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ST. JOHNS HERALD AND APACHE NEWS WAITE BROS., Publishers. Geo. E- Waite - Business Manager J. W. Waite, Assistant " Entered in the Post Office at St. Johns, Arizona, as Second Class Mail Matter. IpBued every Thuraday. Subscription price one dollar a vear, in advance ADVERTISING RATES Display Adv., per inch per istme 20c. Locale, per line per issne - - 10c. Readers, per inch, per issne - 45c Display ads, plate form per inch - 15c. Readers, plate form, per inch - 40c. Legal ads. per inch at legal rates The above rates are the rates per issue. OFFICIAL PAPER OF APACHE COUNTY April 19, 1917. ACT QUICKLY Do the right thing at the right time. Act quickly in time of clanger. In time of kidney danger, Doan's Kidney Pills are most effective. Plenty of Phoenix evidence of their worth. Oscar C. Bartlett, 642 N. Fifth Ave., Phoenix, Ariz., says: "Last year my kidneys were in bad shape. My back hurt me some thing awful and for about three weeks I could hardly get around. When I tried to bends over it felt like a knife sticking into my back. ' I certainly was up against it. Nights my kidneys acted too frequently, breaking my rest. Doan's Kidney Pills cured me of every sympton of trouble and made me feel like a different man." . Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that cured Mr. Bartlett, Foster Milburn Co., Props. Buffalo.N.Y. Some Good Advice. "Don't think too much of your own methods. Watch other peo pie's ways and learn from them." This is good advice, especially when bilious or constipated. You will find many people who use Chamberlain's Tablets for these ailments with the best results, and will do well to follow their example. Adv. Child Fatally Burned Last Sunday afternoon while playing near a bonfire Edna, the six year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Etoch, was fatally burned. A number of other children were with the unfortun ate girl and some one of them it is said threw coal oil on her dress The girl's clothing was ignited and before the flames could be extinguished the child was so badly burned that she died a few hours later in spite of of the her oic efforts of physicians to save her. Funeral services and burial occurred Monday afternoon. ' Hoi brook News. Nature Cures, The Doctor Takes the Fee. There is an old saying that "Nature cures, the docter takes the fee", but as everyoue knows you can help Nature very much and thereby enable it to effect a cure in much less time than is usually required. This is parti cularly true of colds. Chamber lain's Cough Remedy relieves the lungs, liquifies the tongue mucus and aids in its expectoration, allays the cough and aids Nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. Adv. W. D. RENCHER Civil Engineer f, Speciality. ., Irrigation Engineering St: Johns, Arizona STATE OF ARIZONA. OFFICE Or THE ARIZONA CORPORATION COMMISSION. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA OC5 STATE OP ARIZONA. ) The Arizona Corporation Com mission does hereby certify that the annexed is a true and complete transcript of the AMlNUMlN I articles of Incorporation BECKER'S TRANSCONTINENTAL GARAGE COMPANY. which was filed in the office of said Arizona Corporation Com mission on the 11th day or Sep tember A. D. 1916, at 10:00 o'clock a. m., as provided oy law. In Testimony Whereof, The Arizona Corporation Commission, by its Chairman, has hereunto set its hands and affixed its Official Seal. Done at the City of Phoe nix, the Capitol, this 13th day of September A. D. 1916. ARIZONA CORPORATION COMMISSION, vF- A. Jones, Chairman. QAttest: W- N. Sangster, Secretary Know all men by these pres ents : That, at a special meeting of the stockholders of the Becker's Transcontinental Garage Compa ny after due notice had been giv en, as provided by law, by an af firmative vote of the issued and outstanding stock, ArticleHIII of the Articles of Incorporation of said company was amended to read as follows: article 3. "The amount of capital stock of this corporation is fifteen thous and dollars ($15,000), divided in to one hundred fifty shares of the par value of one hundred (100) dollars per share; said stock shall beispued, fully paid and non-assessable, upon such terms and conditions as the Board of Direc tors may determine and prescribe, and the whole or any part of the stock of this corporation may be issued and exchanged for cash, property, contracts, services or other benefits accruing to this company, as in the judgement of the Board of Directors may be determined to be for the best in terests of the corporation; and in the absence of actual fraud in the transaction the judgement of the board of directors as to value of any such property, either real or personal, contracts, services, or benefits, shall be conclusive and shall bind all parties in interest." In witness whereof, the pres ident of the company has hereun to set his hand and affiixed the corporate seal of the company this third day of June, A, D. 1916. GUSTAV BECKER, President. J, W. BECKER, Secretary. State of Arizona, County of Apache ' On this 3rd day of June, A. D. lyib, belore me personally ap-i peared GUSTAV BECKER, Pres. ' ident, and J. W. BECKER, Sec-' retary of Becker's Transconti- , nental Garage Company, to me known to be the persons whose I names are subscribed to the fore- J going certificate increasing thej capital stock of the said corpora-1 tion; and they did, each for him self, and not one for the other, ! state that said act had been rati fied at a meeting of the Board of I Directors, at which there were a majority present, held this third day of June, A. D. 1916, as shown by the minutes of said corpora tion. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal this the day and ear last above mentioned. W. R. HAMMEL, Notary Public, Apache County, Arizona. My commission expires January 18, 1920. Filed in the office of the Arizo na uorporation Commission this eleventh day of Sep., A. D. 1916 at 10:00 a. m. at request of Beck er Mercantile Co., whose post of fice address is Springerville, Arizona. Arizona Corporation Commission, By F. A. Jones, Chairman. Recorded at the request of Becker Merc. Co., Sept. 18, 1916 at 1 p. m. and duly recorded at Book No. 1 of A. of Inc. page 159. Records of Apache County, Ari zona, (seal) Ethel Greer, County Recorder. Constipation and Indigestion. These are twin evils. Persons suffering from indigestion are often troubled with constipation. Mrs. Robert Allison, Mattoon, 111. writes that when she first moved to Mattoon she was a great suf ferer from indigestion and consti pation. Food distressed her and there was a feeling like a heavy weight pressing on her stomach and chest. She did not rest well at night, and felt worn out a gooc part of the time. One bottle of Chamberlain's Tablets corrected this trouble so that she has since felt like a different person. Adv. CHAS. JARVIS t i U. S. COMMISSIONER NOTARY PUBLIC ( 9 AGENT FOR THE ( 9 STANDARD VISIBLE OLIVER ( TYPEWRITER C 9- ( $ Attends to Land Filing, g a Deeds and Mortgages 9 Commercial St., Opposite Bak. 5 St. Johns, Arizona t (3 -y-y91y.i,S l -y1?f I . DR, J. E. WARD I Eyesight Specialist will continue to visit St. t v Johns regularly. Watch for f I his dates in this paper. Dr. Ward is a recognized authority on troubles of the L eyes. If you need glasses, I I you should see him when he next comes to St. Johns. f Examination and f f Consultation Free. Helps Sick Women Cardui, the woman's tonic, helped Mrs. Wil liam Eversole, of Hazel Patch, Ky. Read what she writes: "I had a general breaking-down of my health. I was in bed for weeks, unable to get up. I had such a weakness and dizziness, . . . and the pains were very severe. A friend to i me I had tried every thing else, why not Cardui? ... I did, and soon saw it was helping me After 12 bottles, I am strong and well." 5 lUIUC Do you feel weak, diz zy, worn-out? Is your lack of good health caused from any of the com plaints so common to women? Then why not give Cardui a trial? It should surely do for you what it has done for so many thousands of other women who suffered it should help you back to health. Ask some lady friend who has taken Cardui. She will tell you how it helped her. Try Cardui. Druggists J. 67 T. J. BOULDIN Physician and Surgeon County Superintendent of Health St. Johns, Arizona GENARO ACOSTA Contractor and Birildet All Carpenter and Painting Work Best Machinery Shop in the town Plans and Estimates Furnished NOTICE Notice is hereby given to the tax payers of Apache County that the second installment of your taxes for the year 1916 are now due and payable at my office and unless same are paid on or be fore May the 7th 1917 same will become delinquent and interest and fees and cost of collection will be added Respectfully, Joe Burgess, Treasurer, Apache County, St Johns, Arizona A. S. GIBBONS Attorney and Counselor at Law St. Johns Arizona. 3 eison a Sons! I MAlSnjFACTURKRS OF 5 All kinds of building materials, rough and finished lumber, lath, shingles, moldings or anything in the lumber line. ORDERS PROMPTLY PILLED Parties wishing anything in our line will do well to call1 on us or write to H. NELSON, Managers Greer, Arizona i 5 THE ATTRACTION A FINE NEW STL' YO U will wait mr season before you . i a more attractive hai this the feature hzi ctv, superb line of Fall and Winter Stetsons. A quality hat f o 1 "quality folks," as the -!-time Southern darkey to say and one that 1 surprisingly well on ri men. In fact every one S the Stetsons is a fine hz 2 fiy bft fiaej- usua j tfc : , . iiA Come try them on. m Public Land Information concerning Government land promptly furnished. Guaranteed scrip for sale, contests conducted, plats furnished, school land leases procured, Forest Reserve matters adjusted, mineral lands patented, water, reservoir and rights of way applications prepared. Ten years With General Land Office, Washington, D. G. and five years receiver U. S. Land Office at Phoenix, HAMPTON &- ARNOLD, Noll building, Phoeni, Arizona. 12-II-I5-