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FRIDAY, FEBRUARY PAnir vn rnn? the pit.atka news. PALATKA. FLA- ' i 4 m is: ri h jU- February TP J . IT IS GERMANY'S MOVE. HET ALATKA- EWSj Ja hig note to the German Impe and Advertiser. ; rial government of April 18th, 1916, ' President Wilson used this language: ' Entered at the Palatka pos as j mailable matter of the second class. : Published at Palatka, Florida, on j Fridays by I RUSSELL & VICKERS. j $1.00 Per Year in Advance ; in South Second St. Phor.e Wm.A. RUSSELL, Editor. 195. : MAY MEAN WAR. On Wednesday of !a:t week the German ambassador at W ashii'-gton ; handed to the secretary of State a memorandum which in effc-ct ar.- j nounced that the German government ! would after Feb. 1st. seek to prevent j bv submarine warfare, within a zor.e j around Great Britain. France. Italy I rr.uch. cuibbling. gave her n.-omise not and in the eastern Mediterranean ell navigation, that of neutrals included, from and to England and from and to France, etc., and that all ships met within that zone would be sunk. If it is still the purpose of the Imperial Government to prose cute relentless and indiscriminate warfare against vessels of com merce by the use of submarines without regard to what the Gov ernment of the United States must consider the sacred and in disputable rules of international law and the universally recogniz ed dictates of humanity, the Gov ernment of the United States is at last forced to the conclusion that there is hut one course it can pursue. Unless the Imperial Government should now immedi ately declare and effect an aban donment of its present methods of submarine warfare aeainst pas senger and freight carrying ves sels, the Government of te Unit ed States can have no cboire but to serve diplomatic relations with the German Empire altogether. Germany grudgingly and after On Saturday, after mature deliber ation and consultation with men high in the government, President Wilson appeared before the congress and. af ter rooitatir.g the fact . said: "I think that you will agree with me, that, in view of this declaration, which suddenly and withou. prior in- :d deliberately f.mation of ar.y withdraws the so'.err.r. give in the imperial government's note of the fourth of May, V'. this govern ment ha; no alternative consistent with the dignity ar.r' honor of the United States but to take the course which, in it" note of the 1 St h of Apr::. 1916. it announced that it would take ; in tho event that the German gov- ; err.mer.t did not declare and effect an abandonment of method- of subrr.a- j rir.e warfare which it was then em ploying ard to which it now purposes , again to resort. i "I have, therefore, directed the sec- ' retarv of state to announce to his ex- , tho German ambassador that j all diplomatic relations between the United States and the German em- : pine are severed and that the Ameri- can amrjas diately be with Pacspor: to attack ocean liners without warn ing and due provision for the safety of passengers ard crew. Now, on January 31st. 1917. Ger many withdraws that nromise and serves notice that i "will after Feb. 1st, seek to prevent by submarine warfare" within certain zone?, "all navigation, that of neutrals included, and that all shins met within the zone will be sunk." In severing diplomatic relations with the Ge-man govern- i n-es;,er.t nr. wt c?rnea Itim-t'im of April ls:h. 1916. have d're n more he cou'd e no less. The next move mer.t i rut hi- e cu have do Germany's. Tis a "old week thtt doe-n't s" a few proclamations issue frm Tr.lla ' hassee. i The -i: CKV ds" owe a v-te of ks to Gov. Catt? for h:? nroelama-guara-te-in g their safety. Gov. Catf sent his regret5 to the P.otariar. Press Breakfast in Tamna Tuesday he couldn't leave Tallahas see on account of the serious ir.err.a situation. A'.! patriotic F'ori dians will prav that our governor may be given strength, to hold up under his awful strain. I Clearance Sale of Homefurnishing AFTER inventory we find that we are overstocked on many items of our line, and also we have vacate the building that we now occupy at 305 Lemon Street and haven't room at c other store to care for the stocks we now have on hand. We have to dispose of a lot of these goods before we can vacate, and have made such ductions in the prices that we are sure we shall not be delayed long in moving. If you contemplate buying any Furniture soon, you should not fail to take advantage this opportunity to SAVE FROM TEX TO FIFTY PER CENT, on your purchases. Exceptional bargains h CHIFFONIERS. CHIFFEROBES. LADIES" DESKS, DRESSING TABL DRESSERS, BRASS BEDSTEADS. BOX SPRINGS, ROCKING CHAIRS and LIBRARY SUITES. J. H .Yelver Ion , Jr. Palatka, Florida. ador at Eer'.in will irr.rr.e- r.:s pasportr. have since Patriotism? Did you ever serious !v consider what it reallv means? to hand to his i Here is a definition given by Philip IE. Hubbard: "It is apparent to the been handed : mear.ect tnat terver.t p-- to Count von Berr.storff: Ambassador j triotism is a distinctive mark o. tnose Gerard with all his staff and all Am-1 whose age. infirmities or social posi erican consuls have beer, ordered out;r- renders them ineligible for mili- of Germany. American diplomatic j tar' service interests in Berlin have been turned The Metkoist people in Orlando over to Spain; German diplomatic -1 ra:;ed Ji9.46l.30 by way of reducing teres-- :r. tr.e Lr.::eo states nave beer, taken over by Switzerland. Every agency of the American gov- swer; he calls the editor of The New; ' Be Temperate ernment has teen protect rhe count their church debt last Sunday morn ing. Rev. Mr. Ley preached on "Man and hi; Maker." and at the close of his se: rr.or. asked the congregation for "2C.W0. with the result that he got all but $335.50 of the amount asked for. And. mind you. this was s-r-ei- rbe rHsntrous set :n motion to The country against ats of German sympathizers. Thecie move? are of necessity being kept secret. With the notice of severance of re lations the United State; sent to Ber lin a demand for the immediate re lease -,' sixty-four Americans taken -rr.Tv, ?v:DS captured bv German raid- j the first column of the third page of ers in the South Atlantic. jhi Free Press of February 1st, and! Does this move on the part of Pres i tr.e morning after freeze. If some of Putnam county's desci ples of "Billy" Parke- will turn to a liar, which, considering that "Bil ly" is in Chicago, is a perfectly safe thing to do. This editor does ret care to engage in a controversy with any mar. whose idea of argument con sists entirely of ar. ability to use billingsgate or whose highest concep tion of service to mankind consists in his power to stir religious preju dice to a point where neighbor will be against neighbor and hell on earth shall be the portion of all. i r-r : - WHAT LEADING STATE -f EDITORS ARE SAYING. T ; Christian Endeavor ! Tallahassee Record: Adj. General 1 Christian is trying his best to moove the arsenal to Tallahassee. That's ! what we call a Christian Endeavor. Orlando Reporter-Star: Sir.ce the United State; has severed relations with Germany it becomes more than ever the especial care of American citizens to conduct themselves with the same "honor and dignity" which the government asserted in cutting the diplomatic tie. There are German-Americans in vir tually every community in the United t te oorr.e i m:mi will have to give its consent to a ref erendum vote of the people of the interested counties. The news is not afraid of losing any of Putnam county. Break your Cold or LaGrippe with few doses of 666. APRIL 2-JUNE 1 Writ for catalog and fu John B. Stetson I DeLAND, FLOS .na; tr.ey nave given no or i-re entitled to consideration, and deeds that might be ca! wound or orTer.d should be against. In this connect ior proper to commend the Ge: bassador von Berr.torff for :n wmch be has le ginning of the wa break b Iween Germa &r.i Words ulated to ' guarded : it seems man am- the man- performed hi-ta-!-:s sir.ce the r. When the y and the L' ' ed gov ar.K.v tnat eft for this expressed hi arTairs. Thi exrressior.s ?: ernment came, r there was r.oth government to sorrow at the is hardly the :e would expect ider.t Wilson me a are war? The chances hat it does, but not necessarily. As showing the consensus of opin ion in these United States Tr.e News in this does not propose to give its own opinion. Instead it is going to a man of an opposite politi cal faith; a mar. than whom no other stands higher for patriotism in all this country: one who suffered defeat for the presidency at the hand? of the man whom he is now pledging the American people to follow William Howard Taft. In ar. address in Washington last Friday night before the League to Enforce Peace. Mr. Taft said: "In her campaign against her ene mies. Germany proposed ruthlessly to wage war upon the property and lives of neutrals in flagrant violation of :he began with Bel- includes . , . ... . .u lc' : react tnat ueiter irora me u-..:. i... , which denounces God, the Bible and all I Christian teachings, a letter that its author acknowledged he had never. ! through repeated efforts, been able ; to get published before, it is just pos- j sible that they will have sufficient ; self-respect left to abandon their de- ! cipleship before it is everlastingly too ' late. The letter In question is the most blatantly blaspremous diatribe this editor has ever seen reduced to ; Safer to Raise Stock in Dade Miami Metropolis: There will be a number of lessons to draw from the cold weather that has done Florida such financial injury one of the wisest of which is the warning it enemy der - avoid is well e state : ing else do and tur-n of; kind of from ar. ir.t we trust that the D-esi-ehef in Ge-many's desire to : :r.vas:or. of American rights founded. . Still in the Ring Lakeland Telegram: gives to farmers not to put a.! tr.eir . to the citrus fru:t m efforts and money into one crop, and present cold snap car.r the argument it offers for the estab- curately estimated. b lishment of stock farms in the sec- The damage o.e. out not to ca discouragement or. the ran engaged in citrus growing. The sta pie crocs of other States corn, wheat eats frequently meet with greate disaster, through flood, drought other clima'ic conditions, than carnage to Fior:da's citrus cron bv the cold. Yet no one ever thinks of fbandor.irg the growing of these cron because of such advers::e I- Pa'. ia very few years nass without Gov. Catts paper projects wou.d j more or less :n;urv to the citrus crop shorten the voyage from the Gulf to . bv cold: but the Califomiar.s stick to the Atlantic by a thousand miles. the game. and. taken yesr in and vear The Ocala Star." which has a habit of j ut. it cays. The curtailment of next turning the pitiless light of fact on such ill-considered statements, says the canal would r.-.t shorten the voy age more than 150 miles, and cites the map to prove its contention. As -he Manufacturers' Record estimate tions of Florida where Ganger freezes are most risky. rom ot yet be ac is considera- ;ndu t h o s f- their rights. : gium. She now -1 Ou indefensible ing of more cent Ame: ic; cordoned in v a repetition, withdrawn a pose atior.a: eor.scier 'Billy" Parker in his Free Press of last week "answered'' an attack on himself and his un-American methods which appeared in The Palatka News i several weeks ago under the caption "A Sower of Discord." The Free : Press publishes the Palatka News editorial in its entirety, for which ... .Vo-l. T. :r- J.iatf a v.f- ; ficer.t refutation of his own "answer." : However, there is at least one state- prone state-; of or the hem all ?e is vo:u o Her cruel an withou". warn- to "our ignorance of history," which hundred ; should not go unnoticed. The New; Lusitani mer.t of fact which "Biliv" attributes Catts" Paper Project Lakeland Telegram: How are Deocle to make off-hand ments that will not stand the te the most cursory investigation. The statement has been made that the Are You Thinking of AIarriai TART your wedded life right. The young man wh; templatmg matrimony should bank his he has furn'shed his home he should have s:i::c'- aside for possible adversitv. Wedded life -.ean responsibility for him. The prospective bridegroom s." a bank account today. It nreans happiness in the f'-re gladly explain our banking system. East Florida Savings S Tru season s cr--n wi.l merelv moan hiehe' rrlce for the oranges which are i The difference betwocn K ;k m.r. r, trio ncor m 'need, and wli not rn-.-e!a',v Vssor .... ,. ' ' I r,& I I 1 .1 iL H 1 1 ve i uiic Knew now to ave ana tne oinci v.- amount of mcnev State. ugr.t into the cos ions, it vear. r.f the cro:et at ten m:i: wlll hardlv be started this Tha she tne her pie ige agai; it pledge is r. vows ner r hocking eour said tb.e h-mn. "Lead. Kindly Light," I was written, by a Roman Catholic. "Billy" says it "was written by a j protectant preacher who had been of fered to he made a cardinal of the If war is to come between us she ' Roman Catholic church." Now what the rgress-.r. are the facts? Let the into the Cvelocaedia decide. It says: "John We would avoid being draw: European vortex by every honorable Henry Newman. D. I'.. religious lea concessioon. If she force; us into it she will do so by her defiance of plain principles of justice and humanity which should obtain between civilized nations. "The responsibility hich now rests on the president and congress is very heavy; they should know and do know that the American people will back them to the end in their decision. My God girt them food deliverence.' er. b. in London in 1501; took Angli can orders 14: was a lead er in the propaganda of High Church doctrines; rapidly developed hia ten dencies toward Roman Catholicism; In 1345 joined the Ro man Catholic priesthood; was made a cardinal in 18T9; died at Birmingham in 1S90." Of course The News cannot answer "Billy" any farther, for there is nothing to an- v. An Excuse to Abandon War- Tamna Tribune: What m the formal severance relations is croblema Sees of the United St at all points. Ur.ouestionab.y P'esident received the pledges c er neutral power, whose commerce is : threatened eouallv with ours, -hat , thev would take the same position a , the' United States. This means that; n.-mar.v wHl loe all friendly re'.a- ; tions with every nation on earth ex nf tKnse allied with it as beliger er.ts Work Begins at Hastings Work has eorr.rr.errM st U ::,.. 1 on the three and a half mile -trefh. ;of road that is to be paved v.-ith i brick. A gang of prisoner", u'de ollow ' f-oad Superintendent Maddox.'i's cad- of dinlomatic: 'r.g tr.e road and the farmers of Ha- tical. Germany t' are the .e frlendlv of-1 er or road, -o-.varcs t're wet i. te5 government -3 e'. am ma er:a! for t is arriv.rg. ?t y. ord. MANN-HODGE SEED CO. Seed and Poultry Supplies 121 S. 2nd St. PALATKA, - FLORIDA re Rec-' Hastings People Ambitious. Over at Hastings there are a number i ; o. amtiitious peop.e: they wart to i ; maice a new county ard have the town j rise to the digT.ity of a county seat, i With this in rr.irH ). In truth, it will then have he . measures to swin r,; . world against it and perhaps that Johns county and a piece of Putnam was the obiect in view in the pro-; county, splice "em together ard make mulgation of its latest cec:ra-..Un a new county. Thev have already intentions. With all the powers ar-, prepared a petition to this effect So rayed aeainst it. there would be some j far no one from Putnam county has excuse for abandoning the war and j signed the petition, fa order to suing for peace. 1 achieve this loneir.e, the legislature Brok V H'- Duplicated w.u , - Jt. M Mctved PUTNAM PHARM PALATKA. FLORIDA Drugi, Chemicali, Druggist Sundrie and r PfBSORIPTIONS OARtrULLY COMPOUND FRF.RH GARDEN BEKD. Aftntl MHory W ! i