-wide I attention anil many lu-ominent state and civil oflicials from other cities in I Florida have m.-nle reservations for the event. Andrew Carnegie, the multi-niil-lioiiairc. will spend the winter on ,!ckl Island, it is said. Joky I Island, which is mar Diing.iicss. is u winter Mecca for the rich, who have wonder ful dubs and holms mi tne lsinnu. coming by rail and yachts. Mr. Car negie cvpeets lo spend several months there, it is said. NtaU-s. Wilson. Alabama Nil, 000 Arizona U0.0I1 Arkansas So. (100 California 4(ii.l!(!0 Colorado 1 "N,l"7 Couio i-t ii-nt . . . !)!U;S7 Delaware .... ".(Mil Ebi-ida 00. 000 'b'o'gia Km.UOO Idalw (!S, 000 Illinois MP.l.loi! Indiana .".:::!. 1(1(5 Iowa inn. ins Kaps-is .11 "p. (100 Kentucky .... L'10.000 I.onisi.-ina .... (is. 000 Maine 04.1,4s Maryland .... l.".:!.L'll Massachuset ts .. 2 1 7.."L'7 Michigan .... 2.".7.114 Minnesota .... 170.o77 Mississip.pi .... iM.000 Missouri .17(1.(100 Montana SO.OL'7 Nebraska 0S,.'!L'.r! Nevada 12.4 IS New Hampshire 4l!,!l05 New Jersey . . . 20!). :'.:'2 New Mexico . . .11.5-15 New York .... 75(5.010 North Carolina . 15S.000 North Dakota . . 51. 4 10 Ohio 57S.000 Oklahoma .... 1 10.000 Oregon 110.550 Pennsylvania . . 510.7 17 Rhode Island . . .1!),:!5.1 SotPh Carolina . OS, 000 South Dakota . . 45.-1 10 Tennessee .... 11S.0I7 Texas 22S.000 Utah 77..1S1 Vermont 21.S.12 Virginia 00.1 07 Wasbire'on . . . 107.O00 West V!-"ini:i . . 1 .",! (11 1 Wiscons'a .... 1 'I I.0O0 Wyoming .... 25, 01 7 Hughes. :!0,0!)( lD.-io: 17,00( 4(52.s:; 05,71 10d.:i7 "7.!io: 12,()!H 2S.0(I( 5I.5IH 1.0 1 1. (10. :!.".!). 4.1-27!l,OS.-277,001 lO.I.OOf !).()()( 0!l.4!)1 11.1,77? 2fis,:i(!i .10S.121 177.2S." 5,00f .145,00f 54,(I0I 75.0S1 n.sp: 42,7 204, .12f .11.251 S01. OS, lin.oor 52, S.1 1 490.721 110. OOf 12.1.57f 005,71 1 44,1 5f 1.50f 50.S0 97,55 r.s.oor 4S.915 .IS. 25 1 21.1i: ISI.OOf 141.11 220. OOf 10. !!).- Totals .S.501.7U S,1(50.101 CABINET CHANGES. President Has Decided on No Actior So Far. Reports that the president has do. eided 011 changes in his cabinet wen said by officials at Washington to bi premature. AVhile it is possible thai one or more of the present cabinet members may not remain In the presi dent's otlieial family after March 4 officials Inflst that he has not over considered the question. When Mr. Wilson returned hf found Hwaiting him thousands of tele grams and letters eongratulatitif: him on bis re-election. If possible be will read them all. The president's plans for the period between now and the opening of con gress are not decided definitely, al though oflicials close to him believf that he will spend most of the tinu in Wa-bington attending to oflicia' business, am preparing for the com. ing of congress. BIO ELECTION BET. William Brady Won $23,000 on Wil son Victory. The biggest odds oil the election b.v far that is known were obtained lij William A. Brady, of New York, theat rical manager. lie bet S1 ,000 against $25,000 that Wilson would lie elected This is the story Mr. Brady tells. '4 was standing in the lobby ol the Hmel Astor Tuesday night with a broker. I fold Mm it was a cinch Wilson would carry Kansas and Min in sula. ITo politely replied that I was talking like a fool. Just then the re" light of the Tinies building flashed announcing Hughes was elected. I told him I did not believe it was true. "Again he made comments on my lack of knowledge, and said: ''Bill I'll hot you S25.O00 to SI, 000 Hughes Is elected." , "I took the .et." OUR FORE Hi N COMMERCE. U. S. Trade For 1016 Will Approxi mate SS, 000. 000, 000. B.'s'cd on the complete (inures foi nine months of the year and return; of the port of New York for Octo lief, the foreign trade department ol Ihc National Ci'v bank predicts thai the foreign eo!Oie-ee of the End States for the calendar year 101!! wil a on oimat. S.inm.noo.cno. or one lif:h of tpo entire international traib of tile wo'-ol. It v"l l.e 50 per cent greater tliar that in 101". and double that of th preeed'ug year. The total was S5. :!-.'(!, in loir, ,-m,i S1,!i(.1.0oo,Oof in 191 !. Tlic excess of exports ovci iiapoiis in IPHi will upprnximati s.".. 000. 000 (ion, against S 1 .70S.SS 1. 000 in 1!H". S12 1,1 IS. 000 in 191 I and S091. 122.000 in 1911. Public Problems. President " ' Washington r take 111 1 waitin begin 1'ruii, ing term in the Vii'e . House, licen awav two 'V.'oulhs. ;) Ti ke Up Waiti.ij! PrljE-ms. day nigh ready ti mib'ie tirobleins anf bins for bis seen!;.' He bad Scotland lias the first drawbridge In the world in which all the work of opening and closing it and guarding trafie over and through it is done by electricity. A ol '!::. road staf'on dri:-;:le of 1.; deal. As he the station 1 Mrs. Wilson service men. ing and rushed f shake bis hands. crowd p.'ickrd the rall- at'd waited outside in a n to welcome the prcsi .i jicared walking dowu 'a.f.nm accompanied by ami fii'liked by secret hoi deeds began shout- ward in efforts tc 21 :)7 I ." 1 -"J I Unity Duily J):iil.v ' Duily I T..'.. S.llflPM 1.3HPM J.MM l. t.Um 2.50 PM lil..i0iM U. 'l.i'lI'M 3.2.(?i 1 .31 AM Lv. lO.SOW" 3..'SH; ll..")0JI Lv. ' l..liM 4.KIPM I2.i5l r. ii.4iiW 4 ucn 2.45HH U. ;j.J7AM 4.5'lFtt 1.2.IPH U. 1J.:!IAII 5.10PM l.J(iP L. ... l.'..-)l)JM S.MM 1.47PM Lv. 1.2.-. 5.5IIPM 2.S0PM lv. l.-lliM 6.12PM .".IKIPM Lv. 2.27,'M 6.45PM .' 37PM Lv. 2V. i 4.09PM Lv. i : :mt. 7.1VPM 4.17PM Lv. :i.l)r,." . ... 4.20PM Lv. a.HW.M 7.50PM 4.52HJ Lv. :i..-iiAM 7.5SPM' 5.01PM Lv. 1..II ,'M 8..44PM 5.43PM Lv. .-,..-,lliM 9.40PM 7.00PM! Lv. ... n.2.-, A'; I 7.32PM, Lv. Il.:j.-i AM 10.20PM 7.41PM Lv. 7.2.W.'.!1I.05PM 8.26PM Lv. 11.40PM 9.00PM Lv. S.21AM.' 9.15PM Ar. s.:il ef't'-MSAM 9.38PM r. '.I.Vi.Vfl 1 .01' AM 10.30PM Ar. Ul.asAM1 10.42PM Ar. lo.2ii;it -10.53 P r. .... 1 1.llOAM 2.IK1 AM 11.30PM Ar. 2.1.-AM Lv. !).(IIIM 3.1I) Ar. ll.n.-iAM .i.l:!AM Ar. 12.52PM ."i.l2AM Ar. 5.00PM S.IIIIAI Ar. See Note A 5.30PM Ar. Corrected to Novillilier 1, 11)10 . . Jiu-ksiiiiville Tniins sr mil Sli lire nnt up, NoTF. A P. & (). steuiiisliips Notk 11 I. & I), steioniliiiii sill St. Augustine HiiitinKs East I'liliilka I'nliitkii )ltiiiii.-ll Onniiiid Diiytoiia Port Ontne New Smyrna (Ink Hill Titusville ......... City Point Coeoii . , ,. Rockleilne K:iu (inllie 4 . . Melbourne Setiiistinli Fort Pierce Jenien Stnnrt Jupiter W. Pnlin lleiK-h Luke Worth Il.lrny ".'art LHiiiierdule . .' llnnin Ilalln.iilnle Miami Mia.-ni lloilli'stead . , ,- l-'litriila City I.nlii; Key Key West H iite.l soutli ot Miami on SiiihIi lil fur Mavaiet M ullday, 'I'liesila I fruiu Havana Monday, I ilesiln Daily I Daily Daily I Diiily . .Ar ! 7.50PMI 1.30p: '.l.oa,'.:,' . . ,7.T ..Lv I 6.40-tl 12.25PM 7.:,OAV ..Lv B.s i-V 1 1 .:-.:! ii..', : ,'V: ..Lv 5.32 PM:1 1 .111 AM li..'i.',' . .Lv S.OOPKIlO.l.-irM tiJillAV- . .Lv 4.37PH10.27,'.M d.2ilK . .Lv 3.5SPMI U..-.I AM 4.111!'' . .Lv 3.45PMi U.tOAt) 4.:t:i . .Lv 3.33PMI D o'lAi: 4.2IO.V . .Lv 3.10PM 9.10AM 3..V.AV . .Lv 2.20PK 8.:I!M :i.ns,.". . .Lv 1.40PM, S.IWAM 2.2.-.AI,'; ..Lv 1.09PI'! I l..',0AM . .Lv l.OOPMi 7.27AM 1.42AM ..Lv 12.56PM) l.asaM ..Lv 12.24PMI 6)7AM l.ll.'iAV Lv 12.14PM! 6.47AM 12..-..1AV; .Lv ll.:t,IAM: . Lv 110.30 AM ,..Lv U.I2AM 9.32 Mt 8.-1 1 AM 7.flriAM 7.39 AM 7.13AM U.I7AM O.lltiAM1 o.fioAM! 5.20AM;12.3.riAM I12.20(M ill.22PM U.18PK! e-9.l4?: 6.30PV U.30A5 .Lv .Lv ,..Ar ,..L ...Lv ...Lv ...Lv ...Ar ...Lv ...Lv ...Lv ...Lv li.ll'.IAM 12 5.1.JAMII.05PC.... I0.IOP1'; 4.22AM 9.5SPM'.... 3.3.-. AM, 9.02 PM 3.00AM S.itPfi'j.... 8.02 PM!.... 7.34 PS1!. ... 6.33 PM1.... 6.21PM .... 6.09 Pf)1 5.30 PM,.... 2.21 AM! 1.2SAB 12.30 PM 12.20 PM 9.211 AM 0.15 AM Note I!. 41 Daily I 2.30 PM 2.45PM 2.52PM 3.13WI 3.23 PM 3.29 PM 3.45 PM 3.5ilPM 2li:l T Daily ex Sun.!, 3.10 PM! 4.03 PM 4.1 4 PM 1JW Daily I : Sun. 311 Daily I 0.3O AMI Lv li.l.iAMl Ar 11. ",2 AM1 Ar 7.1:. AM' Ar 7.21AM' Ar 7.29 AM Ar 7.15AM' Ar 7 I'M Ar . . . Local .S'-Tvicu Hctwecn Miami and Hurida Ully ELECTRIC TKAINS Thursday, Friday. Saturdiiy only .Wednemlay, Priday, Sat unlay unly to Daily Miami . Cocoanut drove. Larkin I'erriue .... (louldi . . . . Princeton .... . . . Home.tead . . . . . . Florida City. . Ar 9.2'JAI Lv 9.115 AM Lv 8.57 AM Lv 8.35 AM! lv S.21 A','; Lv S.IK AM Lv s.OOAV . . . Lv 7.55 AM 201 I Daily ex Sun. s.:uiAMj 1 1 i.:ii i;.: . 11.11, AM 1 1 .20 AM OHAXOE CITY HltAN'CH 200 i 2112 Daily 1 Daily ex Sun. ex Sun. Lv New Smvniii Ar 1.05 PM Lv. Lake Helen . Lv12.l0PM Ar tlranue Cilv Lv'l 1.511 AM Ar()ra.-,-e('ily.I IvILSIltM 7.00 PM 6.00 PM 5.1 SPM 5.10PM ESTKHPIUSE UKANCH . 1.1(1 I Daily ex Sun . Tilu-iville Maytown .... Knlerprise .... K-,l,r-i. Piru-tinn 131 Daily ex Sun KISSIMMKK VALLEY ; J HIIANC'II 1 Lv Titusville Ar1 ' Lv Maytown Lv1 ' Lv Geneva Ar Lv Chiiluota Ar Lv Hitliln Ar j Lv Pncalnw Ar I Lv Holopaw Ar I Ar Keiiatisville Lv ! Lv t Isow a w Lv , Lv Port Drum Lv ! Ar Okeechohee Lv 42 I)iiil.v 5.15 PM 5.00 PM 4.53 PM 4.32PM 4.20 PM 4.I5PK 4.110 PM 3.55PM "T.(2 Daily Coniieclions made at Key West with ('. .X. t). SS. Co.. lor Havana. Thi. time-1 aide is paiilislied for tin- informal inn of the putilh', the schedules shown herein were correct nt time ol iloiiiir to press, lint arrivals nr departures at times stilted is not guaranteed. Passcnifer train .eh, -dill, s are sallied tu chain:,. WITIKII. T NOTICE. K,,r e,,pv nl Locii! 'lime Card or other information ee the Ticket Affent. T. D. UAHNEU, General Passenger Agent, St. Augustine, Florida ATLANTIC COAST LINE THE STANDARD RAILROAD OF THE SOUTH Schedule Effective May 18th, 1916. THROUGH TRAINS TO NEW YORK, DAILY. No. 82 No. 86 No. 80 Lv. .Tneksoiiville milium l:::5iui Niiopin Ar. HiivHiiiitih 1:15pm 5:;!5pm 12:;i5:tm Ar. Kieliniom! 5:ii5pin U:l:iam 7:lfiinii Ar. Wiishliiuton S:.-)nin 12::pni U:5opin At. llnltiiiiore Iii:n5iiiii l:5iipni 1:11am Ar. I 1 1 1 1 j i I 1 1 1 1 1 ii . 1 :' I ! 1 1 1 i 4:ii3pin :i:4Uan) Ar. New York . 2:l(it)iii ilii'iipm ilaiiiain All steel Equipment Free Reclining Chair Cars to Washington. Dining Car I V I Service on Trains 82 and 86. Sleeper to Savannah on Train 80. For information and Eeservationf, i litre cr viile J. G. KIRKLAND, D. P. A., A. W.FRITOT, D. P. A. HilUboro Hotel, Tampa, Fla. 138 W. Bay St., Jacksonville, Fla. TAMPA BAY BRIDGE. Structure Will Be Between Five and Six Miles in Length. Knifed States Kngineer W. Ti. T.a due said that lie expected to have the plans for the proposed bridge over Tampa bay, to be constructed for the use of the Tampa and St. Petersburg Electric railway, submitted to him in the near future. He stated that the construction of the bridge would bs a big undertaking, involving the pos sible expenditure- of three-quarters of a million dollars. The bridge will likely be located at a point somewhere north of Port Tampa and will be between five and six miles in length. It will form an Important link between Tampa and the Pinellas peninsula. Ships doing to Pensacola. That the armored cruiser Washing ton will arrive in Pensacola in the near future for duty at the navy yard Is the information given our by local authorities. The Washington will pre cede the North Carolina and the Co lumbia, which will come to that port about t ho middle of December for win ter maneuvers wifh the torpedo boat flotilla. Kach of the three cruisers carries a complement of more than two hundred oflicers and men. Cotton and Seed Bring $224. fl. ;. Sparks, a farmer who lives Bear Anniston. Ala., sold a bale ol cotton and its seed for $224. the high est price ever recorded in Anniston. The cotton was of long staple va riety and Iirought 25 cents a pound, and the seed sold at $02 a ton. Mr. Sparks had one of the few patches ol long staple cotton In the county. Preacher Scored Modern Dance. After locking the doors to prevent the women in his audience from leav ing, the IJev. Kll J. Forsythe, of Mil waukee, hotly lambasted the modern dance. Several women held their fingers in their ears while Forsythe described the alleged motions of the dancers. Requisition For Watson. Sheriff W. II. Howling has made application to (Jovernor Trammcll for requisition papers in the case ol Charles Watson, alias Dugar Harris, a negro, badly wanted in Florida for the killing of Deputy Shorifi' Pete V. John son in Jacksonville the night of De cember 21. 191.'!. Watson or Harris is under arrest at Williamsport, Pa., and pictures of him sent by Chief ol Police Topel. of that place, have been Identified as being those of Harris. After being out four hours and Ave minutes, the jury in the ease of Ben F. McKee, charged with robbing the Louisville and Nashville train at Greenville, Ala., July 10, last year, brought in a verdict at Montgomery of guilty in six of the seven counts of the indictment. The penalty is twenty-live years in the federal prison near Atlanta. Disagreement. "I heard Billings forced his daughter Into a marriage with a rich creditor practically sold her." "That's queer. The newspaper ac counts of the wedding say he gave her away." Baltimore American. FAMILY AVOIDS SERIOUS SICKNESS By Being Constantly Supplied Witi Thedford's Black-Draught. The White House oflieially an nounced for the first time that Presi dent Wilson has designated Novem ber ::o as Thanksgiving day. Doubt as to whether November 2.1 or No vember t!0 would be selected has re sulted in thousands of telegrams of inquiry being received in the past three days. McDuff, Va. "I suffered for severi years," says Mrs. J. B. Whittaker, o! this place, "wiih sick headache, and siotnach tremble. Ten years ago & friend told me to tri Thedtord's Black-Draught, which 1 did, and 1 found it to be the lest family medi cine for young and eld. I keep Black-Drjwght on hand all the time now, and when ray children fed a little bad, they ask me for a dose, and il does them mtre seed than any medicine they ever tried. We never have a long spell of sick aess in our ftmily, since we commenced using Itack-Drauszht." Tbedfsrd's Black-Draught is purely reeribie, nd has been found to regu late wtfik stomachs, aid digestion, re lieTC indigestion, colic, wind, nausea, headache, sick stomach, and similai symptoms. It hac beea in co istant use for more thu 711 rears and hat hinpfilirl rrmra i Utaa a sufliien people. I Y4ir drujjeist sH. and recommendi Black-Drauent. Pri e only 25c. Get a 1 Packace to-dav. n. c ia