OCR Interpretation

St. Johns herald and Apache news. [volume] (St. Johns, Apache Co., Ariz.) 1905-1917, August 29, 1912, Image 1

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95060582/1912-08-29/ed-1/seq-1/

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Death; of Mrs. Irintha, GasseiC
1. i .
fast as free 'ifed some ififo this
ask questions afeokt the advantages
having a bank account for ihe' care
& and protection of OUR jnoney as you '
" S wouM feel in gbing into any store to asfe fi
(ODopi 'pas- quuuy or j?iic oi a-.piece or g
No m&t;ter how small you income a--i):
; J bank account will hejpt you to take bet- j$
;:i$ ter'care f it, help s you to accumulate' J
c more
I , . A"
nnfiiiiff inn i wif rTmwwrniri in i nwin n1 1 1 ji r . . mi
Win, Laney was here from
Luoa, N. 4. this week.
Alto a Davis is halving anew
V T3arn bunt; itisne.f;rl compled.
Joel Mineer attd wife are tjie
happy parents of a fine baby boy
who, arrived at thehv home one
dny.Jast yeek.
The death of Mrs.
i i ' w
Gasser occurred herelast Monday
afternoon at the . home of her
parents Mr. and Mrs. jon B,
iolley. i4 : ; ;
MrsGasser has Teen 511 for
about five "months, and, has
suffered intensely. Sotne time
ago she was taken tp Los Angeles
California for Surgical treatment.
after which she seem to rally for
a short time andt;hen began to
gradually grow weaker ,unt:l
death came to her relief.
The death is extremely sad, as
Mrs. Gasser was in prime 'of life
and leaves three little children
besides her husband parents,
brothers aed sisters ,to mourn
her untimely death.
She was a . devoted wi f e and
loving mother. The Herald
joihsher many friends in offelr-
ing . crnd.blnce tothe grief
MfTireh family and relattves
Fune?af services were he
"Wednesday at the Academy and
the remains, interred in the west
side cemery;
Oh Mqnday the 26th inst. the
day set for trial qfithe -case,
Arthur Jarvja vs. ySusie R.
Tenney cause of action was heard
in the Superior Ctmrt Messrs
6. 1$. Greer and S. Allen were
the attorneys for the plain fcilf
and Messrs. 3L B. Overson and
G. W. Mitchell were the attor
neys represeatinth 3 defendant
The .eyfdence was all in by 6:
30 p. m. 4?h hearing beginning -2
). m Tare was no session
of court in. the morning. The
attorneys argued the case4
thoroughly at the night session
and submitted tle case to - jfche
court. Judge lying took the case
under consideration, afterrant
Jng counsel for both parties, the
privilege to file briefs within th&
next two 'days The decree will
be ,for4;hGdmawg nVar"
Miller Bros moved into their
- Joseph UdalLwas in attendance new quarters, last Wednesday, aV
--. . i- r l . . - .... .. .
tne new Knight building and are
now, read v to do business in their
usual u p-to-date st vie- j , .
C7- ' - v - 7
aTconterenCi Saturday-and. bun-
St. Johns needs about. ". Sou
move houses for p$o:pIe who want
o kiltie iiere.
' Jos Daypf the;bfeautUl- &tf
Hamah was visiting here - Hor a
. Je w das this week. 0 1
v Bishob Asfd Smith aridrrs
bmitpt1 of Jtiuniit were here to
attend tijesnce .Sunda.)
x - Mr. Md Mrs. David tulsipher
were ver from " Concho, and
, and amended the conference.
' ' ' w -
Miiii i (Hi .ii irWfi
s .1
. Johfft Bio ;fnf eil aqd s)a and
daiMhter were in fnm Ramah ta
attend the L
and coiwention
; S. Lewis and daughters.
Misses Tamer and Linda of
pRam'ah, M. were here tn
attend the'L. D. S. conferenpe
kst Saturday and Sunday
. I&4!um Chapman of Blue.water.
rN M. formerly a resident of St.
Johns, Was visiting here -among
his old friends and re:ati ves for
a horJb tiane Xhis week, and also
attended the L. D. S. conference.
BiskopL R. GibbSiis ' left
Wednesday lor S no wf lake. Ariz,
in company of Aoostle Hyium
E. W. Grimes was at the coun
ty seat this week attending to
matters of business.,
Bishop Reynolds of Luna, N.
M. was a conference visitor here.
He returned to his home at Luna
Dr. R. 'N Loohey Supennte4
den 'j of healthV has issued an
order that all. children entering
Arizona from California shall be
placed under quarantine fqr
fifteen days the incubatiqn peir
iol of this disease. This has
already been done in most pf
the cities of Arizona, but is to
be made a universal practice all
overthe state. And all clothing
and personal effects brought i n
by any one from California mu,
be fumigated"" immediately oh
arrival at Its destination ;
The valuation-, of taxablensi
erty' in Apache County .th&eaT
is sometmnga little more f less
than $2,500,000, which is, a neat.,
little sum of orooertv valuenn
our county. Assessor Duran k s
been before the Board during all
its sessions for the past treir
days. ..
Messrs'?; C M, Zanders and J.
Organization win be heida?t
St. Jnhns, according to Mibe
sp.hpfinlp. nn Spntmhar ' PTRR'P
(1). Cattlemen: don't fore5to
be present as important business,
will be transacted. Inspectors
wih be recommended at this
time. Delegates and represen
tatives will be appointed to meet
those cattlemenafrom Holbrook
and vicinity September. 5th
New Auto- Lint
John Walter Smith of Show-
C MiJler of ihe State .Bod of sia Xiitfel itihpMi-
M. Smith and Elder Rulorr ;S.
-"Wells. Mrs. Smith ikd M r
i. D. S. Conference Contt.pUX. the dfejectjof ' the
ion Saturday, Sun- vt tn Mnvnttaho iV hmr
day ara Monday.. return- veritions with fche people of xfy &nce have ivfjd;ered valuables
eli.ho4rfflat , i :$tflake Staike. ; " ; " Ufefahce to the various' Boards.
Equalization vere bere the! September lf between Holbrook,
County Board of Equalization on Snowf ake and frt. A djksdg. The
Monday last, and presented the LfJ unk L a' vihM
assessment of railroad property hnsin ftvPr.lS0.0Od odun' M y
rnourCounty together with other freiht fieinfr handle l& bsM
valu4ble ota relating to taxation, week Holbrook News.
The m ambers of the State Board
of Eaualization have visited eve-
ry county 411 wit? suaie unis year,
Dan Kempe was a passenger
ou the Steam auto Wednesfl:ajr
evening. Ea has been at As.tec-
forthe pas t jgor three wiife
: ",4
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