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HAffi lllJUif St. Johns is having a healthy substantial growth. Lands are cheap but rapidily increasing in value. Best climate on earth. VOLUME 33 ST. JOHNS, APACHE COUNTY, ARIZONA, MAY 17, 1917 NO. 38 Miss Petra MQntano is now as sistant postmaster in St. Johns. Tom Carraway is at El Paso, Texas on a business trip . Twins, a boy and a grirl were -born to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gibbons last Tuesday morning. Harris Miller of the mountain city spent a few days at the coun ty seat this week attending to some business matters. The threatening attitude of the rain clouds leads one to think that perhaps it might rain. Wve live in hopes that we will not be fooled. Frank Campbell of Snowflake was a business visitor in our city for several days last week. Frank at one time was a resident of St. Johns. Miss Cecelia Barth, who has been away for the past few weeks in the southern part of the state visiting relatives returned home last Thursday. FOR SALE If sold within the next few days my Shoe Shop quipment, building, etc., will go at a bargain. Half cash, easy terms on balance, FRANK ALLEN. Graham Cowley is busy putting 'uuvvii a wen uii uic uiuujuua se lected for the new court house, Mr. Cowley has just completed boring a well on the Stansell Greer property and good water was found at a depth of less than two hundred feet. Mr. W. J. Ross, who is known 'by a number of our old time peo ple here in St. Johns, is in the .city placing orders for the Royal Scroll, which has maps, pictures and lectures of the Bible. The work or scroll is one of the most or the most complete that we have ever seen. Last Friday Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Overson quietly celebrated the Golden anniversary of their wed ded life. Their many friends here in St. Johns wish them the good peace and prosperity for the remainder of their lives that has prevailed throughout the fifty years gone by. Walter McClaws of Holbrook was in the city for a few davs during the week. Walter says that he has no trouble finding buyers for the Ford cars, for which he is agent, but that his only trouble is to get them fast enough as the factory "s not able to supply the demand. Fidencio Gonzales, son of Fed verico Gonzales, and Lola Baca, daughter of Romaldo Baca, both of El Tule were married today at -the Catholic church by Father Derichemont. The young people are well and favorably known in and about St. Johns and their many friends wish them well in their married life. LOST Two sorrel 3-yr-old mares; branded J-B on thigh. One is .bald-face and stocking legs with colt following. Other is dark rsorrel with bald face. Range JSagar and mountains above. A Satisfactory reward will be given for information leading to re covery or if returned to Zeck Farr J3t. Johns Ariz. Dr. Bartlett of Phoenix, Arizo na and Chas R. Fillerup were in the city Tuesday as per the sched ule outlined for the various visits to the towns in- Apache county. Tuesday afternoon they were at the Danley orchard and gave a demonstration of how to spray and what kind of sprays were the Dest and most economical. It seems that in the past much more money has been expended in spraying1 than has been necessary and further, the spraying has not been effective because of not be ing properly done. In the even ing a meeting was held at the academy building where further details were gone into for the suc cessful raising of worm-free fruit and those who attended were well paid for their time spent at the demonstration in the afternoon as well as for attending the meet ing in the evening. The next meeting will be at Eagar this evening and some of our town people are thinking of going there to a'ttend the meeting and demonstrations that will be given there. Forest Service men, Guy B. Rencher, J H. Billingslea and Mr. Swap came to town yesterday bringing with them a Mexican who is charged with carelessly causing about ICO acres of the Forest Reserve timber to be burned. We are informed that the case is being heard today. With all the care the government is taking to preserve our forest there are some individuals who care so little about the welfare of the country in which they live that they pay no heed to the warn ings and pleading of those who have these affairs in charge and we think that those who willfully neglect all caution should be handled by the law with severity. Sheriff E. W. Grimes is in re ceipt of a letter from some un known person, informing him that a shipment of liquor was on its way to St. Johns, but the par ty gave no further information and Mr. Grimes is willing and anxious to try and do something to stop any liquor traffic and he wishes to say to the party who wrote the letter to him that he would be very thankful to him if he would drop him another note telling him a few more de tails that might enable him to corner or nail the goods. A report came from Springer ville yesterday morning that the Speck Mercantile establishment, Pool Hall and Barber shop at that place were burned to the ground at an early hour yesterday. Up to the present writing we have been unable to learn any particu lars. A good deal of work has been done between here and the New Mexico line on the St. Johns-Zuni road, and it is now possible for the people to make the trip from St. Johns to Gallup by auto. Carlton K. Prather has return ed from Flagstaff where he has been attending the Northern Ari zona Normal. Carl, we are in formed will teach at Springerville next winter. What was it the county "dads" said about speed limit 15 or 50? Mrs. Chas. Jarvis is quite ill at her home in this city. FARMERS OF ZUNI MOUN TAINS PREPARE FOR BIG CROPS. Albuquerque, N. M., May That the farmers of the Zuni Mountains will at least double, and perhaps treble, their ordinary output of crops, is the informa tion brought back by Forest Su pervisor James F. Mullen of the Manzano forest, wno, in compa ny with County Agent Hamilton of Valencia county, has just com pleted an extended trip through all the main-communities between Los Lunas and Gallup. The chief increase will be in potatoes, oats, wheat and vegetables. The resi dent tarmers, it was iound, are increasing their last year's farm ing operations, which covered about 2000 acres, to about 4000 acres this year. In addition, large areas neretoiore non-proa ucuve are being cultivated by the Mc Gaffey Lumber Co., the Bittner- Stamm Fruit Co. and by private individuals. Silvestre Mirabal, president of the Citizen's Bank of Albuquerque, has a large force of men and teams in his lambing camps and as soon as the lambing is over, tms iorce win oe put to work plowing and planting large areas of agricultural land belong ing to the American Lumber Co. These various enterprises will op en up approximately 3000 acres of vacant lahd, making a total of about 7000 acres under cultivation in the Zuni mountains. Although no shortage of labor is reported, many farmers, parti cularly among the Spanish-Amer ican population, were found to be in need of seed and of forage for their work stock. At a meeting of representative people in Gal lup, it was found that citizens of the community had already ad vanced funds to meet these needs in McKinley County, and, in view of the proposed action by the State Legislature, no further pri vate subscriptions were regarded as necessary. County Agent Hamilton made a detailed estimate of the needs of the farmers for seed, horse feed, and financial assistance. The total applicatiohs for seed amounted to,78,000 lbs. of pota toes and 40,000 lbs of oats. These applications:, have been sent to the State Agricultural College. Navajo Indians in the neighbor hood of Crownpoint and Thoreau are reported to be enthasiastic upon the question of growing more crops and they are buying agricultural implements and seed upon a larger scale than ever be fore. The late spring has interfered with crop growth, but the recent rains are believed to have been heavy enough to carry the new crop over until the summer rains. The Bank of the People U Efficiency, Courtesy and ( jj Strength. 2 2 Fear Dam May Be Blown Up. Ramah, N. M., May 10. The Ramah Reservoir Company has placed the reservoir under guard day and night. Water users feared that an attempt might be made to blow out the dam and loose the great body of water val uable to that valley. Jim Nelson has been made chief guard and has pitched his camp at the dam. Don Nicclls of Vernon is a bus iness visitor in the city today. 43 , 2 Past Business appreciated, new h Business Solicited jj We take care of your interests. t. i ST. JOHNS STATE BANK 4 3 St. Johns, Arizona 4; The Third Annual I COWBOYS' REUNION 3 To be held at Springerville, Ariz., 2 T91 99 oJ9Q 1Q17 Over $1200.00 to be given away in WXitC i. 1 prizes ana purses ! Details to aDDear later. For information 4i T7 1II17D F DTMCUADT fc , Secretary, The Cowboy Reunion and Amusement s Jj i-vosuuiauuii ui auuuu v aiiey, ojJiiiigci vmc, rvLiUt.'d Vicente Gallegos is in the city from his ranch east of town. He says that he is going to try to raise considerable corn and "fri joles" this year and that if a lit tle rain will come to help him out he will succeed. v E. R. DeWitt and family will. go to the mountains ior a lew months to plant some potatoes, etc. Alex. Shreeve. Roland Jones et els have just finished burning large kiln ot lime tor Hi. i. Whiting. ' HERE'S TO OLD GLORY, GOD ' BLESS HER. , If anyone attempts to haul down I the American flag, shoot him on the spot John A. Dix. ! O folds of white and scarlet! O blue field with your silver stars! May fond eyes welcome you, wil ling feet follow you, strong hands defend you, warm hearts cherish you, and dying lips give you their blessing!Ours by inheritance, ours by allegiance, ours by affection - long may you flap on the free winds of heaven, the emblem of liberty, the hope of the world! Anon. No Eggs, Milk or Butter The following recipe shows how an appetizing, wholesome cake can be made without expensive ingredients. In many other recipes the number of eggs may be reduced, one-half or more by using an addi tional quantity of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Pow der, about a teaspoon, in place of each egg omitted. EGGLESS, MTI.KT.ESS, BUTTERLESS CAKE . 1 cup brown sugar 14 cups water 1 cup seeded raisins 2 ounces citron H cup shortening 1 tei&poon nutmeg 1 teaspoon cinnamon teaspoon salt 2 cups flour 5 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powdtr The old method (fruit cake) called for 2 eggs DIRECTIONS Put the first eight Ingredients Into saucepan and boll three minutes. When cool, add the flour and baking powder which have been sifted together; mix well. Bake In moderate oven in loaf pan Cround tin with hole in center is best) for 35 or 40 minutes. Ice with white icing. Booklet cf recipes which economize In eggs and ether expensive ingredients mailed free. Address 1001 Independence Boulevard, Chicago, 111. CREAM Baking Powder Sixty Years the Standard Made from Cream of Tartar, derived from grapes. No Alurn No Phosphate