OCR Interpretation

Moose Pass miner. [volume] (Moose Pass, Alaska) 1938-194?, February 13, 1940, Image 1

Image and text provided by Alaska State Library Historical Collections

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95060010/1940-02-13/ed-1/seq-1/

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_devoted to the interests of moose pass and kenai peninsula._
Volt 1.Moose Pass, Alaska - February 13» 1940, Np«._44
Howard Long of Lakeview, found the body
of Anton Schilter, 65,long time resident
of a homesite on Lake Kenai, shot thru the
head thru the right temple, last Wednesday
forenoon. Mr. Long, who lives on the
lake, can see the Schilter cabin as he
looks down the lake and was accustomed to
seeing smoke rising from the cabin. When
he glanced that direction a second day and
saw no smoke, he became worried and visit
ed the Schilter cabin. Mr. Schilter's
death is assumed to be an act of suicide.
Mr. Long at once reported his finding
of the body to the authorities at Seward
and it was sent for and arrangements made
for an inquest.
Mr. Schilter was a native of Switzer
land and has lived in Alaska since 1915.
His wife and daughter live in San Jose,Cal,
Fifty two United States Marines arrived
at Kodiak last week to establish the first
Marine post in Alaska since 1912, when U.S,
Marine barracks in Sitka were closed. At
the new naval air base now under construct
ion on Kodiak, will be the farthest north
point marines ever have been stationed. At
Kodiak they will do routine guard and nav
al station duty. They were accompanied b]
a naval medical officer and two members of
the naval hospital corps.
Late in January a White House Confer
ence on Children in a Democracy was held.
Former Sovernor Troy appointed as Alaska
representatives to the Conference Mrs.
Robert B. Atwood of Anchorage and Delegate
Anthony J. Dimond. Mrs. Atwood was. not
able to attend and Delegate Dimond served
as the sole Alaska representative. The
purpose of the conference was to devise
ways and means of assuring the welfare of
the nation in the future by providing at
least the minimum requirements for decent
living and for education of all of Ameri
ca's children.
In an Executive Order dated January 22,
the President withdrew from all forms of
entry and area southeast of Fairbanks, ad
jacent to the Army Air Corps field,increas
ing the reservation by about 14-£ acres. An
order filed by Assistant Secretary of the
Interior Chapman provided for the withdraw
al of an area of 186.7 acres on The Alaska
Railroad about 18 miles north of Wasilla.
The latter reservation was noted as "for
the use of the Alaska Road Commission in t
the maintenance *f air navigation facili
Optimists who pretend to believe the
worst never happens will have some trouble
classifying Stalin. . . Pittsburgh Gazette
Announcements have been received in
Moose Pass of the wedding of Miss Margaret
Aileen Culver, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Walter B. Culver of Anchorage, to Mr.
Leslie Ewing Nappe of Seattle, The wed
ding was celebrated on Friday, February
2nd at the University Congregational
Church in Seattle.
The newlyweds will make their home at
529 Duchess Apartments, 4009-15th Avenue
N.E. The bridegroom is associated with
mining development at Goodnews Bay and
Mr. and Mrs. Nappe will spend the summer
season at Platinum.
The bride made many friends in Moose
Pass when with her mother, she visited
Mrs. Ralph Reid last summer. She is a
charming girl. She was born in Alaska
at Herendeen Bay when her father was in
the U.S.B.E.Reindeer Service.
Mrs. Helen F. Ebing’s story "Chased By
a Brownie" which appeared in the February
number of Alaska Life, has been read with
much interest by her Moose Pass friends,
since its subject is Ed Estes, whom we
all know and admire, and the scene of the
bear episode is the Moose Pass to Hope
highway, a tale of the days when Ed car
ried mail and freight by dog-team between
the two settlements. Mrs. Ebing is a
graphic writer, describes in detail and
always makes her point.
Delegate Dimond would Unit fishing in
Bristol Bay area to Alaska residents. Sup
plementing two bills which he has intro
duced in the House to gradually restrict
the employment of nonresidents in the
Alaska fishing industry, he has introduced
a bill to limit employment of fisherman
in the Bristol Bay area to persons who
have been residents of the Territory for
at least one year prior to June 1, 1940.
Enactment of the measures proposed by the
Delegate will go far toward meeting the
unemployment situation facing many resi
dents of Alaska on account of the projec
ted curtailment of fishing operations in
the Bristol Bay area this year.
Tomorrow being St. Valentine's Day,a
Valentine party will be enjoyed by.the
school children, in the afternoon. A
Valentine postoffice will be operated to
facilitate exchange of Cupid's messages.
HVhat letter is not found in the name
of any of the United States?
Can you name what you have when you
have run into a doctor of medicine?
Answers next week.

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