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8TATI LIBAftlAI m 1 m V 1 . W W v 11 kaV Inhnc MArft fl - 3TIAW sJisW .3 .osO A ,9iiW .W .1 St. Johns is having a healthy substantial growth. Lands are cheap but steadily increasing in value. Best climate on earth. itol 9cii ni int9a3 ST. JOHNS, APACHE COUNTY, ARIZONA, MARCH 29, 1917 VOLUME 33 Born to Mr. and Mrs. Joel L. Mineer, last Friday, a big boy. Mr. David Rudd, live stock in spector, was in town during the week. Sheriff E. W. Grimes, who has been in the south end of the coun ty for the past two weeks is home again. Sweets Candy: A Fresh New Supply again on display at St. Johns Drug Co. Connor Trammell of the moun tain city was a business visitor here yesterday. Lee Rencher of Holbrook ar rived m the city Tuesday with Attorney J. E. Jones. Spray your trees with arsen ate OF LEAD. St. Johns Drug Co., Distributors. 'Hy' Wiltbank was a passen ger on the mail from Eagar yes terday, coming to the county seat to attend to some businsss mat ters. Alma Allen of Round Valley was in the city yesterday attend ing land matters before Chas. Jarvis, U S. Land Commis sioner. The Electric Light company will soon have the juice turned into some of the business houses. They have been busy this week - placing the transformers. Work on the new bank building that of building a vaultism full blast and we are informed that the new enterprise will be doing "business within a month. Miss Alta Heminigway of Keo kuk, , Iowa a neice of Mr and Mrs Arthur Lyenj with whom she was visiting, died last night of lagrippe. It has not yet been decided whether the burial will take place here or at her home in Iowa. Miss Lettie Anderson, popular daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. P. Anderson, arrived home from Chicago last Saturday, where she has been studying music, both vocal and instrumental. Her many friends are pleased to see her once more. ' Col. C. C. Cooley Dead. Col. C.X. Codley died at his home at the Cooley ranch, near Pinetop, Sunday after a long ill ness incident to old age, being about (as we can learn) 85 years old. burial was made at Fort Apache Monday with military honors, he having served as a soldier. Col Cooley was one of the most interesting characters who ever lived in this section, and was broad-guaged and liberal minded. It is claimed that he was possibly without an enemy in the entire southwest, something extraordin ary for any man to lay claim to after living on the frontier for so many years, as he had lived here since away back, in the 70's, locat ing the Showlow ranch about '76 or '77. A wife and six children survive. The children are, Chas. P. Cooley of Holbrook, Bert and Don U Coolev of this countv. Mrs. A. L. Amos. Mrs. Chas. H. Pettis and Mrs. Del A. Penrod, also of this county .Snowflake Herald. The Pneumonia Season. The cold. damD weather of March seems to be the most favorable for the pneumonia germ. "Now is the time to be careful. The quicker a cold is gotten rid of the less the danger As soon as the first indication of a cold appears take Chamberlain's Cough Reme- dv. As to the value ot this pre )aration. ask anyone who has fused itn fq - . Adv. SUPERVISORS PROCEEDINGS. Office of the Board of Supervis ors, Apache County, Arizona. St. Johns, Ariz., Mar. 5th, 1917. The hoard of suDervisors con vened in regular monthly session on this date at the hour of 9 a.m.; there beinc: present Chairman! Heber Jarvis, Members W. A. Saunders and John C. Hall and Levi S. Udall, Clerk. Minutes of the previous regu lar session we e read and approv ed. Outdoor relief for the month nf March was ordered paid. The 'monthly allowance of Clemente j Baca was ordered raised from $8.00 to $10.00 per month. Dr. r. J. JDOUiam, oupt. u Health, was granted a leave of absence from the state for a per iod of six weeks, dating from February 20th, 1917. In the matter of the petition from residents of Vernon, Spring lake and vicinity and also sign ed by residents from Navajo county residing at Taylor and Snowflake, asking the board of supervisors to declare the road known as the "Dick Greer Auto mobile Road" as a county road, said road leadingfrom Concho via Springlake to Taylor After a consideration of the matter it was ordered by the board that the "Notice of Presentation of Peti tion" be first posted as required by law (Paragraph 5057 R. V. S. 1913,) and that then the board would take some action in the matter. The advertising proposition of George Wharton James "The au thor" that was presented to the board of supervisors for their consideration, to decide whether they wanted one chapter in his new book "Arizona. ihe Wonder land' ' on Apache county and the White Mountains,' at a price of $200.00 or else the county to sub scribe for 150 copies of the book at. $3.50 each. The matter was fully considered and it was d;cided not to accept his offer at this time, in view of the fact that the book was to cro to Dress the early part of March, and the Board felt that it did not give them sufficient time to have copies of the chapter pre sented to them for their consider ation and approval. The following claims were ap proved and warrants ordered is sued from the ROAD FUND: No. 4 J S Hulet supplies to road 56 4 3d Unapportioned Tax Fund 3 John (J Uiari. reiuna nn over assessment 7 92 Bond Road Fund: No. to whom for what am t. 16 St Johns Drue: Co ex- nress and supplies 56 5 0 17 Barth Hotel Hotel bill, G. Becker 7.50 18 J H Greer, services as Road commissioner so UU 19 M Christensen labor 6 30 20 Tbos Greer draer'ff road 7 00 21 Aert A TSf Chambers treic-hfc charges bl yo 22 Hazel B Howland book- keener for February 10 00 23 .ToeBureressTreas. el'k B. of S. warrants 14U8 by EXPENSE FUND: 50 G E Greer expense Co, Attorn ev lb ou 51 Barnes & Nicolas, sher iffs exnense 35 00 52 David Gibbons, wood for court house 22 75 fi3 Mrs Aim Pena. nrison- meals 4 80 54 MartinJensen register ing-vital statistics 1916 15 00 55 Greer Garcia expense telenhone bill 1 75 56 St Johns Herald con tract & sutmlies 95 07 57 M C Parks telephone hill for February 16 00 58 T. J. Bouldin expense and services Feb. 70 00 59 J R Overson rent Co. Attv office Feb. 10 00 60 M Dannebaum trans from Observer cont't 37 50 61 A & B Schuster Co. sup plies 62 Boy Scout Patrol cutt'g 6h cords wood 63 St Johns Drug Co sup plies for court house 64 E M Patterson water for Feb 65 Levi S Udall telephone bill for Feb 27 40 8 15 4 60 3 00 3 99 5 25 4 00 5 80 66 Sarah A Hamblin regis tration vital statistics 67 G O Hamblin, General election officer 68 John C Earl sheriffs exnense tel. bill 69 James D Kennedy reg istration vital, statistic 1916 11 50 70 A C M I Spr. indigent allowance Mrs Brown 20 00 Benito Baca reg. vital statistics Concho 1916 11 00 G P Brown coroners juryman Nasif Tamar 1 50 Joe Burgess Outdoor relief vouchers and iurv certificates 203 00 74 Mrs Thomas A Moore, reg. vital statistics Snr. 1916 9 50 75 A M Wigglesworth reg. vital statistics lyib io o C H Wolfe repairs in Treasurers office 19 35 Crane & Co miscellan eous supplies 6 90 St Johns Electric Ma chine Co, repairs to ad dine machine 10 00 79 Jos K Udall Telephone bill Justice Peace 1 80 Anella S Lvtle appeared before the Board and audited and allow ed the following claims for Su pervisors expense: No. 80 John C Hall expenses attending Marcn meeting $10 00 Pav Roll demand for the salar ies of County Officers for the 1st half month of February was al lowed and ordered from the Sal ary Funa in the sum of $722.87, warrants Jnos. 41 to ob inclusive, Tvere issued therefor. Pav Roll demand for the Salar ies of County Officers for the last half month of February and for Precinct Officers for the month of February was allowed and order ed paid from the Salary b una, m the sum of $950.94, warrants Nos 57 to 84 inclusive, were issued therefor. The board then stood adjourn ed, bv unanimous vote until tor morrow morning, Mar. 6, at 9 a.m Heber Jarvis, Chairman, Attest: Levi S. Udall, Clerk. St. Johns, Ariz., Mar. 6, 1917. The Board of Supervisors re convened at 8:30 a. m. there be ing present the Chairman, both members and the clerk. Renorts of the various county and precinct officers were check ed and approved, ine report ot Joe Burgess, County Treasurer and Tax Collector for the month of February shows the following: Bal. on hand Feb. 1st 56iuz,7iu.zb Receipts for month of February oihsz.db Disbursements for mo of February 7,564.82 Bal. on hand Mar. 1917 101,067.80 The following claims for back salary due the present and ex- county officials, based on the re-, cent ruling of the Supreme court declaring the 1912 Salary Law unconstitutional, said claims ask ing for payment under the 1901 Statutes and amendments there to, were formally rejected by the board, the claims were as follows: Back salary for years 1915-16: Joe Burgess $1400 00 J W Brown ouu uu L R Gibbons 700 00 Gilbert E Greer, Co. Atty. 2400 CO Ethel Greer. Recorder 1600 00 Levi S Udall, el'k B. of S. 1000 00 The followine claims for bal ance due on salary, based on 1901 law, for the month of January and for the first half month of February 1917 were also rejected by the board, namely: Anella S Lytle. Recorder $183.33 Gilbert E Greer Co. Atty 250.00 J A Mineer, Assessor 227.50 Levi S Udall, el'k B. of S. 125.00 A delegation appeared before the board regarding the matter of the location of the New Court house, requesting that the Ander son lot be chosen as the site, whereupon they were referred to the committee formerly appoint ed to select the site. Plans and specifications sub mitted by the Architects "Trost & Trost" were carefully gone over and considered by the board in connection with Mr. Eisen traut, representative of the Ar chitects, some few changes and corrections were imade and m- fnrnnrated in the specifications. The Clerk was instructed to have a Notice inserted in the official County paper calling for bids on the construction of the new court house, bids to be received up un til April 18th, 1917. There being no further business to come before the Board: the Board upon motion and by unani mous vote stood adjourned . Heber Jarvis, Chairman, Attest: Levi S Udall, Clerk. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a Favorite for Colds. J. L. Easlev. Macon. 111., in speaking of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy savs. "During the past fifteen years it has been my sis ter's favonte medicine tor colds on the lungs. I myself have tak en it a number of times when suf fering with a cold and it always relieved me promptly. Adv. Road Bond Convention. Last Saturday representative men from the various communi ties of the county met in Hol brook to discuss the proposed road bond proposition and to for mulate a plan for the proposition to go before the voters of the county; Messrs. Jos. W. Smith, Samuel F. Smith and W. E. Strat ton composed the committee with P. P. Pitchlynn as honorary from Snowflake, met with the conven tion. It was decided that $160, 000 would be needed, and the con vention agreed in a very harmon ious manner to work for the elec tion of the bonds when submitted by the board of county supervis ors. No boubt an election will be called for the near future. Snowflake Herald. Despondency Due to Constipation. Women often becomes nervous and despondent. When this is due to constipation it is easily cor rected by taking an occassional dose of Chamberlain's Tablets. These tablets are easy to take and pleasant in effect. Adv. Apache and Yuma counties were well represented in both branches of the third legislature. Colter of Apache and Winsor of Yuma aided by the senior senator from Cochise, made a trio of statesmen who were far above the average. The representatives from both Apache and Yuma were ever on the side of human: rights. Such men do not njjsajH ure virtue, human welfarend moral advancement Dy tne guage, of the sordid medium of exchange! the big round dollar. TheMes-i senger, - a- , William W. Willis died atVhis home in Snowflake, March lQth, 1917, after a lingering illness He was 71 years old. j Piano for sale See kR$. l! S. Overson, St. Johns, Arizona, State of Ohio. City of Toledo, J - Lucas County. , Frank J. Cheney makes oath: that he Is senior partner of the firm tf P. J. Chertey & Co., doing: business In the City of To ledo. County and State aforesaid, oind that said firm -will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and ev ery case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J.. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribea m my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 188 S. , VT (Seal) A. W. GLEASON Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acts directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Send fol testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O. Sold by all Drugrsrfats. 75c. a ; Talc Hall's Family PUla for conatlpatlos STATE OF ARIZO.NAt;q(i OFFICE OF THE, t 'Til ARIZONA CORPORATION COMMIS United States of America; State of Arizona. The ARIZONA CORPORA'MON COMMISSION does hereby, urlifyKthaPlCi the annexed is a true and complete tran script of the AMENDMENT t TO ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF "ST. JOHNS DRU&COflAN Changing the name of said corporation to ANDERSON MERCANTILE COMPANY which was filed in the' office of said' Ari zona Corporation uommtsston onztievzna day of March A. D19J$, m$fr$J$A p. Tn.j aspruvmeu. uy iuw. . provided bylaw. i ' 'rKxi'iMiN r wjuJiiuujjLuine Arizona Corporation tppmmipsipji fiw. Chairman, has hereunto s Vits hanaarfct affixed its official Seal. DoneZaUlK$$!ity of Phoenix, the Capitol Afs -52id-dpy, nf March, A. D., 1917. ' . rx ' - ARIZONA GORORTiaM ( SEAXi B COMMISSION,,. V V F, A,JONE$, Ctiatrman. Attest: W. N. 8ANG8TR, Sedrelarffsft RESOLUTION CHANGING NAMEj OF At a mwtaWfit&WBiaP ers of the St. Johns DruGbm nanv. a Coftibratiom hsldxnxJSiH jonns, Arizona; on ims uguay t i -i a i-i- j of March Anero. ing resolution was adopted ;(. the "St. Johns Drug-Company",' to the "Anderson EgANfEELSr Company", and that aityeone of the articles of incorporation of this r.ornoi'atidirbii and the same hereby are amentfeclrto seadas "The name adopted 'andirasr-i siimed bv thisicorDorationand'bti which At; shib knpwie and th,e principal .place or irasi npsa of tWCoftnaV'MSnalP tfga'l the towtf ofEJobns, 'tApache' County, Anzonaod .utrRrmc afnrpR mav-bp-vRtahlisheuatjSUch place or places, as fherBoaraof plac or 1pla,ces't8khbTd6rsIah(l Directors m'eetin&s may;he)held andfCorpbrationf bt(aine$s- ipay.fhe transacted ;- ..1'. -. Present, and noting in rayorof the above r&olutibri ; airM'two thousan'd' scare's of capifalistocl j in this coloration'; "? 'ipz d oi STATE OF ARIZONA, Igfawj 9fkJ COUNTY OF APACHE, j,0(fl I, Charles P. Anderson, Hereby acknowledgehraTthH-above is a true .and rcprrect eppy of . JJtj rs oliition changing, the name of th above corporation and that lam president of" the above nnamefd corporation andithat I -have ex& cuted this instrument-for t'purr pose .of , changing the, nam 'of oQiri. nnrnnratinn from the at. Jbhri"BrtiSf""'ompahyi WtHe inr accordance wittether directions ofr the?: Siockhqldexa tjerjein,g9jg The above instrument w.asdjjj acknowledged before me" Chas. P. Anderson this 14th day" of :MsrchPA: rEbslSl&irlT xiW Anella S. Lytle, (seax J County Recorder, Apa- .rchefCcfUtitPfn iEffT Attests rr&lfcerfe -Fv -Andersnsrfg j , ,1 Secretary flfeaijprgon. .Filed in jtaoMee oQfeAaS" ma ten, 2lV20 pl m to-e-quest dfe&lbert Ri rAnderscitfr hoae?PPstj Qf$e& address is St Jahnsron&bi By F. -A Jones, Chairman. ' tec'ordM'ati'th feueit oPC.. P Aridersbn MarchT27th 197rat 9:00 a. m. and duly recordedl&t Rnnir "NTn: 1 ,of -A., of -InCi,?Bas:e 181 Records pf Apache' Counjty, Arizona. . ...a sEiAL . Anella. Sty CpuntyRcbrder'1' J. Fred Johiisp.n josfca Bill book last Tuesday, pontaining consid erable money and popfe valuable papers. He will'ampry reward anyone for finding ahd'retuniihg it; tdhim.. i. ' - ?0 OF t.Viis charifrefflfroftfr