OCR Interpretation

St. Johns herald and Apache news. [volume] (St. Johns, Apache Co., Ariz.) 1905-1917, November 07, 1912, Image 1

Image and text provided by Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn95060582/1912-11-07/ed-1/seq-1/

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M I Ji J.-
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No. jt&-&
v. I
let - - .
2 toi'ji:s5 "'t:fetD this bank
ana asK questions aoout me advantages
of having a bank account for . the care fi
and protection of YOUR money as you J
3 would feel-in going into any store to ask
jS about the' quality, jof price of a piece? of
income a &
3' bank account will help you to take bet-
. ter care
! f
vou to accumulate & i
!a . .iii . va ivj nik et f tr A g & gA g fi fi fh gai gA g 11
f ' 1 5! :
'4i"':;iv'P"t of -school-s spent last
' QO'Oalty vUitiin with the
4 V-'P" ';week, ;aad ifeport a very
yf!:;: trip, v'hd', speak
" T'iWfMy of the Ai'izon state
. Mr. J B? Riphey and Mrs.
.e3r wete in from7 Rich-
"fJ fy ilsWf br "a i erw days this Aveefc
WMi-ivf-''ijKrig arid .attending
iniers;'6f business.. ' v
l?:X ' G. SGheele left Monday, for
.1"! T!k1Cl O .T-
J. C VYLlsoa.Mogger of the
;4te Mountain Lumber
lipany's saw-mill was here
A'mMev days this wNeek visit-
Andrew Kimball, Chair"
,m an otj the State Board IJbr
tieujture and 4?rcultujeHwill
speak here tomorrow- evening
atld Saturday forenoon, upon.
the jbllowing subjects: Social'
organization of Horticulture,
Agriculture aiid Sprayings
Fair Exhibit?etc2 Evey
;bo(y invited to ba present.,
Prof, JToh'iTs . Allen , Vhb
is engaged in sehooj vork' at
Coneho and Avho is one of
J W 1
the foremost young attorneys
pf our ooiinty, passed, th bar
examination, held at Phoenix
recently, with one of the
highest averages made by the
thirteen successfal applicants.
Mr0 Allen is to b6 congratu
lated,. and his mariyfriends
1'Wish him succerfs.. V ;
Mr. Fred Djrari' left last
week for southern California,
accompanied by Mrs.. Duran
who goes to consult with phy-
iio-i afes r el a ti v a to h er h eal th .
, TLast Thursday night a spooks
dance was given at tihte OVepsoif :
hall which rwas one of the ftest,
or the best, ball', of the season;
and was at tended with a great
deal of interest. The event was
given in -the observance of' Hal
lowe'en' and was an initatipn
affair, and ail who could attend
were I there. All participants
were dressed in sheets and niasks
and the hall was decorated for
r t
the occaisibn and taking; all to
ge tlier had the appearance '4nd
'feeling of spookjdona ,
Man"y good parts w era rendered
by different spooks, such as sjng-
.ing, reciting ghost stories, etc.
f Dancing "was e.ngaeA.n, and
the funny part' of, it was, that,
, ' '
none knew who they weredanc
ifig with. Some of the gentle
men choosing other gentlemen
to dance thinking they were
dancing with a ladyand' in some
instances this was too much fun
for tha gentleman chosen and.t6
lethis partner know1' his sex 'fi&
would show the size of his foot.
' Each lady brought a basketQt
i'linch, and by drawing numbers
the gentlemen obtained a lady
who furnished him with lunch,
and without a doubt J he lunch
was mot to be excelled anywhere.
It Wfjs good and wholesome,,
consisting, ofall the good tilings
mentionabje. '
It is tol)e-hoped that this will
not be.the last event of Its kind,
but that there will be; others to.
follow soon,
Dor; J'se Garcia and his
wife Dona Marea-1 left for Los
Angelas last week. Mrs.
Garcia has been in Jill health
for some time- an goes to
seek medical aid. MivEmelio
Garcia, thair, son, accompan-:
ied them.
Fort ApacheIndian Agency,
Whitjerivei, Arizona.
; October 25,
M& Gilbert E. Greer,
v " Secretary, .
Apache County Live Stock Asso
ciation. : H "
.SE Johns, Arizona.
. Sir: v .
; I am in receipt of yjEyujr
kletter of -the 17tTii inst., naming '
tHe. members 'of an advisory'
board appointed by y our Associa-v
tion for the aettiement of dis
putes in regar t6 grazing iriat-:
ters on this 'reservation. In i?eK
ply thereto I have to state tha
this office will be glad to co-pp-
Wate with said board in all such-
fcases that may ariae. Pleas.
keep us advised of your desirexr
m the matter..
Very respectful ly
unoert . v. naiiman. M. u. , . j?
Acting Superintendent-
Supt. Paquette went to WinSr -Oi;?
low last Tuesday. v
Mr. P. Grant, carpenter from
Gallup, . is doing worlL for yjk;.
G. U.1 Manning.. s
f 1 v '
Mrs. L; L. sSabin entertained
a' number of the ladies Saturday
afternoon, in honor of her moth-
er and sister from Iowa.
The bear hunters returned fromiu
their expedition last Friday nighC-
They brought back one youngi
bear, w.hich they killed on their? 'At-
way hpme, about 25 miles North
of .the Fort. - C.B.
it,- '
. Mbssrs. Riosalio Ga'ndelaria
and son A. B. Can del aria of
Oonchd delivered a big-band.
of lambs to the biwers at
Holbrook last week.
, Udall-Shcrwood
Monday morning at th a-
home of President David E. $
7 "J - v . -
relative and friends, Mr. -
Grover C. Udall and Miss
Dora, Sherwood, two St,
Johns nonular vonnp nenn a - . : :js.
, x r j -0 i jr : 4 jf
were marnaa oy rres. Udaii
Mr. Udall is a son of Pres;
Udall and Miss Sherwood1' is
one of lth,e charming daught- s ?
ers o Mrs. L. (J. Sherwood, - o l
The happy couple left on ,. 'Jk
tlie steamer the same mora--f
ing fur Utah points. The btest
wishes of the whole com V -o,
m unity goes witU'tnem. - '
- Mr. EW. Giimes" .rived
(fronf Holbrook . last JPriday
and was aecompainqd by his
mo-her and two sister-in-law,
who are from Colorado,; and
it is likely that j they will
locate nere, ;.)' , this week. , ?
'Solomon Duran one of
4-pache County's enterprising, rf Vlw
irom nis rancn ior a lew dysj
St A - -

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