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THE T HE DAYTONA GAZE GAZEDaytona GAZETTE = NE NEVVS NEVVSk NEVVSCpl J r 9tr 9trr 9trr i < w b I It Itb JP t r
k t 7 7D <
Cpl 14 No 21
D Daytona 7tona Florida Nov 1 19O2 i902 UwFi Edw Fi raid
Are refurnishing your cottage and rooms for
the winter remember that we have just the thegoods thegoods
goods you want wantl wantMASON i
119 North Beach Street I
Phone 9 9See 9e
ooeeooee c cee e er < < 4 4Phone
r See e C C Barnes Barnesat
1 j m at the e Novelty Store Storefor ore orefor i ifor
for anything in the following lines viz vizStationery Iz IzStationery
Stationery StationeryBooks Newspapers NewspapersMusical NewsPa Pere Magazines MagazinesArtists M Dtagruinesiii StQZines
J 1 iii Books BooksConfectionery Musical cal Goods GoodsFruit Artists Supplies SuppliesNuts
tt Confectionery Fruit FruitClocks Nuts NutsWatches Nu
Jewelry JewelryParses ClocksParses Clocks ClocksToilet Watches WatchesPocket
Parses ParsesFishing Toilet Articles ArticlesSporting Pocket Knives KnivesGames
Fishing Fi hing Tackle TackleBaskets Sporting Goods GoodsBird Games GamesSchool
Baskets BasketsKodaks Bird Cages nges and andSupplies muss
Kodaks KodaksBike Supplies SuppliesWindow
Supplies SuppliesMasks
Bike Supplies SuppliesDolls Window Shades ShadesToys Masks MasksNotions
Dolls Toys Notions NotionsW NotionsLowneyH NotionsLowneyH NotionsLowney
LowneyH s and Wileys 1V Chocolates always fresh Sewing machines for sale
for rent and repaired All sorts of tools and machinery repaired promptly a aPicture
Picture Frames Mode to toOrder toOrderIf Order Orderf OrderM OrderWhy OrderUYou
f If UYou ion Cannot Fi Find nd ndWhat
What Thntiron on WanL Why Wh y Call onDr on BARNES BARNESr <
i i ic
c Dr r Q norton oon Marcus MarcusThe a c cThe
The T e Well Knowne Known KnownEye KnownEye
Eye y yv e Specialist c tan and andOculists andOculists
v Oculists s Optician Opticianlias
has returned and can be consulted on the Eyef
f at No 8 South Beach St next to Moore Bros BrosEYES BrosEYES Brosis
Spectacles to Suit all Impaired Eyesight EyesightNew EyesightNew
New Lenses Put in Your Frame FrameALL
9 Every person wants to deal with is the kind that keeps all kinds of offancy i
faney groceries groce es as well as the staples staplesA staplei staplesi
i I IK i
K i A Complete Fresh Stock StockYou to toTon i iYon
You will always find on our shelves We know what what you want if r your yourwants o r rwants Z Zwants
wants are what anybody else wants If you ou want anything else el we wewill t e ewill
will get t it for you on reqest reqestA regesti
c i j i ic
J c T i A new line of Fishing T Tackle Tackle1ustreceivedt Tackle1ustreceivedtJ jJstreGei just received receivedT ed i if
f ee e i iI
t tI tT ty ii
I i
± T I i iE
Jacksonville FIn Oct 23Th 23 The manyrumors many manyTumors manyt11mors
Tumors over the purchase of the the East EastCoast EasttDut EastCoact
° Coast Railway Rwlw y Flogler system by the theSouthern theSouthern theoatlrera
Southern Railway were renewed yester yesteriybythe yesterMy yestertlRyby
My tlRyby iybythe by the filing of f a trust deed by the theEast tbeE thew
w East E Bt Coast Railway company to a trust trustcompany trustepmpnny trustcpm1y
company of New York providing for nn nnfasae nuI anIeeae
I I fasae 8e of bonds to the amount of 8741 8711x
x 4 000 to ran 30 years at 5 per cent inter intert interand i iand
t and to be dated January 1 1903Copies 1903 1903Copies 1903Copies
< < Copies of this th deed were filed in all coun counties countiea counties ¬
ties tiea in which any of the property of thesystem the thesystem tbelJBtem
system is located locatedA
= Smemoraadnmaccomp A memorandum memorandumllClOmpaniedcnchdred memorandumllClOmpaniedcnchdred1equesting accompanied > antede antedeue8tinb each achdeed deed deedrequesting
requesting ue8tinb g the clerk of thecourt to allow allowno
no one to see the paper paperThe paperThe paperThe
The deed says the money h I to be used usedfor usedfor useda
a for purposes purpo s of extension buildingbranch building buildingbranch buildingbranch
branch lines consolidating merging or orpurchasing orparchnaiug ora
a purchasing other roads or other otherTHQrood otherilro otherimad
THQrood ilro d properties propertiesThis
l This on account of the situation has hasheen hasheen hasbeen
heen deemed rather ther significant 8i iflcunt us showugthat show ehowfegthat show8g
fegthat 8g > that a purchase by the Southern Southerny
i y be expectedMrs expected expectedDouglass expectedIi
Mrs Douglass ha has received a new newlot ne newbtof
lot 1 btof t of fancy trimmed t mmlJ hats and all kinds kindsof
r F of trimmings trimmingsPassenger tt nmin gs gsPassenger
Passenger 1 > > 8Seuger traffic on the Florida East EastCoait BustCoait EastCoast
Coait Railway is increasing daily daily18Ita dailyxts
11 18Ita xts about time to think of having havingJ having7otlrhouse
J 7otlrhouse house r fixed up Kost G Gwinner Gwinnerartists Gwinnerlire winners
lire s artists in painting and paperhangfitbetter paperhang paperhangS paperbangjacLrUcr
S jacLrUcr l cttor consult them themI
Joe Price and family arrived on onMonday onMonday onMonday
Monday also Miss Lippincott LippincottMr
Mr and Mrs Colby visited Mrs MrsHasty MrsH MrsHasty
Hasty H sty at Ponce Park last weekOur week weekOur weekOur
Our school continues to increase increaseThere IncreaseThere increaseThere
There are over sixty pupils enrolled enrolledMrs enrolledMrs enrolledMrs
Mrs Amasa Watson has returnedfrom returned returnedfrom returnedfrom
from Illinois where she spent six sixmonths sixmonths sixmonths
months monthsE
E M Vining is again at homeafter home homeafter homeafter
after a pleasant visit to relatives inthe in inthe inthe
the north northRev northRev northRev
Rev E Butler went to BarnesvilleGathis Barnesville BarnesvilleGa
Gathis Ga this week to be gone one about aboutfive aboutfive aboutfive
five days daysMiss daysMiss daysMiss
Miss Ethel Francis spent several severaldays severaldays severaldays
days on the beach last week with withMiss withMiss withMiss
Miss Foulke FoulkeThe FoulkeThe FoulkeThe
The little folks had a happy tim timeat timat timat
last Friday Fridaygiven Fridaygiven rida
at the Rainbow Social t tgi
given gi en by the Junior Endeavor Society SocietyA
A aplesant social feature of this thisweek thisweek thisweek
week was a Haloween Halo ween Party Part onlast on onlast onlast
last evening for the benefit of thelibrary the thelibrary thelibrary
library libraryMr
Mr Wilmarth and family from fromMassachusetts fromMassachusetts fromMassachusetts
Massachusetts are with us for the thewinter thewinter thewinter
winter and are in the Wardwell Wardwellcottage WardeUf WardeUcottage Wardwellcottage
When you cannot find nd what you want wantat walltat wanttat
at other stores go to Clarks but it isbeet is isI isI
I I best to go there first fl 8t to save 8tn e time timew
< <
+ w
The predicted tidal wave did not showup show showup showup
up last night nightT
T F Whitten was one of the excur excursionists excursionists excursionists ¬
sionists to Titusville last Sunday SundayD
D F Morrison went over to Barber Barbervine Barberville Barberyule
vine last Saturday to visit his family
He returned to Daytona Tuesday TuesdayRev
Rev and Mrs Dana Sherill arrived arrivedfrom arrivedfrom arrivedfrom
from Illinoislast Illinois last Saturday and areoccupying are areoccupying areoccupying
occupying their home on Volusia V avenue avenueCapt aenneCapt avenueCapt
Capt Geo P Gleason was in Daytona Daytonaa
a few days this week looking after the theinterests theinterests theintereete
interests of the East Coast Canal Com Company Company Cornpang ¬
F C Allen returned Saturday last lastfrom lastfrom lastfrom
from Jensen where he has been erecting erectingand erectingand8uperintending erectingandsuperinteuding
and superintending the work of the ice iceplant iceplant iceplant
plant plantMr plantMr
Mr and Mrs T Fred Brown were wereamong wereamong wereamong
among last Saturdays arrivals They Theyare Theyarenow
are arenow now occupying their home on the thepeninsula thepenInsula thepeninsula
peninsula penInsulars
rs Wm Atwood returned lastSatur lastSaturday last Satur Saturday
f day evening from a very pleasant nnt sum summers 8ummers summere ¬
mers visit with friends in Pennsylvania Pennsylvaniaand
and New YorkM York YorkMiss
Miss M rse Bessie Hobbs returned to Rollins RollinsCollege RollinsCollege
College at Winter Park Wednesday Wednesdayafter
after spending a coupleof weeks at home homesuffering homesuffering
suffering with chills and fever feverBert feerBert feverBert
Bert Shanks J D Carmichael Chas ChasGaylor ChMGaylor ChasGaylor
Gaylor Richard Jones and John Meyer Meyerwere Meyerwere Meyerwere
were among the gentlemen who took in inthe inthe inthe
the excursion to Titusville Sunday SundayiTH SundayIf
tl < iTH If you have any pictures you wish wishenlarged wishenlarged wishenlarged
enlarged for Christmas presents dont dontdelay dontdelay dontdelay
delay but send your order to Harris Harrisnow Harrisnow Harrisnow
now Studio in Peck Block Phone 91
E H Bacheler of Marshfleld Hills HillsMass BillsMasH HillsMaas
Mass arrived Saturday His family familyare
are expected in a day or so They will willoccupy willoccupy willoccupy
occupy L I Thompsons coquina house at atSilver atSiler atSilver
Silver Beach BeachGramling BencbISThe Beach1gThe
ISThe Gramling Bakery have a line lineof lineof lineof
of home made candies nuts and fruits fruitsProf fruitsProf fruitsProf
Prof Bert Fish Volusia 8 sujwrinten superintendent
dent of public instruction and one of ofthe oftbe ofthe
the risingyoung rising young lawyers of this section sectionof
of the State was in in Daytona Tuesday Tuesdayand
and Wednesday WedncsdaIE
IE 1 65 Whole wheat bread at the Grain Grainling
ling Bakery every day dayMrs daylIN dayMrs
Mrs Garfield arrived Tuesday from fromNew fromNew fromNew
New York and is located at the Troy TroyHouse TroyHouse TroyHouse
House Mrs Garfield is a regular win winter winter winter ¬
ter visitor and owns considerable considerableproperty considerableproperty considerableproperty
property in the city cityI6T cityItirThe cityThe
I6T ItirThe The biggest pchool tablets tabletsyou you ever eversaw eversaw eversaw
saw for a nickle nickleatBarnes at Barnes Novelty No elty Store StoreMr StoreMr StoreMr
Mr and Mrs Barrett and daughter daughterMiss
Miss Edith arrived ar ed from Maxwell III IIIlast Illlast IIIlast
last Saturday Miss Barrett is very verypopular verypopular erypopular
popular among the th young people and andwill andwill andwill
will be gladly welcomed by bybernumerous bybernumerousfriends her numerous numerousfriends numerousfriends
friends friendsIfirBaske friendsIfiBaskets
IfirBaske buckets and bags of a akinds akInds akinds
kinds for lunch at Barnes Novelty vStore vStoreJ Store StoreJ
J E Ingraham third vicepresident of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the Florida East Coast Railway ac accompanied accompanied accompanied ¬
companied by Mrs Ingraham and anddaughter anl1daughter anddaughter
daughter came down from St August Augustine ¬
ine last Saturday and visited over Sun Sunday Sunday Sunday ¬
day with ith Mrs M L 0 Rawson
ODid Did you pee the halfknee boot for
150 at Smith Sons SonsA
A H Schmidt returned last Saturday Saturdayfrom
from St Louis where he has been for forthe forthe forthe I
the past few weeks on business and andpleasure nndpleBRure andpleasure
pleasure combined Mr Schmidt says saysthat saysthat saysthat
that a great number of people from that thatsection thatsection thatsection
section are coming to Daytona within a afew afew afew
few weeks weeksNew weekseeSfW weeksINew
eeSfW New line linebelts belts 50 cents centsSMITH centsS centsSMITll
E J Walker the hustling and enter enterprising cnterprising enterprising ¬
prising Florida passenger agent of the theNashville theNashville
Nashville Chattanooga St Louis Ry Rywas Rywas Rywas
was in Daytona last Saturday distributy distributying distribut distributing distributing
ing some very nice desk blotters adver advertising adeltising advertising
tising his line Mr Walker registered at atthe attbe atthe
the Dillinplmm DiJlin ham during his visit itdt to the theFountain theFountain theFountain
Fountain City City6yNew Cit Cit16rNew CityItiYNew
6yNew line ladies gents gen and chil childrens childrens childrens
drens underwear SMITH S UTH Sox
The Halifax Rifles will give a masque masqueball mnsqueball masqueball
ball at the Armory Thanksgiving Thanksg ing night nightinvitations nightinvitations nightinvitations
invitations for which will be issued next nextweek nextweek nextweek
week At the meeting m ting of the company companyTuesday companyTuesday companyTuesday
Tuesday night the following were elected electedan
an R chairmen of the various n ous commit committees committees committees ¬
tees and each given authority to select selectthe selecttberemainderof selectthe
the tberemainderof remainder of the committee General Generalcomraittiee GeDemlcommittieeJ GeneralcommittieeJ
committieeJ J B Parkinson decoration decorationW
W F Jibb dance dnnClDr Dr W E French Frenchrefreshments f FrenchrefreslimentsF rencbrefreshment
refreshments F B Austin It Itis is needless needlessto
to say that the affair affairwiJI will be a very aYer great greatsuccess greatsuccess greatsuccess
success as 8 everything the boys under undertake nudertake tindertake ¬
take they successfully carry out outTHE outTHE outTHE
The instruments for the band have havebeen haebeenreceived havebeen
been beenreceived received and the baud is now fully fullyorganized fullyorganized fullyorganized
organized Meetings will be held once oncea
a week Wl > ek at the armory for practice The Thepersonnel Tbepersonnel Thepersonnel
personnel of the orgueization is as fol follows follows follows ¬
lows lowsA
A W Fielder leader Thos Cave solo soloBb 8010Bb soloBb
Bb cornet W M Moore solo cornet F FC l lC FC <
C Allen firstcornet 11 ret cornet ElwoodDillinghain ElwoodDillinghainsecond Elwood DillingbuUl Dillinghamsecond DillingbuUlsecond
second cornet Wiley Abercrombie piccolo pic piccolo piccolo ¬
colo Wesley Herrick solo alto Walter WalterCameron WalterCnmeron WalterCameron
Cameron solo alto Ed Edward ward Curtis third thirdalto thirdalto thirdalto
alto Shep Simonds second tenor C E ERichards ERichards ERichards
Richards baritone W II Furr 2 Eb Ebtuba Ebtuba Ebtuba
tuba W E French 1 Eb tuba L S SHerbert SHerbert SHerbert
Herbert snare drum John Pollitz bass bossdrum bassdrum bassdrum
drum Grover Gwynner cymbals
Mr and Mrs L N Blood were among amongThursdays alllongT amongThursdays
Thursdays T arrivals arrivalsGame arrimlsGame arrivalsGame
Game Warden Chas Kurtz was in inDaytona inDaytona inDaytona
Daytona yesterday yesterdayMr
Mr and Mrs W B Seamans arrived arrivedyesterday nrrivedyesterday arrivedyesterday
yesterday for the winter winterProf winterProf wintersProf
Prof and Mrs A W Fielder were visi visitors visitors vialtore ¬
tors to Titusville Sunday SundayThe Sunda SundaThe
The tourists are arriving in consid considerable considerable considerable ¬
erable numbers every day dayDr dayDr dayDr
Dr G G1 M Wallace mayor of Ormond Ormondwas
was in Daytona Tuesday TuesdayWillis TuesdayWillis TuesdayWillis
Willis Johnson is temporarily tempora ly acting actingas
as station agent at Boynton
Mrs Wm Watson was down from Or Ormond Ormond Orround ¬
mond Tuesday calling on friendsMrs friends friendsMrs friendsMrs
Mrs Sadie JacksonThompson Jaelson Thompson is inthe in inthe inthe
the city for a week stopping at Mrs MrsTroys MrsTroys MrsTroys
Troys TroysQThe TroyseThe TroyspgThe
QThe Gramling Bakery will put up uplunches uplunches uplunches
lunches for fishing parties on very crJ shortnotice short shortnotice sbortnot
noticeGeo notice noticeGeo not l > e eGoo
Geo Wray returned yesterday from a abusiness abusiness abusiness
business trip to Palatka and St Au Augustine Auustine Augustine ¬
gustine gustineMrs gustineMrs ustine ustineMrs
Mrs G W Garfield has taken roomsat rooms roomsat roomsat
at Mrs Carsons and boarding at Mrs MrsSilvcrnails MrsSihernaiJs MrsSilvernails
Silvcrnails SilvcrnailsCommissioner SihernaiJsCommissioner SilvernailsCommissioner
Commissioner French has the roller at atwork atwork atwork
work leveling off the newlylaid shell on onBeach onBeach
Beach streetIMrs street streetlMrs streetIlirMrs
lMrs Douglass has received a newlot new newlot newlot
lot of fancy trimmed t mmed hats and all kinds kindsof kindHrimmings
of o rimmings rimmingsMr
Mr and Mrs W F Thomoson went wentto
to Titusville lost Sunday returning the thesame thesame thesame
same evening
Mrs V 1 B Simonds left this morning morningfor
for Fremont Ohio where she has ac accepted accepted accepted ¬
cepted a position positionMrs
Mrs Newell and family arrived Mon Monday Monday Ionday ¬
day and have opened their handsomr handsomrnew lmnllsomlne
new ne home on Ridgewood RidgewoodThe
The Bennett t > nnett House < < Hotel Doxplnml Doxplnmland
and Fountain City House opened their theirdoors theirdoors theirdoors
doors to the public this week wchWe weekWe tek tekWe
We are pleased to state that Adam AdamSchantz AdnmScbantz AdantSchantz
Schantz is rapidly improving under the thecare thecare thecare
care of Dr Worley at St Augustine AugustineCol
Col C C Post returned home Sundayfrom Sunday Sundayfrom Sundayfrom
from the Carolina mountains where he hehas hehas hehas
has been spending a few weeks vacation vacationl6For vacationtFor acatiouI6rFor
l6For sale cheap a ladies bicycle bicycleAddress bieycleAddre88 bicycleAddress
Address Box 290 Daytona Fla HaCapt FlaCapt FlaCapt
Capt John Gardner of Ponce Park Parkhas lnrkhM Parkhas
has purchased a home in Daytona and andexpects andexpects andexpects
expects to bring his family up in a few fewdays fewdays fewdays
days daysIfiTCall daysl6rCall daystf3YCall
IfiTCall and see that new kokak devel developing developing developing ¬
oping machine at Barnes Noveley Store StoreMiss StoreMiMs StoreMiss
Miss Mae Jolley and Miss Lillian LillianThompson LillionThompson LillianThompson
Thompson returned yesterday from a apleasant apleasant apleasant
pleasant months visit with friends in inthe inthe inthe
the north northJfThe northtThe
JfThe Gramling Bakery bread is ishealth ishealth ishealth
health bread because it is absolutely free freefrom freefrom freefrom
from anything injurious injuriousCounty injuriousCounty injuriousCounty
County Tax Collector D P Smith was wasup WMup wasup
up from New Smyrna Monday Monda issuing issuinglicenses is issuinglicenses uing uinglicenses
licenses to the business and professional professionalmen
men of Daytona
UOh < TOh Oh I yen Smith Son have a newline new newline neWline
line of hosiery hosieryL hOHier
L P 1 Tribble and a party of 15 ar arrived arried arrived ¬
rived from Hoskins Ohio yesterday yesterdayMr
Mr Ir Tribble will conduct the Van Dorn Dornhouse Vornhou Dornlouse
house hou this season seasonCiTHave senRonOHave seasonHave
CiTHave Have you ou tried the rye bread from fromthe fromthe fromthe
the Gramling Bakery BakeryI
I M Cross of Iowa has leased rooms roomsof roomsof roomsof
of Miss Cross and Mrs Waldron on S 8Beach SBeach SBeach
Beach Street while looking up a location loca location location ¬
tion for business businessJgLThe bUllincesIrhe businessThe
JgLThe The Gramling Bakery is prepared preparedto
to make cakes for parties and receptions receptionsihort
o hort notice noticeRev noticeBe noticeRey
Rev Be J B Hawk will return todayfrom today todayfrom todayfrom
from his trip north and services will beheld be beheld beheld
held as usual at the M E Churches at atDaytona atDaytona atDaytona
Daytona and Seabreeze mbn > eze tomorrow tomorrowJgyFresb tomorrowIEirFresh tomorrowtt
JgyFresb tt Fresh bread every morning mornin at the theGramling theGramling
Gramling Bakery akef Its It the kind
mother used to make makeMrs makeMrs makeMrs
Mrs Louis Adler arrived Monday from fromKentucky fmmKentucky fromKentucky
Kentucky and joined her husband whocame who whocame whocame
came a few weeks previous They havetaken have havetaken haetnken
taken up their abode at the Hotel HotelDespland HotelDespland HotelDespland
Despland as usualiCnll usual usualtCal I
tCal on Barnes at the NoveltyStore Novelty NoveltyStore XowltyStore
Store and get fitted to spectacles and andeyeglasses nll1eyeglnsses andeyeglasses
eyeglasses A new lot just received receivedMrs receivedMrs
Mrs 11 18 Isa Cowan has purchased the theYankee theYankee theYankee
Yankee Doodle launch and had IJ I1 it itfitted itfitted itfitted
fitted up and enclosed from the weather weatherher
her son Louis and Mr Gordan will run runit runit runit
it as an excursion boat the coming comingwinter comill comillwinter corningwinter
winter winterJEirDo wintertDo
JEirDo you know where I can get some somepound somepound sonicpound
pound cake Why Wh yes the Gramling GranihmgBakery GramlingBakery GrnmlingBakery
Bakery has as good as you ever ate ateMiss atefiAA ateMiss
Miss Kate Newstead and Willie aijd aijdGladys R1ldGlndys aqdGladys
Gladys Peters etcrs came in on Mondays Mondaystrain
train and have opened the Peters home homeat
at the corner of Ridgewood and Third Thirdovenup Thirdovenue fhirdOelll1l I
ovenup Mr Ir Peters and Orville are ex expected expec expected ¬
pected pec d in a day or so sohome soJeDclicious soiEt
JeDclicious iEt Delicious home made candy cand at the theGramling dieGramlin theGramling
Gramling Gramlin Bakery Better trysome try tr some of it itThe itThe itThe
The following gentlemen from this thissection thisIIeCtion thissection
section have been summoned as jurors jurorsfor
for the circuit court c > urt which will convene conveneat
at DeLand the tenth of ths month H HY HY HY
Y Thompson Arthur J Pellett J D DCarmichael DCarmichael DCarmichael
Carmichael W M Guthrie and A CBarnett C CBurnett CBarnett
u Ef
+ f
At the meeting of the city council Mon Monday Mondny Monday ¬
day evening Mayor Parkinson submitted submittedthe
the following message It is brim full of ofgood ofgood ofgood
good suggestions and should becarefully becarefullyconsidered becarefuJlycontlidered becarefnhlyconsidered
considered by every citizen of Daytona DaytonaTo
To the Honorable President and Members Membersof
of the City Council of Daytona DaytonaI
I have the honor to submit the follow following following followiugt6essage ¬
ing iugt6essage message in which la briefly stated statedand statedand statedand
and with but little argument my views viewson
on the necessities most vital to the thegrowth thegrowth thegrowth
growth and welfare of this city Should Shouldit
it do no more than to induce a thorough thoroughdiscussion tboroughdiscussiou thoroughdiscussion
discussion of the best st means to promote
the prosperity of the city it will beenough be beenough beenough
enough enoughIt
It is unnecessary to state that few fewplaces fewplnces fewplaces
places in this country t possess the natu natural nalural natuml
ral beauty of Daytona or the natural naturalattractions natumlattractions naturalattractions
attractions for becoming a great resort resortOur resortOur resortOur
Our growth has not been that thatof of a boom boomtown boomtown boomtown
town but always a steady increase in inpopulation Inpopulation inpopulation
population and wealth Visitors havebeen have havebeen bavelJeen
been our best advertisers and from a abeautiful abenutifullittll abeautiful
beautiful benutifullittll little village in the woods hard hardly hardIy hardly ¬
ly known of a few years ago even in inJackHonville inlackHomille inJacksonville
Jacksonville the praises of Daytona arenow are arenow amnow
now heard in nearly every state in the thethe thethe thethe
the union unionNatural unionNiltuml unionNatural
Natural beauty alone however is notentirely not notentirely notentirely
entirely responsible for this Naturaladvantages Natural Naturaladvantages Naturalad8ntages
advantages must always be supple supplemented supplemented supplemented ¬
mented by push and energy The people peopleliavc peoplehnc peoplehave
have done far more work than the casual cas cosml casual
ual visitor can realize and this under undernany undermnn undermany
many mnn adverse circumstances Beyondthe Beyond Beyontdie
the advantages of a railroad we havehad have havemd havehnd
md no FIngler or Plant Innt and what has hasbeen basbeen hasbeen
been done is the work of the citizens citizensWith citizensWith citizensWith
With i the large increase of tourists I
every year ear greater new conditions con connstantly constantly consttlntlv ¬
stantly confront us Having few developed de developed deeloped ¬
veloped resources resources we depend almost en entirely entirely entirely ¬
tirely on the tourists for our ourhiving living Ii ing either eitherdirectly eitherdirectly eitherdirectly
directly or indirectly and the problem problemtoday problemtodn problemtoday
today todn is not only how to induce more moretourists moretOIllilts moretourists
tourists to rome but more important importantluiw
how to take tukecure > care UI of thaw already nere nereWith nere11ith
I With a city population for several tI1l
mont in the t theyear h year car our sanitary condi conditions conditiollll conditions ¬
tions nit UI those tlm e of u country town It Itwill Itwill Itwill
will be uhaoultely necessary before long longfor longfur longfur
fur the preservation of health by theprevention the theprevention tbeplCention
prevention of epidemics of contagious contagiousdiseases contagiousdiseases contagiousdiseases
diseases that the city be kept in a per perfect perfect perfeet ¬
fect sunitary condition Much has al already aileud already ¬
ready leud been done and there is no imme immediate immediate ¬
diate danger but in in my opinion thetime the thetime tbetime
time has come for a thorough sanitary sanitarysystem sunitarHystem sanitarysystem
system of city sewerage sewerageI
I strongly recommend that a commit committee commitI commitItt ¬
tee tt > e be appointed appoin d to study this subject subjectcarefully subjectcnreflllb subjectcarefully
carefully to procure practical estimates estimatesof
of the cost and the way and means of ofproviding ofproviding ofproviding
providing for its construction in the thenear thenear
near future futureOur futureOur futureOur
Our fire fir protection is totally inade inadequate inadeJuate madeJuate ¬
Juate That we have had no great fire fireis fireis re reis
is due to good luck more than to anyother any anyother anyother
other cause Houses if burned can be berebuilt berebuilt berebuilt
rebuilt and are at the worst only indi individual individual fndividual ¬
vidual losses But the injury to ourtrees our ourtrees ourtlees
trees from a destructive fire would for forever foreer forever ¬
ever ruin the beauty of our streets and andthus andthus andthus
thus be a great blow to the future pros prosperity prosperity prosperity ¬
perity of the city Some good system systemof I
of public waterworks should be provided beprovidedeither providedeither providedeither
either to be owned by individuals or the
city cit with hydrants hose and hosecarts hosecartsand
and every inducement should be given tothe to tothe tothe
the formation of a good volunteer lire liredepartment firedeparlment liredepartment
department I believe with a good goodmunicipal goodmunicipal goodmunicipal
municipal water system private tanks tanksand tanksaud tanksand
and windmills would be abandoned andthe and andthe andthe
the income would more than pay interestand interest interestand interestand
and sinking fund on bonds issued for the thecost th thcost thecost
cost The lower rates on insurance insurancewould insurancewould insurancewould
would more than compensate foraelight foraslightincrease foraelightincrease forasJightincrease
increase in taxes taxesI
I recommend a careful cal ful study of thecoot the thecost tbecost
cost and means of providing a system of ofcity ofcity ofcity
city waterworks waterworksOur
Our streets have done much for the thecity tbecity thecity
city an anll good work has been done com compared compa compared ¬
pared pa d with other towns of like popula population populntion population ¬
tion There was much popular objectionwhen objection objectionwhen objectionwhen
when shell was first laid on the sands ofRidgewood of ofRidgcwood ofRid
Ridgcwood Rid wood but that was the beginning beginningof
of the roads of today toda The ite annual ap appropriation nppropriation appropriation ¬
propriation of 3000 is but little more morethan morethan morethan
than enough to repair our roads temporarily tem temporarily temporarily ¬
porarily Anything like permanent im ¬
provements must be made by special specialassessment specialassessment
assessment and opposition to good goodroads goodroads
roads has so disappeared that few op oppose oppose oppose ¬ I
pose the plan From what I have seen seenof seenof seenof
of rock roads in other states their dura durability dumbility durability ¬
bility and cost of If construction I believewith believe beliuvuwith belieowith
with the material we have permanent permanentrock permnnenrock
rock roads could be built which in a afew afew afew
few years would be far cheaper and andcertainly andcertainly andcertainly
certainly more desirable than marl marlor
or shell shellI
I advise a careful study of the cost ofrack of ofrock ofrock
rock roads the practibilityof buying the thenecessary tben thenecessary
necessary n essary machinery and a test of the therock tbeIOck therock
rock we have h c on hand handI
I would further recommend that steps stepsbe
be taken toward the purchase of ft steam steamroller stenmroller steamroller
roller and road sprinkler sprinklerThat sprinklerIhut sprinklerThat
That in the central and most crowdedportion crowded crowdedportion crodedpOltion
portion of the city sewers 8ewersbeconstructed 8ewersbeconstructedto be constructed beconstructetito constructedto
to the rivertwothirds river Ih twothirds of cost to beassessed be beassessed belsesl
assessed lsesl to abutting property and all allhouses allhuuses allhouses
houses to be compelled d to connect with withsame withsame
same sameThat SUllieThat sameThat
That property owners be compelled to tomow tomow tomow
mow and keep the parkage parka in good con condition condition condition ¬
dition a saving of several hundred dol dollars dolJars ¬
lars per annum to the city cityThat cityIhut cityThat
That the Telephone Co be asked to tofurnish tofurnish tofurnish
furnish a telephone for the use u of the thecity tbecit thecity
city cit marshal marshalThat Ularshalfhnt marshalThat
That a system of open sewers be provided pro provided proidpd ¬
vided at once for the drainage of Mid Midway MidYay Midnay ¬
way That the streets in the section sectionliable sectionliable sectionliable
liable to floods be rained rai d and that two twothirds twothird twothirds
thirds the cost be assessed to owners of ofproperty ofproperty
property benefltted I
We Are ReadyAre Vou You VouThe Youl t >
= t
The Thet winter things are here ere in m beau beautiful beautiful u ¬
tiful t u designs s and an comfortable co orta weights weightsAmong weightsc weightsAmong
t c tier tierAmong
Among the many new things we desire to tocall tocall tocall
call your our attention to are Art Squares Rugs EugsBed RugsBed RugsBed
Bed Blankets Comforts White Bed Spreads SpreadsGents SpreadsGents SpreadsGents
Gents Clothing and Hats HatsWe HatsWe
We have a very complete new line of ofladies ofladies ofladies
ladies and gents shoes at prices that are arelower arelower arelower
lower than the lowest lowestThe lowestThe
4 4a
The Most Goods in m Town TownThe TownThe own ownThe a
The Best t Goods s in in Town TownMost TownMost TownMost
Most Goods for 0r the e Least east Money on
Many sidewalks need repairing No Noticed Noticelt Notices ¬
ticed are being sent out and the Marshal Marshawill Marshalwill
will be instructed to repair the same samepromptly samepromptly samepromptly
promptly upon expiration of notices noticesMuch noticesMucb noticesMuch
Much complaint has been made in re regard regard regard ¬
gard to stray cattle and dogs As most mostof
of the cattle come in at night and anl1leave anl1leaveearly leave leaveearly leaveearly
early in the morning the citizens should shouldgive shouldghe shouldgive
give immediate notice and do all in their theirpower theirpower theirpower
power to assist in enforcing the ordi ordinance ordinance ordinance ¬
nance During the past week 11 head of olcattle ofcattle ofcattle
cattle have been impounded and several severalunlicensed severalunlicensed severalunlicensed
unlicensed dogs have been shot shotThe fbotTbe shotThe
The sanitary committee should rigidly rigidlyinspect rigidlyinspect rigidlyinspect
inspect all premises and especially Mid Midway Midway Midway ¬
way and Waycross often enough to pre prevent prevent prerent ¬
vent a filthy condition conditionWhile conditionWhile conditionWhile
While I am opposed to giving public publicfranchises pnblicfranchises publicfranchises
franchises for individual ind idual profit I am amstrongly amstrongly amstrongly
strongly in favor giving g ing every fair inducement in inducement inducement ¬
ducement that will cause capital to be beinvested beimested beinvested
invested here An electric railroad from fromDeLand fromUeLand fromIleLand
DeLand would benefitDaytonaby oone tDaytonaby bring bringing bringing bringing ¬
ing more people and cheapening trans transportation transportation transportation ¬
portation of both passengers pnssengersandfreigbt pnssengersandfreigbtA and freight freightA
A franchise could be granted for a term termof termof
of years providing for futureanuual future annual payments pay payments payments ¬
ments of specified sums should the rail railroad railroad railroad ¬
road prove a success
In conclusion few places have been beenmore beenmore beenmore
more honestly governed oerned than Daytona DaytonaMistakes l DaytonaMistakes > ayt01l3Mistakes
Mistakes have been made but there has hasbeen basbeen hasbeen
been no spoils system Public officials officialshave officialshave officialshave
have tried to do their duty and deserve deservepraise desercpraise deservepraise
praise certainly not unfair criticism for fordevoting fordevotin fordevoting
devoting devotin time and money toward securing secur securing securIng ¬
ing good government goernment It would be bestrange bestrange bestrange
strange indeed however if all held the thesame thesame thesame
same ideas in regard to the best means meansto
to that end endFew endFew endFew
Few places have as low a tax valuntion valua valuation aluation ¬
tion compared with prices property propertywrings propertybrings propertybrings
brings or as low a tax rate as Daytona Daytonaand
and especially when wecensider e nHider the com cotnbrts COUlforts comforts
forts attractions and public improve improvements improvements improvements ¬
ments Our electric lights ligb cost f 2700per 2700 2700ter 2700per
per ter year burn all night for six months monthsand monthsand monthsand
and till midnight during the summer summerOur BummerOur summerOur
Our gasoline lamps cost about 900 900Ve 900We JOOWe
We had them but six months of the year yearew yearfew yearfew
few ew rarely burned till midnight The Theamps Thewere Thelamps
lamps amps were purchased by individuals individualsMr
Mr Scbnntzn city tax this year is isIi0048 is
10048 Deduct that from cost of ofights oflights oflights
lights and we have lost but little in ex exense expense expense
pense > ense and gained an uptodate upto date electric electriclant electricplant electricplant I
plant lant which is an advantage to both bothndividuals bothindividuals bothindividuals
individuals and the city as a whole wholeWith wholeWitb wholeWith
With a good system systemofsewernge of olsewerage sewerage water waterworks waterworks mterworks
works and permanent roads Daytona Daytonawould Iaytonawould Daytonawould
would attract thousands more visitors visitorsarger visitorslarger visitorslarger
larger arger hotels will be built handsome handsomeresidences hnndsomeresidences handsomeresidences
residences factories will come many as asvet asyet asyet
yet undeveloped resources will appear appearand appearand appearand
and Daytona would become a large and andprosperous andprosperons andprosperous
prosperous resort Millions of dollars dollarsare
are being expended south of us all of ofwhich ofwhich ofwhich
which is in the line of direct competition competitionMost
Most of us have strong faith in the thefuture tbefuture thefuture
future of our city but a strong united unitedeffort unitedeffort unitedeffort
effort effort is necessary if we expect expe < t to com cornpete compete compete ¬ I
pete with the progress resorts of the thesouth tbesouth thesouth
south Respectfully submitted submittedJOHN 8ubmittedJORS submittedJOHN
Mayor MayorNotice MaorNotice MayorNotice
DAYTOVA October 231902 231902Notice 23 lU02 lU02Notice 1902Notice
Notice is hereby given g en that the business businessbrmerly hU8inessformerls businessformerly
formerly carried on by William Atwood Atwoodms
has ms been b en sold to Messrs W Maxwell MaxwellHankins ManellHankins Maxn ell ellHankins
Hankins and I G Bradley who will willcontinue willcontinue willcontinue
continue the same under underthe the name of orIbe orIbeAtwood The TheAtwood TheAtwood
Atwood Parmacy in which I shall have haveno
no interest and to whom all bills should shouldic
be ic made out on and after aftertheaboe the above date
Persons owing bills to William Atwood Atwoodare
are requested It < nested to pay pn same promptly so
their accounts nccoun can be closed closedRespectfully closedRespectfully closedRespectfully
= N NNNNNNu = mm 0 IsS pI N NNNNNNNu = uu uuGoodall = YV YVG
Goodall G Happenings HappeningsA s I Im u utt 22 22s tt s
3 3A
= m
A son of Rector Arnold a resident residentof
of Orlando i III pleasantly located at atthe atthe atthe
the Surf Crest CrestA
A new arrival at the Freeman man mansion mansion manlion ¬
sion on Valley Street happened on onSunday onSunday 2 w wSunday
Sunday A beautiful baby boy boyMiss boyIiss boyMiss
Miss Lillian Morris orris orrIs a charming charmingyoung chartn chartningsung g gyoung
young Y lady of Palatka spent a few fewdays fewdays
Ydays days at Seaside Inn visiting frlen frierMrs frlenMrs i iMrs
Mrs W H Heath and Miss NellieMann Nellie NellieMann NellieMann
Mann of Holly Hill visited it ited us on onSunday onSunday onSunday
Sunday Such jolly visitors are al a1ways always alwas ¬
ways welcome welcomeMrs welcomeMrs
Mrs D E Ainan is i the new ne v post postmistress po postmistressA t tmistressA ¬
mistress mistressA A S Harroun resigned resignedShe rY dignedShe
She is a most ellicient person for forplace the theplace theplace
place and very popular popularA
A S Harroun id making a specialty specialtyof
of raising the famous Egyptian E ptian pan pansies pansieR > t tlies
lies He was quite successful last lastseason lastseason lastseason
season andis an Is enlarging enlar in his beds for forthis forthiJ forthis
this winter
The Misses Moragne and party partyfrom partyfrom partyfrom
from Palatka leave for home homeon homeonI on onFriday onFriday
Friday after a moat enjoyaole a outing outingat
at Old Seabreeze Sea breeze We are hoping to tohave tohave tohave
have them as permanent neighbors neighborsDaily neiJthborsDaily neighborsDaily
Daily enquiries by letter are being beingreceived bein2received beingreceived =
received by property owners in our ourtown ourtown ourtown
town asking for information regard regarding regarding regardlug ¬
ing cottages for the winter We ex expect ex expect expect ¬
pect to have everything comfortably comfortablyoccupied comfortalyoccupied comfortablyoccupied
occupied before many weeks are past pastThe pastTbe pastThe
The much talked of dance for forWednesday forWednesday forWednesday
Wednesday night was postponed post diadeflnately dJn dJndeftnately la laden ¬
den deftnately nately owing to the notI notice of f the theCasino theCasino theCasino
Casino door Closed for repairs until untilJanuary untilJanuary untilJanuary
January first The new living rooms roomsunder roomunder roomyunder
under the dance hall are progressing progressingrapidly progres8inrapidly progressingrapidly
rapidly towards completion com letion under underContractor underContrador underContractor
Contractor Johnsons emcieut e elTicfrnt tlci ut man management mana management ¬
agement agementMrs a m mMrs
Mrs Albert Todd 1o ll just retur returfrom retud retudfroD d dfrom
from Paris Is stopping at the theCrest rf rfCre R RCrest
Crest Cre t while making repairs > and andations 1 1ations t tations
ations to her already alread hand8omjKrt hand8omjKrterty hand80 iP u k kerty
erty on Seabreeze Sea breeze avenue Mr MYsT Todd Toddfinds Toddfinds Todddfinds
finds many improvements around aroundGoodall aroundGoodall aroundGoodall
Goodall and vicinity and is enthu enthusiastic enthuiastic ¬ 4 4aiastic
siastic over the growth of the place placeduring j jduring Iduring
during her sojourn abroad abroadHERE abroadHERE abroadHERE
Next ext Tuesday is election day dayTlmd dtl dtlfhud dayrhad
Tlmd McCollum has leased the Wm WraByne WmByne WmByne
Byne cottage cottageFish cottageFi8h cottageFish
Fish are biting very readily and the thelocal tbelocal thelocal
local fishermen are being well rewarded rewardedfor
for their labors laborsAnton InbolHAnton laborsAnton
Anton Moos and his working forco forcohave forcohac Y Yhave
have been engaged this week in kalsom kalsomining kalsomining alsomining
ining the interior of B l N Wnldrons Wnldronshouse Wnlttloi IVnldro s shouse
house on First avenue avenueT aenUT
T F Whitten R R Posten Rev RerMyers Be BeIJers RevMyers
Myers Ben McCoy and several othergentlemen other othergentlemen othergentlemen
gentlemen will willlenv leave Monday morning morningfor momi g gfor
for a trip to Miami and Key Kc Largo LargoW
W S Lamond and wife of Waycross WaycrossGn r rGa
Gn arrived arr ed at Daytotm Da tonf1 < Tuesday Mr MrLamond AIrLamond r rLamond
Lamond returns home Wednesday but butMrs hntI butMrs
Mrs I rH Lamond will remain for several severalweeks Beveralwet b bweeks
weeks weeksToday wet ks ksToda J JToday
Today Toda is the first day of the open sea season season eason ¬
son for hunting turkey and quail Those Thoseliving Tb Thoseliving e eIhing
living in the country say there is an anabundance anabundance anabundance
abundance of quail and a great
manyturkeys many manyturkeys manyturkeys 1
turkeys this season