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Arizona Copper Camp Volume XI. MASONIC LODGE INSTITUTED AT RAYTHIS WEEK On Wednesday night, December 22, H. Gordon Glore, grand master of Masonic lodges in Arizona, Amos A. Betts, grand lecturer, Judge O. J. Baughn, senior warden, were here at Ray to institute the Masonic lodge as well as install the first officers of the same, who were-r-E. W. Row lett, W. P. master; W. S. Osborn, senior warden; R. A. Cook, junior ■warden; S. G. Dolman, secretary; O. L. Hubbard, chaplain; A. P.Mcln tyre, senior deacon; E. A. Thornton, junior deacon; Leo Wall, senior steward; Peter E. Wachob, junior steward; Walter Pine, tyler; E. A. Cowan, grand marshal; T. P. Hall, treasurer.# After the installation of officers all adjourned to the Guild hall, where a cafeteria lunch was served. Some very interesting speeches were made. There were visitors from Florence, Winkelman, Superior and Phoenix. Superior was well represented, as they win come under the jurisdic tion of the Ray lodge. > o SANTA CLAUS MAKES VISIT TO M.E. ENTERTAINMENT The Methodist church held their Christmas entertainment and pro gram oh Wednesday evening. A large crow’d was present and the large Christmas tree was enjoyed. Santa Claus, impersonated by Ken-1 neth Jacobs, distributed the good things to eat and the youngsters were really glad Christmas time had arrived. The main part of the eve ning, consisting of an excellent pro gram" was carried out and was very interesting. XMAS WEDDINGIIF FLORENCE GIRL AT DOUGLAS FRIDAY i Miss Mary Eastland of Florence became the bride of Mr. Louis Eu gene Diehl on Friday, December 24th, the wedding taking place at 1118 G street, Douglas. After the wedding a reception was held, and the young couple proceeded on their honey moon. They expect to return to Florence, where they will be at home to their friends after January Ist. Mrs. Diehl is the daughter of Mr. N. B. Eastland, and is one of the most charming of Florence’s younger set. Their many friends in Florence, Ray and neighboring towms join with the Copper Camp in extending to Mr. and Mrs. Diehl wishes for a most happy and successful wfedded life. TORN OflaD MAY SAVE LIFE IN BUSY STREET Traffic laws require that automo biles shall drive on the right-hand side. Therefore when you cross the street glance to your left, when you reach the middle of the street, turn your head and eyes to the right. The past# year 3,808 persons were killed in the United States by auto mobiles. You can prevent such acci dents by making it a habit to glance to the left when you start across the street, then glance to the right when you approach the middle of the street. MAKE IT A HABIT. TOIYSMS LOSS OF FINGERS WHEN CAPS ARE EXPLODER Master Edward O’Malley, son of Mrs. Irene O’Malley, suffered the loss of a portion of several fingers Monday 1 night while playing with some caps, t The little fellow was resting easier at last reports and was getting along as well as could be expected. This is one of the most unfortunate accidents in Ray for many months and it is cer tainly to be regretted that the little fellow will be deprived the use of his fingers. CHRISTMAS TREE AT CLUB HOUSE FOR CHILDREN The usual Christmas tree for the children of Ray will be the scene of much enjoyment and good things Christmas afternoon at the club house All preparations have been completed whereby Santa Claus pays his usual visit and the ladies of Ray who have so tirelessly worked for the success cf the affau- are de serving of the gratitude or all the residents of the camp and are tq be congratulated. LEGION HOP IS GREATLY ENJOYED The American Legion held their Christmas dance Tuesday night and it was well attended. The Superior orchestra came over and furnished the music and it proved to be first class. All had a most enjoyable time. SCHOOLACTIVniIES SLOW DOWN OVER THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS Things are very quiet around the school and the teachers’ cottages and dormitory this week. Miss Carroll, music teacher of No. 1 cottage is spending her vacation in Phoenix; Miss Whitney went to Tucson. Misses Jackson, Kelley, Wescott and McDonald of No. 2 cottage went to the coast.- In No. 3 cottage the Buzan sisters went to Mammoth, I*i;ss Houston to Globe and Miss Smith to the coast. From the dormitory Miss Fritsch went to the coast, Misses King and Gilbert, Miss Heilig to El Paso, Miss Hildebrandt to Tucson, Miss Burns to Speer to Phoenix and Miss Jones near Phoenix. Some of the teachers will attend the State Teachers’ association at Phoenix, December 28-29-30. Superintendent and Mrs. Oakes will spend the week in Phoenix. A very interesting part of the association meeting to Superintendent Oakes will be the superintendent’s conference which already has a committee at work framing some necessary school legislation that the school people wish to have taken up at the com ing session of the Arizona legisla ture. marbinlllotteb TO ARIZONA IN NEAR EAST WORK Many inquiries have come to- the Arizona office of the Near East Relief for information regarding the orphans that are allotted to Arizona. There are some who would like to be as signed a definite orphan to care for, to know his or her name, address, etc. It has been found by the officials of the Near East that this is not prac tical, however; the children are con stantly changing as homes are found for them and families or remnants of families are reunited. There is a special territory allotted to Arizona, however, the district of Mardin, and here the Near East, by means of Arizona’s contributions, maintains hospitals and orphanages! and cares for several thousand chil dren. The problem of the refugee as well as the orphan is assuming serious proportions at this time, due to the deportations and massacres by t>> o Turks. In a statement from Brousa, Bishop Sumpat explains the situation in some detail. “Refugees have brought us again to sheer tragedy, fifteen hundred* of them have arrived from beyond the Greek lines, many of them without bedding, and with only the clothes they are wearing. One family had no underclothes because it was washday when the exile began. One girl, when asked what she had brought answered ‘only my soul.’ “The ration of bread from the Greek army is about to cease, leaving a most critical problem and no money on hand to solve it. We have given 550 blankets to persons found sleep ing on boards, and have distributed 200 arshins of cotton, 300 of flannel, and 500 garments. We are giving a can of American evaporated milk weekly for each of the 80 refugee babies, one of whom was born on the iiilltIlll!iliiliilli»il»iili:»iilii»iiliiliillH!llll» li:itiliiiuil!llliullilii|iili'li:|i I l 1 I i i i l iiniinni iiiiiiiiiii i irmn Tfig? 'AiiKiiiiiitiiiMiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitii, »iii‘iinii,iiii-«tii,iii!| in i i i,i ii ii till i :‘i ri:iii iii iin iiii iiiJ*? J EyT _- _ - ®n this the happirst hay of lit? whole j j = _ year, tljr (Copper (Camp extends j j | j the Reason’s (greetings qnh mishes non j j f | and tlmse rnhose happiness is yours, a j | I j full measure of (Christmas 3log. 11 »n»ii»n»inii»ii»ii»i;iii»iiiinn»imn 4yk YbBSK iniiliiliiliiiiiliiiiniisnliiiiiliiliiiiilii*Jilliliiliiliiliiliiliiliiiiil:t|4iliiliiiniiiliiliiiiiliili!liiliiliiliiliil!iiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiniiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiniiii ft JBjEk ffi SOME WAYS OF CELEBRATING CHRISTMAS * The celebrating of Christmas ex tends back two thousand years. It began with the Aryans, who set days apart for commemorating the “re birth of the Sun.” Later, when mes sengers brought tidings of a new re ligion, they changed their celebrations* in honor of the “re-birth of the Son.” Before the World War, Germany observed the Christmas season per haps more than any other European nation. In all public squares of cities and villages evergreen trees were placed. The Lutherans credit Martin Luther with introducing the Christ mas tree into Germany. Their fes tivities begin on St. Nicholas Day, De cember 6th. When Lorraine was a part of Germany, the Yule log was burned through three days’ festivities. In the German Alps, the natives be lieve that all cattle are able to speak on Christmas Day. Christmas does not mean much to the Laplanders. In this land of the midnight sun, decorative evergreens and Christmas trees are unknown, nor are there any chimneys in their low earthen houses for Santa Claus to descend. But for the ringing of church bells, the day is not unlike the *other 364. In Norway, however, the people have a jolly time around the Christmas tree. At the Christmas' dinner, each guest rises and gives his individual thanks for the meal. There is an unlimited supply of beer and wine, almonds and spice. Christmas “mush” takes the place of the Ameri can pumpkin or mine pice (a rice, boiled with cinnamon, sugar and al monds). To them the fish is as the turkey is to Americans. No mistletoe is used for decoration, it being re garded: as an emblem of mourning; only the rich use flowers. Denmark “hangs the goose high.” Everyone at Christmas time, including the cattle, receives the best there is to eat. Those people who possess fruit trees, go out at midnight and strike each tree three times, saying, “Rejoice, oh tree; rejoice and be fruitful.” Here it is also a tradition that the cattle are able to rise on their knees Christ mas eve. The Russians once observed the season in honor of the renewal of the sun’s power, after the annual period of darkness. With them, the sun was supposed to be a female, and when the day began to lengthen she was supposed to enter her sledge, dressed in her best robes, and guide her horses summerward. The singing of the Kolyada songs has long been a Christmas custom. On Christmas eve it was customary for the people to fast until the first church service. When guests accept invitations to dinner, they usually bring along sweet meats, cakes, and a gift for each servant. Always the house receives a ; blessing. "Merry Christmas” are un i familiar words in Russia; instead It is “Greetings for the Lord’3 birth.” S France observes the Christmas sea | son least of all foreign nations. Yule - tide logins on St.. Barbar’s day, De j cember 4th. In the rural sections, on 1 this day it is customary to plant grain j in little dishes so that this Saint can | inform the peasantry what crops to ! expect the coming year. If the grain j comes up and flourishes by Christmas day, there will be abundant crops. There is no “Merry Christmas” in France. The singing of carols by I j road to Brousa. One little girl ar ! rived without her parents, who had been turned back, and was fortunate j in finding ‘The Americans,’ for no one else claimed her. j “The Near East needs money to meet this refugee problem. At pres j ent every available fund is assigned for special work, and we are handi capped for lack of funds. However, our workers are doing everything in „"d[eq 0} J9Atod Jiaq? RAY, ARIZONA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1920. children is one of the features, and the word “Njvel” is most frequently heard in those songs, which have been sung for centuries. Christmas trees are not popular; instead, the children place their shoes on the hearth to be filled with gifts on Christmas eve. In Paris the commercial spirit prevails; shops spread their enticing wares far out upon the boulevards. But “Noel” (meaning “good news”) is heard everywhere. In Italy, the season begins with “Novena,” eight days before Christ mas. In the Italian Alps shepherds go from house to house and inquire if Christmas is to be observed there. If it is, the place is marked and later they bring their bagpipes and play and sing before that house. A cus tom of burning the “Ceppo” or Yule log is observed in that portion of Italy where it is cold enough to have hearths. The “Presepio,” a miniature representation of the birthplace of Christ, is conspicuous in this celebra tion; candles are placed before it and songs sun. At St. Peter’s in Rome, on Holy Night, the Pope sits in a crimson chair, borne aloft on the shoulders of four men clothed in violet. Two huge fans of swan feathers, set with pea cock eyes, are placed before him to signify the purity and watchfulness of the church functionaries. In Spain there is neither mistletoe, holly or even the joyful Christmas tree. The season, however, outside the church, is observed with much revelry. There is no exchange of gifts. Here one hears the expression, “Noche Buena,” instead of “Merry Christmas.” Turkeys, as well as flowers and fruits, crowd the streets, almost begging for purchasers. In some places there is shown the “Sac red Urn,” from which are drawn the names of future lovers or friends. The names so drawn are regarded as the messages of Fate. Yuletide fes tivities end on the twelfth day—Epi phany. Christmas in America was first ob served by Christopher Columbus and his valiant crew. For food they had shrimps (fresh) and cassavi. Around Jamestown, Va.. in the early years of 1600, the day was celebrated by raids on Indians, until in 1619, when 90 young women from England arrived at Jamestown with a 1 ship load of negroes to help with the work, men and manners grew more civilized. Every house soon became noted for its hospitality at Christmas time. The south celebrated more lavishly than their northern enighbors, the Massachusetts colony believing that the birth of Christ was “too sacred to be celebrated by the fallen race." Twenty-two years after the landing of the Mayflower it was unlawful to have a “merry” Christmas. Governor Andros was the first one to hold services in the “town hall,” and when he did so was obliged to surround himself with soldiers for protection. The Dutch in New York followed much the German custom of observ ing St. Nicholas day. In Porto Rico, children, beautifully dressed, form an impressive procession each year, and since the United States flag has floated there, Christmas trees have grown in favor. In Hawaii, New Eng land customs prevail. The Philippines are not lagging; even beggars expect a Christmas gift, and they solicit them along the streets in perfectly good English.—The Octagon, December, 1920. o What’s become of the old-fashioned editorial writer who used to write a coupla o’ columns about the league of nations every day? o “True womanhood will shine,” writes a poetess. Not if the powder puff can prevent it! o Marshal Foch says he hopes to visit the United States. The hope is en tirely mutual. DR. COCKS TO CONDUCT XMAS SERVICES HERE SUNDAY NIGHT Christmas services will be held at the Episcopal church Sunday evening, December 26th. Rev. Bertrand Cocks will officiate and there will be special music. nAU are invited. FLORENCE NOTES Attorney C. H. Studley Jr., of Hay den, was a Florence visitor on legal business this week. C. L. Wolf, deputy under Sheriff Hall, announces that on the first of the year he ‘will leave for his former home in Idaho. - County Clerk Minnie M. Bennett and her husband, J. D. Bennett, and Leslie Bennett left Tuesday for El Paso to spend the holidays with Mr. Bennett’s parents. County Recorder Mary A. McGee was on the sick list last week, but is able to be back to her office. Harris Branaman spent Wednesday in Phoenix attending to business. C. M. Pomeroy and family of Mesa are spending the holidays with Mrs. Pomeroy’s parents, Professor and Mrs. H. Q. Robertson. N. M. Lopez of Superior was a business visitor in town this week. J. W. Rollins of Phoenix, who has large mining interests in this coun ty, was a business visitor this week. J. B. Fondren of Price was in town on business Monday. Supervisor C. F. Schilling is re ported to be improving slowly. Mr. Schilling has been confined to the county hospital here fcfr the past 10 days with an acute attack of appen dicitis. Supervisors Kellner and Davis were in town Saturday and met in special session concerning the road bond matters. It is expected that all difficulties will be straightened out in a few days when representatives of Causey-Foster and company of Denver, the bond buyers, arrive. They are expected about January Ist. Nelson R. Bolin and family of Rfeedy, Calif., are here to spend the holidays with Mrs. Bolins parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Powell. ♦. ■ , . Representative-elect George Newton Hall of Casa Grande was in town Monday and interviewed all the county officials as to any beneficial legislation they might suggest for the coming legislature. W. S. Moore, prominent mining man of Parker, Arizona, was looking after his mining interests in this county last week. Mr. and Mrs. Powell made a shop ping tour to Phoenix Wednesday. E. R. Byers was a Phoenix visitor Tuesday. Mayor J. G. Keating left Tuesday for the annual meeting of the Bank head National Highway association, which will meet in Birmingham, Ala bama. Mr. Keating is one of Pinal county’s most enthusiastic highway STARVING LITTLE ONES OF EUROPE LOOK TO AMERICA FOR AID; PINAL COUNTY ASKED JO RESPOND TO CALL With State And County Organizations Perfected, Cam paign To Save Lives Os Perishing Children Is Opened; W. S. Boyd Is Local Chairman Os Hoover’s Belief Organization The call has come to Christian America to help save the starving children of eastern and central Europe. Have you subscribed yet? Is your name on the subscription list? Actual warfare, internal strife, crop failure, valueless money, disease, pestilence, typhus—all have combined to produce a condition of misery in Poland, Austria, southwest Russia and the Balkan states that is unparalleled in history. Three and a half millions of chil dren must look to America to provide for them the one simple meal per day —just enough to keep the spark of life aflame in their under-nourished little bodies. The people of these countries are doing all that is humanly possible to save them, and yet in spite of all they can do, and in spite of America’s aid, the situation is such that many thou sands of them will die this winter, in fact hundreds of thousands. They are passing on by the score with every tick of the watch. ' America must act quickly. Give! Give to the utmost! Mr. Norman Carmichael has been appointed state chairman by Herbert Hoover, who is general chairman of the eight associated organizations who are trying to save these children. Mr. Carmichael has asked Judge Baughn to act as county chairman, and he in turn is calling for volunteers to assist in raising Pinal ebunty’s share before January Ist. t boosters, vice-president of the Bank head National Highway association and chairman of the Pinal county highway commission. Gordon Glore of Nogales, grand master of the A. F. & A. M. for Arizona, paid the Florence lodge his official visit on Monday night. A banquet was given in Mr. Glore’s honor at fte Florence hotel, after which he was entertained at a stated meeting of the local lodge. John Sweeney has been employed to assist in the clerk of the board of supervisors office in the absence of F. A. Richards, who is acting as clerk of the superior court during the absence of the clerk, Minnie M. Bennett. Dr. G. F. Huffman attended a Masonic meeting in Tucson Wednes day night. The following were among the Ray people attending court in town this week: Deputy Sheriff Haywood, R. A.. O. Montgomery, E. T. Green and M. N. Brown. A jury in the superior court award ed V. R. Lopez of Sonora title to certain mining property in the Pio neer mining district v.nlch Charles H. Smith was contesting. The jury in the case of C. W. Luke vs. Fred Thor failed to reach a verdict and were discharged. Suits Filed Lawrence E. Vinzant vs. Mary E. Vinzant. A. C. Bittick vs. C. T. and C. D. Bradley. Marriage Licenses Alex R. Wolven, 33, and Mercedes Lopez, 20, Florence. Sabino Sauesedo, 32, Calletana Mi* jaus, 30, Sonora. Monifca Davila, 24, vnd Rita Nor iega, 16, Sonora. George Edwaro Ropers, 23. and Gertrude Armstrong, 18, Tucson. o MUSICAL PROGRAM GREATLY ENJOYED A very enjoyable musical pro gram was held at the home of Mrs. Carl Smith on Boyd Heights on Wed nesday afternoon. Owing to the fact that the Copper Camp went to press a day early this week, we were un able to print the entire program, but it will be published next week. o Boston has policewomen whose duty it is to patrol Boston Commons. The eight bodies associated .. this drive are the American Rehui. Ad ministration, the Quaker Relief Com mittee, th% Red Cross, the Federated Churches of Christ, the Knights of Columbus, the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. and the Jewish Relief Com mittee. The work of the Europe Relief Council of the eight combined or ganizations, headed by Mr. Hoover, should not be confused with the Near East Relief. The Near East Relief is confining its activities to attempting to save 110,000 orphans in Armenia and adjacent countries in*Asia. The Europe Relief Council is working wholly in eastern and central Europe. No greater call to humane America has ever come than this. We must all give something. Let no Ray name be missing from the list of donors. Mr. W. S. Boyd, as local chairman, has charge of the drive in Ray. Our quota is about SI,OOO. 4 We can raise it easily, if we will. The good name 'of Christian civilization is at stake. Starving little tots, knowing nothing of the "why” of it all—only knowing they have no food to check tL . con stant gnawing of their little stomachs, look to America to save them. The winter is cold and long, while the under-fed condition of their little bodies gives disease a chance to make great inroads into their waning num bers. Knowing no other spirit than sac rifice, let us spend a portion of our Christmas money in this manner. Nothing can give us more satisfaction, nor do more good. GERMANY MUST , PAY HIGH FOR TOE RED METAL Depreciated Mark Forces Price Equi valent Skyward—Offset by Cheap Labor Boston, Dec. 24.—Germany, former ly this country’s best customer for copper, but for four years shut off completely from American supplies, has this year resumed purchases. On the basis of exports from the United States thus far reported, total ship ments to that country for 1920 will be something below 100,000,000 pounds, although in times past there has been consigned to German con sumers in a single year several times that amount. It costs the German manufacturers today almost twenty times & ich I for their American copper a; .nder I normal conditions of exchange. Cheap labor costs in Germany and the fact that relatively high prices in world markets for finished commodities can be obtained, have offset high raw ma terial costs sufficiently to permit a profit on goods made in Germany and shipped out again. Germans buying copper in this country have been paying for it in American dollars, the price represent ing quotations at our seaboard. Addi tional charges of freight and insur ance accrue to the purchasers. Re ceiving payment in American money the producers have no knowledge of the cost in dollars to the foreign con sumers whose bankers have bought with marks in the open exchange mar ket at best possible rates. Against an unskilled labor cost of 50 cents an hour in the United States, • Germany has a labor cost of between 5 and 6 cents an hour. Competition in manufacture between that country and the rest of the world is inevit able. Profitable operations for German factories have been conducted through the importation of copper and other raw materials into Germany and the reshipment of finished goods. Buying on’ a depreciated mark value its raw material and reselling finished articles to the outside world at a big premium in exchange, Germany with cheap labor has been keeping its in dustrial wheels turning. When it comes to buying foreign raw products for German use the cost comes high in the depreciated German currency. o We used to wonder what became of all the ouija boards till we saw the latest quotations on coal. Number 36