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ifr While goal raising ID 1 an Impor Important ImlOrJ Important ¬
> < J tant Industry in In1DJtrovun Etyrpifonn countrio countriooflpoolally bountrieros8oalally ountrhMto
° oflpoolally In SwiiafcrJnd Slt Su itnd nd Italy Ger Germany G Gmnny Grmany ¬
t many Australia I ttanco Pance Norway and andSpain afidSpaIn at1d1Spain
+ Spain it Is only within wHblntl10 the last eight oightor olghtortGnfotlts eightorto
or tanVyoara orto n years i that utt goats have attracted attractedtho 11ttr = actod l l1JhQ
e tho ii S ntjtontton of brooders who have haveHindoo hAveI
I t Hindoo sh tc10 raised them in any allY consldorable consldor considerable consldorble ¬
able numbers numb rs Tho enthusiasts say saythat la laJI sayw
w JI that Ihora thorn is a big profit nro t In rnllhthorn raising raisingthorn raisingthorn
thorn for forJmnHt market marlcntrTito marketThe t4 t4Tho
The tiara lifl1 Iiardltia4s irioJs hf of tho goat g nb and nntl1ts its itsability Itsability
1 ability to care for Itself rondor goat goatraising gontralslng goatraising
raising a vory slmplo matter It Is Isnot Isnot isI isnot
not particular In its food nor Is it ita Ita Itn
a < n a ag gross oss Bator For this t ls reason r a on goat goatfarming lon lonI goatfarming
I 4 4V 4IJf 4f farming Is especially 4 rodommondod rodoinmondodfor
4V k V for women The farraor wife is islearning Isl islarnt
learning le leKo l larnt I1r teg ng that that she can care cnro for f9r a largo larleliord largof
f V Ko Kordjwith hard Wlt1i little effort or worry An AnInVpSlwrftf An1J AnItp
Itp InVpSlwrftf 1J to Th h sourco source of mcqno Ih OD10 is thusado thus thusiSato thusH
ado H i possible p pa Mble lbl lblt lblt t throughout t t ug11but tho thoCOUti thoCOUtiJ court countpry courtry
t ry Pratfcally J > any land ho ho matter matterhow r rHow
how poor will support a goat herd herdprovided herdprQvldod hoedprovided
provided alone it is not wet or ormashy ormasl1Y ormashy
mashy Goats will iU thrive and multi multiply multiF ¬
F t ply ly on land hd which would starve horses horsosor
q or cattle or even sheep The rough roughnets roughnGls rougbno1s
nets of the land works no disadvant disadvantage dl advant advantago ¬
V age since goats go ts seam to prefer hill hillsides b1l1slds hillsidas ¬
sides and rocky cliffs to level coun country oountry country ¬
try tryrrhe tryi
i tryThe rrhe The principal value of the Angora Angoragoat Angoragont Angoragoat
IJf goat from a commercial standpoint standpointlies
lies in its wool which Is commonly commonlyknown commonlymown commonlyknown
known as mohair but another strong strongpoint strongpoint strongpoint
point in the Angora is Its dietetic dieteticpeculiarity dieteticPQcull dieteticmecullarity
peculiarity PQcull rlty v 1iI hich hl lI makes It o qno no of ofthe otV
V 1 the best land scavengers scavcngos ts In in the th world worldA
A groat many of the th farmers who whohave whohave whohave
have In recent rocent years gone into Antya An Angoj AnK
goj K tya i feoat tat at 1lJI raising IPEfhavo have had the hl0 hl0Jng clearg clear clear4n
4n Jng g Qf o rf rthelr their brush paBbho pa ohos I In vio viorather view viewrather viewrftthe
rather than the mere production p > of ofmohair ofmoluilr ofmohair
i Writing of milk goats recently a aMassachusetts l l1IaC3sncbusetts aMassachusetts
Massachusetts breeder said Tho ThoAwo ThofwO Thowo
fwO Awo wo breeds bte < d which by common agreement agree agreement agrcen ¬
ment n t seem seern s em the th most desirable to tothis fDl frthis
this country are the Toggenburg and andJSMhfen andL an anstann
JSMhfen I1 L CQ both b bath < th Swiss S s varieties Oily Oalyto
to 0 w2 few fe importations of those thq a have haveboon havebqpn haveboon
boon made numbering in all fewer feworthan few9rthan fewerthan1O0
than1O0 than1O0What than 400 400What 100W11at
What arerthoy good for They Theyare
are milk producers produccrsmllk milk of a very veryhigh voryhigh veryhigh
high quality and with not tho slight slightest slighte8 lightoat ¬
est e8 strong or unpleasant flavor They Theyare The Theyare I Iliro
are not so good for cream or butterThe butter butterThe butterThe
The milk is richer in fat thancows thancowsmilk
milk but does not separate readily
A 4 ti hn f nn annl v f 1 Hn 1 vw rx H 4n I fh
easily sl digested milk known k which whichmake whicha
a 1 make makes it of tho greatest value as asfood a afood asfood
food for children and invalidsi invalids invalidsTho InvaHdsTho
i Tho writer has a < Saanen doe thatgave that thatgave thatgave
gave three quarts of milk miIk per day dayfit daynt dayut
fit her first kidding and now six sixmonths sixmonths sixmonths
months later gives two quarts The Thomilk rhoI
r I M milk m 1k sells in tho cities readily for fortwentyfive fortwertry
twentyfive twertry vo cents per quart When Whenmaturo Whonmiat Whenr
r mature miat r9 this lee should lliiho hl give five or orsix orsix orsix
six quarts when fresh treShSho She is a ahearty a1lenrty aN4
N4 hearty feeder and drinker but for forall forall
all 111 that t1 t what is such an animal worth worthfasxon worthstan worthfa
fa fasxon stan rah investment To the man fa familiar ¬
miliar lI with the care of domestic domesticanimals domowUcnnlmals domosUoanimals
animals and with a a1 snvtll st 11 capital here hereIs
Is an opportunity InMn In n undeveloped undevelopedbut
but extremely projyfsing pr sing field first firstfor fir firstfor t ttor
for some time in supplying pure bre bred bre1b1 bredbreeding i ibreeding
breeding b1 e d g stock and later In tho sale
W 1 miiKThejbost
a Thejbost The he 10st best way to start is to got a aand ni
i + 4 1ej ° r pitr O ra b brcd ed Indhldu IB and a a num numof num1r numbqr
I s bqr 1r of good active docs from which whichhigh t tr
ft t 0 breed a flock of high grades In Injdor Inr in4or
jdor r td t fl 11tQt gpt thedemand fromtho fromthojblftiy from the theolasg thoqJ
jblftiy qJ of poojjjo who wit canMifliylly cad 1utIftly afford affordfoyfy affordY
41 foyfy jJ y 140tfo 0 to 0 G SO Y fora tor n milk milk doo doeTJifo doolJt doo1re
TJifo lJt 1re n Ja no o apparent appar nt reason why whyllejica WIlYJIII whytth
JIII 1If fth paticp1cqand p llejica tl < 1l CQ and n n d cpro cp cart t there t ora shoulj shouljproduce Jf sJtouhbo OUId OUIdrIIl
rIIl i i bo r produce l 51 I strain strainwhiclt whlcji wi wigpproducor T TproducorjB wlt
ii 1ff producorjB < t > I i I lyivo heard heardfljfh at atpC f fcr
i 1 n pC r fllclltq fljfh auar rll s of j lJlll milk lk in inlf0c int
1 t cr = rf + Nr r 1oun O and t11 < lf0c v vr r 1000 1000p
1 j jt
t otr
f fIoi
Ioi l L
t t I
I < hI hIof
of < f 1
1 I
Jr < r
h j
1 1r
quarts < In one year r8ClrWeekly Weekly Wit WitItMff WItn Wit1tess
ItMff ItMffA n 1tessA
A rdbdiit r Gitthumbr number numb or of orVaJltto orVaJlttoifarmor WnJlno WnJlnofarmer Wallaoesrarmer
farmer has huome some om vnlnabia remarki retmarksujTon remarkitlfif remarkJU
U ujTon Jbll tlfif tJrI subjacti u Jeetj lui foiftwf foiftwfprs roUtwuIo s sWe
uIo We 1daI I that1t that 4 groat tOAl JlUL etany t Jftnn Jftnnra fatitrs
prs ra In the oldor 0ctlona l of our terri territory tertIlory terrltory ¬
tory and especially Ml clall fn h southern Il Illinois 1lILnois ¬
linois Indiana and Ohio Oil io 10 will 111 fail to tosdcuro tos4curo tosdcuro
sdcuro stands U1nd of clover thlaj this year Gar not notbecause 110tl1ocnuio notiloeausri
because of hick of pr IJrffualIQu pfiialicin of the thoseed Ulllood theseed
seed bed nor Uocaute of seed la cl of ofweak ofwenk ofweak
weak germinating power nor because becauseof btclIu btclIuot
of n season I UOn too wet or too dry but butwell butwoU butwoll
well established fact that the oiU oiUnafy 0111naiy orJlnafy
nafy clovers o pocially tho common commonrcdNnnd commonre commonred
rcdNnnd re red and mammoth do not thrive in inan luan Inan
an acid soil while for tome reason roasonaisilce reasonalslko rOlonalUte
alslko seonli to thrive U Io In soils thatare that thatare thaitnro
are generally supposed to be a abid abidand ld ldarid ldr
arid r ic1 where other Glovers 1IiIn fjftl fjftlIn fJ11lIn
In theso sections oftpactally u and andwherever a andwherever net netwhorefor
wherever the land in I gomevrhat worn wornthe wornthe
the farmer should ascertain at once oncewhether on oncewhether o owhether
whether his soil is acid or not Ho Hocan Hoail liecan
can ail do this tJii for hlmioiC quit as s well wellac
ac a anybody else can do it for him himand hll11flnl himend
and with vary slight sUf ht expense if ho howill 11 11wUl hewill
will go o to tho drug dlu store and get getfive lotfive sotfive
five cents worth of blue litmus pa paper OnIer ft ftJcr ¬
per Then when the frost is out of
tho ground put a piece of litmus litmuspaper Ulmuspapor litmuspaper
paper in the ground take u spaHe spaHeinsert IPalJoInsert spstloInsert
insert it in tho slit l11to1 thus made ana anilpress anaIJro anQpress
press IJro tho soil firmly against Int It Thou ThouIn ThenIna
In Ina a quarter or orbal half hour uncover uncoverthe uncoverthe lnooorhc
the paper and allow it to dry Or Orho Orho Orho
ho can take a sample of the soil he hewishes hewl hewishes
wishes wl hos to test put it In a pot take takehis takohis takehis
his knife and make an opening and andthen an anthen andthen
then slip in the piece of paper 1 > 1OI If Ifthe J Jthe Itthe
the paper turns pink or rod as it itdries 1ldries itdries
dries tho soil is acid acidWhat acidVhat acidWhat
What then is to be done Tho
acid must be corrected and the best bestway bostway bestway
way it can bo corrected Is by the theapplication th thappllcntfoI theapplicittlori
application of limo or ground lime limestone Hmoslono llntostone ¬
stone tho amount to be determined determinedby
by tho degree of acidity as shown by bythe bythe bythe
the shadd sha < 1 of the litmus paper If Ifslightly Hslightly ifslightly
slightly acid two or throe hundred hundredpounds hUlldroc1poullds hundredpounds
pounds per acre may correct it but butIf butIf butIf
If there is considerable acidity a athousand atho athousand
thousand tho sanc1pounds pounds will be required requiredAfter roqulrodArter requiredAfter
After you have corrected tho acidityyou acidity acidjtyyou
you OU can nn grow clover if the other otherconditions olherconc1ltJolll otherconditions
conditions are furnished furnishedSheep furnlaluu1Shoop furnishedSheep
Sheep sorrel is usually found in inacid InacId inacid
acid soil and it is a very v ry sure silT siynthat silTJbllt signthat
that tho soil needs liming
Irons dont like to drink muddy muddywater mu muddywater dy dywat
water wat r Dont force them to do it itTho Itrho it1ho
< Tho hog is clean if f you OU Hive him hImn
n chance Because oonUI8 the hog ho will out outalmost onlalmost oatalmost
almost anything is no reason roaaon for giv giving gIvIng glving ¬
ing him cotton food foodIf foo fooIf
If you let the cows shorten up upon upon 11 11on
on their mlik yield 1131 < 1 during tho hot hotmonths hotmonths hotmonths
months because of short food they theywill thoywill theywill
will not regain r gAln their maximum yield yielduntil yielduntil Ii Iiuntil
until after they come fresh again againTho AlulnTho againThe
Tho breeders of pure bred bootoottlo boot boofcattlo bootcattle
cattle should pay more attention to totho tothe tothe
the milking qualities of their cow cowThe OOWTho cowsThe
The milkless cow Is I a monstrosity monstrositythat
that should not bo tolerated toleratedPlenty tolorntodPlenty toleratedPlenty
Plenty of good pure water every ovoryday ooryclay everyday
day helps to bring < lots of off Efgs Efgsaro m1aro ICgjsare
aro Inrgoly liquid anyway
and are arogrown nrogrown aregrown
grown on tho same land tho drop droppings elrop1lngs dropplugs ¬
pings are often valued at fifty cents contsa
a year for each hen henA henA heftA
A Connecticut peach grower say sayhis sayshis I I1ls
his host fruit this year oar wn on the theyoung theYU theyoung
YU young trout t ooi aunt tnlon on thosa t ha1hinlt utfitahJit utfitahJitpeon 1hI hJwLi hJwLi1Joop lwgL lwgLoC
1Joop peon oC sovorojy s sovor < y pruned Ho says IllY ho hefinch hofinds bofluefs
finch finds that llb liberal 1ibc tal tl prunihg induces inducesnow Induo Inducestow 1 1now
now wood and t that at toflnost tide finost fruit fruitis I IIs
is on this now growth sowthOne rowJhOn
One On 0119 who claims 49 49In 9 I aj authority authoritys authorI y yIn
In tho matter BayjLt BayjLtbetter says flYlth th bJ s ncjthinj ncjthinjom ngthit ngthitbetter
be better ter t tQ profecj prot < oat g cop om < In 4oJ
1 1f
f < iiL <
d M I If
< I
f t
1 A Att
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r i i ij
j t
than a goat These Th wilmnls liavo no nofeur nor nofete
fete r of a dog but lOin fear them themBODMISDY thulT thulnmrmDY
Tits TJt following followlh trwOinaivt U 1 reeomtnslttie reeom reeomb rQO rQOIDddt4
tnslttie IDddt4 by b A Cft4I CafLdliut Cnnfc < lliai DoulLrjwilu in inRural Inrtu litMural
Rural rtu ral Now Yorker YorkerTake YorkerTA1co YorkerTake
Take an an ordinary slice of bread breadsoaJc breadIOIJc breadsoak
soak with water al r then a add ld about a atablespoonful AtablHpoonCul atablespoonful
tablespoonful of turpentine whieh whiehmix whloltu vhlohmix
u mix Ujoroujhljr in soaked bread aad aadfeed iUetf turdfeed
feed f tl to all chicks and chickens vfcelh Cvhethnr wIleUtITGOlec vfcelhr
nr r affected or not making a point pointto
to sea fI that the affected ones on eatsome eat eatonie eaLHmo
Hmo of tho treated 1reat d tblGa 1 > roa < 1 Re Repent RePftt Repeat ¬
pent till dose in about three t < days dnysIt
It might ml hl t bo necessary to give ho another anotherdose anotherdOlo anotherdose
dose in a weeks time but I have haveuerer havenever haveuerer
uerer found that It was required All Allto AUto Allto
to whom hon1 r have offcroiJ this thl romody romodyafter rom remndyafter c1y c1yarltr
after tiiio second years uro about tho thoplaco thoplaco theplace
placo advise me that the ape worm wormwaa wornwa wormwas
was wa routed routedTho routedThe routedThe
The best treatment of course cour e is iswholly IIWl101y Iswholly
wholly of a preventive character Kill Killthe ICtlJthe Killthe
the Infection in the ground by the thefree tbeCroe thefree
free use of fresh lime carbolic acid acidsulphuric Acl111hurlc acidsulphuric
sulphuric weld kercfceite ker eu or whatever whateverIt r rIt
It may be never letting lelUn < < tho chicksget chicks chicksget chickget
get on untreated ground or keep keepthem keOIthem keepthem
them on a board floor or on now and andunlnfected Andml anduninfected
uninfected ml reet 1 groundWI ground IrotUldVHITVASH fro wild wildWHlTDWAflH
WI WHlTDWAflH WHlTDWAflHThe I I T h1vA + B f t tThe
The receipt for soeallod so esited govern government gavornmout governmoat ¬
moat whitewash vhlt alh is onehalf bushel of ofQuicklime ofqlllcklhne ofquicklime
Quicklime slaked 1k d with R ith boiling water waterstrain waterstrain Ilt r rItraln
strain add a peck of salt dissolved in inwarm Inann Inwarm
warm ann water and throe pounds of ofground ofrroUl11 ofgrounlcl
ground rice Boll to a I thin paste pastoAlso pasteAlso Ulo UloA1ao
Also onehalf pound of Spanish whit whiting wbltInr whitIng ¬
ing and a pound or clean glue Mixthe Mix Mixthe 1Ixtbo
the material well and allow the mix mixture mixture mixture ¬
ture to stand fox several days Apply Applywhitewash Applywhft ApplywhILewttsh
whitewash whft wa8k hot It is especially I clnlly good goodfor goodfor goodfor
for outside application to farm buildings build buildings 1mlldlugs ¬
ings and poultry housos being very verydurable verydurable erjdurable
durable and showing a fine lustre lustreAmerican lultloAmerican lustreAmerican
American Cultivator CultivatorMARKET CultivatorMARIWT l lIARlI91
The Pekin ducks are without doubt doubttho doubtthe doubtthe
the most desirable kind for market mnrkotpurposes mnrketpmpoes marketpurposes
purposes Hardly any other variety varlotyis Yllrlntil
is kept in this pnrC IUU of the country countryalthough counllnlll10ulh countryalthough
although a few PW growers keep Indian IndianRunners ImllnnRunncll IndlanRunners
Runners because of their prolific laying lay laying luyIng ¬
ing qualities But the market for forduck Corduck forduck
duck eggs 0 < < 1 Is vent er limited nil the thoprofit th thpront theprofit
profit being in the production of green greenducks greenduclcs greenducks
ducks for the market marketAmorlcan American Cul Cultivator CuIUvalor Cultivator ¬
The food that laying hens ont fin flavors finvo finvois ¬
vors vo the o ep aa If you Otl doubt Mils MilsfQ04l bhl bhlfood Wllsfoett
food onjon ol1on o ion tops and note the result resultIf
If i f onions give eggs an unploasant unploasantflavor unplOlIllnntflavor unplenantflavor
flavor nice cleanfood clean food in suitable suitablevariety sullnbloytt1lot suitablevariety
variety will have an agreeable roonblo effect effoctFarmers offoctFarmors effectFarmers
Farmers Homo Journal
Sheep are dainty feeders They Theywill Thoywill Theywill
will not unt nt hay that has been mussed mussedovor m1ull mussedover tl tlover
over by b other animals Refuse from fromtho fromUu fromthe
the sheep rack may nll be thrown to tothe tothe tothe
the cattlo but it will not work tho thoothor thootb theother
other otb r way Sheep do not like grain grainfrom grulnfrom grainfrom
from a rutty crib They aro dainty daintyand dnlntymd daintyand
and It is I best to humor them thomVeo1c thornWoekly Week Weekly
ly Witness Tltnollo
0 Henrys Promise PromiseO
0 Henry tho well ell known story storywriter storywriter lorywrlt
writer wrlt l once promised lroml Cd tho editor ofa of ofn ofn
n magazine that ho would deliver doll VOl a ashort nhort ashort
short story to him on the follow following CollowInl followinb ¬
ing Monday Several Severallonday Mondays pass passod IItSoct palsoil
od but lire muso was refractory and andtho nn1tho andthe
tho story was not forthcoming At Atlast Atlalt Atlast
last the wrathful editor wrote this thisnote thllnotG thisnote
note noteMy
My Dear D r 0 Henry If I do not notrocolvo notrocoivo I IrocolvQ I
rocolvo that story from you OU by by12 by12oclock 12 18oclock 12oclock
oclock today I virgolng am lolnl to put on onmy onmy onmy
my l1 honvlL lieu visit soled oI c shoos como down downto
to your our house and kick you down downstairs clownatlrl downstairs ¬
stairs I always keep eJ my promlsog promlsogWhereupon promlllohereupon promisesWhereupon
Whereupon 0 Henry sat down and andvjroto nntYliQJo andWvrQte
vjroto YliQJo this till characteristic cbar torlJltlo reply I
1ijDear DeAr Bfrr Sir 17 1 coa c wmna 11 J tom tompromlueJ tW tWlloml j jpromises
promises lloml if 1 could fulfil ij1cm hom om wiUtmy wlUI wlUImy < wJpii wJpiimy
my foot footSucco SUCCORS M fJ1f1 azJnuj azJnujhen W WI WtJnflI1 I
hen tJnflI1 rh 1ldcn n fCt convloto4 onvioto vfoi tJ < J or sari sariouH O J JQ
Q ouH U H 9 P89T1filJnltio nsr fiunrlsorgd qd JJ1 O 4S 48008 48008i oOB oOBJI19Q
JI19Q i 19Q4 61232 ntt q Ip COQ gO G rt 2ao ifr ifrtl
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l1Ito Ii
OALHbUN OALH UN A AAttorneys tALHOUa tALHOUaAttorney 0ALHOU Z ZAttorneys
Attorneys at t Law LawNatfenal LawNaUen LawNatlenal
Natfenal Bank Building Patatka Flsn FlsnJOHN F5a F5aJOHN a alOHN
t y
Attorney Attorno At Law LawFront LaYFront LawFront
Front Stroot Palatka Fla Orangegrovos Orange Orangefor Or n nrrOYOI
rrOYOI for salo saloOH a1oon MaioOIL
j jOffice JOffice
Office over Y1r tho KennerlyHENRY KcnnerirHENRY Kcnnerly KcnnerlyHENRY
HENRY 8TRUN2 t31RUN7Attorney 8TRUN2Attorney
r rAttornoy
Attorney at Law LawFront i iFront ii
i vr vrrront
Front Street PALATWA PALATWANational FLA FLANatfonal FLa FLaNational
National Dank Building BuildingDR
t l lDR
Morale Buildings Rooms 3 and andE 4 4El L Lr LE
> > t I
DR W H CYRUS CVRU8Physician CYRUSPhysicIan CYRUSPhysician
Physician and 8urgconPALATKA Surgeon SurgeonPALATKA Sur on onPALATKA
M I COXE COXEAttorney CQXEAttornoy COXEAttorney
Attorney at Law LawOfflco Lawomco LawOfflao
Offlco In Court House Palatka Palatkaflerryday P1 P1Ilerryday
1 1flerryday
flerryday 6 Walton WaltonCOUNSISLLOUS vValtonCOUNSInLLOnS WaltonCOUNSELi4OitS
Front St Palatkn Nat aL Hunk Uhi
AttorneyatLaw AttorneyatLawOffice
Office Front Street Opposite Putnam PutnamHouse PutnamHOUlo PutnamHouse
Ib IbI
Raw I aw Fur Hides Wool WoolTallow WoolTallow 001 001Tallow
Tallow Beeswax Beef BeefHides BeefHides Beefsides
Hides Goatskins GoatskinsShtp
Shtp tho above toM to toSabe toM
M Sabe Sons SonsEstablished SonsEstablished SonsEstablished
Established in in1S5C
Over half a Century In Loulsvillo LoulsvilloWE J ullvnloWID
WE ARE DEALERS IN ABOVE A OVIIJ not notcommission notoommllon notcommission
commission merchants Roferonoo RoferonooAny norer RoferencoAny nao naoAnyhnnlt
Any Anyhnnlt bank in Louisville LouisvilleWrite IlOU LouisvilleWrite IIJJ e eVrlto
Write for weekly price Hit HitMISS 11te 11tMISS listMISS
PALATKA FLA FLAMlnlncry FLAMillinery
Millinery ladles furnishings no notloiis notons notious
tons and dross goods A full lino of ofladles ofladles
ladles summer underwear and ho hosiery hoIlery hostory ¬
story white lawn shirt waists light lightweight lightwol lightweight
weight wol ht wall skirts white linen lIncnl1ud lIncnl1udpJqUO and andpique andpquo
pique pklrts laces and embroideries embroiderieslong cmbroJdcrJelonl embroiderieslong
long and short silk gloves collars collnrwbelts collarsbel collarsbelle
belts bel to otc otcAn etaAn
An experienced trImmer and d si II IIw auov
uov I w 74 r fI aWtaa I tlIlkOUo f atlo u I IUlg a >
Ulg I IVhn
4 ° Vhn Vh11L the I1 htattdr ttdf w wit U 1hf 1hfaS ct tJ r
04 an gxptoHa g ngont ngontji UloptAll A °
ji jiAll
1 All taxoa arq arqglj < try 1I tJpt t ttlL ttlLate Uu Uuat1
ate otnni o IJtr to o ty tip st std t t iIi
i d jk Oil Ui thp th tlar terr rR use lN lNY j jt
IiI i > i iII
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