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St. Johns is having a healthy substantial growth. Lands are cheap but rapidily increasing in value. Best climate on earth. vVOLUME 33 ST. JOHNS, APACHE COUNTY, ARIZONA, APRIL 5, 1917 NO. 32 V r V The supervisors met in regular session Monday. Piano for sale See Mrs. L. !.S. Overson, St. Johns, Arizona. A big baby boy was born to Mr. .and'Mrs. Zeck Farr last Saturday March, 31. Sweets .Candy: A Fresh New Supply again -on display at St. Johns Drug Co. At the School election held last .Saturday in District No 11 Hyrum Jones was the sucessful candi date. Spray your trees with arsen ate of LEAD. 'St. Johns Drug Co., Distributors. Gustav Becker and Jt H. Greer road commissioners were doing business before the board Mon day and Tuesday. Virgil and Willard Denham of 'Shumway were visitors here last Saturday and Sunday, returning "to their home Monday. The General conference of the X. D. S. Church convenes at Salt Lake City on the 7th and 8th. A number of people of the St. Johns Stake left to be present. . JO Smith is freighting with his -automobile from Holbrook to St Johns. Mr. Smith is always on the job and for quick frieght call on him. , , Forest Supervisor, Frederic Winn of the Mountain City was .a business visitor at the county seat Monday, while here he gave the Herald a pleasant call. Tom Greer popular young stockmam of Hunt has been so " journning in the city for several davs He left Tuesday for a protracted stay at his ranch in Greer valley. R H Bloomfield of Ramah, N. M arrived in the . e;ty last Satur dav He spent Sunday with friends here and returned Mon day taking with him his daughter Nellie and Miss Polly Hamblin, who have been attending the academy the past term Miss Viola Greer, popular young daughter of Mr and Mrs Stansell Greer left last Saturday for Salt Lake City where she will join her brother H and attend school for the summer W I Burk, Garland Lee, Frank Maxwell and Dudley Hamblin were business visitors here from Nutrioso last week. Their business was that of filing on land. Paris I. Ashcroftand wife left Tuesday for Eagar where they will remain for the summer,. ULr Ashcroft has been attending the academy during the past winter NOTICE! Notice is hereby given to the tax payers of Apache County that the second installment of your taxes for the year 1916 are now due and payable at my office and unless same are paid on or be fore May the 7th 1917 same will become delinquent and interest nd fees and cost of collection will be added Respectfully, Joe Burgess, Treasurer, Apache County, St Johns, Arizona DARKNESS NO MORE. The dream of some of our lead men is beginning to be realized. St Johns has for a long time been dreaming of a time when it could have the convenience of electric lights and power, and this dream was to some extent realized last Sunday night when the Nebo Electric Light and Power Com- i pany released the wheel and set jin motion the big Dynamo at their j power house on the banks of the , Little Colorado river, The electric current was turned I on and a number of the business houses are now using the juice. Sunday night the movie show of A. E. Johnson used the new sys tem and the show went through without a hitch. Tom Carraway who has had the supervision of the work of install ing, etc. has proved marked abi lity along this line to the entire satisfaction of all. There is at present about fifty lights installed and others will soon be using the electric lights and as the line is extended it will not be long before the entire city will be illuminated with electric ity. Several globes have been attach ed at intervals along the main streets and although they are small and were only placed for tests they flight up the streets fine. The men of Nebo Company are to be congratulated and com mended for the success they have had in installing this good and worthy enterprise in our city. May it always prove to be a suc cess and a profitable business to those interested is the wish of the citizens of Apache County, Constipation and Indigestion. These are twin evils. . Persons suffering from indigestion are often troubled with constipation. Mrs. Robert Allison, Mattoon, 111. writes that when she first moved to Mattoon she was a great suf ferer from indigestion and consti pation Food distressed her and there was a feeling like a heavy weight pressing on her stomach and chest. She did not rest well at night, and felt worn out a good part of the time. One bottle of Chamberlain's Tablets corrected this trouble so that she has since felt like a different person. Adv. Miss Ruth Wallace the popular daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wallace of Holbrook is in the city and is at work in the St. Johns State Bank. We have not as yet learned whether Miss Wallace will remain with us or whether her stay is just tempo- rarary, but we hope that she will decide to remain in our city. Undertaker, W A Parr an old time resident of Apache County was in the city last Friday and Saturday He came for the pur pose of embalming the body of Miss Alta Hemingway, which will be shipped to her old home in Keokuk, Iowa. Mr. Parr was renewing old acquaintances and viewing old scenes "The Mid-Western Loan Com pany Wewoka, Oklahoma, will loan you money at 52? bn real estate" 43 -he Third Annual 1 COWBOYS' REUNION fi To be held at Springerville, Ariz., 4I June 21, 22 and 23, 1917. Better events and bigger purses than ever before. Details to be published later. For information write 4! ELMER D. RINEHART, Secretary, The Cowboy Reunion and Amusement Association of Round Valley, Spring erville, Arizona. Mrs. Jacob Hamblin left last Saturday for an extended visit to Utah. Mrs. Hamblin has notj been to see her old home fori thirty years, She will attend I the L. D. S. conference at Salt I Lake City, after which she will visit old scenes and renew old acquaintances before returning to her home in St.- Johns. Joe Pearce of Eagar was a business visitor here last Satur day and before returning to his home in Eagar he made a visit to the Lyman Reservoir for the pur pose of viewing the progress that is being made on the immense dam Joe is thinking of locating near St Johns one of these days At a meeting held by the ladies of the Relief Society of this city last Sunday it was decided by a big . majority to build their new home on the lot adjoining on the west of the academy lot. Nature Cures, The Doctor Takes the Fee There is an old saying that "Nature cures, the docter takes the fee", but as everyoue knows you can help Nature very much and thereby enable it to effect a cure in much less time than is usually required. This is parti cularly true of colds. Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy relieves the lungs, liquifies the tongue mucus j and aids in its expectoration, j allays the cough and aids Nature in restoring the system to a; healthv condition. Adv. 1 A German spy was arrested at or near Springerville Wednesday We are informed that papers, proving beyond a doubt that he is a spy, were found on him. Denutv Sheriff, John Coleman' has the man in charge and is ex-' pected to arrive in town today and the spy will be placed in the ( the county jail awaiting the ar- i rival of the Federal authorities, j Mr Gustav Becker and some of j the Forest service men are given J the credit for furnishing infor- i mation that lead to his arrest. Dr. T. J. Bouldin returned Monday from Chicago where he has spent the past six weeks taking a post-graduate course. His many friends or more than j pleased to have him with them once more. i Rheumatic Pains Relieved i ."I have used Chamberlain's' Liniment for pains in the chest and lameness of the shoulders due to rheumatism, and am pleased to say that it has never failed to give me prompt relief," writes Mrs. S. N. Finch, Batavia, N, Y. i Adv. FOREST NOTES. Rangers' Horse Shot From Am bush. Albuquerque, N. M., April While inspecting an abandoned camp fn te Manzano National Forest near Grants, N. Mex., Ranger L. H. Waters had his horse shot through the nose by an unknown party concealed in the brush. The bullet was of small calibre and did no serious injury. According to Ranger Water's re port of the incident, he was en gaged at the time in examining fragments of hid js and a pile of hvtir, indicating: illegal killing of a large number of deer and cat tle, and was looking for evidence on which to base a prosecution of the guilty parties. The camp is said to have had the appearance of having been occupied by. In dian s, many of wnom have been in the hills during the winter gathering pinion nuts. Greenlee Cattlegrowers Associa tion Gh en - ormai Recognition. Albuquerque, N. M., April. The recently organized Greenlee County Cattle Growers' associa tion, with headquarters at Clif ton, has been accorded formal re cognition by the Forest Service, according to District Forester; Paul G. Redington. The associa tion will hereafter act in an ad visory capacity on all questions affecting the allottment and use of the range on the south half of the Apache National Forest. Its officers are J. C. Montgomery, President, H. K. Catlin, Vice- President, and Waide Hampton, Secretary. The object of the new associa tion, as slated in its constitution, are to encourage better stock and better methods of handling it, to enforce the livestock laws, and to cooperate with the Forest Service Survey Begins on Clifton-Spring, erville Road. Albuquerque. N. M., March. 0 N. Powell, Highway Engineer in the Forest Service, left today for Clifton, Arizona, to superin tend the beginning of survey work for the new Clifton-Spring-erville road, to be built in the near future by Greenlee County and the department of agricul ture. A double party with For est Ranger Robert Stephensen in charge, will go to work at once in order to hasten the comple tion of the survey L. R. Gibbons left last Sunday for Holbrook where he will as sume the duties of superintends ingthe general management of the Arizona C. M. I: stores in Navajo and Apache counties. o iATEOF ARIZONA OFFICE OF THE ARIZONA CORPORATION COMMISSION. United States of America, State of Arizona. SS. The ARIZONA CORPORATION COMMISSION does hereby certify that" the annexed is a true and complete tran script of the AMENDMENT TO ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF "ST. JOHNS DRUG COMPANY" Changing the name of said corporation to ANDERSON MERCANTILE COMPANY which was filed in the office of said Ari- ! zona Corporation Commission on the SSnd day of March A. D. 1917, at 2:30 o'clock p. m., as provided bylaw. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, The Arizona Corporation Commission by its Chairman, has hereunto s t its hand and affixed its official Seal. Bone at the City of Phoenix, the Capitol, this SSnd day of March,' A. D., 1917. S -ARIZONA CORPORATION I SE4JL J COMMISSION F. A. JONES, Chairman, Attest: W. N. SANGSTER, Secretary. RESOLUTION CHANGING NAME OF CORPORATION. At a meeting of the stockhold ers of the St, Johns Drug Com pany, a Corporation, held in St. Johns, Arizona; on this 14th day of March, A. D., 1917, the follow ing resolution was adopted: Resolved, that the name of. this corporation be qhanged from the "St. Johns Drug Company", to the "Anderson Mercantile Company", and that article one of the articles of incorporation of this corporation be and the same hereby are amended to read as follows: "The name adopted and as sumed by this corporation and by which it shall be known is the "Anderson Mercantile Company" and the principal place of busi ness of this Company shall be at the town of St. Johns, Apache County, Arizona. But branch stores may be established at such place or places as the Board of Directors sha!l designate, at which place or places Stockholders and Directors' meetings may be held and Corporation business may be transacted."- Present and voting in favor of the above resolution all the two thousand shares of capital stoeic in this corporation. STATE OF ARIZONA, COUNTY OF APACHE, ss I, Charles P . Anderson, hereby acknowledge that the abo e is a true and correct copy of the res olution changing the name of the above corporation and that I am president of the above named corporation and that I have exe cuted this instrument for the pur pose of changing the name of said Corporation from the "St. Johns Drug Company," to the , 'Anderson Mercantile Company" in accordance with the directions of the Stockholders therein. Charles P. Anderson. The above instrument was duly acknowledged before me by Chas. P. Anderson this 14th day of March, A. D. 1917. s S. Anella S. Lytle, (seajl) County Recorder, Apa- che County. Attest: Albert F. Anderson, Secretary of said Corporation. Filed in the office of the Arizor na Corporation Commission this 22nd day of March, A. D, 1917, at 2:30 p.m. at request of Albert F, Anderson, whose post office address is St Johns, Arizona. ARIZONA CORPORATION COM MISSION, By F. A. Jones, Chairman. Recorded at the request of C. T AnrWsnn Mnrrh 9,7th 1917. at 1:00 a. m. and duly recorded at "'nnlf Nn 1 nf A of Inc.. Pae-fi 181 Records of Arac le County, Ai "zona. seal Anella S Lytle, County Recorder Francisco Nuanez left last Satur- for Holbrook to attend the fun eral of his brother Jose who died there Thursday evening after a long illness.