PAGE NO. TWO. THE PALATKA NEWS, PALATKA, FLA., FRIDAY, FEBRttaty Clubs and Club Women WHAT ARKANSAS CLUB WOMEN ARE DOING I.ESSIE STKIN(;i'KLLOV HEAD, Chairman Publicity. Arknaa Federation of Women' C'lut in Southern Wouiau'n Magazine. Why do you men laugh so at us women?" inquired a prominent Lit tle Rock club woman many moons ego of an equally prominent man. "Because you are such jokes," he replied with smiling eyes. "But why are we such jokes?" per sisted the woman. "Because you take yourselves so seriously," said he. We did trke ourselves seriously in the early days of clubdom. We 'had to because no one else would. We do still take ourselves serious ly. We must because the world is giving us such serious work to do. But there is a difference between yes teryear and this year, and it is that we women have learned to apply the savins: grace of humor. We" can now see a joke as well as be one. And laugh at one, even if it is on ourse.ves. jn laughing with them ; and d o-ni fie1 fth. k when they laugh at us we soon dis-; are all working for a common cause arm men of their mirth. ; "a higher type of citizenship, a bet- Ar.d men in Arkansas have long ter public spirit, a more alert social s-n -e censed to laugh at us. Rather, consciousness." Presiding over the thev earnestly seek our aid in their ! whole is a magnificent woman who crt?r-vies: encourage us in our aims; . exemplifies the state federation mot- " "e u in every gooo. cause. , to, "Courage, Courtesy, Culture." and The world, I know, has a way of j who can do Moore work, in Moore whwnsr 1,p a thiller when !t can'1 ! w'ays, in less time and with less effort lfv-h it down. Also there is a than any executive who has served shrew:'nes in the masculine mind ; the organization during its twenty whh tnkes cognizance of the fact years of existence. But Mrs. Moore thft the principle of solidarity under-1 is ably assisted in her even- effort lvir -iv form of manifestation, even by .seven district presidents as skill fenvnir.e. makes that form a power j ful and efficient as the numerous to he reckoned with wiser still, a j chairmen who conduct the varied ac powe to be co-operated with, and 1 tivities and interests of the diverse legislation i'or woSnen and children, and a broadening intelligence for ev er' woman in Arkansas that the Ar kansas Federation of Women's Clubs is working today. Like most state federations and the general federa tion, ite administrative work is done through departments and subdepart ments. art. civics. pduentinn liKM, extension, legislation, home econom ies, civil service reform, health, social and industrial conditions being some of its divisions, each with ts subdi visions. Special departments have been added as follows: Good roads and club extension, scholarshiD loan fund, peace, waterways and forestry, ! history, b. 1. A., school hygiene, Camp Fire girls, child welfare. The 10,000 who compose this organization come from the city and rural community, from the ranks of hiph school o-iri frTi ' in-'e immemorial nan has turret! to ""curt any power ho co"Id use to lirh'r-r h.; own labors; But I pre fer to believe that ma-'s recognition of ''"""n's clubs as something wor thy of his resnect is based upon big ger pnd better things than just a "w.av of the world." or n ep-tain shrewdness. It is. I think, the under- the rural Jill .'t"j ' I WW i&J I"-- vUj Ik-. . -J 2 jt I M WmfS v3r3 Iff tHk r MISS MAE MARSH With "The Birth Of A Nationo," Ho well Theater, Wednesday and Thurs day, February 14th and 13th. sponsible for the establishment of the Home Economics department of the state university, and in many public schools over the state they have es tablished this department and main tain it at their own expense whore i.,.l funAa orp not. sufficient.. 1 M.I1UU1 luimo .v. ! Housewives' leagues regularly inspect ' groceries, meat markets and stores ; where lunches are served. The leagues ho! 1 public lectures by physi cians on pure foods and sanitation, anu city iecierauons m i;iany iuwns ' serve nourishing hot lunches to school children in winter. During great Ba by Week tho state-wide campaign for child welfare was waeed so energeti cally that it is said the baby death rate for the vear has been noticeably lowered. The hieh cost of living troubled club women in Pine Bluff un til thev hit unon the plan, of rutting 'business on p cash basis. A grocer with whom thev conferred immediate ly lowered n'-ices on the agreement that nil would pay cash for whr.t they bou?ht. and an attractive littl" gro cery esir now brings his supplies t" them even morn'ng. Tne rvr!?e club woimn of Arkan sas has bmins, enp''trv, character and "ersonalitv. b"t bet of all. persis foricp. The list-nad ou".'l;tv ws pvlijlijte'l rinrkville. The towr hrd a rail'ond strt;on "denot." we irVirsos of wh'ch 't was nrt The rn"H wns wittpn to nrrl MRS, KIEsg SEVEN Restored to Health 1 Pinkham'sVegetatl, Aurora, 111.37 I suffered from a & seven m nnimm f froi5i 1 f'pnnrtnipnts an KptVi cVip on fV f ! ficers and chairmen have behind them to a man I mean to a woman in even- undertaking that motley ten thousand. And their arms are reach- in? out to embrace the farm woman. the women did not lose interest in Smith-Lever work after the passage of the bill. They began co-operating with the county agents all over the state; and if Arkansas' proportionate numoer 01 mat nu.uuu girls and 30,- nit vui iu trinuiaue. uit? larin wonicin. ' liujuuer ui mat oo,uuu gins ana oU, tn hrirrr Vier intrt flip frA an f tll i 000 wnnmn lioi-o Kaon .s,n.l.n.l -l her that all work and no play makes ! sas' club women are in a large degree i.hcad. The canning club agent found h-rself with 10.000 cans of her girls' piodnct for which there was no mar kit. She appealed to Searcy club wcrnen. Telephones soon began to ring. Every woman in Searcy, it seemed, wanted 4-H brand of toma toes and fruit and would accept none otner. tine enteronsinfr merchant .. -- " iiii n 1 .....u,., una uui iici& ueen oxner. une enterprisinfr morchanr standee that the federate club n av and no work mnl-es thp wn. stated movement is a co-operative undertak- ! man n nseless Jill. nA twZ i Hon hv W T; "i l:' ..T 01 tne..cluD.women me sii'.ime in its ideals: a bei-ef that ; federation is fast bringintr together tension department. Xor does the in- umieu uniannooa is a ooay sianamg ; lor their mutual good and the gain j terest of club women in rural stop mere. v nen in the forefront of progress, willing and able to meet and divide the force of any opposition which lies ahead, and to mother the whole wide world. For men have found that because of federated clubs there are "better schools, better arts and crafts, better legislation for women and children, and a broadening intelligence and a more comprehensive point of view for every American woman." and there fore in the next generation, for every American man. It rs for better home. better schools, better arts and crafts, better of democraev. A news letter sent out by the LTrit ed States Department of Agriculture in November stated that approximate ly 60.000 county girls and 30.000 farm women of the South are now being reached hv home economies teaching throilfrh Smith. Tvpr funds Presi dent J. C. Futrall of the University of I .irKansas siaiea not long ago in an address before the women's clubs: "Undoubtedly the passage of the the lipmfinctpatnvr teach the country girl how to can her products, the club women find a mar ket for her wares. One instance will l'lustrate this am rurchased the acpnt's pntire tpn thousand cans. Quorum courts in Arkansas were slow to appropriate for girls' demon stration agents. That is, they were urti! delegations of club women de scended upon them, demanding agents i or's as well as bovs. Now fiftv- It has been estimated that Arkan-1 sC-n ccunties are well organized i sas sends S3.000.000 out of the state annually for canned fo jdstuffs. This will stop, in a measure, now, since the 10,000 club women stand pledged to "Buy home-grown and home-canned products." Recently at Searcy the Smith-Lever bill in Arkansas was ef- grocers would not buy home-canned Tr TT-i insistent emana products and contracted with their ; higher ideals of home. The club wo- ...uu u...Cii. a.iu niwicuie jjeopie ior several months j men of Arkansas are directly re uenon.srration worn, and the prize waning boys and girls on ilu-r an nual trips to the cities aro a''.vavs cni.M-taired in club women'.-. -U'.nes. Thus many rural lads and lassies have learned much 'of a daintier way of living and have become imbued with HO W ELL THEATRE, palatka " 2T A Starting Wednesday Evening PPT) a UI I iD Twice Daily, Thursday, 3 and 8:15 Jf HiO. 1 4 TWO NIGHTS, 8:15 ONE MATINEE, 3:00 MAIL ORDERS NOW Send money and Self-Addressed Stamped Envel ope to HOWELL THEATRE SEAT SALE STARTS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10TH AT ACKERMAN-STEWART Co! D. W. Griffith's marvellous Photo-Spectacle 18,000 JfffcF&K PcOPLEnSllJu U hAH Something so great I I 4$WlfcrZ3 r J ! I 1 and wonderful that j UCyj!A LJ j describe it's worth! " J fefS S walking miles to see. I iJ I Company Carries J C I a I I lis Own SYMPHONY h f 1 N I II I k 1 ORCHESTRA of F 4 i I ( I S TWENTY PIECES NXjl THE GREATEST DRAMATIC TRIUMPH THE WORLD HAS EVER SEEN PRICES 3nnn E2 Nothing so stupendous so prodigally detailed and thrilling has ever been produced in any country in the world Will Be Shown in This City Identically the Same as in the Larger Cities. NIGHTS Lower Floor, $1.00, $1.50; Balcony, 50c, $1 00 MATINEE Lower Floor, 75c, $1.00; Balcony, 50c, 75 c NHTF D' W- GRIFFITH'S New Spectacle. "INTOLERANCE." the first and only nrn ViJ IL rsince "THE BIRTH OF A NATION." has been nroclaimp,! fh ADTfci&SH?n of the world " INTOLERANCE " is now showing at Liberty Theatre. New York i . will be pnv in VPfi for n new station. It replier! v.-ith a pn'itp "fusM. The women wote w'th a l''l'e rePone, in ponn lnr nnrli'-cp. "NTr,thine Hninp." Th r!Pnnt wqs di ""-ace, the club vro thoifht. What d'd they do whpn thev trnt the rond' renlv? O-'ve im? Het di'Cfwawed? Opt the dump? Xot-" Wt of it. They trot tip Hpnot! First, thpv aked whv tViP rnfld wouldn't hnild the much rpprH c(-tirvTi and were told it rmiMn't afoH to bnv the new sit TVio Hpi'-d c!tp m.-t ..onn. So te women -p"t tri work to pet that S.t. 000. TVip pip" wp'o rot erthup'as tic. lv't IooVp'I or tolpartU arfl r.,v n while n hpnin Vinrr he wompn rlV'n't hp"" for all th"t riorpv. T'hpv hnriripd for mn Then thev husrht the site, having the dpp'l pinoe o'it 'n the rime f tb oivii elnh. Next, they told the rail. VO'id atonpv Th roaH V...ilt fVo WOmPT ti" PTiot p; n mp-vtoi-'-l to (lpte,'niir''t'"n. and it stnd t"H"v on their own around, hpt. .ppor',i",," to Otiriils it !c thp fifct timo in ril rO1d histov th"t ciih o tViinT ip hppn done. Frniirarrp'1 fVip PlorVo ville clnh wimen contimiPd ;n ?'' endeavors ad have since spent S5.O01 more in public improvements. S" .much for ?10.noo and one little town! Arkansas club women believe in the City Beautiful. They have not found it sufficient to make clean-up week state-wide, to hob-nob with health of ficers to the ends that public and pri vate premises are clean: they must be made beautiful with bloom.' Hele na, the home of the beloved state pres ident, Mrs. Moore, hit unon somethipsr in the beautification line, which, so far as I know, is "new under the sun." The Twentieth Century Club appoint ed a chairman of rose clippings. She clipped and she clipped, and soon she had 2,000 rose cuttings. Then the club had a party called it Rose Tea and invited the town WV, on ovarii' 1 body came, he (only it was mostly she) listened with interest to an ex pert Florist (T use the capital be cause he was imported for the occa sion) who had made a specialty of rose culture and who explained how to grow roses from slips. Then the club women hostesses displayed rose slips, all neatly tied in little' bundles and labeled, and guests were told to take what they wanted as- souvenirs. Next, a college girl who had just re turned from a horticultural school near Philadelphia talked charmingly upon landscape gardening and the possibilities of transforming, by right Planting, an uglv duckling of a town into something altogether lovelv. She displayed pictures, hefore and after, as njnof. When the guests had had tea and were saying good-bv. thev nad had "snr-h a lovelv time." they f"ieo a piatp asiro- mutely for ar onenng. hvervhodv felt so hnnnv that a generous donation was Wt for 1 k- improvement, and the season uiuowmn- He'nna had ovr i.noo mnr 'osc bushes than she had the vear be- tore. In Helena rose tens will be of ,Msr recurren-P. until it rivals Lit- r-ot-K. as the Koso Citv WV,otn. .1-. 1 , e 'Kansas club wo men are interested in and thev r-re interested in everything, it seems wnen one makes a survpV of the;r wort thev arp hpnin .ix.. to aid eduction and their energies to , uiuenfv in Arkansas. The tryLydiaE.PinW,.J5? pound I took six bottli housework. I wisha't woman would try Lvdk Vegetable Compound t themselves how good it' A. KIESO, 596 North Avt 1 he great number oft timonials on file at the P oratory, many of which to time published by r! proof of the value of Li ham s Vegetable Corn trpntmont t 1 ... I" Every ailing woman fa States is cordially invited the Lydia E. I'inkham (confidential), Lvnn, ''J advice. It is free, will bri "nd may save your life. chairman of education precipitated ... .i protest When she sent out to even- clnh president in the state n 7'''!?r ,ettf"- r.ronerlv filled in 'with and humilntinT statistics Investigator., proved the chairman's ng eore-t. althou-h -nvthinr but comforting to contemplate. ' The'f -e-ation is row attemntin? to raise the standard of rural school, m by h. ZmTy, "fm,."int -ith rural tear., er.. ( ) bv inviting teachers to club women s homes for a disCUsion of JV b: offerinf sestions for ""mediate betterment of country schools, by fendine frep into " ffZr?-ln tra'ing libraries '"to rural districts. (5 bv using ev- son- education c v. . .c.i... , ""' ' workin? ' ThT u X for schoo! Purposes. of frees blWT6n Cntro1 a nur "f free scholarships over the state and for two free scholarships in the state university. They are at present wh chV fcl,,'ar;hiD dowment fund S'" 'rt. wlwi completed. .interest,. 1. mney without ! o herU?l!;0JleTf the .-me ing tne student follow- state university alumni leached. Three clubs maintain r for mountaineers, ard t; working mothers are " In Texarkana thp r-i-,K . open eight months nf i. kindergarten at an ?n-"' $650. Arkansas has no i. , the practice of midwiferr. tistics show a large pert; blindness is incident tn , ed by a midwife, club n: tering a bill to be intro: legislature Iookir.g til fr- practice. They are wori visiting nurse, for an it the feeble minced, r.ow hOUSed With tile ir!.!n advocating the cr.actmert ment and injunction law;; law of Iowa, making re-: person owning or rer.tx:' immoral purposes. CiOing back to sp'mn'; done by 400 members 'j schoolgirls' club in Fort! work in dress reform have adopted the mite SKirt as a regulation scb tabooing nartv clothes . ruffles. The 'result w:is: enrollment of noor r.'.- hitherto stavpfl nwnv fn cause they "could n'ot drs er girls" and an ircrei; ship on the part of a!! 1 girls "thought less a'fo: more about books." Cultural things of life: glected bv Arkansas i: Literature, music, art r were the four things fen twentieth annual convert state federation just It Bluff, where renorts shw tension in all these lines, libraries and rest rooks.:" children's storv hours b', tablish. Music clubs of '1 fostered the first state rJ in the South. Arkansas' of music was the first :r affiliated with the r.r.ticr:! clubs are striving to r.r credited in schools and b of regular curriculum. has beve been purchased,:: nity music has been rr.ji Arkansas in lf'l is to b wide pageant of eiwr.t:: possibilities. But with a': arts being urged we are ing for the fundaments:;.' that the Arkansas flae nr.: a state where everv bis some, where every .h:'d ! The flag of Arkansas :: women's joy. It is the A few years njo Ankara flag, an oversight discover. A. F. W. C. dele-ate? WJj biennial were asked 'ohr' to that convention. A (J held by club won'.en in signs were suhmitteil. -flag was selectevl by the at the request of the t:. adopted by the legifiat'' Its blue diamond marks it diamond state: its three the three flags it has sen stars itst number a-' to the union; its rVd " its patriots. . their flag, and tno tbp thirteen star. P'J! ' tv.a fl-ir of tre" tilt:. i.4Vt. lt:v u and pbove that thev rs:- ; the Master. Christ." 'Love hy neighbor as -v For Kilious M"" When von have a accompanied by a wj;f' loathing of food, con?t;p-. liver, vomiting of Par". food and then biie. y that you have a severe P While you may be quite mucn consolation i" lief may be had hy taM; Chamberlain's Tablets. . prompt and effectua everywhere . WouldH.!pS47t Wh,ter-what sort he In your show? DJJ" please the audience ' lously. "She oight to. Sbe r the first act." rep" porary.-St Louis X