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ST. JOHNS HERALD AND APACHE NEWS WAITE BROS., Publishers. Geo. E. Waite - Business Manager J. W. Waite, Assistant " " Entered in the Post Office at St. Johns, Arizona, as Second Class Mail Matter. Issued every Thursday. Subscription price one dollar a vear, in advance ADVERTISING RATES Display Adv., per inch per issue 20c. Locals, per line per issue - - 10c. Readers, per inch, per issue - 45c Display ads, plate form per inch - 15c. Readers, plate form, per inch - 40c. Legal ads. per inch at, legal rates The above rates are the rates per issue. OFFICIAL PAPER OF APACHE COUNTY April 12, 1917. A Printer and His Errors. Have you noticed how' the printing trade differs from other trades and professions in the effect of mistakes? When a plumber makes a mis take he charges twice for it. When a lawyer makes a mis take, it's just what he wanted, because he has a chance to try the case all over again. When an carpenter makes a mistake, it's just what he ex pected, because the chances are 10 to 1 he never learned his busi ness. When an electrician makes a mistake, he blames it on 'induc tion," because nobody knows what that is. When a doctor makes a mis take, he buries it. When a judge makes a mis take, it becomes the law of the land. When a preacher makes a mis take nobody knows the", differ ence. But with a printer it's differ ent. He cannot turn his mis takes into profits as others do. He has to reprint the job some times when it even isn't his fault ( that the error crept in. Ben Franklin Monthlv. Some Good Advice. "Don't think too much of your own methods. Watch other peo ple's ways and learn from them." This is good advice, especially when bilious or constipated. You will find many people who use Chamberlain's Tablets for these ailments with the best results, and will do well to follow their example. Adv. ALL WORN OUT Does morning find you with a lame, stiff and aching back? Are you tired all the time find work a burden? Have you sus pected your kidneys ? Globe peo ple endorse Doan's Pills. You can rely on their statements. Mrs. Anna Rowe, Devereux & Apache Sts., Box 444. Globe, Ariz. says: ''Doan's. Kidney Pills are a family remedy in our home and it is seldom that we are without them. Sometimes when I catch cold, it settles on my kidneys and I suffer with backache. When I get these attacks I feel so tired out and listless I can hardly go. Dissy spells come over me and black spots float before my eyes, blurring my sight. A few doses of Doan's Kidney Pills have al ways quickly removed this trou ble so I can again go about my housework, feeling like myself." Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Rowe uses. Fos-ter-Milburn Co,, Props., Buffalo, N.Y. I DR. J. E. WARD 1 Eyesight Specialist 1 -will continue to visit St. f Johns regularly. Watch for f j his dates in this paper. f 4 Dr. Ward is a recognized f authority on troubles of the j & eyes. If you need glasses, f you should see him when he X 1 next comes to St. Johns. Examination and NOTICE OF SELECTION Under Sections 2275 and 2276, U. S. Revised Statutes,as Amend ed by Act of Congress, February 28, 1891, (Paragraph 9 et seq., Rules approved April 25, 1907) as Extended to the State of Ari zona by Act of Congress, Ap proved June 20, 1910. United States Land Office, at Phoenix, Arizona, State of Arizona. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the State of Arizona has filed in this office its School Indemnity Land Selections. Lists Nos. 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 2c 2, 233, 234 and 235, Serial Nos. 03o715, 033716, 033717, 033719, 033720, 033721, 033722, 033723, 033724 033725, 033726, 033727, 033728, respectively, applying to select as indemnity the following described lands, towit: List No. 223, Serial No. 033715: -In T. 9 N., R. 28 E. : All Sec. 24, List No. 224, Serial No. 033716: In T. 9 N., R. 30 E.: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 in Sections 1, 3 and 4; Lots 1. 2, 3 Sec. 5 List No. 225, Serial No. 033717: In T. 9. N., R. 30 E. : S3?NJ; Si Sec. 1: SN Sec. 3. List No. 226, Serial No. 033719: -In T. 9 N., K 30 E.: Si Sec tions 3 and 4 List No. 227, Serial No. 033720: In T. 9. N., Range 30 E. : SNJ Sec: 4: Si; SiNi Sec. 5. List No. 228, Serial No. 033721: In T. 9N., R. 30E.: All Sec lo. List No. 229, Serial No. 033722 In T. 9N., R. 30 E. : All Sec. 12. List No. 230, Serial No. 033723: -In T. 9 N., R. 30 E. : Lot 4 Sec, 5; Ni; SE Sec. 11. List No. 231, Serial No. 033724: In T. 9 N., R. 31 E.: Lots 3, 4; SiNWt Sec. 4; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 Sec. 5; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Sec. 6; Lot 1 bee. 7. List No. 232, Serial No. 033725; In T. 9 N., R. 31 E. : Lots 2, 3; NEi; NiSEJ; EiNW; NEJSWJ Sec. 7; EiSWi; SEiNWJ Sec. 6. List No. 233, Serial No. 033726: -In T. 9 N., R. 31 E. SEJ; SiNE Sec. 6; Si; SiNWi Sec. 5. List No. 234, Serial No. 033727: Tv, T Q "NT T? Q1 T? . OITVTT?! JLU X. J J.,, XV. OX All. . U5XNXL1S. Sec. 5. List No. 235, Serial No. 033728: i-1'n T. 9 N., R. 31 E. : All Sec. 8. (All in G. &S. R. M.) During the five weeks' period of publication of this notice, or any time thereafter and before final, approval and certification, this office will receive protests or contests as to any of the tracts arplied for and transmit the same to the General Land office. Dated at Phoenix, Arizona, March 26, 1917. J. L. Irvin, Register. John J. Birdno, ' Receiver. Date of first publication, April 12, 1917. ss STATE OF ARIZONA. OFFICE OF THE ARIZONA CORPORATION COMMISSION. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OP ARIZONA. The Arizona Corporation Com mission does hereby certify that the annexed is a true and complete transcript of the. AMENDMENT TO ARTICLES Of INCORPORATION BECKER'S TRANSCONTINENTAL GARAGE COMPANY. which was filed in the office of said Arizona Corporation Com mission on the 11th day of Sep tember A. D. 1916, at 10:00 o'clock a. m., as provided by law. In Testimony Whereof, The Arizona Corporation Commission, by its Chairman,, has hereunto set its hands and affixed its Official Seal. Done at the City of Phoe nix, the Capitol, this 13th day of September A. D. 1916, ARIZONA CORPORATION - COMMISSION, r-1. A. Jones, Chairman. Attest: : W. N. Sangster, Secretary Know all men 1?y these pres ents: That, at a special meeting of the stockholders of the Becker's Transcontinental' Garage Compa ny after due notice had been giv en, as provided by law, by an af firmative vote of -the issued and outstanding stock-, ArticleiJIII of the Articles of Incorporation of said company was amended to read as follows: ARTICLE 3 . "The amount of capital stock of this corporation is fifteen thous and dollars ($15,000). divided in to one hundred fifty shares of the par value of onei hundred (100) dollars per share ;: said stock shall beispued, fully paid and non-as sessable, upon such terms and conditions as the Board of Direc tors may determine and prescribe, and the whole or any part of the stock of this corporation may be issued and exchanged for cash, property, contracts, services or other benefits accruing to this company, as in the judgement of thev Board of Directors may be determined to be for the best in terests of the corporation; and in the absence of actual fraud in the transaction the judgement of the board of directors as to value of any such property, either real or personal, contracts, services, or benefits, shall be -conclusive and shall. bind all parties in interest." In witness whereof, the pres ident of the company has hereun to set his hand and affiixed the corporate seal of the company this third day of June, A, D. 1916. GUSTAV BECKER, President. J. W. BECKER, Secretary. State of Arizona, ) County of Apache ' On this 3rd day of June, A. D. 1916, before me personally ap peared GUSTAV BECKER, Pres. ident, and J. W. BECKER, Sec retary of Becker's Transconti nental Garage Company, to me known to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the fore going certificate increasing the! capital stock of the said corpora- J tion; and they did, each for him self, and not one for, the other, state that said act had been rati fied at a meeting of the Board of Directors, at which there were a majority present, held this third day of June, A. D. 1916, as shown by the minutes of said corpora tion. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal this the day and ear last above mentioned. jT W. R. HAMMEL, Notary Public, Apache County, Arizona. My commission expires January 78, 1920. Filed in the office of the Arizo na Corporation Commission this eleventh day of Sep., A. D. 1916 at 10:00 a. m. at request of Beck er Mercantile Co., whose post of fice address is Springerville, Ari zona. Arizona Corporation Commission, By F. A. Jones, Chairman. Recorded at the request of Becker Merc. Co., Sept. 18, 1916 at 1 p. m. and duly recorded at Book No. 1 of A. of Inc. page 259. Records of Apache County, Ari zona, (seal) Ethel Greer, County Recorder. s MANUFACTURERS' OF All kinds of building materials, rough and finished lumber, lath, shingles, moldings or anything in the lumber line. ORDERS PROMPTLY PJLLE3D Parties wishing anything in our line will do well to call on us or write to H. NELSON, Managers Greer, Arizona 1 ' x v 'i - ft O -THE ATTRACTION OP A FINE NEW STETSON YO U will wait m2ny a season before you find a more attractive hat tzn this the feature ht of the smerb line of Fail and Winter Stetsons, y A quality hat for "quality folks," as the oU tiine Southern darkey i:cd to say and one that loc'is surprisingly well 0:1 most men. In fact every one of the Stetsons is a fine ha." a bit finer than usual this 1 Jl. Come try them on. o 1 I & 1 o 1 I Public Land I Information concerning Government land promptly furnished. Guaranteed scrip for vsale, contests conducted, plats furnished, school' land leases procured, Forest Reserve matters adjusted, mineral lands patented, water, reservoir and rights of way applications prepared. Ten years vQhh Genera Land Office, Washington, D. C. and PH ,-5 Consultation Free. e HAMPTON &- ARNOLD, Noll building, PhoeniA, Arizona. IX, 12-11-15 says Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky., in writing of her experience with Cardui, the woman's tonic. She says further: "Before I began to use Cardui, my back and head would hurt so bad, I thought the pain would kill mt-. I was hardly able to, do any of my housework. After taking three bottles of Caraui, I began to feel like a nw woman. I soon gained 35 pounds, and now, I do all my housework, as well as run a big water mill. I wish every suffering woman would give TMe' woman9s Tonic a triai. I still use Cardui vhen I feel a little bad, and it always does me good." Headache, backache, side ache, nervousness, tired, ,worn-out feelings, etc., are sure signs of woman ly trouble. Signs that you need Cardui, the woman's tonic. You cannot make a mistake in trying Cardui for your trouble. It has been helping weak, ailing women for more than fifty years. Get a Bottle Today! , 64 r Sftf iM M