OCR Interpretation

The Punta Gorda herald. [volume] (Punta Gorda, Fla.) 1893-1958, December 24, 1908, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Florida

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95047324/1908-12-24/ed-1/seq-6/

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eseeeseseeeeseeN eseeeseseeeeseeNF
L wA W v CJFIHm OlV1CICunmoved CJFIHmUnmoved
Unmoved to tl Hunk JlnlUlliig JlnlUlliigFire JlnlldloRFire ItntldingFire
Fire Insurance Agent AgentINHUHK AgentINH11IlE Agenir
11 llUllNOU7 URN 0 0UT UT TOMOJMU TO1l011IWWlloltounU TOVUIiRU1Vltapresents W Wlleprettnli
lleprettnli the hrgeit and nJ itrungeit itrungeitIniuunco ItrlJngoltInluranco BrungeilInsurance
Insurance Comptnlei In the world worldActnii worldtllll worldAetna
Aetna tllll Continental tlrnrpool and andLondon nntlLondon andLondon
London Iruvlilenco WaHhliiRtua WaHhliiRtuaN WuhingtonNew
N Ne New w york Uiiilerwrltcrt Norwich NorwichUnion NoraciaVnlonMllliona NorwtctlUnionMllfons
Union VnlonMllliona Million surplus I la Iay jr loneImmediiteljr lone lahuImmedilioly Ionemmedutely
Immediiteljr Hit 11 ill Mr 1nrrlngtoni 1nrrlngtonilid
and lid Gall Ollchrlit OUchrhllnurlnca Iniurtnce biiilneii biiilneiilargo bltlne bltlneLargo busineuLargo
largo Vault Accomodatioi AccomodatioiLOCAL AceomodatioaaOOeeee010eeeee AccomodatlonlLOCAL
OOeeee010eeeee ee eeLOCAL
Vurloim rluu It Rents m lurnered from This n nOther t tOther Inti Intinlhol
Other Klf 11111111 WieldsVhnt > l1 Wlmt > Our People PeopleAre IMllleAre leopleAre
+ Are lining liningMerry Unln UnlnMorr lningMurry
Merry Morr Christum to all3aront all allHuron ultHuroll
Huron 3aront WlioNiild Who Huhl llnrco llnrcoHoiMon BnrcoinNtn1 htrcoHfI
HoiMon HfI tCllI LiulloB Motulny Mondn night nlfntGuy nlHhtGUY nightGuy
Guy Hirvyimi IhlVurdnt of Arcadia wan wutthe 1 1thn In Intho
the city lIy lust Frklav FrklavIturcol FridnvB0rco1 rldnvHnreol
Iturcol Do you say Ilurco IlurcoThe UurcoIho lnrcoIho
Iho Masonic Lod LodSo o moots lnoets1uesd lnoets1uesdnight Titasdn Titasdnnlnlit lneslluy lneslluy111ht
night for litBtiillntlol of olllcors ollicorsOnly olllcorsOnly olI1corsOnly
Only 20c 2 c for 0 J P Golgnra O clgnrs at R RKiiiBstr RKingstf M Mltlnjstf
KiiiBstr KiiiBstrTho KingstfIho
Tho Boston Ladles Quartott w wIjo will wb0
Ijo hero flea 28th 28tliKull 28thl 28thbull
bull l ull lino fresh ouwlioB onldl081IoOlol onldl081IoOlolland cundiosMcOblane McOlo McOloland
land Co CoOol JoCol
Ool 0 C Morgan of Fort lr1r Opjdc Opjdcwan O Ogdwas don donwas
was a hnslnoss visitor hero yosto yostoday yostorduy yOStdny
I ISovorttl I ISevornl
Several good homos hor os for sale chon chonJ ollonp ollonpJ ohonJ
J S Goit8tf Goit8tfMrs Goff Goff8fMrs tf tfMrs
Mrs G R Godwin of Tampa ai airlvod nr nrrived a aCdr
Cdr rlvod in tho olty last Saturday Bnturdaywend t teppnd to toJj1fnd
wend eppnd UlirlitintiB OhrI Inua with rolatlvos rolatlvosSoo IolntvoflSoo rolativoaBoo
Soo tiioso elegant now stylo suits suitsn c cR nt ntR
R 0 JUounts JUountsHon lllollntslion HlountsHon
Hon Cyril Baldwin tax oollocto oolloctooloct oolloetOleloct colloctR
R oloct of DoSoto county was mlnglln mlngllnwltlj mlullInRwIth minglitwith
wIth his frlondB horo Monday MondaySix MondBYSix MondaySix
Six Punta Gorda clears 2Go 2 2t o nt R RM I IM I IM
M KltiKs Itln ICIngstt ICIngsttMr stt sttMr tt ttMr
Mr R B Armstrong Arm tronK was amount amounttho nm1llllItthe anumgtho
tho vlbltorH In tills thlsolty city from Aroadl Aroadlono Aroodluono Aroadono
ono day last week wookSuits weoleSult weekSuits
Suits for small boys nobby sty11at styles Btyjoat stylesat
at R C 0lUounts10 0lUounts10Henry mounts Blouttt10Henry 10 10Honry
Henry Kllno n Confederate vo yeorun vooranof vet vetoran
oranof oran IIf Marlon county spout lai laiFriday la8lirldny laFrtday
Friday In this olty cityIHg oltyUlK oltylJIR
UlK lino of frosh pure penny cal oatidlos onndlos caldlos
dlos at J S SOoffs GoilB urooory RrooOly41 RrooOly41Mr 44 44Mr
Mr E T1 I 1 TDiiKRurd of Ocala spot bponlaot spotlast lont lontJnbt
last Friday and Saturday horo In th thintoreHt tho tho1ntorellt tl tlintorest
intoreHt of tho uuvul IInvnlatoroB stores Industry IndustryLatest llIllustryLntf1st I1duetrLatest
Latest stylos In fall and white whiteclothing wlutCluthing I liter literoluthlnK
clothing at R C 0131ounts 0131ountsMr Blounts BlountsMr llIountsMr
Mr R L Rowland ouino dow dowfrom down downtrumDnrtow dowiruna
from trumDnrtow Barlow lust Sunday to sponChristmas span spanChristinas spend spendChrilltmns
Christmas with wl h his hllllnmUy lamlly at ntHurbor ntHurborVlow Hurbo HurboVlow HurbcVlow
Vlow VlowFor VlowFor w wFor
For Christmas Chrl tl11ns flracraoknrs see seeB J J JS
8 Goif Ontr40td Ontr40tdJ 40td 40tdJ 4OcdJ
J W Jordan ono of tho llnotyp llnotypoperators lInot ltnotvpoporators lo looporators
oporators for Davlos Publishing Co CoVost 00Wost o o1Vost
Vost Palnl Beach onmo homo las taeiaturdny lasSaturday Instntlltdnyto
Saturday to spend OhjUtmus OhjUtmusChooolatOB OILl O1 fstmas fstmasChocolatos tmus tmusChooolnt08
ChooolatOB 25o toGOilu toOO poundMcClolland pound poundMo poundMoOlol1l1nd Mo MoClolland
Clolland Co CoMr CoMr CoMr
Mr and Mrs R W Cromwell o oLynohburg of ofLynohburg oLynohburg
Lynohburg Va and Mr chester ChoBteVolso chesterWelso ChosteWolso
Volso of St Louisnro Louis nto guostoat gu guo8t trnt at tinhomo tin thohomo stn stnhomo
homo of Mr U C Washington WashingtonIB WBshltl on onIs n nIsltt
IB Isltt Itchlllsorfovor tennis or fovor Planks OlnlTonlo Olnl 011111Tonlo ChtlTonto
Tonlo guaranteed Is io tocuro2 curo2Ilyr curo2IlyrMrs euro 25lyr 25lyrMrs lyr lyrMrs
Mrs F T Perkins who has boor boorvisiting boenvIsiting boatvisiting
visiting her daughter Mrs C ARobinson A ARobinson ARQblnson
Robinson In Lakeland returned tc tcliar tohor t tliar
liar homo horo last Sunday SundayBUggles Sunday13ngglee funduylfRles
BUggles lfRles wagons and harness totsale tot fotfialo torsaloRt
sale saloRt at Gods G offs City Llvory stable14tl stable14tlMiss stablo 1411 1411Miss
Miss Lennlo HponoolftlRno Hponeonolrolast horns hornslast honiillBt
last llBt Saturday from St Josephs JosephsAcademy JosophsAoadomy JosephsAcademy
Academy In InBt JnStAuguetlno St Augustine to epond epondtho spondthu sp nd I
thu holidays holidaysBig holidaysDigroduotion holidaysBig
Big Digroduotion reduction in charges for ploy Jliioyole ployole I
ole work at Stroblinrs Strobharsshop shop Hous Housoa HousoU Houscu
oa to ront ront46tt ront46ttMrH font46tfMr 4Gtf 4GtfMr I
Mr MrH H W V Smith with two of his hisllttld 115littld I
lIttld sons loft Iuodaysmorning Tuodnys morning for forLevy lorLevy forLeyy
Levy county to spend Christmas Christmaswith 0lmstmll8with Christmaswith
with his father fatherFOB futhorFon fathercolt
FOB RENT R NrFurnished Furnished Furnl hed cottago of of4roomB of4roomsApply
4roomB 4roomsApply 4 Apply to Alplno AlpltloR8taul AlpltloR8taulnnt Itestautant Restaut Restautnnt =
nnt Mrs J JO O JohnsMrs Johns JohnsMrs JohnsMrs
Mrs Geo P Davis and son Car Carroll C Carroil r rroll
roll are sojourning nt Doca Grando Grandonod Grandonnd Grando Grandoand
nod enjoying tho th Gulf breezes surf surfbathing surfba surfbathing I
bathing ba thinK and and fishing flshingCity tlshltigOlty fishingCity
City livery stablosafe Btablo Rtnblos safo to and rolla rolfablo rollabio rollablo
blo as woll as stylish saddle and andbuggy nnelbUfUtY andbuggy
buggy horsesJ S Golf proprfl proprflMrs propr6Mrs proprIMrs
Mrs T C Campbell l1l1mpbollof of Tampa Tampacame Tam Tamcame Tampacame
came came over Sunday to spend tho hoi hoiIdays Irolidavs ho1Ida
Ida Idays s with hor parents plorentsIMrand4Mrs plorentsIMrand4MrsO parontsMr < Mr andJMrs and1MrsC1liogor
0 C1liogor C1liogorttltlrlt Mogor MORorIt
ttltlrlt tlrrr0 tlrrr0e
It rti D
e Ycr ts a
Mr F FM M Parkor Parlorof of Tampa n ft ftmor tor tormor I Imor
mor Laobhurff friend of yo odltiwas editor editorwus odllwas
was among tho btisliioRB visitors visitorsthe vlsltorsthe In Intho
the olty Tuesday TuesdayServices luonciotyServices JuorsdlyServlcos
Services in tho JSpUqopnl J ohm olmrcovory ohuroh ohurohovors ohmovary
ovary Sunday night at 700 ooloolc oclockMrs ooloolcMrs ooloolcMrs
Mrs J A Lostlo has boon spot sponIngsovoriil spond spondInRsevorul spoting
Ingsovoriil ing sovorni days In the olty will willher whllo whlloher wlr wlrtier
her husband has boon gettingmutter getting i imatter up upmutter
mutter for tho Tampa TampnJrlbtmo Tribune sp spolal spo spoolal sl slclnl
olal DoSoto county edition editionBarcot odltonDlrcol editionI3nrcot
Barcot Aety As MoClolland MoClollandIt
It will be of IntoroBt to tho mat matfriends mntlY mntlYtrlonds ma mafriends
friends of Victor H Knight in It th thpart thlR thlRpurt ti timutt
part of DeBate county tp know k uow tin tinho tli tliho thut thutho
ho was recently oleotod county countyturnoy n ntornoy nt ntturlley
tornoy of Hlllsborough county countyGotyour oouutyGot countyGotyour
Gotyour Got your fall and wlntor tinUorwoi tinUorwoiat tluUorwonrnt tu11 > orwc orwcat
at R C Blounts BlountsJ
J G Moyrlok of tho firm of Mojrick Mo Morick Moj Moyrlok
rick and Stmuglmn lumber iii ulbor dealer dealerIB tlonlois I
IB taklnga a vacation VIIOUtJOIIIIII1 and has gone goolIrutnusvlltc I ITlionuiHvllle to to1humn
TlionuiHvllle 1humn vllle Ga to spend Chris Chrismas Chllstmu CIItImss
mss mu with rolatlvosNuts rohitlvoB rohitlvoBNuts I
Nuts rulslns rlll lns eta tu for Christmas ChrlstmaHtJ ChrIst 111111 lit
J 8 Ouf1tttclMessrs Guilutd GuilutdMossrs GolIlIttiMOlIsrs
Mossrs B C Washington WlIshlnRtolllllld and tutuIt M MR
R W Cromwell loft Sunday nlgl nlglfor IIlftht IIlfthtInr nigfor
for u WOOKU visit vl lt to totO Key Wos WastIhey WosThey 1VoitInoy
They wont via Hohoonor from Pol PolMyoiB lIt lItMYOLS Fri FriMyorg
MyoiB and RJtllultlollltu anticipate u pleasant trl trlOld trIp trIpOld tr trow
Old newspapers nOVfsJlIIItrst 1000 000 for 100 CC CCfor G Gfor OO OOfor
for OUo 000 utTiiH ut IllI HiJUAM 1Ii nnrn ofllco ofllcoIf 0fi100If oflcoIf
If you wish to t scatter Boods 80010kindness c ckindness ot otklndllo
kindness s this Christmas wliorthey wlior wherothoy wholthey
they will do to much good and nut bo b higli higlily hlJhI higllv
ly I appreciated pay your subsorl subsorltion BUbsorlp BUbsorlptlon 8ubsorlptloll
tlon to THH IJIl HBUAM > Dont walfor wRit wRitror Wa Wafor
for n bill to bo sent youharness you youHarnesswagons youHarnoss
Harnesswagons harness wflHonR and buggies I Isalo tr tr8nlo fsale
sale nt J13 J S f Goll8 livery 11 very stanlo tatllo8 stahlo8Messrs tatllo8MOlisrs 8 8Messrs
Messrs H E Snow and trndP T r E Brv Brvan nrr nrrnil Itr Itrnn
an of Tampa spout Inst Friday am amSaturday BI1II BI1IISutllrlluy anButurduy
Saturday In this city They cum oamiover 011110oyor cumuvor
over in tholr automobile in who whlclthey whlohthoy whothey
they are making a business tour o oouth of ofSouth r r3outtr
South outh Florida FloridaNloo JlorldRNloo FloridaNlco
Nloo Una of boys knee pants suitU8t stillust suit BultsJust
Just U8t received at R C Blounts Illounts10 Illounts10Thn lO lOTho toTho
Tho next of our ur course of Lyoautntortninmonts Lyooun LyoounMitortalnmontswill Lyoallmcntertulnmonts
cntertulnmonts Mitortalnmontswill will boon he PII Doc 28tl 28tlvhon 281hwhol1 28t1vhou
vhon tho Boston Ladles QuartotI11 Quartet Quartetwill QUllrtottwill
will I11 bo hero horoFor herol loreFor
For l or tho latest stylos in 11 fall ant antvlntor Bud Budwlntor an anvntor
vlntor clothing clthhl go 0 to R 0 OUloullt OUloulltIt Blount BlountIt
It will now bo an easy OIB matter foi foiitrnngors tor8tmll1OrS fuItraligors
itrnngors to find thu postofllco 1111 II t ofi1co whet whetn whollIn
In n our olty sInon PootinaBtor 1ln tmRlltor Mlzollas Mlzol lUzolIhas Mizolras
has las had a noat little sign painted paintedi pl1LntedUlld palnteltad
Ulld i nil placed In a position extending extendingivor oxtondlnovel oxtondinoval
oval the sidewalk In front of theost the thopost tb tbLost
post > Lost office door doorLost donrLo doorLest
Lost Lo t you forgot tor et I say Crox again againn lI nll nll1IIIIIIItthlR8
mattings n and I1nt rugs luJKII II 0 Gold Golditolu GoldsteIn Goldtam
steIn steInGlIll1un itoluGordon tam tt ttGordon
Gordon Liberty who has hls1 bootnnohing boon boonntiohlng > ool1 ool1tOllohlng
ntiohlng school at Holiiondorf this thleounty thisoounty tillaunty
aunty completed tho regular term termast torm118t tornnet
net Friday and returned to hliIotno hit hitmnio hilihOLlIO
hOLlIO mnio Iotno horn Saturday Ho will ro romain r rmllln rraula
main horo until next fall when lie lieixpecta h hxpects heoxpeets
ixpecta to go 0 awuy to College collegoBig oulloROBIg CollegeBig
Big stock of tho latest styles and andtest IIl1db08t anc ancost
test wearing wlntor shoos at R C CMounts OBlllunts 0ilounts
Mounts BllluntsNow MountsNow ilountsNow
Now Is tho time to guard against againstIroB Ulfalnsttlro8 ngafnstros
tlro8 IroB ros shotguns and rattlesnakes rattlesnakesho
Ihe ho small boy with his flro flrocrnckor flrocrnckoran ornckel ornckelall
cnll an eaolly start a conflagration oontln tltlon tho thoaroless thocnrolos8 tlrctrcloss
aroless pportsman seems alwaysout always alwaysout alwnYRbent
bent out on kllllng klllingahl klllin jils companion or orImsolf orhlll1solf oritnselr
Imsolf and u ruttlofnakd killed ntan n aion nmun
mun ion at Kissimmeo I < last Friday FridayJust FrhJnyJU8t FridayJust
Just received a carload of mat matcoses mnttrollses
trollses coses Prices ranging from 200 20012GO 200to 200i
to > i 12GO 1260H 260H H C ef Y GoldstoluGOtt GoldstoluGOttFon Goldstein COtf COtfFon
Fon RENT RI T Comfortable 7room 7roomottago 7root1cottago 7roonittago
ottago furnished complete front fronttig tronthI frnntiR
hI tig iR the bay in Solatia SolnuRApply Apply to M MI MM MGABTON48
M I GA8TON48 GASTONt84tHon 4t 4tHonWIMotcalfof 4tHon
HonWIMotcalfof Hon W V I MetoaU of West Palm Fainteach Palmleach PalUlDench
leach Great Bnohom pf tho Im Imroved 1mprovodOrdorof Imovod
provodOrdorof roved Order of Red Mon of Floridaado Florida Floridalade Florldnmndoan
mndoan lade an ofllolal visit to Myakkn Myakknribo MyulckTribe MyakkaIbo
Tribe ribo Ibo of this olty Tuesday TllosdBand and astad as asibted 8 8slhted
slhted ibted tad in Boll o oetogroo degree work at atmeeting a alooting aeeting
looting that night uIKhtMr Mr I ttcalf is isudgo Istdgo IsJudgo
udgo of tho Criminal Crlu lnnl Court of oftocord 01Record ofcord
Record cord otDado of Dildo countyFolt county countyFon oountyFon
Fon BALE SALEOM Ono tnodlum sized sizedind olzedwind sizednd
wind ind nd mill ono largo rofrlgorptornnd rofrlgorptornndno refrlROrL refrigoretor tor and andone ando
one no o lars heating stovo with pipe pipeiquiro pi pipequiro po poInqulro
iquiro of Mrs F D Bob Roblnson4fltf Roblnson4fltfFOB ason 4atf 4atfmolt
FOB SALE In Bolana Solannl3lxroom Solannl3lxroomoottlljCO Solanablx Sixroom Sixroomttago room roomttago
oottlljCO > ttago with Ith two acres of land clear cleari olearodulld clearanti
odulld i and foncod i S0110 BO IO orango nod andrapofrult nodRrnpolrQltj nodnpofrult
rapofrult good barn and shed shedplondld shedSplondld shiedlondid
plondld londid location ono block from fromly tromblY fromy
blY ly y good water Will soil cheap cheapisli oheapcnsh
cnsh isli 91 or terms Address N N Nrokoflold NWakotlold Nakoflold
rokoflold 853 B 3 Banana St Jackson Jacksontie I
vllle tie he Fla FlaMr FlaUr FlaIr
Mr Ir W A Jackwith Jack with his wife ar artrod IIrrlvod ared
rlvod trod ed from Boston Mass and will willend willApend willtad
Apend end two or throe weeks with his hisirents Illsparonte lnlsrente
paronte irents Mr r and Mrs MrBJ J Jack nnd andlot nndhot nndothorrolaflve8
othorrolaflve8 hot lot relatives This is his first firstsit firstvisit firstit
visit sit it to Punta Gorda since throo throoare throoyears threetrs
years are ago and ho h has many friends friendsiro tria ds dshero dse
hero iro e who have boon delighted dolightodat dolightodatIng at atolng ntsoelng
soelng olng Ing him s s
A Ouociiiful M Man Mane ni Story of tho W Way WayH Wa WaHe i iH
He H Won Wealth WealthTho Wealthrho WealthThe
The late Ira D Sankey SaD k01 SAid eaidBrooklyn a aBrooklyn t tBrooklyn
Brooklyn clergyman attributed a parof par parof part partof
of his success to tact roctto to tbo facult facultof taculty tacultyot faculqof
of pleasing people Ho used to toll i istory r rstory n netory
story In llluatratlon of tacts greo greopower Great Greatpowe grcalpower
powerMr power powerMr
poweMr Mr Sankcy according to the tale talemot talemet talomet
met on the he street ono day a man lie liehadnt bohadnt hochadnt
hadnt seen for two years yearsWhy yellrsWhy yearswhy
Why Bold tho man how well wellyouro woUyouro veilyoure
youro looking Sankcyt 8ankeylYou SankcytYou BllnkoylYou
You too are looking well said saidMr saIdMr saidMr
Mr Sankoy And two years ago you youwcro youwere youwere
were quite out at tho elbow while now uowyou nowyou nowyou
you nro clothed in purple and lluo lln Ilnon llnon i
on Como home to dinner with me mewont mewont mewont
wont youGladly you youIf t tOlndly
If Gladly suld tho ho other and they theywent tbeywent theyWent
went to dlno dlnoDuring dlnoDuriug dineDuring
During dinner Mr Sankcya guest guesttalked guesttalked guesttalked
talked agreeably of his 120 horsepow horsepower ¬
er racer Ills wifes limousine and Lila bisdnuKhtcrfl Liladaughters blsdaughters
daughters husband tho carl It de developed developed do1cloped ¬
veloped in fact that ho was n multi multimillionaire multlmillionaire mulUmUllounlre
millionaire millionaireAnd mUllounlreIf millionaireAnd
If And yet two years unrll ago Mr tr San 8nnkey Sankey Bnnkey
key said you wero as poor as a achurch nchurcH achurch
church mouse Toll luc how did you youninnago youmanage youI1Inlinso
manage ninnago U UBy JU JUDy itDy
Dy means of tact replied tho thoguest thoguest theguest
guest I suddenly took to being tact tactful tacttul tactful ¬
ful and tho results woro marvelous marvelousI
I never neglected l1eglectedon on meeting an ac acquaintance IICqualntanco aequalntaueo ¬
quaintance to say How Well you are arolooking IIrolooldngl arelookingi
looking The acquaintance would uld bo botremendously botromondously hotrotneudoualy
tremendously pleased Ho would In Invito Invito n nVito
vito mo homo to dlnnor ho would In Introduce Introduco n nIroduco ¬
troduce me to all his Influential friends friendsand friendsand
and ho hI would give mo valuable tips tipsand tillsnUll tipstad
and pointers Naturally 1 soon bonmo bo boocaUlo bemmo
nmo rich very ory rich rich enough to toretire toretire totire
retire111h0I1 retire retireThen tire tireThou
Then the guest looked at his watch watchuid untchulld watchuud
uid roso rosoUut rosoOut roseTint
Out 1 really must bi going ho homid beHuld hoold
mid Tlmuk lIonl you OU my In dear Bnnkoy for forui tornil
nil ui excellent dinner Ooodby o 0011 b How Howtroll Uowwell flowroll
troll vnnrc lIntl looking IookingICincinnati Cincinnati En fatnirrr Enttiwn Enculrll
culrll culrllfirtll nirrriota
ttiwn iota MHil 0I 11 Hiiirar lIlIII oniin 01111011 a fewundrotl few fewlumlrod rowhllntlro1
lumlrod tiill IIIIIUI fur nulc Nu 10Will Will bn bnronnd hI111 horoan01
ronnd up 111 iidiM1 fI thin wnnk At Atimlih At1rlth At6mll
6mll imlih h hiUtry iciy It ItDtitilliiitiiiir ItJ1I11111IUhV Itint1Iintltti
Dtitilliiitiiiir hill honkn for dally dallyiiloi IlullyIItll dallytilt
IItll iiloi tilt t nt 11101111111 I1hhi hiini tv primm niay he h had hadmm hlldfrlll1
frlll1 mm 1111 IIIH llHiuiiU I > in Mhnrt no nolot 10tlo
tlo lot n I
For Same < < Money MoneyThe lUon y yThe
The DeSoto Manufactory CoAr Co CoAr COAI11
Ar AI11 + Now Soiling SoilingCoupon SoilingCoupon SellingCoupon
Coupon Books as Follows rollowsCoos
200 20011111 HIM 20 20couii Coupons coupons COUIIIIJ ns nsm S 05 100 100SiiO
SiiO 3 O 82 150 160 160IOOD
040 89 89ono SOU 8 00 820
ono 9 O B2 B2COO 450 480
1600 COO 39 2 750 0 800 800hen
1200 r when ± hen u taken nn In io 12 1210 5 > nn uw 110 MO ° 1iou 1iouThe 12 1280 on onlotnof 80
lotnof IoU or too Ibl lb lbor IVsor
or moreThe more moreThe
The Old Coupon Bookswill Books Booksivill Rookswill
will bo used until pruHont supply
a oxliiiustod l hut > ut ahovo quantities
if f ice will bo delivered from wa wain wage wagein <
in 1 on coupon luiokri now in use usoAll usnAll useAll
All cases of ba ballHorvico bad < l worvico < or ir inat inattention inltlentio inattontion ¬
tention of employees will willlt receive receiveirompt receivorompt ceivo
attention nttenl ion if reported to toJohn toJohn
John H Forrington MgrChamberlains Mgr NgrCfiamberlains MgrChamberlains
Chamberlains Cough Remedy RemedyCure
Cure curuCotds Colds Croup and Wtiooptag WbooplugCotiah WbooplugCotiahI CoughS Cough
+ w1 r + r S + rr + + + r
r +
Only comes once each
year yenrand yeargild I Innd
and we tc nre nlwny al wa i prepared preparedJ pr pnrcd pnrcdto
J v to to furnish you with with those thoseuseful thoseuseful thosetiseful
useful ns well its beautiful beautifulthings beautifl11things bcnutifillthings
things which make such suchAppropriate
r rAppropriate r rAppropriate
Appropriate Presents PresentsWe
We will open up our our line line in n few ew days so be bei besure besure
i sure to wait before bef befotfc le selecting anything until untilj untilywi ntil ntilyeA1
j you see ours oursS ourSe oursc
c e S Our line of Men and Boys BoysI BoysL
L I Clothing is unsurpassed 1Insru pllsscl Wo Worepresent W Wrepresent
represent 1 Schlods s Bros forMens forMensi for fell8 Mensclothing fell8o
i 0 clothing and all good dressers dressersT drcssersT ciressersrecognize
recognize thorn as the leading leadingclothing lendingclothing
T clothing house in iii America J We WeH WetI WeFl
H tI have l nve also just received a line lineII finohne fiiieline
II line of ofi oft 1 1I
11 Nj
in the plain and knickorhockor ImiokOlbocltolQ lulickoi uoekor uoekorci i
J Q styleLadies style styleLadies styleLadies
Ladies Skirts and Coats CoatsWe
We have already al ready done a l record breaking busi business business BusiBcss ¬
ness in these and have a 1 nice line loft for your yourselection yourselection yourselection
selection If you OU should want a tailormade suitwe suit suitwe suitwe
we will get tlw for you youDress youDress youDress
Dress Goods Goodsand Goodsand Goodsand
and Trimmings TrimmingsWe T rimrriingWe 1 1We
We have a good line of there in the latest novel novelties novelties noveltics
ties and colors nlso a lovely line of Ladies La ies I Fancy Fancyollars ancy ancyCollars nncyollnrs S
Collars ollnrs Neckbands Belts Etc Have just reedy reedyI receiv receivd rcceivId
Id I d a large and beautiful beautifullinu line of Ruching as this is isused isused isused
used so much now you can be more than pleased at atour atour itour
our selection selectionDonl seloctionDont S 5 5Dont
Dont fall to Jocomc come Io us for anything found In a firstclass Dry DryGoods DryGoods DryGoods
CAS CASwo Cli 0
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Ilnanimotisly I nnnhnollsly i i Iu > P PA v vA I r rA
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1 Willis Villi liiivinj Imvill and not mirtlonlnrH IIlIrtlcnllllIIJOtf IIlIrtlcnllllIIJOtflIl1ing prtrtluulnrsrlntfnllin intf intfUtilling
Utilling nllin oilicur < ri riSMITH 1 1JhIITU M MLTlr
JhIITU SMITH Act Clorlc J 1ntranizo Jn tioniKoUKHALumlvorlifiorfi tioniKoUKHALumlvorlifiorfiYOUl tlni o IhmAr1 > zaivCrlieurL zaivCrlieurLi zaivCrlieurLvout ml VCti80IS VCti80ISl VCti80ISYOU
YOU YOUlIt vout voutIt
It U I not of ofI ofLo ofI
Lo LoI Healthy Liver Makes MakesA
I Bin oellli oellliEnt selllEnl
lfow Enl EntDlwijndt Enllfow U1 t1 t1i A Well Man ManTTMM
Dlwijndt DlamtndAO eaa
i ithat
that thatI thati I
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ee0e fBCT iCT pcr LIVER MIDICIHB KNOWN Do not fill your system syoteroith systemWith system1th
With ith Calomol Arsenic or Quinine HEIBINE Is a uuaran uuaraned swatanm guarancure
m Qied ed cure for all diseases produced by a TORPID LIVER LIVERid LIViahd LIVERgild
gild hd id IMPURE BLOOD It will euro o re MALARIA without lear learjlrifir leayJ leanB
B jlrifir J g any oMha of the deadly effects of many drugs used forthw forthwstlpatloB for that thaturposo thatL
L urposo One bottle purchased today may save you from fromlick froma
a lick spell tomorrow Q Quickly cures 111110laell Cea Ceastlatloa CeastipMlon
stlpatloB Dyspepsia DI1ipslaHalarJa Malaria Chills aad al allLlrei allLlreiA all Liver tinrCplaints LiverCoeaplalntr
Cplaints CplaintsA
Dr A J JIJannah Hannah a loading leadln physician of Umatflla Umatfllai UmatIllaFla UmaWlaFla
i Fla Bays I have been using Hcrblno in my myp myptlce practloe prac pracI
I Uco and am well pleased with the results 1 alwayskeep always alwayskeep alwayskeol
keep some on hand and think It a a grand tffnd rand medicine medicinefor medicliJetor medicinefor
for Blliousnees BlUousncesand and Liver Complaints ComplaintsUr Complaintstari8 ComplaintsLarge
Ur Large e Bottle 50c Avoid All Substitutes SubstitutesWilyUard SubstitutesWi SubstitutesWl
Wi WilyUard and Snow Liniment Co CoSt Cotot I ISt
> St Loulsl U S dL dLl dLJt1 A AOLD AI AJo
ja r I

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