OCR Interpretation

The San Mateo item. (San Mateo City, Putnam County, Fla) 189?-19??, October 31, 1908, Image 11

Image and text provided by University of Florida

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95047348/1908-10-31/ed-1/seq-11/

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I I i nfi isvjhe J f th MO Keyto ay Y to Real Succesc SuccescA SuccC C CA
< A prime qualification qunU ontlon for success succoslIn
4 In jUiy MY art tract or orpror profession 8ston is t theloo the thetovfc thelOvq
tovfc of It though love alone will by byQ byl1 byiq
l1 iq Q moans bring auccoss In It says saysfit ay ayW ayaW
W D Diowolla HowollB in Harpori Maga Magaziuu Magaxinlt 1ttngnlutJ
ziuu The ho love must be reciprocal reciprocalthat reciprocalthat reclproealth
th that > tt la the vocation must dfttlro Us Usfollower U Ufiower itsfgjowet
follower fiower for reasons whloh thoro Is Isncf isno IsnOi
no ncf nOi Jading ndlng out out and which mint re remain remtn remn ¬
main as much afoiystory a to him aa to toany toAnror
4 any Anror of his witnesses Sho was love loveworthy lovoWorthy loveworthy ¬
worthy says Heine In treating treat tng of ofa ofa ofa
a moro 1 passionak > asslona cage < and ho loved lovediher lovodCher lovedbor
iher but ho was not lovoworthy lovoworthyand love wurthy wurthyand
and sho loved him not The fond fondyouth randyouth fondyouth
youth universitybred or soif elfraado loUmllllomJY elfraadomay mado madomay
may toave over so great a d deslro slro for forJournalism forjournalism forjJJrnnUsm
Journalism but butjournnllsm Journalism will havo haveno havono havono
no no desire for him unless ho has the thepeculiar thepeculiar thepeculiar
peculiar charm for It which com commands commfinds cornx ¬
x mantis affection In all cases Ho can canonly canf canonly
f only prove ttie fact by trying and andby andby andbye
by bye longing to try with a longing that thatexcludes thatc thatczcludes
excludes c ludes the hope of every other ro rowan rcWar rewax ¬
wan War besides the favor of the art ho howishes howisheg I IWIshe
wishes to espouse + Riches Rlchosfamc RlchosfamcPower fame famepower famepower
power may be In the event but they theyare theynre theyare
are not to be In the quest The Thewish Thewish Thewish
wish to succeed In It for Its own ownsake ownsake owncake
sake must be his first motive and andthe andthe nd ndthe
the sense of success In It must bo bohis behis bohis
his first reward those other things1t things thingsmust thingsmust
1t < must be left to add themselves the elvoB with without ivithout Ith Ithout
< out his striving for them So far farx fnras faras
f as hie strives for them they wll at atI alCloy atloy
> x Cloy I loy and dilute his Journalistic journal1 tlcSl1C tlcSl1CleeS sue suetc succcess
ccess tc leeS SS > 4 fi
> Seagulls of Auchmithlc AuchmithlcIn
< I In the fishing fishl g village of Auchmlthh Auchmlthhyou
1 1j 4 f i > K j you may frequently witness seagulls seagullsflying seag seagullsflying lls llsfiylng
flying Into the houses s of the fisher fisheryinen1 fishermen fishertmon
yinen1 men and partakingof food from their thelihands theirhands their theirt1
t1 hands One of these sea birds was wasin wasin wasIn
in the habit of staying in a fisher fishermans fishermans fishermans
mans house all the year round ex except except oxcept
cept at the thobro breeding dtng season when I Ileft It Itleft Uleft
left About a fortnight ago while whllthe whllothe whilethe <
the gull was away the fisherman re removed rcIpovod retpoved
moved his home some three and nhalf t thalf a ahalf
half miles from the former place placefisherman placeThe p1acoT
T The fisherman never expected t tlls to toF tcrye <
F rye ehls his old friend the gull again againIt
It was therefore much to his aston astonishment astonIshment astonIshment ¬
ishment that he beheld beh + eld on a recoilSunday recoil recotSunday rec it itSunday
Sunday the sea bird come walklntinto walkinginto walking walkinginto
into his new residence with statelysteps state statesteps stately statrsteps
steps steps to resume his old famlllartles famlllartlesand
and household ways waysLondon London Specta Spectator Spectator ¬
t tTho
The Honorable Lulu LuluWhile LuluWhlle LuluWhile
While in Washington last winter wintera
a prominent citizen of Honolulu had hadoccasion hadccaslon hadoccasion
occasion to purchase a trunk The Thedealer Thodealer Thedealer
dealer was requested to have painted paintedpn
pn one qn end the purchasers initials initialsand Initialsand InItialsand
and address and a card with thisinformation this tbl9information thisinformation
information was furnished as follows followsX
The surprise of the insular Amer American AmerIca Amerloan ¬
loan Ica may be Imagined upon the de delivery ielivery jelivery ¬
livery of the trunk to find that his hisinitials hisnltlals hisJnltials
Jnltials initials had been Ignored by the let letterer lotterer lotr
terer and the following cognomen in inscribed Inscrlbed Inecrilied ¬
scribed In bold characters charactersHon
Hon 0 Lulu LuluThe LuluThe LuluThe
The Joke was too good to spoil and andthe aoelthe andthe
the trunk still stl11bears bears its very originalname original orlgmalname originalnameNow
name nameNow New York Press PressWoman PrcsWoman PressWoman
Woman the IllogicalWoman Illogical IllogicalWoman illogicalWoman
Woman Is not only barbarous barbarousshe barbaroussheIs hi his h hIs
Is s illogical and Inconsistent as well wellremarked wollremarked wellremarked
remarked a man of letters I was waswalking waswalking waswalking
walking In tho country one day with witha withyoung withA
A a young woman In a grove we 0 came cameupon camoupon cameupon
upon a boy about to shinup shin up a tree treeTJiere treoT treeViers
TJiere T ere was a nest In the tree and andfrom antlirom andfrom
from a a certain anglo It was possible possibleto
to see In It three eggs You tylcked tylckedlittle yickodlittle ylckccllittle
little boy said my companion are areyou arcr areyou
r you going up horo to rob that nest nestI
I am replied tho boy How can canyou canf
f j you 1 she exclaimed think how tho thomother thog1other theMother
f r mother will grieve rlovo over UHf lose of ofyer ofb ofr
b yer er r eggs Oh she won won1 care careeald caroIi careeald
Ii eald the theb01 boy shes up there In your yourhat yourbatNew yourhatNow
hat batNew New Orleans Tlmes Pemocrat DomocratDIddnt PemocratDjdnt
1 1DJpt
Djdnt Bcmcm Remember Rememberff emernber emernberBemusing cr crI
< T4t It 4 4Ji
I t
Ji < ff amusing 1D6 IrV IrVamusing iDg anecdote moto Is told l ld of r rwl1 af a aKnown
f i well wl1 Known French general who whoplayed whoIr whoplayed
played pl Ir Irpl fed a conspicuous part in a cav cavlrx cavtrt cavrAlrX
rAlrX lrx charge b re gt the battle of Solfe Solforrlxo Solferliio
rliio This gallant warrior had beenwqunded been boouitll1JJYWQun beenWpw
Wpw wqunded < ed on that occasion occasiona
l ri4vf K t ft od IVQd a Ba1 satirq > rQ cu cut p ore < m the theI
J i ihacl
head and a bullet In his ht loft thigh thighSuch tblg1JSu OhlghSueh
Such Su h an allowance might havp sntlH sntlHflflti satlllnull aU aU1l
null 1l l a imn of or qulot taj tut tastGL t but was wasfar wasfnr wailfar
far from sufficient for or the th flrooatIng flrooat ftroGDtIn fIro oat oatlug
lug In general gtiwralIn
In relating the charge which ho hodid hoclld hodid
did at + tjvary dinner din not party ho wa in inthe Inthe Inthe
the Iwblt of thro throwing vlbg In half A dozenbayorlst dozen doxcnbayonet dOItnbnyonlt
bayonet thrusts and a couple of stray straySplinters straydpfntora traypllntr
Splinters from a shell 111 ell and he In Invariably InvRirl1bly invarihbiyappealod
varihbiyappealod variably appealed for oorroboration oorroborationof O
of orbl his nnrraUvo to an altedeoamp altedeoampwho aklo hclooantpwbo do oanrp oanrpwho
who IHU ridden by his aide aideOn lidoOn sideOn
On one ono occasion at the table oC oCthe ottho ofthe
the Into Due do Morny having Im Imbibed imbtbed 1mblbed ¬
bibed more than the usual allowance allowanceof
of 47 Chateau Yquem ho drew a amore amor amorn
more than usually startling picture pictureof
of his riddled r1 < ld led and perforated condi condition 0011111lion conditlon ¬
lion A cannon ball had killed hi hihorse his hishorso hishorse
horse a dozen abres had doacondotl de descended < 108condOf ¬
scended at once on his li hnd hnda nd nda
a couple of lances had passed passedthrough pnlsellthrough passedthrough
through each of his arms and all allthe nUthe allthe
the bullets and bayonets of Austriaseemed Austria Austriaseemed Austrlnsocmod
seemed to have ha vo given each other a arendezvous nrentiezvoul arendezvous
rendezvous in his bodyYou body bodyYou bod bodYou
You remember It well De Plancy Plancydont Plancydont Plancydont
dont you he added turning to his hisflldedtjioamp histaide hlftII1ldedCcnmp
flldedtjioamp taide de4eamp The well trainedsubaltern trained trainedsubaltern trainedsubaltern
subaltern had suffered long in silence silenceThe sllenceTho silenceThe
The bayonets bullets lances etc etche etche etchO
he had 1 got used to by long practice practicebut
but t the cannon ball was the last straw strawthat strawthat strawthat
that broke the camels cam ll backNo back backNo bILckNo
No general I dont remember it ithow Ithow Ithow
how could you expect me to You Youknow YOl1know Youknow
know as well as I do Chat the very
cannon ball that killed your our
struck the breast plate of a culras culrassiier culrAssier cuirasseer
seer behind us and then bounded bacland back backand backand
and took my head oftTitBits oftTitBitsCliff ort TitBits TitBitsCliff THBltsCliff
Cliff Dwellings in Chihuahua ChihuahuaHenry ChihuahuaHenry ChihuahuaHonry
Henry 0 Flipper an Amerloni AmerloniArchaeologist AmerlonnArchacologlst AmerlonrArchaeologist
Archaeologist who has been oxploi oxploiing exploring oxploring
ing the Sierra Madre dre in the westeripart westeri wClternpart westerrpart
part of Mexico 1e lco for homes of cUrt clildwellers cUrtdwellers elifdwellors
dwellers has made some importan importandiscoveries Importantdiscoverles importandiscoveries
discoveries He found one house 01 orGaralato 01Garabato on onGarnhato
Garabato Creek a 1 tributary of thiRio thi theRio thiRio
Rio Chico containing eightytwi eightytwirooms elghtytwcrooms eightytworooms
rooms There are two or three on orthe ontho onthe
the Rio Chico and two near Guayno Guaynopa
pa He says they tho arc similar to thosiin those thoseIn thosein
in tho United States The houses anmade arc arcmade arcmade
made of stone with 11ud ud cement theplastering th thplastering the theIJastcllng <
plastering is of mud and the roof I Ithe Is Istho Isthe
the overhanging cliff They are frorrone from fromme fromono
one to tluec stories high l1 gh with walbabout wallsabout walls wallsabout
about five inches thick Practicalljallthe Practically PracUcallYaUthe Practicallyallithe
allthe rooms are about 5 by 5 feel feeleach feoteach feeleach
each with doors about twentyom twentyoneInches twentyomInches twentyonCinches
Inches high by b twelve inches wide wideleading wideleading wideleading
leading Mr Flipper to believe thaithe thai thntthe thatthe
the cliff dwellers were a very small smallpeopleNew smalpeople smalJpoop1eNcw
people poop1eNcw New York Tribune TribuneMILK Tribune1HLK TribuneMILK
The manufacture of milk powder powdeihas powderhas
th thprocess the thoprocass theprocess
has now reached a stage where
process is considered a success in inbusiness f fbusiness n nbuslncH
business way nil S1 tire trouble is tc tcfind tofinel tcfind
find a satisfactory market for tinproduct tin Ullproduct theproduct
product The greatest field seems ube tobe to tobe
be in the sale of the powder made madefrom mndofrom mndcfrom
from separated milk from large largcreameries largIJcronmorlcs largecreameries <
creameries Tho skimmllk can b1 b1bought bubought b bbought
bought at a price which brings tlumilk the themilk themilk
milk powder to a vojy < 1ry low cost COK For Foiwholesale Forwholesalo Forwholesale
wholesale purposea It can be 0 packed packedIn
In bags like flour at very VCr little cost costfor costfor costtar
for handling and llir cost for trans hansportatlon transportatlon transportation
portatlon as compared compnr d with the liquid liquidmilk lICJuicmilk liquidmilk
milk Largo quantities are expected oxpoctclto
to 0 be used by the biscuit and crackermanufacturers cracker crackermanufacturers crnckermanufacturors
manufacturers also by the bakers bakersfind bnk bakersand rl rland
and confectioners In the manufacture manufactureof
of milk bread cakes and pies and anrisuch andsuch an1such
such products As it will Uoap 106 for foimy fornny formy
my length of time it should find nnarket n nmarl amarket
marl market t on shipboard and far othoiifros other othorlUres otheralts
lUres whoro a supply 1l1 > IY of fresh mil mimHinnot milcannot mlucannot
cannot be bcbad leads It is believed Mint Mintv 1a tt ttn
n v large < business can be be built up with withaut willout lb lbout
out Interfering to any great oxtnni oxtnniwith oV xt u uwith lll lllwllb
with tho market for frsh milk milkWeekly milkSVnekly ml1kVOok1y
Weekly Witness WitnessTrue WitnessTrue VltnoolTrue
True Isnt itIJoWoman It ItHo ItltIoWotDgn
Ho ltIoWotDgn Women are a delusion and a ainnrQ aInarq a aISnarQ
innrQ InarqSho1t innrQShe
She Sho1t < Its It g curious how h w paope < will willmg wlJhug willlug
hug mg a delusion though thoughA
A largo Baptist church chur h tut t Santa Snnlnno Santalosa Santatoss
no toss Oal was WJ built from the food lyoodf Yooc Yoocof
of tt > f a PfngleCkilif0rnI stnglq fthu loCflUt Cu1IIorni rnl r rtdWQQ raw WQQil sl J tree troop
f r rTho
+ F
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought and which has been beenin beenin boonin
in use for over 30 years has borne tho signature of ofand ofand ofand
and has been nirulo under under his perQ per personaltouporvision perssonallsupervision
Q sonaltouporvision since sin co its infancyX11low infancyAllow infancy infnncyAllow
Allow no one to deceive you in thisAll this t111sAll thipAlt
All Counterfeits Imitations and Justasgood are hutExperiments but butEXlerimcnts butI
I Experiments that trifle with and endanger < t the health offInfants otInfnnt off ofInfiults
Infants and Children ChildrenExperIence Experience against ExperimentWhat Experiment EXICrlmentWhat ExperimentisCASTORIA
What CASTORIA isCASTORIAOastoria is H HCastnria
Oastoria is n harmless substitute for Castor Oil Poret Poretgoric Par Parma ParmaBoric t tgorlc
Boric Drops and arid Soothing Syrups It is Pleasant II IIcontains Ueontnfns Itcontains
contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotifl Narcotiflsubstance Narcotidsubstance Nnrcotfasubstance
substance Its ago is its guarantee It destroys Wormnn1 Wormsand Worms Wormsand
and allays Feverishness It cures Dlarrliooa and an Wind WindColic WindColic Viu ViuColle
Colic It relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation Constipationand
and Flatulency It assimilates the Food reutilatcs rCl1ulntcs tho thoStomach thoStolnncl1 theStolnnch
Stomach and Bowels giving healthy and natural sloop sloopTho sloopThe sloopTho
Tho Childrens Panacea PanaceaThe Tho Mothers FriendGENUINE Friend FrlcndCENUINE FriendGENUINE
Bears the Signature of ofThe ofThe ofThe
The KJIIdof KM You Have Always Bought BoughtIn
In Use For Over 30 Years YearsTHE
LOCAL TIME CARD No 76 Corrected to October 1st 1908 1908Dally 1908No
No 78 No 08DAILY 08 08DAILY
acksonvlllo J A 7 1 25 pm 8 45 oil lun lunG i
6 10 pm 9 20 aID St Au usUno 1v G 10 0 Ilnl 750 1 to am
10 81 Ar Augustine
G 25 BIn
pm East 1 aI tkl1 1 Lv C 01 pm 018 0 23 anI
1145 11 45 aln 14v
7 35 pm Onnond I Lv 31 3 21 pin 1 2 14 am amf
912 12 128 1 23 JIm Lv
Datona Lv 107 01 In 4 ao un
f 9 25 21 1 130 36 pm 14V
pm Now SIOrnl1 Sin I 2 501rn ao Illn I rl 11m
2 20 Lv
1010 10 10 pm pin Tltu Tltusvlllo 1110 Iv 1 11 Illn 2 80 am a 01
Lv J 1
18 8 29
11 pIn In Cocoa 1v 1 l2 2 12 11m 1 152 62 am
12 00 ntt 4 1 12 pill Jv
Hock lotho 1 I 1118 28 11m 149 1 49 Bm
4 a Ir Lv
12 01 am m pm
I Iv 11 M Bm 111 Apt
Fnu O Cnillu lllo
12 SU am m 4 r0 0 pm Iy
Iv I 11 44 I BIn 1 01 am
5fulbonrnu Iol bourn
12 40 Bm 6 00 pIn Iy 1
ltt IJlorco L D 15 tl Rln 11Ui lim limI
2 60 am ID 7 00 pin 1 WOIt I Ialm II11 lloach Ly 7 1 KG ant I11 0 G 01 pm pmo r
00 0 01 Ar
I 6 00 Bm pm IV 6 60 Bin 7 21 Ilnl
o SG am m 1046 10 48 pIn L Lv Ft
L It 00 nm m 620 0 20 Illn Illnfl000
7 36 am 1145 11 It pm Ar
8 00
Ar 6 10 11m
10 00 am 7 760 60 nrn m Lv 51htmI i300
2 00
fl000 1 210 2 10 JIm Jllll Jllllf8 pint8
1100 11 00 am 10 60 11m A Ar Dock 1 JI0 00 om amDaily om1ally
f8 00 pm A Ar r Knlghts Key r
Dally except Sunday 18nnday and WedncvdayM WcdncIld s Only tTuodays and Frldnjs FrIda s only onlyPALATKA onlyPALATKA onlyPALATKA
LoI1VO oavo East EAST lAIATKA fO Arrlvo LcBVO lALATKA TO 1AS1 Anho Arrivct B5 B5Patatka aePalatka +
Patatka PAJATKA IRlatkn lnluUm IJAIATKA lBll1tka lBll1tkaI
Ii Ijlj No 47 Daily Dall 615 G 1 nm
30 No 40 < 0 Dally 5 660 50 11m nm
I 5 am
S am amD
No 26 Dall Daily 6 46 nID 8 00 um nm No 49 Dally
6 25 am am
rt 1116 15 No No61 51 Dally al1 1185 11 M Bm
No 60 Dully Dull 0 4ft nm nrn m
D 26 am m
810 8 10
2 ro No 61 DI1I1 Dally Jmt
No 62 1ally nllI 12 10 Im pm
11 60 am
4 100 80 0 t M Dally Dall 4 bO pm pmI pm
4 or > pm No 61 1 DI1I1 Dally oj 26 11111 pm t
No 056 M Dall Dally 635 I inn 7 1 o5 pm No 67 Dally Iml
I 6 06 i i5AN
pm No NoOO bO Dally 820 8 20 pm pmSAN
716 Inn No c8 Dally 7lJ5 7 5b pin 8 800 00 pm s is
Loayo oavo East KaitPalaka 1 11 EAST PALATKA TO TOSAN Arrive Sri Snn SnnMatco LoavoBan Ian SAN MATEO TO EAST KA8TMatoo ArrlvoEut ArrlvoEasI1alaka ArrlvoEutPnlatka ArrlvoEutl
Palaka l ala k SAN MATEO Mateo MatcoNo J Mateo atoo 2ALATKA Pnlatka IJalatkaT
9 00 No 60 l O Dally DallyNo 0 20 am anIS
No 40 Dally DallyNo DI1I1 8 60 am amI nm
8 880 80
8 815 16 am pm pmNo No 6tt Dally DallyNo I W 6 pit 8 40 pm No 0 64 Daily Dall 4 4L 00 pm pmMAYPOKT pmNo pmNo
No 18 18Dally No 20 20Bu No 22 22Bally 22SUo 22lu
No 21 21u No 10 10Dally No 17 17Dally
I Dally Bu only only1920pm Bally BallyDO
Dally DallyG Dally
SUo lu u only onlyi
0 00 amllv m Itv Jaokxonvlllo J Ar Ar1ablo A r 7 1 46 am 1920pm 12 1920 20 pm pm DO D 80 pm
2 2 i 00 pm pml G 010 10 pm pmG Lv LvS 1ablo Huaah nU Lv LvAtlantic 7 100 05 am 11 1160 60 amU am 4 60 pm pm
940 9 40
240 2 l 40 pm pmi m G 660 60 pm am Atlantic Ueaeh Lv LvMuyport 7 100 00 am U 1146 46 am 4 45 pm pm480pm JmBOO
2 145 i 46 I pm pmt 6 f 55 > 5 pm S 81f 16 > am Lv 4 50 ln lnN
Ar Muyport Lv LvOunfc 0 06 46 am 11 1180 bO am amSun 480pm 480pmCONNECTIONS pin pinsnn
10 1000 1O 00 am m
BOO 6 t 00 pm 7 710 pin pinNo
N x 98 t snn IS Bandij Bandij140pm Dill Dillt E j ex ii No x l s 8und adj DMj DMjex Ounfc 0 raD City CI t1 Branch BranchLT n rlRc I Ko 2 Suud D11 ooiy No i x Jlo4a palll od 0 p al4l lull lallx i4y Sun Sanford ford BunchLvTHui Bunch x 1y 4
2 140pm 40 pm 000 0 00 am LT Ne Htw 2C Bmjrrafc Sral Ar ArUltDMLr 150 1 60 pm pmloopm 0 45 pm 1100 0 00 am LvTHui fyTltuIO 0 Ar fr frIt
Lv LvJ
UltDMLr UltDMLrArMOr 06 6 16 0 XJ O am AfH8liuf
It 26 2 pm pmt 11 00 O am L1Lst loopm 1 pm pm
H t bo pm 1110 11 10 am Lr LOrIRE orsge CHLT 12 66 t pm 4 Ib pin r rD 0
840 D 40 pm 11 1145 45 am Ar0aete ArMOr nn City 0 Ju 12 60 O pm 4 400 00 Im pmCuNNI > m j jCONNEcrrJONS
WEST v sr A A3Theio n h hiTh t i j jThree
safe It SNl0 deprt I Iver1 tr trviral
bo expected 10 10iveral r
< < 3Theio iTh Three TIME TABLES show tho time tlm at C which mini mey m td I o9c 9I iLy th thold It Ithold
euied U I
viral luUonei ugt heir vrrlval pled or departure I llho Iti Ilia lime not Id Idold lifu guars
hold old luelf II rceooiulbl for uny ny deny der or any cone conienuenc quenc arising therefrom therefrom3R thf o oOIt t tV
r AtQ AtQf
Central Ptficnfer Alcat
1 D RAHNJW AiUtant
M 1 1of
of 1

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