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Image provided by: Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records; Phoenix, AZ
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Ht-M,f ?H9.,fl., 0f iff I illllllf St. Johns is having a healthy substantial growth. Lands are cheap but rapidily increasing in value. Best climate on earth. VOLUME 33 ST. JOHNS, APACHE COUNTY, ARIZONA, MAY 24, 1917 NO. 39 .Mrs. Gladys Brown, John Earl and John Jepson are in the city on land business. The rain last Saturday and Sunday put new life into to the editor so much so that he took a day off and planted some corn. Last Saturday Sheriff E. W. Grimes received a telegram from governor Thomas E. Campbell telling him that June 5th had been set aside as a national holi- J J? Jl n uay lor trie purpose or carrying into effect the new law that of registering all those between the ages of 21 and 30 years of age. Dr. T. J. Bouldin, ' A. S. Gibbons and E . W. Grimes is the Regis tration Board. IN THE SUPERIOR .COURT. Judge Crosby sitting in the su perior court here yesterday made a temporary decree as to water rights on the Little Colorado river from St. Johns up to the head and appointed Joseph Straddling as field water commissioner and W. D. Rencheras consulting com- SWATTHE KIZER Unless private sale is made I will sell my entire outfit include ing pictures, household goods books etc at auction in front of my shop Sat. at 1 P M. Everything from broken dishes to the entire outfit building and all will go at the highest bidder missioner to put the decree into J so if you have only a jitney you A contract was signed Wed nesday in Holbrookfor the recon struction of the Woodruff dam. Reese Webster of St. Johns se cured the contract, the price be ing a little in excess of $14,000; Bishop L. M. Savage, A. M. Hatch and P. T. Coleman, reore- sented the land owners in the dis trict. The Mormon church fur nished about one-half of the money, and the balance was fur nished by Mr. Coleman and other land owners. - Hoi brook News. Tov. "D., 1 , .i uamc xvumur nas iu mat our rost Uflice will be moved from its present location in the rear of the A &B Schuster Co's store and placed in the "City Empor ium", opposite the St. Johns State Bank in the near future We sincerely hope that the old Dame" is not mistaken for we certainly will appreciate having the Office seperate and apart from any other business. We also hope that our old-time friend Charley proprietor of the build ing, will be Postal Clerk at the new location, and we venture to say there is going to be an im provement in the service. Captain Lebaron and Mr. Jones recruiting officers of the Arizona 'First were in the city last Friday, j and went on to Springerville Sat-1 urday where they were success ful in getting about six or seven volunteers from that vicinity. They returned to St Johns Sun day evening. The following of St. Johns volunteered their ser vices to the government, this time: County Attorney G. E. Greer, Frank Allen, Alvin Strad ling and Carl Mineer. Mr. Greer left for Phoenix' Monday morn ing and Carl Mineer and Alvin Stradling left Wednesday. Mr. Allen has not left yet, but will do so as soon as he can dispose of some property here. Best Remedy Fo; Whooping Cough. "Last winter when my little boy bad the whooping cough Igave him Chamberlain's Cough Reme dy;" writes Mrs. J'. B. Roberts, East St. Louis, 111. "1 kept his cough loose and relieved him of those dreadful coughing spells. It is the only cough medicine I keep in the house because I have the most confidence in it." This remedy is also good for colds and croup. Adv NOTICE. St. Johns, Ariz., May 21, 1917. Notice is hereby given that I have this' day received from the Assessor of Apache County, the Assessment and Tax Roll of said county for the year 1917, and that the same is now in my office and open to public inspection. Notice is further given that the Board of Equalization of Apache county will meet in St. Johns on the first day of June and continue in session until the business of Equalization is disposed of, pro vided that they shall not meet later than June 9th. Your atten tion is especially called to the fact that "Reductions can only be made by the Board of Equaliza tion at their June meeting". Signed Levi S. Udall, Clerk, Board of Supervisors. 5-24-31 effect. The commission leave for the upper waters of the river today. Under the terms of the tempor ary decree, the St. Johns Irriga tion Co. is allowed water for 1072 acres of land and the water duty for land here is set at 75 acres to each second foot (equalling 40 miners inches) of water, and it is fixed with the other rights as to priority as of 1874. Under this provision the only priorities ahead of St. Johns are the very oldest at Springerville and Eagar. Rich ville lights are also brought into the decree and dated as 1875. The water duty for Richville and itouna v aney ana tne canyon ranches above the valley is set at 100 acres to a second foot allow ing 15 of water for soakage and evaporation in the upper Eagar and Round Valley ditches. 10 in the lower Eagar and 5 in the Colter west-side canals. All oth er measurements are at the intake of the ditch. The water duty at Greer is set at 150 acres per sec ond foot. The commission is also charged with the duty of meas uring all reservoir water into and out of the river and is to make no deduction for evaporation. The acreage at Richville has not yet been determined, but it will be ..found by the commission In all matters pertaining to rights above Richville the stipulated de cree made in 1914 is followed. The court has ordered the com-1 mission to examine all sidestreams that are being used bv parties who have no rights under the de crees to be shut off and turned down, and told the commission to report anv who uses water when not allowed to do so for punishment for contempt of court. Uut-ol-town parties who attend ed the hearing- were Bp. Joseph Udall, John P. Rothlisberger, Ehsha Averett, Thomas Irwin, Moroni Richey, John F. Sher wood and Jose Saavedra. Under the instructions of the court every user on the river will now have his water measured out to him and there will be a system of water control. That is the first time since the river was used for irrigation. The remark has been made, so we are informed, that "only the riff-raff of society" are volun teering for military service. Seems to us that those who are offering their lives to their coun try are the real men, and those making such remarks are not what they might be. can help me to get on the firing line ahead of the fellow that is waiting till the country needs him. Don't come alone if your friends have any money. . Brank Allen It looks as though the mount ains were on fire. ! When Every Move Hurts. Lame every morning:, achv and stiff all dav. worse when it's damp or chilly? Suspect vour kidneys and try the remedy Ari zona people recommend. Mrs. G. A. McCraw, W. Congress & Bon eta Sts., Tucson, Arizona, says: "My kidneys were in bad condi tion, They were weak and acted irregularly. My hands and feet became swollen and it seemed as though there were millions of lit tle black specks floating before my eyes. My sight was often blurred and I would become dizzy. I was feeling awfully bad when I began using Doan's Kidney Pills. Two boxes of Doan's soon made me feel Jike myself again . A few of Doan's Kidney Pills now and then keeps my back strong and my kidneys in good working order. ' ' Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan,s Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. McCraw uses. Foster-Milburn Co, Props. Buffalo, N. Y. Proceedings of the Board of Su pervisors, Apache County. St. Johns, Ariz,., May 7, 1917. VThe Board convened at 9 a. m., there being present Chairman, Heber Jarvis. Member, W. A. Saunders, Levi S. Udall, Clerk and G. E. Greer, County Attor ney. Absent: John C. Hall, mem ber. Minutes of the adjourned ses sion of the Board on April 18th were read and approved. The indigent monthly allowance of Clemente Baca was ordered raised from $10.00 to $12.50 per month. The application for Out Door relief of Manuela Sanchez was rejected by the board for the reason that they consider she has relatives bound by law and able to support her. Out Door relief for the month of May was order ed paid. The monthly report of Joe Bur gess, Treasurer and Tax Collector was checked and approved, said report shows the following: Bal. on hand April 1, $102,070 81 Receipts for the month of April 3609 34 Disbursements for the month of April 9809 29 Bal. on hand May 1st 95,870 86 The Board ordered the Treas urer to make the following trans fers: $5000.00 from the General County Fund to the Expense Fund. $10,000.00 from the General Co. Fund to the Salary Fund. The surety bond o f Trost & Trost, Architects, in- the sum of $5000.00 and the bond of the Pauly Jail Building Company in the sum of $1000.00 were approv ed and ordered filed. The Clerk was instructed to in sert a notice in the Official County paper calling for bids on June 4th, of the filing equipment and fur niture required for the new court house. The following claims were ap proved and warrants ordered is sued from the Bond Road Fund: No 34 Jos S Jarvis labor sur veying, $ 97 50 35 G Becker services, Apr. 10 00 36 H C Overson, painting bridge in St. Johns 37 Hazel B. Howland, Bookkeeper for April 38 M Christen sen black smith labor 39 Zeck Farr labor survey ing Concho & Spr. road 40 JH Greer services, road commisioner for April 41 Joe Burgess, clerk B. of Supervisors warrnts 1633 25 42 A & B Schuster com pany supplies 43 Grover C Udall board ing prisoners on road camp 44 M- C Morgan tel. bill & dragging road 45 Becker Merc Co, mrise & transferred claims 46 W D Rencher services as Co engineer, April 47 E I Whiting lumber Unapportioned Tax Fund: No. 4 Vern G Block refund over assessment $1 20 Court House Bond Fund: No. 6 Trost & Trost, Architects, for plans and specifications 3 of Contract price of building $1161.42. No. Road Fund: 11 John H Udall labor on road at Hunt $31 75 1 d, W W Sherwood labor on road at Hunt 13 Ernest Farr labor road at Hunt 14 Sanford Hunt labor road at Hunt 15 H J Knight labor road at Hunt 16 A H Smith labor on road at Hunt 17 Automobile Club of So. Calif, repairing and re- on on on 89 70 7 90 25 90 81 30 47 00 erecting National Old , Trails road signs 1917 75 00 18 J M Saunders refund road tax (cripple) 2 00 The clerk was authorized to or der two vault doors from the Na tional Safe & Lock Co. at a price of $95.00 each. The designation of the Stock men's State Bank as a depository for County Funds made by Treas urer Joe Burgess was filed but ac tion on the matter was postponed until the next regular meeting of the board. Recess was taken until 1:30 p. m. (Continued page 2) 63 00 10 00 7 00 1250 17 50 175 24 00 14 65 53-75 77 30 71 80 3 ,41 3 71 3 4rj e Efficiency, Courtesy and Strength. Past Business appreciated, new ousmess Solicited We take care of your interests. I I ST. JOHNS STATE BANK 45 2 41 St. Johns, Arizona 44111 llll LLil iJll 11L1 JJ11L1 4 The Third Annual 43 a- 4 4- 3 3 I To be held at Springerville, Ariz., June 21, 22 and 23, 1917. $ Over $1200:00 to be given away in 4jj 43 4 1 4- 43 Details to purses appear later. For information write ELMER D. RINEHART, Secretary, The Cowboy Reunion and Amusement Association of Round Valley, Springerville, Arizona V " t it wTw i I r , v I Just use an additional quantity of Br. Price's Cream Baking Powder, about a teaspoon, in place of each egg omitted. This applies equally well to nearly all baked foods. Try the following- recipe according: to the new way: CREAM LAYER CAKE Old Way Ne w Way 1 cup sugar i cup sugar J cup milk 1 cup milk - Z cups nour cups nour 2 teaspoons Dr. Price's Baking Powder 4 teaspoons Dr.PrIce's3akingPowdei: Accra 1 GPFT 3 OCfrc 34 cup shortening 1 teaspoon flavoring 2 tablespoons shortening' 1 teaspoon flavoring Maker, 1 Large 2-Layer Cake DIRECTIONS Cream the sujtar and short eningtogethcr.then mix in the egg. After sifting the flour and Dr. Price's Baking Powder tojjether, two or three times, add it all to the nurture. Gradually add the mi!k and best h spoon until you have a smooth pour better. Add the flavori-.'. Pour into Kreasted layer cake tins and bake in a n.oerately hot oven lor twenty minutes. This cake is best baked in two laye; j. Put together with cream filling and spread with white icing. ' CREAM Made from Cream of Tartar, derived from Grapes No Alum No Phosphate