Newspaper Page Text
St. Johns is having a healthy substantial growth. Lands are cheap but rapidly increasing in value. Best climate on earth. VOLUME 33 ST. JOHNS, APACHE COUNTY, ARIZONA, AUGUST 2, 1917 NO. 49 Northern Arizona Fair In accordance with the policy of the Government, The Fifth Northern Arizona Fair will be field at Prescott, on October 18, 19 and 20th. Elaborate plans are now being made for the holding of this year's Frir. To the citi zens of Arizona and particularly those of the northern countries, Apache, Coconino, Mohave, Na vajo and Yavapai, the Northern Arizona Fair needs little introduc tion. During the past four years from a humble start, this Fair has grown into one of the leading permnent institutions of the State. Just what the Northern Arizona Fair is developing into is shown by the action of the last Legislature when state aprropria tion was made for the conducting and maintenance of this institu tion. The purpose of the Northern Arizona Fair, as organized is to cultivate add foster a closer so cial and businessjrelation between the residents and industries of the five Northern counties, in or der that the varied and different resources of the several eounties named may, by proper exhibition be more extensively advertised and higher degree of competi tive improvement stimulated. The splendid success, which has attended the Northern Arizona Fair but tends to show how truly the sptrit of the organization has been crrried out. The wonder ful prosperity which has been paramount in Arizona since the beginning of 1917 will but add to the prestige of the Northorn Ari zona Jb air exhibits, and particu larly tnat ol the mining mdustrv. Permanent improvements to the various buildings will be made within the next few days. It is now planned to errect a min ing building, constructing it in the form of a cabin, made from logsol Northern Arizona. The agricultural building will be en larged, floored and improved generally, as will also the live stock, educational, fwomen and "poultry buildings. j Exhibitors are earnestly re quested to take pains in select ing their various goods for dis play and every one is asked to bear in mind the dates of the Fair. In 1916, a splendid agri cultural exhibit was made from Apache County, uuder the au spices of Mrs. E. J. Udall fair commissioner. Mohave county's mining State, due to the splendid work of Commission erMacDuffee and the co-operation of the Mo have County Board of Supervis ors. From Coconino County, ex hibits were made in the livestock and poultry departments, which captured a majority of the first prizes. Although Commissioner F. 0. Allen was unable to person ally supervise a display in the agricultural Pepartment. many exhibits were displayed by in dividuals and a good showing made for Coconino County. Na vajo County's exhibit was a re velation and received more than the usijal share of praise. This exhibit' was in charge of F. J. Willis. Yavapai County was well represented in all departments. List Of Names Called For Examination. Order No. Serial No. . Name Mrs. James W. Lesueur is visit ing her parents Mr. and Mrs. Chas P. Anderson. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 258 458 337 275 126 107 373 309 437 43 420 12 433 13 10 14 140 15 432 16 18 17 182 18 223 19 46 20 117 21 390 22 75 23 280 24 332 25 379 26 194 27 298 28 342 29 15 30 452 31 218 32 31 33 183 34 56 35 5 36 350 37 54 38 440 39 269 40 333 41 341 42 391 43 353 44 360 45 72 46 356 47 112 48 128 49 11 50 363 51 6 52 327 53 93 54 345 55 103 56 154 57 51 58 30 59 199 60 388 61 406 62 25 63 392 64 383 65 122 66 222 67 297 68 321 69 368 70 320 71 121 72 221 73 292 74 312 75 90 76 191 77 130 78 168 79 424 80 175 81 300 82 278 83 336 84 212 85 49 86 8 87 305 8S 323 89 438 90 441 91 357 92 23 93 331 94 349 95 102 96 86 97 71 98 435 99 450 100 113 101 156 102 267 103 421 104 169 105 436 106 396 107 257 108 155 109 284 110 133 111 185 Jose J. Bertinett Sidney N. Barth David Wilson Blair Aurelio Sanchez Ewdard C. Becker Walter J. Kowlski AmbrosioB. Candeleria Edward W. Tigrett Padro Romos John Connolly Hilario Alcala Salvador Alcala Isaac Isaacson Jr. Rulon Lesueur Lury Silva Gregoria Garcia Hugh Duke Julian Romela Maurice Barth Antonio Chavez Simplicio Marquez John P. Williams Flavio C. Jaramillo Harry Glen Knowlton Antonio L. Baca William H. Eubank RalphS. Hicks Allie James Huffman Lloyd Grimes Juan N. Agurre James Sidney Shreeve Abelino Duran Prudencio F. Sena . , Gabriel Armijo Roland Jones Jose Nicodemos Romero Grover Pratt Brown Ernest B. Cluff Dan J. Sherwood Lynn Morgan John Harris Greer Aristeo Gonzalles . , Jose Lucero Juan Marquez -Jesus Zamora Lloyd Greer , ; Alferdo Gutierrez Dan Burk Henry Ward Heap Thomas Perez Berry Jolley Hyrum F. Rogers Jose Silva Fred Authur Whiting Orrin Murray John E. Butler Gerald W' Berry Elija Greer DeWitt Lisle C. Updike Doroteo S. Carrillo Lorin F. Jones Maciminano Griego" Benito Baca Erinello Sandoval Vernon Chappell James D. Rams George H. Houten Mathias Morgan Bert E. Conaway Ivan A. Burk Alejandro Chavez Moroni Forrest Richey Arthur L. Blance Jacob Hamblin Tenney Marcus Sanchez Clifford P. Smith . Jesse L. Burk Mark A. Haws Juan Reyes x Jack G. Martin Sidney Boardman Thomas J. Morgan Edmond Butler Ernest N Shreeve Elmer L. Berry Peter Isaacson Herbert Day Samuel R. Howell Mar L. Stuart Emetrio Arrizo Elopoldo Garcia Jose Amelia Garcia Garland Lee Juan Jose Romero Newton H. Marley Lorenzo Serna Thomas B. Baca Augustine Buellas Teddoro Gilbenso Rudolphus Depew William J. Burgess Guy Richey Ruperto Leyba John Emery Bigelow Louis Gonzalles Eugene C. Neagle Jesse James Burkett Lorenzo Burgess Juan B. Griego Joseph A. Burk Epinemio Montoyo V Address on Reg. card Sanders, Arizona. St. Johns Arizona. Vernon St. Johns, " Springerville, Arizona Springerville, " Concho, Arizona ( Alpine, " Springerville, Arizona. St. Johns, Gandad, Arizona. Chambers, - Arizona. St. Johns, ' Eagar, Sanders " St. Johns, Arizona LongH. . " St. Johns St Johns Springerville Arizona Concho, Arizona Springerville, Arizona St. Johns, Arizona Nutrioso ' Concho ' " Navajo " Lukachuki " Vernon " St. Johns, Arizona Hbuck St. Johns, " Concho, " St. Johns, " St. Johns, ' St. Johns, " ' Concho St. Johns, Arizona Springerville Arizona St. Johns. Arizona 67 W. 109 St. N. Y. City N., Y. Vernon Arizona Concho St. Johns, Arizona Concho Springerville Arizona . St. Johns, Arizona Concho, " St. Johns, ' Nutrioso " , Springerville Arizona. Vernon, Arizona. Springerville Arizona Eagar, Arizona St. Johns " Springerville, Arizona Springerville, Arizona St. Johns, Arizona' Concho, " Springerville Arizona St. Johns Arizona Chin Lee Hunt Concho Alpine ' Springerville Arizona St. Johns ' Ganado Alpine " Springerville Navajo " Springeryille " Greer Chambers " Adamana " Lukachuki " St. Johns, Arizona Vernon ' St. Johns i Eagar Hunt " ; Vernon ' Chambers " Concho ' St. Johns ' Nutrioso Arizona Concho Nutrioso " Springerville Arizona Houck Arizona Concho " Springerville Arizona Eagar, Arizona St. Johns " Greer ' Springerville Arizona Vernon Arizona Chambers " Eagar St. Johns Arizona Springerville Arizona St. Johns Arizona 112 265 113 285 114 303 115 211 116 146 117 229 118 410 119 299 120 58 121 150 122 19 123 400 124 4, E. Eugene Eagles E. Franklin Cherry . Prudencio F. Serna Manuel Trugillo Roland Hamblin Tranquilino Padilia William Farley Reed Criss W. Hengeler Albert F. Anderson Albert W. Crosby Jacinto Gallego Don C. Nicoll Joseph Smith Jarvis Houck St. Johns " St. Johns " it Eagar " v St. Johns " LongH. " Chin Lee " St. Johns Arizona Eagar " St. Johns " Vernon " S. Johns To The General Public You are cordially invited to at tend the ceremony of the laying of the corner stone for the Apache County Court House at St. Johns, Arizona on Saturday the eleventh day of Aug. 1917 at 3 o'clock P.' M. by the Grand Lodge of Arizona, Free an d ac cepted masons. Board of Supervisors of Apache Co. By Levi S. Udall Clerk. NOTICE OF SELECTION Under Sections 2275 and 2276, U, S. Revised Statutes, as Amend ed by Act of Congress, February 28, 1891 (Paragraph 9 ct seq., Rules Approved April 25, 1907) as Extended to the State of Ari zona by Act of Congress, Ap proved June 20, 1910. United States Land Office, at Phoenix, Arizona, State of Arizona. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the Aoooccnv Aiii'o MJnppy nnd T,pvi' State of Arizona has filed o ttj n i i 4.u -Dwi in this office its School Indemnity S. Udall, clerk of the Board of T , Rplp pH T.?b Nn fiKfi supervisors returned this week 658.(659, 660, 661. 662, Serial Nos! from Nogales where they attend-j 035450, 035452, 035453, 035454, ed the State Tax Convention i Udo4oo, Udo4ob respectively, ap- i i i i i i 1 1 while away they made it a point Ps. select as maemniLy ine , . v . u following described lands, to-wit: to visit Apache county boys who T . t N fi??fi s . , N 'now,. had volunteered in the First Ari- inT. 10NR. 25 E., Lots 1, 2, zona Infantry. They were sue- 3, 4, 5. 6, 7; SE NWJ; SJNEi; cessful in seeing most of them and found them all feeling fine Summer Complaint. During the hot weather of the summer months some member of almost every family is likely to be troubled with an unnatural ooseness of the bowels, and it is of the greatest importance that this be treated promptly, which can only be done when the medi cine is kept at hand. Mrs. F. F. Scott, .Scottsville, N, Y. states, 1 first used Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy as much five years ago. At that time I had a severe attack of summer com plaint and was suffering intense pain. One dose relieved me. Other members of my family have since used it with like re sults' Are you attending movies these days ? If not you should, for" they are fine. Stop That Ache! Don't worry and complain about a bad back. Get rid of SEi: EiSWi: Section 6. List No. 658, Serial No. 035452: In T. 11 N., R. 25 E., All Sec tion 14. List No. 659, Serial No. 035453: In T. 11 K, R. 25 E., All Sec tion 24. List No. 660, Serial No. 035454: -In T. 11 N., R. 25 E., All Sec tion 26. List No. 661, Serial No. 035455: In T. 11 N., R. 25 E., All Sec tion 28. List No. 662, Serial No. 035456: -In T. 11 N., R. 25 E., All Sec tion 34. (All in G. & S. R. M.J During the five weeks' period of publication of this notice or any time thereafter and before final approval and certification, this office will receive protests or con tests as to any of the tracts ap plied for and transmit the same to the General Land Office. Dated at Phoenix, Arizona, June 25. 1917. J. L. IRVIN, Register, JOHN J. BIRDNO, Receiver, Date of first publication July 5, 1917.. Ask Anyone Who Has Used It. There are families who always aim to keep a bottle of Chamber- that pain and lameness! Use lain's Colic and Diarrhoea Rem- Doan's Kidney Pills. Thonsands of kidney sufferers have used them and know how effective they are. Here's a Prescott case. Chas. A. Mulvenon, Gurley & Granite Sts., Prescott, Ariz, says' I was a railroad man for several years and the continual shaking of the traies put my kidneys out of order. My back was so lame could hardly go. Bending over was nearly impossible but vhen tried it, sharp pains would catch me in my back. My kidnoys acted irregularly and the secre tions were unnatural. I certain ly felt out of sorfs when I began using Doan's Kidneys Pills, but they soon fixed rae up in jrood shape. I always recommend Doan's because I know they are all right." Price 6cc. at all dealers- Don't simply ask for a l id e remedy get Doan's K'd ney i ills the same that. Mr. Mulvenon had. Foster-Mil burn Co., Props, N. Y. edy in the house tor use in case it is needed, and find that it is not only a good investment but saves them no end of suffering. As to its reliability, ask anyone who has used it. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Lesueur of Mesa are enjoying a visit with old time friends here. Stomach and Liver Troubles. No end of misery and actual suffering is caused by disorders of the stomach and liver, and may be avoided by the use of Chamberlain's Tablets. Give them a trial. They only cost a quarter. Mrs. J. S. Gibbons gave birth i to a big girl Sunday night. Chronic Constipation. It is by no means an easy mat ter to cure this disease, but it can be done in most instances by tak ing Chamberlain's Tablets and complying with the plain print ed dieections that accompany each package.