Newspaper Page Text
St. Johns is having a healthy substantial growth. Lands are cheap but rapidily increasing in value. Best climate on earth. VOLUME 33 ST. JOHNS, APACHE COUNTY, ARIZONA, APRIL 12, 1917 NO. 33 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Minutes; of the Board of Super visors, Apache County, Ariz. ;St. Johns, Ariz., April 2nd, 1917. The Board of Supervisors con vened at 9 a. m., there beinj? present ChairmanHeber Jarvis, Members John C. Hall and W. A. f .Saunders and LeviS. Udall, cl'lc. Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Forest Supervisor Frederic Winn appeared before the Board in the matter of their application ,for cooperation with the Secre tary of Agriculture on a National Forest Road, ' (Clifton to Spring erville project) dated Feb. 5, 1917. After an explanation of conditions by Supervisor Winn, the board of supervisors amended the terms of their application of Feb. -5, 1917; and they do hereby agree to ap propriate 50 of the estimated v cost of the survey of the project; 50 of the maintenance; and 25 of the cost of construction. The funds for this project are to be derived wholly from the regular fund appropriated annu ally (by tax levy) by Apache county for the survey, construc tion and maintenance of . roads within said county. Out Door Relief for the month of April was ordered paid. The following new applicants for -owfedoor .relief, having.-either.apr-peared in person or by petition, and the necessary affidavits re quired of indigents having been filed. It appearing to the board that they are unable to support themselves and are in need of Re lief from the county, Therefore the board ordered that the follow ing names be added to the list in the amount set opposite their names, said allowance beginning April 1st; Namely: Lupe Garcia, $10 00 Jose Jaramillo, ' 5 00 Mrs Concepion Chavez, 15 00 Jr The official bond of Elmer D. Rinehart as Notary Public, with Gustav Becker and Stansell Greer as sureties thereon was approved by the Chairman. In the matter of the sign post ing of the National Old Trails Road the following resolution was unanimously adopted: THAT, WHEREAS, during the month of April .1914, this board of supervisors did adopt a resolu tion appropriating a sum of money 'for the purpose of assisting the w Automobile Club of Southern Cal ' ifornia in mapping and sign post ing the National Old Trails Road from Los Angeles, California to Kansas City, Mo., including cer tain north and south roads con necting the Lincoln Highway and the National Old Trails Road, for the purpose of encouraging and' guiding the greatest possible'per c jntage of transcont'nental travel to and through ''this county and the various counties traversed by this route; and, WHEREAS, the said work of mapping and sign posting the said National Old Trails Road has been completed by the said Auto mobile Club of Southern Califor nia, in a uniform, intelligent and substantial manner; and, Whereas, by the above mention ed resolution this Board of Super visors agreed to pay to the said Automobile club of Southern Cal ifornia, annually, the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) per mile, for each mile of the said road within the boundries of this county, for the maintenance of said sign posting system; and Whereas, D. C. Marshall, su ! perintendent of construction of the said Automobile Club of Southern California appeared at the county seat of this county on the 21st day of March, 1917 and agreed upon behalf of the said Automobile Club of South ern California to do the work herein below mentioned : Now Therefore be it Resolved: that the necessary funds are hereby alledged to the Automobile Club of Southern California to enable that organization to pro perly maintain, for the twelve months ending January 31, 1918, the said sign posting system on that portion of the National Old Trails Road, or branch thereof, lying within Apache county, con necting Navajo county on the northwest and Socorro county, N. M. on the east, in conjunction with similar work to be done by the said Automobile Club of Southern California over the Na tional Old Trails Road lying be tween Los Angeles, California and Kansas City, Mo., including the roads connecting the Lincoln Highway and the National Old Trails Read through the state of Colorado; said maintenance to consist of the replacement of de faced or damaged signs and posts, the furnishing and installation of new signs and posts where through changes of route, or for other reasons, such additions are necessary; and further, the issu ance, by the said Automobile Club of Southern California, of a revis'ed booklet of maps of the said roads during the year 1917 ; said funds to be provided by the Board of Supervisors on the basis of One Dollar ($1.00) permile for each mile of the National Old Trails Road, or branch, thereof, within the limits of Apache county, and the said Board of Supervisors does hereby appro priate the sum of Seventy-five ($75.00) Dollars for the work above specified over seventy-five miles (75) of the National Old Trails Road, or branch thereof, within the bounds of this county, and directs the county road board of this county to draw a demand upon the treasurer of this county for the sum of Seventy-five (75) Dollars in favor of the said Auto mobile Club pf Southern Califor nia; it being understood that said demand hereinabove provided for will not be presented for payment by the said Automobile Club of Southern California, through its duly accredited representative, to the treasurer of this county, before the work hereinabove specified is completed in Apache county. The clerk of the board of su pervisors is hereby directed to send a copy of this resolution to the said Automobile Club of Southern California at Los An geles, Cal. The following State Road Fund claims were approved and order ed transmitted in duplicate to the State Engineer: Lorin M Farr, pay roll for March 1st half j $60 48 Lorin M Farr, pay roll for March 2nd half $65 51 (To be continued next week) Taxation of Transient Herds. At a meeting of owners of transient herds of sheep held in the office of the State Tax Com mission at Phoenix on April 5th, thirty prominent wool growers unanimously passed the following resolution: We, the undersigned owners of transient herds q! sheep, being notified that the State Tax Com mission intends to enforce the making of affidavits by such sheepmen in the State, and after due consideration and investiga tion of the whole subject, during which it was ascertained that a large number of affidavits have not been made-through one cause or another and being informed by the Tax Commission that up on the making oi airidavits oy the sheepmen the Commission will enforce the distribution of the taxes to the counties entitled thereto by the several county treasurers charged with the re sponsibility of making the distri bution, do each and all of us ex press our willingness and inten- tention of making the affidavits as required by law and our entire approval of the action of the Tax Commission in its efforts to solve this problem. During the conference held in January with the County Assess ors it was brought to the atten tion of the Tax Commission that Maricopa, Piial and Yavapai counties were not receiving their just proportion of transient herd taxes. The law provides that owners of transient herds shall, when paying their taxes, make affidavit showing the number of head of livestock and the period such live stock have ranged during the calendar year in the different counties. The county treasurer is then required to immediately transmit copy of the affidavit and the taxes belonging to other coun ties to the state treasurer, who, in turn, properly apportions the money so collected to the coun ties entitled thereto. The Tax Commission has under taken to see that these laws are strictly enforced and an equitable distribution made of the taxes collected, and with this in view issued a call for the above" men tioned meeting. Constipation and Indigestion. These are twin evils. Persons suffering from indigestion are often troubled with constipation. Mrs. Robert Allison, Mattoon, 111. writes tht when she first moved to Mattoon she was a great suf ferer from indigestion and consti pation . Food distressed her and there was a feeling like a heavy weight pressing on her stomach and chest. She did not rest well at night, and felt worn out a good part of the time. One bottle of Chamberlain's Tablets corrected this trouble so that she has since felt like a different person. Adv. The Third Annual ! i COWBOYS' REUNION li To be held at Springerville, Ariz., 2f June21, 22 and 23, 1917. jjt ij Better events and bigger purses than ever before. j 3 Details to be published later. For information write ELMER D. RINEHART, f""1 VfTrlirvTr T? an t rvn on1 A r-v-i no -t-v nnf tr - Association of Round Valley, Springerville, Arizona, i? Notice of Granting Franchise to Construct Electric Light and Power Lines; In compliance with Paragraph 2362 ol the Revised Statutes of 1913. the Board of Supervisors of Apache county hereby give public notice that on the 7th day of May, 1917, they propose to grant Franchise to Gustav Becker for the construction of an Electric Light and Power line, over and across the public roads and high ways of the towns of Springer ville and Eagar and other towns and places in Round Valley, Apa-i che county. Any one opposed to the grant ing oi sucn irancnise win oe heard upon that date, also all pet itions opposing the granting of such franchise shall be filed on or before that date. By order of the Board of Su pervisors of Apache county . LEVI S. UDALL, Clerk. 4-12-4-26 Nature Cures. The Doctor Takes the Fee There is ah old saying that "Nature cures, the takes the fee", but as everyoue knows you can help Nature very much and thereby enable it to effect a cure in much less time than is usually required. This is parti cularly true of colds. Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy relieves the i lungs, liquifies the tongue mucus j and aids in its expectoration, i allays the cough and aids Nature in restoring the system to a; healthy condition. Adv. I Notice of Ordinance Passed by the Board of Supervis ors of Apache County, Apr. 2nd, 1917. "It is by the Board of Super visors of Apache county, Arizona, found that St. Johns, Springer ville, Eagar and Concho are all four towns of more than five h . dred population and it is by said board ordered that hereafter no person shall build any corral, barn, stable or other yards or buildings where domestic animals, horses or cattle are kept in any of the said four towns above named, so that the outside of the said cor ral, barn, stable or other yards or buildings shall be closer than fif tv feet to a public street. Pro vided that where any lot now made and surveyed is too small' to permit said yard or building to be placed that far away then that, said yard shall be at least one-half ihe width of the lot back from the street. Any building hereafter erected contrary to this ordinance shall be deemed a nuisance and the person so building shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor" Published by order of the board of supervisors as a notice from April 12th to May 3rd, 1917. LEVI S. UDALL, Clerk. TheWilliams News is now an eight page Jail-home print sura enough newspaper congratulations. NOTICE! Notice is hereby given to-the tax payers of Apache County that the second installment of your taxes for the year 1916 are now due and payable at my office and unless same are paid on or be fore May the 7th 1917 same will become delinquent and interest and fees and cost of collection willi)e added Respectfully, Joe Burgess, Treasurer, Apache C ounty, St Johns, Arizona Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder makes it possible to produce appetizing and wholesome cakes, muffins, cornbread, etc., with fewer eggs than are usually required. In many recipes the number of eggs may be re duced and excellent results obtained by using an additional quantity of Dr. Price's Baking Powder, about a teaspoon, in place of each egg omitted. The following tested recipe is a prac tical illustration: SPONCZ CAKE 1 cup sugar J cup water 3 eggs 2 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 1 cup flour 1 teaspoon salt Jjj cup cold water 1 teaspoon flavoring The old method called for six eggs and no "baking powder DIRECTIONS: Hell sugar and water until syrup spins a thread and add to the stiffly beaten whiteso' eggs.beatinguntil the mixture is cold. Si t together three times, the flour, salt a id baking powder; beat yolks of eggs until thick ; add a littla at a time flour mixture and egg yolks alternately to white of egg mixture, stir Ting after each addition Add 5-5 cup cold water and flavoring Mix lightly and bake in moderate oven one hour. Booklet of recipes which economize In egr an 1 othr expensive ingredients mailed free. A - ire- 1001 Independence Boulevard, Chicc j, I Made from Cream of Tartar, derived from grapes. No Alum No Phosphate