The St. Johns Herald
St. Johns is having a healthy substantial growth. Lands are cheap but rapidly increasing in value. Best climate on earth.
NO. 1
'Their appears to be a general
3ack of interest in Red Cross work
in St. Johns. While I know that
it has been a busy season thus
far in taking care of the fruit
and vegetables, yet it seems to
me that the need of making arti
cles for use in the hospitals and
an the field has been forgotten.
There has been a call to the Red
Cross from Major Grayson M. P.
,Murphy, who is the Red Cross
commissioner for Europe, for
1,500,000 knitted sets comprising
sweater, muffler, wristlets and
socks. The St. Johns Branch has
been called upon by the director
,of the Pacific Division to do some
of this knitting, directions for
which we will soon have.
This is a rush order and our
men are going to need these
things before very long. An ord
er for materials, directions and
patterns has been placed with the
Winslow Chapter and I hope that
St. Johns will wake up and en
deavor to do its part, though
mall perhaps, toward helping in
the great crisis in this way.
This Branch has at present
samples of surgical dressings and
material for making them. Those
who WILL help with this work
may get information and materi
al by reporting to Mr. A. S. Gib
bons who is the chairman. . He
' -alsprhas .literature-if -you-desire
to read it. I hope that all officers
r - -
too, may be sufficiently inter
It is necessary for me to resign
as secretary but I would like to of the Post Office and received
get this work tefoi e the good peo some pay althoth extomdy
i .e oi. t x. tpu small. We are reliably informed
pie of St. Johns. There is anthat Government pays, at
importance attached to it; it is a thl-s 0fCQt 0nly $10.00 per month
national organization with the ' for a Clerk, a ridicuously small
sole purpose of alleviating suffer-
ing and should be recognized es
pecially where it is organized.
Do you want it to die out here in
Recent word from the chapter
ooire Viof "Iflrt cafe nf -Vi a lrriffor1
aojo muu J-vw ow ui www . w wkw. j
articles including oneot each are
the assignment to the chapter
and its branches. Our part will
be small. Quantities of yarn
needed can be had from the chair
man. They must reach the Allies be
fore the cold weather sets in.
Jessie V. DeFriez, Sec.
The County Board of Health
has ordered all dogs found run
ning at large without muzzles in
Springerville, Eagar and St.
Johns to be shot.
The Bank of the People
J Efficiency, Courtesy and
3 1 Strength.
3 .r& ra a I i
3 Jrasi Dusiness apprcciateu, new
J Business Solicited
s S
J We take care of your interests.
-42 St Johns, Arizona
The following list of men, call
ed for military service by the
Local Board for Apache County
State of Arizona have been duly
passed upon by the proper Local
and District Board and are here
by certified as selected for mili
tary service and not exempted or
discharged. You are hereby
notified to report by September 2.
I Jose J. Bertinette 258
3 David Wilson Blair 337
4 Aurelio Sanchez 275
6 Walter J. Kowalski 107
10 John E. Connelly 43
17 -Hugh Duke 182
18 Maurice Barth 46
21 Simplicio Marquez 390
26 William H. Eubank 194
31 Otto Joseph Kemp 355
33 AbelinoDuran 31
37 Jose Nicodemus Romero 350
38 Grover Pratt Brown- 54
39 Ernest B. Cluff 440
46 Jesus Zamora 72
48 Alfredo Gutierrez 112
49 DanBurk 128
52 John Berry Jolly 6
54 JoseSilva 93
56 Orrin Murry 103
58 Gerald W. Berry 51
59 Elijah Greer ftewitt 30
61 Doroteo S. Carrillo 388
We are just informed that only
five per cent of the draft are re
quired at this time instead of
thirty per cent and this means
only three from Apache county
at this time.
We made -the- announcement
some time aS hes 3
Trio w9Q assistant nnson aster, am
vis was assistant postmaster, and
the fact is that while postmaster
fioheele was sick and on his va
cation Mr. Jarvis did take charge
amount, not enough to pay a jan
itor for sweeping and dusting the
office .
Charley has the name of being
Assistant, hut the patrons of the
f M ag in these times of high
j.jQgg none
of us can live on
NAME alone.
McKanna Three Day Liquor Cure
No loss of time. No suffering.
Strictly private.
Dr. McKanna, the originator of the
Three Day Cure, in Chaige
Thirty Years Success in the Treatment
of Liquor and Drug nabita
Credential on Request
T.nrntrd in the Healthiest Citv in the
Mountain District.
Box 157 Telephoge 96
Arizona Coporation Commission
The Arizona Corporation Com
mission does hereby certify that
the annexed is a true and com
plete transcript of the
which were filed in the office of
said Arizona Corporation Com
mission on the 21st day of Augr
ust A. D. 1917, at 3:00 o'clock p.
m., as provided by law.
In Testimony Whereof, The
Arizona Corporation Commission,
by its Chairman, has hereunto
set its hand and affixed its Official
Seal. Done at the City of Phoe
nix, the Capitol, this 2jLst day of
August A. D., 1917t
F. A. Jones, Chairman
SEAt jAffaof.
Sam W, Proctor,
? Secretary.
Know all men by these nresents:
That we. the undersigned, having
associated ourselveq for the pur
pose oi iorming a euruurwuw uu-
aer tne laws oi Arizona uu msrc
bv adoDt the following Article?
of Incorporation.
The incorporators are: Joseph
Udall, Eagar, Apache County,
Arizona; Edmond Nelson, Hiagar,
Apache County. Arizona: Kutus
Hulsey, Springerville, Apache
County, Arizona; Jacob tiambiin,
Eagar, Apache County, Arizona;
and Barthold Wahl of Springer
ville, Apache County, Arizona,
and the name of the corporation
shall be the Round Valley Water
Storage and Ditch Company . Its
principal place oi business witmn
Arizona shall be Eagar, Apache
County, Arizona, but other offices
may be established -and maintain
ed within or outside of Arizona
at such places as. the Board oi
Directors may designate, where
meetings of stockholders and di
rectors mav be held and any and
all corporate business transacted.
The general nature of the busi
ness proposed to be transacted, is
to-wit: To acquire by location,
use and appropriation, under the
laws of the UnitedStates and the
state of Arizona, and by purchase,
water and water rights; to con
struct ditches, canals, dams and
reseryoirs for the impounding,
storing; and conserving of water,
and to do all things legally re
quired to obtained title to the
same; to engage in the irrigation
of lands, and in any and all kinds
and classes of agricultural pur
suits; to impound the surplus or
flood waters of the Little Colora
do River or its tributaries in res
ervoirs, and to divert the surplus
or flood waters of said stream, or
the impounded waters of reser
voirs turned into, said stream, by
a ditch or ditches and to convey
said water upon lands in what is
known as Round Valley in Apache
County, Arizona, and to distribute
said waters to .the stockholders
of this corporation; to use, buy,
sell, and dispose of water and
water rights, for milling, manu
facturing, stock, irrigation, agri
cultural, eiectrical, domestic, and
any and all other useful and ben
eficial purposes; to acquire by
nurchase or otherwise, and to
own, hold, buy, sell, convey,
lease, mortgage or encumber, real
estate and other property, person
al or mixed; to buy, sell, raise,
trade and deal in cattle, horses,
sheep, mules, goats, hogs, and
any and all kinds and classes or
live stock; to build, buy, sell, pur
chase, or otherwise acquire flour
mills and to operate the same; to
buy, sell, or trade in wheat or
o-rain of anv kind, flour, bran,
and any and all other flour-mill
ing products, and to manulaeture
the same: to buv. sell, locate, ac
quire through the Department of
Agriculture of the United States,
or by purcnase or omerwise,
power sites or power projects,
for the developing of power or
electricitv: to buy. sell, locate,
construct, purchase, or otherwise
acquire power houses, dynamos,
turbines, conduits, canals, ditches,
dams, reservoirs, fore-bays,
transmission lines, and any and
all other necessary and useful
narts of a nower nroiect. and to
do all thing3 legally required to
obtain title or franchise to such
power project; to operate such
nower nroiect. to buy, sell, or dis
pose of electricity or power for
lights, power, or other oenenciai
or useful purposes, and to do any
and all things necessary for the
conducting of a business m gen
erating, transmitting, buying or
selling of electricity or nower; to
borrow money and to issue bonds,.
notes, debentures and other evi
dences of indebtedness and secure
the payment of the same by mort
gage deed oi trust, or otherwise;
to make such by-laws for the
nnident regulation of this cor
poration and the officers thereof,
pot mconsisiani, wivu iaw a mc
Board of Directors or stockhold
ers may adopt; and in general to
do and-.perform such acts and
thipgs and transact such business,
not inconsistant with law. in any
part of the world, as the board
of directors may aeem to tne ad
vantage of the corporation.
The capital stock of the corpor
ation shall be Thirty Thousand
Dollars, ($30,000.00). divided in
to thirty thousand shares of the
par value of one Dojlar each,
which shall all be paid in. at the
time of the commencement of
this corporation.
The commencement of the cor
poration shall be the date of the
issuance to it of a certificate of
incorporation by theArizana Cor
nofation Commission, and it shall
endure for the full term of twen
ty-five years thereafter, with
privilege of perpetual succession
as provided by statute.
The affairs of the corporation
shall be conducted by a board of
directors and such officers as the
said board may elect or appoint.
The number of the directors shall
be designated by the by-laws and
shall be elected from among the
stockholders at their annual meet
ing to be held on the third Mon
day in January of each year. Un
til the first annual meeting of the
stockholders and until their suc
cessor have been elected and have
qualified, the following named
persons shall be the officers and
directors: Joseph Udall, Edmond
Nelson, Rufus Hulsey, Jacob
Hamblin and Barthold Wahl.
The directors shall have power
to adopt, amend and recind by
laws, to fill vacancies occurring
in the board from any cause, and
to appoint from their own number
an executive committee and vest
said committe with all the powers
granted the directors by these
articles; and also to appoint from
their own number a president,
and a v, ice-president
and a secretary and a treasurer
who may or may not be a mem
ber of said board but must be a
stockholder of this corporation.
The highest amount of indebt
ness or liability to which the cor
poration may at any one time
subject itself is Ten thousand
Dollars ($10,000.00).
The private property of the
stockholders of the corporation
shall be forever exempt from its
debts and obligations.
This corporation does hereby
appoint Joseph Udall of Eagar,
Apache County, Arizona, who
has been a bona fide resident of
Arizona for at least three years,
its lawful agent in and for the
State of Arizona for and in be
half of said company, to accept
and acknowledge service of, and
upon whom may be served, all
necessary process or processes in
any action, suit or proceeding
that may be had or brought
against the said company in any
of the courts of the said State of
Arizona, such service of process
or notice, or the acceptance there
of by said agent endorsed there
on, to have the same force and ef
fect as if served upon the presid
ent and secretary of said company.
hereunto affix our signatures and
seals this 1st day of August, A.
D.. 1917.
Joseph Udall,
Rufus Hulsey,
Edmond Nelson,
Jacob Hamblin,
Barthold L. Wahl,
State of Arizona I
County of Anache. f
Before me, Joseph K.
Notary Public, in and
Udall, a
for the
State and County aforesaid, on
this day personally appeared Jos
eph Udall, Edmond Nelson, Ru
fus Hulsey, Jacob Hamblin and
Barthold Wahl, known to jrae the
persons whose names are sub
scribed to the foregoing instru
ment, and acknowledged to me
that they executed the same for
the purpose and consideration
therein expressed .
Given under my hand and seal
of office this 1st day of Aug. 1917.
seal Joseph K. Udall,
Notary Public.
My commission expires 25th day
of August A. D., 1917.
Filed in the office of the Arizo
na Corporation Commission this
21st day of Aug. A. D. 1917 at
3;00 p. m. at request of W. D.
Rencher whose postdffice address
is St Johns, Arizona.
Arizona Corporation Commission,
By F. A. Jones, Chairman.
Recorded at the request of W.
D. Rencher, Aug. 27, 1917, at 9:15
a. m. and duly recorded at Book
No. 1 of A. of Inc., page 193,
Records of Apache Co., Arizona.
seal Anella S. Lytle,
County Recorder.
Edgar Mineer who was one of
the first to volunteer from Apa
che county is at home having
been released from service, be
cause of having one leg shorter
than the other, this was caused
by a broken hip some years ago.
We are informed that Edgar will
attend the University at Tucson
this winter.
Senator Ferd T. Colter was a
business visitor here to-day. Mr.
Colter's fame as a puplic speaker
and orator is spreading through
out the state and recently he has
been urged to speak at Williams
and Flagstaff. He was unable to
go to William3 on account of his
many business engagements, but
is trying to arrange to be at Flag
staff when that city holds her big
day in honor of the first men who
leave for service in the U. S.
army Sep. 3.
Dr. Junius Gibbons who has
been at home for the past few
weeks visiting with his parents
and brothers and sisters return
ed to Needles, Calif yesterday.
He was accompanied here by
Jack Stienburg who is associated
with Dr. Gibbons in his dentist
Our esteemed friend John S.
Allen has again been chosen as
principal of the Palo Verde pub
lic schools.
Dexter L. McCray son of Mr.
and Mrs. Floyd McCray of this
city and Miss Euphemia Berry
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. T.
Berry were made man and wife
yesterday eyening at 3 p. m.
Pres. David K. Udall officiating.
Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Waite
and his sister Ivy left last Satur
day evening for Ramah N. M.
They were five hours making the
trip a distance of 85 miles and it
is not an automobile road,
Mrs. Maud Mangum and child
ren of Ramah, N. M. are in the
city visiting their father and
grandfather J. W. Waite.