OCR Interpretation

The Morning sun. (Tallahassee, Fla.) 1907-19??, May 22, 1907, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Florida

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95047371/1907-05-22/ed-1/seq-6/

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1 11 11JOilJLD
OOULD NOT KILL rl LL 8ALAJContinued 8ALAJ T 4 n 3 11JConti 11J 7JJtontlaoed
Continued Conti from First Pant Pantsalary Piersalary
salary 11 Increase e protesting against adding to the oost of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the State government and compared the proposed increase increasewith I Iwith s swith
with the salaries paid in Georgia South Carolina CaroHDlaad CaroHDlaadAlabama and andAlabama andAlabama
Alabama showing bowlD by It the figure he presented that Wor Plor1da WorMa JIor14a
Ma would be b paying higher salaries than the States D DAtter namedAfter named namedAfter
After hearing heartD the Senator from the Sixth there isscarcely Is Isscarcely I Iareely
scarcely anything more to be said declared Senator SenatorBeard SenatorBeard ator atorBeard
Beard as a he came on for his turn but in spite of that thattwclaration thatteclaratioD that6sclaration
twclaration the Senator from the Second found a great greatdeal greatdeal t ta
deal a to say sayThe ayrIae sayThe
The people turned down the amendment to Increase increaese IncreaseIBM Jn Jnalariea
IBM e salaries of the Judges said Mr Beard and they tha1ould theywould theywould
would turn this down too if they had a chance chanceMr ChIDCeMr chanceMr
Mr Beard then spoke ke of the cost of carrying on the thework theworit thework
work of the Comptrollers office asserting that thattoo too much muchmOD49 muchmoney ranchmoney
money was so used usedThe uMdrJ usedTtepersona
The Ttepersona rJ e persons who hold these administrative offices go goout 10out goout
out ia the campaign camp fp and ask the th people to retain them themand tkemaDd themand
and then the next n xt thing they ask k is i that salaries be Increased in increated int
t created said the Senator from the Second SecondThe SecondThe SecondThe
The remedy is i In their own hands if they are not satis satisfied eatiefledthey ti tifledthey ¬
fied fledthey they can resign resignTalk realpTalk resignTalk
Talk about a railroad lobby the most insistent and andpersistent andperatent andpersistent
persistent lobby I bare ever seen is i that carried on by bythe bytk bythe
tk the executive officers with one exception of this adminis administration adminietratlon l ltratiOJl ¬
tration trationMr tratlonMr
Mr Beard then asked that a report just sent to the theSenate tlte8eaate theSenate
Senate by the Governor be De read and after he had made madesome madeIOI madesome
some IOI comment Senator Sella tor Adams said leI I do not consider considerthat conalderthat considerthat
that this report has ha any aD bearing on the bill under con consideratipn COBlIIderatl9n eonslderatlgn
sideratipn We are discussing the t e subject of increasing increasingthe incrMafathe
the salaries 1arie of the Cab Cabinet net officers and not the clerks clerksMr clerkaMr clericalMr
Mr Beard then rocked merrily along in his hi remarks remarksof remarkot
of opposition and condemnation and the hammer hammerfeU never neverfell nrrerfell
fell on him though he broke the tenminute rule to smith smithereens 1D smithereens t11 t11e ¬
ereens ereensIf e nL nLIf
If Napoleon had as a many man troops at Waterloo as there thereare tJaereare thereare
are clerks in the Comptrollers office he would have ha won wonthe YODthe wonthe
the victory and if Lee had had h d this force at Gettysburg Gettysburghe GeU GeUhe
he never would have retreated were two comparisons comparisonsdeduced eompl1 comparleeededuced lCliM lCliMdeduced
deduced by Mr Beard after learning that the cost of ofthat ofthat ofthat
that office was more than 17000 17000Go 17040Go
Go down there and look at them he cried TM1Iwarm They Theyswarm Theyswarm
swarm about the room Perhaps PerhapiKr Mr Beard included in inthe iDthe Inthe
the swarm the three expert accountants from New York Yorkwho Yorkwho Yorkwho
who have been working then th for some week for Haskins HankinsSella HaskinsSells H Ha
a Sells of New N NNobedy YorkNobody York YorkNobody
Nobody asked him about this and he did not vouchsafe vouchsafethe Ouchafethe
the information informationSenator informatioDBenator informationSenator
Senator Massey had been showing signs of restlessness restlessnessand
and at this thibreak break in the farce comedy invited Senator SenatorBeards SenatBearda SenatorBeards
Beards attention to the quotation from Scripture rela relative relative roletive ¬
tive to plucking the mote out of the other mans eye and andneglecting andneglecting andneglecting
neglecting the beam in the eye of the pluckee pluckeeWhile pluckeeWhile pluckeeWhile
While declaring against extravagance the Senate has hasbeen JaubleeD hasbeen
been unmindful of its own ow eatxa extravagance spec i said Mr Mae Masaev JlUR MaeSidi
aev Sidi ta4 1 ftod as chaiwnajj of the potftmitts potftmittstlte
R rt 1 Ofbe
tlte Bxpeftses tUt WWO C will bi paid out for clerks clerksout wttk wttkout
out return to the people peopleIt
It does not lie in our mouths 1bout I to say y anything about aboutthe aboutthe aboutthe
the State government IOverDm t in view tJe of the extravagance of the theSenate theSenate theSenate
Senate in clerkhire > > he continued continuedMr
Mr Beard asked If we have been recklessly reckll extrava extravagant extravagant extravagant ¬
gant does it follow that we should not try to check extra extravagance extravagance extravagance ¬
vagance elsewhere elsewhereMr 1 1Mr V VMr
Mr Massey No but it does not lie in our mouths mouthsto
to denounce others for extravagance extravaganceThe
The Senators 8en trI from th tIMP t 8ith 1 th and Second did not nottalk nottalk nottalk
talk to the real question of o the t e bill The Senator from fromPORCH fromPORCH fromPoRiJH
At Kbt t Price PriceCO ce 350 350C0KBE1TS 3 Jt 50 0 0CORBL1TS
Everything EverythingIn i
In Furniture and andHouse andJ andHouse andi4use
House J and and OfficeFunllshings OfficeFurnishings Office OfficeFurnishings
Furnishings FurnishingsPtTiMitt FunllshingsPa7JQeati
PtTiMitt Pe sts our zna be made any en old wa wmy iu ut ao aoYOU 10YOU soSOU
D DRCoxFurxdture R Cox Furniture Co CoP
iv The Jeweler JewelerIsUUTY JweleraaAVf Jeweler1lmIVTY
slaweiot Ham srs srsS srsare oast wosrea1
S > tsw tswslaweiot PII PIIan
are a sttmstive sttmstiveWhat cars t u utaess III IIItMrI
I tMrI + N4WtM Sr leV y ytel
soar oriel vl ual tel telwr Newt Newtwl
What wl te to t se seas Gall Gallhers CallIMnt Aultr
r hers have jow ejrts sum summe aamof
0 No1dfrs me trw of osst e sad 1g lltthl tlw tlwd tIaeatu
il t No1d > d 4 7 aids tor ss lltu lltuUMMMJT mum
3 UMMMJT m mo y as will W asters w wfair uW urea s sr
fair r pvsftL We W keif Nosh seostorasiyeut Nosheel
eel rasiyeut > rea reai reac sst sstm sste
i c < tiij e
If Meassare DIJi Lisle jfcriw Paste P Both Holies Ho ami amiSimilar MClaf srdoMNght
af oMNght Similar BW Two Tears fear r Afo 4foJJoP AgorhoPeep AfoBoPeep
BoPeep JJoP BIB set tie e House astir yesterday aJ when W lie lieannounced heaDDouacec1 itsannounced
announced that ha had he i t his bill and didnt C dat know chow where whereto 1ieNto
to find it itBut ItBut ItBut
But the Beyvsasntatie Bsptrlee llIll e from Sumter 81U1L didnt offer to totake totake totake
take any chance ekaa en a jiving ving it come home JaG dragging a atale 1 1tale atale
tale behind it Bl iaXatcd in tu1 that there was a a tale talehind be behind behind ¬
hind it and aa he inassdiiJelY Iy gut behiDdtlle behind the biil bUIor or rath rather ¬
er the duplicate of otthe theTne ti ne mat l lat had been lost pushed it itthrough itthroqh itthrough
through under underfled i and had it immediately certi certiaiernoon cert1Jled certilied
fled to the Senate SenateUjA 8 SenateUpon Date DateUJAJI1
UjA Upon > n the th opeD opening tf of ofstated aiernoon Ili a rnOOn session Mr Kilgore Kilgoreh X11preItated Kilgorestated
stated that on April Aprilpassed Ap lit l h 1 he introduced a bill b l1 It was wasApril wu1MCI wasl
l passed on second secondMay readj April 22nd on third third reading readingjiate
May 2nd went to toMay the jiate ate and that body passed it itthe itMaJ itMay
May 17th and that t atlO so soHouse the bill had never reaehedtheHouse reachedlthe reachedltheml reaeJaed1tlaeHOule
House HouseBetween HouseBetween
HOuleetWeeR Between the thete Senate Senategore ml House exclaimed eXC medr medrMk Mr Kugore KU KUand XUlOre
gore gorewhom Iom somebody aided and took it out I dont know knowto knowwhom knowwhom
whom to b bl bJame bat ebodyJ to blame and further farthermore furthermore furthermore
more a similarbill similar bill wasloet was 11 oat in the same manner at the thelast ijaeJut thelast
last session session11Mr sessionMr iOD n n1t
Mr 1t Kilgore said he hat h looked everywhere in the capitol capi capitol capitol
tol for the bill and ad it ouldnt be found so he asked askedtroduee wedunanill1ou askedunanimous
unanimous consent to towhich troduee roduce one identical with thatwhich that thatIt thatwltich
which had feen mispl misplsion It was passed pa ed under RIpen snspenen suspeupion
ion and certified to the t tsons en nate ate In the Senate Mr Hud Hudup BudIOns Endsons
sons bill No NO3 SI was wasing s tai n up and passed yesterday be beer being being
ing amended so as to tothe er the same points covered in inis IDthe inthe
the bill of Mr Kilgore Kilgorepension is bill was passed pa ed under sue susHouse suepension 111 111pension
pension and certified to toSo Ie e House Houseit
So out of the three bill billthe it does seem that Mr Kilgore Kilgoreshould KilgoreMould Kilgoreshould
should land one for the Governors signature The bill billwhich binwhich billwhich
which was lost was House BOBill Bill No 8 relating to the pow powers poWera powera ¬
era and duties dutf of the Baisjoad Ba i d Commission with reference referenceto refere ce ceto
to inspection of physical properties and equipments eq1 pmeata of ofrailroads ofraUroadl ofrailroads
railroads railroadsunanimous railroadsthe t tthe
the Sixth dont ilka thsiill 1M ill because it fc not ot like the theGeorgia theGeorgia theGeorgia I
Georgia lawMr law lawMr f fMr
Mr Adams coesngli comsMOtcd W fumorously on the demand that thatFlorida thatGeorgia thatGeorgia
Georgia laws be a applied appliednot ws Florida and asked if it itnot were wereenacted werenot
not possible that laws 1 1first enacted for Florida without withoutia withoutant withoutfirst
first inquiring what whatvided Gec ia a had done in like case caseMr cueMr caseMr
Mr Adams spoke of the iork ork that had multiplied in the theState theState theState
State departments and is addition this th l Legislature re pro proRailroad provided provided
vided more work for fortrailer Railroad Commission Oomp Oompof Oomptroller Oowptroller
troller and Commission Oommissioit of Agriculture and declared declaredit
it was but fair that sal salments be increased Other depart departo departmenta departments
ments also had more w wHe < o do doturned doHe doHe
He told also of the m turned into the State Treas Treasury Treuury Treasury ¬
ury by the office of the 8 StsXe e Chemist and asked Senator SenatorBroome SenatorBroome SenatorBroome
Broome if he did not rasiniber fiber the time that the Agri Agricultural Arrfcultural Agricultural ¬
cultural Department not ofly fly Iy did not do this but instead insteadwould iaatea4woale insteadwould
would ask for funds fundsGeorgia
The senatorw1F Senator L Ltar
w1F tar tar1fo r y yMo
Up stronger strongerllvered er erlIYered speede has seen seenof d dlivered
livered in the i iin fe1sjs tbJs t11 that of Mr Adams Adamsdebate Adamsin
in support of this bill and andsway an anIway debate has any power to tocertainly tosway
sway an audience he must mustfriends mustfrlendl certainly added to the thestate thefriends
friends of the measureHe measetreHe measure UW1ar8He
He said too I want wantneither t tneither state here and now thatneither that thatber
neither the Governor nor one onesnid mber ber of his hi Cabinet has hasUp hllid hassaid
said id one single solitary word to me on this subject subjectSenator subjectSenator ubjectSenator
Senator Broome then retorted to the battle of wordsleaking words wordsmaking wordntakIDI
making further remarks about the salaries of other State Statesand Stateand Stateand
and reading from letters r he had received receivedSenator receivedSenator receivedBeDator
Senator West of otttae the Fourth 0 spoke against the bill de declaring derlftriD declering ¬
claring rlftriD lie would be negligent of duty to his people if he helid heI heJIJ
lid I it not oppose oP1 > 01e the the bill and a then Senator Beard spoke spokeajlAa upoUIlJtAiU spokeaga
aga ajlAa a explaining about the vote on the constitutional constitutionalamendments coutItutloDaaweadmeau conatltntlonalamendments
amendments at the last election electionIf
Ie If the people were opposed opp ed to increased salaries for forjudicial forjudiclal forjudicial
judicial officer then it follows foUt that they would be opposed opposedto
to increase iier + ease for other State onVsers onVsersSenator aantor OMoaattLSentor
Senator tor Cone spoke for the hill 1 Iu asserting ert1nc that good goodmen podmea goodmen
men should uld be paid adequate adeq salaries I rieL He also called calledattention eaJledatteation calledattention
attention to the higher cOlt of living and that the salary salaryincrease IIJar1iD salaryincraMs
increase iD was but fair fairSenator fairtor fairIduator
Senator tor Humphries opposed the bill declaring that thepeo the Diepeople thepeople
people peo a of his hi district would not favor it
OM One Senator has said he believed that the people peoplewould peoplehI peoplewould
would hI vote for it said M Mf Humphries but I know k w the theopis tAUJ thepss
J pss pIe of ofy my district woul vote aialnst it itSenator Ittor ItSMstor
Senator tor Crane appealed for tile hlllln iin strong ItroD terms and andrtfavred andrtlIINd andrefblrred
rtfavred to the many county osBcers aan who ho were we making makinffmart makingmere tlkI tlkIael
mart money ael than the officer om of the State Government Governmentyet
yet et there wo no suggestion of reform Under the lee fees leesystem Jeelarp
system s large incomes were enjoyed by many but the theSenate thebad
Senate se bad not indicated a desire to make any aa change changewhile chupbill changewhile
while a bill to pay the Cabinet Ca officers cera proper salaries is isdenounced 11ced Isdenounced
denounced denouncedSenator denouncedsenator ced cedleutor
Senator Crane said tup that he had not been ap approached approocbed p pproI ¬
proached proI ed by any person its aistsated tsd ia 1 this bill hilLDeeI billDoh billDa
Da DeeI the Senator say y that t ha has not been approached approachedby eW eWIv
by tiybodjr laod1lu in favor of this the hwl 1 P aafcat Sanator fl flXr BroorsaML Broome Broomeat
at Xr Crams I do and andJ taM smW M MMr
Mr J Broome I have haveMr wave ve veKIa
Mr Crane Or l I am utroe no not isaaiiaflfMi far the Senator Senatorfnai ntor ntorthe
roe the Sixth bat uo jltia e Senator tor from u uEhsnoth the theEleventh tlaeEItL
Eleventh EItL1ft J T TThe
The motion to iadelini indegnir intetinitatf r o SU fcaatpoae the bill was lost lostbjr JOltbl lostby
bjr the 10Uol following Vote YoteYMr roteYiMr T TYaaa
Yaaa YMr Mr President 4atsi 4l H AMord JIo Baker t BeardBroome Beard BeardBroome BeardOrew
Broome Crews BUlDphri HumphneTjasiaoa d1dcCreary d1dcCreary1ViliY11 Johnsom 1011 McOreary McOrearyWUlla KeerWUlttli
WUlla WUlttli WUlttlia 1ViliY11Naveidenstors 11 11Nays
Naveidenstors Nays a Senators Adauisr Ad Adam nlat CmfA 1 potts OottreU + eU Oraas en arm OrillDavis OrielDs
011 Davis Is Qirardean Hen HeuderiMi I Ea4aon duos Lsgfttt LepettDied + > f fNaal >
Died If Trammell Wlther WithlhIfI fffsat silt 1st Zim Zba1l0VBNOB ZIIDt ZIIDtGOVERNOR 16 16BBVI8ION I
The recent eat decision of ofthe r f w Irayge vayne aaeiariag aaeiariagI rial ftlllt thatthe ftlllttbe
the assessment weo laws of ue ueth I are uncoastitetUmal aacoutlntloultlat was WMSto wasthe
th the subject of a Mierjil Mierjilmorning siw iul to the Hoose yesterday vesterdavd veeter yesterdaynwrulug a amoroiul
morning The Gofrn i iHitieudiiieutH did d that t the necessary necessarywas aeceuar1llWu4111tl1tlll necessaryauwudmeuts
HitieudiiieutH be made madeuii mesago was u ordered spread spreadLH tlplftttJt
tea Ute t a Jourual and ad rrfi nfcri nfcriindtaistioa r LH > the ae Committee on Finance FlnauceGOVERNOR FiDaUetAd FinanceOrd
indtaistioa tAd tuatioa tuatt
Continued from frirst iret rat Page Pagewould Pewould Pagewould
would be a hardship to cut the people of the wests wMtIt 11 half halfoff hiltogfrom
off ogfrom from the coast Mr Morrison Morr loa seemed to think that thatthe tatthe thatthe
the diaphanous line which it was proposed to des world worldraise womldraise 4 4raille
raise a harrier rle1 between the eastern and the western sides sidesthe li lithe sidesthe
the new county coul I having ha vi DC it all and the old county not be ¬
ing spared so 0 much uch as a whiff whi of sea breeze breeseThis b brlde
This was as good as str Carter desired to read from fromhis frolDhilll fromhis
his joke book So he said that he couldnt stand the thethought thftthought thethought
thought that the boys of Stetson would be prohibited the
joy of angling in Mosquito Inlet and he gravely feared fearedthat fearedthat fealedthat
that our good citisen and compatriot Lincoln Hulley Hulleypresident HuUelprelJdent Hulleypresident
president of Stetson would stand and gace into the
limpid waters of the Halifax with the feeling of a strang stranger ¬
er er in a strange trane land Mr Carter regarded Volusia as a aremarkable aremarkable r rremarkable
remarkable county any county he said that could pro produce produee prooduce ¬
duce two such men as George P Healy and Jim Alex Alexander AJexander Alexander ¬
ander was most extraordinary He had entertained the thedeepest thedeepeet thedeepest
deepest apprehensions since he had heard of the pro proposed propOlled proposed
posed division to know which side of the line these the gen gentlemen geDtlemen ¬
tlemen would fall on Mr Carter said that the argu arguments arptneRta arguutnents ¬
ments in favor of division had not been sufficient to satis satisfy satiafy tt ttfy ¬
fy him that it should be so So far as open saloons went
he declared that he could see no necessity nece ity to have the thecounty tJ thecounty e eCOUDty
county any wetter than it was w already re dy for every board boarding boarding boarding ¬
ing house and hotel of consequence in Daytona sold alf alfthat a atna1 alaithat
that was required to drink Mr r Carter thought the tit gov gvernmental governmental CGTernmental ¬
ernmental affairs of Volusia Vol would be interfered with if ifthe Ifthe Ifthe
the division were made and said he would rote Ot to IDdeJtnitely indefinitely in indefinitely ¬
definitely postpone postponeMr
Mr Parkinson answered Mr Carter briefly He said saidthere Kidthere saidthere
there was no opportunity to interfere with the govern governmental goyernmental governmental ¬
mental affairs of the county cou ty of Volusia for the division divisionists dhiionIits
lets would leave le ve them all and would take nothing
The motion to indefinitely postpone was made by Mr MrMelton MrMelton r rHelton
Melton chairman ehaJ man of the Committee on City ity and County 00uDt
Organisation The bill was presented with an unfavor unfavorable 11afaTOrable upfavorable ¬
able report by the committee and under the rules this thisduty thlduty thisduty
duty was performed by Mr Melton MeltonWILLIAMS MeltonWTLLIAMS feltonWTILIAJ8
Mr Williams of Jackson will move reconsideration of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the vote by which the Bbu House e failed to recede reeedefrom from the theamendment t theamendment e eamendment
amendment to the relief bills in the disbarment cases casesfrom CUMfrom casesfrom
from that county requiring vthat bat at the county of Jackson Jacksonshould Jacbonbould Jacksonshould
should reuay the State for the costs in these cases Mr
Williams contended from the first that these costs should
be borne by the State and there is a probability that his hiscontention hiarontention hiscontention
contention will be sustained when the vote is i reconsid reconsidered recouldered reoonsidered ¬
ered Mr Williams says that t at the disbarment proceed proceedings proceedings proceedtugs ¬
ings might have been brought in any other county in the theState theState theState
State and the State would have had to bear the cost and
there is no justice in requiring J Jackson county to tothe pay
the costs in these th le cases ca ea The Senate refused to concur concurin
in t the House S UlIe amendments DC111 piovi Jaj that Jackson Ja I couq toastyTAMPA coual coualTAMPA
The Tampa Tampa Fair Appropriation Bill s pending in tins tinsHouse t tHouse 1 1Houle
House adjournment having been taken at noon yesffer yesfferdaj Tesftsrday Pel PelclR
day clR while the bill was under discussion In the after afternoon afternOOB afternoon ¬
noon the bill imposing impo dnlt licenses and taxes was the special specialorfjer apedalnrtJer specialnrrjer
orfjer and consumed the entire forenoon session and a w wwnding wss wssrNnding WI WITudhtl
wnding upon adjournment Mr Reese opposed the theiTumpa tileaTumPl thetTamna
iTumpa fair bill on constitutional OD tftutional grounds JI01ID Mr DIck BieaIxmrs I I1tl11 IBourg
Ixmrs 1tl11 Mr Vr Ir Decker Mr Abernethy Mr Parkinson and pdfo andMV
MV fo MacWUliams spoke for the t tlVOULDNl > > measure measureWOULDNT uterineWOULDPT
800IBT7 ROc7IETYThhougb 800IBT7Thottjrlt 800rlYTJao
Thottjrlt TJao the sum sought bv Bepresentative Farris for forthe frtJw r rthe
the h Florida ortda Historical HI8t rlcal Sociiety was modest + tx x hundred hundreddollars Jtu hundredJliars re4
dollars 1111 a year er the House Ro e refused to make ttlC tl c appffftprtft appffftprtftHen a apprrp It Itthm la latine
Hen The vote T was 96 to 80 Bepwsentative DiiTHmt TtPantrglstend DiiTHmtrtftaterd ThlToattl
rtftaterd his tl disapproval 4tap1MO8Jby1fBK diva p > rroval by saying that he didnt tJd tJdtM tklnk thihcthe tklnkthe
the Statesareheeves fttarts tar archeevt should ouJd be rawnckixT f fasr r 1 any such swhpurp suchnnrpwe a anlf
nnrpwe purp nlf e So o the bill turned its It toe where wh tJMt ft daisy daisyBXlWERATORB daisyr daisyZUMELtORR 111 111POW
Without objection the bill providing relief for the thecensus tMteD thecensus
census teD enumerators passed the Senate yesterday reIrdaOa
On u motion of Senator Msssey Ka the rules were waived waivedand waf wafaDd waivedand
and the bill was passed by a vote of 88 88No IIt IINn k6No
No uN us telling t tellba 11 ing your physftian pJal taD be must have his kllttou prescrip phstripdot prescriptions ¬
tions dot for you pat up by the most cartful eNf1Iltlta paanssv paanssvcists piiarioaelite +
elite tlta isi town and that you reqiirt the t tp best bestpurest turf turfpurest
p purest drugs j simply say take them r to toTHE toTHK toTHE
THE THETftllaJbtassee THKTallaha88ee THETiiahassee
TftllaJbtassee Drug DrugSA7 CQ CQts p pTSAT
Most M st t car Complete lte Stock in i tke t City CityT Cic CiT Ci CitT
Phone Phone31gtsbls 31gtsbls 37 37Things 3 3Thipi8
Things Good to L Eat EatFmh EatL EatJnIh
Fmh Vegtttbissj V Ky v esy ry Dty n nLOWNEYS DeyLOWNEYS DtyLQWNBYS

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