OCR Interpretation

The Punta Gorda herald. [volume] (Punta Gorda, Fla.) 1893-1958, August 14, 1913, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Florida

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95047324/1913-08-14/ed-1/seq-5/

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Local ana
dapperlings of Interest
A. H. Horn, the tailor, spent
rSunday with frieiida in Bartow.
Goff sells it for less. 51t. ad
vertisement. City Councilmiin N.C Hewiit
made a business visit to Tampa on
The Inn is now prepared to send
out meals. Phone 66. advertise
ment, tf. (
Showers fall here almost daily,
keeping the atmosphere tempered,
and invigorating all plant life.
Get your summer underwear
at K. C. 131ount & Co. adver
tisement. E. L. Curry of Plant City, spent
last week with his parents, Cat.
and Mrs. H. L: Curry, at Harbor
View. . , ' '
Your baby's carriage re-tired,
price reasonable Punta Gorda
Hardware, tf. advertisement.
How would it do tfor Punta
Gorda to try the iniative, refren-
dum and recall of the town knock
er? .
High grade candies, a tine assort
ment at A. P. Hatch's corner
grocery, tf. advertisement
Miss Elise Blount is at home
again after a pleasant visit to
Ormond. Her aunt, Mrs. Lula
Hall, camo with her, and was the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. F.K. Blount
for several days last week.
Expert nltering, cleaning and
pressing. Satisfaction sruarauteed.
-A. H.' Horn, McClelland bldg.
advertisement 18tf.
."John L. Davis, whose health
has recently become impaired, left
Tuesday morning for' Macon, Ga.,
near where ho will spend some
weeks with his brother with the
hope of being benefitted. His
iriends trust thnt ho will be com
pletely restored to health when he
returns. . f J
Will Rose and family left Mon
day for Beaufort, N. C, where
they will again reside.
See those elegant 'new style
suits at R. C. Blount & Co. tf
advertisement .
Agent E. W. Rountree of the
Atlantic Coast Line, has returned
from a sojourn of several weeks at
Waycross; Gu.
Why, G.'F.F.F. means. Goff 'b
Fancy Family Flour. Try it.
advertisement tf.
Senator F. M. Cooper leftTues
lay morning to rejoin his family
in the mountains of North Caro
lina for a season's recreation.
Get a new suit from Horn, the
tailor.' Made to order in latest
styles, advertisement 18tf
Monthly stated communication
of the local Masonic Lodge to
night. Fellowcraft work to come
up, as well as other important
matters, and fill attendance is
Headquaters for dress making,
millinery and china. Mrs. S. 1.
Huffman tf .advertisement. .
Mrs. C. E. Fitzgerald left Mon
day morning for Minatare, Neb.,
where the family formerly lived
and where she goes to give atten
tion to some details connected with
the sale of their ranch. She will
likely be gone for some time.-
Latest styles in spring and sum
mer clothing at R. C. Blount &
Co. advertisement.
Bonifay Advertiser: L. W.
Peoples, for several months em
ployed in the Advertiser office,
left Sunday for Punta Gorda, Fla.,
where he will work for The Her
ald. Mr. Peoples by close atten
tion to business, up-right life- and
genial manner made many, friends
in Bonifay who wish for him mer
ited success in his new place.
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Hatch are
again at home in this city after a
pleasant vacation trip to points in
North Carolina. They also enjoy
ed a sojourn of a few days at
Pablo Beach. '
Goff sells it for less. 51tf. ad
vertisement. Marshal Jas. Jl. Lipscomb, early
Friday morning, arrested Dare
Fisher, a negro who was wanted
at Apalachicola for murder. He
found the man living with his bro
ther, Drew Fisher, and thelatter's
wife, and it was upon instructions
received from Sheriff A. B. Gib
son of Franklin county, that the
marshal made the arrest. Sheriff
Disho'ng took the prisoner in
charge and delivered him to the
Franklin county sheriff at Lake
land. It is supposed that a re
ward had been offered for the
man, in which case Mr. Lipscomb
will receive a part of it.
A full line of staple and fancy
groceries, fresh and reliable, at
A P. Hatch's. tf advertise
When the northbound mail train
on Sunday afternoon' backed out
on the wharf to pick up some ex
press shipments, the passengers
were greeted by a typical Punta
Gorda exhibit in which they mani
fested great interest. It .was a
display of forty-five salt water
catfiish, running from five to thirty
inches in length, and six sharks
measuring from three to four feet
in length, which had been caught
by some, young fellows, who' left
them laid out on 'the wharf in an
attractive way. These fish are
classed as non-ediblo here, and
people fish for them only for the
sport there is in it.
Bicycle repairing, sundries, etc.,
at reasonable prices; Pope motor
cycles and wheels; houses for rent.
F. S. Strobhar. advertisement
Mr. Bryan says that he has
been the worst roasted man in the
country. Then his countrymen
are justified in saying, 'Well done,
A Note to You
Every time you m a k e a
purchase h r e, whether
large or mall, you may
rest assured of our apprecia
tion. ' '
It is our desire to stab
lloh relations with our pat
ronsslmilar tothat ofthe ring
and the little red ball at the
end of the rubber string;
our Roods, prices and treat
ment beinK the Inducement
to return for additional
Yonrs truly
Baggage, Furniture, Freight any lnu any, time, moved
anywhere. Pianos a specialty. Experienced help. Prompt
service at reasonable rates. When 'you need a transfer call
us. We guarantee to give satisfaction.
Storage Accommodation CKl I ' 'DHfYNF fifV
and Sample Room , rtLL FnL uu
It Admits Of No Debate!
Ii of eren
greater Individual Im
portance to You .
Than the Protection of
The County's
It doe riot depend on the panege of
TARIFF LAWS, bat Simply on
the lecaringof
Williams & Roe, Punta Gorda, Fla.
. , , . ; : ; f . rt-
&m mm. si mat mem iyj , ii
i i I i
f lv
Out of our 'left-overs" remain a few
REMNANTS. We do not say that you
can buy these "at your own price." We
don't do business that way. But we do say
that your good judgment will tell you when
you see our remnants and the prices on
them that we should not sell them so low
Yet autumn goods are coming in and we
want every remnant out of our store THIS
WEEK. Therefore the LOW PRICES
$3-00 Men's Hats
for $1.50
$2.00 Men's Hats
for $1.25
'$1.50 Men's Hats
tor $0.98
Where there is so much Btyle and
grace. That's what women say about
our shoes. But there is one certain
satisfaction in buying footwear here.
Whatever you select is bound to be in
ntyle lor we carry no old models from
one season to another. So come in
n1 make a dicislon. You cannot jrw
wrong whatever It may be.
T tf
5 wm mm mm mm
: Manager
. n fi n h n R ff .
... i t ' i ' ' 1
Pujita Gorda,
- ...

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