OCR Interpretation

The weekly true Democrat. (Tallahassee, Fla.) 1905-1912, February 18, 1910, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Florida

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95047417/1910-02-18/ed-1/seq-1/

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r rat ratHottitt tt
1 1 f I L iJ LAh i pl j C C r = =
e II If < r t rA tt miE iAtrn FBAt FBflUL1Y is I p I 4 ttj f I
r th t t j 4 1 l r 11ft r i1n 1 W4 W4lit 1
Gan Hottitt to Piiblle Au c OIfce < itjrJartJc JtItitici t to HS T P to N None I
h > I f iii iI l 1101 bd L foJ 1 l u
> ft ftla
rThecaj rThecajA la
A t r rt
t k Sort It
EO EOII yy Ti 9Ti SJSJB 9 I + il BI v vin A
II ct ctw
w in J keen M fcjsoe l at t Jfra Jfraa tahe tahetHthg
001 n Mtl Mtlof
of ofaalUDl
aalUDl a aiwe6aaar ajsefett e fit maiklbitd tkt tkttoart t tof iJHtI1ot iJHtI1 bitdpt
ot duty toart wjtX ts tstb tIN maikl 1tI pt ptThe f fcoartr1lCtl
tb eoatnietiea of heard1 heard1tatnte eeJal eeJaltate 1 1State
tate tatnteI of ofuu Florida Ik The kear4 kear4aweobfe
I aweobfe uu eibkd W IB Jadawnrflle o < m 1 pES Fekmizy Fekmizy13k
13n 13k n The lMd to eomgoeeft eo ef Cefesel CefeselOwrt Cel Celeielm et etad
m lOrE at Owrt Mrl Brows BrowsAdas JIrcf JIrcfA
Adas Adasof A < JK = 1s 1
s 11 of tide mrbof ewi ef efMKsed r Ia Iauowt
11 i uowt 11ebsrgea1 MKsed wltktk wltktkef wltk tit enaIscL enaIscLp p Jt Jt1IMM
1IMM ef ttfe tJ I work hue It beeit beeito II IISt 4 4Jt
o H slue Jut Sfwiafc a pceUaiiaary pceUaiiaaryararvey Pt8U preliR1IW71r 17 17vIM
ararvey 1r Mvteff vIM been NII made d dar 41t1rir clo t theae theft4U the tIuINW
ae NW 4MI ft4U tau 1 all of otlili Rb rotttw mitt mittIe an anwlU t ta
a Jt Ie j Ut1 y sash lager JaNttI
t srPAt tI il of the hrs131h1aarr V lbblaari aur aura r rano
ano now a l1abl IUK1 the ltoIrd ltoIrdWin
wbiok is t bb4eft bb4efttar
Win ne DtMt a e t tflaw 1c to cou k1er ta r whiofe hi ia tbe tbetk ttt tttt e
t MefOt tar aideptton a optJAo 1Ia18l iletimWiedi iletimWied 1atocminedsaki
i rbidt l + t tM tk Met route the tb boardf boardfm board wlll wlllUatet willthe
m td r the Uatet exact cott of tka tk work wor t tto ter te t9board
r to JOB 1Tk4 board Sa lautBor autBorissa to todeit t9Dr totr
deit tr any I poiats + in nprlda wlikb wh > aayJM May Mayab 11 11M
ab JM neceesary MCtIJI rr for the couipUebment aeeowpliekwawitat a couipUebmentpropowd pUllW1J t I
at Jt Ute work workE wQ wQ1MIr
1MIr reJvmt t tat tatof t II
E ow out sxia oe u1t t1tR n iii l I
1 T iXbJ propowd propowdJBdid = i iMI
j tiMI1 t1rf JBdid dled ralli M XRJa ok okil et ettranrtfd ofooaatri
il owmtry tmrwrMd will be b f found < w d wild wildotAenU w1ldcUlkult wildsups
sups otAenU to p penetrate Mtrtft t it k kt kIt eMi eMitM u utt
tM tt dlat t 1M thaptiUttinary lnary I eurv eurvu1
u1 sboatl tKtJ rt71ve tHlIIDI tHlIIDIIt II Ora OraI
It l W 0 4iI 41I 10
1 I + ba sl J 1 dtPUI t the watecw iOwatecw wa waJWI
4r litrltei JWI to twttf t feet t Thu TtH thai test c1HtotJbI1s tested
ed the ioctatetol ioctatetoltt looks e to btt t tolea toleai it itWIlt
i otJbI1s otJbI1sIctoka e WIlt tt a u Qw + fa fatiit aitt aittot a atlhat
ot tiit thtOtMt awa 4ia Jlu la at gi pt three threeXMeaay a aill es esat
XMeaay ill t tot 1
4 k ot otat tka tkaLfaawAJev fro froAt
at uiA ce It LfaawAJev LfaawAJevt at asdler 1 tire tireb
b w vsr t wfrtti wfrttiwtmld a cti thIiI11 thIiI11cnr1 U1 U1M1 l
cnr1 M1 would IH he IB places placesat pile pileat
r1M at tkt u Culebra cut la Fasaiaa Puxaaawby FasaiaaMeans rl rlby
by xe Means certain 1a that tltael cos caadeeide costo
l deeide to dig Ute tauiIt canal as ascam acill
ill a iIt a Wietl ca cam a ba ttkeo tiattt tiatttn untileetiaita m mj
e eetiaita tJ > > a 1111 n Ute cost < < > ItaM and the tbenOlt tbenOltMlfabl toot moatable tootrabia
j Mlfabl able routes have beea deteratlned deteratlnedte deter deterIt
It i te tboigkt if tue tecaw t e canal is a au W > g a atke a atute
1 tute Qte cteM Ute northern partf part ef theNtate the tnewfll thewlt1
Ntate swill be chosen It will require a1otg a along aO
long O c time to complete the Coal 1SDal1U1Ye1 rarre
11 J 4 4r
r i II otf T Tall1asse lJr r h ass e rs Ii Iii D01Uj Dorn 9 >
4 f f tt ttv >
v j J 1
I 1 umn I Ii Th 11 rie W Waoferitjr Waoferitjris V t j if v l L erl j jIi + 11 11j 4r y
< p 1 1JtSt >
Jtist is hay ohihe l a Eve of f a Development evetoji1 ttat that iat Will Make M Mikeof tof of This Thisa ThisSplendid ThisSplendid
< a Splendid Little City CityIf Cit CitTf
f If I tie the t are reanypeo any ap people p e 90 w blind as Asto to tfilnk tl t1inkthtTallh nk thatTaUbaipei that Tll eois I asl aslmst J 1e < pt tdittJte yare vet verim
m h mst n as th this tfof follOw following o 1grecord tg record o of improvements vwenta v t thfe t ar r rm JbSapi JbSapiyidfed i > Qdpro Qdprovidd1b and andvl 3 MMA MMAtyto
vidd1b vl yidfed cUr fc > > will Wnlah show w Qnlyjfcfia QnIy1 ° the 1 e united unit cL concwted c cone nc4 action of jftft our OIfpeoprt peopl peoplmak t tyto tytoA ry to toma1
mak 1 the th tty cItygrow grow at great leajps 1ea PI and boundav boundavWHAT IO IOW baAT
4 The following buildings Qu l < Unis t are either in course courr a of ofV cot1lt constrioe get ot J or j ro 1 Qr r rA
4 V iOOOOIp 1901 Building for The S State te CollegeA College t >
A 25000 Building for City Cit Public Pub PublicchooL licSc School Schoolx hoo I 1
x 12000 Addition to Trinity Methdthsfc M eth tbQ < < I hst t CUI Chtu htU 1i KM KMA l lA
A 60000 Business s Block for Hirst t National Bank BankX BankA rik ti V Y r r25ooo <
X 25000 25 000 Baptist Church ChurchA 1 1k
A 25000 ElKs Building t tf
f 20000 Building tor Womans W oman Jub < I
f 1 20000 Christian Ch tlan Science SclenceCbur Chjtfci ChjtfciA 1i I 1 1Ill
A 15000 Addition to Leon Hoe1 Hoe1t Ho l lWhat t tWpa
What t Tallahassee has secured 8 U1ed within th the past 4 4What ye yi yew f
2100 LAnd Comp Comp5O
f 5O 50000 OO0 Company Corn t an for or Intensive IntensiveA FW sin ini 1 i iA
A 10000 10 OOd Stono Stone And and Marbb M ble Conmany Co CoA y 11
A 5000 Spoke and Handle HancUer FictorJ Farb Farby Farbr C 1 1l 1lI f
I j jJ
I y
S il i iri > J
I 100 ritA VUW u D ilCtory t4 > ii i > r
NV 1 r y yA t
I ri A 5o 605000 OOO Fth Foirnitee nitre Fs4o Fwtory FA toiy y
A 10f 1010 1o d o Htme FActc Factory ry f
A 10 10000 000 Qwall Of6r QvaUFaC QvaUFaCA Factory 1 l
< I f
I I krr krrA
A n new w railroad frO frog from Farnir F = iumlina iumlinaon w to at11 i i 1 1on I rwnt t rJt rJton t
on same next month montbAJ1a monthA
AJ1a A raikoid o 9J1ubeeri hw been Incoiporatdd 9tco O t d to build b ldto to TalMas 1 liam H from fro Qtdt4ifety Qtdt4ifetynectirigtHer Q 4i i = i Itinectingtlie tIJi tIJinectingtH
nectirigtHer ete b with mtJtayatemth 4 syittr lsyatetthat that t willilve will five ve direct eastern eft tern connection nneconto to tJJita thrt h cit citis tt 11 11i
is i I but butthe the continuation cunt tlom n of tplanjbyranroad p lan n by y rajlrold rsi rand fintncir to build 4A a I line lin fit fitea8t directly directlyeast t r t ta
east a t down the Western Florida FIorida coast via vi TallahtMee and will make a ofthe of ofthe TA TAthe
the gateway to the Wat Cosst os5t with the stupendous development that is witin awaftinr awaftinrJ > g tw
r 7 w
9 tf T
tftt tt It Jit S 4 eJecitW ci qto < ld to t dig tke canal CAB asaaattreIt1 as 1UeiT toe toeottly
aaattreIt1 iT 10 far totnp1etett have bee
I ottly aT V prirUaU rtMl J It r ts plod to awtke awtketbw Mk Mkf ke kehrr
f tbf cadal c lta1 availabie IJabe only for eiaaUer eeaa eeaas ilea U r rtt
i raft tt acid a 4 to atakK te r a apatt part of Ute la iez laiatMl 18nttrwa1
z iatMl l waterway ee that Ute trip aroa aroRd aroRdtile arocaldhe d dharlsg
tile biark t I1luuJ ray bt lam lamt earedafreers
t UtIM
afreers Ia r harlsg b t1 c tt ge qtw qtwtfcat M tie tier
eNr r roi tIt t ANtfilYtJKed tfcat tfcatroafe tatliItt
it eo the tayper Pft roafe M Mmote k kJIIION
JIIION e M k ktb nk way
tie tb w of u the Atlcuta Am acid 4 IIIf6k IIIf6kJM1aIUtec
0 JM1aIUtec i the e at tIImo
Imo tdkt dt1 fit wtlhllakieee hIaM pteba wr r
t nhltUIIC at 2M liMb M IIIIt1Hit IIIIt1HituYrr hs hsd
uYrr J
> d twkMtq r easltell easltellwail JI
wail h rtJ 4 bind atver I IestloN 1 1JIJ I
estloN estloNaM j 1j
JIJ aM aMl
+ l iMad sit eorbe set a aaM
11 h hrr
rr rrI
aM 11 rjtj5 s14 s14i
I 1M 0 0Ji = =
Ji Jii
i f ft fi fo
i + i e
Attaining < < Hofior and DJotl5cUo k IIutt kcity
city o M tt WafthtftftOB WafthtftftOBOne WaHlhltOBO11er
O11er One of f the TallaHamibe TI1ak e beyt wb an anattaining areattaining h hatta1n1Dl
attaining h lwor or aad dMlncUaa In 1tttJUee Um btheeeltlee Umdti
tJUee dti te S Mr not Robptt rt W WilUans wnUa wnUaof a aof m mof
of c1 C B W Wlltl Wlitiaa A r e it t ttttM te teu MNile
tttM u of r the tk WaaklDftoa W Blair hal IwttoUowJ tfc tfcfollowing the thefollawing
following toUowJ + to torot say of ofP trice tricewbolkawiisi 101ftwoJrMI
woJrMI C tH f f81Ptu aLSer ofP ef hU hUP
P W wets l aa 1ar as Mer of ta tawc t the tera teraserxkax t tIt
serxkax + It henry L qrav beans wc elallf elallfsua e ewill tar tar tarn4
sua n4 eI eileltgr KeGU 8tc a31e > e of r tM depirrtt rt rtt
t of A aigrietlente 11ft1 will willto willWfJ willthe
to tb tbWlt the u al t aib ot otw 1 1the
w Wlt = ww y Jr Jrf t4I the noaatey 11IOI > > q qWN
Nialrtber f t W TwKBBHI a WWI pWMMiaWll free ITMWrttMe tJtt tJttI
rttMe IiwIUaA I > Diw MI e eka M > i ta IIItt Ihahilt 3m 3mmi
mi n4 te a tz > r tt f HM lair IIuMttrt W Wtkt < <
die aylreaid Mttrt fit J the tMMtt dr drtMit fr frfea
tMit Mtt a1rt fit hrt Pater Pateras 1
M i gilt Nola ai nr9l atakh atakhmew j
mew If r c IItMtt M alM1 alM1i ls1a
a treserdwrot i lilt fea feaSrttt bar og tilt Pt Le Leeetirt J JtoWt
toWt ref die ilk sips tbt a0prerr a0prerrsir
sir < < 1M crawwait fit JI11 JI11fWtIII
wait fWtIII t a eeeepnt 11I 11Ifit I a altd
Srttt fit ltd M i i MM Vi tt fA fAtrktot aiee aieeet
et + rem dlh trktot trktotJM es n C Ce
ti i u r Jull 7
r till e rlli to IM eNt tflU Qt
IIOl 8I01AN 8I01ANAt N NAt rlAt
At a ni mMtIBJ Ufl of the Board wd of OMH OMHnil O 3etiauti a an1l
nil + rieQM9 eDerlt erq of State ItuUtutloj ItuUtutlojMonday held IMWJl0Dda181Ort11 heldMonday
Jl0Dda181Ort11 Monday clornixg ax > ralMg > > 1 Dr Ralpb K Kof L U Uof lassie lassieof
of Apaiacbicolat wa elected eI chief chiefdetail chiefilcitn hf hfIiJc
detail IiJc at the Florida hott itoehltnl > ltal tal for t tInsane the UitlJ18t1ut theInsane
Insane effective lr t1e April a 1010 te st stread u 1 1ceed < f fceed
ceed Dr Jamea Jm H Raadolph RaBOolpkreirf Ra aotpk rgelgnetI rgelgnetIanti nea neaand t tand
and Dr B 1 F Barnes of Hirer Rt J JtJon Juaaotion Juao Juaotlon
tlon waa elected el CtettJ awiataut taut rrtiytteUn at attbe atUe atthe
the > lioBpltal bOlpltaJtUect1re miecUve inrolj rob 1 t 1910 1910to 191 191to 1A14to
to succeed Dr preens elected elect I oklef oklefpUysldgiL Ohiotphyelcdsn ldetvhnlcfAn
pUysldgiL pr Greene Jr ene became eoMwt eoMwtvd oodbeatred t tlad
vd with wi w tip t tMmitel 7 1 but April U aa IUIslslJlut aa aapU a aeistalt
slslJlut pU LabLagrflle lh
44 44LAGJippe
LAGJippe that pervade the tb tbtire ea eatire eafire >
tire nyste By JIt twf > x I LaGrlppe coogna oot be that taatmck tkatQk thattack
tack Qk and atraitt taW are arecnloklyonred r quickly uloklrred uloklrredrelet cntred by byFelera b bbelay
belay jytoor 01Mt and Tar T r Is qty Mu4ltaU Jldiy 1a IAI IAIatlve > 4 4atlve
atlve aU aafa ad awf 1 certaia MralM l rWtu1 N1t Bar fardlnes Bardlnea BvdJne
dlnea Drug fltere ur uruEU1ID r tsO tsOWITH hl hlarEAS
> aa7 It I Is PntiMiil BtIiMc Compare Botb notbLiul ta taWinter laUat
Liul Winter
3tr W B Bwitk who ho ea cafe e to tofrom Tat
Jak ee with witkanoli h milt from Ulnae Ulnaeof Minceapolie
anoli apolie la the tketke of 1000 says this tklahe thisIe
Ie the finest ellaatel he re ree vet vetatiei
+ atiei ke e cewtry of ofto ofithLaa1tlrw
Nortuwwt Nortuwwtit We to tdeII
ithLaa1tlrw toWM
it Krery night nightmuter tgkt WM M MNortuwwt
deII Min iy coot 114 er wee ia + asJed asJedramble
pert pertwinter
ramble e ib
muter berg h it lias liastheNort all alltst
tst theNort theNortt the North aHdW aHdWtM
tM t t If all prop In taft taftknow waet waetof
know of the deligkta here there tkeraw thereWould
w Would Bd fo a aaarrelow Jofltuc of C popular poptlaA popularLL
LL A Keltay KeltaySt > lvi4ew 11L 11Liie
iie i awn ire ea eegiaeer with withaetire
St yasj > aetive aervlea tt my ttittj ttittjtkarea
wrt tbs jreara 3 era e etertre af xay xayaJTeeMft kSdr kSdrd kSdrT4iuWL
tertre aJTeeMft a ate that X Xaa ha7 d
aa I
T4iuWL IWe
aiialdr rd rdlMY
lMY A Aea
gal galCI
i in
4r 4rv I
v t Mid Wt + c4ty c4tyte i iw
e w te an atait tile kIP ke a a Ac I IIU
ik1IZ well IU tit t tto QBsVMttttUptMlMfti QBsVMttttUptMlMftimciwd 1J111 1
mciwd mciwdtkai 1WdWta
ta it Ind at that tMiitUritt r a ais
itUritt is oertate cert t tit to1Dlp WfoU 11 us ustke I Ia I ItItt i
1Dlp the tkeWt peepie bvt Jay II IIE L Lhat
Wt of MMMbal 1 f p4 d daa4 poUtt 4 x xgeld 1 1all4
E geld lw 100k o of OH It1o f 1o tbO tb tbIINQ C LJ LJwait
IINQ Leo tlDtr1 tlDtr1w
wait w 1 be a sax t zr zr6JtfN we w wda
da onto 6JtfN pahrerity pahreritypertlctdei rttJ rttJl
a l lsk ef tM 0 4 b wkd wkdare Jrm Jrmp
p pertlctdei tI y tilt Ws or ittutn scutare
are r r y J lcerMIIg r 811M wla in ina 1 dl UQR UQRhI t t1R1or
hI 181 to q xowiag at a attaee + e ra Jh Jhp i iA
A p teA tt a atespe tmapa PI aey Alt 7 otinw otinwBtatea a aIw tit j jTtn
Ttn I Iw Ita Btatea Tb TIM T he eyaa ey ofwo of ttU ttUwod4
wod4 wo 4 ate tiMraed ttittia to tee Land otf otfJ4 m mnd crIe
J4 Ie Iep Aod nd I rt rtjkl wnr beloflo beloflorlUiI
jkl lullo rlUiI poWk p lle mea and andpau4 atr n nPf1J
pau4 Pf1J p CI are atnajlaf sing s loi i l prab pra prstaee e eoae tlV tlVOM Zr Zraxe
axe eat or o tka contlwwt CO ttM t to dw dwRcbar4 thisRtoharrt otbm
Rcbar4 Oreker who whoae ftMtat bt tJtt heover th thovr
over 0 far t the ideal JtJ l chine grad f6 d it nand it1a oz ozM
1a M and mar ar IIIMIh aey aeytM r
tWt tM i tk tkd hesl alt liaeot 2 aoi aoieUitifttt saesttd
sttd d eUitifttt tkft t ir4 1 SJf JHW JHWafeiir rsitnb rsitnbtb
tb afeiir t cU Jf Ute U e eiat M a aM > > d iron ironfot fM MIr < 3 3N6
fot r f iNh I < < e4 e4We t
N6 < sa 4Hie ea HjaiHon W WId tit a14 a14thl fJ fJtinM
c thl Id trw t tueTyet aI Jtt y wWie wWieUvafeft c CWlhl CWlhlena itiz
3111 oartterzt ena tre IISIi maala maalatnauare s t ttIorIa
tnauare tIorIa b M th tht itttoa >
ttoa stirs t lnwce aM a taM taMhJJtuo ts1 ts1txigratta >
hJJtuo Uvafeft wail wWcautetfcK Ie till hI hIv ±
I t v MW JII1Je L2 utetfcK la laBat f UIoU UIoUlIt abeoiuixt
> Bat lIt MI opMctaaJtr t tt1MJt tt1MJttits ttnthle rnt rntIt
tale titsId yy 3jlara aM Jlr tiaM aew aewsd
Id et 1fSIlJ l r + e old oldalt tQf tQfhItM
alt etJwtrio hItM t hilt iIt P1edd11 dt dire direIt
kIt It Mil lHts lINt h atpela e Hr rtlemKt 111 to a aMiry ttIL ttIL1Mat7 rr n
Miry 17 e eIt tkla patt tHat Maaaa iswrt iswrtKerjCfcei at tUn tUntu thVtcart
tu cart pC a4 MUIIoII doUsre 1ftjl wlilx botli botliW botlio
x = N e hss ttfl > 1t 7 1 17 W i tt tteeMta
eeMta ee eeerflw4 o f u uM8
erflw4 M8 nth Mttfo tXua 111 111lfW 3 3Ir
° lfW ate f boo r 11 At n nMr tn
11 Mr A ew lisoat tli 4 4t t ttetaa
tetaa t MrtW3 ud udWid abetboe 10 10L
t tL L Wid tellk wit fies I UII ae aea 1 if ifJ
a triwsk J ilco Noe KerjCfcei KerjCfceiaw Nert e e tt ttTiwre
tMft tat aw Jwan y a rhpfe t tf J Jte e I ifI II IIMW ncI
cI MW M the
for T peep e > W Wfor te r UMA wfjnt c H Hr Rss Rssfat b 1
fat r MMBMrdal + ar 1 AiervMl IdAl a awl i Mwtrfol Mwtrfoljtwity 1 1 1IJttltJ pr pra pr1ue
jtwity a
lu 1ue 1 prMIt pr itt editor ftf The True ti
role III Culture C tu J Under de1 Shade la Lxm n = County r 14 141obiIcco
A tarye Auta Aut AutKeeda Kaatsctory KaatsctoryTbr M Huf vtAetOQ Actory Actoryrecent
Keeda JiH a nt t tt
Tbr recent t aftgiisititffi I tiwu to taHat Tallsku Tallskueee U Uut
eee Hat of Iwfowtrl IHwtJ1tilthtJ fleas ik k Rek aitdtxatadie and aodfaetory andbaJKU
baJKU factory of Mr It r Lute will take nreteto e eto
to be e meet t fortawte t tir watth wan wanby w Jdttd Jdttdr
by h r Tke T True Democrat 1t at ta taof tH tSiH tlweof tSiHot
of its eea4Jeai JtNad here k u Jet Jretl Ideal Idealbe ca1 ca1b s4epe s4epebb
be b is taraiM t tuhaS Out e the tee IJ ihae t voleehalte vole prteriwftt volIJhaftl
riwftt Mi rJsa ten area tfa tfaltt ste eea hem hemB per per0t
B ltt 0t t tide thaw not kefta he 1s t te tell te teralve tMV1H thernlc
ralve of theta prtddet prtddetar pr d Ct AtMoWJetJM AtMoWJe
rtattn < taetwrera ar are p irKp tJw tJwtkt weM weMdiktlM1MtlN t t1UfetJtiIIC
1UfetJtiIIC e 1J lu the tktr eotta oertaatry 7
for tllttah wc r Mrfectloa ectlrla Ie Me seeded e4 1 1fUa in inLut 1 1sere
U24tet1oa sere t Lut Lttta line He Hefrot o7 o7a
a frot froee a ec < the tkela tJttJ Su Sukddtt
kddtt et la J the wwrtry tsar lerf tsarfor I IeWltlr
f for 1 feet feetit eWltlr httt ttit tb tblab j jpro
it proMna pro + lis Wfklr W I7 MtMa49eitf a Mief Miefht4beb7 tW tWtIWUetrT
tMttetry tf < < tfefc tfefcft u k kMUut Ms MsbUiUei
MUut fa s ft The Theby tt j jaM
aM u ut1
t1 actiwi 1 1rtf1 ke id idS id1ret
t Ct C
l pa paM
1ret 1retl
ocrat ocr r since Nil eewtwa D9 WI U UAHtr tlrisl
risl AHtr + er lies l tit t t rat Tn11ikkaieeEe ratJW
ikkaieeEe JW H If the bMuE stir t I to a P Pr nwugrIceil
wugrIceil r + etJ ttt1 W eluPL eluPLthat elupusztt elupuszttdrat
that tbatIf II certalr certalrit
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