FOR RENT 14-room hotel, kltch
en and dining room included. All
new. Apply to Smith's ttakery. tf
FOR RENT or SALE, a good
house on the corner of King street
and Olympla avenuo. Come and
see ub and we will trade. Don't lose
this chance. Mrs. Carbie Wash
ington, owner. tSt,
LOST Bay More, blind in right
eye, left hip knocked down, long scar
over left hip Anton Ernest, Sam
ville, Fla. 31 4t
Apalachicwla Times: The PuN-
ta Gorda Herald contends . that
Judge Hocker could make the
race for Governor for less than
$1,000. If Judge Hocker is not
careful Jordan will have him in
the' race, and once his hat is in the
ring we warn other candidate to
be careful not to step on it.
- "Florida bears ' the distinction
of having the best State Board of
Health in the South," says the
Jacksonville Metropolis. "That's
why-ylife is worth living in this
balmy State."
LOST Two post otllce keys on a
ring. Return to C. E. Fitzgerald
For Sale Mango trees for sale
Inquiro at Herald office. It
, FOR SALE Three horses, double
wagon, single wagon and a buggy
Separately or all together. Only
reason'for selling: I need money.
Geo. A. McLane. 25-tf
FOR HALE Sweet potato plants,
finest varieties, for sale $1.60 per thou
sand. L. M. Whitten, Punta Gorda,
Fla. 31tf '
FOR SALE Nico seven room
house. $500 cash or $250 down and
the rest easy payments if sold with
In thirty days. Apply to Mrs. Seth
Tooke, .Box 131, Fort Myers.
Baptist Church Preaching ev
ery Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7 p. m.,
Sunday school 10 a. m., praver
meeting each Wednesday evening at
7 o'clock, W.M.U. Wednesday af
ternoon at 3 o'clock. -T.R. Wood
son, Pastor.
FOR SALE 100 acres 4 mile?
South ot Punta Gorda, on Alligator
Creek, on , raHroad. 160 bearing
orange trees. Albert V. Gilchrist
Punta uorda. Fla.
FOR SALE Improved waterfront
property located opposite Cleveland
Call, investigate or write. N. C
JjARsen, Cleveland, Fla. tjuly28
If your child is pale and sickly,
Picks at tne nose, starts in the sleep
and grinds the teeth while sleeping,
it is a sure sio-n of worms. A rom.
dy for these parasites will be found
j wta r - .
mq wniies cream vermuuge. it
not nly clears out the worms, but it
'restores Health and cheerfulness
Price 25c per bottle. Sold by all
la Circuit Court
In Circuit Court loth Judicial Circuit DeSoto
BUI for
specific performance
end other relief
Joel Bishop et Al,
vi, .
TFloriJe Commercial
'Company, a corpora
tion and Frank Q,
Brown ai Receiver for
'the Florida Commer
cial Comoaor
appearing by affidavit of Complainanta
saitCltor filed in thia uma that ik. n.f.n,l.H..
mnd their ReprelenUtirei all reside beyond the
llmiti ol . tne State of Florida, and
that there v ii no on in the State of
Florida, upon whom lerrice of proceaa
can be made that would be binding upon the De
fendants, and the Post Office addresa of the De
fendants having been stated in aaid affidavit
showing that tbey reside beyond the limitsof the
State of Florida, therefore it is hereby consider
ed and ordered that the Florida Commercial
ompany a corporation and Frank Q, Brown as
Receiver for the Florida Commercial Company
he, and the aame are hereby required to appear
to said bill of Complaint filed herein at the Office
of the Clerk of the Circuit Court
of DeSoto County Florida o n the first
Monday in August 1013, the - aame being
the 4th., day of said month, and that said order
be published once each week for the space of
four consecutive weeks prior to the Rule day in
Auguat 1013 in a public News Paper published in
Deboto County Florida,
Given under my hand and aeal at Arcadia,
Florida on this this the first of day July, 1913.
Sbal A. L. Durrance
Clerk of Circuit Court, DeSoto County Florida,
For the stomach and bowel disor
ders of babies McGee's Baby elixir
Is a remedy of genuine merit. It
acts quickly, is pure wholesome and
pleasant to take. Price 25c and 50c
per bottle. Sold by all drnggistsi
Under and by virtue of a final decree
rendered by the Honorable F. A. Whit
ney, Judge of the ioth Judicial Circuit
of the State of Florida, in and for the
County of DeSoto, in chancery sitting,
on the ioth day of July, 1913, In a certain
cause pending in said Court wherein
John H. Hancock is complainant, and
A. E. Pooser et al. are defendants, I will
sell at public outcry lor cash to the high
est and best bidder at the front door of
the Court House in Arcadia, Florida, on
the first Monday in September, 1913.
1 he same being "the first day of said
nonth, during the legal hours of sale,
he following described Real Estate
'ring and being in DeSoto County,
Florida, to-wit:
,-Biginning at a point 340 feet south of
he northwest corner of block 48 of the
town of Arcadia, original survey, uud
rpn south along East side oi Brevard
Avenue 9s feet, thence East at rignt angle
to said'Avenue 300 feet to Volusia Ave
nue. thence north along west side of said
Volusia Avenue 95 feet, thence West at
right angle to said Volusia Avecue to
place of beginning.
The same being a lot 95 feet by 300
feet in said block 48, said property to be
sold to satisfy said decree and all costs of
Given under my band at Arcadia,
Florida, on this, the 28th day of July,
E. D. Treadwell.
Special Master in Chancery.
The Remedy That Replaces Calomel
Causes No Restriction of Habit
Or Diet
It is a mistake to take calomel
when your liver Is lazy and needs
toning up. Hundreds of people, in
this section have discovered taat
Dodson's Liver Tone is a thousand
times better and safer and its action
is just as sure. There are, none of
the bad after-effects of calomel to
Dodson's Liver Tone and no danger
of salivation.
For attacks of constipation or bil
iousness one or two teaspoonfuls of
this mild, pleasant tasting vegetable
liquid are enough and the Seminole
Pharmacy gives a personal guarantee
that every bottle will do all that Is
claimed for It. Money back In any
case where it fails.
Dodson's Liver Tone costs only 50c
for a large bottle. Remember the
name because there are any number
of remedies sold In imitation of Pod
son claims. Some of them have names
very similar to Dodson's Liver Tone
and are In same color package. These
imitations are not guaranteed and
may be very harmful. Go to the Sem
inole Pharmacy and you will surely
get the genuine. apvebtisbmbnt
Council Meeting
Stockholder's Meeting
Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the
Stockholders of the PUNTA GORDA ICE
COMPANY will be held at the office of Van
Agrew dt crawtord, in the City of Kiasimmee.
Oacitnla. r.nnnt. - nf TT l.-: .1 . X 1
August 18th, 1913, for the purpose of amending
uancr vi iiiu uimpinT oy increasing tne
memDorship or the Board of Directors, and by
creating the office of Vice-President.
By M.W.Sargent,
, isaiea: rum toraa,jpia. secretary.
Jnly, uth, 1913, t Aug 18
The Town Connoil will meet In the
Board of Trade rooms Tuesday night.
August 26, 1918, at 7:80 o'clock, for
the purpose of equalizing the asses
sments for the year 1913 and making
proper corrections. -All .persons de
siring to, have corrections ..xnade
thereof must file their petitions with
the assessor on or before the date
above written.
R. K. Seward,
' . Tax Assessor.
BUI to fillet Title
In Circut Court, Tenth Judicial Cir
cuit, of the State of Florida in and for
DeSoto County, in chancery :
Virginia T. Trabue,
AIHce E. Trabue,
Lucinda C. Trabue.
Vs. - Bill to
oseph M. Nichols
H. D. Bonetheau, Quiet
The Floriua Commer
cial Company, a corpo- I - Title
ohn A. Graham, J
To Joseph M. Nichols, and his heirs
at law, H. D, Bonetheau, and his heirs
at law, the Florida Commercial Com
pany, a corporation and JuhnA. Graham :
greeting, you will please take
notice that the complainants in
the above stated cause bas filed their
bill of complaint against you and tha-
you and each of you are required to apt
pear, plead, demur, or answer said bil-
of com plaint, on or before the first Monl
day of September, A. D. 1913.'
It is further ordered that a copy of the
foregoing notice be published for once
each week for eight consecutive weeks
next preceeding the return day, also
that a copy thereof be posted at the door
of the court house in Arcadia. Florida,
within 20 days from the date thereon.
It being also ordered that a copy of said
notice be sent by the clerk of this court
by duecourse of mail to the Respondent,
Joseph M. Nichols, and a copy thereof
sent by mail to the Florida Commercial
Witness the Hon. F. A. Whitney,
Judge, as also A. L. Durrance, Clerk,
and the seal of said court at the court
house in Arcadia, Florida this 1st., day,
of July. 1913. .
A. L. Durrance
(Seal) Clerk Circuit Court
C. C Morgan,
Sol for Complant.
City Council met in adjourned
session in the Board of Trade
rooms Tuesday night, August 5th.
Present Geo. S. Stone, President;
F. B. Pitt, and Clay Chadwick.
Minutes of the last meeting were
read and approved.
The Clerk was instructed to
write W. H. Towles requesting
him to meet with the Council at
its next meeting with a view of
giving assurance that his steamer
line would touch at Punta Gorda
for a specified length of time be
fore the Council goes to the ex
pense of constructing; a , bulkhead
and warehouse.
On motion the 10-year lease of the
Punta Gorda Ice Co. for the alley
north of and parallel with King
street was approved and proper
officers authorized to 6ign the
. Councilman Chadwick was ap
pointed a committee of one to rep
resent the Council in attending
the matter of having the bodies
Mr. and Mrs. llonkins removed
to a lot iD the cemetery satisfnc
torv to narties who have made
complaints in the premises.
Park Commissioner Stone sub
mitted a report on the progress he
isxiaking with the proposed sea
wall and park improvements. The
e a
city attorney was requested
draw up a resolution empowering
the park commissioner to become
grantee for and to perfect the city's
titles to the lands involved.
Council adjourned till Tuesday
night. Auarust 12, 1913. R. K.
Seward, Clerk.
9 MWtayeyT
Some people say don't get on
vour head about it, but I am on
my head wbeu I can't get
1 mKM
Home Frozen
Solana Sittings
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Richmond
came in from their homestead in
the Willow Pens section Thursday
and spent several days at their So
lana cottage.
B. A. Wachob, C. G. Brown
and F. T. Perkins shipped a car
load of fine pineapple plants to
Miami last week. , .
Nicholas Reuses went out to
Lonson Whitten's place on Myr
tle creek Saturday , where he is
working this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Coup drove out
to Willow rens Sunday, where
tbey are intending to take up a
homestead. . .
A. B. Tucker was in from his
homestead one day the past week.
Harry Robinson spent Sunday
in LaVilla with his parents.
Wr. C. Hall and son, Clarence,
have shipped their first pineapples
this season, and they have al)
been fine specimens of this sup
erb fruit. Sifter.
Will cure your Rheumatism
Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramps,
Colic, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts and
Burns, Old Sores, Stings of Insects
Etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used in
Jeruallyjandexteraally.' Price 25c
Florida Grower: Great is
Florida weather! In the winter
time we say: "Why, it's just like
summer." Just now we might
say: "It's just like winter." The
days are comfortably cool; there
is always that gentle balmy breeze
blowing, and the nights are cooler.
Blankets are a necessity before
morning. , Come down and Bee.
Baked Daily and Delivered. Wayon in charge of Geo. A.
McClane and Deliveries made to all parts of town Purchases
may be made from the wagon where convenient. Icecream
soda water and fruit also. At your service.
Rough and Dressed
Orders Solicited, ar Lots A Specialty.
Material at the Lowest Prices
The Best
Gainesville, Florida.
The University of Florida offers excellent
ODDotunitv for the liberal and professional ed
ucation of Florida young men at the actual
cost ot living. High moral tone. Scholarly
faculty. Beautiful buildings. Attractive Cam
pus. Nearly 300 per cent, increase in attend
anct during the past three years. Leaders In
Athletics and other forms of student activities.
Send for Catalogue. A.A. MURPHREE. Pres
Florida State College For Women
College of Arts and Science, Normal School
withKindergarten Department, School ot Mus
ic, School of Art, School of Expression, Home
Economics Department with Extention Division
Beautiful location, beautiful buildines, and
first class equipment throughout. Tuition
FREE. Other expenses very low. For infor
mation address, EDWARD C0NRADI, Pres.
, 1
If you want Groceries, Feed, Dry Goods, Shoes, Wagons,
Harness, Stoves, Fertilizers, Tinware, Enamel
. ware, Crockery, Hoes, Rakes, Shov-
els, Axes, Guns, and
- v Ammunation
"Most Any Old Thing"
v mmmmmmmm' N - , ... .
A man,' woman, or child would need in Florida. Come and
see us before purchasing. I buy in large quantities
to as to give you the best prices possible
j. and can save you money on all your
,- .: . V ";' supplies. Eva r y t h i n g
' guaranteed or money refunded,
Four Stores, One Restaurant, One Livery Stable
Jas. S. Goff
Punta Qortia
mm mm mmm