OCR Interpretation

The San Mateo item. (San Mateo City, Putnam County, Fla) 189?-19??, November 07, 1908, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of Florida

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95047348/1908-11-07/ed-1/seq-8/

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J I Lt LtW
W Ban fn Mateo Item Itemi It m mT mJOHN
1 Editor and Prop PropMAOTOO PropJ PropllN
> iI
AH bills for advertising aro due dueafl duafter du duafter <
after afl r tho first Insertion unless othc1wIle other otherwlie
wIle contrndtf contt HJl d dTE < l tr lTERMS
r 4 4TERMS
no no copy one year 100 100Ono 100Ono 100L
L Ono oopy six months 60Corrospondcmco 50 50Correspondence 0 0OorrospondOl1co
0J J
Correspondence solicited from sub subbcrlbora subb
lt bcrlbora b Items regarding now enter enterprises eut eutprlsos entaiprlsos
prlsos in all sections of the country countryespecially coubtr1OIPoclaJJy countryoapoclally
especially desired desiredNonsubscribers d081roe1Non8ubs dosirodf
f i V Vi Non Nonsubscribers Non8ubs rlberlJ receiving rocolvln tho San Bani SanMatoo SaD1atoo
i i A > Mateo Item will please note that it IB IBBent 18sent isi
i sent as a a sample copy copyOur CopyOur
Our readers will oblige us when whenwriting whenwriting WhenI
I writing to parties advertising in this thispapor thispaper
i papor If they will state that they tho saw sawthe sawthe sawg
g the advertisement in The San MateoItem Mateo MateoItem MateoItem
Item This is little trouble and cost costbothing costsnothing costnothing
nothing but it helps us and is in information InfonnatJol lfafotnnatlon ¬
formation wanted by tho advertiser advertiserEntered advertlrmntortif1 advertiserlllntored
Entered at the poatoftioe at San Santoo u Is Istoo
t too Fla u a secondclass second ciass mall mat matter matiter matter
iter ter
1 f tf Pennsylvania Capitalists to Expend
i 1000000 On Property Prop Prop9rtyJacksonville PropertyJacksonville rty
f Jacksonville Jack onvfJle Fla FlaA A strong com company comi cornpany ¬
i < pany of Pennsylvania capitalists will willspend willspond tvlllapond
< spend 1000000 in developing tho tho01ofcnolecc
Okofonokoo swamp which lies most mostly mostJy mostly ¬
ly In the southeast corner of Georgia Georgiaand
and extends Into Florida The swamp swampcontains swampcontains swampcontains
contains a wealth of fine cypress Urn timber Urnher Umber
ber and It Is for the purpose of cuttang cut cutting cutting ¬
ting this timber and converting It Into Intomerchantable Intof intomorchantablo
f merchantable lumber that the com company company company ¬
pany I Iwin will develop the property It Is Isgenerally Isgenerally isgenerally
generally known I < nown that a quantity of oftho otthe ofthe
the very finest cypress in the swamp swampr
r fi Is In Florida territory and It Is there therefore theretore therefore
fore possible that much of the improvemonts im improvements 1mrJtovements ¬
provements to bo made by b tho com comliany comIt
It any nywll1 ° will bo in this state statex stateWATCHED statoWATCHED
P t x
For fifteen years I have watched watchedtho watchedtho
r tho working of Bucklons Arnica Salve
I L u u
11 cure any anysore anysore anyL
L sore boll ulcer or burn to which Itwas It Itwas Itwas
+ was applied It has saved us many manya
a doctor bill says A F Hardy of ofEast otEast ofEast
East Wilton Maine 25c 2 c at S W WRowleys AVRowleys V Vl
l Rowleys drug store tf tfHONEST ttIIONEST tfHONEST
° i Found and Returned Rett4r d Pocketbook P Con Conr Contalnlnj
a r tamping Over 900 900Jacksonville 900Jaclclonvllle 900Jacksonville
Jacksonville Fla FlaA A lady from fromBrunswick fromlUl1swlclc fromBrunswick
Brunswick arrived arrl vetI in Jacksonville Jacl < sonvllle to tovisit tovisit tovisit
visit the carnival and en route to the thecity thecity thecityfrotn
cityfrotn city from the th union depot she lost her herpockotbook horpocltetboolc herpocketbook
pocketbook on tho street car The Thepockctbook ThepocJtetboolc Thepocketbook
pocketbook contained 920 in cash cashTho cashfhe cashi
i The police advised tho lady to commuc commu communicate ¬
c nicate with tho street car offices and andthis andthlo andthin
this she did didWhen didVhen didWhen
When tho street car corooplo people were werecalled worocalloel werecalled
called on tho telephone the lady was wasinformed
t i 4 informed that n pocketbook and mon money monoy money ¬
ey had been found on tho car by Con Conductor ConI Conductor ¬
I ductor Johnson It proved to bo her hermoney hermonQ hermoney
I money and when It was delivered to toher toher
her she loft a liberal reward for tho thohonoat thoItonolt thehonest
honest conductor
It Was Discovered on the Suwanee Suwarteet SuwaneeRiver
b River Near Gainesville GainesvilleOalnoRvillo Gainesvilleific GainesvilleGulnouvillo
ific OalnoRvillo GalnJ vll1o Fla FlaMr Mr C D Schaf Schaffor SchattQr Schaffar
for made a rich discovery in tho wes westorn wostorn WOHt
t torn part of tho county by tho finding findingof
o I of variegated agate Mr Schaffor is of oftho ofJ1i
i J1i c tho opinion that tho stone can bofound bo bofound
4 j found there in largo quantities Tho ThoenmploB Thor Thenamplos
r enmploB found will compare favorably favorablywith favornblyI
I it > with those found in Colorado and will willprove willf willjnrovo
f i + o prove a rich find for tho owners of ofOm ofa11u
4JI > a11u Om t n land J nd as well as tho man who whomt whoI whomi
I mt Jtldo Uo the discovery discoveryMMMMMMHWMM
1 I IIf
x 1 r r rr 1 Tb Uo game amojaw laws aro bing more rig rigjarou rigI
I arQuJY jarou y enfoi enforced od c1 In Florida than they theybftvt theyy
v h1 have y boon for some years c rs that Is inx in inportion InI
I f r x < f portion po poir rlou T foam All over the stuto tho therRs thoIi
Ii 1t rRs 1 t 4t JJ VtUQfl tQJ jito to the thoglvon arroyt a rot rotfl
fl 1 > ttttr ilJ I glvon JvoP JvoPI
I I If
f 1 j I IJ >
J 1 lk L 111II i i t
7 c i 1Yr lortill r rt f l
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STATE Si A4dROp E ECommissioner CROP REPORTS REPORTSCommissioner REPORTSComm R EpoR s
Commissioner Comm llioner McLin RoviewaSituation Reviews ReviewsSituation ReviewS
Situation S Situation arid an d Prospects ProspectsINCREASE P ProspectsINCREASE rospectaIN
oduction of 30 Per Cent from Normal NormalCotton Normalr NormalCotton NormalCotton
Cotton Crop CropLarge Large Quantities of ofof ofof ofof
of Cotton Still in Field FieldiTallahassee FieldTallallassooj FieldsTallalIassoo
Tallahassee Fla Commissioner CommissionerMcLiri Comm18S101101McLlrl
McLiri has tnkon special spoclalpalns pains this thisyoar thlORr thisyear
year ORr to ascertain tho condition and andprobable andprobablo andprobable
probable yield of the states leading leadingcrops leadingcrops leadingoropu
crops His estimate of the cotton c llon crop cropis
is thus stated in tho October Bulletin BulletinReviewing BulletinRevlowlng BulletinReviewing
Reviewing tho situation as to the thecotton thocotto thecotton
cotton II crop cr j1 of the state a compari comparison ¬
son of conditions indicates that the thecotton thocotton thecotton
cotton product of the state will be beclose becJoso beclose
close to 57000 to 68000 bales a roducLion roduc reduction roductlon ¬
Lion of 39 nor cent of the normal
crop Scarcity Sc r 1ty and Inefficiency of la labor labor labor ¬
bor high hl h wages and poor prices are aretho arcthe aretho
tho main elements In tho shortness of ofthe oftho ofthe
the crop Large quantities of cotton cottonaro coltonare cottonaro
aro still standing in the fields The Thecorn Thocornnnd Thecorn
corn cornnnd and most other crops are short shortbut shortbut shortbut
but a good hay crop has boon harvest harvested
ed aijd pastures are in good shape shapeThe shapehe shapeThe
The he report on the citrus crop Is as
A comparison of the condition of ofthe oltho ofthe
the present orange and grapefruit grapefruitcrops
crops with condition at same date datelast datelast datelast
last yoar Indicate only a very slight slightIncrease sUghtIncropso slightineroaso
Increase In either crop Tho orange orangecropof orangecropot orangecrop
cropof crop of 19067 amounted to 3006534 3006534boxes 3006534boxes 3006534boxes
boxes and tho comparative conditions conditionsgo
go toshow to show that the crop of 19078 19078will 1978wJnbo 19078wlll
will wJnbo bo very little larger largerhardly hardly a agreater agreaer agreater
greater Increase than 250000 boxes boxesso
so that U1 l It Is very probable that the thocrop thecrop thecrop
crop now on will not exceed 3256000 3256000boxes 32 3256000boxes 6OOO 6OOOboxos
boxes The grapefruit shows a little littlebetter littlebottor littlebetter
better condition and by the same samesources samesOUJ samesources
sources sOUJ sources es of comparison there Is slight slightIncrease slightIncrease slightincrease
Increase also The grapefruit of of190C7 of190G7
190C7 amounted to 450304 crates and andthe andUle andthe
the present Indications are that it will willnot willnot willnot
not exceed 472819 crates for 19078 19078An 19078An 19078An
An error that Is harmful to both crops cropsis
is that of estimating both oranges orangesand orangesand orangesand
and grapefruit as one they should be bekept bekept bekept
kept entirely separate and then both bothbuyers bothbuers bothbuyers
buyers and sellers of fruit have a fairer fair fairer fairer ¬
er field of operation Wo Vo therefore thereforeestimate thereloruestlmato thereforeestimate
estimate the orange crop of 19078 at atapproximately atapproxlmotoly atapproximately
approximately 3256000 boxes and andthe Rndtho andtho
tho grapefruit crop of 19078 at 472 472819k
819 819k 819kcrates crates or a total of citrus fruit fruitproducts fruitproducts fruitproducts
products of 3728819 boxes or crates
Being Enjoyed by bFlorida Florida Says Well WellKnown WellKnown WellKnown
Known Railroad Man ManJacksonville ManJaclcsonvlIe ManJaclcsonv
Jacksonville Jaclcsonv lle Fla FlauTbls This cold wave wavemeans wavemonns wavemoans
means thousands of dollars to Flor Florida FlorIda FlorIda ¬
ida declared James E Roach a well wellknQwn wellItnqwn welllcng
knQwn lcng vn railroad man of this city cityThe cityulhe cityThe
The oranges aro all well matured maturedbut maturedbut
but for some reason the fruit has been beenslow boenslov beensloiv
slow In taking on Its golden hue hueThe huoTho hueThe
The crop Is maturing several severalweeks severalwee severalweeks
weeks wee Its ahead of last year car Tho tissues tissuesare
are delicately formed the average averageslxe avoragosize averagesire
size large and as a whole tho fruit fruitIs
Is very fine and luclous Tho orange orangegrowers orangegrowors orangegrawors
growers have Just reason for feelingprdud feeling feelingprdud feollnglrOud
prdud of tho crop they will ship away
from tho state this season seasonAs seasonAs seasonAs
As to conditions throughout the thestate thestato thestate
state I want to say that I never saw sawmore sawmoro sawmorn
more prosperous prosp rous times in Florida I Iam Ial1 Iaai
am traveling through the state almost almostconstantly almostconstantly almostconstantly
constantly The stores aro well wellstacked wellBt wellstdchod
stacked Bt cltod and the merchants state that thattrade thnttrado thattrade
trade Is better than over bCforo b loro There ThereIs
Is considerable building going on inthe in intho Inthe
the smaller towns and the class of ofRtriirhirnn otatrnctnrnR
nrn tmlncv im wnl1M
do credit to places many times larger largerin
in population There are not only rosIdoneos res residences resIdonces ¬
idences being erected to take care ofthe of oftho oftho
tho increase of population the con construction construcUon consttuction ¬
struction of large buildings as homos homosfor homostor homesfor
for now enterprises but there aro aromany aromany aremany
many improvements going on In tho thoway thoway theway
way of street paving seworage sys system systo11 systom ¬
tem water works and other modern modernconveniences modornconvonloncos modernconveniences
conveniences being adopted ad tod looking
toward tho hoatlh and general dovcl dovclopmont dovelopment dovolopmont
opmont of tho towns townsho townsho
ho place l > lnoe whore Jacksonville now nowstands nowstands nowstands
stands was W EI formerly known as tho thochief thohlof thochief
chief place for crossing the St Johns Johnsriver JQbnsrlyer JohnsrlYor
river Its aboriginal name was Wacca WaccaPljatlca WccaPliaUea Waccarilatka
Pljatlca which moans in English as asnear asnear asnear
near as it can bo translated Cows OowsCrossing CowsOrosslng CowsCrossing
Crossing Over This was abbreviated abbreviatedby
by all BngllBhspeaklng J klnglisli ngllshvoal spealring lng people who whoKnew whoknew vlloknew
Knew Jt as 8 Cows Ford Fordft
7 ft w
a HLt HLtfl >
fl U 4
t I 11 11STATE
HJ J l
of oftheir oflhofr oftheir
canals out
With tho drainage I
their banks ank and t ld tho rivers which run runout runI runout runout
out of tho Evorglados unablo lo carry carryorf carryort carryoft
ort tho wator pouring into them from fromthat frOJnthat fromthat
that sourco on account of tho unusually unus unusually unusually ¬
ually high tides along tho coast thedrainago the thedrainage t110elrali1ago
drainage work on tho Glades is being beingput beingput beingput
put to a severe tost tostThe tostTho tortThe
The first stop has boon taken in a aprojoct 0proJoct aproject
projoct that will aid greatly in the de dovolopment development development ¬
velopment of Sanfdrd Snnt rd and tho almost almostunbroken almostunbroken almostunbroken
unbroken country to the southeast of ofthat ofthat ofthat
that city The work w rk on the Sanford Sanfordand
and Everglades li railroad has beenstarted been beenstarted beeustarted
started and the company expects to tohave tohave 0 0hao
have tho flraUtflve first Jlvo e miles through the thecelery thecolor thecelery
celery delta finished by the first of ofFebruary oflrcbruary ofFebruary
February FebruaryLewis lrcbruaryLewis FebruaryLewis
Lewis Wasters a young man about
22 years cnrs old was drowned In Deep Deepcrook Deepcrock Deepcrook
crook near Holy branch while engag engaged ¬
od In rafting logs for the DyalUp DyalUpchurch DynlUi1church DyalUIrchurch
church company It seems that the theyoung thoung theyoung
young ung man could not swim and get getting getting getting ¬
ting into deep water with no one near nearto nearto nearto
to help him he lost his life His body bodywas bodYwas bodyvas
was recovered shortly after the sad
accident accidentFrom accidentFrom accidentFrom
From the large number of folders foldersdescriptive foldersdescriptive foldersdescriptive
descriptive of various varl us Florida cities citiescommunities clUescommunities citiescommunities
communities hotels and resorts in circulation cir circulation circulation ¬
culation it is evident that the people peopleof
of tho state are doing d lng more than just justtalking justtalking justtalking
talking about the attractions nature natureand natureand natureand
and man offer the visitor from the thecolder thecolder thecolder
colder northern states
Carrying out Its policy established establisheda
a year ear ago the city council of Pensa Pensacola Pensacola Pensacola
cola has deeslgnated the depository depositoryfor
for city moneys flIor or the next fiscal fiscalyear fiscaloar
year y oar awarding the th bid to the Ameri American A eri ericnn ¬
can National bank that institution to topay to1m topay
pay 1m 609 per cent upon three classes classesof
of funds which will net the city cltyn cltynrevenuo a arevenue arevenue
revenue of about 4000 on interest interestalone interestalone interestalone
alone on the various classes of funds fundsThe tundsThe fundsThe
The system was inaugurated a year yearago yearago yearago
ago In Pensacola after a very careful carefulInvestigation carefulIn carefulinvestigation
Investigation In at the hands of the thefinance thefinance thefinance
finance committee and the first year yearat yearat yearat
at a lower rate of Interest than that thatwhich thatwhich thatwhlcli
which Is to pertain hereafter netted nettedthe nettedthe nettedthe
the city over 3000 All banks of the thecity thecity thecity
city made bids for securing the city citymoney citymone citymoney
money mone and the one offering the high highest highest highest ¬
est was given the award awardA
A long mooted question has been beendecided beendecided beendecided
decided by the municipal judge 01 olTampa 01rampa 01Tampa
Tampa In a case before Judge Pee Peoples PeepIes Peeples ¬
ples recently It was laid down as a arule arule arule
rule of the law of courtship that 1030 1030oclock 10 1030Oclock 30 30oclock
oclock p m Is late enough for any anyyoung anyoung anyyoung
young man to remain at the home of ofhe ofho ofthe
he object of his adoration if he has hasnot hasnot hasnot
not formally declared his Intentions
J Sakla founder of Yamato the theJapanese theJapaneso theJapanese
Japanese colony In Dade county re recently reccntly recently ¬
cently applied to the board of educa education educatioh ducaHon ¬
Hon of that county to allow his wife wifewho wifewho wifewho
who Is under twenty years ears of age to toattend toattend toattend
attend school at Boca Ratone The Theboard Theboard Theboard
board Instructed tho teacher of that thatschool thatschool thatschool
school to admit Mrs Sakal as a pupil pupilif
if It could bo bl done without disarrang disarranging ¬
ing the work of the schoolSome school schoolSome schoolSome
Some of the farmers who own ownplaces ownplaces ownplaces
places near Miami say that quail Is so soplentiful soplentiful soplentiful
plentiful around their farms that It Is Isa Isn isa
a n difficult matter to get a seed bed bedstarted bedstarted bedstarted
started One of the farmers stated statedthat statedthat statedthat
that he had planted seeds two or J Jthree
three times and the little birds at atonce atonco atonce
once proceeded to go In and help
themselves From all over the county countycomes countycornea countycomes
comes the reports that never before
have quail been seen so plentiful lJlentJrulTamla plentifulTampa plontifulTampa
Tampa Is making Havana cigars for
Havana The tobacco Is grown In
Cuba not far front tro Havana is import imported
ed to Tampa paying duty and the themanufactured themanufactured themanufactured
manufactured product Is exported to
Cuba again paylpg duty and Is sold
there This singular twist In the laws lawsof
of trade has come about through the theclgarmakers thoclgarmalors thecigarmakers
clgarmakers strike In tho Cuban cap ¬
ital A Havana cigar dealer recently
sent an order to one of the most mostprominent mostIromlnent mostprominent
prominent of Tampa cigar manufac ¬
turing houses which was promptly
filled Naturally Natura1JyTampa Tampa Is quite jubi
lant If the orders continue to come comeafter comeaftor comeafter
after the strike is over it will demon demonstrate demonstrate demonstrate ¬
strate that Tampa is indeed becoming
a world center for cigarsMatrimony cigars cigarsMatrimony clgnrsMatrimony
Matrimony seems to bo tho order of
the day among Florida journalists B
B Tatum president of the Miami Pub
lashing company cO 1J1any publishers at the Mi ¬
ami Metropolis recently married Mrs
Letah Marshall Davis of f St Joseph
Mo In Kansas City Mo Mrs Sellye
M Baker tho former editor editor of the
Sanford Chronicle was married re roocently
cently to James H Ovorman both of
Sanford SanfordThe Sanfordtrho SanfordTo
The farmers on tho pipe lands In
Dodo lldo county arq ar busy now no those thoseI bQj bQji bQjLd i
Ld I 1j
1 f 4 I w I f
tl < O
t ct c
f t I k j jr
3 F 4w < r <
J II 1 tJY 1 iL 1 1Who
Who c afe e fortunate torl te enbfiitoHto ci ii O ihb hi3 to have havecither ha vo
cither pepper tomatp or eggplants an are
busy taking them fromthe from the seed beds bodsand
and placing them in tho fields The Thfglade Th Thglado Theglade
glade farmers are waiting for thewater the thewater th thwater
water to run off BO that they can commence com commence commence
mence plowing their glade fields at
the came time they are planting seed ed
bods on the th high pine ZIands ands to have
their plants hlnt ready as SOOn as tho wa ¬
ter runs runsolf8urocloqktojtrl off sumcietlltofl 8ufflcienfc totransplant spIant to
the fields Tho lowecJSastkCoast JoweLE lowo EZ sk Coast oast will
bo in in the market with a full crop o of ofvegetables otvegotables f fvegetables
vegetables this season Citrus fruits fruitsare lrnltare
are ripening up well and an almost dally
consignments are being made to the thenorthern
northern n markets The citrus fruits
in this section are of f a nostexccl1ent mostexcellentquality most nostexccl1entquality excellent excellentquality
quality this year yearIt yearIt
It has been suggested that a con convention conventlon conventlon ¬
ventlon of the sheriffs of Florida be
held to consider reasons why some ofthe of ofthe b bthe
the laws are difficult dlm ult of enforcement
It would afford much light to the next nextlegislature ne nextlegislature t tlegl
legislature legl 1at re They have h practical practicalknowledge
knowledge as to th the < p working s ofmany of ofmany otmany
many state regulations
There are resources in Florida Floridawhich Floridawhich
which are practically pracUcallyyet yet undiscover undiscovered ¬
ed the development of which with withthose withthoso withthose
those that are already positively
known to exist Will make her the Em Empire Emplre Empire
pire State of the south southThere sou southThere h hThere
There is more nl re Catarrh In this sec section sectlon section ¬
tion of the country than th n all other otherdiseases otherdlse otherdiseases
diseases dlse ses put together and a until the thelast thelastfeY thelast
last lastfeY few years was supposed to be in incurable Incurable Incurable ¬
curable For or agreatlnnany pgr tugreat t many anyyears years doc doctors doctor doctors ¬
tors pronouncedita PTOnQunc pronounced dit it a local Joc disease and andprescribed andprescribed andprescribed
prescribed local remedies r al sandby and by con constantly constantly constantly ¬
stantly failing to cure ur with w t local treat treatment treatment treatment
ment pronounced it Itipcrabla incurable Sci Sclencehasproven Sconce Science ¬
once encehasproven has proven catarrh to be bea a con constltutional coniiUtutional constitutional
stltutional disease and an therefore requires re requires requlre ¬
quires constitutional treatment r Halls HallsCatarrh HaUsCatarrh fallsCatarrh
Catarrh Cure manufactured toy lbyF P J JCheney JCheney JCheney
Cheney 8 Co CoToledo Toledo Ohio is the theonly thoonly theonly
only constitutional cure cure on the mar market market market ¬
ket It Is taken internally Interll ny in dosesfrom doses dosesfrom dosesfrom
from 10 drops to a tea teaspoonful QonfuI It Itacts Itacts Itacts
acts directly oa the blood and mu mucous mucous mucous ¬
cous surfaces of the system They Theyoffer Theyoffer Theyoffer
offer one hundred dollars for any anycase anycnse anycase
case It fails to cure cure Send for circu circulars clrculars circulars ¬
lars and testimonials testimonialsAddress testimonialsAddress testimonialsAddress
Address FJ F J CHENEY bH NEY CO COToledo COToledo COToledo
Toledo Ohio OhioSold OhioSold
i iSold <
Sold by Druggists Dru ghJts 75c 75cTake 75cTake c cTake
Take Halls FamilyPills Family Family rills for consti constipation constlvatlon constipation ¬
pation tf
For or Infant and ud CMldrenThe Children CJd1drenThe ChildrenThe
The Kind Yon Hail Always Bought BoughtBears
Bears the theSignature thel theienaturo
Signature l aturo of ofPUTNAM ofPUTN ofPUTNAM
This section1 Be tlo l of Putnam tnam county is ispushing hpushing ispushing
pushing ahead For instance at our ourcounty ourco ourcounty
county co nty seat s at Palatka there have been beenmore beenmore beenmore
more public improvements made In Inthe InhEf Inthe
the Vast twoyear0than tvoat than fn twenty twentyyears twentyyears twentyyears
years previous all put together togetherA togethermovemont
A movement Is now on foot to bond bondthe bondthe
the county for good roads bridge bridgeacross bridgeqcross bridgeacross
across across the St Johns river and new newcourt newcourt newcourt
court house The push and goahead goaheadfever goaheadfever goaheadfever
fever has struck Now is the tUne timeto tUneto tuneto
to invest in this thlf5sectlon section Prices Pricesof
of real estate will advance lively in inthe Inthe inthe
the next two years Com to Son SonMateo BCUIMateo SanMateo
Mateo or write writeREAL writeREAL writeREAL
fan Mateo Fl JllOCf1 JrlI FlORCHARD
U 1toNCF
An t AmbltlouiMotgfcr AmbltlouiMotgfcrHubby A Itloui M ott er erHulibyi i iHubby r rthat
Hubby > said the ob oblervant ervant wife wifetht Ife Ifejanftor
that janitor of these flats is sfJ1 apache apachelor baohb0bor o o oor
lor bor or
lorWhat What It ItI j jI
of itr 1
tecoMng in int4r M n nterestett I Itqrest
I really think J is
terestett tqrest t4r ested d in h our ur eldest elftc1 daughterThere daughter daughterThqre 1 1 l1ttr l lTh
There Th re you youP go fain with wtthY9ur your pipe pipeEverybody pipe pipedreams I J
4 dreams In1IJ Last WQk t1s11 It WI itY itYuko v9u uko ukoFvorybodys e eEVQrY
Everybody EVQrY Mgx 4ul1W k lf lff 1
f W t tll
ll lli
i 14 14I
I 1iU r rJ
I J fittt
1 1f
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