PROPOSALS FOR BIDS. . Sealed proposals will be received up to 12 o'clock, noon, on Wed nesday, the 18th day of April, 1917, at the office of the clerk of the board of supervisors, St. Johns, Arizona for the erection and completion of a two-story court house and jail building for Apache County, Arizona; all to be in accordance with plans, spec ifications and details furnished by Trost & Trost, architects, El Paso, Texas, and Tucson, Ariz. Copies of the plans and specifi cations are now on file at the of fice of the clerk of the board of supervisors, St. Johns, Arizona, and the offices of Trost & Trost, architects, El Paso, Texas And Tucson, Arizona. Contractors wishing to secure a copy of the plans, specifications and details may do so by depositing a certi fied check in the sum of $25.00 with Levi S Ucjall, clerk of the board of supervisors, same made payable to him or his order, which will be returned provided the plans secured are returned to him within 15 days from the date of sending. Unless they are so returned said check to be forfeit ed and proceeds to be used for securing another copy 'from the architects. Above proposals to be sealed and addressed and delivered to Levi S Udall, clerk of the board of supervisors, St. Johns, Arizo na, on or before the above date and hour. Each bid mus.t be ac companied by a certified check for two thousand dollars condi tioned upon the bidder's furnish ing a good and sufficient bond in the amount of twenty-five thous and dollars and entering into a contract within 20 days from the acceptance of the bid. The board of supervisors re-: serve the right to reject any or all bids- Each bidder is request-1 ed to state, in connection with his bid, the time within which he will complete the building after the completion of the contract. Dated at St Johns, Arizona, this sixth day of March, 1917 HeberJarvis, Chairman Attest: Levi S Udall, Clerk 3-8-4-12 W. D. RENCHER . Civil Engineer Speciality. Irrigation Engineering St. Johns, Arizona A. S. GIBBONS Attorney and Counselor . at Law St. Johns Arizona. Passengers Tranrsported To or From any Point See or write James' Overson, St. Johns , " T. J. BOULDIN X Physician and Surgeon County Superintendent of Health St. Johns, Arizona GENARO ACOSTA Contractor and Builder All Carpenter and Painting Work Best Machinery Shop in the town Plans and Estimates Furnished Announcing A Price Reduction on Twenty inter Line together with a easons. Nine Styles from our Present range of Bargains from 'Previous S ,f P YOU'RE Eager To Get A Fine Made-To At The Very Lowest Comparative Prices Step in and ask for the. jj4Atv?vf.f .it? vtvtvtVftv aty?? tflttvt tftft4J ffiiik AAt!E f!Ji tvtttv tttA't' vtftvTvtV7(A 3 til 2 45- AGENTS FOR: Mitchell wagons, Landan Cabinets, Eastman Kodaks, Bills Bros. Monuments, Donalds perfume Turis Gasoline Lights. . OWNERS OF: Whiting saw mill, Ozark Ice cream parlor, Ice house, Chap man limekiln. 1 A kodaks" and films '' ' T LJ C ' on sale. . - : ' Vmi - i 1 1 E ' ' . '''Mi OZARK .:--l" is open with a ' 'r"'i' . full line of clean H Save 3 to 8 dollars a suit. m il il pgks J Wear the latest and smartest j f" SI &m ' suits. Best of so ft msm U Fll Erf PI wavy switch to . B BB WIS matcK yoIwiil! running;.. with full crew. We I ILiffiESlW hair. ' mjjm fu une in are prepared to haodl SHp stocR' - large or small. SB e any bill Special Prices. Getyours early ve your orders