Newspaper Page Text
Mi" 'Mini, St. Johns is having a healthy substantial growth. Lands are cheap but rapidly increasing in value. Best climate on earth. ST. JOHNS, APACHE COUNTY, ARIZONA, AUGUST 23, 1917 NO. 52 VOLUME 33 Court Notes. The. summer session of the Su perior Court of Apache county convened Tuesday morning and the larger part of the morning was taken up in securing a jury to try the case of the State of Arizona vs. Luis Sandoval charged with an assault with a deadly weapon upon the person of Mar cos Baca- The case was turned over to the jury Wednesday, they returned a verdict of guilty. He was .given a suspended sentence of three years. The bootlegging case against John McCollough was then taken up and after the empaneling of the jury and hearing a part of the evidence and upon reconven . ing of court this a. m. he plead guilty to the charge, he was placed under a bond until September 1st, when sentence will be passed on him. The court is now busy with some civil cases. There are other jury cases yet to he heard, but as it is our time for going to press we will have to let them go over until next week. Among those whom we have noted attending court from the various towns are: W. I. Burk, Warren Tenney, jr., of Alpine; John Martintpf Nutrioso; W. B. Eagar, Henry Harless, Edmond Nelson, John P. Rothlisherger, Fred Hoffman, Orson Bigelow of Eagar; Henry Marble, John Roth lisberger of Vernon: John Cole man, Jose Baca and others from Springerville. C. R. Fillerup Farm Advisor and Prof Parke were in the city yesterday and gave canning de monstrations at the Academy and held a meeting in the evening where they lectured with illustra tions -on car.n'ng and showing pictures of those who had won prizes by canning etc. Mrs. Josephine Schuster, ac companied by her sons Eddie and Lloyd and daughter Marguerite left this morning for Los Arigeles Calif., where the children will attend school for the winter. Eddie will enter the Los Angeles Business College and follow out a business course. A party consisting of about forty persons left last Monday evening for the Mai Pais ranch where they enjoyed a barbecue. Most of the party remained ail night but others returned during the early hours of morning. LOTS FOR SALE. In Greer, Arizona, on Section 11, T. 7 N. of R. 27 E. Size of Lots, 10x10 rods; contain some timber and pure Mountain Springs; beautifully located; Soil black and very fertile, producing garden vegetables to perfection; Region around abounds in wild game, and trout fishing in season cannot be surpassed. Ideal location for summer home. Enquire, ELLIS W, WILTBANK, Eagar, Arizona. 8-9-7 The Government needs Farmers as well as Fighters. Two million three hundred thousand acres of Oregon & California Railroad Co. Grant Lands. Title revested in United States. To be opened for homestead and sale. Containing some of best land left in United States. Large Copyrighted Map, showing land by sections and de scription of soils, climate, rain fall, elevation, temperature etc. Postpaid One Dollar. Grant Lands Locating Co., Portland, Ore.gon. 7-5-9-27 LIST OF PERSONS CALLED INTO SERVICE. The following is a list of the names of those who have been duly and legally called for mili tary service of the United States, and who have not been exempted or discharged, by the local board for Apache County: Jose J. Bertinette, David Wil son Blair, Aurelio Sanchez, Wal ter J. Kowlski, John E. Connolly, Rulon Lesueur, Hugh Duke, Maur ice Barth, Simplicio Marquez, Henry Glen Knowlton, William H. Uebank, Otto Joseph Kemp, Abelino Duran, Jose Nicodemus Romero, Grover Pratt Brown, Ernest B. Cluff, John H. Greer, Jose Lucero, Jesus Zamora, Lloyd Greer, Alfredo Gutierrez, Ben Burk, Berry Jolly, Jose Silva, Orrin Murray, Gerald W. Berry. Elijah Greer DeWitt, Doroteo S. Carrillo, BertE. Connaway, Ivan 0. Burk, Moroni Forest Richey, Arthur L. Blance, Jacob Hamblin Tenney, Clifford P. Smith, Jesse L. Burk, Mark A. Haws, Sidney Boardsman, Thomas J. Morgan, Elmer L. Berry, Samuel R. How ell, Mat L. Stuart, Leopoldo Gar cia, Newton L. Marley, Thomas B. Baca, Guy Richey, Eugene C. Neagle, Joseph A. Burk. Roland Hamblin, Tranquilinio Padilla, William Earley Reed. David K. Udall, Henry G. Udall, Noble Rogers, John M. Rothlisberger, Roalio Canrfelaria, Dellie C. Pen rod, Harry E. Colter. LIABLE TO DRAFT. The following is a list of those called by the local board for ex amination and failed to report, consequently, are liable to draft: Serial . Order No. No. 12 Savador Alcala 433 80 Julian Reyas 424 88 Herbert Day 305 91 Emeterio Arriyno 441 99 Ausrustra Ruellas 435 100 Teodoro Gibbenso 450 104 Ruberto Leyba 421 106 Louis Gonzales 436 139 Bacillio Gutierrez 422 149 Nicolas Montoya 240 Read the proceedings of the board of supervisors in the Her ald this week. You will find something interesting. Two Bailes last night one at the Apache Theater and one at the Pool Hall. House Work is a Burden. Woman's lot is a weary one at best. But with backache and other distressing kidney ills life indeed becomes a burden. Doan's Kidney Pills have made life brigh ter for many Arizona women. Read what Mrs. Matt Moynahan, 138 Adonis, Aye., (stet) says: "I was suffering with weakness of my back, which was caused by disordered kidneys. My house work which required stooping was especially hard and the stooping always aggravated the trouble. I just felt miserable. I had heard of Doan's Kidney Pills and took them. One box remov ed the trouble. Doan's Kidney Pills are fine and I do not hesitate to advise anyone ailing with a bad back or disordered kidneys to try them." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kid ney Pills the same that Mrs. Moynahan had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. MY MESSAGE TO THE KAISER. By D. B. BACA Oh you Dictatorial Lucifer! Master of peculiar characteris tic full wonders! How much longer is your feroci ous symbol going to attract the attention of the world of justice? Tell us, is your God still away from your autocratic government, your tyranny, oppression, serf dom which we cannot visualize or bear. How many of our dear sons must be victims of torture, pun ishment, barbarism and misery that your fruitful, sinful, roguish mind can maliciously invent? Oh you lamentable, unmeaning, imperious, irresistible, unmerci ful and incurable notorious Kais er! Hydrophobia is curable the mad dog never. The case of the animal is hopeless. He does not run amuck until the virus has driven him perfectly insane. His victims can be saved, if treated at a sufficiently early stage of their infection. The governing classes under your obscene, filthy control are so permeated with poisonous ambitions, so fully con vinced of their merit to conquer and dominate the whole world, that we must smash the entire menacing junker system, head and limbs, or ever after live in trembling. Oh Heavens, mtf good Lord! My vision, delirium of" my dream! Pardon me you detestful Kaiser with your Lords but I had a car load of thoughts passing through my mind while sound asleep as follows: I dreamed myself in sulted, flogged, violated, and out raged in a most inhuman and sav age manner and unlawfully im prisoned in a jail at the far deso lated regions and deserts of wild Africa! (something frightful) under your wretched miserable monarchial reign ! (something terrible) My dear wife and five adoring little children left behind destitute! (something miserable) Oh you dastard inhuman brute, evil spirit, profane, usurper, des pot, felon, satan Kaiser! But alas! there came a revelation to save me going on a trance or disaster, before my realization, a righteous redressing thought! by sheer weight of bone and muscle, fortunately I got hold of your discreditable peasonal man hood to meet me face to face in broad day light in front of Solo mon Barth Hotel without my coat and my gunlets on (something great). Oh you boy! Famous Pugilists and St. Johns prize-fighters' records became threatening re lics. I swear I could not swallow all of you at once but I was ra venously and seriously devouring your ill-natured offensive face at snme velocity. I could plainly see your noxious blood in deple tion streaming and flying a thous and different courses, ferociously exhausting that menacing piece of humanity in torrents. I made the balance stride .over a famous highway (robbery) at some no ticeable double jumps muy pronto. Oh my, what a noble and cred itable deed! What a wonderful piece of satisfaction! Saving mil lions of mothers from suffering and mourning! When I found myself awake must confess had entirely disap pear you Mr. Kaiser from the earth and the sight of the human race. Now Mr. Kaiser, in the name of suffering Jesus and Holy Moses; in the name of peace, lib erty, humanity, Christianity; in the name of any thing that is glorious and good, tell me who are you anyhow, are you the pro per legal supreme representative of the devil or are you the devil himself? I do not know who you are or where you came from but you are not going to heaven. We call you "The Kaiser" for short, your real true name could only be told by packing a good size dictionary. You know or at least you ought to know that you are going to die surely, what then, are you going to do with all your resourceful stolen treasures? They will be far below par. You cannot take any money to hell. Again, Mr. Kaiser, do you get my message right. I am not plain enough to you pouty rascal with your de generated plague. You can ''live and let live" if you try. Not being an observationalistic creature I am at a complete loss to conceive why you try to con trol the world and disable and an nihilate the weaker by means of your atrocities, pernicious and disgusted diplomacy. - I regard your obedient tools! and dupes and the masses of your entire Empire as only a poor bunch of unfortunates, rather j than voluntary enemies. They I know they are at your mercy and ; if they seem to subscribe to the corrupt doctrines of your intrigue ' perfidity and insolence, it is be cause they could not escape being bitten with the rotten theories you advocate. Your demoralized Kaiserdom also consists ot dictating and rul ing your deplorable deceptive dupes according to their merits of your will in crumbs, destroy ing happy homes, securing and attaching unlearned cheap hun gry editors and publishers at your dangerous disposal. What a won derful heart! What a wonderful conscience! What a powerful and shameful scoundrel! Change your ways and "your" entire Empire will change accordin gly for the sake of humanity. Mr nnrl Mrs FrPrl T fYilfor are in the city this week visiting ; among friends. 3 The Bank of the People Efficiency, Coiirtesy and 3 O 43 43 43 a 4s' f-H 4rj Past Business appreciated, new Business We take care ST. JOHNS STATE BANK St. Johns, Arizona WANTED AGENTS-To sell LOUISIANA -ARIZONA COP PER MINING STOCK best buy in the "WARREN MINING DIS-TRICT-Today, references requir ed, address R. A. Clampitt, Bis bee, Arizona. ANNOUNCEMENT The Apache County Teachers Institute will be held in St. Johns Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thurs day, Sept. 4th, 5th and 6th, 1917. Two sessions each day. Dr. H. H. Foster head of the department of education, Uni versity of Arizona, will lecture and give instructions during the session. All teachers are requir ed to be present. The clerks of boards of school trustees of the different districts will meet Tues day evening All district schools should begin their session Mon day, Sept. 10. J. W. BROWN, County School Superintendent. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS: Sealed bids, for the furnishing of all materials, labor etc., neces sary in and for the erection and construction of a SCHOOL DIS TRICT, BUILDING, to be erected for SPRINGERVILLE, ARIZO NA, SCHOOL DISTRICT, will be received by t h e BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES, of SPRINGERVILLE DISTRICT, or by the-ARCHITECTS ERN EST COXHEAD AND J El KENNEDY, FLAGSTAFF, ARI ZONA, until 12 o'clock noon, September 20, 1917 when they will be publicly opened and read. Bids must be submitted on forms prepared by the Architects, sealed and addressed to the BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES, SPRING ERVILLE, ARIZONA, and each bid 'must be accompanied by a certified check in the sum of Two per-cent of the bid. Drawings and specifications etc. may be obtained by application to the Board of Trustees, or the Architects, in the discretion of the Board or Architects, and on deposit of FIVE dollars, which amount will be refunded on re turn of drawings etc., in good shape. The right i-3 reserved to reject any and all bids. ERNEST COXHEAD AND J. E. KENNEDY, Architects, Flag staff, Arizona. Board of School Trustees, Springerville, Arizona. Dated August 23, 1917. Solicited 6 of your interests.