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NOTICE OF SELECTION Under Sections 2275 and 2276, U. S. Revised Statutes, as Amended by Act of Congress, February 28, J89J (Paragraph 9 et seq.r Rules Approved April .25, 1907) as extended to the State of Arizona by Act of Congress Approved June 20, 1910. UNITED STATES LAND pFFICE, at Phoenix, Arizona State of Arizona. "TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the iState of Arizona has filed in this office its School Indemnity Land .Selections, ListNos. 108, 109,110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, .125, 126, 127, 128, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141 and 142, Serial Nos. 033149, 033150, 033151, 033152, 033153, 033154, 033155, 033156, 033157, 033158, 033159, 033160, 033161, 033162, 033163, 033164, 033165, 033166, 033167, 033168, 033169, 033173, 033174, 033175, 033176, 033177, 033178, 033179, 033180, 033181, 033182, 033183, respec tively, applying to select as in demnity the following described lands, towit: List No. 108, Serial No. 033149: In T. 8 N., R. 27. E. : All Sec. 1 List No. 109, Serial No. 033150: In T. 8 N., R. 28 E.: Lots 3, 4, 5;SEiNWi Sec. 6. In T. 9N., R. 28 E. : Lotsl, 2; SiNEi;SEi Sec. 1; NEi Sec 14. List No. 110, Serial No. 033151: -In T. 9 N. , R. 28 E. : Lots 1, 4; SWh Sh Sec. 3; SESEi Sec. 5; NWJNWiSec. 9. List No. 111. Serial No. 033152: -InT. 9N., R. 28 E.: NJNEi; SENE ;NESE Sec. 8; NJ?NE; SEiNEI Sec. 10; SE;SiNEJ; EiSWi Sec. 12. List No. 112. Serial No 033153: In T. 9 N.,R. 28 E. : All Sec. 11. List No. 113, Serial No. 033154: In T. 9 N.,R. 28 E : All Sec. 13. List No. 114, Serial No. 033155: In T. 9 N. , R. 28 E.: EW;EA St c. 7;Ni?NWJ;SiSWiSec 8. List No. 115, Serial No. 033156: 1-n T. 9 N., R.2S E.: S;SN; NNE;NENW Sec. 9. List No. 116, Serial .No. 033157: InT. 9 N., R. 28 E.: Sh SEi Sec. 8; WJ;SE;SWNl Sec. 10. List No 117, Serial No. 033158: In T. 9 N.,R. 28 E.: WSE! Sec. 14. List No. 118, Serial No. 033159: In T. 9 N.,R. 28 E. : All Sec. 15. List No. 119, Serial No 033160: In T. 9 N..R. 28 E. : All Sec. 17. List No. 123, Serial No. 033161: In T. 9 N., R. 28 E : Eh EhWh Sec. 18. List No. 121. Serial No. 033162: In T. 9 N., R. 2 E.: E;EiVL. .Sec. 19. List No. 122, Serial No. 033163: In T. 9 N., R, 28 E, : All Sec. 20, List No. 123, Serial No, 033164: -In T. 9 N,,R, 23 E. : All Sec 21, List No. 124, Serial No 033165: - In T. 9 N., R. 28 E. : All Sec. 22. List No. 125, Serial No. 033166: - In T. 9 N., R. 28 E. : All Sec. 23. List No. 126, Serial No. 033167: In T 9 N., R. 28 E. : All Sec. 25. List No. 127, Serial No. 033168: In T. 9 N., R. 28 E,: N;NS; SSW;SW2-SE! Sec.26;NWSE -Sec 29. List No. 128, Serial No. 033169: In T. 9 N., R. 28 E.: N Sec tions 27, 28. List No. 132, Serial No. 033173: In'T 9 N., R. 29 E. : Lots 1, 2; ;SJNE; SE Sec. 4; SEJNEI Sec. -8; SE;SiNEJ;NENEi Sec. 17. List No. 133, Serial No. 033174: --In T. 9 N., R. 29 E. : All Sec. 6. List No. 134, Serial No. 033175: InT. 9 N R. 29 K.: All Sec. 7. List No. 135. Serial No. 033176: In T. 9 N., R. 29 E.: All Sec. 9. List No. 136, Serial No. 033177: -InT. 9 N., R. 29 E.: NENE :.Sec. 8; SENEi Sec. 18; Lots 1, .2, 3, 4; mWh; W&EiSec 19. List No. 137, Serial No. 033178: InT. 9 N., R. 30 E.: Ni Sec tions 13, 14. List No. 138, Serial No: 033179: In T. 9 N. , R. 30 E. : N Sec. 15; Eh Sec. 20. List No. 139, Serial No. 033180: In T. 9 N., R. 30 E.: SW Sec. .11; NJSEI Sec. 13; WiSWJ; ' NEiSWi Sec. 21; EiWI Sec. 28. List No. 140, Serial No. 033181: In T. 9 N., R. 30 E. : Lots 1, 2; SINE J ; ESE ;SEiN W Sec. 6; Lotsl, 2, 3, 4; E&WJ Sec. 7. List No. 141, Serial No. 033182: In T. 9 N., R. 30 E.: SE; SiNEiSec. 7; WiSW;SEJSW; ,SWSE;ENEi Sec. 8. ' List No. 142, Serial No. 033183: , -In T.9N., R. 30 E. : NJ;NS; jSiSEJ Sec. 9. I (All in G. & S. R. M.) j During the five weeks' period I of publication of this notice, or any time thereafter and before j final approval and certification, I this office will receiye protests or ! contests as to any of the tracts applied for and transmit the same to the General Land Office. Dated at Phoenix, Arizona, Mar. 8. 1917. J. L. Irvin. Register, John J. Birdno, ,; Receiver. Date of first publication March 15, 1917. NOTICE OF SELECTION Under Sections 2275 and 2276, U. S. Revised Statutes, as Amend ed by Aet of Congress, Febru ary 28. 1891 (Paragraph 9et seq., Rules Approved April 25, 1907) as Extended to the State of Arizona by Act of Congress, Approved June 20,1910; United States Land Office, at Phoenix, Arizona. State of Arizona. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the State of Arizona has filed in this office its School Indemnity Land Selections, Lists Nos. 4, 43, 44, and 45, Serial Nos. 031513, 032787, 032788, 032789, respec tively, applying to select as in demnity the following described lands, to-wit: List No 4, Serial No. 031513: In T. 10 N., R. 30 E.: SJSWJ Sec. 32. List No. 43, Serial No. 032787: In T. 11 N. , R. 24 E. : All Sec. 28. List No. 44, Serial No. 032788: -In T 11 N.T R. 24 E. : All Sec. 30. List No. 45, Serial No. 032789. -In T. 10 N., R. 24 E.: N; NEJSE;SWiSWiSec. 8. (All in G. &Sf R. M.) During the five weeks' period of publication of this notice, or any time thereafter and before inal approval and certification, this office will receive protests or contests as to any of the tracts applied for and transmit the same to the General Land Office. Dated at Phoenix, Arizona, Feb. 26, 1917. J. L Irvin, Register, John J. Birdno. Receiver. Date of first publication, March 3, 1917. NOTiCE OF SELECTION Under Act of Sections 2275 and 2276. U S Revised Statutes, as Amended by Act of Congress, February 28, 1891 (Paragraph 9 tt seq., Ru'es Approved April 25, 19o7) as Extended to the State of Arizona by Act of Congress, Approved June 20, 1910. United States Land Office, at Phoenix, Arizona, State of Arizona. To Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given that the State of Arizona has filed in this office its School Indemnity Land Selections, Lists Nos. 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212 and 213, Serial Nos. 033398, 033399, 033400, 033401, 033402, 033403, 033404, 33405, 033406, 033307, 033408, 033409, 033410 and 033411, re spectively, applying to select as indemnity the following described lands, to-wit: ListNo. 200, Serial No. 033398: -In T. 9 N., R. 31 E.: Lot 4; SESWi;SSEi Sec. 7; Lots 1, 2, 3, Sec. 18; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 Sec. 19. ListNo. 201, Serial No. 033399: In T. 9 N., R. 31 E.: Ni;NiSi; SESE Section 17; SWSW; NENE Sec. 20; NWNW Sec tion 21. .List No. 202, Serial No. 033400: -In T. 9 N., R. 31 E.: NE; ENW;NSE;NESW Sec. 18; SWJNE;NWi Sec. 20. List No. 203, Serial No. 033401: In T. 9 N., R- 31 E.: Eh;EhWh Section 19. ListNo. 204, Serial No. 033402: In T. 10 N., R. 29 E. : Lots 1, 2; SNEi;SE Sec. 4; SNW Sec. 9; SW Sec. 15; W SW Section 24. List No. 205, Serial No. 033403: i In T. 10 N., R. 29E.:EESec. ! 17; EhEh Sec. 20; NiNW;SiSW SSec. 21;NWir Sec 29. List No. 206, Serial No. 033404: i In T. 10 N., R. 29 E.; Eh Sec. 21; Wi Sec. 22. List No. 207, Serial No. 033405: In T. 10N., R. 29 E.: N Sec tion 27. List No. 208, Serial No. 033406: In T. 10 N., R. 29 E. : All Sec. 26. List No. 209, Serial No. 033407: In T. ION., R. 29E.:W;EE Section 25. List No. 210, SerialNo. 033408: In T . 10 N . , R. 29 E. : All Sec. 34. List No. 211, Serial No. 033409: In T. 10N.,R. 29 E.: All Sec. 35. List No. 212, Serial No. 033410: -In T. 10N., R. 29 E-: Lots 3, 4; SNWi;SW Sec. 4; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4; SiN Sec 5. ListNo. 213, Serial No. 033411: In T. 10 N., R. 29 E.: SE; EJSWir Sec. 5; SSE;SEiSWi: Sec 6; NNE;SWSEi;SNWi Sec.8;NiNW Sec. 9. (All in G. &S. R. M.) During the five weeks' period of publication of this notice, or any time thereafter and before final approval and certification, this office will receive protests or contests as to any of the tracts applied for and transmit the same to the General Land Office. Dated at Phoenix. Arizona, Mar. 12, 1917. J. L. Irvin, Register, John J. Birdno, Receiver. Date of first publication March 22, 1917. NOTICE OF SELECTION Under Act of Congress, Ap proved June 20, 1910, United States Land Office at Phoenix, Arizona State of Arizona. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: JNotice is hereby given that the State of Arizona has filed in this office its Grant Selections, Lists Nos. 616, 633, 642, 654, 655, 659 and 687, Serial Nos. 031514, 031635, 031670, 031700, 031701, 031725, 031822, respectively, ap plying to select for purposes as specified below, the following de scribed lands, to-wit: ( List No. 616, Serial No. 031514, for the benefit of Payment of Bonds and Accrued Interest Thereon of Maricopa, Pima, Yav apai and Coconino Counties: In T. 10N., R. 30 E.: Eh Sec. 31. List No. 633, Serial No. 031635, for the benefit of University Pur poses: In T. 9 N., R. 28 E.: SE;ESWl;SWSWlSec. 28; All Sec. 33. In T. 12 N., R. 19 E. : EiNWi Sec. 18. In T. 13 N., R. 27 E.: WhWh Sec. 22; NNE; NEiNW4 Sec. 24; All Sec. 28. In T. 14 N., R. 28 E. : NESec. 30. List No. 642, Serial No. 031670. for he benefit of Payment 01 Bonds and Accrued Interest Thereon of Maricopa, Pima, Yav apai and Coconino Counties: In T. 8N., R. 28 E.: NN Sec. 9; NN Sec 10. List No. 654, Serial No 031700. for the benefit of University Pur posesIn T. 13 N., R.26 E.: All Sec. 12. InT. 14 N. R , 27 E.: All Sec. 28, Lots 3, 4; EiSWi; SEi Sec. 30; SWNEi;W4SEJ Sec. 34. In T. 15 N., R, 29 E.; All Sec. 18. ListNo. 655, SerialNo. 031701, for the benefit of University Pur posesIn T. 13 N., R. 27 E.: Lots 3, 4; SiNWi; WJSWi Sec. 4; All Sections 6 and 8;- WiWJ Sec tion 12. ListNo. 659, Serial No. 031725, for the benefit of University Pur posesIn T. 12 N., R. 28 E. : Lots 1, 2, 3, 4; EiWi Sec. 18. In T. 12 N.. R, 29 E.: Lot 1; NiNE.i;SEiNEJ4 Section 18. List No. 687, Serial No. 031822, for the benefit of Payment of Bonds and Accrued Interest Thereon of Maricopa, Pima, Yav apai and Coconino Counties: In T. 21 N., R. 29 E. : Lot 1 Sec. 4. (All in G. & S. R. M.) . During the five weeks' period of publication of this hotice or any time thereafter and before final approval and certification, this office will receive protests or contests as to any of the tracts applied for and transmit the same to the General Land Office. Dated at Phoenix, Arizona, Feb ruary, 26, 1917. J. L. Irvin, Register, . John J. Birdno, Receiver. Date of first publication March 8, 1917., No. 48 Public Action Sale State School Land State Land Department. Phoenix, Arizona, Feb. 10, 1917. 'In conformity with the provisions of the Public Land Code of the State of Arizona, approved June 26, 1915, notice is hereby given that the State of Arizona will on Thursday, May 3, 1917, at 10 o'clock a. m., at the County Court House, St. Johns, Arizona, sell at public auction thefollowmgschool lands, together with the improve ments thereon: In Sec. 16, T. 8 N., R. 29 E., G& SRM: Eh NEi; Em NEJ (less road way 3 rods, in width along South line of tract) containing 117.75 acres more or less, appraised at $588.75. Improvements, claimed by A. W. Crosby, appraised at $178.00. EJNW4NWJ; SWJNWi; WENWi (less roadways 2 rods in width along North line of NENWNWi and West line of SW4NW4) Containing 98.5 acres more or less, appraised at $842.50. Improvements, claimed by P. P. Rencher, appraised at $331.00. Syi (Excepting therefrom a roadwav 3 rods in width, the cen- J ter line of which begins at a point 140 ft. East from the center of the section,'running thence South easterly in a straight line to a point on the South line of the sec tion 436 ft. East from the South quarter corner) containing 317 acres more or less, appraised at $2635.00. Improvements, claim ed by Henry J. Slade, appraised at $823.00. EENW; . WWNE (less roadway 3 rods in width through center of tract, and a roadway 3 rods in width along the South line of theSWSWNE) con taining 76.25 acres more or less, appraised at $406.25. Improve ments, claimed by George A. Eagar, appraised at $315.00. WiNWiNW (less roadway 2 rods in width along North and West lines of tract) containing 18.5 acres more or less, appraised at $392.50. Improvements, claim ed by N. N. Marble, appraised at $1093.00 In Sec. 16. T. 13 In., K. 2b K, U VlSRM: W4NEX containing 80 acres more or Jess, appraised at $480. 00. Improvements, claimed by John H. Heap, appraised at $255 CO. EK-NEJ4 (less 3.75 acres de scribed as follows: Beginning at a point 10 rods West from the East quarter corner of the sec tion, thence West 30 rods, thence North 40 rods, thence Southeast erly 50 rods to point of beginning) and SE;SESEK, (excepting a roadway llA rods in width along the East line oi both tracts) Con caining 84.375 acres more or less appraised at -434. 53. Improve ments, claimed by H. J. Piatt, ap praised at $830.25. Beginning at a point 10 rods West from the East quarter cor ner of the section, thence Wesf 30 rods, thence North 40 rods, whence Southeasterly 50 rods to point of beginning, containing 3.75 acres more or less, appraised at $92 50. lmm-ovements. claim ed by Heber Jarvis, appraised a- $36,00. NE'4.'SE;4 (less roadway ly. rods in width along East line oi tract) containing 39.25 acres more or less, appraised at $235.50. Im provements, claimed by Charles P. Anderson, appraised at $481.00. InT. 13 N., R. 28 E , G&SRM. All Section 36, containing 640 acres more or less, appraised at $1920.00. No improvements at tach said Land. No bid for less than the ap praised valuations will be consid ered. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. Information concerning the land, improve ments, and conditions of sale may be obtained from the State Land Department, Phoenix, Arizona. STATE LAND DEPARTMENT By W. A. Moeur, Commissioner First publication Feb. 22, 1917. Last publication April 26, 1917. NOTICE OF SELECTION Under Act of Congress, Ap proved June 20, 1910. United States Land Office, at Phoenix, Arizona, State of Arizona. To WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the State of Arizona has filed in this office its Grant Selection, ListNo. 778, SerialNo. 033467, applying to select for the benefit of Insane Asylums, the following described lands, to-wit: List No. 778, Serial No. 033467: In T. 15 N., R. 31 E. : Lots 1, 3, 4;EW;E Sec 18. (All in G. & S. R. M.) During the five weeks' period of publication of this notice, or any time "thereafter and before final approval and certification, this office will receive protest or contests as to any of the tracts applied for and transmit the same to the General Land Office. Dated at Phoenix, Arizona, Mar. 12, 1917. J. -L. IRVIN, Register., JOHNJ. BIRDNO, Receiver. Date of first publication March 22, 1917. NOTICE OF SELECTION Under Sections 2275 and 2276, U, S. Revised Statutes, as Amend ed by Act of Congress, February 28, 1891 (Paragraph 9 et seq., Rules Approved April 25, 1907) as Extended to the State of Ari zona by Act of Congress, Ap proved June 20, 1910. ' United States Land Office, at Phoenix, Arizona, State of Arizona. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the State of Arizona has filed in this office its School Indemnity Land. Selections, Lists Nos. 216, 217, 218, 219, 220 and 221, Serial Nos. 033607, 033608, 033609, 033610, 033611 and 033612, respectively, applying to select as indemnity, the following described lands, to-wit: List No. 216, Serial No. 033607: - In T. 10 N., R. 26 E. : Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 Sec. 5; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Sec. 6; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 Sec 7. ListNo. 217, SerialNo. 33608: - In T. 10 N., R. 26 E.: S;SiN Sec. 5; SE Sec. 6. List No. 218. Serial No. 033609: -In T. 10 N., R. 26 E. : SNEi; EhSm Sec. 6; E;EiW Sec. 7. ListNo. 219, SerialNo. 033610: In T. 10 N.,R. 26 E. : All Sec. 8. List No. 220, Serial No. 033611: -In T. 10 N., R. 26 E.: SEJNWi Sec. 6; NWiNW;SiSWJ;E Sec tion 35. ListNo. 221, SerialNo. 033612: In T. 11 N., R. 26 E. : Lots 1, 2, 3, 4; EWhEh Section 30. (All in G. & S. R. M.) During the five weeks' period of publication of this notice, or any time thereafter and before final approval and certification, this office will receive protests or contests as to any of the tracts applied for and transmit the same 0 the General Land Office. Dated at Phoenix, Arizona, Mar. 19, 1917. J. L. Irvin. Register, JohnJ. Birdno Receiver. Oate of first publication March 29, 1917. . Notice For Publication. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, U. S. Lard Office, at Phoenix. Phoenix, Arizona, Mar. 19, 1917, NOTICE is hrehv given that Gladys Rvown, of Alpine, Ariz., widow of the Newman Brown, deceased, who, on January 29, 112. made Homeead Entrv No. 016446. fortheSSWNWJNW, WEiSW NWJ. Eh WiSWJ NWiNWl NW SW NW2-. W NW SWf. E NWJ SWi, N NWJ SW SWi, section 18, Td. 5 N., R. 31 East G. and S. R. Mer., and E Ei NE SE. SW NEiNEJSEir, SENWJNEJSEi Wh SEf NE SE. E SWi NEi SEir, NEi NE SEJ SEi, section 13, Tp. 5 N. R. 30 East G. and S. R. Mer., containing 90 acres, has filed notice of intention to make final five year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Charles Jarvis" U. S. Commissioner, at St. Johns, Arizona, on the 15th day of May, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: John Earl of Colter, Arizona. J. C. Earl, of Colter, Arizona." Ben Stanford, of Alpine, Ariz. . John Jepson, of Alpine, Arizona. J. L. IRVIN, 3-29-4-26 Register